File Archive

File download


File size:
47 745 bytes (46.63K)
File date:
2010-08-23 23:05:05
Download count:
all-time: 428



Welcome to LamERlAnd, located in speden penis.
Running AmiExpress 4.X Copyright © 1992-94 LightSpeed Technologies Inc.
Unregistered Version. You are connected to Node 1 at 300 baud
Connection occured at 21:05:42 09-30-94.

                      Open 21.00 - 07.00 every night

Enter your handLE: Dr.PoHumppa-Kakke
PassWord: ******

                                    ___ ___
                           ___  ____\_//  ¬\        ___
                   _ _____/  ¬\/    \_/     \______/  ¬\        ___
        ______   __ ______     \_   _      __/   ___    \______/  ¬\
       (     ¬\_  _/    _)    __/   ¬\/    ¬\     ¬\_____/____      \_
        \      /__\_    \_    ¬\_____/       \     _/  ¬\_   _)  ____/
       _/     /    ¬\____/      /    \_______/______     /   \_   ¬\___
       \_______      /   \_____/                  \_____/_____/       /
        |    \______/                                         \______/
        `-.                       JORMAS WhQ!             ___     .-'
       .::|    ______              ___         ___  _____/  ¬\    |::.
     .::::`---(     ¬\_    _ _____/  ¬\_____  /  ¬\/   ___    \---'::::.
    .:::'      \      /___________     \   ¬\/     \_     \    \_   `:::.
    ::::  ZMb _/     /    ¬\_   _)    _/     \_   __/    _/     /    ::::
    `::::.    \_______      /   \_    ¬\_   _     ¬\_______    /    .:::'
      `::::.        \______/_____/      /____\      /    \____/    .:::'
        `::::.                   \_____/      \____/             .::::'
          `::::.                                               .:::::'
            `:::::..       .::.     ..::..    ..::..        .::::::'
                   `:::::'      `:::'    `:::'      `::::::'

(Pause)...Space to Resume: 
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Los Excrementos Wallos! | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ruff in the Jungle Bizness; Uplifting Vibes Mix
rapidfirellä on löysempi anuskuin spedeillä
spedejen kellot on edellä
spedet on perseestä
rApEdfire rulets
Out of Space; Techno Underworld Remix
kuka noita remixjuttuja heittaa?
Wind it Up; Bonus Beats
What to do if this_object()->query_gender() returns "female" ??
jormas häiritsee
spedet ovat aivan ihania.
Bonus Beats rules but spedet on perseestä
spedeillä ei seiso
Charly; Beltram says mix
Enter your line or just press return, please:

(Pause)...Space to Resume: 

                      Last-Caller v0.8 By LOOBY / iNSANE  

Baud Login h:mm Username          Location               HOC  Upload   Download
14.4 00:29 0:16 VEGA              [ScööpËx'94·ËlïtËt]   [-O-]  1/ 226k  0/   0k
 2.4 22:41 0:15 Wasp              [·Decnite&Damones·]   [---]  0/   0k  0/   0k
14.4 21:38 0:27 Duster            [»»»» FANATIC ««««]   [-O-]  0/   0k  2/ 232k
 9.6 21:14 0:15 Elvis             «Future Crew AMiGA!»  [---]  0/   0k  0/   0k
14.4 17:53 0:03 Phloyd            KUKAT HIUKSIIN LAITA! [H--]  0/   0k  1/  42k
14.4 00:05 0:17 Generator         .iNSANE.              [---]  0/   0k  1/  96k
14.4 21:13 0:17 Humppa-Kakke      SPEDET ON NATSI SIKOJ [-O-]  1/ 203k  0/   0k
14.4 23:35 0:03 VEGA              [ScööpËx'94·ËlïtËt]   [-OC]  0/   0k  0/   0k
14.4 22:02 0:10 Bull                                    [-O-]  0/   0k  0/   0k
14.4 23:14 0:29 VEGA              [ScööpËx'94·ËlïtËt]   [-O-]  0/   0k  1/  96k
Calls [  5] Upload [   5/   1mb]   Today   Download [   0/   0mb] NewUsers [ 0]
      [  5]        [   0/   0mb] Yesterday          [   4/   0mb]          [ 0]
      [ 14]        [ 124/  21mb]  Records           [  31/   7mb]          [114]

