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145 407 bytes (142.00K)
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2011-12-29 23:03:04
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all-time: 409


            ¢04   FIRST WORDS

¢11      Hello and welcome to yet another  ¢11that   caused   this   issue   to   be
¢11 Issue  of  this  great ¢01Psycosis Pack-  ¢11delayed!! Ok then Ill leave ya to it!!
¢01 Mag  Series!!¢11  This  time  its  issue  ¢11Have fun!! Ciao!!
¢11 number #3......  Well lets  see, yupp
¢11 sum  new  things have been added into
¢11 this  issue,  nothing speccy but just  ¢02Written by ¢12Psyche/Kronical.
¢11 something  extra, well now the greetz
¢11 are in a scroller format not a normal
 text screen!! Ummm and really nothing
 else..... I  am  very grateful to all
 who  have  sent in there Adverts, but
 I  was  unable  to  put  all  of  the
 adverts in due to the fact that I had
 too many!! Dont worry though, it will
 be included in the next coming issues
 so look out for them!!
      Sorry   for  the  delay  in  the
 release of this issue, but due to our
 prepartion  for  our   magazine  that

                             ¢04       CREDITS   
               ¢10       *-------------------------------*
               ¢12       ALL CODE BY:
               ¢11                     Spirit/Kronical.
               ¢12       GRAPHICS BY:
               ¢11                     Psyche/Kronical.
               ¢12       LOADING PIC BY:
               ¢11                     Stix/Compact Inc.
               ¢12       MUSIC BY:
               ¢11                     Deadlock/Kronical.         
               ¢12       EDITING BY:    
               ¢11                     Psyche/Kronical.
               ¢10       *-------------------------------*

        ¢04      INSTRUCTIONS   
¢11   Yep! This is the  Instructions Page  select  Go  Back to  Demo  Menu,  then
 for ¢06Psycosis ¢11Pack-Mag so  here  goes!  it and it goes back to the Intro Menu!
   When in Magazine section  move your    From the Intro Menu you can go  back
 the mouse pointer over what ever page  to the  Magazine Section  by  pressing
 you  wish  to  look  at, and the line  the Right mouse button  otherwise  you 
 will be  highlighted  so  just  press  can  select  an  Intro  to look at  by
 your left mouse button one it and the  pressing the LMB on desired Intro..!!
 desired page will appear.....To  exit    Well thats about it, I hope this has
 back  to  the menu, just  select  the  helped you with anything you were  not
 menu option on the bottom icons....!!  sure of, so till next time see ya!!
   You are also able to turn  off  the  
 music  by  selecting  the  icon  that       ¢09    Written by:  
¢11 looks like a music note..!!                ¢02               Psyche/Kronical.
¢11   Once reading adverts you can  press  
 on the left and right icons to change  
   To get back to the Intro Menu  just

         ¢06    HOW TO SUPPORT!

 ¢05  Yep! This is  the  How  to  Support  Well  what  ever  you  would  like  to
 page, I hope that you find it helpful  contribute  to  this  pack-mag  please
   Well this small magazine section of  send all stuff to the following addy!!
 ¢09Psycosis¢05 will only contain  Messages,
 Adverts, and News and Rumours......!!         ¢12        PSYCOSIS
¢05   If you wish to send in any  of  the         ¢11      P.O. BOX 707
¢05 following stuff you can  either  send         ¢11      MIRRABOOKA 6061
¢05 them in on paper or type it  out on a         ¢11      PERTH W.A
¢05 text editor. If  using  a text editor         ¢11      AUSTRALIA
¢05 can  you  please  use  the  following 
 formats....¢02  38x20 ¢05or¢02 78x20¢05, all that
 you send will be much appreciated..!!
   You may also send in  clip-art  for 
 this pack, please make  your  picture
 in Med-Res and you can  use  up to 16

  ¢12  2000 AD             ¢11DIFFUSION         ¢12 LEMON.          ¢11 TAURUS
  ¢12  4TH DIMENSION       ¢11DIMENSION-X       ¢12 MAD ELKS        ¢11 THE FUN FACTORY
  ¢12  ACID JUNKEYS        ¢11EFFECT            ¢12 MIDWAY          ¢11 TOONS
  ¢12  ADDICTS             ¢11EREMATION         ¢12 MYSTIC          ¢11 TRANCE INC. 
  ¢12  ALCHEMY             ¢11FAIRLIGHT         ¢12 NUANCE          ¢11 TRSI
  ¢12  ANALOG              ¢11FODA              ¢12 PARADOX         ¢11 X-TRADE
  ¢12  ANCIENT             ¢11HYPAC             ¢12 PARALAX         ¢11 YELA
  ¢12  ANGELICA            ¢11ICE               ¢12 PARASITE        ¢11 ZENITH
  ¢12  BALANCE             ¢11IMPACT            ¢12 PEARL
  ¢12  BLACKJACK           ¢11INDUSTRY          ¢12 PHATE
  ¢12  BRONX               ¢11INFECT            ¢12 PHENOMENA
  ¢12  BYTE BUSTERS        ¢11INSOMNIA          ¢12 PHYLAXISIS
  ¢12  C.D.I.              ¢11INTENSE           ¢12 POWER
  ¢12  CHROME              ¢11INTERACTIVE       ¢12 PMC
  ¢12  COMPACT INC.        ¢11IRIS              ¢12 PROLINE
  ¢12  CYANIDE             ¢11IVORY             ¢12 RAM JAM
  ¢12  DAWKS               ¢11KAOS              ¢12 SALVATION
  ¢12  DEFIANCE            ¢11KEFRENS           ¢12 SCANIA
  ¢12  DEICIDE             ¢11LIBERATION        ¢12 SEMTEL 
  ¢12  DESIRE              ¢11LIMITED EDITION   ¢12 SOUTHERN GUILD
  ¢12  DESTINY             ¢11LEGACY            ¢12 SUBMISSION

    ¢04          FINAL WORDS

¢07      You     have    just    finished
¢07  reading  the 3rd issue of this great
¢04  Psycosis  Pack-Mag ¢07 Series!!  I hope
¢07  you  enjoyed  this  issue as well as        ¢04    **  ** *****  **
¢07  the  previous  issues!! Thanx to all        ¢04    **  ** **  ** **
¢07  who   contributed  to  this  issue!!        ¢04    *****  *****  **
¢07  The   next  issue  of  Psycosis will        ¢04    **  ** **  ** **
¢07  hopefully  be  released  in the next        ¢04    **  ** **  ** *****
¢07  few weeks or so (Thats what I always        ¢10   => The Chosen Ones <=
¢07  say..hehe),  so I hope to see you in
¢07  Issue  Number  4  then!!  OK bye for
¢07  Now!!

              ¢02 Signed Psyche/Kronical.

 ¢04   ____   __________           ___    ___         ____           ____
   |    | /          \ :+: ___ |   \  |   |______ /    \ :+:     |    |
   |0   |/  ____  |  \\   /   \|    \ |   \     //      \__ /\_  |0   |
   ||  _/  / |0       /  /     \     \|  :|\___//   /\    //   \ ||   | :+:
   ||  \   \ ||  \    \ /   |  \\  \  |  .|/   /   /__\  //     \|:  _|____
   |:   \  \\|:  |\    /    |   \\ |\     //   \\      \/ /  |  \\.       /
   |.   |\  \\__ | \   \         / | \   //     \\       /   _   \\     //
   |__  | \    /_|  \___\_____  /__|  \__\_____  \  ____/____|    \\__ //93
  +===\/===\ _/===:+:=========\/==[¢06australia¢04]==\/=\/=========| _____\=\/==+
    ¢12   -PsYcHe-                 -CoYoTe-               -SpIriT-
 ¢11      P.O. BOX 707             P.O. BOX 936           P.O. BOX 914
       MIRRABOOKA 6061          MORLEY 6062            MORLEY 6062
       PERTH W.A.               PERTH W.A.             PERTH W.A.
       AUSTRALIA                AUSTRALIA              AUSTRALIA
 ¢12      -DeAdLoCk-               -Trauma-               -InTeRrOgAtor-
 ¢11      P.O. BOX 50              29 SWINCER WAY         28 GREENCROFT GDNS    
       WANGARATTA 3676          KOONDOOLA 6064         LEEMING 6149
       VICTORIA                 PERTH W.A.             PERTH W.A.
       AUSTRALIA	               AUSTRALIA              AUSTRALIA

  ¢04   ___________  ________   _____ 
  ¢04  /   |\     / /        \ /     \  
  ¢04  \   | \   /  \   _____/ \  /\  \         ¢06 |
  ¢04   \__|  \_/    \  \  \   /\/ /  /     ¢06   --+-----                          
  ¢04      |   \   ___\__\  \ /  | \  \     ¢06     |
  ¢04      |    \ /          \\  | /  /     ¢06     |
  ¢04      |____/ \__________/ \_|/  /      ¢06     |  ¢05   THE SPECIAL BROTHERS
  ¢04                             \_/   
      Contact¢01 THE SPECIAL BROTHERS ¢04for            ¢02  Thomas / TSB
    ¢06Elite n' Friendly legal mailtrading      ¢01       3 Bis Boulevard Richelieu
                                                    02100 SAINT-QUENTIN
         ¢01THOMAS / TSB   (Write it !)                FRANCE
        ¢05 3 bis Boulevard Richelieu
         02 100 SAINT-QUENTIN                                       ¢06          |
       ¢05  FRANCE                                     ¢05      Legal / Elite ¢06      |
                                                              ¢06                |
     ¢04 No need to be Elite, no need to                   ¢06                  ----+-
  ¢04  belong to a known group, just send                     ¢06                   |
  ¢04     -- A OWN GROUP PRODUCTION --
  ¢04    And be sure to send 100% Legal
  ¢07   .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.
  ¢07   :      ¢03    - KrOnIcAl -       ¢07    
  ¢07   .    ¢04FoR SwApPiNg ThE LaTeSt! ¢07  : 
  ¢07   o    ¢04WrIte tO ThIs AdDrEsS... ¢07  .   ¢05        ______________________
  ¢07   O                               ¢07o      ¢05    /                  ¢05    \   
  ¢07          ¢06   Psyche/Kronical    ¢07   O   ¢05      / ¢07    - KrOnIcAl -¢05       \
  ¢07   o                               ¢07       ¢05   \________________________/
  ¢07            ¢01 P.O BOX 707        ¢07   :   ¢05      /                        \  
  ¢07   O        ¢01 MIRRABOOKA 6061    ¢07   O   ¢05      \ ¢04  Support this great¢05   /   
  ¢07   .        ¢01 PERTH W.A.         ¢07   .   ¢05      / ¢04  PackMag by sending¢05   \ 
  ¢07            ¢01 AUSTRALIA          ¢07   .   ¢05      \ ¢04  in your Ad, Messys¢05   / 
  ¢07   :                               ¢07:      ¢05   /  ¢04 or Intro..........   ¢05\
  ¢07        ¢03 1000% PERCENT REPLY!!  ¢07   .   ¢05      \ ¢07     - Psycosis -¢05      /
  ¢07   O                               ¢07O      ¢05   /     ¢06 P.O. BOX 707 ¢05     \
  ¢07   o    ¢04 Quick Greetz!          ¢07       ¢05      \  ¢06    MIRRABOOKA 6061¢05   /
  ¢07   :    ¢02 TrAnCe InC..DiFfUsIoN. ¢07   :   ¢05      /  ¢06    PERTH W.A. ¢05       \
  ¢07   .    ¢02 BrOnX..RaM JaM..ZeNiTh ¢07   o   ¢05      \  ¢06    AUSTRALIA  ¢05       /
  ¢07   .    ¢02 CoMpAcT InC..ErEmAtIoN ¢07   O   ¢05      /                        \
  ¢07   :    ¢02 aNd ThE ReSt!!!!!..... ¢07   .   ¢05      \________________________/
  ¢07   .                               ¢07:
  ¢07   .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.¢07

   ¢09  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\    ¢11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   ¢09  \ ¢10KRONICAL¢07 *¢10 KRONICAL¢07 *¢10 KRONICAL¢09 / ¢11    ^ ¢04  T R A N C E   I N C .¢11   ^
   ¢09  /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¢09\    ¢11 ^                       ¢11    ^
   ¢09  \ ¢12  FOR COOL AND FAST SWAPPING ¢09  /  ¢11   ^ ¢10  you want to have the ? ¢11 ^
   ¢09  / ¢12       WRITE THIS ADDY:     ¢09   \  ¢11   ^ ¢10  latest PC SOFTWARE ?   ¢11 ^
   ¢09  \                               ¢09 /    ¢11 ^                           ¢11^
   ¢09  / ¢06       CAD OF KRONICAL     ¢09    \ ¢11    ^ ¢07  THEN WRITE TO ME FAST ¢11  ^
   ¢09  \ ¢11         J-M SIRONEN       ¢09    / ¢11    ^                          ¢11 ^
   ¢09  / ¢11       KUSTAANKAARI 26     ¢09    \ ¢11    ^ ¢12  DELIRIUM/TRANCE INC   ¢11  ^ 
   ¢09  \ ¢11     SF-07800 LAPINJARVI   ¢09    / ¢11    ^ ¢03   POBOX 64 8090 AB     ¢11  ^
   ¢09  / ¢11        F I N L A N D      ¢09    \ ¢11    ^ ¢03    WEZEP HOLLAND       ¢11  ^
   ¢09  \                               ¢09 /    ¢11 ^                        ¢11   ^
   ¢09  / ¢06     DISK(S)=100% ANSWER   ¢09    \ ¢11    ^ ¢02   !!! ONLY NEW !!! ¢11      ^
   ¢09  \                               ¢09 /    ¢11 ^                         ¢11  ^
   ¢09  /¢10    FAST GREETINGS FROM CAD: ¢09   \ ¢11    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   ¢09  \   ¢11      CHROME,MIDWAY      ¢09    /
   ¢09  /  ¢11  4TH DIMENSION,DIFFUSION ¢09    \
   ¢09  \  ¢11  PHYLAXIS,LEGACY,X-TRADE ¢09    /
   ¢09  /  ¢11    LIBERATION,MAD ELKS   ¢09    \
   ¢09  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

  ¢12  *************************************   ¢10  !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  ¢12  *      ¢05      Contact:       ¢12        *   ¢10  ? ¢14   T R A N C E  I N C  ¢10   ?
  ¢12  *                                 ¢12  *   ¢10  !                          ¢10 !
  ¢12  * ¢04 T H E   I N T E R R O G A T O R¢12  *   ¢10  ? ¢04  so your nide more ?? ¢10   ?
  ¢12  *      ¢02         of                ¢12  *   ¢10  ! ¢04 maybe you nide GOOD !  ¢10  !
  ¢12  *¢04      K--R--O--N--I--C--A--L     ¢12  *   ¢10  ? ¢04     try it FAST      ¢10    ?
  ¢12  *                                 ¢12  *   ¢10  !                         ¢10  !
  ¢12  * ¢07 For Swapping:¢06 Amiga Warez, Rave¢12  *   ¢10  ? ¢05    cubik/trance inc   ¢10   ?
  ¢12  * ¢07and Tekkno Tapes, Sources, etc...¢12 *   ¢10  ! ¢06    pobox 64 8090 ab   ¢10   !
  ¢12  *                                  ¢12 *   ¢10  ? ¢06     wezep holland     ¢10   ?
  ¢12  *  ¢04 Write to: ¢11  Jason           ¢12    *   ¢10  !                         ¢10  !
  ¢12  *              ¢11 28 Greencroft Gdns ¢12 *   ¢10  ? ¢02  only frendship rules  ¢10  ?
  ¢12  *              ¢11 Leeming            ¢12 *   ¢10  ! ¢04      elite = 50 %      ¢10  !
  ¢12  *              ¢11 W.A. 6149          ¢12 *   ¢10  ? ¢04  elite+frendship=101%  ¢10  ?
  ¢12  *              ¢11 Australia          ¢12 *   ¢10  !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 
  ¢12  *                                  ¢12 *
  ¢12  * ¢07Respect: ¢06trsi - crystal - lemon. ¢12 *
  ¢12  * ¢06 bronx - phate - lsd - manitou   ¢12 *
  ¢12  * ¢06quartex - cdi - italian bad boyz!¢12 *
  ¢12  *************************************

  ¢07  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
    \ ¢04KRONICAL ¢12* ¢04KRONICAL¢12 * ¢04KRONICAL¢07 /
  ¢07  /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
  ¢07  \ ¢11  FOR COOL AND FAST SWAPPING ¢07  /
  ¢07  / ¢11       WRITE THIS ADDY:  ¢07      \           ¢01  ?¢05 HE HOW IS LIVE¢01 ? 
  ¢07  \                                /            ¢04      I LIKE IT  
  ¢07  /     ¢06   CAD OF KRONICAL ¢07        \      ¢04    I NOW WHATS YOUR PROBLEM
  ¢07  \     ¢09     J-M SIRONEN      ¢07     /      ¢04   YOU DONT GOT A GOOD CONTACT 
  ¢07  /     ¢09   KUSTAANKAARI 26    ¢07     \      ¢04  SO I SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM FAST 
  ¢07  \     ¢09 SF-07800 LAPINJARVI  ¢07     /
  ¢07  /     ¢09    F I N L A N D     ¢07     \      ¢02       CUBIK/TRANCE INC 
  ¢07  \                                /           ¢09  POBOX 64 8090 AB
  ¢07  /     ¢11 DISK(S)=100% ANSWER ¢07      \     ¢09          WEZEP HOLLAND
  ¢07  \                                /
  ¢07  /   ¢12 FAST GREETINGS FROM CAD: ¢07   \
  ¢07  \    ¢04     CHROME,MIDWAY        ¢07  /
  ¢07  /  ¢04  4TH DIMENSION,DIFFUSION   ¢07  \
  ¢07  \  ¢04  PHYLAXIS,LEGACY,X-TRADE   ¢07  /
  ¢07  /  ¢04    LIBERATION,MAD ELKS     ¢07  \
  ¢07  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

¢04                .    +      .     +              .   + 
                 ________                 .            .        +
                /     _  \    +     .       +        .     .
             +  \_/\  \\_/____    ____          . ____  _____   .
           .       /  /  / __ \  / __ \ /\  . /\ / __ \/ ___ \  
                  /  /. / /_/ / / /_/ //  \  / // / /_/\ \  \/
              .  /  /  / ___ ( / //  // /\ \/ // /. __  \ \    +
           .     \ /  / /  / // / / // /  \  //  \_/ /  / /__/\
                . V + \/ . \//_/ /_/ \/ +  \/ \_____/  /_______\
              .            +     V    .         .      V   Flynn
   ¢05                             CONTACT US AT :
      ¢11                          TRANCE INC (WHQ)
      ¢12                               CUBIK
      ¢04                          POBOX 64 8090 AB
                                 WEZEP HOLLAND

¢07               __                                                __
              /\_\                                              /_/\    
          _ __\/_/_________ __________________ _________________\_\/__ _ 
       . ...::/_/\:::::::::Y::::::::::::::::::Y:::::::::::::::::/\_\::::.. .
           .::\_\/::_________________/\::____:|____/\____/\ |:::\/_/:.
        . ..::/\_\::\    _  /   _  \   \/  _ \/      \     -+--:/_/\:::.. .
            .:\/_/:::\/  |_/  _/ __/ _  \  /  \   ___/  ___/|:::\_\/::
      . ..::::/_/\:::/   |/   \   \  \   \/    \  \  \   _/\::::/\_\:::. .
           .::\_\/:::\___|\___|\  /___\  /_____/___  /___  /::::\/_/::
     . ..:::::/\_\:::::::::|::::\/:::::\/:::::|::::\/::::\/:::::/_/\::::.. .
          - --\/_/---------'------------------'-----------------\_\/-- -
              /_/\                                          tRm /\_\  
              \_\/                                              \/_/ 
¢12                             you WANT the LATEST ?? 
                        and you THINK you can handle IT !
                        then you the right GUY (or girl) 
                          write to me ¢04DELIRIUM/TRANCE 
                          ¢05   64 8090 a.b 
                                      wezep HOLLAND 
                       ¢04  for¢12 ALL AMIGA ¢04+ ¢12P.C software

