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$VER: LSD Documents disk Code Module v1.3 - Revision $3.97
LSD-Document Disk (AmigaDOS)

Updated by    : tHE rAPtOR/LSd
Original code : 2-Cool/LSd
Copyright LSd © 1993-94. All Rights Are Reserved.

Usage  : "Menu.exe <volume>"
Example: "Menu.exe 047"




AMIGA IDS Development System and Procedures. 
Copyright © 1992-1993 InterSect Development Software.
All Rights Reserved.

$VER: Hardware-DSP (HDS) 4.3

          ____:_____   _______________.    ____________      ____ ____
         /.  ¬|    ¬| /    ______/   ¬:    \______    ¬\    /  .//  ./
        //          |/     ___>__\__  |____/__   ¬ ____/   /  ///  //
        \     :     /\    :       /   |     /       \      \__/ \__/
         \____|__  // \________  /_______  /______  /     __   __
              :  \/            \/        \/       \/      \/   \/

                        -^-  hELP & iNSTRuCTIoNs -^-

	This Document-disk has many features some of which can only be
accessed via the keyboard. You will be pleased to know however that most 
of the important options can be controlled via the mouse as well having 
keyboard counterparts.

	At first you will feel a little bewildered about which key does 
what but thats expected when there are more options assigned to keys than
Gunship 2000! (hehehe) Below is a detailed description of some the main 
available functions and features. At the bottom of this help-file there is
a summary showing ALL keyboard commands and ALL features. (currently
available... many many more coming soon!)

		     Quick Notes on Installing on your HD

	If you want to put this document disk on your hard-drive simply
drag the disk icon over to the partition you desire it to be located in.

No Assignments are required anymore to allow docdisks to execute from your
HD. Simply 'CD' into the directory you have copied the docdisks then run
it. Next issue we will bring you a HD auto-installer. Our next edition of
the menu system will be compatible with ALL BACK ISSUES. This will mean
that when you install the latest updates the old docdisk releases will
automatically take advantage of the new menusystem revisions! So when we 
add new features to the menus old docdisks can take advantage of them!

Usage;	'Menu.exe <3 digit docdisk number>'
Eg;	'Menu.exe 047'	<-- loads docdisk 47

So doing this would run and use the music/index`s etc. for docdisk 047
The next issue will contain much more information about our updating
system and the possibilities and advantages for users!

}2			-^- sELECTING A dOCUMENT -^-}1

}2	A Document may be selected in one of three possible ways -;

	}6MOUSE}2    -	: When on the INDEX Screen move the pointer over
			: the document name and click the left mouse button.
	}6KEYBOARD}2    -   : Enter the three digit number that corresponds to
			: the documents number (see index for list of no`s.
			: If you enter an incorrect digit press the delete
			: key to clear the character.
	}6KEYBOARD}2    -   : You may select the NEXT or PREVIOUS document using
			: the left or right cursor (arrow) keys.

	Remember at all time you may press the ESCape key to return to the
	Index page.

}2			   -^- mUSIC oPTIONS -^-}1

}2	The music can be turned off if you desire by one of two ways -;

	}6MOUSE}2	    -   : Using the icon-pad move the pointer over the
			: icon labelled MUSIC and click the left mouse
			: button. The music will stop. Click on it again
			: and the music will turn back on.
	}6KEYBOARD}2    -   : You may turn the music on/off (toggle) using
			: the keypress "M".

	If you wish you can turn the low-pass filter on or off. This
	option is only selectable via the keyboard.
	}6KEYBOARD}2    -   : You may turn the music filter on/off (toggle)
			: using the keypress "F".

	The music can be restarted at anytime. This option is only
	selectable via the keyboard.
	}6KEYBOARD}2    -   : You may restart the current musical score by
			: using the keypress "R".

}2			   -^- pRINTING oPTIONS -^-}1

}2	All documents (including this one) may be dumped a printer if
	you have one connected. PRESS the 'RIGHT' mouse button to abort
	printing! The printing routine included is for Parallel printer
	support only! 

	A Few people experienced problems with the printing but we think
	it was not because of the routine being hardware driven. It was
	sending non-ascii characters to your printers and sending them
	crazy! I have rectified this situation by 'stripping' the non-ascii
	characters before they are printed so the non-standard ones used
	to make logo`s 'look correct' with our custom made font will still
	work. The non standard characters will be skipped during printing!

	In the next few issues the move over to the OS "PRT:" device will 
	probably occur. (that is if this STILL corrupts on lots of
	printers; I myself never had any problems -):

	Currently all articles and figure references are compressed using
	"CrunchMania" LZ-Huffman compression. Therefore pickup a copy of 
	CrunchMania or DLD (Data-Decruncher) to decompress them back into
	ASCII text and IFF-Picture formats.

