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I Feel proud....   I did it again within Deadline....Deadline is May 1993 and now it's 28 April... Deadline is till Saturday 1st may!!!!              Dope/White labeL            (continue Propacker routines....) 

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @w@h@a@t@ @a@n@d@ @w@h@e@n
@a@t the 14th and 15th August of 1993 White
         labeL will have it's first party called:
@ @s@o@m@e@w@h@e@r@e@ @i@n@ @h@o@l@l@a@n@d
@t@h@e party will be held on 14 and 15 August,
             as you just read. Entrance fee is 15
dutch guilders. You're welcome from Saturday
the 14th, 12:00 am untill Sunday the 15th,
12:00 am. Ofcourse we will continue at night!!
@w@e know we are a new and unknown group
         but this is our ENTRANCE to the scene.
Ofcourse we'll have several competitions but
there is more about that in one of the other
texts. Well, you will find a route description
in this invitation. You will also find it
on disk.
@n@o@w let's go for the name... Somewhere In
             Holland. The name was found by
SpraWL/White labeL a few months ago. It's
about the fact that White labeL is an unknown
group and so nobody knows where we hide.

@ @ @ @w@h@a@t@ @w@a@y@ @m@u@s@t@ @i@ @g@o@?
                   the party will be held in:
@ @ @ @ @ @n@i@j@m@e@g@e@n@/@h@o@l@l@a@n@d
                          in a place called: 
  @ @ @ @ @ @ @h@e@t@ @k@o@l@p@i@n@g@h@u@i@s
@t@h@e place is easy to find as soon as you
             have reached the railway station.
From there it's about 5 minutes to walk.
Ofcourse there will be signs all over the town
so that you will be a sucker to miss it. In
case you are a sucker just ask for ''HET
KOLPINGHUIS''.It's a very known place and it
is near the station and also near
 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @p@l@e@i@n@ @1@9@4@4
@i@f you come by train remember to get off the
        train at ''NIJMEGEN CENTRAAL STATION''.
From there follow the signs and you will soon
find the words ''HEINEKEN'' and ''KOLPINGHUIS''
on the building.
@i@n case you are the lucky owner of a car just
        follow the signs ''STATION'' (as soon
as you entered Nijmegen). Well, from there you
know it.
@o@k It's quite easy to reach Nijmegen as it
         is quite a big city. Germans could
reach it using the highway ''A73'' or, if
you live more north enter Holland somewhere
near Enschede. Belgians can follow the river
''MAAS'' up to Nijmegen or, if you live more
to the west, go via den Bosch. well, just
look in your own map for more detailed

 @ @ @w@h@a@t@ @i@s@ @t@h@e@r@e@ @t@o@ @d@o@?
@f@i@r@s@t of all you are welcome from
                    saturday, 12:00 am. You can just
built your computer after you paid your
entrance fee of 15 Dutch guilders. Ofcourse
we have enough electricity for everyone.
@t@a@l@k@i@n@g about electricity: We have a
                            real electrician who
knows everything about the building's
electricity so don't worry! We hope that there
will be no power-failures.
@w@e have room for about 200 computers and
         more people. If everything is filled
up, we might open another hall, but that
depends on the number of people that want
to rent a hall. More information about this
in the party-invitation 2 (the reminder).
@t@h@e@r@e will be a big screen to show
                     you the latest demos but also the
golden oldies. a real dj might come and do
some realtime mixing. The total music equipment
can hold 800 watt and that's pretty much
for the hall we have (it's a drive-in).
@t@h@e@r@e is a bank-change office to change
                     your money into dutch guilders.
We won't except foreign currencies.
@i@f you want to go for a movie, finally, there
        are 5 cinemas very near so there will be
plenty of movies around! The entrance for a
movie is about 13 dutch guilders, that's about
7 us dollars.
@t@h@e real party-lovers (or haters?) can
             also go to the disco. There are
several very nearby. ofcourse, you can ask us
where they are. They are open untill 4:00 am.
@1 last thing might be pretty important.
    at the party will be a shop called:
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @i@n@n@o@l@a@g
and it will bring tonnes of disks for you to buy
so there is no need to buy any disks! The shop
will be opened all the time but the sellers might
take a nap at night! (the last thing WE'l do!). 

@ @w@h@y@ @e@a@t@ @a@n@d@ @a@n@d@ @d@r@i@n@k@?
@t@h@e@r@e is a bar that sells everything
                     except beautiful ladies. If you
want food, there are the folowing things in
the surroundings of the building: 3 snackbars
and several restaurants.
@t@h@e bar sells everything, including alcoholic
             drinks like gin and whiskey. It is not
allowed to bring any drinks by yourself. These
will be taken off. You can get them back as
soon as you leave the party.
@y@o@u understand that there is plenty of
             food and drinks to buy. Ofcourse,
everything is sold for a reasonable price.
@w@e will make a big paper with a map of the
         neighbourhood. On this map we will sign
the restaurants, snackbars, pubs, cinemas
and the several disco's. 