       ¢04      *******************       ¢09     *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*        
       ¢09       FOR HOT SWAP WITH        ¢09    /    ¢01  ->¢04 VISION¢01 <- ¢09    \
       ¢09           MAD ELKS             ¢09    \  ¢11 SUPPORT THIS NICE  ¢09 /
       ¢09           WRITE TO:            ¢09    /  ¢11 DISK-MAG WITH ADS, ¢09 \
                                       ¢09    \  ¢11 ARTICLES, CLIP-ART ¢09 /
       ¢01          QWERTY\MDE            ¢09    /  ¢11 MESSAGES ECT...... ¢09 \
       ¢12         ADRIAN DOLNY           ¢09    \                       /
       ¢12         62-850 LISKOW          ¢09    /  ¢12 WRITE TO:         ¢09  \
       ¢12         WOJ. KALISKIE          ¢09    \                       /
       ¢12            POLAND              ¢09    /    ¢04  - VISION -     ¢09  \ 
                                       ¢09    \  ¢05  29 SWINCER WAY   ¢09  /
       ¢11          DISK=ANSWER           ¢09    /  ¢05  KOONDOOLA 6064   ¢09  \
        ¢04     *******************       ¢09    \  ¢05  PERTH W.A.       ¢09  /
                                       ¢09    /  ¢05  AUSTRALIA        ¢09  \
                                       ¢09    \                     ¢09  /
                                       ¢09    /  ¢01  SEND NOW!!       ¢09  \
                                       ¢09    \                     ¢09  /
                                       ¢09     *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 

  ¢11:::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::  ¢12 If you're a bit ¢04faster¢12 than        ¢04 Elite ¢12shoud write for ¢11     :::::
  :::::  ¢12  the rest, swapp with me!         ¢12   swapping the latest¢11       :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::  ¢01      Zenit/Compact Inc.            ¢01   Ikon/Compact Inc.¢11        :::::
  :::::   ¢04       Rustadvegen 36              ¢04   WirtzfelderWeg 14 ¢11       :::::
  :::::   ¢04        2830 Raufoss               ¢04    4750 Butgenbach  ¢11       :::::
  :::::   ¢04           Norway                  ¢04        Belgium      ¢11       :::::
  ¢11:::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  :::::                                                                  :::::
  ::::::::::::::::::::...                              ...::::::::::::::::::::

¢04                   _________________/\  ____  ____/\____/\
                   \________\_____\_\/\/\___\/\___\/\___\/\ |
                    \    _  /   _  \   \/  _ \/      \     -+--
                     \/  |_/  _/ __/ _  \  /  \   ___/  ___/|
                     /   |/   \   \  \   \/    \  \  \   _/\  
                     \___|\___|\  /___\  /_____/___  /___  /  
 ¢10                   STICKERS                         STICKERS          
    ¢07                               CUBIK 
                 ¢12    YES ¢11its treu i'm looking for stickers !
                    of ¢12GROUP's ¢11so do you got it send them to:
                       ¢04          CUBIK/TRANCE 
                         ¢07      pobox 64 8090 ab 
                         ¢07       WEZEP  holland


¢09   **********************************      ¢11    *-+-+-+-+¢12P¢11+¢12E¢11+¢12A¢11+¢12R¢11+¢12L¢11+-+-+-+-*    
¢06           MAD ELKS OF MYSTIC              ¢11    |                         | 
                                           ¢11    + ¢04  FoR mUsIc SwApPiNg...¢11 + 
¢04     WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! NEW AMIGA       ¢11    |    ¢04    CoNtAcT:   ¢11      |
¢04     CONTACTS!! SO IF YOU  ARE  GOOD       ¢12    P ¢10-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¢12 P 
¢04     IN SWAPPING THAN  WRITE  TO  ME       ¢11    |                         |
¢04     NOW! DONT WAIT TOMORROW CAN  BE       ¢12    E    ¢07   MEL/PEARL  ¢12       E
¢04     TO LATE! SO SEND A DISK WITH AN       ¢11    |    ¢04   ********* ¢11        |
¢04     INTERESTING STUFF 4 100% ANSWER       ¢12    A   ¢10  (Tim)    ¢12           A
                                           ¢11    |  ¢04   20 Claire st.   ¢11    |
¢12             QWERTY\MDE\MST                ¢12    R   ¢04  Ridgehaven 5097 ¢12    R 
¢11              ADRIAN DOLNY                 ¢11    |   ¢04  South Australia  ¢11   |
¢11              62-850 LISKOW                ¢12    L                         L
¢11              WOJ. KALISKIE                ¢11    |  ¢07 pLeAsE nO sWaPpErS...¢11 |
¢11                 POLAND                    ¢11    +  ¢07  OnLy MuSiCiAnS !!! ¢11  +
                                           ¢11    |                         |
 ¢02    FAST GREETINGS TO ALL MY FRIENDS      ¢11    *-+-+-+-+¢12P¢11+¢12E¢11+¢12A¢11+¢12R¢11+¢12L¢11+-+-+-+-*  
 ¢09  ***********************************

¢07               __       __     __      ______    __       __
           ___/  \_____/  \___/  \_____\  __/ __/  \_____/  \___
           \___   \_ ____  \_ ___ \__   \   \/   _    /   __   /
              |   || \__  _ \ \__  \/ _  \_  \   |___/    _)__/
              |   ||   |   \/   |   \  \     /   |   \    |   \
              |___||___|    \___|    \  \___/\____   /\____   /
                       |____/   |____/__/       \___/tRm \___/

¢04                     so you want to join a¢06 REAL¢04 group ?
                      ¢06 YES ¢04your right so¢06 JOIN TRANCE
                  ¢04             how to¢06 JOIN¢04 ? 
                 ¢10     write to :¢12 CUBIK?TRANCE (W.H.Q)
                         ¢11        pobox 64 8090 ab 
                         ¢11        WEZEP  HOLLAND                            
               ¢06  BUT!!¢04 :sendt a piece of you work to me !!


 ¢09     oooo   oooo  ppppp   ssss       ¢07    ********************************** 
 ¢09    ooo oo ooo oo pp  pp sss         ¢07    * ¢04KRONICAL ¢07* ¢04KRONICAL¢07 *¢04 KRONICAL¢07 * 
 ¢09    ooo oo ooo oo ppppp  sssss       ¢07    **********************************
 ¢09    ooo oo ooo oo pp         ss      ¢07    *                                *
 ¢09     oooo   oooo  pp     ssssss      ¢07    * ¢01  FOR COOL AND FAST SWAPPING ¢07  *
                                      ¢07    * ¢01       WRITE THIS ADDY: ¢07       *
  ¢04  Wanna receive the latest¢06 OOPS     ¢07    *                                *
  ¢04 Productions as soon as they are    ¢07    *   ¢10     CAD OF KRONICAL      ¢07   * 
  ¢04 released ? There's unluckily no    ¢07    *   ¢04       J-M SIRONEN        ¢07   * 
  ¢04 swappers  in ¢06 OOPS¢04  but you can    ¢07    *   ¢04     KUSTAANKAARI 26      ¢07   * 
 ¢04  reach the official spreader  of    ¢07    *   ¢04   SF-07800 LAPINJARVI    ¢07   *
 ¢04  these productions at :             ¢07    *   ¢04      F I N L A N D       ¢07   *
                                       ¢07   *                             ¢07   *
    ¢07   Thomas / TSB                    ¢07   *    ¢02  DISK(S)=100% ANSWER    ¢07   *
    ¢12   3 bis boulevard Richelieu       ¢07   *                             ¢07   *
    ¢12   02100 SAINT-QUENTIN             ¢07   *  ¢12  CAD SENDS GREETINGS TO:  ¢07   *
    ¢12   FRANCE                          ¢07   *  ¢11  LIBERATION,LEGACY,MIDWAY ¢07   *
                                       ¢07   *  ¢11   PHYLAXIS,4TH DIMENSION  ¢07   *
  ¢04 Send one blank disk for the next    ¢07   *  ¢11  CHROME,DIFFUSION,MAD ELKS ¢07  *
  ¢06 OOPS ¢04production, fill it  if you     ¢07  **********************************
 ¢04 want to start a pure elite swapping     

 ¢04  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\          ¢10  ########### ¢12TRANCE AHQ¢10 ########### 
 ¢04  \                           /        ¢10    #                               ¢10 #
 ¢04  /  ¢11  QWERTY OF MAD ELKS  ¢04   \        ¢10    # ¢04 IS SEARCHING FOR NEW MEMBERS ¢10 #
 ¢04  \                           /        ¢10    # ¢11 CONTACT:                     ¢10 #
 ¢04  /  ¢12 IF YOU WANNA SWAP WITH ¢04 \        ¢10    #                               ¢10 #
 ¢04  \                           /        ¢10    #  ¢01  TERMINATOR/TRANCE INC.     ¢10 #
 ¢04   \    ¢02    MAD ELKS      ¢04   /         ¢10    #  ¢07  17 MONT ALBERT DRIVE       ¢10 #  
 ¢04    \                       /          ¢10    #  ¢07  CAMPBELLFIELD 3061         ¢10 #
 ¢04    / ¢10  CONTACT ¢05QWERTY ¢10AT: ¢04 \          ¢10    #  ¢07  MELBOURNE VICTORIA         ¢10 #
 ¢04   /                         \         ¢10    #  ¢07  AUSTRALIA                  ¢10 #
 ¢04  /      ¢07    QWERTY\MDE    ¢04   \        ¢10    #                               ¢10 #
 ¢04  \      ¢12   ADRIAN DOLNY     ¢04 /        ¢10    ##### ¢12ALSO FOR ¢04ELITE ¢12SWAPPING ¢10#### 
 ¢04  /      ¢12  62-850 LISKOW     ¢04 \
 ¢04  \      ¢12  WOJ. KALISKIE     ¢04 /
 ¢04  /      ¢12      POLAND        ¢04 \
 ¢04  \                          ¢04 /
 ¢04  / ¢01 SEND DISK 4 100% ANSWER!¢04 \ 
 ¢04  \                          ¢04 /
 ¢04  / ¢11 FAST GREETZ TO ALL CTX! ¢04 \
 ¢04  \                          ¢04 /
  ¢04  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

 ¢04  ()()()()()()()()()()()()               ¢07   *----* *--*¢04 KrOnIcAl ¢07*--* *----*
 ¢11  IF YOU WANT TO SWAP WITH               ¢07   |                            ¢07  |  
 ¢11  A COOL POLISH FREAK THEN               ¢07   | ¢11    FOR¢12 COOL¢11 AND ¢12FRIENDSHIP ¢07 |
 ¢11  CONTACT:¢12QWERTY\ MAD ELKS               ¢07   *    ¢11 SWAPPING......WRITE TO: ¢07 *
                                          ¢07   |                             ¢07 |
  ¢01     ADRIAN DOLNY                       ¢07   |   ¢05  COYOTE/KRONICAL         ¢07 |
  ¢01     62-850 LISKOW                      ¢07   *     ¢04P.O. BOX 936            ¢07 *
  ¢01     WOJ. AKLISKIE                      ¢07   |     ¢04MORLEY 6062             ¢07 | 
  ¢01      P O L A N D                       ¢07   |     ¢04PERTH W.A.              ¢07 |
                                          ¢07   *     ¢04AUSTRALIA               ¢07 * 
  ¢05 SEND DISK 4 100% ANSWER                ¢07   |                             ¢07 | 
  ¢05  I WAIT FOR YA LETTERS!                ¢07   |                             ¢07 |
 ¢04  ()()()()()()())()()()()                ¢07   *----*¢09 100% ¢05RePlY tO AlL!¢07 *----* 

  ¢12  __/_____________  _____    ____        ¢12 _____________  ______  _________
  ¢12   /        /     \/     \/\/_   \¢11:::::::¢12/      /   _  \/  _   \/        /\
  ¢12  /__    __/   /  /   /  /   /   /\¢11:::::¢12/  ----/   /   /\   \__/__    __/ /
  ¢12  \_/   / /   /  /   /  /   /   / /¢11::::¢12/   ___/   /   /  \_  \_\_/   /\_\/
  ¢12   /___/ /\_____/\_____/___/   / /¢11::::¢12/___/\_/___/___/\______/\ /___/ /
  ¢12   \___\/  \____\/\____\__/___/ /¢11:::::¢12\___\/ \___\___\/\_____\/ \___\/
  ¢12                          \___\/¢11::::::::::
   ¢04 Call today!             ¢11      ::::::::::¢04 There are two ways of swapping:
                               ¢11   ::::::::::¢04     - the fast and the slow.
                               ¢11   ::::::::::
          ¢02  + 47 61 19 03 55 ¢11     ::::::::::    ¢01   Try the fast way:
                                ¢11  ::::::::::
                                 ¢11    ::::::: ¢07  Zenit/Compact, Rustadvn.36
                       ¢04  Compact WHQ¢11 ::::::: ¢07     2830 Raufoss, Norway
 ¢12  __/_____________  _    _    ____¢11  :::::::¢12  _    _  ______  ______
 ¢12   /        /     \/ \/\/ \/\/_   \¢11::::::::¢12 / \/\/ \/   _  \/   /  \
 ¢12  /__    __/   /  /  / /  /   /   /\¢11:::::::¢12/  / /  /   /   /   /   /\
 ¢12  \_/   /\/   /  /  / /  /   /   / /¢11::::::¢12/  / /  /   /   /\      / /
 ¢12   /___/ /\_____/\______/___/   / /¢11:::::::¢12\______/___/___/ /\    / /
 ¢12   \___\/  \____\/\_____\__/___/ /¢11:::::::::¢12\_____\___\___\/ /___/ /
               ¢11 ...:::::::::¢12\___\/¢11::::::::::::::::::::...¢12    \___\/

       ¢10               _|_______________________________|_
          ¢10             |                               |·   
                  ¢10     | //  ¢04  R·A·M J·A·M  USHQ   ¢10    |:
                  ¢10     | /                             ||
     ¢02   _   __ ________¢10:¢02_________ __________________ __¢10:¢02______
     ¢02        //     _________   ¬\     _________   ¬\_____   ¬\
     ¢02        /     |   ¬\_ _/   _/    |   ¬\_   |    \_   |    \_ _ _
     ¢02        \     |     / \    \     .     /   |     /   |     //
     ¢02         \_________/___\    \____|____/____|____/_________/
                      ¢10 : ¢04 ÷e÷¢02\____/              ¢10      : 
 ¢02 . ___________   _____¢10¦¢02     ___ ___  ________________¢10 ¦¢02______ _________ _ _
 ¢02  \\_____     |_|__   |____/   |  ¬\/    ___________/   _   ¬\_____   ¬\\
 ¢02  _/    ¬\_   |   ¬\_ |   ¬\_  |    \____    ¬\_   ¬\_   |    \_   |    \_
 ¢02  \       /   |     / |     /  |     /   |     /     /   |     /   |     /
 ¢02   \_____/_________/_______/________/_________/_____/_________/____|____/
    ¢10                  :¦                          ¢10     ¦ 
                   ¢10   .|       ¢12  SYSoP:¢11 SLiNGeR    ¢10    | 
                    ¢10   |     ¢12  STaFF: ¢11DeUS, CRaZY,  ¢10 / |
                    ¢10   |     ¢11     ThE GoDFaTHeR    ¢10 // |
                  ¢10    _|_______________________________|_
                    ¢10   |                               |

  ¢04   /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\        ¢11 ****************************** 
                                             ¢11 *                        ¢11    *
   ¢07  FOR SUPPORTING THE ADVERTISEMAG         ¢11 * ¢12 WHY NOT SWAP WITH.....   ¢11 *   
                                             ¢11 * ¢12 THE CODER OF THIS CUTE   ¢11 *
       ¢02 IMPORTANT!¢07 FROM¢01 PROLINE             ¢11  * ¢12 MAG-PACK..............   ¢11 *
                                             ¢11 * ¢04 DEMOS, GAMES, MAGS ECT.. ¢11 *
   ¢12  UPLOAD YOUR:¢04 -¢11 NEWS                     ¢11 *                           ¢11 *
               ¢04   -¢11 SWAP ADS, BBS-ADS        ¢11 *   ¢01    SPIRIT/KRONICAL     ¢11 *
               ¢04    ¢11 MEMBERSHIP ADS           ¢11 *   ¢07     P.O. BOX 914       ¢11 * 
               ¢04   -¢11 MESSAGES                 ¢11 *   ¢07      MORLEY 6062       ¢11 *
               ¢04   -¢11 PARTY INVITATIONS        ¢11 *   ¢07      PERTH W.A.        ¢11 *
                                             ¢11 *   ¢07      AUSTRALIA         ¢11 *
         ¢10  AT THE SAVAGE WORLD HQ            ¢11 *                           ¢11 *
          ¢04     COSMO POLITAN                 ¢11 *   ¢04 100% REPLY TO ALL!!    ¢11 * 
                                             ¢11 *                           ¢11 *
          ¢06     +49-208-861987               ¢11  ******************************
   ¢04  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

    ¢09   +-------------------------------+         
    ¢09   |                               |          
    ¢09   | ¢12THE TRENDY DEALER ¢04of ¢12RAM-JAM ¢09 |             
    ¢09   |                              ¢09 |
    ¢09   +-------------------------------+     ¢07     *******************   
    ¢09   |                               |         ¢12  FOR¢02 HOT¢12 SWAP WITH
    ¢09   | ¢04 Latest, hottest and fastest?¢09 |             ¢06  MAD ELKS
    ¢09   | ¢04    Newest Italian warez?    ¢09 |            ¢11   WRITE TO:
    ¢09   | ¢04The last issue of ¢11THE CHARTS?¢09 |        
    ¢09   |      ¢12 RAM JAM ¢04quality?       ¢09 |         ¢02     QWERTY\MDE 
    ¢09   |                              ¢09 |         ¢11    ADRIAN DOLNY
    ¢09   +-------------------------------+         ¢11    62-850 LISKOW
    ¢09   |                              ¢09 |         ¢11    WOJ. KALISKIE
    ¢09   |     ¢07    EUGENIO GORI         ¢09 |         ¢11       POLAND
    ¢09   |    ¢01Via P.della Valle 12/5    ¢09 |          ¢04    DISK=ANSWER
    ¢09   |     ¢01   50127 Firenze         ¢09 |     ¢07     *******************
    ¢09   |       ¢01     Italy             ¢09 |
    ¢09   |                              ¢09 |
    ¢09   +-------------------------------+

   ¢12   _________________     ¢12 __  ___________  _____________________________   
 ¢11::¢12/\/_   /  ___/ / / /\¢11::::¢12/  \/  /  ___/  \/  /  __ /  ___/   __ /  __  /\¢11::
 ¢11:¢12/   /  /  ___/ / / / /¢11:::¢12/  \   /  ___/  \   /  __ /  ___/      /\__  \/ /¢11::
 ¢12/___/  /_____/_____/ /¢11:::¢12/___/  /_____/___/  /_____/_____/___/__/______/\/¢11:::
  ¢12  \__\/                  ¢12  \__\/        \__\/                        ¢11:::::::
           ¢10    New members worldwide are welcome to our team!          ¢11:::::::
            ¢04 ... For friendship & fun, contact Compact today! ...      ¢11:::::::
                 ¢01  WHQ:¢07 Rustadvn.36, 2830 Raufoss, Norway.             ¢11:::::::
               ¢01 SHQ:¢07 Olofsbo 120a, 31191 Falkenberg, Sweden.           ¢11:::::::
           ¢01  BHQ:¢07 Wirtzfelder Weg 14, 4750 Butgenbach, Belgium.        ¢11:::::::
                    ¢04  Call organizer at: ¢06 +47 61192682                 ¢11:::::::
                    ¢04  Call WHQ BBS at:   ¢06 +47 61190355                 ¢11:::::::
                                                          ¢11 .....::::::::::::::