	ASCII and SAVE PICTURE AS IFF very soon..)

                           (HONEST.. REAL SOON!)

	Currently Printing can be select in two ways ;-
        }6MOUSE}2             : Move the mouse pointer over the PRINT icon
			  : and click the left mouse button. This will
			  : Print the whole text to your printer.
        }6KEYBOARD}2          : You may print the Current Page to Parallel 
			  : Printer using keypress "Z" or Press "X" to
			  : print the Complete Document. Printing may
			  : be aborted at anytime using the ESCape key.

}2                     -^- sUMMARY OF kEYBOARD fEATURES -^-}1

}2	Below is a summary of ALL avaliable commands and features. Many of
these features are only accessible via the keyboard.


	-^- Key -^-     : -^- Function -^- 

	Help		: Shows you this help information.

	Enter & Return	: Loads article shown in the '000' window at the
			: top left of the screen. Clicking on the name
			: of the article has the same effect.

	(ESC)ape key	: Returns you to the Main INDEX and allows you to
			: Select a file using the mouse.

	Cursor Up	: Move back through the text a line at a time.

	Cursor Down	: Move forwards through the text a line at a time.

	Cursor Left	: Select Previous document/picture.

	Cursor Right	: Select Next document/picture.
			: Also when viewing a picture that is larger than the
			: Size of the screen you can move around it using
			: the Cursor keys. Remeber you can press RETURN to 
			: exit or press the left mouse button.

	T		: Displays the "T"op of the document (First-Page)

	B		: Displays the "B"ottom of the document (Last-Page)

	W		: Choose TEXT CASE-SENSITIVITY mode, either;
			; ------------------------------------------
			; 1. NORMAL (Both Upper & Lower case letters show)
			; 2. LOWER  (Shows ALL text in LoWERCaSE only!)
			; 3. UPPER  (Shows ALL text in uPPeRCaSE only!)

	0-9		: Allow selection of Documents via numbers.
			: You may use the keypad or the main keyboard. Both
			: Sets of keys are identical. Three keypresses are
			: required to select a document. eg to select
			: number 23. You press "023". The top left section
			: Of the screen shows the current number(s).

	F9		: Toggle between PAL & NTSC Screenmodes.
			: PAL  - 50Hz ScreenMode) displays 25 lines of text.
			: NTSC - 60Hz ScreenMode) displays 20 lines of text.
			: This is especially useful for American users.

	F		: Toggle low-pass filter for MUSIC.
			: This has an effect similar to DOLBY NOISE reduction

	N		: Toggle between different FONTS
			: (this can also be done via the icons)

	M		: Toggle between MUSIC on and off.
			: (this can also be done via the icons)

	R		: Restart current MUSIC from the beginning.

	Z		: Dumps Current Page to Parallel Printer...

	X		: Dumps Complete Document to Parallel Printer...
			: (this can also be done via the icons)

	V		: Toggle "multifonts" (font override enabled)
			: Uses the fonts of the article, not your preference!

	A		: Puts your TV/Monitor into MONO-MODE.. Green Screen
			: Performs the same as a Green Screen monitor.
			: Hmmm ... Useful ?? Well its your preference...

	C		: Colour Toggle... swaps between a few different 
			: background colour.

	S		: Allows you to specify a search string which will
			: then be searched for in the current document.
			: While searching the delete key will delete back
			: a character.
			: Pressing ENTER while in searchmode will start
			: the searching process. Once the string has been
			: found it will be shown on the bottom line of
			: the screen. You can continue to search by 
			: pressing ENTER again.

	F5		: Exit back to CLI/WB Enviroment.


                                AND LASTLY
                        SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT...

In the Last Uk Elections the Conservative Party used an advertisement in
                    there "Anti-Labour Party" Campaign;

------------------------> Labours Double Whammy <-----------------------------

              <More Taxes>			<Higher Prices>

                   Well here`s what it should have read;

--------------------> Conservatives QUADRUPLE Whammy <------------------------

              <More Taxes>			<Higher Prices>
             <Unemployment>		       <Broken Promises>

                    "WHAT A BUNCH OF............."			LABOUR

                            _______       ______    
                  ____     /      /\     /\     \     ____
            __   /   /\   /      /  \   /  \     \   /\   \   __
        _  Œ_/\ Œ___/  \ Œ______/    \ /    \_____ /  \___ /\_  _
           \_/ \   \  / \      \    / \    /     / \  /   / \Œ_/
                 \___/   \      \  /   \  /     /   \Œ___/  
                           \______/     \Œ_____/                     

