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140 448 bytes (137.16K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:17
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all-time: 0


$VER: BBLoader V2.0 (01.01.94)

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$VER: BBPack V1.2 (02.03.94)

   (Y)ES         (N)O

TRSI  - 40K INTRO   

    W e L c O m E    tO   thE    A d V e R T s E c T I O n  
                          o f
             B O U N C I N G   B Y T E S ! 

 Send Your Adverts In The Following Size To Dodger or Ali :

 Small Advert :  30 wide        Big Advert : 66 wide
                 16 high                     16 high

 Your advert can of course be smaller. Remember :  No Tabs !


    Send your stuff for Bouncing Bytes to the editors :


    doDGeR oF INtErActIvE             aLI oF INterActiVe 
   Daniel Koschera bei Lenden           Guido Eckers
      Wilh.-Buschstr.20               Westerburgstr.12
     41541 Dormagen Zons           41541 Dormagen  Zons
          Germany                        Germany        

  If you did not get an answer your disk was broken,you forgot
  your adress or the post was guilty...

                 JOiN ThE F0rcEs 0F...                       
    /   - \ ___  ______/\________/\____________          /\       
    \   . //.  \/   X__    .__/\_  .____/ ____ \        /__\      
    /\___///    \   \ /   .|  _/    _|_ \_/__/  \      ___ __
   //    \    :  .   \    ||_|_|   |   \/       /     /  //  \    
  /      /    |      /       /     :    \   :   \_   /  //    \   
  \_____/_____|\____/_______/___________/___|____/  /__//______\  

                     A  C  T  I  V  E   !!!                       
   M O T I V A T E D     C O D E R S    N E E D E D   ! ! !      
   If you are a motivated coder,preferably German,and looking
   for a friendly group with talented Graficians and Sounders
   with brains full of ideas for kewl demos contact us !

 ...write to:                                                     
  ABYSS/IA  (WHQ)        LEANDER  (GHQ)          DODGER (GFX)     
  Carsten Deibert        Paul  Heinrich         Daniel Koschera   
  Unterangerstr.18       Roemerstr.2            Wilh.-Buschstr.20
  86940 Schwifting       86949 Windach          41541 Zons        
                    all in Da Fucking Germany !                   
            GUNHED/IA (FHQ)           WIPER/IA  (FI.HQ)
            Berry Slimane             Christer Bjoerkman           
            42,Rue Clement Penot      Forsby Byvag 184      
            F-944400 Virty/Seine      sf-66900 Nykarleby        
            France                    Finland               

        ___/\   ______/\  ___/\________/\______ __/\___
  __    \_   \  \_      \ \_         /\_   ___/ \_   __)      __
 /_/\   ./    \  /   .   \ \__   .__/ /  __)__  /   _  \:.   /\_\
 \_\/ .://     \/    |   \\  /   :\  /        \/    |   \::. \/_/
    .::/        \    |     \/    ! \/          \    |    \:::.
  .::::\________/____|_,   /\______/\__________/____|_,  /:::::.
                      \___/...a C t I V e...         \__/d0dGer


 undEr :                             ++49-619-246-894

 YouR sYsOPs :   X-RAY  and  ATOMIC (co)

           /                                  \
          /\     CONTACT ONE OF THE MOST      /\
          \/    INSANE ASSHOLES ON SCENE !    \/
          \/                                  \/
          /\          METAL/FUNZINe           /\
          \/          OFIARNA  2/18           \/
          /\           93-380 LODZ            /\
          \/             POLAND               \/
          \/       REMEMBER:                  \/
          \/    - ONLY LAMERS                 \/
          /\    - FRENTSZIP SUXX              /\
          \/    - YOUR DISK = BIG RISK        \/
          \/    PS. Just kidding !!!          \/

:A1200 OWNERS LOOK NO FURTHER! .     Do you want fun,
:     maniac IS HERE!!         .     friendship or just
:                              .     elite trading then...
.I swap all the latest games as:
.  well as other Amiga stuff!  :     Write to: Domain
.                              :               Mayntevej 34
.    So contact me at:         :               8900 Randers
:     P.O. Box 204             :
:     Oaklands Park            .     Everyone is welcome,
:      S.A.  5046              .     but the guys who send
:      AUSTRALIA               .     me a long letter on a
. LONG LETTER=90% ANSWER       .     disk with stuff will
. LONG LETTER & DISK[S]=200% A.:     will get an 100% answer
. FUCK OFF LAMERZ!!!!!!!       :     for sure. See Ya!

 -| |____________________________
_|-|_        \   __ \     _  \_  \         for swapping write:
 -|_    _   _ \_   \ \___  \__/   \              python
 |-_|-__/   \__/   ___/  \   \_    \_          po box 105
 - |_        /       \_       /     /       43-200 pszczyna
-|_| | _____/____\____/______/_____/             poland
 |_| |-|                    COLA__-

            RAM JAM,S!P,UNION and more.