(Pause)...Space to Resume: 

Scanning conferences for mail

Scanning Conference: · rUfF! · No mail today!
Scanning Conference: ·wAREtS!·

Type     From                           Subject               Msg
-------  ------------------------------ --------------------  -------
Public   JoRmAS                         spdsxx                002921

Would you like to read it now (Y/n)? Yes

Date   : 09-30-94 17:35:26                Number: 2921
To     : Jumppa-Kakka                     Recv'd: No
From   : JoRmAS                           Status: Private Message
Subject: spdsxx

                            /   `:::::'   \
                           / /\         /\ \
                          (  \_)       (_/  )
                           \  /         \  /
                            \(           )/
                              \    Y    /
                              (__ _|__ _)
                              (    |    )
                             _(    |    )_

                         Hey sPEdES EAT THIS!!!

Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?,<CR> ( 2921 ) >: 

(Pause)...Space to Resume: 

         ____   ___  ________     ______________________  ________
       _/   ¬\_/  ¬\/   _   ¬\____)    _/   _ ¬\    _  ¬\/       / tm
       \    _   _   \   _     /  ¬\    |    |   \  _|   /\__ \__(
        \   ¬\_/____/___|    /    _____|________/__\_   \_  \   ¬\
       .:\___/          |___/\_____|                |____/_______/:.
      .:::'                                                     `:::.
      :::   .                        &                        .   :::
      `:::. ::.       _   _   _  _  _    _  _    _  _       .:: .:::'
       `::::::::   _ |_) |_) |_  (  ) ° (_  ( __ ) (_  _   ::::::::'
            ::·      |   | \ |__  \/  | (__  \/\/  __)      ·::
            '                                                 `

(Pause)...Space to Resume: 

Area Name  : n0RMAL
Caller Num.: 2995
Lst Date On: 09-28-94
Security Lv: 100
# Times On : 7
Msgs Posted: 7
Online Baud: 300
Rate CPS UP: 1418
Rate CPS DN: 0
Screen  Clr: YES
SysOp Pages Remaining: 10

              Uploads             Downloads
     Conf  Files    Bytes      Files    Bytes      Bytes Avail  Ratio
     ----  -------  ---------- -------  ---------- -----------  -----
        2>       2      365649       0           0     2500000   3:1

Conference 2: ·wAREtS!· Auto-ReJoined

Total messages           : 2920

Last message auto scanned: 322
Last message read        : 320

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (99 mins. left): js
 .                                                                           .
 ¦             Status of Humppa-Kakke from SPEDET ON NATSI SIKOJA            ¦
 ¦    User Slot Number [    43     ]    ¦    Access Level   [    100    ]    ¦
 ¦    Number of calls  [     7     ]    ¦    Access Area    [  n0RMAL   ]    ¦
 ¦    Messages posted  [     7     ]    ¦    Minutes left   [    99     ]    ¦
 ¦    Uploaded Files   [    2      ]    ¦    Leeched files  [     0     ]    ¦
 ¦    Uploaded Bytes  [   365649    ]   ¦    Leeched Bytes [      0      ]   ¦
 ¦    Ratio           [     3:1     ]   ¦    With this ratio you can leech   ¦
 ¦    Ratio type      [   365649    ]   ¦    [       1096946 bytes!      ]   ¦
 ¦    You are on node  [     1     ]    ¦    Speed          [   19200   ]    ¦
 ¦        Name of the conference        ¦          Name of the board         ¦
 ¦    [          ·wAREtS!·          ]   ¦    [         LamERlAnd         ]   ¦
 ¦                   JormaStats v0.1 © Poksahtaja / Jormas                   ¦

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (99 mins. left): faker

AmiFaker v2.02 by SPOCK / TRSI, Serving Humppa-Kakke Now!
Loading System Files.... Done!

