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       M A N I A C S        
           I N              
         1 9 9 5            
     Bring to you...        
          Something new...  
     { Valentines Day! {    
 Coding by Cobra and Raider 
   Logo by Cyanide / Titan  
 Music by DJ Von Munchhausen
        Font by Cobra       
Hello!  Raider  having a key
bash at  the mo. Since  this
is a Valentines  intro I may
aswell do a  nice soppy 'lil
message to my other half!   
To { LISA {                 
Erm, No poem here! Luvs ya!!
Cheers  for   the  excellent
past few months. Soz it took
so long to get back together
hehe! Ok then  me dear! Have
a great St.V. day!          
   Loadsa Lurve from...     
                    { Raider
ARGH!  D:ream has  just come
on the CD! Shit! TURN IT OFF
Things can only get worse!!!
Oops. Do you get the feeling
that  I'm  trying  to  waste
the page! Aha! It worked!!!!
OK then, thats  got that lot
out of  the  way. Now  for a
few scene hello's...        
The Crow / ???              
Hows it going m8? Soz I have
not  been  able to  write to
you for  a while  but I have
been  really   busy  (moving
house  etc. hehe!).  I  will
get in touch  VERY soon. Did
ya  get  that  blitter  line
sorted out? I  hope so! *8^)
Devistator / Neo            
Hiya  m8,  Sorry  about  not
writing  for  a  while but I
quit the  trading scene when
lots of shit  was happening.
I hope  we can  get swapping
again! I  will write SOoOn!!
Until then m8...            
Cyanide / Titan             
Hiya m8, Sorry things didn't
work  out but  there ya  go!
Can ya phone  Cobra with yer
address please,  as I sent a
Jiffy to the  one I got from
you  and  you said it  never
arrived. Bloody Post Office!
They  must   have  something
against  mine   and  Steve's
Jiffys getting to ya! hehe! 
Lazzer / Titan              
Hiya m8, good  luck with yer
new group m8. I look forward
to seeing  some  nice intros
from you in the future!     
Thats  the  lot  from  me in
this intro I'm afraid. Hi to
the worldwide mad ones!     
Catch you all another time!!
Now over to da boss...      
Wow, I get a text page in my
own intro! Ooh goodie..     
Yep, it's Cobra  here again,
how do ya like the intro??  
Well as this is a Valentines
intro I  will send  nice red
bubbly  hearts  to  some one
      { I love you Lisa {   
Ah ain't love grand?!?      
Okay  then, wanna  see  if I
know you, read on...        
Messages coming up next!    
But before  that I wanna say
well  done  to  Anathema for
the best chip pack around!!!
It's  not just  a collection
of standard tunes but summit
a lot more, well done!      
Yeah, right..               
           On with the show!
Michael / Anathema          
Yo Mike! Cool phone chat the
other day, we'll do it again
soon!!  Don't  ya  just love
blinds??? hahaha! Write soon
as always nice and fast! Bye
Rebellion / Neo             
Hi  Russ!  How's  the  music
writing  coming  on?  You're
getting  good!!  I'll  phone
you soon  okay, after  I get
the jiffy back of course!   
Sinister / Maniacs          
Hej Johan! Jag alskar dig!!!
Woah, only kidding, hehehehe
Haveing  any  problems  with
Asylum??? It's looking good!
Hear from  you soon  then my
Red Devil / DCS             
Hi Rob, where are you? Write
soon please!!               
Trillian / Indy             
Hi  Jenny,  did  you  get my
letter??? What do you think?
Siracon / Maniacs + Defiance
Welcome  aboard  mate!  I'll
write to you soon,  could be
Everyone else I know        
Sorry for the big delays but
I quit trading for a while!!
But I'm back now so it'll be
back to normal soon, honest!
P.S. Me and  Raider  greeted
different Lisa's!!!!!!  *8^)
Okay, time for a quick plug.
We  are currently  searching
for new  members world  wide
and  this  is  what  we  are
looking for...              
2 graphics artists          
2 musicians                 
2 BBS's                     
3 or 4 few modem traders    
1 good swapper              
2 graphics artists          
2 or 3 coders               
2 or 3 modem traders        
2 or 3 coders               
2 or 3 graphics artists     
So if  you want to  join us,
then send  us some  examples
of your work... Easy really!
You can find me at....      
     Cobra / Maniacs WHQ    
      6 Fletemoor Road,     
        St. Budeaux,        
          PL5 1TF.          
       United Kingdom.      
   Also for code swapping!  
 Or you could phone me on.. 
    +44 (0)1752-365-163     
 and ask for Steve....      
If  you  are  in Sweden  try
this address...             
      Sinister / Maniacs    
        Johan Asperyd.      
         Furuvagen 9,       
       923 32 Storuman,     
And Norwegians can write to 
     Dr.Doctor / Maniacs    
        Kjetil Nesse.       
           Box 203,         
         5460 Husnes,       
Here  is  some Maniacs  info
for you to look at...       
Graphics Artists            
Deejay Jones                
DJ Von Munchhausen          
We are  of course  searching
for new talent to add to our
happy bunch!!               
Okay, now over to  Storm for
her messages to the masses..
Dire / The Dark Demon       
Happy Valentines day! Thanks
for Stag even though I don't
remember asking for it.     
Daae / Static Bytes         
Sorry  about the  long delay
but the letter is on the way
believe it or not!          
Exciter / Rebels            
Wie gehts. Ich bin gut.  Ist
der weter schon  ins Deutch.
Nice try eh!!! Hear from you
Mushy Pea / Etc             
Nice  phone call  but  a bit
short, I guess that was 'cos
it was so late so I'll phone
again soon.                 
Mad Bloke                   
Haven't heard  from you in a
while but University's a bit
stressing isn't it.         
Mr.King / TRSI              
How are things over there???
Your  letter is on  it's way
with this intro!!!          
Napolean / Dream Dealers    
Bonjour, cava!  I'm  Waiting
for your  reply as  I have a
lot to tell you!            
Oden / Razor 1911           
How are  you?  I  hope  your
letter is on it's way  and I
am    looking   forward   to
reading it.                 
Papa Legba                  
I  said  I would  help  with
Movie Zone so I  am going to
watch a new  movie soon  and
I'll write a review for you!
Staples / Lard Design       
Where the hell is your jiffy
m8??!?!?  The  last  time  I
heard from  you was  about 3
months ago!! Write soon.    
Thorin / Movement + Melon   
Last time  I heard  from you
was  when  you joined  M+M's
so write soon please!?!?!   
The Trendy Dealer / Ram Jam 
I  did  send your  letter b4
Christmas so now I'm waiting
for you.                    
Tyrant / Cadaver            
Great send m8, but  where is
next one?????               
I have forgotten some people
but  hello  to  everyone all
over the world on Valentines
Okay,  Cobra  is back  again
just  to say  goodbye to all
people reading this text....
If you are still reading!!! 
One last message  to Barbara
from Wizzball...            
   { I love you darling {   
Well, that's yer lot folks!!
errm, bye!                  
             Catch ya soon..