          _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ ____
         / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\
        /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/
       / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\
       \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/
        \/             \/abs

              If ya want NO elite mail-
          trading-contact at Nuance, you
         should also NOT write to diz addy:

          Andy / Nuance,   Andreas Dubois,
          Starenweg 9,   89584 Ehingen.
                  G E R M A N Y

     __________  __________________________ ______ ____________
    /         / /        /       /        //      \\           \
   /     ____/ /   _____/  _____/    ____//    ____\\___     ___\
  /     /___/ /   /___/   /___/     /___//    /____/\__/\    \__/
 /      __/  /    __//    __//      __/ /    /         \ \    \
/\     /_/  /\    \//\    \//\     /_/ /\    \          \/    /
\ \    \______\    \\ \    \\ \    \____ \    \________ /    /
 \ \          \\    \\ \    \\ \        \ \           //    /
  \ \__________\\    \\ \____\\ \________\ \_________//    /
   \/__________/ \    \\/____/ \/________/\/________//    /
                \ \____\                            /____/
                 \/____/                           /____/
    RADAVI               STRANGER              MSW
  P.O.BOX 7143          P.O.BOX 48           P.O.BOX 399
    HOLLAND               HOLLAND             HOLLAND

                    /(____________  ___/\___________
                    \____/\_____  \ \____/\_____    \___ _ __
                    /    \/  __/   \/    \/    /____/
                 __/     /   \_  __/     /____     /
                 \      /    /   \      /    /    /
         __ _ ___/     /    /   //     /    /    /
                 \____/\___/   ./\____/\_______ /
               ===========/    /==============|/SHK
                          \___/               :

           Contact The Two IRIS WHQs For Joining:
           IRIS WHQ                  IRIS WHQ
           PO BOX 2570 ULLANDHAUG,   BP 5,
           N-4004 STAVANGER          F-95690 NESLES LA VALLEE
           NORWAY                    FRANCE

            ______  __  _________ _______ _____________
           / \___/\ \ \/    \(   X    \_// \___/(   _//\[i]
           \___) \ \/  \   _/ \__/   _/ \\___) \ \___X  \
           /     /  \  /  / \  \\   / \  X     /     /\__X
           \____/\___\/\_/\_/\_/ \_/\_/\_X____/\____/  \_/
                   P  r  o  D  u  C  t  i  N  s

                     MESSERSCHMITT/S!P [WHQ]
                           P.O.BOX: 48
                         H-4015 DEBRECEN
                          H U N G A R Y

                       O N L Y   E L I T E !
                !  A L S O  F O R  J O I N I N G  !

         ____________________                __   _   __
         \____/  _ \___/  __/               /  \ / \ /  \
         /    \   _/   \__  \             -=\ \//  // ._/=-
         \   // .\\_  //   //             -=/\ \\_/ \  \ =-
          \__/__|__/__/____/[OD]            \__/ O   \_/

    -x- Overdose Escort Agency -x-        H  U  N  G  A  R  Y
 Inexpensive Girls thatll do ANTHING
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-    Messerschmitt / S!P WHQ
                                    : 48
          Overdose/Iris UKHQ                4015 Debrecen
            3 Apreece Way                      Hungary
               Stilton                ! ALSO FOR ELITE SWAPPING !
             Peterborough               We are searching MEMBERS
               PE7 3XG                       Send Examples
               ENGLAND                   You will be surpised !

    ___    + ___ ---  --- --  - - ---   -- --   - -- --+
 __/   |___|/ | \_________  M .________________________|_________
|__    ____   |  ________/  Y |__     __/___  \___    \/  ______/
  /    |   \  _   \  __/___ S |  \   /  \__|   \ _____/_  __/___
 /     |    \ |    \ |     \T |   \_/    \__    \|      \ |     \
 \______    /_|    /___    /I l____|     / |    /__     /___    /
       \___/  l___/   \___/ C      l____/__l___/  \____/   \___/
             |       -=-= THE MYSTIC MAZE =-=-
                                               __/\____ _|
             |  TdD/eFFECt  -    AMIGA         \ O- / __ |
             |  |  ToM/iNDy!   -    PEEZEE     /_\/_\_ __
                 | |   rOOOOOOOm   -             \/      |
             |   | |fASt eLITe wAREz. cOOl oTHEr cONFs .:|
             |  |_jUSt cALl AnD suPPoRt LikE HeLL     .::|
                        +31-(0)22-9047-395          .MSW:|
             +---------  -- -  - - -- -- - - - --      --+

    ./\______  ____/\__________  _/\.
  .:/    (  _)(__  \      )    \/ _ \:  -------------------------
 .::) /) / /::/ _  /\/ (_/\/ (_/ /:) \   INTERESTED IN SWAPPING
.::/  __/ (/\/ (/ (:/  /:_/  //  \/  /
::(__/:/____/\___ /:\_(:(_____)__/__/:        MODULES ???
:::::::\/:::::::\/[Pdg 93]:::::::\/:::  -------------------------

               WRITE TO:
            OBELIX OF PLATIN                  JOAKIM OGREN
            MANFRED OTTE                      SNIPGRAND 69
            AM AUGARTEN 17                    S-90624 UMEA
            87437 KEMPTEN                       SWEDEN
100 PERCENT ANSWER TO WELLKNOWN GROUPS  -------------------------

   _____________________________________  ______________________
  /  ____/   /  \_____  \_____  \_____  \/   /  ____/  _____/  /\
 /___   /   /   /      _/   ____/      _/   /___   /  _____/__/ /
/______/_______/___/_ \/_  /\__/___/_ \/_  /______/ ______/  /\/
\______\_______\___\_\/\_\/ /  \___\_\/\_\/\______\/ _____\\/ /
                      \/  \/          \/  \/       \/       \/
          P   r   0   d   U   c   t   I   0   n   $
   h       u        n        g        a        r       y
                is lOOking for new MemBers
    So Dont delay and try - the Result will SurPriSe You!!

                  MESSERSCHMITT/S!P [WHQ]
                       4015 debrecen
                 ! ALSO FOR ELITE SWAPPING !

 ____       _________   ___   ___         HEY WANNA SWAP??
|    \ /\  /         \ /   \ /   |       NO PROBLEM, SIMPLY
|     !  ||           !     !    |          WRITE TO ME:
:     :   !      For  :     :    |
.     .   :     ELITE .     .    |        MEPHI of DAMAGE
      .   .   Swapping.     .    :       MARCIN KWASNINSKI
      .   .    !!??!! .     .    .          WESOLA 4/13
.     .     Contact now     .             41200 SOSNOWIEC
          .                 .               P O L A N D
         BACKFIRE of ALCHEMY.    .
             ADAM GORSKI    .           NO BEGINNERS AND NO
            PULTUSKA 46/3                INDEP. FOR SWAP!!
            53116 WROCLAW                  5,25 disk(s)
             P O L A N D

 Back to the roots of Friendship !