Fake which file(s)? hc-dc003.exe

                                 SPECIAL EDITION UL TO LAMER MAA...
                                 [-----------------------( HUMPPA-KAKKE )---]

 You Have 3 Lines for Your Comment. Press Return Alone to End.
 Begin With (/) to Make Comment 'Private' to Sysop or With (-) to
 Make Comment Anonymous.
 Quick Macros: A>ncient B>roken C>rap F>ake N>oPacks O>ld R>ename L>ame
 Enter Comment Or Macro Key :crap! hahahehhhoeohehee
 Adding Your Comment.... Done!

Fake which file(s)?

Returning Back To LamERlAnd!

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (98 mins. left): who

|Nd#| Name/Handle         | Location            | Action              |Chat|
|00 | Mic Dair & Hyde     | >>>  C O M P L E X  | VIEWING DIRS        |YES |
|01 | Humppa-Kakke        | SPEDET ON NATSI SIK | WHO                 |YES |
|02 | MATTI JA TEPPO      | -]VD/FAIRLIGHT[-    | BEGINNING DL        |YES |
|03 | Tormentor           | Deep Thought        | REQUESTING CHAT     |YES |

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (99 mins. left): b 5

Updating the bulletine #5...OK!
  - Multi Top! (Version 1.1) - Coded in 1993/94 by Bobo (Mystic/X-Design) -  

No# Username (Handle)      Msg Written No# Username (Handle)      Msg Written
 1. VEGA                         1.103 11. Flashbac                       132
 2. Wasp                         1.093 12. Machine                        102
 3. M/\RViN                      1.010 13. TcR                            101
 4. Sphinx                         408 14. Coco pops                       98
 5. TradeMark                      403 15. Generator                       95
 6. Jolly Roger                    302 16. =dEEtsAY=                       80
 7. Smash                          295 17. Phloyd                          76
 8. ZeTOR                          192 18. Duster                          69
 9. Elvis                          180 19. KristeN                         64
10. Operator                       139 20. Lemming                         47
Total Uploaded Bytes ( ) Total Downloaded Bytes (149.283.651   )
Total Uploaded Files (821    )        Total Downloaded Files (854    )

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (98 mins. left): r

Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?,<CR> ( QUIT )>: 2000

Date   : 09-12-94 19:40:09                Number: 2000
To     : Humppa-Kakke (ALL)               Recv'd: No
From   : JoRmAS                           Status: Public Message
Subject: Twentienth century

Nice Jorma or what. This is the Jormasturbo#24...

Msg. Options: A,D,R,Q,?,<CR> ( 2001+2920 )>: q

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (98 mins. left): ?

 <e>____________/\____/\  _  ______/\____________________/\______  /\_____
 ///   __/ _ _     \    \/ \/        /      (   __/ _ _     \_   \/_ _/   \
   )   /__\____/   ( _  \/  \   /___/.  / __/   /__\____/   (/  \    /  /  \
 _/   /    (   /    \_  /    \_ /  \(      \   /    (   /    \_ /   /      /
 \______    \________/_/   _ _/_____\__/_ _ \____  \\\________//_  /______/

.-----Main-commands-----.                          .------File-commands------.
|     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     |                          |                         |
| |B|-> Bulletins       |-------Msg-commands-------| |A|-> Alter flags       |
| |G|-> Get outta here! |      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯       | |D|-> Leeeeeech!        |
| |H|-> Help            |  |C|-> Comment to ZoMbiE | |F|-> File listings     |
| |M|-> Ansi mode       |  |E|-> Enter Message     | FAKER Fake files        |
| |O|-> Page ZoMbiE     |  |R|-> Read messages     | |N|-> New files         |
| |S|-> Your stats      |  ZOOM> DL mail (Asc/QWK) | NEW-> List newest first |
| |RL-> ReLogon         |--------------------------| |U|-> Upload!           |
| |W|-> Edit account    |                          | |V|-> View file         |
| |X|-> Expert mode     |  |CF-> Conference flags  | |Z|-> Zippy search file |
`-----------------------'  ORDER>Order ascii!      `-------------------------'

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (97 mins. left): order

.====( ASCII-Order v1.2, by Tango/DPL'94 )====.
|1. View requests|
|2. Enter request|
|3. View sample art|
|4. Delete request(s)|

ENTER to quit! -> 

   The following painters are available. If you want more than one, seperate
   em with space!