   ¢10 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\       ¢04   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
   ¢10 \¢04  ________________________ ¢10 \       ¢04  <                             ¢04  >
   ¢10 /¢04 |                        |¢10 /      ¢04   >¢11 SUPPORT OUR¢12 ADVERTISEMAG¢11 WITH ¢04< 
   ¢10 \¢04 |¢11 IF YOU WANNA SWAP WITH¢04 |¢10 \      ¢04   <                              ¢04 >
   ¢10 /¢04 |¢11 AN¢12 MAD ELK THAN WRITE ¢04 |¢10 /      ¢04   < ¢07-¢01 NEWS                       ¢04 <
   ¢10 \¢04 |  ¢11 TO¢12 QWERTY\MAD ELKS  ¢04 |¢10 \      ¢04   > ¢07-¢01 SWAP ADVERTS, BBS ADVERTS  ¢04 > 
   ¢10 /¢04 |                       ¢04 |¢10 /      ¢04   < ¢01 ¢01 AND MEMBERSHIP ADVERTS     ¢04 <
   ¢10 \¢04 |  ¢02   CONTACT US AT:    ¢04 |¢10 \      ¢04   > ¢07-¢01 MESSAGES                   ¢04 > 
   ¢10 /¢04 |  ¢07     QWERTY\MDE      ¢04 |¢10 /      ¢04   < ¢07-¢01 PARTY INVITATIONS          ¢04 < 
   ¢10 \¢04 |  ¢01    ADRIAN DOLNY     ¢04 |¢10 \      ¢04   >                              ¢04 > 
   ¢10 /¢04 |  ¢01   62-850 LISKOW     ¢04 |¢10 /      ¢04   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
   ¢10 \¢04 |  ¢01   WOJ. KALISKIE     ¢04 |¢10 \         ¢10   WRITE TO STING OF PROLINE:
   ¢10 /¢04 |  ¢01       POLAND        ¢04 |¢10 /            ¢05      DIRK DALLMANN 
   ¢10 \¢04 |                       ¢04 |¢10 \             ¢05    STEINFURTSTR.12        
   ¢10 /¢04 | ¢12 SEND DISK FOR ANSWER! ¢04|¢10 /             ¢05  45884 GELSENKIRCHEN
   ¢10 \¢04 | ¢12GREETZ TO ALL CONTACTS!¢04|¢10 \             ¢05        GERMANY
   ¢10 /¢04 |________________________|¢10 /
   ¢10 \                           ¢10 \
   ¢10  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

    ¢12 __/_____________  _____    ____              
    ¢12  /        /     \/     \/\/_   \¢11:::        ¢07   .oOo. ¢01KrOnIcAl ¢07.oOo.
    ¢12 /__    __/   /  /   /  /   /   /\¢11::       
    ¢12 \_/   / /   /  /   /  /   /   / /¢11::       ¢04  -=>¢10 FoR ThE LaTeStS¢04 <=-
    ¢12  /___/ /\_____/\_____/___/   / /¢11:::             ¢10  WaReS...... 
    ¢12  \___\/  \____\/\____\__/___/ /¢11::::                  
      ¢12                       \___\/¢11:::::             ¢06  WrItE tO: 
    ¢04 Call today!                   ¢11:::::              
                                   ¢11:::::        ¢04 *-*¢02 TrAuMa/KrOnIcAl ¢04*-* 
                                   ¢11:::::          ¢11   29 SWINCER WAY  
          ¢10   + 47 61 19 03 55      ¢11:::::          ¢11   KOONDOOLA 6064
                                   ¢11:::::          ¢11     PERTH W.A.
                                      ¢11::          ¢11     AUSTRALIA
                        ¢04  Compact WHQ ¢11:: 
   ¢12 __/_____________  _    _    ____  ¢11::      ¢12   DoNt DeLaY..WrIte ToDaY!     
   ¢12  /        /     \/ \/\/ \/\/_   \¢11:::
   ¢12 /__    __/   /  /  / /  /   /   /\¢11::          ¢04    1001% Reply!! 
   ¢12 \_/   /\/   /  /  / /  /   /   / /¢11::
   ¢12  /___/ /\_____/\______/___/   / /¢11:::
   ¢12  \___\/  \____\/\_____\__/___/ /¢11::::

 ¢04 ...ooOO¢06 P R O L I N E ¢04OOoo...        ¢10  -------------------------------------
                                                  ¢10  -¢04 R A M   J A M¢10 -
 ¢10  CONTACT STING OF PROLINE                     ¢02   Taste the Difference
 ¢10 FOR SOME FAST AND FRIENDSHIP                  ¢11   Send your votes to:
        ¢07     SWAP AT:                           ¢12       THE CHARTS  
     ¢12     DIRK DALLMANN                         ¢04       P.O BOX 23
     ¢11    STEINFURTHSTR.12                       ¢04    I-07040 FERTILIA        
     ¢11  45884 GELSENKIRCHEN                      ¢04         ITALY
     ¢11      - GERMANY -
                                              ¢01 The only¢06 CHART¢01 which is out  
 ¢04 ALSO ¢06A1200 ¢04USERS ARE WELCOME                  ¢01     every month....  
 ¢12 -----                               ¢10   ------------------------------------- 
    ¢11      BACKWARD NEVER !¢12 ____

  ¢10   ___  ___           _____        
 ¢04+--¢10/ _ \/ _ \/\/\¢11deus-¢10/ / _ \/\/\¢04---+        ¢10::::¢02+¢10::::¢04  KRONICAL!¢10  ::::¢02+¢10::::
 ¢04|:¢10/ / _/ _  /    \¢04:¢10/\/ / _  /    \¢04::|      ¢10  ::                           :: 
 ¢04|:¢10\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_)¢04:|      ¢10  :: ¢11 FoR¢12 CoOl¢11 AnD¢12 FrIeNdShIp ¢10 :: 
 ¢04|::::¢10\_)¢04:¢10\/¢04::::::¢10\/¢04:::¢10\/¢04:::¢10\/¢04:::::::|      ¢10  :: ¢11 SwAp..........WrItE tO: ¢10 ::  
 ¢04|:+»   ¢06 Taste the difference    ¢04 «+:|      ¢10  ::                          ¢10 :: 
 ¢04+------+---------------------+------+      ¢10  ::  ¢04    ImPaKt/KrOnIcAl     ¢10 ::
 ¢04|\Oo.                   ¢04 \..........|      ¢10  ::                          ¢10 ::
 ¢04|.\    ¢11For ¢04ELITE ¢11trading:¢04 \.........|      ¢10  ::  ¢07    8 RESTWELL ROAD     ¢10 :: 
 ¢04|..\                      ¢04 \........|      ¢10  ::  ¢07    BOSSLEY PARK        ¢10 ::
 ¢04|...\      ¢12  POSDNUOS      ¢04 \.......|      ¢10  ::  ¢07    N.S.W. 2176         ¢10 ::
 ¢04|....\                      ¢04 \......|      ¢10  ::  ¢07    AUSTRALIA           ¢10 ::  
 ¢04|.....\ ¢10  Cristiano Micoli  ¢04  \.....|      ¢10  ::                          ¢10 ::
 ¢04|......\  ¢10 Via D'Aragona 12   ¢04 \....|       ¢10 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 
 ¢04|.......\  ¢10 66100  -  Chieti   ¢04 \...|
 ¢04|........\    ¢10   ITALY          ¢04 \..|
 ¢04|.........\                      ¢04 \.|
 ¢04|..........\                   ¢04 .oO\|

    ¢11  ________________________          ¢04   *******************************
    ¢11 |                       ¢11 |                  ¢04  * ¢02BLACKJACK¢04 *                
    ¢11 | ¢12IF YOU WANNA SWAP WITH¢11 |               
    ¢11 | ¢12AN¢04 MAD ELK ¢12THAN WRITE ¢11 |              ¢10   FOR COOL SWAPPING!! 
    ¢11 |  ¢12 TO ¢04QWERTY\MAD ELKS  ¢11 |               ¢10       WRITE TO:
    ¢11 |                       ¢11 |        
    ¢11 |    ¢12 CONTACT US AT:    ¢11 |              ¢12  SPLATTERHEAD/BLACKJACK  
    ¢11 |    ¢04 QWERTY\MDE\MST    ¢11 |                 ¢11   VESA KIVISILTA    
    ¢11 |   ¢07   ADRIAN DOLNY     ¢11 |                 ¢11  LEPOLANKATU 3B22
    ¢11 |   ¢07  62-850 LISKOW     ¢11 |                 ¢11     15210 LAHTI  
    ¢11 |   ¢07  WOJ. KALISKIE     ¢11 |                 ¢11       FINLAND   
    ¢11 |   ¢07     POLAND         ¢11 |         ¢04   *******************************   
    ¢11 |                       ¢11 |                   
    ¢11 | ¢01 SEND DISK FOR ANSWER!¢11 |             
    ¢11 | ¢01GREETZ TO ALL CONTACTS!¢11|            
    ¢11 |________________________|

                              ¢04   :::::       
                              ¢04   :::::    ¢10  ******************************
                              ¢04   :::::
                              ¢04   :::::             ¢10   * ¢04TOONS ¢10*
                              ¢04   :::::   
     ¢12 Elite ¢11shoud write for   ¢04   :::::      ¢11  FOR SWAPPING COOL WARES!!  
       ¢11swapping the latest    ¢04   :::::        ¢11       WRITE TO:
                              ¢04   :::::
                              ¢04   :::::        ¢12  HEAVYWEIGHT/TOONS WHQ        
     ¢10   Ikon/Compact Inc.     ¢04   :::::
       ¢05 WirtzfelderWeg 14     ¢04   :::::         ¢04    96 ROBINSON ROAD 
       ¢05  4750 Butgenbach      ¢04   :::::         ¢04      MORLEY 6062
       ¢05      Belgium          ¢04   :::::         ¢04      PERTH W.A.
                              ¢04   :::::         ¢04      AUSTRALIA 
                              ¢04   :::::      
                              ¢04   :::::    ¢10  ******************************  
                              ¢04   :::::
                              ¢04   :::::
                              ¢04   :::::
                              ¢04   :::::
            ¢04   ...::::::::::::::::::::

   ¢12 ___  ___           _____        
¢11+--¢12/ _ \/ _ \/\/\¢04deus-¢12/ / _ \/\/\¢11---+    ¢04   :::::
¢11: ¢12/ / _/ _  /    \ /\/ / _  /    \¢11  :    ¢04   :::::
¢11: ¢12\/\ \_// (_/\/\ \\__/ //_/ /\/\_)¢11 :    ¢04   ::::: 
¢11:    ¢12\_) \/      \/   \/   \/      ¢11 :    ¢04   ::::: 
¢11+-----------------------------------+    ¢04   :::::
¢11 \    ¢04   __                      ¢11  /     ¢04   :::::  ¢11 If you're a bit faster than
¢11  \   ¢04   |_)                     ¢11 /      ¢04   ::::: ¢11   the rest, swapp with me!
  ¢11 \     ¢04| \ O C K E T E E R     ¢11/       ¢04   :::::
  ¢11  \                           ¢11/        ¢04   :::::    ¢12    Zenit/Compact Inc.
  ¢11   \   ¢10 Franco  La Cioppa    ¢11/         ¢04   :::::    ¢07      Rustadvegen 36 
   ¢11   \  ¢10 Via Arniense  156   ¢11/          ¢04   :::::    ¢07       2830 Raufoss 
    ¢11   \  ¢10 66100 - Chieti    ¢11/           ¢04   :::::    ¢07          Norway
     ¢11   \    ¢10  ITALY        ¢11/            ¢04   ::::: 
 ¢11        \                 ¢11/             ¢04   :::::    
 ¢11  /~~~~~~\_______________/~~~~~~\       ¢04   :::::
 ¢11 /                               \      ¢04   ::::: 
¢11 /   ¢04   No Disk(s) = No Answer   ¢11  \     ¢04   ::::: 
¢11(___________________________________)    ¢04   ::::::::::::::::::::...

   ¢12   __/____________  ______  _________
   ¢11::::¢12/      /   _  \/  _   \/        /\       
   ¢11:::¢12/  ----/   /   /\   \__/__    __/ /
   ¢11::¢12/   ___/   /   /  \_  \_\_/   /\_\/
   ¢11:¢12/___/\_/___/___/\______/\ /___/ /
   ¢11:¢12\___\/ \___\___\/\_____\/ \___\/            ¢02   CONTACT MAD ELKS AT:
   ¢11:::::¢04 There are two ways of swapping:          ¢11     QWERTY\MDE
   ¢11:::::   ¢04  - the fast and the slow.              ¢12   ADRIAN DOLNY
   ¢11:::::                                           ¢12   62-850 LISKOW
   ¢11:::::      ¢02 Try the fast way:                   ¢12   WOJ. KALISKIE
   ¢11:::::                                           ¢12    P O L A N D
   ¢11:::::  ¢10 Zenit/Compact,¢05 Rustadvn.36
   ¢11:::::    ¢05  2830 Raufoss, Norway                 ¢04    DISK 100%...
   ¢11:::::¢12__/    _  ______  ______
   ¢11::::: ¢12/ \/\/ \/   _  \/   /  \
   ¢11:::::¢12/  / /  /   /   /   /   /\
   ¢11::::¢12/  / /  /   /   /\      / /
   ¢11::::¢12\______/___/___/ /\    / /
   ¢11:::::¢12\_____\___\___\/ /___/ /
   ¢11:::::::::::::::...  ¢12  \___\/

      ¢12  -=> ¢11THE FUN FACTORY ¢12<=-              ¢10   * ¢04PARAMOUNT PRODS.¢10 *   

         ¢04  CONTACT ¢06TINY AT:
                                             ¢12  SHOCK/PARAMOUNT PRODS.      
       ¢10     - JEFF SYMONS -                  ¢11      VAANINGSYN. 15 
                                             ¢11      2900 FAGERNES
       ¢11     25 FURNER ROAD                   ¢11         NORWAY 
       ¢11     MITCHELL PARK                      
       ¢11     5043 S.A.                          ¢10 * ¢04PARAMOUNT PRODS.¢10 * 
       ¢11     AUSTRALIA

     ¢07   ALSO FOR............

 ¢10 / ¢04eAsTsIdEpOwEr¢02 _ ¢04hAs¢02 __¢04 nO LiMiT !! ¢10\
 ¢10 \       ¢02       //     \/             ¢10/
 ¢10 /   ¢02   /\_____/ \ /\  /\/\______     ¢10\          ¢07 .oOo. ¢04BALANCE ¢07.oOo.
 ¢10 \   ¢02   \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/     ¢10/       
 ¢10 / ¢02  ___/ /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \___   ¢10\       ¢01FOR COOL AND FRIENDSHIP SWAP!  
 ¢10 \    ¢02  \__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/      ¢10/            
 ¢10 /     ¢02    \/\_/\(______\/¢04cHaOs 93    ¢10\          ¢02    CONTACT ME:
 ¢10 \¢10--------------¢02(_/¢10-----¢02\)¢10------------¢10/          
 ¢10 (   ¢04 ^ nAmE iS BaSeD oN nAtUrE! ^    ¢10)          ¢05   BLAZE/BALANCE 
 ¢10 /------------------------------------¢10\          ¢10   HAGATERRASSE 8  
 ¢10 \.oO ¢11aCcEpT lEgAl¢12 100% fRi3nDsHiP¢10 Oo.¢10/          ¢10   3500 HONEFOSS
 ¢10 /¢11 U wAnNa SwAp WiTh mE?! KeWl LeTtAs ¢10\          ¢10   NORWAY
 ¢10 \ ¢11RuLeZ oFcOz & dOn`T fOrGeT dA DiSx ¢10/
 ¢10 /        ¢02   CHAOS OF ANALOG          ¢10\          ¢11   WRITE TODAY!!
 ¢10 \        ¢07     Dirk Wiemer            ¢10/
 ¢10 /        ¢07  Thueringerstr.150         ¢10\
 ¢10 \        ¢07  14770 Brandenburg         ¢10/
 ¢10 /        ¢07       Germany              ¢10\
 ¢10 \  ¢11 I`ll tRy 2 rEpLy 4 eV3Ryb0dY !   ¢10/
 ¢10 / ¢12sHoRt gReEtZ:¢04SANITY,ABYSS,ESKIMOS, ¢10\
 ¢10 \ ¢04NUANCE,TDD,INFECT,SAVAGE....a.s.o. ¢10/
¢04       _    _    _    _    _    _    
¢04      /\\  /\\  /\\  /\\  /\\  /\\   
¢04     /  \\/  \\/  \\/ // /  \\/  \\ 
¢04    / /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\// / /\ \\/\ \\             ¢11  ***** ¢12SUHU ¢11*****           
¢04   /  \/ // / //\/ ///_/ / / //\\\//             
¢04   \/\  // / //\  //\/\\ \/ //\ \\        ¢04  FOR SWAPPING THE COOLEST WARES!   
¢04     / // / // / //\  //\  //\  //                     
¢04     \//  \//  \//  \//  \// / //                  ¢01    WRITE TO:  
      tH3 $kY hA$ n0 L!miT  ¢04 \//¢02(C)                  
¢11   U n3eD a k3wL pAl 4 a n!c3 cHaT &              ¢07  SUHU/INDEPENDANT 
¢11   $wAp iN pUr3 fR!3nD$hIp? oK, tH3n              ¢06  RUSTHOLLINK. 7 C 21 
¢11   mAk3 U`r m0v3 aNd wR!t3 mE s00n !              ¢06  FIN-08200 LOHJA
¢12   Dirk Wiemer   Thueringer Str. 150              ¢06  FINLAND
¢12   14770 Brandenburg  United Germany         
¢10 ---------------------¢02/\¢10--------------          ¢11   ***** ¢12SUHU ¢11*****
 ¢04 ..gRaPh!ciAn ¢02/\     \/ ¢04mAiLtRaD3r..
    ¢02   /\_____/  )/\  /\/\______     
    ¢02   \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/     
    ¢02   / /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \   
    ¢02   \__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/      
    ¢02      \/\_/\(______\/    
 ¢04 cHa0$/aNaL0g ¢02(_/     \) ¢04100% r3pLy!

¢11         ___/\      /\___      /\___      /\_        /\___      /\_______    
¢11        /    o\    /    o\    /    o\    /o  |      /    o\    /o_______/
¢11       /   |  \\  /  ||  \\  /   |  \\  //   |___  /   |  \\  //  |____ 
¢11      /        \\/   ||   \\/        \\//    |   \/    |   \\//   |    \ 
¢11     /     |     \   ||     \    |     \     |    \    |     \    |     \
¢11     \_____|_____/___||_____/____|_____/__________/__________/________  /
                                                              ¢04 chao$ ¢11 \/
¢10  -----------------------^---------------------------------------^----------
 ¢04 & aLwAy$ r3/X\3mBeR :    ¢02 t H 3  $ k Y  h A s  n 0  l ! m i T    ¢04 : y3ke!?
¢10  -----------------------^---------------------------------------^----------
  ¢04 gRaPhiCiAn ¢10//     \/                       ¢12      Dirk Wiemer    
    ¢10  /\_____/ \ /\  /\/\______               ¢12  Thueringer Str. 150    
    ¢10  \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/               ¢12   14770 Brandenburg      
  ¢10 ___/ /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \_____     ¢07 [ oFc0Z $tuP!d n3w Dschoermenie! ]    
  ¢10    \__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/          ¢07 .....d3nn WER i$t HEUTE noch $ToLZ
  ¢10       \/\_/\(______\/   ^            ¢07 ein s0g3nAnnT3r d3utscheR zU sein?
  ¢10            (_/     \) ¢04mA|LtRaD3r     ¢07 fUcK off All p!$$3d fAscho-$hiT !!
¢11 n0w folX, wRiT3 s00n & mAk3 mY dAy. 100% aN$w3r gUaRaNt3D - fR!3nD$hiP mAk3s  
¢11 iT pos$!bLe. l3t`s dEfiN3 n3w diZ woRd! bY dA waY, gR33tZ 2 aLL mY conTax !!
¢11                                        ^ tHanX mUm, tHat I mAy bE liv3! ^ 

¢04            __/\____________._/\  _______/\  _______/\  __/\_______ 
¢04            \_   .____/\_   ¦   \ \_   .   \ \_   .   \ \_   _____/
¢04            /    |_____/    :    \/    |    \/    |    \/____.    \ 
¢04           /     |     \    .     \    .     \    |     \    |     \ 
¢04          /      ¦      \   |      \   |      \   ¦      \   ¦      \ 
¢04       .oO\_____________/___¦______/___¦______/__________/__________/Oo.
                           ¢04 : ¢02 chao$! ¢04 :                           
¢07 iF You waNNa puR3 fri3ndLY tRadinG? tH3n You  ¢10  ···:----^-----------^--------
¢07 don`t h3$titate to wRit3 m3 now!  b3 $uRe to  ¢10     ¦  ¢11 CHAOS OF ANALOG    
¢07 g3t a fa$t an$w3r.  çooL`n`Long L3tta$ rul3$  ¢10     |  ¢12   Dirk Wiemer
¢07 ofçour$3 and don`t forg3t da u$uaL di$k(s?)!  ¢10     | ¢12Thueringer Str. 150   
¢07 i al$o pr3f3r aLL(!) oth3r crazY $tuff,whiçh  ¢10     < ¢12 14770 Brandenburg   
¢07 do Ya m3 $end. 100% r3pLY guarantee! Yo foLx  ¢10     ¦ ¢12      Germany      
¢07 wRit3 $oon & mak3 mY daY....d3$troY fa$ci$m!  ¢10    ·:----^-----------^--------
¢07  & aLwAy$ r3/X\3mBeR :    ¢02 t H 3  $ k Y  h A s  n 0  l ! m i T   ¢07  : y3ke!?
¢01$om3 howdY`s to: ¢07dire/tdd,dark/jetset,fashion design/ex-prime,exumer&trasher/
¢07sanity,venom/eskimos,rave/last aid,overdog/nuance,rapper/isch crew,mdb/savage
¢07blind guard/manitou,akaabath/nerve axis,ufo/idk,fanatic/submission,duke/abyss
¢07zorro/infect,m.i.y-93,vortex/bronx,mr.gumble/futura,jay master/public enemy...