______________________________  _____
\___ \____ \ ___/ _   / ___/_ \/ ___/          TIRED TO ALL
 / |  \ |/ /___ \ |__/  _/_|/  \ _/_         STUPID BOARDS ??
/  |   \|\ \  |  \|  \  |  /   / |  \
\______/___/_____/____\____\  /_____/         TRY THIS ONE !
 ::Wanna Swap A Bit or two?:\/::C:::
                                         -- N I G H T F A L L --
       AiR        Sum fast greets to:
   Nordastaet 24 Lemon. Accession LED     + 4 6  9 0 1 2 0 3 6 9
   N-5041 NORDAS Tech Equinox Analog
     NORWAY      Razor1911 BananaDzn      + 4 6  9 0 1 7 8 1 6 9
                 MadElks M12 Parasite
                 Mystic Decnite S!P          AMIGA: CRYSTAL
                 Nuance Angels Bronx         PC   : 2000 AD
                 Manitou Platin+rest!
   OBSCENE-Litt bedre enn Cadaver!!      HOME OF THE NFL CHIPMAG !

     - for swapping write to -            ________  ___ _______
         LoRd oF ABSOLUTE!                \____   \/  /\\____  \
            Labos Peter                    /  /___/  /_/_/  /__/\
           1181 Budapest                  /  __/\/  /   /  /\__\/
           Darus 10 II/3                 /__/\_\/______/__/ /
              HUNGARY                    \__\/  \______\__\/

  ** 100% AnSwEr FoR KnOwN GrOuPs **    - F.A.I.R.L.I.G.H.T.-
 >>> CaLL tHe NuMbEr oF tHe BeAsT <<<
          +36-1-291-4029                 FOR PURE HURRA TRADING :
         FaSt GrEeTz Go To:              - SIRIAX / FAIRLIGHT ! -
TrSi,SaNiTy,DiGiTaL,ViRtUaL DrEaMs,S!P            D.L.!
PaRaDoX,FairLiGhT,AfL,PaRaSiTe,WiZzCaT        P.I.BOX 540661
InFeCt,EqUiNoX,StAtIC ByTeS,RaZoR 1911        22525 HAMBURG
JeTsEt,StAtIc ByTeS,MaJiC 12,DeSiRe,IA         - GERMANY -

        - Louder than a bomb -    ********************************
      _________________________   *                              *
     /___  ___  ___   __    __/\  * FOR LEGAL ELITE SWAP CONTACT *
    //__/\/__/\/_ //\ \ \  / / /  * ---------------------------- *
   // \_\/ \_\/_///  \/\ \/ / /   *      TRASHER OF SANITY       *
  //__/\/_/\\/__//_/\__/\  / /    *      -----------------       *
 / \__\/\_\ \\__\\_\ \_\/  \/     *        Oliver Plink          *
/______________________/_/\_\     *        Im Kirchen.6          *
\________________________\/\_\    *        89155 Erbach 2        *
                                  *        Germany               *
  For swapping , try this :       *                              *
                                  * WANTED: gfx,sfx,legal stuff  *
       Kazz of Bronx              *        FOR GERMANS:          *
       43170 Hakkila              *     KEINE WARENSENDUNGEN     *
          Finland                 ********************************

                 ______                _____      _____
   __/\_______  /     /\ __/\_______  /    /\    /____/\______
   \_____     \/     / / \______    \/    /_/__ /   \_____    \
   /    /     /     /_/__/     /    /    ______/    /    /    /\
  /    ______/     /    /          /    /     /    /    /    / /
 /    /\_____\____     /_____/    /\_________/____/____/    /d/CK
/____/ /      \__/____/\____/____/ /\________\____\___/____/ /
\____\/          \____\/    \____\/                   \____\/

  CoNtAcT uS fOr TrAdInG tHe LaTeSt LeGaL wArEz Or JoInInG!

   (DaMiON/pLaTiN)                     (ObElIx/PlAtIn)
   JeNs-OlIvEr KlOkKeRs                   MaNfReD oTtE
   MaRrInKsWeG 5                        aM aUgArTeN 17
   48531 NoRdHoRn                       87437 KeMpTeN
   geRmAnY                                    gErMaNy

                 _______     ______        ______
                /       \__/\\     \  __/\_\     \
               /     |  |  . \| |\  \/  _  \| |) /
              /   |  |  |     | |_)    (_)  |    \
              \   |__|_/   |__|_____/\_  __/|__|  \
               \__|    \___/           \/       |_/

                 . -) BEYOND THE MIND EYES (- .