1. Elvis
2. ZoMbiE
3. Sphinx
4. Coco Pops

Enter your choise : 2

                                .---------/  ¬\--.     ___
                   .----------/¯¯¬\/¯¯¯¯_¯     \_`----/  ¬\----->   ___
       .---------/¯¯¬\_/¯¯¯¯¯¯     \_  _|     __/¯¯¬\/     \_______/  ¬\
     /¯¯¬\/¯¯¯¬\/     \_____¯¬\_____/  \_     ¬\_    \_    _/   __      \
   _/     \_    \_    _/   ¬\     ¬\____/       /   _      ¬\_   ¬\_____/
   \__ ____/   _      ¬\______      /   \______/_____\       /   ___/  ¬\_
   /      ¬\____\       /   \______/- -- --- ------>  \_____/_____       //
  \\       /     \_____/-ZMb-- --'                      `--------\______///.
 .\\\_____/  <-------'
      `-- -'

(Pause)...Space to resume: 
.====( ASCII-Order v1.2, by Tango/DPL'94 )====.
|1. View requests|
|2. Enter request|
|3. View sample art|
|4. Delete request(s)|

ENTER to quit! -> 

   The following painters are available. If you want more than one, seperate
   em with space!

1. Elvis
2. ZoMbiE
3. Sphinx
4. Coco Pops

Enter your choise : 1

       |           /\   <eLv!s·94>   ·     /\              _.    ._|__.
_______|______/\  / .\_______________:    / .\ _ _________/ |____|    |__ _
\__   ________  \/   \\_____   \_    |   /   \\  _________ _|   __    __ _
 /   ____/ __/   \____/  __/  _/|   _|___\____/  \__   |/  \__   |    |
·     |/   \__    \   |  \__   \|   \     /   |    /   |    |    |    |
      |_____/      \__|___/     \______  /____|____    |____|    |____|
 _ ___||   /________/    /_______/    \_/        /_____|    |_____/|
       |                                                           |
       |  W  H  E  N   D  R  E  A  M  S   C  O  M  E   T  R  U  E  |
       |                                                           |

(Pause)...Space to resume: 
.====( ASCII-Order v1.2, by Tango/DPL'94 )====.
|1. View requests|
|2. Enter request|
|3. View sample art|
|4. Delete request(s)|

ENTER to quit! -> 

Thank you for using ASCII-Order v1.2, by Tango/DPL'94!
For updates/bugreports, call  Total Inferno  ++46-42-234164!