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @w@h@o@ @w@i@n@s@ @w@h@a@t@?
@o@k This is an important issue. We will have
         3 competitions: the demo-compo, music-
and graphics-compo. All disks must contain
name, group ect. on the label and the disks will
not be returned. All virusses commit
disqualification and, productions must be new
and released on OUR party. Finally, all
competitions must at least have 6 entries!
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @o@v@e@r@a@l@l
@1  All entries must be in before or on the
     deadline, Sunday, 8:00 am. If you turn up
     with a demo or piece of art after the
     deadline, we won't accept it! We also
     don't accept any undates of products
     after it is sent in. We will have a big
     counter genlocked on the big screen that
     shows the time left till the deadline
@2 Products, released before the party are
     not allowed to compete in the competition.
@3 Pictures and graphics must be in the root
     and be the upmost file in the dir. All
     other files will be neglected. Advise:
     copy the tune or picture to a separate
     disk! We will load all tunes in protracker
     so that the voters will be able to see
     if any guy uses loops ect.
@4 Vote for the product, not for the guy(s)
     that made it!
@5 At least 1 of the producers must be present
     at our position while the competition is
     running (to control your demo) and to
     receive the price.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @t@h@e@ @d@e@m@o@ @r@u@l@e@s
@1  All demos must run on a standard a500 and
     also on a standard a500+. This rule
     is because of the fact that there are just
     too many amigas. This makes sure that
     all demos will at least run on 1 mb chip
     and the new agnus. To make sure, we will
     test the demos before you can compete!
     Ofcourse, you can test your demo on our
     equipment before entering the competition.
@2 All demos must start automaticly after
     inserting the disk at the famous
@3 Demos should not be longer than 15 minutes.
     longer entries will be cut off after the
     time-out has been reached.
@5 Each group can only compete with 1 (one)
@ @ @ @ @t@h@e@ @g@r@a@p@h@i@c@s@ @r@u@l@e@s@:
@1  All graphics should be loadable from
     DPaint 4.1 and you can use every mode
     this program can handle.
@2 Each artist can only compete with 1 (one)
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @t@h@e@ @m@u@s@i@c@ @r@u@l@e@s@:
@1  All tunes should be loadable from
     protracker and you can use everything
     the program you can handle except
     8 voices of a (possible?) coming version
     Time limit is 5 minutes!
@2 Each composer can only compete with 1 (one)
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @t@h@e@ @p@r@i@z@e@s@: 
@i@t@'@s a pity to say but due to your lack of
             knowing us we can't afford to make too
much expenses. That's the reason why we will
only give away 1st prizes. After all, only 1
can be the best!
The demo competition:
                             600 Dutch guilders
The graphics competition:
                             200 Dutch guilders
The music competition:
                             200 Dutch guilders
@t@h@e reason why we pay out the prizes in
             Dutch guilders is very simple. The
average visitor will be Dutch and so it's no
sense of paying them in us dollars. You can
change the valutas very nearby, at the

@ @ @ @ @ @w@h@y@ @m@a@k@e@ @a@ @m@e@s@s@?
@w@e know it's not a nice contribution to the
         invitation but it's still quite
important as there are always some assholes
that want to make the party a mess.
@f@i@r@s@t of all, there is the White labeL
                    cleaning team. Once in a while we'l
come by and take your garbage. Ofcourse a lot
of trashcans will be all over the place.
@e@v@e@r@y hour you can enjoy seeing one of
                     the  White labeL team cleaning
the toilets. We know it's one of the dirtiest
places on parties but that just stinks!
@p@e@o@p@l@e that get realy nasty and start
                         making trouble will be trown out
of the building by two professional bounchers.
@w@a@l@l@s don't like stickers so if you put
                     one on it we'll make sure you'll
get it off too. This means also for tables and
@i@f you like the toilet, it's no need to write it
        on the wall. If we see you do it, you'l be
trown out too, and, finally, you'll have to pay
for everything you damage. In case of serious
trouble or damage we'll call the police to pick
you up. Somewhere In Holland is a LEGAL
@n@e@i@t@h@e@r ''HET KOLPINGHUIS'', nor any
                            White labeL member can be
held responsible for your actions. Everybody
enters the party at own risk of person and
equipment. We are not to be held responsible
for anything at all.