        4 swapping          DISC(s)          4 gfx
        write to :          100%             write to:
        VAdER / MADOR       REPLAY!!!        CROMATIC/MADOR
        Ulrich Becker                        Markus Mueller
        Weserstr.48                          Poznanerstr.23
        49661 Cloppenburg                    03048 Cottbus

                ___   ___   ___   ___   ___   ___
              _/   \_/ | \_/   \_/   \_/ __\_/   \
             /   .  \_ |  \_. . \_ . _|  _>_   ' _|
             \   |  ./ '  ./| | ./ . .\  | .\  | .\
       ___________   _______OF THE____   _______   _______
       \      .   \_/   .   \_/   .   \_/   .   \_/   .   \
        \     |    \    |____\    |    \    |____\    |____\
       _/     .    /    ._>_____  .     \___.     \_  |c   !
       \      |     \   |      /  |      /  |      /  |Y   :
        \     |     /   |     /   |     /   |     /   |b
                   -=*!bUlLeTiN BoArD sYsTem!*=-
     > 14400 bAuD - 120MB HaRdDrIvE - OnLy Am¡gA - /X V3.9 <
               SyStEm OpErAtOr:  LoRd / AbSoLuTe!
                CaLL tHe BeAsT aT +36-1-291-4029

             _         _         _          _          _
     _ ___/\_)\_____/\_)\_ ___/\_)\__ ___/\_)\__ ___/\_)\__ _
   -\\_\____    /\_  .  _/ \    ____/ \_   .  _/ \____    /_//-
   o .  /  |___/  /  |  \   \___|  \__  /  |  \   /  |___/  o .
   . . /       \_/       \  /  ______/ /   !   \_/   .   \ . +
     _/    |    \    |    \/   !     \/    .    \    |s   \_ .
     \     |         ¡         :                     |a    /
      \____|    X____|    /\    _____/\_____    X____|t   /
           l___/     l___/  \___| 1 9  1 1 l___/     le__/

           ConTact Me 4 FasT 'n' Fr¡EndLy Swapp¡nG

    ODEN / RAZOR 1911, Tallstigen 5, S-14640 Tullinge, Sweden

  _                               _
   \_          SEARCH !         _/       
     \_           FOR !       _/        fOr PuRe ElItE tRaDinG
       \_       ELITE !     _/
         \_  CONTACTS !   _/
           \_           _/                 [USURA/VANDALZ]
      Contact\now for swapping             THORBECKESTR.13
      DA LATEST\!!!!!!!!!!!!!!             6971 DA BRUMMEN
                 \  /                          HOLLAND
              _/.:of:.\_              FAIRLIGHT+KEFRENS+RAZOR1911
            _/.:::ALCHEMY_            ENERGY+DECNITE+IRIS+BALANGE
          _/PULTUSKA:46/3.\_          MAJIC 12+BRONX+MOVEMENT+TEK
        _/.:53116:WROCLAW::.\_        X-TRADE+VISION+ALPHA FLIGHT
      _/.::::P:O:L:A:N:D:::::.\_      CADAVER+PARASITE+MEDICINE
    _/.::::::::::::::::::::::::.\ _   +the rest..(IA ? -ed.).....

___________________  _______________
\___   _______     \/   ___________/
../     |    /    _/\____    \     |     NORBY OF TRSI (POLISH HQ)
./      |    \    \     V     \    |          P.O. BOX 20
.\______|____|\____\__________/____|         56-300 MILICZ
......                                          POLAND
........                                COOL STUFF'N'LETTER
.........  FOR ELITE,FAST                 FOR 100% ANSWER
...|......      AND FRIEDLY SWAPPING
---+------            WRITE TO:

                                            Do you want to enter 
      Contact with ABSOLUTE! at:            a chart ?
= aLsO FoR sUpPoRt tHe sLeDgE HaMmEr =      Ofcourse you do, and
 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=        here is how to do it:
       - ONLY ELITES,PLEASE! -              Just send packable 
          LoRd oF AbSoLuTe!                 productions to:
             Labos Peter
            1181 Budapest                   Prevail Pack Support
            Darus 10 II/3                          P.O. BOX 7143
               HUNGARY                        3430 JC Nieuwegein
 >>> CaLL tHe NuMbEr oF tHe BeAsT <<<      And you will enter the
                                           Top Supporter Chart !!

       -(*OUTLAWS*)-                    __  __
                                   (   (   (   \  \
  ATTENTION  -  ATTENTION           )   \  \    )-(
 0uTlAwS iS  l0oKiNg 4 n3W          \  __) (__  \  \
    TaLeNt3d MeMb3rS!!!             __ __  __
                                   (  (  )(   \   \
                                    \  \ \ \-  )  (
    *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*             (_ (  )(__ \/\/
    -                 -           -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    *  FLYNN/OUTLAWS  *            Bart / Isch Crew
    -   P.O. BOX 35   -            H-1195 BUDAPEST
    *    4900  SPA    *            JOKAI 2.  X/30.
    -     BELGIUM     -                HUNGARY
    *                 *           -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

             /\__/\__/\____/\  /\____/\  /\______
            / __ \  /\_   __/ / __  / /\ \ \____/
           / / / / /  /  / / / __  / / /\_\__  / 
          / /\/ / /  /  /  \/\/ / / / / / \_/ /  
          \ \__/\___/\_/\____/ / /\____/\  __/   

          FoR fAsT aNd FrIeNdLy SwApPiNg WrIt3 tO
                     FLYNN / OTL              
                     P.O. BOX 35              
                     4900  SPA               
              - Gr3eTs To AlL mY fRi3nDs -      

      Contact with ABSOLUTE! at:
 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=         swapping...
= aLsO FoR sUpPoRt tHe sLeDgE HaMmEr =
 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=         MEPHI OF DAMAGE
                                              WESOLA 4/13
       - ONLY ELITES,PLEASE! -                 41200 SOSNOWIEC
          LoRd oF AbSoLuTe!                      P O L A N D
             Labos Peter
            1181 Budapest                           try diz...
            Darus 10 II/3

 >>> CaLL tHe NuMbEr oF tHe BeAsT <<<

         ______    ___    ___  _________________________
  ------/  /  /\  /  /\  /  /\/  /  ____/__/  _   /  _  \---
  -----/  /  / / /  / / /  / /  /  /____\_/  //  /  //  /\--
  ----/  /  /_/_/  /_/_/  /_/  /___   /  /  //  /  //  / /--
  ---/  /      /      /       /___/  /  /  //  /  //  / /---
  --/__/______/______/_______/______/__/______/__//__/ /----