			      Messages & Greetz
 ______    ____  
 \___  \  /  _/   Hi, Here we are with LSD Docs 49. One more to go!
  /  \  \/  / \   then we hit the big half century! Cygnus here...
 /    \    /   \_ and hi to all the guys who know me.......
/      ›  œ     / 
\______\/Ž____/  Thanx to The Art/LSD for the cool intro mate.. 
                  keep em up..
 \_______     /   LSD Docs Disk 50 is already finished so expect
  /  ___/    /    it out any day ok..  with even more docs to read!
 /   \______Œ_    What do you expect from the best docs disk about!
/            /    
\___________/     Good to see Grapevine 19 got released....
		  that'll put an end to the rumours that GV is dead!
 \__   _______/   LSD have 3 more boards opening soon so make sure
  Œ_____    \     you call them for your latest LSD releases....
_/      \    \_   
\             /   Many thanx go to all the docs writers out there who 
 \___________/    take the time to type out all these docs... without
                  you guys, LSD would not be able to produce the the most
 ______________   comprehensive Docs Disk Collection EVER!  		 
 \__   _______/        
  Œ_____    \     Greetz fly out to:-
_/      \    \_   To all the LSD guys throughout the world......
\             /   Skid Marks...Any more Docs mate?<>< 
 \___________/    FireFl/\sh...Come to your senses eh!
                  Dit..........Nice to chat with ya! can't wait for
 ___________      	       those docs from ya <><
 \______   \     Python/LoonS.Can't seem to get in touch with ya <><
  /  ___    \    Barry........3 in a bed mate... yea it was great fun!
 /   \____    \_  AnF..........That d-man ascii was cool eh hehehehe!
/       |      /  E$G/4-Ward...Cool Lists... keep em up <><
\_______€_____/   Eddie The Head..Book 4 is out now over here!
                  Mub..........hi mr.cnet hehehe	 
 ______________   Shard........Need to chat mate <><
 \__  ________/   Nighthawk....Hi mate.. practise more.. u never know!
  /   \     \     Hot Tuna.....Kewl docs mate keep em comming <><
 /     \_    \_   Jimmy Death..Seem to be a 24 hour traders eh hehehe <><   
/       /     /   Javahead.....Any more solutions? <><
\____________/    Halloween Jack..You traitor! SNES eh! aarrgghh! <><             
		  Pete.........Hi, good to see ya again.. kick Dave 4 me heheh
 ______________   Not The Mama.Have ya got that modem working yet?
 \_______     /                if not do you wanna sell it back?
  /  ___/    /    Scorpion.....Hi mate... Enjoyed your visit.. bout time     
 /   \______Œ_                 Dave got the kettle on eh! heheh <><    
/            /    Shinobi......Hows ya HD?   
\___________/     Queenie......Hi Chris.. where's me pound?? hehehe <><
 ______________   Fairlight  Skid Row  Futura  Dimension X  Paradox
 \__   _______/   Crystal  2000 AD  Revenge  Alpha Flight  Defekt
  Œ_____    \     Global Overdose  TRSI  Zenith  Takus Team  Romkids
_/      \    \_   Dual Crew Shining  Digital  Elevation  Dynamix  
\             /   Lemon  Loons  Melon  Silents & EVERYONE! 		
                  And greetz to all we know and soz to anyone we`ve 
                 	forgot to mention...............                  
			                See Ya All								
   \__  __/      				
    /    \       	        		
   /      \      P.S. Lamer News 7 Quote..
  /        \_    "The last time we did anything worth talking about was 
 /          /    in the Falklands war".
  ________    D-Man.. You seem hell bent on slagging me off and slagging
  \__     \           off everything that i stand for, I was one of those
   /       \_         servicemen out there fighting in the Falklands.....
  /  vol    /	      but that doesn't count in your eyes does it!
  \________/    						     FisH.

                         ____    ________________________
                        /   /\  /         /             /\
                       /   /  \/         /             /  \
                      /   /   /    _____/   __        /    \
                     /   /   /    /    /   /  \      /      \ 
                    /   /   /    /    /   /   /     /        \
                   /   Œ___/    Œ____/   /   /     /         /
                  /    \   \    \   /   /   /     /         / 
                  \     \___    \ /   /   /     /         /
                   \    /\   \    š   /   /     /         /   
                    \  /  \  /   /   /   /     /         /    
                     \/    \/   /   /   /     /         /     
                      \        /   /   /     /         /      
                       \      /   /   /     /         /
                        \    /   /   /     /         / 
                         \  /   Œ___/     /         /        ______   ______
                          \/    \__/     /         /        /  /  /\ /  _  /\
                           \            /         /        Œ__   / /Œ__   / /
                            \          /         /         \_/  / / \_/  / /
                             \        /         /           Œ__/ /   Œ__/ /  
                              \      /         /            \__/    \__/   
   +     - ÷-- - --  LSD˜ Documents Disk Issue #o49  -- - -- --÷--   -	  +

