_____ _________________
/ /__/ _____ / \ LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 24
/ / \_____ \/ / \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992
FATDIR - Dir info (1.3) FREECOPY - Parimiter copier (1.8)
COMPARE - Freecopy util (-) AS3 - Freecopy util (-)
LACE - Interlace your pointer (1.0) SYSTEM_INF - System info (2.0a)
MRIPPER - Master music ripper (1.0) NCOMM - Comms software (2.0)
PBVIEW - NComm Phonebook view (-) TIMECHECK - Check your clock (-)
PSX - KS2 util (1.3) WINDX - KS2 util (1.0)
DIRMASTER - Disk database (1.1) ZAP - File editor (2.35)
Also on this disk, Ncomm HostBBS
Type PPMORE, look in docs & source dir, also see the README! * = Must be Run.
-----------------------»> PAZZA OF LSD - 0427 677463 <«----------------------
Hi Dudes!
I`m back! The LSD utility disks are back! But a new name, this
series is now called - LEGAL TOOLS - Why you ask? Well 95% of tools are
legal and the other 5% are just copiers etc. Who needs version 33245432.2231
of XCopy when all it does is copy disks as well as version 3.3? There will be
a lot more in this series!
This disk is set up for KS1.2/3 users, if you have KS2.04 or greater you will
need to change some libraries for the KS2 versions! (or if someone has already
done that you may need to go back to 1.3) some utils are KS2 only, I have
labeled these, they will probably cause a software error on KS1.3!
It is impossible for me to check KS2 stuff works 100%, even if I softload KS2
(which i`m not sure of the legalities of!) some stuff doesn`t work with it,
and I assume some stuff that does work with softload KS2 won`t work with the
genuine article!
The utilities on this disk include ALL necessary docs sources, scripts arexx,
pics modules etc. However, I normally only include only 1 picture or music
module to save space, unless it is necessary with the package! Non of the LSD
util disks are re-comps, all taken from the original archive files etc! I do
remove all .info files etc to save disk space (I HATE using workbench and yes
I am a Hard drive user, the CLI rules!).
You may notice that I don`t put any Ami-Express type utils on my disks, as they
are only of use to people who run a bbs, and if you do run a bbs, you can get
them easily!
Greets to all the guys that coded these tools and all my friends. Remember
if its shareware and you use it PAY UP!
RECOMPILERS NOTE: All files are packed with our custom packer, why not try the
Jesters de-cruncher on them, it WON`t work! hehehe! Why do you do it anyhow?
what`s wrong with spreading someone elses pack, I wish someone would do all my
work for me, these utility disks take ages to pack and test!
For swapping the latest LEGAL warez (especially utils!) or buying the latest
PD, write to;
2 South Parade
Lincs DN21 1UQ
Tel: 0427 677463
Also write if you want a tool you have coded on this series!
If you want to write and are not sure if i`ll reply, a 1st class stamp will
guarentee an answer! (NO lists, NEW stuff ONLY!)
LSD are looking for coders, gfxers, sounders and modemtraders so send samples
of you work.
This disk is public domain, if your PD library wants to buy the full set of
these legal tools disks (all old ones are now updated to contain ONLY legal
unregisted stuff), and have quick access of future disks, then ring me!
Regards, Pazza LSD!