   If you want to have contact with mens, who (from unknow 
   reasons) guarant you an answer, ex-KGB agents, write to:

       Qba/Illusion              Death Angel/Illusion   
       Jakub Pienkowski          P.O. BOX 1204
       P.O. BOX 105              53785 Lohmaw
       12-100 Szczytno           Germany

    ________  ___  __     _____   
   /       / / _/ /  \   / _  /        QBA OF /\      S
  /__   __/ / /  /    \ / // /       /\      / / /\   W
    /  /   / _/ / /|   /  __/        \/  /\  \ \/  \  A
   /  /   / /_ / /_|  /  /             /\\ \/\\  /\ \ P
  /__/   /___//______/__/sh            \ \\   \\/ / / !
      - BacK oUT oF HeLL -              \ \\  /  / /  !
                                         \/ILLUSION   !
    If u are a good musician,ADDY:
   coder,gfx artist,swapper or           QBA/ILLUSION
  modem trader and u wanna join          P.O. BOX 105
a cool & crazy crew,then write 2         12-100  SZCZYTNO
       Shithead/T.E.D.P.                 POLAND
        Adrian Jaglarz
      Wuelferoder Str.13
  30880 Laatzen, United Germany

      \_____  \  ___ \   _  \
       |   |   \  | \/   |   \
       |   |    \ l____  |    \
       |______  /___  /__l__  /
              \/    \/      \/              V O T E    F O R
                                       B O U N C I N G  B Y T E S
        AITTONIEMENTIE.18                          !
        40270 PALOKKA

      OWN PROD=100% ANSWER

           _      .                           :
      ____| \  .__l__.________   ._____.______l   _______
      \_  |  \ |     |\_____  \__|     |\____  \  \____  \
+-----/   |   \|_____l/    |____/|_____|/   |   \_/   |   \------+
|    /    |    \     \______    \|     /    |    /    |    \     |
+---/     |     \    /     |     \    /     |   /     |     \----+
    \     |      \   \     |      \   \     |   \     |      \
     \_____      /___|\_____      /____\_____    \____|      /
                  :                           |
          for swapping:                  for joining:
          dragon/vision                 decadence/vision
          r.backhaus                    kristian broemme
          doktorhofweg 13               waldstrasse 7
          23879 moelln                  14727 doeberitz
          germany                       germany

                                  \_____  \  ___ \   _  \
                                   |   |   \  | \/   |   \
                                   |   |    \ l____  |    \
                                   |______  /___  /__l__  /
                                          \/    \/      \/o!
                                4 TRADING LEGAL&ILLEGAL WAREZ!
     Deep Space...
                                     40270 PALOKKA

                             NO MOTHAFUCKING OLD STUFF SENDERS!!
                             AND SOON U NOTICE THAT SOMETHING
                             NICE HAVE HAPPEN TO YOU,I'LL PROMISE

                             ALSO OWN PROD SWAPPING,IF YA WANT!

.::./\____/\_______/\___________.::.            __
::./  /  / _/  _________  \___  \.::           /\_\
:./  /  /  /\_  \/  /  /  /  /  /\:: _ _____/\ \/____ ___ _ _ __
:.\____/__/_____/__/\____/__/__/ /::            __/\ \/
|:.\___\__\_____\__\/\___\__\__\/.:|            \_\/
  elite swappers should write to          sKINDIVEr 0f aBYSs

          Dragon / Vision!              pFARREr-zILLEr-sTr. 15
          ----------------              854o2  kRANZBERg
          Richard Backhaus              gERM/\NY
          Doktorhofweg  13
          23879 Moelln                   (oNLy lEGAl)
          Germany                                    __
   - answer to all known groups -    __ _ _ ___ ____  \//\_____ _

   ____._____  ._____  ._____  .____     
 .|___ O- .  \_O- _  \_O- .  \ | ___|
   |__ |  |   \   . _/\_  |   \| __|        o-7 dAy old wAreZ ?            
.   |_ |  |    \  |   \|  |    \ _|
dREAM|_|_____  /__|    \_____  /_|           Support my pack 
dEALERS+..   \/911A____/   ..\/+              "THE VERDICT"
      Make your dreams come true       
            and write to                ! ! !   L E G A L   ! ! !
   .o. NaPoLeOn / DrEaMdEaLeRs .o.                     
              Po Box 56                               reval/pulse            
       F-13153 T A R A S C O N                        nico cebron
           ! F R A N C E !                   otto-blesch-str.13/1
                                                 78315 radolfzell
     ! S u p p o r t   L I V E !                          germany
    With messages, news, adverts,
      funny articles and more...

                 __          __          __
    ____________/ _\__  ____/  \________/_ \____  _  _ __ _ _
 __ \_______  \__\\_  \/   /   /  _______//____/\//\//\    __
/_/\ \/  _    /   /   /\__    /\__   \_\__   \ \ \\ \\ \ __\/_ _
\_\/ /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /\_\/\\/\\/   \/
     \______/\______/\______/\______/\______/  \     tHE dEEPEST
      \     \ \     \ \     \ \     \ \     \  /     eXPERIENCE!
 cOnTaCt aBYsS:
    sKInDiVER              ToXIc               dUKe
     AnDReAS SChWArZ        SvEn DEdEk          mARkUS KnAUeR
      pFARRer-ZiLLeR.15      gRuNwaLDsTr.6       fRItZ-BEnDEr.9
       854O2 KrANzBerG        84453 mUhLDOrf      85402 KRanZbeRg
        gERMoNEY               gERMoNEY            gERMoNEY
         leGAl-StuFF,AsCIi's+   lEGal-stuFF,gFx+    lEGal-STuFF
          joInINg                JOinIng

                                         released in the last
/\     Write long letters to :           week of March 
\/                              \|/
       HAWK / EFFECT           -=+=-     -=> PACKS VOLUME 17 <=-
       Souvereinburg 13 R       /|\
    _  3437 AL  Nieuwegein               (a total of 323 different
   (_) The Netherlands                    packmenues)
                                          Send your packmenus to:
       Include ONE disk with nice
       legal stuff!!!!!          :+:       PACK MENU SUPPORT
 :+:                                       P.O.BOX  7143
       But only if you're in it 4 da       3430 JC  NIEUWEGEIN
       fun...                              HOLLAND (land of JSW !)


