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File size:
3 710 bytes (3.62K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:52:56
Download count:
all-time: 191


 first of all to  
members of kefrens
  and welcome to  
the new members from
atomicteam & defcon
 salutes also to  
  and dream team  
 northstar & flt. 
    tsk & acc.    
     the band     
   the silents.   
    mad monks.    
 bamiga sector 1. 
    the agents    
 the supply team. 
   plasma force   
outlaws  (the end)
 and lots a more  
   great people   
   sorry to those   
      we forgot     

      allright you dudes!!  here is metallion  of  (  )   heading down at your commy.... with a new demo for the   bs1     & warfalcons -party 11.feb-89.... i just wanna tell ya, that if your out for  golden  regards , look in the fade-scrolly above.. & if your looking for crazy writing, just keep on hanging your eyes at this pixel-mover.. cos this piece gonna contain lots a shit from members of kefrens.  i aint in the mood for writing long scrollys right now, so i we give the amiga to mellica       yeah this is mellica of  typing a little crazy text for you......  ok lets give the scroll some life he he this was the first one, you wanna see the next? ... ... ... i could not hear you ... okey look here ohhh what effect ... here is a nother one oh it is so clean now....    yeah this is great, now you can read it better, but what about the color bars...lets get them back ok.....  now some special hellos of mine ... .... the amiga freak and qrd of trilogy and also to liteace of dexion........    i think i will give the keybord to the whiz kid of kefrens so here you  go.........  thank you mellicaaaaa    ohhh was that mellica well thank you anyway.!!!!   i find it rather hard to come up with any ideas for something to write, but i will try..!! how about trying out all those special features in this awesome scroller which by the way was written by the one and only: metallion of   (  )   now i will proceed with the promised showing off with the special features.....!!! watch  and another  , cooooool  cooooler    bars out   new bars on, and another cool feature  and here it is       stop    and zizak the speeds are of course also controlled by the scroll, but i think it is enough for now so i will return to the normal bullshit text...!!!       check the great greetings above the chars were drawn by me, the snake-looking thing flying around upthere is by mellica these chars are by icu2, and improved by metallion, of course was the great coding done by metallion, i wont write any  greetz to contacts coz i have got so little time to write this demo and all the others must be finished soon, so we can put em on a disk and turn them in...!!!!!, so byyyeeee from the whiz kid of         so we will all be seeing  each other in another product from kefrens, over and out..!!       the next few lines will be written by some great fellows by subway & dream-team........    yo hello and a good day to you, here is...   subway  and the   dream team speaking to all you crazy computer freaks in happy denmark.....        at first of all we like to say hi to our partners in austria...    and second a big hi to all the computer sharks in kefrens...    for us it was a fucking long train trip to join this party, but nevermind we dont die on it....      lets make fun !!! well what about some golden regards from subway and the  dream team.....      okay, here they are...     hi to : kefrens, megaforce, the band, trilogy, vision factory and the beyonders, world of wonders, inv. crime, mad monks and all we know...      have a nice day and see ya later!