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (97 mins. left): f 1

- --- -----[ TaSK-NewScan v0.01 (UnReg! Works till 1.10.94) ]--- ---[ sTc ]---

Conference .....: ·wAREtS!·
Total dirs .....: 1

Scan Date ......: None
Scan Dir .......: 1

Scanning Directory 1 ..... Ok!
jrm-hc01.dms N OFFLINE 04-08-94      ._________________  <e>  ______  _______
                                 THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                 |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                 \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
jrm-hc02.dms N OFFLINE 04-22-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
jrm-hc03.lha P OFFLINE 04-30-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
JRM-PW2R.LhA P OFFLINE 05-06-94       )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
                                 __   \    //~\\   __ \| \    /  /\ ___ ø"/
                                 ) \___\   \ i  \  V  /_ \\  // /  \  ___/__)
                                 \      \  ~\:   \   __ \ \\// / :  \    +-,ö
                                 \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
                                  ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
                                 <oHo\( » Pro-Wizard v2.0 ì£máñ rÈqÚâ « /OhO>
jrm-hc04.lha P OFFLINE 05-08-94       )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
                                 __   \    //~\\   __ \| \    /  /\ ___ ø"/
                                 ) \___\   \ i  \  V  /_ \\  // /  \  ___/__)
                                 \      \  ~\:   \   __ \ \\// / :  \    +-,ö
                                 \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
                                  ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
jrm-mt2r.lha P OFFLINE 05-12-94      ._________________  <e>  ______  _______
                                 THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                 |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                 \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
                                 MTool v2.0c - Cracked by FAMOUS'OHO!/JORMAS!
Jrm-T2dP.txt N OFFLINE 05-14-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                       13-May-94 Patch 4 Terminus 2.0d
jrm-hc05.lha P OFFLINE 05-14-94       )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
                                 __   \    //~\\   __ \| \    /  /\ ___ ø"/
                                 ) \___\   \ i  \  V  /_ \\  // /  \  ___/__)
                                 \      \  ~\:   \   __ \ \\// / :  \    +-,ö
                                 \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
                                  ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
JRm-hC06.LhA P OFFLINE 05-20-94   _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                 +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                 |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
                                 |.:|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |::·|
                                 |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |
jrm-tr1p.lha N OFFLINE 05-22-94   _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                 +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                 |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
                                 |.:|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |::·|
                                 |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |
                                 Tracer1.01 Cracked by THE FAMOUS'O`HO/JORMAS
JRM-HC07.LHA P OFFLINE 05-27-94   _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                 +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                 |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
                                 |.:|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |::·|
                                 |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |
JRm-hC08.LhA N OFFLINE 06-03-94      ._________________  <e>  ______  _______
                                 THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                 |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                 \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
JRm-stAT.LhA N OFFLINE 06-05-94      ._________________  <e>  ______  _______
                                 THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                 |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                 \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
                                 JormaStats v0.1 for /X - Coded by Poksahtaja
                                 CODED WITH PURE JENKKI FOR MAXIMUM VELOCITY!
JRm-hC09.LhA N OFFLINE 06-08-94       )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
                                 __   \    //~\\   __ \| \    /  /\ ___ ø"/
                                 ) \___\   \ i  \  V  /_ \\  // /  \  ___/__)
                                 \      \  ~\:   \   __ \ \\// / :  \    +-,ö
                                 \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
                                  ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
JRm-hC10.LhA P OFFLINE 06-10-94   _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                 +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                 |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
                                 |.:|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |::·|
                                 |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |
JRm-stA2.LhA N OFFLINE 06-10-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                 JormaStats v0.2 for /X - Coded by Poksahtaja