+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+    _______   ___     __
|    Da bAgGer PrOdUctIOn pOsSe     |   /  ____/  /   \   /  \
|        wAnTs yOuR SuPpoRt         |   \   __/  /  __/   \__/
|        4 da DUTCH dIskMAG         | --=\   \===\    \===/  \==--
+                                   +    /\__/ \/ \___/\/ \__/ \
|       "JONG, SNEL & WILD"         |    \_____/\______/\______/
+                                   +     -F-L-Y-I-N-G C-O-W-S-
| sO aLL yoU DUTCH ArTicLe WriTeRs  |
|   (ThAt's yoU BeLgIaNs T00!!!!!)  |         -=hePtagoN=-
+                                   +        sTefan sWafing
|       C0NtaCt D.B.P.P. N0W        |        wEidenstr.  29
|       Jong, Snel & Wild           |        48531  nOdhorn
+       Postbus 7143                +          dUitsland
|       3430 JC  Nieuwegein         |
+       The Netherlands             + - sWapping disks + hip hop -
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -  mUsician swap,joining   -

     __ __     /  \ _______
   _/  Y  \_   \__/ \_     \     __ __        _    _______
 _//   |   \\__/  \__/  + _/   _/  Y  \_    _/ \_  \_     \
 \_         _/\_  _/\_    \h _//   |   \\__/     \__/  + _/
   \___|___/   \__/   \___/tg\_         _/\\  +  //\_    \
                               \___|___/   \_____/   \___/
         Yo, homie !
   Do you want to swap the
                             PHUNKY HIP  HOP MUZ SHIT ?

 hEptagOn/fLyinG cOwS
     sTefaN sWafiNg
   wEidEnStR . 29               | send your |
 4853| nOrDhOrN                 |   list    |

    /         /            /    \             GFX-GFX-GFX
   /   ______/            /______\
__/          \      _____/        \__    you are a  good graphician
\        ____/\    /   \            /    who is looking for a small
 \      /      \        \          /        and active group
 z\____/        \________\________/            so contact
   F L Y I N G   C O W S   I N C
             Kurczak/FCI                      -=hePtagoN=-
      ul. Szarych Szeregow 8/39              sTefan sWafing
        64-600 Oborniki Wlkp.                wEidenstr.  29
                Poland                       48531  nOdhorn
     !only this name in swapping!

     D I F F U S I O N        Are you looking for a new group ?
 -------------------------        Or maybe cool contacts?
         We NuKeD:
  Stockholm,Paris,Bryssel   If the answer is yes you should write
 Moscow,Lillehammer,London         to following address:
   New York and Tokyo...
 Tomorrow it could be your        -----------------------
          turn...                 --Beholder/Diffusion!--
                                  --Vuorenmaanrinne 34b--
         CoNtAcT!!                ----60220 Seinajoki----
    Athena of Diffusion           --------FINLAND--------
    Vuorenmaanrinne 34b           -----------------------
    FiN-60220 Seinäjoki
       Suomi/Finland           DIFFUSION - NAM NAM 4 EVERY DAY !

 _____________________________    O                         O     
 \                           / oO< >OOOooo...     ...oooOOO< >Oo     
  \ FOR PURE NAMNAM-TRADING /     O                         O     
   \-----------------------/      O  Hey, you over there!!  O     
   --Beholder/Diffusion!--        o  Lack of contacts??!!   o     
   --Vuorenmaanrinne 34b--        o  No problem!!           o     
   ----60220 Seinajoki----        .  Just contact me in     .     
   --------FINLAND--------        .   under this addy:      .     
   -----------------------           Viper/Diffusion     
        \ WE  NUKED /             .    Kalliokuja 3 A 4     .     
         \STOCKHOLM/              .    07800 Lapinjarvi     .     
          \       /               o        FINLAND          o     
           \     /                o                         o     
            \   /                 O     Elites Only!!!      O     
             \_/                  O                         O     
                               oO< >OOOooo...     ...oooOOO< >Oo
                                  O                         O

       --- D I F F U S I O N ---
           We nuked Moscow!!
     ...Next time it could be you         4 friendly swapping
        4  Pure friendship or               Darren/Scoopex
          just fast "elite"                 P.o. Box 11
           schwappinnng...                  4387 Bjerkreim
        Grand Duke of Diffusion
             Juha  Kovanen               Put enough stamps on
            Meijerintie  11              da package!!!
           FiN-62310  Voltti
            Suomi / Finland         Also send support for Magnet,
         Remember to send some          Eurochart, Scene Talk 
       support (adverts,news...)             and others!
       to my new Smegma packmag!

  Are you looking for cool contacts?

 If the answer is yes you should write

           to this address:

        --Vuorenmaanrinne 34a--
        ----60220 Seinäjoki----

         - D I F F U S I O N -
         NamNam for every day!