¢01         ____    |\     .    X          
¢01       /\\_  \   | | /\ |\  / \  __/\   
¢01      /..\ |  \  | |/  \| |/._.\/ ___\                  
¢01     / /\ \| \ \ | | /\ | | / \ \/____          ¢04   .ooOOoo. ¢10IRIS ¢04.ooOOoo.
¢01    / /  \ \ |\ \| |/__\| | \_/ / \__ \           
¢01   / /____\ \| \ \ |/___| |\___/\ __/ /          ¢11  FOR SWAPPING THE LATEST!   
¢01  / //_______\  \  |    |___  ___\_  /                  
¢01  \/             \/         \/     \/               ¢01    SPACEHAWK/IRIS  
                                                    ¢07    HOGEVEIEN 47     
    ¢04  Dynamite / Analog ¢11is searching                ¢07    N-4026 STAVANGER
  ¢11    more Contax  for friendly swap                ¢07    NORWAY
  ¢11        all around the World.
  ¢11    Just take your pen and write a              ¢04 .ooOOoo.¢10 IRIS ¢04.ooOOoo. 
  ¢11      funny letter to this addy:

        ¢12    Sirko Zidlewitz     
        ¢12   Karl-Sachs-Str.52
        ¢12  O-1800  Brandenburg
        ¢12       Germany
    ¢10  If you include a disk (or two)
    ¢10  be sure to get a fast answer.

    ¢04      _    _    _    _    _    _    
¢04     -===/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\==/\\   
¢04        / // /  \\/  \\/  \\/  \\/ //                      
¢04       / //\\ /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\/\ \\//              ¢10 .::.::. ¢05DEICIDE ¢10.::.::.    
¢04      /   _// \/ //// //// //\/ ///             
¢04     / /\ \\/\  /// \//// //\  ///_               ¢04  FOR FRIENDLY SWAPPING!   
¢04     \/// //\\\///  \/// // / //\/\\         
¢04       / //\ \\  .^.  / // / //\  //              ¢11     PANTERA/DEICIDE
¢04     ==\//==\//=¢02chao$¢04=\//==\//==\//=-             ¢12  JANNE PARKKISENNIEMI
¢12         conTaCt k3rNaL oF aNaLoG                 ¢12      HOVSLAGARG.64
¢12    [cod3r, maiLtRad3r & pC-$UpPoRt3r]            ¢12     19431 UPPL.VASBY
  ¢11             Mario Hoehne                       ¢12           SWEDEN
  ¢11       Magdeburger Landstr. 130                   
  ¢11      14770  Brandenburg / Havel                 ¢02    DISK+LETTER=100% 
  ¢11            United Germany                    
                                                  ¢10 .::.::. ¢05DEICIDE ¢10.::.::. 
  ¢10  If you're ¢05KEWL¢10, you're ¢05RIGHT ¢10here!  
    ¢04 100% reply ¢104 cool lettas & disx.  
  ¢07  gR33tZ 2 aLl mY fRiEnD$ worLDWiD3!  
  ¢12  .. `tH3 $KY ha$ no limit` rUl3z ..  

         ¢02         ______  /\  __________/\    /\___  /\_____
         ¢02         \___  \/  \/   /__  \   \  / __  \/ _____/
         ¢02         ___/  /_   \_ /__/  /   / / / /  / /____
         ¢02        / _   /  \    /     /   /\/  \/  /  \_  /
         ¢02       /__/__/___/\  /__/__/_____ \__/__/\_____/
               ¢10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^¢02\/¢10^^^^^^^^^^^^¢02\/¢10^^^^^^^^^^¢04[e]

                ¢11   For ¢12swapping ¢11and ¢12friendship¢11 write to

                   ¢04     T.N.T  of  ANALOG / Germany

                       ¢07         Ralf Merker
                       ¢07    E.-Altenkirch Str.35
                       ¢07         Brandenburg
                       ¢07           O-1800

          ¢10      Musicans and Cool'n'long Letterwriters are
          ¢10          prefered.(I'am Musican and Swapper)
          ¢10      Please Only legal+new Stuff,own Productions
          ¢10             also Sample and Module swap.
          ¢05         For phreaking call (+49) 03381-700972

           ¢10               D A     M I G H T Y
  ¢04                                        _|_
  ¢04         ___  ________   ____   __  __   |    _____ ____    ____
  ¢04        |   |/ ______ \ /    \ |  \|  | ___  /  __//    \  /   /
  ¢04        |O _/ /|  _|/ //  _|_ \|     O|/   \/  / _/  _/| \/  _/_
  ¢04        |: \_ \|O \_  \_   |   \  \  ||   \ \  \/ |  \__  \  \/.\ 
  ¢04       _|.  |\_/:  |\__/_______/  |\_:|_____/_____|  :||__/_____/
  ¢04   +:==\____|==|___|===========|__|===============\___|=¢11[93]¢04======:+
                      ¢11        australia's best
                     ¢04 ---=========================---

                     ¢12   brings ya some cool addy's!!

          ¢11   For Cool Swapping Write To One Of These Addys

  ¢05Jason            ¢04 | ¢05<Psyche>  ¢04 |¢05 <Spirit>   ¢04 | ¢05<Coyote>  ¢04 |¢05 <Trauma>
 ¢10 28 Greencroft Gdn¢04 | ¢10PO Box 707¢04 |¢10 PO Box 914 ¢04 |¢10 PO Box 936¢04 |¢10 29 Swincer Way
 ¢10 Leeming          ¢04 | ¢10Mirrabooka¢04 |¢10 Morley     ¢04 |¢10 Morley    ¢04 |¢10 Koondoola 6064   
 ¢10 W.A. 6149        ¢04 | ¢10W.A. 6061 ¢04 |¢10 W.A. 6062  ¢04 |¢10 W.A. 6062 ¢04 |¢10 Perth W.A. 
 ¢10 Australia        ¢04 | ¢10Australia ¢04 |¢10 Australia  ¢04 |¢10 Australia ¢04 |¢10 Australia
     ¢07  /\/\/\ ¢01KRONICAL ¢07/\/\/\              ¢11   ***** ¢12KRONICAL ¢11*****    
    ¢10   CALL OUR ¢11COOL ¢12BBS ¢10NOW!           ¢04   CONTACT ME FOR ¢10SWAPPING ¢04THE   
   ¢10    FOR THE LATEST WARES!            ¢04   LATEST AND FOR ¢10MODULE ¢04AND
                                        ¢04  ¢10 SAMPLE ¢04SWAPPING..!!
      ¢04  - InSaNe OvErDoSe -                 
                                            ¢01    DEADLOCK/KRONICAL
      ¢01    +61 054 463159                    ¢07      P.O. BOX 50
                                            ¢07      WANGARATTA 3676 
     ¢04  SYS-OP: ¢02FELON/KRONICAL               ¢07      PERTH W.A.
                                            ¢07      AUSTRALIA
   ¢12      5 MEG..68030 POWER                    
   ¢12    DUAL HST 16.8..1.5 GIG           ¢02   WRITE TODAY FOR FAST REPLY!!  

   ¢11        OPEN 7 DAYS!! 
     ¢07  /\/\/\ ¢01KRONICAL ¢07/\/\/\ 

        ¢10  .oOo.¢05 2000 A.D. ¢10.oOo.              ¢04   ::::: ¢10KRONICAL ¢04:::::
                                             ¢07  AND FOR FRIENDSHIP..!!
       ¢12       TAL/2000 A.D.                    
                                             ¢01        CONTACT:   
        ¢11      RMB 4460                           
        ¢11      WINNINDOO 3858                    ¢11   PSYCHE/KRONICAL 
        ¢11      AUSTRALIA                         ¢12    P.O. BOX 707
                                                ¢12    MIRRABOOKA 6061 
        ¢10  .oOo.¢05 2000 A.D. ¢10.oOo.                 ¢12    PERTH W.A.
                                                ¢12    AUSTRALIA
                                             ¢05    100% REPLY TO ALL!!    

¢02                          _
                         /(____________  ___/\___________     
                         \____/\_____ ~\ \____/\_____   ~\___ _ __ 
                         /    \/  __/   \/    \/    /____/ 
                      __/     /   \_  __/     /____     / 
                      \      /    /   \      /    /    / 
                      /     /    /   //     /    /    / 
             __ _ ___/     /    /   ·/     /    /    / 
                     \____/\___/    /\____/\_______ / 
                 ¢10  ===========¢02/    /¢10==============¢02|/¢04[SHK] 
                          ¢02   /    /              ¢02 : 
                          ¢02   \___/ 
              ¢07  Contact The Two ¢04IRIS ¢07WHQ's For Joining:
               ¢12 IRIS WHQ                  IRIS WHQ
              ¢11  PO BOX 2570 ULLANDHAUG,   BP 5,                 
              ¢11  N-4004 STAVANGER          F-95690 NESLES LA VALLEE
              ¢11  NORWAY                    FRANCE


¢07     _______/\  __/\___  __/\  __  __/\___  __/\___  __/\_____ _____/\_
    (______   \ \____  \ \_  \/  \ \____  \ \____  \ \________)________)K!
     |    |    \/   |   \/ \      \/   |   \/   |   \/    ____)_____   \
     |    |     \   _    \  \  /   \   |    \   |    \    |   \    |    \
                    ¢12     · ¢11L i K E   A   V i R G i N ¢11·


                        ¢04            CASKET!
                        ¢12         TUOMAANKUJA 4
                        ¢12          69950 PERHO
                        ¢11            FiNLAND
  ¢10  pLACE yOUR cALL tO ¢05tHE LAST GENERATION¢04 (dAMONES WHQ)¢05 aT¢02 +358 61 3215483

   /\_______________ ____________.      _________    ___________/  \  ____  
  /'    ____/\    | V      /     |__   _\____    \  /    ______/    \/    \ 
 /     ___|___\   : |     //¯   ___/__/   ___     \/     |     \          / 
/      |      \\_ .     _//           \_ (_________\_    |    ¯\\__   ___/  
\    __'      //    .    \\_  __       /            /  __`     ///      \   
 \_____\     //_____|_____\_____\     /__________  /_____\   _// \___   /   
        \___/                    \___/           \/      \___/[SpX]  \ /    
      ¢10                   -End Of Masturbation- 
  ¢04   Care for psychot¡c Letters?        
                                    ¢11  Some greetz.....¢12Impact,Static-Bytes,   
   ¢09  (_....Pantera/Extacy....._)      ¢12Trsi,Surprise Productions,Damones,         
   ¢01     Janne Parkkisenniemi          ¢12Vision,Parasite,Mad-Elks,Cadaver,                    
   ¢01        Hovslagarg.64              ¢12Focus,Equinox,Zenith,Kronical,Destiny                  
   ¢01      19431 Uppl.Vasby             ¢12Limited Edition,Interactive,Tech,         
   ¢01           Sweden                  ¢12And the rest of my friends....                
 ¢07 Just write a funny letter and your latest warez....¢04No independents!

 ¢11 ====================================   ¢12   ************************   
 ¢11 \¢04  Wanna swap sum k00l wares????   ¢11/     ¢04    FOR SWAPPING ONLY                       
 ¢11 /¢12. ¢05Own productions as well????   ¢12 .¢11\       ¢05    - COOL MUSIC
 ¢11 \  ¢04Friendship rules????            ¢11/       ¢05    - PD UTILITIES!
 ¢11 /¢12. ¢05Into Techno????               ¢12 .¢11\         
 ¢11 \  ¢04Draw Grafix????                 ¢11/        ¢10    CONTACT ME: 
 ¢11 /¢12.                               ¢12 .¢11\ 
 ¢11 \  ¢10If you answered ¢07YES ¢10to any of   ¢11/      ¢11   FERMIX/INTENSE.......
 ¢11 /¢12. ¢10these questions,                ¢11\      ¢11       C/CASTANO 1
 ¢11 \                                  ¢11/  ¢11  14700 PALMA DEL RIO (CORDOBA)
 ¢11 /¢12. ¢04Then Write 2 ¢05Njoi/Kronical:   ¢12 .¢11\               SPAIN
 ¢11 \         ¢02  at                     ¢11/   ¢12   ************************
 ¢11 /¢12.                               ¢12 .¢11\
 ¢11 \   ¢01 >  Rob                <       ¢11/
 ¢11 /¢12.  ¢01 >  12 Calley Dve      <     ¢12 .¢11\     ¢04WRITE TODAY....DONT DELAY!
 ¢11 \   ¢01 >  Leeming, 6149      <       ¢11/  
 ¢11 /¢12.  ¢01 >  Western Australia  <     ¢12 .¢11\      
 ¢11 \                                  ¢11/   ¢12   ************************
 ¢11 /¢12. ¢04 !¢05   Disk+Letter=Reply¢04   !    ¢12 .¢11\
 ¢11 \                                  ¢11/

                                ¢02 .
 ¢04     ____     __               ¢02 :      ¢04 ------------------------------------  
 ¢04    /  __\___/  \   ___  __  ___¢02*=-        ¢12       VIRTUAL DREAMS
 ¢04   /  /_ /  _\   \_/   \/  \|   |¢02\          ¢11            of
 ¢04  /   __)  __)   / \ O  \   \   |¢02 .         ¢12        FAIRLIGHT
 ¢04  \__/ /     \_____/    / /     |     ¢04  ------------------------------------
 ¢04       \_____/     \___/_/|_____)  
                                             ¢10       D - M A G E
     ¢10   Of ThE MiGHtY KRoN!CaL       
                                               ¢05    Ferenc Tompai
     ¢05 fOR abSOLutE hOt MAiL tRadE              ¢05    Szamos Str. 2
                                               ¢05    6723 - SZEGED
        ¢12 f3Lo(\)  /<r()n!cAL                   ¢05       HUNGARY
        ¢11    pO bOx 1o7O           
        ¢11  BRuNSWiCK M.D.C.              ¢04 ------------------------------------
        ¢11   ViCtORiA 3o56                ¢12 Fairlight¢10 - ¢11Delight of Eternal Might
                                        ¢04 ------------------------------------
        ¢04  0 dAy Ev3rY dAy!      

¢10 *                                 ¢10  *
¢10 *   ¢12   - ¢11DViZE of NERVE AXiS¢12 -    ¢10  *  ¢11 *------------------------------*
¢10 *                                 ¢10  *  ¢11 |   ¢04     PsYcHe/Kr0n!cAl      ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢04 Wants new friendship contacts ¢10  *  ¢11 *------------------------------*
¢10 *                                 ¢10  *  ¢11 | ¢12  FoR Sw/\Pp!nG ThE L/\tEsT ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢04 Write to....                  ¢10  *  ¢11 |     ¢04      Wr!tE 2:          ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢07  __                     ¢07 __   ¢10  *  ¢11 |                             ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢07  \ \ ¢04DViZE / NERVE AXiS ¢07/ /   ¢10  *  ¢11 |     ¢10  PsYchE/|<R0n!</\L     ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢07  / / ¢0129 DIANE CRESCENT  ¢07\ \   ¢10  *  ¢11 |      ¢05 P.O. BOX 707          ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢07  \ \ ¢01MOOROOLBARK 3138   ¢07/ /   ¢10  *  ¢11 |      ¢05 MIRRABOOKA 6061       ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢07  /_/ ¢01VICTORIA AUSTRALIA ¢07\_\   ¢10  *  ¢11 |      ¢05 PERTH W.A.            ¢11 |
¢10 *                                 ¢10  *  ¢11 |      ¢05 AUSTRALIA             ¢11 |
¢10 *         ¢04 * Legal only           ¢10  *  ¢11 |                             ¢11 |
¢10 *                                 ¢10  *  ¢11 |     ¢02 100% ANSWER TO ALL!!   ¢11 |
¢10 *  ¢06 DISK(s) + LETTER¢10 =¢04 100% reply ¢10  *  ¢11 |                            ¢11  |
¢10 *                                 ¢10  *  ¢11 |                              |
¢10 *************************************  ¢11 *------------------------------*

¢10    *******************************      ¢04          SiCk oF tHoSe
  ¢10  *                       ¢10      *      ¢04uSeLeSs dRuGs,mArIhuAna,cOcAiNe?
  ¢10  *       ¢04  Inve$tatioN   ¢10      *      ¢04  tRy ThIs oNe FoR GetTiNg sOmE
  ¢10  *                       ¢10      *      ¢04        REaL mEnS sTuFf!!
  ¢10  *******************************     
                                          ¢10 -=   ¢05   PaNtErA/ExTaCy¢10      =-  
     ¢07  What you think about trading            ¢11 JaNnE ParkkiSenNiEmi
     ¢07with me latest ¢01AMIGA ¢07warez and            ¢12    HoVsLagArg.64  
            ¢07 metal tapes .                     ¢12  19431 UpPl.VaSbY   
                                               ¢12       SweDen   
   ¢05 I esspecialy search underground     
   ¢05 death , trash , speed , satan ,        ¢04 add A dIsK foR a SuRe anSwEr!
   ¢05  black metal'n'hard&grind core    
      ¢05          tapes .                 ¢07 fast greez:¢01Wiper/Interactive,Psyche/
    ¢11  THE TRADER / Inve$tatioN WHQ       ¢01inoX,Masque/calibra,HiJack/alpha/s!p
    ¢12     JACEK JONCA - JASINSKI          ¢01ZoreX/IrIs,DarK/TRSI,PluGster/DeFian
    ¢12    HORBACZEWSKIEGO 55 M 13          ¢01ce....AlSo hI To tHe XTC MeMbERs...
    ¢12     PL - 54 130 WROCLAW 59       
    ¢12             POLAND               
    ¢04    Fax : +48 (0) 71 224330       

¢04                                   ____
¢04   ____  _____                     \__/                         ¢02   _
¢04   |  | /  __/_____   _____  _____ ____ ______________ ____     ¢02  / \
¢04   |  |/  / |  ___ \_/  _  \/ ___ \|  |/  _  \______  \|  | ¢02  ___/   \___
¢04   |  /  /  |  | /  /  / \_ \_| |  |  |  / \_/ _____)  \_ | ¢02  \         / 
¢04   |  \  \  |  |/  /  /   /  /| |  |  |  \    /  ____   / | ¢02   \       /
¢04   |  |\  \ |  |\  \  \__/  / | |  |  |   \___\  \__/  /  |_____¢02| | | |
¢04   |__| \_ \|__| \_ \____  /__| |  |  |\______ \____  /\_____  / ¢02| | |
¢04          \/       \/    \/     |__|  |       \/    \/       \/   ¢02| |
¢04                                   ||||                            ¢02| 
¢10 <=======================>     ¢05  Oz BBS's  ¢10    <========================>
            ¢07    RING ONE OF THESE ¢12COOL ¢07KRONICAL BOARDS NOW!!        