                    Please use the ”• to Select a Document        
             Alternatively you may select documents via the KeyPad

			 ooo Index (These Pages!)
                         oo1 Beneath A Steel Sky Techincal
                         oo2 Beneath A Steel Sky Security
           __		 oo3 Beneath A Steel Sky Walk-Through
          Œ_/\           oo4 Beneath A Steel Sky Terminal Codes
____________\//\_________oo5 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o1________ ¦_ _  .__ _
            \//\__       oo6 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o2        \      ¦ 
              \Œ_/     _ oo7 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o3_________7_____;
		      /	 oo8 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o4         |
		     /	 oo9 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o5         ¦
	.	   _/    o1o Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o6         :
		   7     o11 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o7         ·
		   :     o12 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o8         !
		   |     o13 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces o9   --- - '
		   |     o14 Beneath A Steel Sky Faces 1o
		   |     o15 Bram Stokers Dracula
		   |     o16 Bubba & Styx Codes
	.	   ¦     o17 Conquest Cannon Fodder Hints
		   |     o18 Castles 2 - Siege & Conquest
		   |     o19 Dangerous Streets
		   |     o2o Dune 2 Figure o1
		   ¦     o21 Dune 2 Figure o2    . :      ____ _	
	.	   |     o22 Dune 2 Figure o3     o  ___/| _ ____ _
		   |     o23 Dune 2 Figure o4    O _/ø   Ž//   _ _      _ _
		   |     o24 Dune 2 Figure o5     (   _    \   \   L S D_- _
		   |     o25 Dune 2 Figure o6      \_/   /\_ ____ _
   __    	   |     o26 Dune 2 Figure o7       \___/         
  Œ_/\         	   |     o27 Dune 2 Figure o8
  \ \ \ .          ¦     o28 Dune 2 Figure o9
   \_Œ_       	   |     o29 Dune 2 Figure 1o
     Œ_/\      	   |     o3o Dune 2 Figure 11 
     \ \ \     	   |     o31 Dune 2 Figure 12	
      \ \ \    	   |     o32 Dune 2 Figure 13					
      /\_/    	   ¦     o33 Fly Harder CD32 
     / / /     	   |     o34 Football Statistician Pro
     \Œ_/\     	   |     o35 Frontier Hints
      \ \ \    	   ¦     o36 Genesia Level Passwords
       \ \ \   	   |     o37 Gremlin Cure
        \_Œ_  	   |     o38 Jetstrike Codes
          Œ_/\ 	   :     o39 Liberation Full Manual
          \ \ \	   !     o4o Monopoly
        ·  \_/	   |     o41 Mr Nutz
	 	   |     o42 Pepe's Garden
	 	   ¦     o43 Pirates (Anit Hacking)	
	 	   |     o44 Second Samruia 2 Level Codes
                   |     o45 SuperBase Pro Part 1
                   ¦     o46 SuperBase Pro Part 2
        ·          |     o47 SuperBase Pro Part 3
                   |     o48 SuperBase Pro DataBase Management Language 1
        ·          ¦     o49 SuperBase Pro DataBase Management Language 2
        .          |     o5o SuperBase Pro Forms Editor 
        ¦          ¦     o51 SuperBase Pro DataBase Management System
        .__________;     o52 Wares Week 12				 
       			 o53 LSD ReadMe
			 o54 LSD Docs Index
			 o55 LSD Greetz		

 //\\                                  //\\
_/  \/\-____________________________-/\/  \_
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\\__   : _________/\____/\_________ :   __//
   \_    \         \\  //         /    _/
    \_    ¥\__   ___    ___   __/¥    _/
     7       \_ / o \  / o \ _/       7                                        
     |         \\___/.o\___//         |                cREDZ                  
    :¡         /   _____    \         ¡·    Docdisk Written & Designed by      
    |S        /    `---'     \        S|            Raptor of LSD!            
    |ø    _  _\______________/_  _    ø| Loading Screen by Arctangent of LSD!  
    ||   / \/ \___/      \___/ \/ \\  ||    Music by Bernard Sumner of LSD! 
    ||  \\_  _/    /    \    \_  _//  ||            ASCII by <>< & ??        
    ·|    )  (   __7     7_   )  (    |:
     |  //    \_/:--------:\_/    \   |
     |  \\_/\_/  €___¥____€  \_/\_//  |	    dATE oF rELEASE 28tH aPRIL 1994
     |          (____€_____)          |
       ---            ----     --     :
    The Only Surviving Portrait Of D-Man