.-----:--.--:-----: :------:--.--:-----:-----:-----:-----.
|     |  |  |___  | |  _   |  |  |___  |     |     |     |
|__|  |  |  |  |__| |  |___|  |  |  |__|__|  |__|  |  :  |
   |  |     |  ___) |  |___|     |  ___)  |  |  |  |  |  |
   |  |  _  |  |  | |  |   |  _  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |  |  | |  |   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
   |  |  |  |  |  | |      |  |  |  :  |  |  |  |  |     |
   :--:--.--:-----: :------:--:--:-----:  :--:  :--:-----:
                  |  |     |  |  |  |  |
 A4000/040        |  |  |  |     |     |
                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | T R A N C E  I N C
 6 MB - 250 MB    |  |  _  |  |  |  |  | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
               ___|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 14.4k bps    |   :  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 /X reg.      :------:--:--:--:--:--:--:

OOOOOooooo.........oooooOOOOO            .oO T*H*O*R Oo.
O                           O   _  /\ __ __ ___of _  __ ____ ____
O  4 JOINING X - T R E M E  O  / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/
O                           O /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_
o          CONTACT          o \/\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/
o                           o               \/raven
o    Sir Jinx of X-Treme    o /---------------------------------\
.    Antoniusplatz    01    . \       Juergen Kopfmueller       /
o    49661 Cloppenburg      o /        Koenigsbergerstr.45      \
o    Germany                o \         87439 Kempten,Germany   /
o                           o /---------------------------------\
O                           O A  pUrE  lEgAl  SwAp  Or To SuPpOrT
O  Disc + Letter = 100000%  O My PaCkSeRiE cAlLeD 'Packmania'
O                           O WiTh ThE LaTeSt  PrOdUcTiOn  Of U'r
OOOOOooooo.........oooooOOOOO GrOuP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ByE !!


                          X - T R E M E 

CONTACT OUR WHQ .................................................

Sir Jinx of X-Treme                           Dr. Doom of X-Treme
Ingo Winkler                                  Jan Schneider
Antoniusplatz 01          X - T R E M E       Siriusbogen 58
49661 Cloppenburg                             24943 Flensburg

Short Greetings are flying out ( in no Order ) to: TRSI, Manitou


   _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ ____      
  / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\    
 /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/    
/ /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\ as ice !
\/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/  
 \/             \/abs                
    No more lyrics...

                         THOR of NUANCE:

                         THOR of NUANCE
                          Juergen Kopfmueller
                            87439 Kempten

     SWAPPER FOR SALE!          _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ _
                               / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\
 If you are searching for a   /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/
   high motivated german     / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\
 swapper then contact me at: \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/
                              \/            \/raven
       Poste Restante             ANDY of NUANCE is still 
        45127 Essen             searching for more friendly
          Germany               mailtrading-contacts.

 Greets: TRSI:Nuance:Energy           Andreas Dubois
 Banana Dezign:Equinox:Iris            Starenweg  9
 Speedy:Interactive:Vision,           89584  Ehingen
 Mystic:Pulse:Platin:Phase            G e r m a n y
 Defiance:Parasite:Alchemy...      .oO  Only elite  Oo.
              You are searching for more members?
Especially for a german swapper with a lot of well-known contacts?

                            Write to:

                         Poste Restante
                           45127 Essen

-=- Greetings are flying out to all my contax and friends in : -=-
 Trance Inc., Xtrade, Nuance, Alchemy, Iris, Speedy, Interactive,
 Intense, Vision, Mystic, Focus Design, Chrome, Foda, Technology,
 Defiance, Beta Team, Manitou, Applause, Xtreme, Equinox, Cartel,
Banana Dezign, Phase, TRSI, Platin, Parasite, Tritec, Effect, ILS,
Pulse, Eremation, Concept, Black Jack, Savage, Mador, Energy +rest

      __       __       __       __       __       __
     / (___   / (_     / (___   / (___   / (_____ / (______
     \     \  \   \  /\\     \  \     \  \    __/\\    ___/\
     //  /\ \ //  /\/ ///  /> \ //  /\ \ //  /\_\///  __/\\/    
    //  / / ///  /_/ ///  __  ///  / / ///  /_/_ //  /__\/
   /___/ /_//_______//___/\/_//___/ /_//_______//_______/\
 There is a pack called VAGINA PACKTORIS. And in the latest issue
 is no production from YOUR group. What's the matter? Are you dead?
  If not, please send me your latest own proddys and FREE adverts
                     in the size 25 * 38 .

  Andy / Nuance     Andreas Dubois     Starenweg 9     89584 Ehingen
                G     E     R     M     A     N     Y

                              _  /\ __ __ ___   _  __ ____ ____   
                             / \/ // // // _ \ / \/ // __// __/\    
    Wanna swap ??           /    // // // _  //    // /_ / _/_\/   
                 ??        / /\_/ \___/ \// / \/\_/ \___\\___/\   
                   ?       \/ /\\/ \__\/ \\/ / \/\\/ \___\\__\/  
                    ?       \/             \/abs                
                        Need a friendly elite contact ??
        Wanna support a pack with                         ?
        your latest own proddys and
        free adverts ( 25 * 38 ) ??      Why not try diz addy:
                              Andreas Dubois
              Andy / Nuance     
                                        Starenweg 9
                         89584 Ehingen              Germany