               ¢11 INSANE OVERDOSE (WHQ): ¢02+613 386 6669  ¢04(SysOp-Felon)    
               ¢11 THE STAR (OZHQ)      : ¢02+619 349 6535  ¢04(SysOp-The Dude)
               ¢11 THE DRUIDS KEEP      : ¢02+613 314 3399  ¢04(SysOp-Druid)              
               ¢11 HALL OF JUSTICE      : ¢02+613 300 2173  ¢04(SysOp-Justice)        

¢10 <=======================================================================>

¢12      }***   ***   ********   ***   **   ==   ******  ******  **    **
       **** ****   ***  ***   ****  **        ******  ******  **    **
       ** *** **   ********   ** ** **   **     **    **  **  **    **
       **     **   ***  ***   **  ****   **     **    **  **  **    **             
       **     **   ***  ***   **   ***   **     **    **  **  **    ** }}
       **     **   ***  ***   **   ***   **     **    ******  ********  
       **     **   ***  ***   **    **   **     **    ******  ******** 
             ¢04            - THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM -
¢11                       BUILT UP AN AUSTRALIAN DEVISON !!
   ¢10    GOLMO (-WHQ, Chief)      Blind Guard        Coon-O
   ¢05    Prof. Dengl Str. 3       Sintenbichl 6      Siedlungsstr. 3
   ¢05    6600 Reute               6600 Reute         4650 Lambach
   ¢05    Austria                  Austria            Austria
         ¢10         Major Bandit              Rave                   
         ¢05         Postfach 3                Feldstr. 3 
         ¢05         95097 Selb 4              21335 Lueneburg
         ¢05         Germany                   Germany    ¢04        M.B/MTU.
 ¢10       _/\    __/\        __/\      __/\        __/\        __/\
  ¢10      \__\   \__ \__     \__ \__   \__ \__     \__ \__     \__ \__
   ¢10    /\__   /\__\   \   /\__\___\ /\__\___\   /\__\___\   /\__\___\
   ¢10    \_  \  \_  \\  \\  \_  _\    \_  _\  __  \_  \   __  \_  \
     ¢10   /  \\_ /   \\  \\_ /   \_    /   \_/  \_ /  \\_/  \_ /  \\_
  ¢04 -=-=¢10/  _/ //   _//    //  _/ /-=-/     / _/ //     / _/ //  _/ /¢04-=-=-
       ¢10\____/ \____/\___/ \____/    \_________/ \_________/ \____/
  ¢04 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-¢02>JaMMie<-
                           ¢11 -¢12i¢11-¢12N¢11-¢12F¢11-¢12E¢11-¢12C¢11-¢12T¢11-
                    ¢10 -¢05ThErEs No MeDiCiNe AgAiNsT¢10-

               ¢04       Get in touch with us under...

   ¢11  (Joining)          (Swapping)         (SwApPiNg)      (SwAppiNg)

   ¢04   Hobbes             JaMMie              PaCe            SliMe

  ¢12 Mats Lundqvist     Joakim Bengtsson   Roger Andersson  Ola Wiklander
  ¢12 Rorumsv.7          Fjallsippev.14     Villav.17        Stockrosv.2
  ¢12 272 94 Simrishamn  311 33 Falkenberg  950 55 Sangis    311 33 Falkenberg
  ¢12 Sweden             Sweden             Sweden           Sweden

  ¢10 \\                                                                        //
   // ¢12  Are you trying so hard to get some decent routines up and running? ¢10  \\
   \\  ¢11        Coding all by yourself and getting no where fast?           ¢10  //
   //   ¢12           Wanna swap sources, ideas and algorithms?               ¢10  \\
   \\        ¢11                 If so, then write to                         ¢10  // 
   //                                                                      ¢10  \\
   \\           ¢04                Spicoally/Paralax                          ¢10  //
   //            ¢12               PO BOX 154                                 ¢10  \\
   \\            ¢12               Berkeley Vale                              ¢10  //
   //            ¢12               N.S.W 2259                                 ¢10  \\
   \\             ¢12              Australia                                  ¢10  //
   //                                                                      ¢10  \\
  ¢10 ++------------------------------------------------------------------------++

¢12             ____________________   ________  ____     __
             \____  ____/ \______\ /        \/ /\ \   / /\ 
                 /  \    \ /______ \   __   /\ \ \ \ / /\ \
                 \  /    / \______\/  /  \  \/ /  \___/  \ \ 
                 /  \    \ /______ \ /____\ /\ \         / /
                 \__/    /_\_____/ /________\ \/         \/ 
                 / /                               ____     __
  __________    / /____________________ __________/ /\ \   / /\   __________
 / \_______/\  / /\____  ____/\______ // \_______/\ \ \ \ / /\ \ / \_______/
 \ /_______\ \/ /     /  \  / /     // \ /_______ / /  \___/  \ \\ /_______ 
 / \______/ \/ /      \  /  \ \  __//  / \______/ \ \         / // \______/ 
 \ /______  / /\      /  \  / /\ \ /   \ /______  / /         \ \\ /______  
 /_\_____/ /_/\_\     \__/  \/  \_\    /_\_____/ /_/  GUNNER   \_/_\_____/  
¢01 *****************************************************************************
                            WRITE TO:  
¢02    -LONG LETTERZ                    ¢11LIAVEIEN 29
¢02    -FAST CONTACTZ                   ¢11N-3058 SOLBERGMOEN 
¢02    -DISK = 100% ANSWER              ¢11N O R W A Y

                __/\_. __/\_________/\____________._/\
                 \_   | \_   _____/\_   .____/\_   ¦   \ [tbM]
                 /    | /____.    \/    |_____/    :    \
                /     |/     |     \    |     \    .     \
               /      |      ¦      \   ¦      \   |      \
                      :                            :              
                \_   .____/\_   .    \_  _____/\_   ¦   \
                /    |_____/    ¦    /    __)__/    :    \
               /     |     \    .    \__ |     \   /¯\    \
              /      ¦      \   |      / ¦      \          \
¢11                   - BART -                   - RAPPER -                         
¢04                H-1195 BUDAPEST            H-1204 BUDAPEST      
                JOKAI 2.  X/30.           KOSSUTH 36.  V/59.     
                    HUNGARY                    HUNGARY           
 ¢02             ( GFX,DESIGN,SWAP )         ( CODE,SWAP,GFX )    

¢04            __________  __________________________ ______ ____________
           /         / /        /       /        //      \\           \
          /     ____/ /   _____/  _____/    ____//    ____\\___     ___\ 
         /     /___/ /   /___/   /___/     /___//    /____/\__/\    \__/
        /      __/  /    __//    __//      __/ /    /         \ \    \
       /\     /_/  /\    \//\    \//\     /_/ /\    \          \/    /
       \ \    \______\    \\ \    \\ \    \____ \    \________ /    /
        \ \          \\    \\ \    \\ \        \ \           //    /
         \ \__________\\    \\ \____\\ \________\ \_________//    /
          \/__________/ \    \\/____/ \/________/\/________//    /
                       \ \____\                            /____/
                        \/____/                           /____/

 ¢12              RADAVI              STRANGER                MSW
 ¢11           P.O.BOX 7143          P.O.BOX 48           P.O.BOX 399
         3430 JC NIEUWEGEIN     8090 AA  WEZEP     3430 AJ  NIEUWEGEIN
              HOLLAND              HOLLAND               HOLLAND
    ¢10        (AMIGA & PC)        (AMIGA & SNES)           (AMIGA)

      __  ___     __  ________  _______  ___     __  _______   _______
      / / /   |   / / /_______/ / _____/ /   |   / / / _____/  / _____/
     / / / /| |  / /    / /    / /___   / /| |  / / / /____   / /___   
    / / / / | | / /    / /    / ____/  / / | | / / /____  /  / ____/
   / / / /  | |/ /    / /    / /      / /  | |/ /      / /  / /
  / / / /   |   /    / /    / /_____ / /   |   / _____/ /  / /_____
 /_/ /_/    |__/    /_/    /_______//_/    |__/ /______/  /_______/ 
                   ¢04     *¢12ThE sPaNiSh SeCtIoN¢04*                              
 ¢10     DoUbLe R                               YuL              
 ¢05     PlAzA mAgDaLeNa 5                      c/ JaEn 10 2
      14002 cOrDoBa                          47010 vAlLaDoLiD
 ¢02     HQ/1200 sWaPpEr                        gFx MaN/SwAp
 ¢10     fErMiX                                 CelEbOrn
 ¢05     c/ CaStAnO 1                           ViViEnDaS cOl. StA. tErEsA
      14700 pAlMa DeL rIo (CoRdObA)          2,2-IzQuIeRdA
 ¢02     mUsIc Man/SwAp                 ¢05        11202 AlGeCiRaS (CaDiZ)
      OnLy uTiLs & CoOl MuSiCs          ¢02     CoDeR/SwAp/1200

        __   _____          _   _              ____           _    _
        |__| |  _ ¡|        | | |¡|            |  _ \         | |  | |
       ____  | | | | _______| | | |     _______|_| \ |________| |  | |
      |__ ¡| | | |_|/  __   ¡|| | |    /  __   ¡||_/ |   __    ||  | |
        |  | | |___   |  |___||_| |   |  |  |___| _ (   |_ |___||  | |
        |  | |___  |  |     |  _  |   |  |  ¡  | | ) |   _|   | |  | |
        |  |  _  | |  |     | | | |   |  |     | | | |  |     | |/\| |
       _|  |_| | | |  |_____| | | |   |  |_____|_|_| |  |_____|      |
      |______| |_| |________| | | |    \___________| |________|      |
        ¡    |_____|        |_| |_|     ¡      BART|_|      ¡ |__/\__|
    ¢10                           PART OF THE ETNO
¢12 ---------------------------------- ¢11CONTACT:¢12 ------------------------------
    ¢11    - BART -       ¢12   :     ¢11  - RAPPER -     ¢12   :   ¢11     - LORD -
                    ¢12      |                         |
  ¢11  h-1195 BUDAPEST    ¢12   |   ¢11  h-1204 BUDAPEST   ¢12  |   ¢11  h-1181 BUDAPEST
   ¢11 JOKAI 2.  X/30.   ¢12    |  ¢11  KOSSUTH 36.  V/59.  ¢12 |   ¢11   DARUS 10. 2/3.
     ¢11   HUNGARY     ¢12      |    ¢11     HUNGARY      ¢12   |      ¢11   HUNGARY
                      ¢12    |                         |
 ¢04 ( GFX,DESIGN,SWAP )   ¢12  |  ¢04  ( CODE,SWAP,GFX )  ¢12  |    ¢04  ( MUSIC,SWAP )
¢12 --------------------------------¢11 100% REPLY ¢12-----------------------------

 ¢11 .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.  ¢12 +:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+:+
                                     ¢12 :+  ¢04  Surprise! ¢11Prodcutions    ¢12::
¢11  .     ¢04   PENTAGRAM/BRONX      ¢11  .  ¢12 +:¢02  _______  ________________  ¢12+:
¢11  .                             ¢11  .  ¢12 :+¢02_/::'.   \_||::'|||::' ___ \ ¢12:+
¢11  .    ¢10 for fr¡endly swapp¡ng   ¢11  .  ¢12 +:¢02|:'  |____j|¦'  |||'   l__) )¢12+:
¢11  .                             ¢11  .  ¢12 :+¢02l_____   ||l____j|¦    ____/ ¢12:+
¢11  .       ¢05  (only legal!)        ¢11 .  ¢12 +:¢02|    !   ¦|______|:    |     ¢12+:
¢11  .       ¢07    NO GAMES!          ¢11 .  ¢12 :+¢02l  _______jl  __jl  ___j     ¢12:+
¢11  .                              ¢11 .  ¢12 +:¢02 \/         \/    \/e!/eqx   ¢12+:
¢11  . ¢04Deutschen koennen auf Deutsch¢11 .  ¢12 :+   ¢11  Hungarian Division      ¢12:+
¢11  .    ¢04         schreiben.       ¢11 .  ¢12 +:                             ¢12+:
¢11  .                              ¢11 .  ¢12 :+¢10We need members of all kinds!¢12:+
¢11  . ¢02 Addy ===>  ¢12   Onur Filiz    ¢11 .  ¢12 +:¢10Send samples of your work to:¢12+:
¢11  .          ¢11 78 Sok. 3/8 GOZTEPE¢11 .  ¢12 :+                             ¢12:+
¢11  .           ¢11    IZMIR/TURKIYE  ¢11 .  ¢12 +: ¢04     MESSERSCHMITT/S!P      ¢12+:
¢11  .                              ¢11 .  ¢12 :+ ¢10        P.O.BOX 48          ¢12:+
¢11  .    ¢04   »   ¢12  NO DISK  ¢04  «     ¢11 .  ¢12 +: ¢10      H-4015 DEBRECEN       ¢12+:
¢11  .    ¢04   »   ¢12 BIG RISK!!¢04  «     ¢11 .  ¢12 :+ ¢10          HUNGARY           ¢12:+
                                     ¢12 +: ¢11     - WRITE TODAY! -       ¢12+: 
 ¢11 .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.  ¢12 :+ ¢11 ALSO FOR ¢04-ELITE- ¢11SWAPPING  ¢12:+  
 ¢12  :__
 ¢12  |\//\__________ __ _  _
 ¢12  /\/·                                                ¢04 ELITE ¢12swapping at:
 ¢12 /| /  ¢02   __/\___      __/\______________/\    ¢12  .
 ¢12  |·   ¢02   \_   _/[tbM] \_   _____/\_       \   ¢12  |    ¢11 TBM of LED ¢12    .
 ¢12  |    ¢02   /    |_____  /     __)__/    |    \  ¢12  ¦:   ¢04 Lärarv. 11    ¢12 ¦
 ¢12  ¦    ¢02  /     |     \/     |     \    |     \ ¢12  :¦   ¢04 S-197 30 Bro ¢12  |
 ¢12  :    ¢02 /      |      \     |      \   |      \¢12   |   ¢04 Sweden    ¢12     |/
        ¢02 \_____________/____________/__________/¢12   |/            ¢12   ·/\/
                                    ¢12                 / ¢12  _ __ ____/\ //  |
                           ¢12    _  _ __ _________  /\/|    ¢12          \//\ ¦
                              ¢12                  \//\ ¦     ¢12          / / :
                                 ¢12                 \/ :      ¢12         \/
                     ¢04         Limited Edition
                      ¢12           presents

                     ¢11     ASSEMBLERS OF INFINITY

¢04         _______   _______   ___   ___   ________    ___   ___   ________
        /  _   /\ /  ____/\ /  /\ /  /\ /  ___  /\  /  /\ /  /\ / ____  /\
       /  /_/ / //  /___ \//  /_//  / //  /\__\/ / /  /_//  / // /   / / /
      /  ____/ / \___  /\  \____   / //  / /   \/ /  ___   / // /   / / /
     /  /\____/_____/ / / __\__/  / //   \/____  /  / //  / //  \__/ / /
    /__/ /    /______/ / /_______/ / \________/\/__/ //__/ / \______/ /
    \__\/     \_______/  \_______\/   \_______\/\__\/ \__\/   \_____\/


   ¢04    FOR JOINING:            FOR SWAPPING:              FOR SWAPPING:

¢10       19/9  34840          G.M.K. BULVARI  136/C           NO:11/15
¢10    AVCILAR-ISTANBUL           NO:14    06570           AVCILAR-ISTANBUL
¢10         TURKEY           TANDOGAN-ANKARA-TURKIYE            TURKEY

                         ¢11 ZENIT OF COMPACT INC. - MYSTRA OF SYMBIOSIS

                 ¢12  ____________  /\_  _______ ______
 ¢11  Sysup:Nurgle  ¢12 /  ___/   _  \/   \/  ____//  ___/
 ¢11  Cos:Headbanger¢12_\____ \  //  /  /\ \ /  /\/  __/  
 ¢11      Ace Caze ¢12/       /\//  /  /_/  \\_/ /  /___ ¢11Fresh Wares!
 ¢11      Excelsior¢12\______/  /  /  /_____/___/\_____/¢11Crewl Ratios!
            ¢12 _  _ _______ \_/\_/_    _________   ¢11Porno Area! 
            ¢12  _  _ _____ \  / \  \  /  /  ___/  ¢11Flummig Susup
             ¢12       / / \ \/  /\  \/  /  __/   ¢11Skit crewla dörrar
             ¢12      /  \_/ /  /  \    /  /___  ¢11Lot's of Leech! 
             ¢12     /______/\_/Dr.?\  /\_____/ ¢11Lot's of UL:s 
                ¢12                  \/        ¢11High CPS!  
                ¢02        THE OBSCENE WHQ!              
  ¢10       The agnnostic # is:¢05+46-(0)16-12 80 47 (16.8k ds)


¢12 Deadlock/Kronical: ¢11 What's  up  dude?  ¢11get  another  Pic  from Stix!! Send it 
¢11 Keep  making  those  Kick  Ass  Tunes  ¢11ASAP!! Nice sends always from ya......
¢11 Mate!                                  ¢11Keep it up!!
¢12 Cubik/Trance: ¢11How are you dude!? Nice  ¢12Oscar/Bronx:¢11 Yo dude whats up?  Just a
¢11 sends from ya always!! Keep it up!!    ¢11little greet to ya!! Hope to hear from
¢12 Razorback/Insomnia: ¢11HiYa dude!! Where  ¢11ya soon!!
¢11 are  you??  In  Perth yet?? Give me a  ¢12Beholder/Diffusion: ¢11 Hows  it  going?? 
¢11 call when your in!!                    ¢11Cant  wait to see some more nice prods
¢12 Doc/Pearl: ¢11 Nice  talking to ya!! See  ¢11from Diffusion.. Keepup the cool Sends
¢11 ya at the party!!                      ¢12Skull/Eremation: ¢11 Hows  it going there 
¢12 Cad/Kronical: ¢11Mmm yo whats up!? Still  ¢11in France?? Well dude Keep up the cool
¢11 got no send from ya..!! Send Soon!!    ¢11sends!!
¢12 Mailman/Kronical: ¢11  Hows   that  Prod  ¢12Virus/Arise: ¢11  Hi  my Italian friend!!
¢11 going? Cant wait to see it!!           ¢11Keep  up  the  nice  sends.. I hope to
¢12 Posdnuos/Ram Jam: ¢11HiYa dude!! Hows it  ¢11hear from ya soon!!
¢11 there in Italy? Well dude keep up the  ¢12Maniac/??: ¢11 Hi  dude!! Whats up?? Well
¢11 cool sends as always!!                 ¢11Just a small greet to ya!! See ya!!
¢12 Zenit/Compact: ¢11Well dude cant wait to  ¢12Pantera/Kronical: ¢11 Hi  my Swedish Pal,

¢11 welcome  to  Kronical!!  Keep  up the  ¢11sends!!  Hope  to  hear from ya soon!! 
¢11 nice sends as always!!                 ¢12Mel/Pearl:  ¢11  HiYa   dude!!   Hows  ya  
¢12 Sting/Proline: ¢11 Hiya  dude!!  Keep up  ¢11music goin'?? Ok dude catch ya later!! 
¢11 the nice packs and cool sends!! Bye!!  ¢12Terminator/Trance: ¢11Hows it going dude?
¢12 Draper/Ancient: ¢11 Mmm  well dude, long  ¢11Keep up the cool sends!! I hope to see
¢11 no hear?!? Mmm send soon mate!!        ¢11ya at the Party!!
¢12 Turrican/??: ¢11 HiYa  dude!! Mmm really  ¢12Sour/Kronical: ¢11  Hi  dude!!  Nice code 
¢11 sorry  for  the  shitful delay dude!!  ¢11from  ya!! Keep it up!! Ill chat to ya
¢11 Keep up the nice wares!!               ¢11soon!!
¢12 Dvize/Kronical: ¢11 Hows it going dude??  ¢12Spirit/Kronical: ¢11 Well  dude, the Mags
¢11 Well long time no speak on the phone!  ¢11all  up to me now hey?? Well nice code 
¢11 hehe  well  dude  Ill chat to ya some  ¢11from ya too!! Keep it up!!
¢11 time  in  the  near  future!! Ok then  ¢12N-Joi/Kronical: ¢11 Hi  dude!!  Hows  the 
¢11 see ya!!                               ¢11raytracing  goin'?? Ok then, Ill catch
¢12 Felon/Kronical: ¢11  HiYa   Knobba!!  So  ¢11ya later!!
¢11 hows  ya BBS goin'?? Hehe pretty good  ¢12Vora/Ivory: ¢11Hi dude!!  Nice wares from
¢11 ey!?  Mmm  well  dude  Ill talk to ya  ¢11ya!! I hope to hear from ya soon!!
¢11 soon!! OK bye!!                        ¢12The Dude/Kronical: ¢11 Nice talking to ya
¢12 Querty/Mad Elks:¢11  Hi  dude!!  Hows it  ¢11on the phone!! Catch ya later!!
¢11 going??  Well  dude  keep up the nice  ¢02All KRL dudes: ¢04Have Fun!!