@ @ @w@r@i@t@e@ @t@o@ @t@h@e@s@e@ @a@d@d@y@'@s
Joost Brugman
Buizerdhorst 23
5431 LW  Cuijk
the Netherlands
Also for joining WL!
   Thomas Speller
   Tongelaar 16
   5438 PZ  Gassel
   the Netherlands
   Also for joining WL!
      Rene van Schijndel
      Korhoenderveld 13
      5431 HA  Cuijk
      the Netherlands
      Also for joining WL!
         @t@h@e@ @f@o@x@ @i@i
         Puttershoek 6
         6581 LN  Malden
         the Netherlands
         Music and swap!
            Burg. van Erplaan 11
            5171 JZ  Kaatsheuvel
            the Netherlands
            no swapp!!!!
               den Texstraat 40 huis
               1017 ZB  Amsterdam
               the Netherlands
                  @p@a@t@r@i@c@k@ @p@e@t@e@r@s
                  Goudenregenstraat 18
                  7101 KT  Winterswijk
                  the Netherlands
                  for commercial and
                  syntesizer music
Ofcourse, only the upper 3 addresses are for
questions concerning the party... 
White labeL now has it's own  board. It's
accessible but not yet White labeLed. It's a
co-board of Digital Project and White labeL
 @ @    @t@h@e@ @s@o@u@t@h@e@r@n@ @t@r@i@b@e
                          sysop: softwizard
                           2400 and higher
               600 Mb, 24 hours and 1 minute online!
                     40 Mhz 68030 Turbo speed
Message to Digital Project: It was realy not
meant to ''steal'' your bbs, we considered
the concequences and softwizard accepted the

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @w@h@o@ @m@a@d@e@ @w@h@a@t@?
@t@h@e time has come to credit the
             hard-working guys that made you
possible of reading this:
Picture by Facet/Lemon.
Coding by Dope
Coding by Dope
Graphics by SpraWL
Music by Facet/Lemon. and Nao/Lemon.
Text by Zenon, SpraWL and Dope
Coding by Dope
Music by Trial
Graphics by SpraWL
@h@i@d@d@e@n@ @s@c@r@o@l@l@e@r
Font and coding by Dope
Text by Dope
White labeL is still looking for members.
especially when you are a musician, you
have a big change of reaching the labeled
See you... 
        SpraWL, Zenon and Dope...
@ @w@h@i@t@e@,@ @t@h@e@ @p@l@a@c@e@ @w@h@e@r@e
@ @ @ @ @a@l@l@ @c@o@l@o@u@r@s@ @m@e@e@t@!

nobody told me anything about a wextra!
what do you say? a vectorworld?
definately not! 

  ok guy...  you found it. the secret secret part in this invitation.  well, you will now also understand the term zap-scroller, well, if you have a tv zapper too...       btw this scroller is for coders only, because i want to say the following to these guys that say that code doesn't work on all machines due to commodore...     well, commodore did some very stupid things but that's does not mean your code can't work on all amigas. for example we got the famous .5 mb chip, .5 mb fast thing...  it's just lazyness of the coder, and that means i have to turn that little switch on my a500+...   this one works perfecly on most of the amigas, including the new aga machines, although i still have to test it....     well, anyway, i think this one was one of the more boring texts in this invitation but not less important...     a little hello to all guys in the world having a stop-switch, ace of daf and cod of acf...                                                                                                       


	dc.w	$2001,-2,$100,$0200
C4:	dc.w	$2101,-2,$180,$101
C5:	dc.w	$2201,-2,$180,$301
	dc.w	$2301,-2,$180,$502
	dc.w	$3701,-2
	dc.w	$ffff,$fffe
	dc.w	$ffff,$fffe
	dc.l	0

Wextra:		incbin	"wextra.bin.pp"

;Wextra scrollfield=13*52 (2buf-screen-2buf

        move.w  $dff07c,d0
        cmp.b   #$f8,d0
        bne.s   .notaga

        move.w  #0,$dff1fc      	; reset sprites (fix V39 bug)

	dc.w	$40,$09f0
	dc.w	$42,$0000
	dc.w	$44,$ffff
	dc.w	$46,$ffff
SSpA:	dc.w	$50,$0000
	dc.w	$52,$0000
SSpD:	dc.w	$54,$0000
	dc.w	$56,$0000
	dc.w	$64,$0000		;amod
	dc.w	$66,$0000		;dmod
	dc.w	$58,%0000000010000010	;blitseize

;Scrolltext trought memory
	dc.w	$0001,0			;waitblit
	dc.w	$40,$09f0
	dc.w	$42,$0000
	dc.w	$44,$ffff
	dc.w	$46,$ffff
SMA:	dc.w	$50,$