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2 557 bytes (2.50K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:20
Download count:
all-time: 0


            «<None>»                                 «<Ctrl>»
    F1-Art Department Pro                 F1-Key To Music
    F2-Bards Tale Const; kit   LSD DOX    F2-Legend Of Valour
    F3-Chaos Engine            DISK 38    F3-Legend Of Valour Top Map
    F4-Dark Seed Full Manual              F4-Legend Of Valour Bottom Map
    F5-Dark Seed Solution                 F5-Legend Of Valour Pic1
    F6-Dark Seed Tips                     F6-Legend Of Valour Pic2
    F7-Dark Seed Map 1                    F7-Legend Of Valour Pic3
    F8-Dark Seed Map 2                    F8-Legend Of Valour Pic4
    F9-Grapevine Index                    F9-Legend Of Valour Pic5
    F0-History Line                       F0-Legend Of Valour Pic6
    F1-Legal Tools Index 1-61             F5-Sleepwalker
    F2-Lemmings 2 Quick Docs              F6-Space Crusader Data Disk
    F3-Lemmings 2 Icons                   F7-Street Fighter 2 Manual
    F4-Lion Heart                         F8-Street Fighter 2 Reference
  ________                                                    ________
 / / __ \ \                                                  / / __ \ \
/ /\__ \/  \        TAB - Index          ` - Read Me        / /\__ \/  \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \                                               \ \ \ \ \ \ \
 \__/\__/\__/       DEL - Menu 1      HELP - Menu 2          \__/\__/\__/

                                LSD DOX  
                                DISK 38  

                        F1-Swibble Dribble Codes                
                        F2-Ween Solution           
                        F3-Wax Works Graveyard Map      
                        F4-Wax Works Mine Map                 
                        F5-Wax Works Ripper Map                
                        F6-Wax Works Pyramid level 1 Map            
                        F7-Wax Works Pyramid level 2 Map  
                        F8-Wax Works Pyramid level 3 Map         
                        F9-Wax Works Pyramid level 4-6 Map         
  ________                                                 ________
 / / __ \ \                                               / / __ \ \
/ /\__ \/  \        TAB - Index           `-Read Me      / /\__ \/  \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \                                            \ \ \ \ \ \ \
 \__/\__/\__/       DEL - Menu 1      HELP - Menu 2       \__/\__/\__/