¢04 MESSAGES FROM COYOTE TO...............

¢12 Speedy/Parasite:  ¢11Dont worry about the  ¢12Falcon/Paralax: ¢11   Sorry   about   the  
 ¢11delay  as I have been on holidays too.  ¢11delay   but  I  have  been  away  from
 ¢12Double R/Intense: ¢11  What   is  new  in  ¢11the scene.
 ¢11Spain?                                  ¢12Ace/Dawks: ¢11 Why  dont  you  send  more 
 ¢12Chaos/Desire:¢11  Please  send  air  mail  ¢11disks next time?
 ¢11next time.                              ¢12To all: ¢11 Sorry  for  the  delay  but I
 ¢12MFM/Dual Format:¢11   When   will  Visual  ¢11have been on holidays.
 ¢11Intensity 4 be released?
 ¢12Amethyst/Cyanide:¢11  Long  time  since I
 ¢11heard from you?
 ¢12Purple Haze/ICE:¢11  When  will  i get my
 ¢12Felon/Kronical: ¢11 Australia post really
 ¢11does suck.
 ¢12Deadlock/Kronical: ¢11  Sorry   for   the 
 ¢11delay man but I have been busy.
 ¢12Heavyweight/Foda: ¢11 You  still  need to 
 ¢11loose more weight.


¢12 ALL CONTACTS:¢11 Ok dudes!!  Well Im now
 doing  my  last  year of school, so I 
 have  decided to give up swapping for
 this  year!!  All my contax have been
 giving  to other KRL members, you can
 expect reply from Another KRL member,
 and  I  hope  ya  enjoy swapping with 
 them  as much as you enjoyed swapping
 with  me!!  OK  then  See ya and have 


¢12 PSYCHE/KRONICAL: ¢11 Yo  dude! Thanx for  ¢11for ages.  Cool  conference!
¢11 the   number!!  It  is  very  useful!  ¢12HEAVYWEIGHT/FODA: ¢11 Thanx  for ringing    
¢12 FELON/KRONICAL:¢11   Good  idea with the  ¢11dude!  Yes, the conference was wicked
¢11 IBM!    I   will   start   right  now  ¢12PEARL:¢11   Sorry  about  all  the shit,
¢11 (if I could!)                          ¢11guys.   Cool  phone  conference,  and   
¢12 SOUR/KRONICAL:¢11   Great  that  you are  ¢11that  was my mum yelling!!! he!he!he!
¢11 back    from   your  break!! Keep the  ¢12GOP/PARALAX:  ¢11Yo dude, did you get my 
¢11 wicked coding up dude!                 ¢11send???
¢12 SPIRIT/KRONICAL:¢11   Cool code from you  ¢12TURBO/???:¢11   Great to hear you on the 
¢11 to dude! Keep it up!                   ¢11conference.
¢12 ANTBANKS: ¢11  Hi dude! I dont have many  ¢12TERMINATOR/TRANCE:¢11   Whats  up dude??  
¢11 new  games,  so  I'll  see what I can  ¢11Haven't heard from you for ages!!! 
¢11 do.   Great  that  you  have got back 
¢11 into the scene.                        ¢02TO ALL MY CONTACTS:    
¢12 ULYSSES/???:¢11  Hurry  up and get a new  ¢11Sorry   for  lame  delays  caused  by 
¢11 one, because your GFX is cool.         ¢11sickness,    having  two  girlfriends
¢12 MEL/PEARL: ¢11 Yo   Tim!  Sorry for lame  ¢11(its true!!!)  and work (a lot of it)
¢11 delay!   I  have  had your send ready 


¢12 ThOR/Nuance: ¢11 Hey  man how the fuck is  ¢11go  to  the party man,it'll be sweet.!
¢11 it going?Nice letter,and cool sendings  ¢11Cya matey....
¢11 allways. Catch  up  with ya soon mate.  ¢12Mr.King/Scoopex: ¢11 Hi  man hows things,
¢12 Rabbi/Pearl: ¢11 Hey   Dan  hows  things,  ¢11keep  up  the  packs and enjoy life in 
¢11 everytime  I   ring  you  are  fucking  ¢11SCX.
¢11 surfing  or not home,give me a call,or  ¢12Dvize/KrL:¢11   Hows  she  hanging  Marky 
¢11 better write a letter!haaaa!            ¢11Mark?  Fuck man you got a nice deal on 
¢12 Gimick/Pearl:¢11 Hey Lindsay how the fuck  ¢11that  A1200, makes me wanna go out and 
¢11 is ya bbs?  Sorry about not getting on  ¢11do  the  same thing.I'll start sending 
¢11 it  lately  but as you allready know I  ¢11ya the wares in masses real soon, i'll 
¢11 have  had enough bloody problems of my  ¢11even  pass on my other contacts to ya.
¢11 own,  will  catch ya online real soon,  ¢11Here from ya when ya call.
¢11 and  to  everyone  call  NiT3MarE  the  ¢12Coyote/KrL: ¢11 Brad i finally got off me 
¢11 PEARL Oz HQ on....                      ¢11ass  and sent ya some IBM stuffs worth   
¢12 Terminator/Trance inc: ¢11Hey dude what a  ¢11the wait or what? The next few demos I
¢11 bloody  stuff  up eh here i am waiting  ¢11sent  will blow ya mind! Leave me mail 
¢11 for  you  to  send  and  you the same!  ¢11on BlaCK MoON BBS ok?
¢11 Haaaaa!  Frigging  post eh? I hope you  ¢12Snowman/iNDY: ¢11 Fuck  man  what  a fone 

¢11 bill eh?! Jeeez  maybe  ya mum and dad  ¢11busy!  Fuck  dude  you  are doing some 
¢11 can  pay  mine  while they do the same  ¢11crazy  trading  in  the  USA give me a 
¢11 for you  eh?  Cool to talk to ya voice  ¢11bell when ya find out more about TRsI.
¢11 for  few hours, it really spins me out  ¢11.Checkya man..
¢11 coz  i  had  forgotten ya ages ago, or  ¢12Rubyx/TFA:¢11Hows it going man,so ya like 
¢11 more  so  didnt know who ya were up 'n  ¢11our  little ozzy production? Cool talk 
¢11 till  now, catchya on a internode chat  ¢11to when i call up ya BBS....
¢11 on    Satanic    Realms!   Coff   coff  ¢12Zenit/Compact Inc: ¢11 Hi  matey, can you 
¢11 .....hehehehe latrness man...           ¢11get  me  Skyclads addy or fone number, 
¢12 The Dude/KrL/RiSC:¢11 It's  been  a while  ¢11for  me it's like urgent man!Or better 
¢11 since calls eh dude? I will have to do  ¢11get  him to give me a bell...Hear from 
¢11 sumthen  about that? I'm  always on ya  ¢11ya next sending.
¢11 bbs basically coz i am at Druidz place  ¢12Tiny/TFF: ¢11 Hows  things  buddy, been a 
¢11 a  fair  bit  of  the  time  and he is  ¢11long time between calls eh? Heheeh and 
¢11 always calling ya up.....               ¢11a  damm  long  time on calls,wasted me 
¢12 Count-Zero/TcP/Mystic/????: ¢11 Fuck  man  ¢11hole  day  once? Haaa but madness phun 
¢11 what  a  high roller! Fucking big time  ¢11dude!  When is the guy gonna set me up  
¢11 man  ya  bbs is like one of if not the  ¢11with the thing??  Give me a bell dude.
¢11 most  happening  board  in  oZ  at the  ¢12Mickey D/KrL: ¢11How does it go Mack hehe
¢11 moment,   pitty  it's  always  fucking  ¢11AUSTRALIA isnt it? hehe  bit  too much

¢11 to drink when making Embryo eh?! Haaaa  ¢11what  more  can  I  say i still havent 
¢11 I  like  it  heaps,  it's got that KrL  ¢11sent  to  ya!  GULP!  this  is looking 
¢11 $tyle  to it, good work man. The other  ¢11grim, OK by the time you get this i'll 
¢11 thing  is  lets start trading PC demos  ¢11have  sent you off some latest stuffz. 
¢11 and  shit like that, you have way more  ¢11Sorry dude....
¢11 than me ya prick. Later matey.          ¢12Major Bandit/Manitou:¢11 Excellent  stuff 
¢12 Deadlock/KrL:¢11 Fucking  what  a TV show  ¢11man  write  some  articles for the mag 
¢11 eh?  haaaa! Tits everywhere man! Pitty  ¢11that'd  be  sweet  dude, checkya  next 
¢11 I did'nt have the fone near the telly,  ¢11sending....
¢11 I  watched  the  rest of it soon as ya  ¢12KiD Paul/INDY:  ¢11   Excellent     stuff 
¢11 got  off.  Ok  man  cool sends from ya  ¢11Rasheed!  Those   were  the  days  eh? 
¢11 last  time  keep it up, along with the  ¢11What  a  boomin sytem you had! It will 
¢11 cool callz.                             ¢11be  good  if  you  stop the commercial 
¢12 Sour/KrL: ¢11 Hi man hows things I gather  ¢11stuff, and  get  in with Kronical same 
¢11 you  didnt  get  the Telikard working.  ¢11with  Aundre, enjoy  the  sending..... 
¢11 Shit eh! Give me a bell and we'll have  ¢12Sneaber/Mystic: ¢11What a  shagg  up with 
¢11 a chat about some other ways.Cya man..  ¢11the drive eh? SCSI  2  what  a bitch?!
¢12 MSW/Effect:¢11 Where  the  fuck  have you  ¢11Hope  ya get sumthen worked out, catch
¢11 gone man!                               ¢11up with ya when i'm on SataniC RealMs.  
¢12 Heavyweight/foda :¢11  Tony,  Tony,  Tony  ¢12HawK/EX-CsC: ¢11Get in touch with me man,

¢11 I  was  desperate to get in touch with  ¢12Justice/KrL:¢11  PC   Board   grrrr   bit  
¢11 you  about  this bloody A4ooo!! Fuck I  ¢11distastefull  but  never  the less one
¢11 hope  it  wasn't  a load off shit like  ¢11of  if  not the best BBS proggy about,
¢11 I was told?!                            ¢11all  people  call  it  up  and  have a 
¢12 Shade/EX-CsC: ¢11What  ya did I rekon was  ¢11looksy on +61 3 3002173.
¢11 mega lame no matter which way you look  ¢12Revenger/Indy: ¢11Pitty about the bbs eh, 
¢11 at it?!!!Give the dude his money back.  ¢11now  TV's A4OoO is on sale!? Geeez eh?
¢12 Merlin/KrL: ¢11Loose  the  techno  and go  ¢11Talk to soon mate..
¢11 for the other style it cooks big time.  ¢12RoN Heff: ¢11Hows  things  going  in  the 
¢11 Good  luck  in moving out hope you can  ¢11little  old  town of Sale Ron? Hope ya 
¢11 make it to the PrL party dude, even if  ¢11settled  into  ya  new house and stuff
¢11 the funds are low! Pssst that goes for  ¢11ok,  will have to start calling up the
¢11 all  you  lazzy  Aussie people! Get to  ¢11Compupal  BBS again soon,catch up with 
¢11 the  party coz these times only happen  ¢11ya man. Now to two C-64 freax (heheeh)
¢11 once  in  your life!! Be  there  or be  ¢11McG/Lithium  and Shane/Right direction 
¢11 lame!                                   ¢11maybe  you guys should T up or sumthen 
¢12 DruiD/KrL:  ¢11 Yupp   man   things  will  ¢11coz  use  wont  by an ami ya scumbags! 
¢11 fucking  burn  hot! Pitty  there  aint  ¢11Finally  people  just one more thing a 
¢11 enuff hours in 1 day eh? haaa! Call up  ¢11hello  to  all  the  people  on  these
¢11 DruiDs KEeP now on +61 3 3143399...     ¢11boards   everywhere!  X-Factor,  Amiga 

¢11 Mania,   4aM   Club,   Illusions    Of 
¢11 Integrity,   1st   Offence   Stallion,
¢11 Civil  War, and  all the Aussie boards 
¢11 like  S.R,  Midnite, Star, BlacK Moon,
¢11 and  all  the  others  i  forgot. Well 
¢11 thats  it  for  me  this  issue, write 
¢11 to  me  for  the  Vision Mag out soon! 
¢11 Or to swapp latest PC demos and stuff.
¢11 Or  call I.O.  the KrL  World  HQ.....
¢11 Cya's and i would'nt wanna be ya's!


¢12 FALKEN/TRANCE:¢11 Thanx  for write back.
¢12 NOP/INDEPENDENT: ¢11   Hi   my   younger 
¢11 brother!
¢12 TURBO/BRONX:  ¢11     How    are    you?
¢12 SPEEDY/TURK:  ¢11  You   are   hot dude.
¢12 VICTORY/CRASH:¢11  Maniac  Maniac!!  You 
¢11 are dead.
¢12 CAUS/LEGACY: ¢11   I   will  visit  you.
¢12 KLENYE/CRASH: ¢11Welcome to my code work.

¢02 Greetz to: 
¢12 CRASH ¢11(Victory,Dr.Dweep,Klenye) 
¢12 BRONX ¢11(Turbo,Swat,Max) ,
¢12 INDEPENDENT ¢11(Kaan,Nop,Zonti,Woody
¢11 Dr.Crazy)   
¢12 TRANCE ¢11(Falken)
¢12 TURK ¢11(Speedy)


¢12     -Plugster/Defiance-                ¢12   -Masque/Calibra-
¢11   Tjena Micke!  Music intro 2 var      ¢11 MORO Pentti Pyrjola!eheh
¢11   mycket bra!...Glom inte att ta       ¢11 miten meni ruotsin koe?
¢11   med hamburgaren till partyt!         ¢11 Katoinpas askon Beverly hills!
 ¢11  heheh.....En ostburgare skulle       ¢11 Onpas tolla Donnalla mahtavat
  ¢11 sitta fint! hors!           ¢11 TISSIT!....ha...nami nami...
                                        ¢11 ai niin muuten...mullakin on ruotsin
 ¢12    -Jackpot/Equinox-                  ¢11 koe huomenna!.....niin?!!?!?!?!?
  ¢11 No terve mies!ootko saanu uusia      ¢11 morjos sun pulla korjos!!!
  ¢11 manager peleja?pitis kai kohta
  ¢11 saaha premier manager 2!!!!          ¢12   -Hijack/Alpha f./s!p-
  ¢11 sen on kylla tullu ulos aika         ¢11 Vai etta ostit 1200!!!mikas siina..
  ¢11 kauon sit!mutta ei oo tullu          ¢11 saa naha jos joskus viittis ostaa
  ¢11 viela fixattua sita...               ¢11 semmosta...oki doki McBoki...onko
  ¢11 mutta jos sulla on jo se niin        ¢11 muuten tulos mitaan alphalta?
  ¢11 lahetappas!jookos..Jonne..           ¢11 Jees...pitaa kai tas menna seuraavaan
  ¢11 send SOON!will you!                  ¢11 ...Merry x-mass..

 ¢12    -Zorex/Iris-                       ¢12   -Rapper/Isch-
  ¢11 Hejsen svejsen!                      ¢11 Hi still going strong!
  ¢11 It seems that C-QUENCE will join     ¢11 I have to admit that your english is
  ¢11 Impact,but we'll see if we won't get ¢11 kewl!..heheh...hmm...are you still
  ¢11 Blind! a joke from the good old days! ¢11active on the c-64 scene? whatever..
  ¢11 ha ha...since you haven't sent the    ¢11Let the rhythm move your shit!?!?!?!
  ¢11 iris warez..he's thinking of joining ¢11 sorry 4 the crazy note!..l8r m8..
  ¢11 letters coming!....later mate!
                                         ¢12  -Erratic/Paralax-
  ¢12   -Dark/Trsi-                         ¢ seem to be dead! or what
  ¢11 Wie gehts?woher ist deine sendung?    ¢11is your EXCUSE??!!?!?
  ¢11 Bist du tot?aber...try to be faste    ¢11Did you get busted again or?enjoy
  ¢11 in the future...okey??Is Chotaire     ¢11the heat in Australia while you can!
  ¢11 still active on the c-64 scene?       ¢11Arg!!it's cold lucky
  ¢11 Wasn't he in Interactive????          ¢11cheese!By the way..have you got the
  ¢11 (the music group!)well...take care    ¢11newest Joe Satriani album? It mainly
  ¢11 mein freund!...........L8R.M8...      ¢11Consists of his old songs!Send it if
                                         ¢11you have it!.....Send soon!

   ¢12  -Pink Panther/Paralax-              ¢12  -Oedipus/??Nerve A.??
   ¢11Your slideshow was kewl...            ¢11I heard that you left nerve!
   ¢11Sorry for the delay,but the truth     ¢11so,which group was lucky to get you?
   ¢11is that i've been abit lazy..i'll     ¢11Long time since i heard from you...
   ¢11try to fix that..! saturday night     ¢11try to be faster and I'm looking
   ¢11live just started..maybe i should     ¢11forward seeing your prods.
   ¢11watch it!! what do you think??        ¢11L8R M8.....
   ¢11well?...i'm waiting!
   ¢11Merry x-mas!   ciao!                  ¢12   -Minor/Deicide-
                                         ¢11So,mites on asiat deicidessa?
   ¢11Time 4 a break!                       ¢11Ootko ottanu kontaktia toisiin
   ¢11Saturday Night Live Started!          ¢11membereihin?Toivottavasti nahaan
   ¢11Who want's to miss it???              ¢11partylla tai jossain!send some mods
   ¢11(Yes,you Bob..i know!)                ¢11or manager games!he he oon
                                         ¢11muuten yrittany soittaa sulle aika
                                         ¢11monesti..mutta aina:Jari on pelaamassa
                                         ¢11etc etc etc.....Hyvaa Joulua...

    ¢12-Perlon/Extacy-                      ¢12  -Psyche/Kronical-
  ¢11Hejsan snejsan!...Jaa a...             ¢11Howdy Dario!....So,it's  +30 there...
  ¢11Hur blir det med packet?               ¢11you lucky cheese...Your mag-pack is
  ¢11Forresten..Har du skickat nan          ¢11one of the best!..i mean it!The Warez
  ¢11fraga till progget Intensiven?         ¢11were a bit old in the first issue..but
  ¢11Jag sag pa TV1 eller var det 2         ¢11I'm sure you'll get more support
  ¢11.....Du hade skrivit nanting           ¢11with that part...whatever....
  ¢11om Tjejer som ar 30 ar!                ¢11There's also some news on the disk
  ¢11Va!....Nevermind....Skicka             ¢11for your mag.......ok...take care and
  ¢11fortare i framtiden..INGA              ¢11merry christmas!
  ¢11manaders forseningar..........
  ¢11God jul!                               ¢12 -The Hitcher/Angelica-
                                         ¢11Hi!So,you bought new vcr equipment!
  ¢12  -501/Trsi-                           ¢11Good 4 you....heh...i read from
  ¢11Hi!....Your sends are always           ¢11somewhere that angelica is dead!
  ¢ keep it up.........           ¢11so,what's the truth boy?Tell me the
  ¢11What more to say than merry            ¢11truth,the truth you $ucker!
  ¢11X-Mass.....Take Care.......            ¢11Just kidding...hope we'll meet at the
                                         ¢11pardey!....otherwise it's Gathering 94

   ¢12 -Hitcher..-                          ¢12  -Mr.King/Vision-
  ¢1194 that stands...Oki doki              ¢11Guten TAg JOerg!Gut gluck in VSN..
  ¢11Take care...and merry x-mass!          ¢11did the other guys form a new german
                                         ¢11group?....well...I'm looking forward
                                         ¢11seeing Never Mind with the new menu!
   ¢12 -Wiper/Interactive-                  ¢11Will the first issue be released at
  ¢11Tjaba wiper....any new prods.          ¢11the pardey? Merry X-Mass and keep
  ¢11coming?well..good luck with            ¢11those letters coming!auf wiedersehen!
  ¢11whatever you're doing!
  ¢11God Jul! send sooN!
                                          ¢12 -The Joker/Limited Edition-
  ¢12  -Speedy/Parasite-                    ¢11Hejsan Rejsan! bra ar inte
  ¢11Hi ho!Demo 2 was kewl..will            ¢11Magnus Uggla!...rattare sagt:Han
  ¢11PST release the third one              ¢11stinker!!!!total vardelos in my
  ¢11at the party?How can you send          ¢11opinion!heh.....Jaa..a...lycka till
  ¢11so often when you got 150              ¢11i limited e.....och god jul!
  ¢11contacts?...did you like the           ¢11Din Uggla alskare!!  ha ha
  ¢11Oddset sheet? heheh                    ¢11Joe Satriani ar BRA!
  ¢ in herning!            ¢11....ROCK music!..rock..stupid word!

