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4 885 bytes (4.77K)
File date:
2024-10-20 05:45:01
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all-time: 13



Welcome to Mystical Places, located in Rotterdam Houze City [3 NODEZ]
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Enter your Name: Crew One

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              ________________    ____  ___________________________
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              /  __/    /   /_/_   _/  \/    /___/   __/_ _\    \
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 _o_______\/     | /_____\________/\_____|\_____|__     |    \____\_      |
          /______|                                /_____|_____\    /______|
                      ·  SySop:  ThC/Legend/DBPP  · 
       ·  Co-SySop's: TdB/Legend , BabyFace/Legend, S/\L-One/Trsi ·

 +·+ GVP G-F*RCE 68030/40 MhZ +·+ 9 Mb Ram +·+  0/1 DaY WaREz ! +·+
                -( 1,2 GiGabyte On-Line )-( /X 3.32 ReG. )-

 +·--- #1 +31-104-779-507----#2: +31-104-774-218----#3 +31-104-772-519---·+ 

                     ** [L]egend Dutch Headquarter **

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Type     From                           Subject               Msg
-------  ------------------------------ --------------------  -------
Public   thc/[L]egend                   !                     000001

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Date   : Tue Jan 18 01:28:17 1994         Number: 1
To     : crew one (ALL)                   Recv'd: No
From   : thc/[L]egend                     Status: Public Message
Subject: !

Please note the credits 4 this bbs-intro: 

            *************************** ********************* 
            * Coded by:  Crew One/[L] * * Idea by: THC/[L]  *
            * [L]egend /X Util D-Sign * * [L]egend SyS°P    *
            *************************** ********************* 

              and remember:  - £ÈgÉÑÐ - ThÈ W¡££ °f G¤Ð  -
                                                        Da staff!!!

Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?,<CR> ( 1 ) >: 
Mystical Places [ AMIGA ELITE ] Menu (87 mins. left):G

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\\ \_  |  \_ ______ ______ ______   \ \_  __ \_ \\
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    |  |   | |    |   |  | |    |   |  |   |  | [ dA·fUCKiN·wiLL·oF·gOD! ]
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    |  !   | !    |   !  | !    |   |  |   !  |    MyStiCaL PlaCes [DHQ]
    |  :   | :    |   :  | :    |   |  |   :  |       +31-10-4779507
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====|      |      |      |      |   |  |      |======================[ts]=
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    l______l______l______l______l___|__l______|        [C.Y NexT time DuDe]
    ~      ~      ~      ~      ~   ~  ~      ~


                  !!!  The Fully MULTItasking Intro !!!

         O N L Y   A M I G A   M A K E S   I T   P O S S I B L E !

                   (c) 1994 By Crew One/[L] for THC/[L] 

              4 Tha Last Time Tha Numba's Of MYSTICAL PLACES

»--« #1: +31-104-779-507 «»  #2: +31-104-774-218 «» #3: +31-104-772-519 «--»

                           Press BOTH ratthings