is back with a 40k intro for the
Graphics...........Facet and Nao
Music...........Nao and Spaceman
Design..........Dope and Elliott
Let's do something imposible here:
4098 colours...?
In one frame...?
Contact Lemon. for swapping:
> KR'33 <
Voorste gewind 20
4161 AC Heukelum
The Netherlands
The coder of this 40k intro:
> DOPE <
Buizerdhorst 23
5431 LW Cuijk!
The Netherlands
A very special thanx to
Price of The Flame Arrows
for helping me out when
my harddisk crashed last monday
with all my intro sources on it!!
Really thanx mate!
Finally, 5 meant greetings to:
The whole Reality team
Hi-Tech of Purple Turtle and Jetset
Crew One of Vicious
Rokdazone of Dignity
Magic of Applause
See you, Somewhere In Holland 2
More information: Dope/Lemon.
Audience goes oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllld Previous one had a 32 colours picture in front of a 2 colours fulscreen zoomer... Facet!!! Where is my picture???? Grab your pen...
State Space! The world of the Strange Attractors is infinite... No tables were used for any of this very time-consuming calculations.... Anyway, I found this formula in an article of a Dutch magazine and it's realy fun playing with them... Just take a look at the current one. It's got the same formula as the first one... We're trough....