   ¢12 -Alis/Mad Elks-                      ¢12  -Skull/Eremation-
 ¢11 Hi my friend! So,you visited           ¢11Yes..i have seen outlaw...and it                                          
  ¢11Germany!!!Did you meet any             ¢11was kewl...If i remember right
  ¢11Friends??..tell more about it!         ¢11it didn't contain any adverts!
  ¢11have in Herning...           ¢11it ain't neccessary...but...why not?
  ¢11And remember to write a long           ¢11It ain't going so well for the caen's
  ¢11letters as always......                ¢11soccer team!....maybe you aren't 
                                         ¢11interested in soccer at all..whatever.
  ¢12  -Tropeduft/Tech/Focus-               ¢11ok...stay NICE.....
  ¢11R U still in tech and focus
  ¢11or have you joined some other group?   ¢12  -Tyrant/cadaver-
  ¢11I'm bored of writing....can't you      ¢11Hi!...your sends are always fast
  ¢11come and take over?well....see you     ¢11n' cool...Sorry for the d-lays that
  ¢11at the party my friend!                ¢11i have had..i'll try to be faster...
  ¢11Good luck in your new group!           ¢11as fast as a flower with 5 dicks!?!?
                                         ¢11Yesterday i bought the new Steve Vai
                                         ¢11cd..and it's's in a way
                                         ¢11Bon Jovi style....You should hear it
                                         ¢11sometime.....oki doki my friend..
                                         ¢11got to move on....take care!


   ¢12 -C-quence/Impact-                    ¢12  -Playboy/Static Bytes-                
  ¢11No,miltas tuntuu olla Impact           ¢11Hi there Mads!Who's your favorite 
  ¢11poika?alapas hymyile liikaa..          ¢11person in 90120?...he he he .....                                                              
  ¢11nyt tuli jo melkein nauru!!!           ¢11I like the peach pit owner Nat..
  ¢11nyt se tuli.....ala kato mua..         ¢11ha haa h shit...darn...Got to fix
  ¢11taa on aika pehmee sohva mika          ¢11my sisters bike....I might as well do
  ¢11sulla on.....surprised!                ¢11it now,just to get over with it!
  ¢11party on jo ehka menny...              ¢11hmm.........See you in herning..
  ¢11saa naha koska taa paastetaan..
  ¢11oki doki sanoi Virpi yrjonen..

  ¢12  -Casket/Damones-                      ¢12 -Virus/Zenith-
  ¢11Jees..mites on markkinat siella?       ¢11Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of piss!...
  ¢11ei helevetti naita messyja jaksa       ¢11How is it going?Do you have any snow
  ¢11kirjottaa...oli meininki kirjottaa     ¢11in Italy?we had some,but only for 
  ¢11kaikille konnyille....                 ¢11couple of weeks..Interesting or what?
  ¢11taitaa olla viimenen kerta..           ¢11I'm out of ideas,crap will do..
  ¢11meinaako dms paastaa jotain partylla?  ¢11Do you like Steve Vai,Joe Satriani,
  ¢11xtc.ta pitis tulla ainakin yx music    ¢11and that sort of music?The names 
  ¢11disk....saapas naha...jees....pitaa    ¢11probably don't say anything.or..
  ¢11kai viela pari messya teha...          ¢11Skid Row style....well.well....
  ¢11kuullaan.....deine freunde Janne...    ¢11Keep those letters coming...


¢12    -Chrombacher/Obscene-  
¢11  sorry for
¢11 ursakten.....Pang i Plugget
¢11  om 10 minuter...brukar du se den?
¢11  Kelly skulle sitta fint!...Nice body!
¢11  Screech ar best!...he he!
¢11  ja a...maste vi hors!

¢04  Sorry but i don't have time to write more messys......
  Merry Christmas to all my friends and sceners...bla bla bla...
  Contact me for the latest and friendship........all crazy letters
  will be answered........      
¢04                                Pantera/Extacy
¢12                                Janne Parkkisenniemi
                                19431 Uppl.vasby
¢11                           EXTACY -End Of Masturbation    


¢12 PSYCHE/KRONICAL: ¢11 Hi  new friend! I'm  ¢11your letter on your cool disks. 
¢11 waiting  your  'VISION'  Magazine and  ¢12ACE/TRANCE:  ¢11   Where     are   you?.
¢11 'PSYCOSIS'  Pack-Mag.  Please send to  ¢12VICTORY/CRASH: ¢11   Dentro     Rullaz..
¢11 me..                                   ¢12FALKEN/TRANCE:¢11  Thanx  for your  cool 
¢12 NAPOLEON: ¢11  Hoooo!!   Pack    Rullaz!  ¢11letter.
¢12 JACKPOT/EQUINOX:¢11  Heee!  KeEp  On FoR  ¢12BACKFIRE/ALCHEMY: ¢11 Your  Pack is very 
¢11 CoOl SUfFs...                          ¢11cool....
¢12 VODKA/TSB: ¢11 I'm  waiting your letter.  ¢12CAUS/LEGACY:¢11  PostBox is not ready...
¢12 TBM/LIMITED EDITION: ¢11 Hello  Guy! How  ¢12KICKMAN:  ¢11Yooo  Guy!!  Pick  UP by da 
¢11 are you? Send soon...                  ¢11old.
¢12 MR.KING/ANALOG: ¢11I love your NeverMind  ¢12THE RIPPER/NIGHTFALL:¢11  ZZ! Abnormalia 
¢11 Pack...                                ¢11Send soon....
¢12 GAD/TRANCE isr.: ¢11Faking stamps Rullaz  ¢12TURBO/BRONX: ¢11  I   Support  &  Spread  
¢12 KLENYE/CRASH:  ¢11 Congratulations  with  ¢11Vote-Sheets   of  Cemetery  News  and 
¢11 your new group...                      ¢11Auschwitz....See ya and Call me... 
¢12 WEA/PSYCHO: ¢11Senin  Magazine  isi nasi  ¢12PEARL/PARASITE:¢11  Stuffs on your disks  
¢11 gidiyo...Fontlar hazirdir be Gurban..  ¢11are very nice.
¢12 ROCKETEER/RAMJAM: ¢11Hi friend! Where is  ¢12ALEN/LEGACY: ¢11 Zaten buradasIn yazacak 

¢11 bir olay yokkk....
¢12 PURPLE HAZE/ICE:  ¢11 Yoo!   Fast   send  ¢02ALL AMIGA FREAKS: ¢11I left from LEGACY,
¢11 please..                               ¢11month   ago.   Now  I'm searching for
¢12 SAM/BRONX:   ¢11   Call     me   soon...  ¢11good  group.  I'm  a  coder  + Little 
¢12 ANDY/NUANCE: ¢11I hope you add one disk.  ¢11swapper.
¢11 Send soon and fast send...
¢12 VOLC/TRANCE: ¢11 Where  is your ANSWER??
¢12 SPEEDY/TURK:¢11 Yeah!! Hi KAAN...You can 
¢11 draw  a hit picture for dentro... But 
¢11 Dude  Sorry for your disks... Give me 
¢11 a break.... OOO!!!  See  ya  in  your 
¢12 ANDY/MELON DESIGN: ¢11Waiting for ANSWER
¢12 PRIDE/LEMON: ¢11Yeah!!! Where is ANSWER?
¢12 KING/PSYCHO: ¢11 Selam Rullaz! But where 
¢11 are you?
¢12 VIGO/IRIS:    ¢11   How     are     you?
¢12 MAX/BRONX:  ¢11    Turkish    magazine??


¢12 PLASMA/DCS: Hello Lee! Thanx for your ¢12 MISTER MIXX/MELON: ¢11Where are you? Are  
¢11 friendly  letter.  I hope you'll like  ¢11you    VHS stealer?    Where  is  the 
¢11 my  stuffs..  Your gfx are cool. Send  ¢11friendship?  You  say lie man! Fuk da 
¢11 sumthing for CEMETERY NEWS.            ¢11friendship man! 
¢12 SECK4/JETSET: ¢11  Yo   dude! TAG is soo  ¢12DEFKLF/EKO: ¢11    I'm   waitin for your 
¢11 cool.  Keep  on this Ztyle! Good luck  ¢11French RAP tapes.. 
¢11 in your new mission.                   ¢12SARACEN/CONNECTION:¢11  Nice letter from  
¢12 CORNY/SHINING: ¢11Nice to swap with you.  ¢11you.  Please  write longer next time. 
¢11 I love your lettas! Coool graphix and  ¢11And   don't   forget   CEMETERY  NEWS 
¢11 cool   dezigns..   I'm   waitin'  for  ¢11articles. Thanx for da photo...
¢11 PLAYBAYTE.                             ¢12JOKER/TECH: ¢11 Kukirikuu! Cool letters! 
¢12 VIGO/IRIS: ¢11  Hello   dude!   Samantha  ¢11Cool stuffs!
¢11 strong  rulez!  Good luck in your new  ¢12SMUDO/ARISE: ¢11  Hello my friend! How r 
¢11 group. Buarada!  Cemetery  news  icin  ¢11u?  I l ove  yours long letters! Send 
¢11 yazi yazmayi unutma. Yakinda ordayim!  ¢11cool  and  funky ARISE productions. I 
¢11 heheheh        RICO`ya         benden  ¢11love  them.  Thanx  for da calling me 
¢11 "arrivederci..." de!                   ¢11Keep  cool!  and  wait my GRAFFITIez! 
¢12 ALEX/MoVEMENT: ¢11  Hello   How   r   u?  ¢11Kool card from Rhodos.

¢12 VORTEX/BRONX: ¢11 Yooooooo! Nice photoz!  ¢11Spraycan  art  rulz!  Nice muzakdizk!  
¢11 Spread  our  vote  sheets  like  your  ¢11Send sumthing for CEMETERY NEWS too..
¢11 sperms... hehehe! I'm waitin for your  ¢12META/MOVEMENT: ¢11Yoppa! Send soon dude! 
¢11 answer   brotha! also best regardz to  ¢11Be fast! if it'z pozzible!
¢11 other BRONXiers too...                 ¢12BOMBSQUAD/DEVILS: ¢11Yo NAST! Write Fast  
¢12 BIP/DESIRE: ¢11Hello dude! How r u? keep  ¢12E$G/IBB: ¢11  Keep  cool.  where  is  my 
¢11 cool  and  bombin'  da wallz! Nice to  ¢11letter dude? Send soon! Best regardz.
¢11 talk  with  you..  Sorry  for to late  ¢12YOYO/5.GENERATION: ¢11 Hello!  How  r u? 
¢11 time   (Playboy late night!).   Write  ¢11I'm waiting for my Graffiti magazine?
¢11 back or dieee... hehe Cu!              ¢12ZAPOTEK/BLI:  ¢11 Hello   Zapotek!  Nice 
¢12 STEARO/PARADISE: ¢11 Hallo  stefan!  Was  ¢11letterz! But? Again delayz? Cu later!
¢11 machts du? Danke fur RAP magazin. Ich  ¢12PGL/GENETIC: ¢11 Hi!  Sorry  for  da big 
¢11 liebe  deine  letta!  hahahha fuck my  ¢11delay!
¢11 deutsch  man.  Nice  to talk with you  ¢12MICRO/CRASH: ¢11Hello dude! How are you?
¢11 too Keep coool..                       ¢12ZORRO/INFECT: ¢11   Hi!    Nice   packs. 
¢12 CHRIS/IRIS: ¢11 Alwayz  great letters! I  ¢11Graffiti rulez! Also thanx to for CD.
¢11 love  your  letters. Nice chairs. Can  ¢12SHIZO/NOXIOUS: ¢11Hello friend! Graffiti 
¢11 you  send  me  some? heheh just jokin  ¢11rulz  ha?  If  you're  graffiti freak 
¢11 ... hehee.. Keep coool and have fun.   ¢11then please write to me. Thanx for da
¢12 STRANGER/HEMOROIDS: ¢11   Kewl     dude!  ¢11support.

¢12 DUX/SUBMISSION:¢11 Send sum articles and  ¢12MICROFORCE/SANITY: ¢11 Hello  Joerg! Wie 
¢11 news.. Cu later friend..               ¢11gehst?    Hehehe    Thanx   for   the 
¢12 RETEP/MIRAGE: ¢11Chit chat is COOL. Send  ¢11interview.... Keep Cool!!
¢11 me latest issue! I'll send latest      ¢12CONQU/AMINOX: ¢11  Hello!   I  love your 
¢11 datas   for   CHITCHAT. Keep cool and  ¢11intros. DMA nasil gidiyor?
¢11 have fun. PUBLIC ENEMA RULEZ!          ¢12WEA/PSYCHO: ¢11  Ich   habe  keine zeit! 
¢12 WOLFMAN/BALANCE: ¢11 Hello  dude! BAGBOX  ¢11Warum?
¢11 (Upfront)  is  Kool.  Keep on.. By da  ¢12JEDI/TURK: ¢11 Hello!  nice intros! keep 
¢11 way nice music disk..                  ¢11it... Oteki uylere de selamlar!
¢12 RIOTER/EQUINOX: ¢11Hahahaha! TURBO still  ¢12JUDGE/TRIFLEX: ¢11  Hello! I love finish 
¢11 alive dude! Funky regardz!             ¢11choclates! Rullaz!
¢12 FUNKY/AGNOSTIC FRONT:  ¢11 Hello!   nice  ¢12ASTRON/CRASH: ¢11 See  you  in  HT dude!
¢11 packs!  I  love  your letters! spread  ¢12DURSUN/HT COMPANY: ¢11Hello  DURSUN abi!
¢11 our   votesheets!   see u! Write soon  ¢11Nasilsin? Kola isterim haa!
¢11 and be quick bitte..                   ¢12GART/BRONX: ¢11 Auschwitz rulez! Keep on 
¢12 SAM/BRONX: ¢11 Hello!  Komikaze  rullaz!  ¢11workin'..
¢12 CYPHER/FAIRLIGHT: ¢11 Hello  my  friend!  ¢12BARBARIAN/BRONX: ¢11   Hiiiaaa!     Sana 
¢11 How  r u? I'll try to call u! Cu l8r!  ¢11cucelere cok sokma dedim dimi? 
¢12 INTEC/CRUSADERS:¢11  Hi  my  old friend!  ¢11hahahahaaa.  Neyse  slide  show  icin  
¢11 How are you?                           ¢11kool kod isterimona gore... Cu

¢12 DJ BASSLINE: ¢11 Thanx to contactin' me.  ¢12ZANU/BRONX: ¢11 Yopppa Bronxier! How are 
¢11 I love your list. Wait my VHS! i have  ¢11you? Thanx for da interviews.. Alwayz 
¢11 all  old  RAP, HIPHOP and BREAK DANCE  ¢11quality warez from you..
¢11 stuffs.. Cu later.                     ¢12SEAT/PARADISE(?):¢11 Hello! How are you?  
¢12 PENTAGRAM/BRONX: ¢11  Hmm.  Greetings to  ¢11I'm waitin for your pack...
¢11 you tooo....                           ¢12ICE-T/SUBMISSION: ¢11  EKREM'di  galiba? 
¢12 SLEEPWALKER/PSYCHO: ¢11 Hello dude! Keep  ¢11Mektup  gonderdik arkadas saydik niye 
¢11 on  spreadin'  our  vote  sheetz. And  ¢11yazmiyon?  Are  you  disk  stealer or 
¢11 write sumthin'  for CEMETERY NEWS....  ¢11what?...
¢11 I'm waitin' for your articles.         ¢12TROPEDUFT/TECH:¢11   Hollaaa! Ok to swap
¢12 TRASHHEAD/SUSPECT:  ¢11 Thanx  for  your  ¢11but write long letterz..
¢11 cool articles. I love them..           ¢12ALECEMPIRE/IRIS: ¢11 Hi  German  friend! 
¢12 LEROY/NUANCE:¢11  Yep!  Best  regards to  ¢11How  are you? Wie gehst? Ich bin sehr
¢11 England from Turkiye...                ¢11gute.. Hehehe  Fuck my deutsch..
¢12 PEARL/PARASITE: ¢11 Kukurikuuu!  How are  ¢12ZAPOTEK/BLI:  ¢11Lost in Norway? Or what 
¢11 you?  Send some articles for CEMETERY  ¢11brotha?
¢11 NEWS too..
¢11 pictures.    I  love   Graffiti style 
¢11 pictures very much.


¢12 Hazel/Absolute!/Hungary:               ¢12Vortex/Bronx/Finland: 
¢11 How   are   things going in hungarian  ¢11You  thanked for letter, but where is 
¢11 army?   Always nice to hear from You.  ¢11sending  from  You.   Have  You  ever 
¢11 Btw.  is  glue-tape  the  ONLY faking  ¢11answered me?
¢11 method known in Hungary?               ¢12Tyrant/Cadaver/Norway:  
¢12 Crazee/Alpha Flight/Sweden:            ¢11Sorry for "Allo allo". Don't be angry 
¢11 What  is  the weather  like now?  How  ¢11on me.  Write again.
¢11 about  an  AFL  product, You promised  ¢12Zenit/Compact Inc./Norway:
¢11 me.                                    ¢11Nothing special to write besides that
¢12 Pater Pink/Arise/Germany:              ¢11Your  Toolboxes  are  best util-packs 
¢11 Shortest  letter  ever seen from You.  ¢11ever.  
¢11 Please,  just  try  some  longer next  ¢12Yankee/Concept/Poland: 
¢11 time.                                  ¢11Hope  to  meet  You  on  Saturday  in 
¢12 James/Balance/Finland:                 ¢11Gielda   or   even   earlier  at  the 
¢11 Thanks for answer.   Nice,  that  You  ¢11railway-station.
¢11 liked "Hallucinations...". Hope we'll  ¢11Come  to my place soon - You have now 
¢11 have nice time in swapping. Send some  ¢11Your driving license, don't You?  How 
¢11 module(s) some day.                    ¢11is Your swapping going now?

¢12 Casket/Damones/Finland:                ¢11but  You  know  the reasons...with no 
¢11 So    You    wanna   games?  O.K.  no  ¢11reasons at all.
¢11 problemo,  but send only scene stuff,  ¢12Vodka/Hazard/France:
¢11 please. Nice letter from You.          ¢11Nice   BBS   intro  from  You.   Nice 
¢12 Jarko/Dupa Naszej Anny/Poland:         ¢11meeting  You  at  The Party.   Really 
¢11 Qrva, napisz some day, bo zawsze bylo  ¢11cool. Got these modules from XTD?
¢11 fajnie z toba troche popisac.          ¢12Stan/Illusion/Poland: 
¢12 Stranger/DCS/Germany:                  ¢11Yo   Stasiu  (bez  Nela).  Jak zwykle  
¢11 It  wasn't Tom who contacted You, but  ¢11na gieldzie sie zobaczymy albo i nie, 
¢11 hope You don't care much.              ¢11ale   chyba   tak.    Dzieki   za   2 
¢12 Vex/Enemy/Yugoslavia:                  ¢11miejsce   u  ciebie.   Yamaha  rulez.
¢11 Always    nice    sendings  from  far  ¢11Teraz    ciezko   cie   znalezc    na 
¢11 Yugoslavia.   Really  great  modules,  ¢11Zwiazkach;   moze   na   wiosne znowu 
¢11 letters and Enemy-intros.   Keep   on  ¢11zalozysz......  Silesia mi sie podoba 
¢11 my friend.   Send  me  intro  with my  ¢11w ogole i w szczegole.
¢11 ANSI, when it'll be made.              ¢12Axel D./Illusion/Poland:
¢12 Snoopy/Energy/Poland:                  ¢11Still  getting  better and  better in 
¢11 Moze    to   czytasz?   Always   nice  ¢11gfx -congratulations!!! Less smoking,
¢11 modules. Holidays'93 was best at PAP,  ¢11more painting, please.
¢11 although  it  wasn't  in competition,  ¢12Bald Horse/Independent/Poland:

¢11 As  always we'll meet on Friday or on  ¢11matura suxx. 
¢11 Saturday.   I  don't know - this time  ¢12Qwerty/Mad Elks/Poland:
¢11 in   my   or    Your   place.   Still  ¢11Hi  my  best  scene-friend.  We  will 
¢11 training?  Keep on.  You are probably  ¢11probably  meet in 3 days in my place,
¢11 only  gametrainer in  Poland.   How's  ¢11so nothing  special  to  write  (just  
¢11 Your new A1200? Co zrobisz ze Stasiem  ¢11remember  about me). The best letters 
¢11 za Silesie?  How do You like my ANSI?  ¢11and stuffs from You, so what to say -
¢12 Nike/Infect/Holland:                   ¢11simply the best lalalalala (Tina).
¢11 Nice   Infected  demo  from  You last  ¢12Nighthawk/Majic 12/Denmark:
¢11 time.  You  love  Poland; how nice!!!  ¢11Maybe   we'll  meet  at PARTY III; at 
¢11 Just come here and see.                ¢11least  i  hope so.  It's always great
¢12 Norby/TRSI/Poland:                     ¢11to  hear from  You.  Your letters are 
¢11 Great organizing!! The pack i've sent  ¢11not  the  longest, but anyway long if 
¢11 You  isn't  the final version.  It'll  ¢11compared  with  other  Scandinavians.
¢11 be much better, I promise.             ¢11Use my ANSI, please. 
¢12 DGM/Ivory/France:                      ¢12All/Neanderthal men/Poland: 
¢11 Haven't  heard  from  You  for a long  ¢11How  You  liked  my  panels?  I  know 
¢11 time.  Write some, please.             ¢11You  did.  So use them in forthcoming 
¢12 Dalthon/Joker/Poland:                  ¢11releases,  not just ask me every time 
¢11 Sorry,  ze  tak  dlugo nie pisze, ale  ¢11to make new ones.

