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6 235 bytes (6.09K)
File date:
2014-09-12 23:01:29
Download count:
all-time: 220









               WELCOME !

Did you know that Melon Dezign celebra-
tes her 2. birthday on the 20 october ??

Anyway now you do, and if you want to
celebrate this breathtaking event with
us, then come to our birthday party in
Roskilde, DK. You and approx. 888 ot-
hers are invited, and the celebration 
will take place from

    Tuesday the 19. October at 1010 CET

to  Thursday the 21. October at 1212 CET

This is not a big commercial happening
organized just to make money. This is a
Melon Dezign party organized only by
members of Melon Dezign. We don't sell
our souls to moneymakers just in order
to get a few free tickets!! 

This means that we do not offer all the
material stuff that some parties do, but
still, we've got what it takes. Besides,
50% of the main organizers behind The 
Party I in 1991 were Melon Dezign so 
don't think we haven't tried this

And never forget:

   Melon Dezign - the birthday party

      more than just a feeling...


- Room for about 888 people

- Big screen 600*400cm

- A cafeteria will be open 24hrs/day 
  (you got the melon seal of guarantee
  for cheap prices! So you will be able
  to buy your necessaries (read: coke, 
  pizza and the like..)

- Enough electricity for everyone. Re-
  member to bring extension cords !!!!

- Video room with the coolest cult/

- TDK concert !!

- Other musical performances featuring
  Heatbeat (remember Booo ????) and 
  Bannasoft (the antichrist - romantic
  as ever.....)

- Clean toilets....

- The Melon Modem Club will make sure 
  that all stuff released outside Ros-
  kilde will be available.

- "Worried parents" hotline... Incoming
  calls only! The number will be spread


Even though this a birthday party, there
will be competitions for demo, intro,
music and graphics.

Since AGA has been out for a year now,
we figured it was time to upgrade the
good old 1.3 1MB A500 into a brand new
3.0 2MB A1200 which will be used for all
competitions. However, we will announce
what kind of equipment is necessary to
to run the demo/intro in question and
also the size of the palette or module
in the music- and gfx-competition. This
way, everybody gets the best opportuni-

Rules and prizes:

Demo:              1st prize:  dkk 9999
                   2nd prize:  dkk 6666
                   3rd prize:  dkk 3333

Each coder can only compete with one
demo. creators must be present at the

22k intro:         1st prize:  dkk 3333
                   2nd prize:  dkk 2222
                   3rd prize:  dkk 1111

The intro must have the maximum size of
22k (22528 bytes!) creators must be
present at the party!

Music:             1st prize:  dkk 2222
                   2nd prize:  dkk 1111
                   3rd prize:  dkk  555

One module per competitor (must be
executeable, include name of song, name
of creator + song lenght!)
Creator must be present at the party!

Gfx:               1st prize:  dkk 2222
                   2nd prize:  dkk 1111
                   3rd prize:  dkk  555

Well this is not the standard who-can-
competition! No sir, this is the
competition! Oh yes, and it must be 
loadable from DPaint 4 aga and the 
creator must be present at the party.
(No, not number 3!)

Crazy dress competition:

The guy who can wear the most crazy
clothes will be awarded a very special
surprise gift from us ...   So dress
casually.... NOT !

Other surprise competitions WILL be held
too....  A word for the wise: Bring both
your mouse & stick !

             What is Love?

Being the most romantic group in the
scene today, Melon Dezign ofcourse has
an answer to that. If you want to know
it, then this is how you get to The 
Birthday Party:

If you come to Copenhagen by plane or
boat, simply take a train to Roskilde.
(Will take 25-30 mins.)

DSB, the Danish railway company, has
cheaper prices both Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday, so don't hesitate !!

When you are on the train station in
Roskilde, get on bus 600S or 216 (they
leave all the time, so no need for fancy
party-busses). The ride will cost you 
9.50 dkk, just ask the driver to drop
you at the second stop on Herregaards-
vej. From here you will have to walk
approx. 100m, but don't worry, there
will be signs showing the way..

If you come by car, just get off the 
highway when you're in Roskilde. You
will then inevitably find Oestre Ring-
vej. Just follow Oestre Ringvej in the
"Himmelev" direction, and at some point
Oestre Ringvej will cross Herregaardsvej
This is where you make your left turn!
On Herregaardsvej, you turn left again
(there will be signs when you get this
far, so don't worry)...

             PLEASE NOTE...:

The entrance fee is 111 dkk. No foreign
currencies will be accepted. 

Drinking and smoking is of course allo-
wed inside the buildings.

Anyone who can't behave will be thrown
out. Real troublemakers will not only be
beaten up but also handed over to the

People who cause any damages will have 
to pay for it. (This also includes 
graffiti and the like...)

A special wall will be put up for graf-
fiti writers.

We will not accept anyone selling beer,
soda, food etc. at the party.



           Himmelev Gymnasium
           Herregaardsvej 30
             4000 Roskilde

to book your seats or to get more
information, write to:

              Melon Dezign
          Kongebakken 40a, 3mf
             4000 Roskilde

             ...or phone:

            +45 42 37 11 81

            Bannasoft: Code
         Seen & Walt: Graphics
    Heatbeat: Nintendo game-testing
           Design: Of Course