                                   This is the *FIXED* version! Works 50% !
JRm-Who!.LhA N OFFLINE 06-10-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                 JormaS-Who v0.1 for /X - Coded by Poksahtaja
                                 Rule-door for 1 node BBSes! Zekitout! WORKS!
JRM-HC12.LHA P OFFLINE 06-22-94           _____  _____   ___________
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©         
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRm-GW1R.LhA N OFFLINE 06-22-94      -÷ F·A·M·O·U·S ÷-     JOrmAS'94  ___.   
                                   ___  ,       ___             a     |  ¦   
                                  / . \  |___| / . \  PRESENTS: m  .__¦  |   
                                  \___/  |   | \___/  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  R   ) |  |   
                                                                o  /  ¦  |   
                                 AmigaGuideWriter V1.01 HÄCKED! J (______|Rm 
JRM-HC13.LHA P OFFLINE 06-25-94           _____  _____   ___________         
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©         
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRM-CE3R.LHA N OFFLINE 06-28-94      -÷ F·A·M·O·U·S ÷-     JOrmAS'94  ___.   
                                   ___  ,       ___             a     |  ¦   
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                                  \___/  |   | \___/  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  R   ) |  |   
                                                                o  /  ¦  |
                                 Clipboard Enhancer V3.3 rÄC'D! J (______|Rm 
JRM-HC14.LHA P OFFLINE 07-03-94           _____  _____   ___________         
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©         
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRM-HC15.LHA P OFFLINE 07-24-94           _____  _____   ___________         
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©         
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRM-DMPK.LHA P OFFLINE 07-24-94  _________________ _____ ____  __. \  _______
                                 \_   ______  ____Y____ / .  \/  |  \/   ____
                                 /   __/      /   Y   \/  !   \  !   \____  \
                                 \_   |\___!  \___!    \______/______/   ___/
                                  ----'    `---' \_____/EL?          `---'   
                                   ____ ___ ___.      ____     Famous'O`ho   
                                  / .  \\_/__  |___  / .  \     of JormaS    
                                 /  !   \  /       \/  !   \  DASModPlayer-  
                                 \______/  \___!    \______/  KEYFILE!!!!!!
                                              \_____/         -------------  
JRm-hC16.LhA N OFFLINE 07-26-94           _____  _____   ___________         
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©         
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRM-Epi1.DMS P OFFLINE 08-07-94         ___ __________________ ____/\ _____
                                    ___|   |  _   \_  _   \   Y  _/  \  __/
                                   /   |   |  Y   /  _/ __/ \     \_  \_  \
                                   \_______|_____/___\   \___\/____//_____/
                                 EPILESBIAN Music Disk from ASSEMBLY'94 [1/2]
JRM-Epi2.DMS P OFFLINE 08-07-94  EPILESBIAN Music Disk from ASSEMBLY'94 [2/2]
JRm-hC17.LhA N OFFLINE 08-10-94           _____  _____   ___________
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRM-DK33.LHA P OFFLINE 08-17-94  ________ ___   ___ ___   ___   ___    _____
                                 \_  ___// . \__}  Y  {  / . \ / | \ _/ ___/
                                 /   _)_/ _|   _  _:_  \/  |  \  |  \\___  \_
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                                 _   : \___:   / __Y    _/____/  ____/___ __/
                                  \/_:__ __:__/ :__`--/\__     \/
                                  /  .  \\/  /  |  \ /  . \     Famous'O`HO!
                                 /   |   \__/   .   /   |  \___  of JoRmAS!
                                     |     __   |       |   __/ DASModPlayer
                                 \   ____/ \    :___/  ____/    v3.3 keyfile
                                 \\__/(e^!) \___:   \__/        ------------
JRM-HC19.LHA P OFFLINE 08-24-94           _____  _____   ___________
                                         |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                 - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                  ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                  JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                  ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                 - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
JRM-HC20.LHA P OFFLINE 08-26-94       )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
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                                  ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
JRM-LEDZ.LHA P OFFLINE 09-03-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                          LED·ZEPPELIN·GABBER·REMIX         |
                                    <- -- --- ------------------------------'
JRm-D33A.LhA N OFFLINE 09-09-94  ________ ___   ___ ___   ___   ___    _____
                                 \_  ___// . \__}  Y  {  / . \ / | \ _/ ___/
                                 /   _)_/ _|   _  _:_  \/  |  \  |  \\___  \_
                                     | _  \_   \  \ /   \_ :     :   _  Y   _
                                 _   : \___:   / __Y    _/____/  ____/___ __/
                                  \/_:__ __:__/ :__`--/\__     \/
                                  /  .  \\/  /  |  \ /  . \     Famous'O`HO!
                                 /   |   \__/   .   /   |  \___  of JoRmAS!