¢12 Yahoo/Old Bulls/Poland:                ¢11Are  You  angry on me or just dropped 
¢11 Send  some  examples (code ofcourse).  ¢11me,  when  heard,  that  i don't want 
¢11 Wanna logo for an intro?  Write soon.  ¢11join.
¢12 Speedy/Parasite/Denmark:               ¢12Trash Head/TRSI/Poland:
¢11 Long  time  haven't  heard  from You?  ¢11Tyle  kontaktow?!?  To ekstra. Kiedys  
¢11 Are You having some holidays or what?  ¢11znowu napisze (wkrotce). Nice letters
¢11 Best  sendings,  but  why soooo short  ¢11from  You  anyway.  Ale te obrazki  - 
¢11 letters?                               ¢11a fe, nieladnie - send more (and more 
¢12 Rod/Polaris/Croatia:                   ¢11and more).
¢11 Pretty  nice  stuff  from  Revenge of  ¢12Ninja/Union/Poland:
¢11 Mr.Party IV.  Your intro was nice and  ¢11Sorry,   ale   nie  nadajesz  sie  na 
¢11 so  was  the   1st  placed picture by  ¢11organizera. Zjebales ta grupe.
¢11 Blue  Deville.   Nice  letter  lately  ¢12Root/Union/Poland:
¢11 from  You.  Don't forget the rubbers,  ¢11We   have  made  SOMETHING for Union,
¢11 when  You go up to the mountains with  ¢11but  the  rest of Unioners???  Sorry, 
¢11 so many girls.                         ¢11but  You  know  the reasons, why i've 
¢12 Wildie/Scania/Sweden:                  ¢11left.
¢11 How  do  You  like my ANSI?  Will You  ¢12Irek P./Union/Poland:
¢11 ever use it?  I hope so.               ¢11Kiedy  do  mnie  napiszesz.  I really 
¢12 Messerschmitt/S!P/Hungary:             ¢11miss  Your  sendings  -  PARADISE  is 

¢11 nice.                                  ¢11hesitate and write to:  
¢12 Virus/Arise/Italy:                     ¢12PYTHON POBOX 105 43-200 PSZCZYNA
¢11 At last You answered me! Thanks a lot  ¢12POLAND.  Messages idea by NORBY/TRSI.
¢11 to  You,  my  first  friend  in sunny 
¢11 Italy.  How  is  Your  job as postman 
¢11 going?  Does  it helps at least a bit
¢11 in faking?

¢12 Right  now  i'm  waiting  for answers 
¢12 from the following:
¢11 ADDER/X-TRADE,            SCHIZO/???,  
¢11 AGONY/DESIRE  and  some  others.   If
¢11 anyone  of  You  don't want swap with 
¢11 me,  then  send back my disks, please 
¢11 (don't  You   think,   it   would  be  
¢11 nice  of  You).   I'm  still going to 
¢11 get  some  more  contacts,  so  don't  

            ¢10   --- ¢04NEWS ¢10---

  ¢02**** News Supplied by Psyche/Kronical ****

  ¢11 The Vision Magazine is still being worked on!!
  ¢11 A Dentro will be released soon!!
  ¢11 Many more intros will be released such as BBS intros!!
  ¢11 Look out for more prods soon!!
  ¢11 They have released a version of there Party Intro in which 
  ¢11 one of the addresses was wrong!! So look here in the demo section
  ¢11 for the correct version!! 

  ¢02**** News Supplied By Zenit/Compact Inc. ****

  ¢11- Diesel and D-Lite left for Razor!

  ¢11- AmigaForum (Papermagazine: You saw
    it at The Party III!) is the ONLY
    pure Amiga magazine left in
    Scandinavia! Support it!

  ¢11- At The Party III, Andromeda were
    half an hour from finnishing a demo
    they've been working on for the last
    2 years!

  ¢11- Broth renamed to Coca!
  - Dizzy renamed to Cola!
  - Ranx rejoined from Stone Arts!

  ¢11- Decker rejoined with his board
    "Hack'N Hard".

  ¢11- Scorpio rejoined scene!
  - Agamemnon and Sunburst were kicked
  due to inactivity!

  ¢11- The Gathering'94 will be hold at
    "Rykkinhallen" outside Oslo. CRS
    will hire a laserwar-building in
    Oslo, so the guest can kill each
    other! More information coming!
    Stay tuned!

  ¢11- Roscoe and Subra left for Razor!

  ¢11- A new group formed by most of the
    ex-TSB members.

  ¢11- Most members left for Razor 1911!

  ¢11- Device left for S!P

  ¢11- Most members left for S!P

  ¢11- Spacehawk got caught because of

  ¢11- Private Dick left with his ugly dick
    for Surprise Production!

  ¢11- All members in the UK and Denmark
  - Facet, Dan and Lizard joined Space-
  - Futuremind left for Razor 1911!
  - Lemon. are NOT dead! Members in
    Holland and Norway are still alive!

  ¢12MAJIC 12
  ¢11- Chorus, Sid and Condor left for
    Razor 1911!

  ¢11- Limbo left for Razor 1911!

  ¢11- They are reborn!
  - Nick left from Spaceballs!

  ¢11- Scorpion left for S!P

  ¢11- Odeon left for Razor 1911!

  ¢12RAZOR 1911
  ¢11- They are rebuild!
  - Many members from Illusion joined!
  - Propaganda is now a Razor 1911
  - Odeon joined from Phenomena!
  - Chorus, Sid and Condor joined from
    Majic 12!
  - Roscoe joined from Equinox!
  - Subra joined from Equinox but got
    kicked after only two weeks!
  - Lizardking and Tony joined from The
  - Diesel and D-Lite joined from

  ¢11  Alcatraz!
  - Futuremind joined from Lemon.!
  - Limbo joined from Noxious!
  - PGL ( Gfx ) was kicked!
  - John Peel ( Swapper ) was kicked!
  - Mick ( Coder ) was kicked!
  - Sine ( Gfx ) was kicked!
  - Actual memberlist 08.01.94:
    Colerbird	 : Coder, Editor, WHQ.
    Odeon	 : Coder
    Hammer	 : Coder
    Futuremind	 : Coder
    Oden	 : Vectordezigner
    Tony	 : Grafician
    Diesel	 : Grafician
    Chorus & Sid : Musician
    Some1 & Prime: Musician
    Lizardking	 : Musician
    Deelite	 : Musician

  ¢11  Lionheart      : Editor
    Roscoe	   : Swapper
    Condor	   : Swapper
    Limbo	   : Swapper

  ¢11- Antibyte and Luke left for S!P

  ¢11- Lizardking and Tony left for Razor!
  - Plasma left for Vision!

  ¢11- Facet, Dan and Lizard joined from
  - Jogeir left for Virtual Dreams!
  - Nick left to rebuild Offence!

  ¢11- Ranx left back to Balance!

  ¢11- New norwegian group formed by Black
    Demon and Lucifer!

  ¢11- Antibyte and Luke joined from
  - Private Dick joined from Legend!
  - Dawn (musician) joined in Germany!
  - Device joined from Impulse!
  - Virus joined from Zenith!
  - 7 members joined from Investation in
  - Scorpion joined from Orient!
  - Splat! (gfx) joined!
  - Heptagon was kicked out!
  - Tommy left S!P
  - CREATOR joined S!P as a subgroup!
  - CyberDance (swapper) was kicked out!
  - 7th Son (coder) renamed to CodeX!

  ¢11- Stage left for Vision!

  ¢11- TSB are dead!

  ¢11- Jogeir joined from Spaceballs!

  ¢11- Stage (original supplier) joined from
    Tarkus Team
  - Hooker sold his modem and got kicked!
    (Friendship rules forever, eh?)
  - Leroy was kicked out!
  - Plasma joined from The Silents!

  ¢11- Virus left for S!P

  ¢02**** News Supplied by TROPEDUFT OF TECH ****

  ¢12  ANGELS
  ¢11- Ninja Never Joinde Nuance

  ¢11- Colorbird and Schizo joined from Circle.
  - Nose, Stearo and Raw Style of Paradise joined in Germany.
  - Colorbird and Schizo left to build up Illusion with some others.

  ¢11- Velsa Joinde ..
  - Kristen left And Joinde Love Of Desire
  - TropeDuft Joinde From Tech ..

  ¢12  CIRCLE
  ¢11- Sphinx got kicked.
  - Colorbird and Schizo left for Alcatraz, but after a week joined Illusion.
  - Prime and Some1 joined Artech, but after a week joined Illusion.
  - Lionheart joined Illusion
  - Circle is dead ..

  ¢12  DESIRE
  ¢11- Jimi of Legend built up a subdivision for Desire called Love.
  - Kristen / Alpha Flight joined Love/Desire.
  - Thor of Disknet joined Love Of Desire.
  - Agony Change His Handel To Paragon ??

  ¢12  ESSENCE
  ¢11- D-Sign of Silents joined.

  ¢11- Skull Joinde From Noxious

  ¢12  MAD ELKS
  ¢11- They joined Mystic As SubGroup ..

  ¢12  MYSTIC
  ¢11- Mad Elks Joinde Mystic As SubGrupe ..
  - Mystic Joinde Tek As SubGrupe ..

  ¢12  MAJIC 12
  ¢11- Razorblade joined ...
  - All Members Of Quartz Dk Joinde ..
  - Rumours .. The Best Members Left ..
  - Rumours .. They Are Nearly Dead ..

  ¢12  NOXIOUS
  ¢11- Dynamite of Analog joined in Germany.
  - Misery renamed to Skull
  - Limbo joined from Nova
  - Skull Left And Joinde JetSet ..

  ¢12  NUANCE
  ¢11- Ninja Never joined From Angels ?

  ¢11- Premium left for Desire.
  - Nose. Raw Style and Stearo joined Alcatraz.
  - Paradise is dead.

  ¢11- Darky of Equinox joined l8der He Were
   Kickede ...
   - Yolk joined from Sonic

  ¢12  SONIC
  ¢11- Bundy stopped mailtrading.
  - Yolk got kicked

  ¢12  STELLAR
  ¢11- Razer joined from Alcatraz.

  ¢12  TECH
  ¢11- Randel Were Kickede ..

  ¢12  TEK
  ¢11- Mystic Joinde Tek As SubGrupe ..

  ¢11- Vodka joined From Digital ..

  ¢12  QUARTZ
  ¢11- All Members Of Quartz Dk Joinde
   Majic 12

  ¢02**** News Supplied By Pantera/Extacy..... ****

  ¢11Dillenger/Analog joined Dynamic as a coder.
  Coractor/Analog/Dynamic is now only a Dynamic Member.
  Mr.King/Analog joined Vision.
  Mr.King will continue the Never Mind packs under the Vision label soon.

  ¢11John Peel left Angels&AFL and joined Razor 1911.
  Limbo left Noxious and joined Razor 1911.
  Tommy left Interactive and joined Decnite.
  Tommy renamed to Speed Demon.
  Eumel/The Incal Inc. renamed to Zodac.
  Comrade/Energy renamed to Docile Drawee.
  Hijack joined S!P,but he is still a AFL Member,too.
  Pantera left Deicide and joined Extacy.

  ¢11-Decker ex-TMG joined Cadaver with his BBS (hack 'nd hard)
  -splatter left cadaver and formed ACME PROJECTS.
  -Cadaver will soon start two mags. One NORMAL-mag and an Anti-scene-mag,support
   them now!   The names will be Aggression and Necronomicon....
  -BIRDEYE was kicked from cadaver..
  -Li Chien was also kicked..
  -DUKE also kicked..
  -Triump was also kicked.
  -Punisher was also kicked.
  -Dr.Sado was also kicked.
  -N-GIN joined from Triax as an musician.

  ¢11-Stratego is a green bush now,so he is only doing some modemtrading in the
   weekends ( so his bbs will be set up a year from now on!)
  -Decker has some problems with his 14.4 modem so it's currently running on a
   2400 modem...But don't disappear, it will soon run on a 14.4 modem again!
  -Pathseeker will VERY soon upgrade his hardware(bigger HD and 14.4 modem)
  -Noise data has gotten back to business again( after getting busted by the
    Slovenian Post and At^t) and will very soon start up an Elite bbs again..
  -Petshopboy joined from diffusion as an musician!
  -Black Tornado joined from THE GUTS with his bbs  'Greenhouse'
  -CADAVER has now(approx.) 27 members.......

  -The Joker joined LIMITED EDITION from Septic...
  -The Hitcher/Angelica bought a new VCR equipment!
  -Isch-Crew will start an Advert-mag soon!
  -Hijack/Alpha f./S!P bought an A1200.....
  -The Party 3 will kick ASS!!!!
  -Limited Edition was offered to join Energy as a subgroup,but they said no!
  -Tropeduft/Tech joined Focus,but he will still be a member of Tech.
  -Dr.?/Obscene changed his handle to Chrombacher.

  ¢11-Iris's pack will get a new selector!
  -S.m.D left deicide.
  -Kronical will release a mag round christmas!
  -It's very Hot in Australia.
  -Nastro(coder) left Extacy and joined Agency.

  ¢02**** News Supplied by NOP / INDEPENDENT ****

  ¢12>> LEGACY <<
  ¢11- NOP left and now LEGACY are inactive group in TURKEY.
  - NOP is now an independent guy. He is searching for an elite group for join.
  - PINION INTRO PACK is finished with issue #6.
  - ABASH is LEGACY's new WHQ.
  - Maybe they will dead.

  ¢12>> NUANCE <<
  ¢11-  ANDY joined from  DAMIAN.

  ¢12>> CRASH <<
  ¢11- dR.dWeeP joined from AMINOX.
  - VICTORY joined.
  - They will released an INTRO PACK & DENTRO.

  ¢12>> BRONX <<
  ¢11- KICKMAN left.

  ¢12>> DAMIAN <<
  ¢11- ANDY left.

  ¢12>> PSYCHO <<
  ¢11- KING is back.

  ¢12>> TURK <<
  ¢11- They are back to scene.
  - Now they WHQ is SPEEDY.
  - They release first intro called Sexy Intro.

  ¢12>> NONAME <<
  ¢11- New Computer Shop in TURKEY.
  - KAAN is the fucking big boss.

  ¢02**** News Supplied by  5Ø1/T.R.S.I -  CUBIK/TRANCE - TERMINATOR/TRANCE ****
             //     /  \   /\       _      /\        _
            //     \\  \\ )) \__  //(    // (___  ___)\____
            \\         ////  _ \\ / \\   ))   , \/    \\  /__/\  _
         _____\___  ___/_/  /_)///   \\__/ __  //  ___ \) ____/__)\
        (  _____/    \__/  __  // //\ \\/ /__)// //___\/\/ __)_____)
         \(   //     \\/   )/ \\ ((/\\ /  \// /) \\__/\// (____]\
              \\______/\__/(_ //__/ (/ \__// / \_____ \\\_____ //
                     [Pdg'93]\/   \ .__/   \/       \ //      \/
                                   \/                \/

  ¢10 ==============================================================
  ¢12            TRANCE
  ¢11 DELIRIUM got a offer to join S!P with some members
   but he AND the members refused

  ¢10 ===============================================================
  ¢12            TRANCE
  ¢11 TRANCE is NOT DEAD !!!!!!
   trance wil come back in 94' with lots of prod's like
   a INTRO?

   GRAND joined in Finland as a GFX'er
   DOSE left CHAOS AD to join Trance as a musician.
   SCABBY left TRANCE and also quit the scene.
   GAD left Trance (Amiga Section) and joined the PC section of TRANCE
   TRANCE UK got kicked because of lazyness!!

  ¢11 DEFENDER (EX-TRANCE-UK) rejoined TRANCE, but not as TRANCE UK anymore.
   (358-(9)51-3634245) Call it!!!
   TRANCE France has opened a console section.
   TURBO (EX-ADDICTS) joined in Australia as a swapper.
   MEGAZZAP joined as a swapper and GFX'er in Australia.

                 WE ARE ALIVE AND KICKING YOUR ASS !!!

  ¢10 ==================================================================
  ¢12              ANALOG
  ¢11 ANALOG is dead
   mr.king joined vision
  ¢10 ===================================================================
  ¢12                     PULSE
  ¢11 bobby-b/genetix built up the new group
   butthead and cascay/independent joined as coder/trader,artist
   sonic/prime joined as trader/artist and musician
   metuel/savage renamed into beavis and joined as trader

  ¢11 they will soon release something (intro and mag)
  ¢10 ====================================================================
  ¢12                        PULSE
  ¢11 sonic joined pulse
  ¢10 =====================================================================
  ¢12                   SAVAGE

  ¢11 metuel renamed into beavis and joined pulse
  ¢10 =====================================================================
  ¢12                    T.R.S.I
  ¢11 501 wasn't caught as rumours told in the last weeks
   drunken rum wasn't caught as rumours told in the last weeks
  ¢10 ======================================================================
  ¢12              VISION
  ¢11 mr.king/analog joined

  ¢10 =======================================================================

  ¢02**** News supplied by TURBO/BRONX! ****

  ¢12 NEWS from TURKEY-SCENE...

   - VICTORY left TURK and joined CRASH.

   - Some AMINOX members left and formed new crew called ORBITAL.

   - GORE and RAVETRONIC joined BRONX from Finland.

   - KING rejoined PSYCHO.

   - New crew born from Canakkale/TURKIYE called STYX. They're relased
   some intros.

  ¢02**** END OF NEWS ****

¢08      EDITORIAL                                   MESSAGES FROM..
¢09      First Words                                 Psyche/Kronical
      Credits                                     Coyote/Kronical
      Instructions                                Trauma/Kronical
      How To Support                              Deadlock/Kronical
      Greetings!                                  Felon/Kronical
      Final Words                                 ALEN/Legacy      
¢08      ADVERTISEMENTS                    ¢09          NOP/Independant
      Adverts 1                                   Turbo/Bronx 
      Adverts 2                                   Python/TRSI   
      Adverts 3                                                
      Adverts 4                            ¢08       NEWS N RUMOURS
¢09      Adverts 5                                   News        
      Adverts 6            
¢10      BACK TO DEMO SECTION!       

.....Finally here it is..!!     Kronical proudly presents...-PSYCOSIS- Pack-Mag Issue #3.........Packed by Psyche..!!     Yep! here it is.........If you havent guessed already, this is Psyche at the keys I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this issue, and also, if your Advert is not in this issue, it is because I have received so many.. .....But dont worry, it will be in the next few issues for sure..!!      Anyway enough about that........Also look out for Kronicals disk-mag called -VISION- it will be released sometime in the near future.........        Well thats about it for now, enjoy the pack and........- Vote Our Packs -................See Ya..!!                       Text Repeats..!!