                                     |     __   |       |   __/ DASModPlayer
                                 \   ____/ \    :___/  ____/    3.3a keyfile
                                 \\__/(e^!) \___:   \__/        ------------
JRm-w512.LhA N OFFLINE 09-09-94  _________________ _____ ____  __. \  _______
                                 \_   ______  ____Y____ / .  \/  |  \/   ____
                                 /   __/      /   Y   \/  !   \  !   \____  \
                                 \_   |\___!  \___!    \______/______/   ___/
                                  ----'    `---' \_____/EL?          `---'
                                   ____ ___ ___.      ____  Write3.512 GERMAN
                                  / .  \\_/__  |___  / .  \   cracked by da
                                 /  !   \  /       \/  !   \   Famous o'ho
                                 \______/  \___!    \______/   of JoRmaS!!
JRm-Tb21.LhA N OFFLINE 09-09-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                        J o R m A S t U R b o    # 2 1      |
                                  <- -- --- ---- ----- ---------------------'
                                 [-----------------------( Humppa-Kakke )---]
TB26Ptch.lha N  10120  09-13-94  ________ ___   ___ ___   ___   ___    _____
                                 \_  ___// . \__}  Y  {  / . \ / | \ _/ ___/
                                 /   _)_/ _|   _  _:_  \/  |  \  |  \\___  \_
                                     | _  \_   \  \ /   \_ :     :   _  Y   _
                                 _   : \___:   / __Y    _/____/  ____/___ __/
                                  \/_:__ __:__/ :__`--/\__     \/
                                  /  .  \\/  /  |  \ /  . \     Famous'O`HO!
                                 /   |   \__/   .   /   |  \___  of JoRmAS!
                                     |     __   |       |   __/TeleBASE 2.600
                                 \   ____/ \    :___/  ____/     crackpatch
                                 \\__/(e^!) \___:   \__/       --------------
                                      [-÷- Wasp / Decnite & Damones -÷-]
MT2dPtch.lha N  10233  09-13-94  ________ ___   ___ ___   ___   ___    _____
                                 \_  ___// . \__}  Y  {  / . \ / | \ _/ ___/
                                 /   _)_/ _|   _  _:_  \/  |  \  |  \\___  \_
                                     | _  \_   \  \ /   \_ :     :   _  Y   _
                                 _   : \___:   / __Y    _/____/  ____/___ __/
                                  \/_:__ __:__/ :__`--/\__     \/
                                  /  .  \\/  /  |  \ /  . \     Famous'O`HO!
                                 /   |   \__/   .   /   |  \___  of JoRmAS!
                                     |     __   |       |   __/MTool II v2.0d
                                 \   ____/ \    :___/  ____/     crackpatch
                                 \\__/(e^!) \___:   \__/       --------------
                                      [-÷- Wasp / Decnite & Damones -÷-]
JRm-Tb22.LhA N 135582  09-17-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _ \_
                                      _¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__/
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                                  .:|  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   |:.
                                        J o R m A S t U R b o    # 2 2      |
                                  <- -- --- ---- ----- ---------------------'
                                      [-÷- Wasp / Decnite & Damones -÷-]
JRm-Tb23.LhA P 227209  09-23-94        ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                  nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                    .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                  .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::. 
                                 :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                        J o R m A S t U R b o    # 2 3      |
                                  <- -- --- ---- ----- ---------------------'
jrm-fury.txt N   6389  09-23-94      ·  <e>_____t.H.E F.U.N.K.Y____
                                 _ __!___./  _  \ _ ______ __ /  _ \ _ _____.
                                 ____|   |   /   \ _   /  V  \  _/  \_ _____|
                                 \   |   |_______/_/ _/_ \ /  \_\    /____  \
                                 :\   ___|    _ __\    /__Y    \_\__/   ____/
                                 | \__/  pRezent:  \__/   |_____/ _ ____/   |
                                 |   a rEPLY 2 dA eLiTE rAPiDfiRE/tRSi!!!   |
DMPKFM34.LHA P   2033  09-27-94  _________________ _____ ____  __. \  _______
                                 \_   ______  ____Y____ / .  \/  |  \/   ____
                                 /   __/      /   Y   \/  !   \  !   \____  \
                                 \_   |\___!  \___!    \______/______/   ___/
                                  ----'    `---' \_____/EL?          `---'  |
                                   ____ ___ ___.      ____  DASModPlayer v3.4
                                  / .  \\_/__  |___  / .  \ KeyFile-Maker by|
                                 /  !   \  /       \/  !   \  FAMOUS'O`HO   |
                                 \______/  \___!    \______/JoRMaS!^iNSANE! |
                                      - -- ---\_____/-----------------------'
                                 SPECIAL EDITION UL TO LAMER MAA...
                                 [-----------------------( Humppa-Kakke )---]
                                 °^ HUMPPA-KAKKE : CRAP! HAHAHEHHHOEOHEHEE ^°

LamERlAnd [2:·wAREtS!·] Menu (97 mins. left): g

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                     gIVE a cALL tO oUR eLEET bOARRDS:

      [-Cosmo Ad 2000-·-Dist.-site-·-3-nodes-·-+358-2FUCKINGELITE4U-]


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