      .oO RaYtRaCe HeAvEn Oo.       
    ___  ___    _  ___  ___  ___   
   /   \/ . \/\/ \/ . \/  _)/  _\  
  /   \ \    \    \    \  | \   )_ Y
     BeDnAr/DaMaGe    |y           
     KwArToWa 3/35    |            
     31419  KrAkOw    |   /z       
      PpOoLlAaNnD.    |  /         
                      | /          
    HAM8 PiCtUrEs...               
    Fast SwApPiNg AlGhORiThMs...   
       .oO RaYtRaCe HeAvEn Oo.         _____  ___  ___  _______        
                                      /     \/   \/   \/       \      
        _____  /\  /\  ______        /       \         \      _/_     
 ..::::/     \/  \/  \/      \::..  /      \  \   _     \    |   \    
   .::/       \       \     _/_:: . \      /  /   |     /        /    
   ::/      \  \  _    \   |   \::   \       /____|____/________/     
   .:\         /  |    /       /:.: ==\     /====>                    
 .::::\_______/___|___/_______/:: .    \___/                          
     :HAM8::       BeDnAr/DaMaGe       -----\ .oO MePhI/DaMaGe Oo.  
    .:24BIT:.      KwArToWa 3/35        ----/  o  WeSoLa  4/13  o   
  .:::GIFFS:::.    31419  KrAkOw              . 41200  SoSnOwIeC .  
                    PpOoLlAaNnD.              Oo. PpOOLLaAnNdD .oO  
     FaSt SwApPiNg AlGhOrItHms !!        ReaL  SwApPiNg.......         

    ___  ___    _  ___  ___  ___                                      
   /   \/ . \/\/ \/ . \/  _)/  _\    _____  /\  /\  ______          
  /   \ \    \    \    \  | \   )_  /     \/  \/  \/      \::::..   
  \_____/_|__/_|__/_|__/____/____/ /       \       \     _/_::..    
                                  /      \  \       \   |   \::.    
     MePhI Is:::::::::::::::..... \         /  |    /       /::::.  
     LoOkInG .:.:::::::::::        \_______/___|___/_______/:OOoo.  
     FoR NeW:::::::....                                               
     QuAlItY  ::::::::::::..              PuRe GfX SwApPiNg.......    
     CoNtAxX   ..:::::::::::::::..                               .
                                    .oO SiTeK/DaMaGe Oo.:::::.        
                MePhI/DaMaGe         .o Ul.SwOjSkA 3 o. :::::::.      
                WeSoLa  4/13          . 31464 KraKoW . ::::::..       
              41200  SoSnOwIeC          PpOoLlAaNnDd  :::::::::...
   ooOOoo..     PpOOLLaAnNdD                                          
                                     FaStEr ThAn DeLuXePaInT......    

    ________  ____________________  ________  __________________
   /       _\/    /  _ /         _\/  ___   \/_   __________    \
  /    /   //    /   //   /   /  //  ___    //   _____/       __/\
 /____/__  /_______  /___/___/_  / ________/_________/____/__ \_\/
 \____\__\/\_______\/\___\___\_\/\/ _______\/ _______\____\__\/\
          \/        \/          \/\/        \/[CyberBrAiN]    \/
  .of tHe ________  __________________  _________________
         /  ____  \/_   __________    \/   ___________   \  +
    -   /  ____   //   _____/         /______  \_____/   /\
       / ________/ ________/____/__  / ________/\   /_  / /
       \/ _______\/ _______\____\__\/\/ _______\/   \_\/ /
        \/        \/                \/\/               \/
           an * ABSOLUTE! * bUlLEt¡n BoArD sYsTeM ...
    SyStEm OpErAtOr: LoRd / AbSoLutE! - CoSySoP: CyBeRbrAiN/zLk
   14400/v32bis/v42bis - 120 Mb OnLiNe (SySoP oN oFF liNe - hehe)
                CaLL tHe BeAsT oN +36-1-291-4029

 ______  ________ _______ _____  __     ______ _____________  __
(_     \(__      \   ____)     \|  |   /  |   |_   ___)  ___)|  |
 /  |   \|   |  _/____   \  |   \  | _/   |   ||   ||   ___) |  |
/        \   |   \   /   /  |   /  |/ \   |   ||   ||   |   \|__|
\___|    /_______/______/\_____/|______\______||___||________(__)
                        S I N C E 1879...

       LoRd oF ABSOLUTE!    -=*! CaLL OuR BoArD at: !*=-
          PETER LABOS            +36-1-291-4029
         1181 BUDAPEST          ABSOLUTE! HQ BBS
         DARUS 10 II/3          OnLy Am¡gA  /X V3.x
           HUNGARY              SySoP: LoRd / ABS!

          -­= Where Bottles Cry For Mercy =­-

         LoRd oF ABSOLUTE!
            Labos Peter
           1181 Budapest
           Darus 10 II/3
  ** 100% AnSwEr FoR KnOwN GrOuPs **
 >>> CaLL tHe NuMbEr oF tHe BeAsT <<<
      +36-1-291-4029 (ABS! HQ)
          FaSt GrEeTz Go To:
TrSi,SaNiTy,DiGiTaL,ViRtUaL DrEaMs,CrT
BaLaNcE,MeLoN DeZiGn,TaUrUs,FairLiGhT,
InFeCt,EqUiNoX,StAtIC ByTeS,RaZoR 1911
JeTsEt,StAtIc ByTeS,MaJiC 12,DeSiRe,Ia
ScAnDaL,NuAnCe,DuAl CrEw-ShiNiNg,AbYsS

           e x c e l
              o f
        f r e e z e r s
          JANI OINONEN
           KUNGSG. 9L
       S-55331  JONKOPING

  for some elite mailtrading ...
greets: Sanity Dcs Trsi Parasite
Equinox Desire Balance Razor1911
Banal Projects Stellar  Mad Elks
Accession Infect Obscene Scoopex
Stone Arts Pulse Hardcore Design
Vision Energy Bronx Chrome .....


                  --- Bouncing Bytes ---
    __  ______/\_______/\________/\_______/\____/\______/\_______
   /. \/   ___  ._______  ________  _____   . __ ._______  _____/
  //       \ |   _|__ \___.  \  \___.  \ \___/|   _|__ \___.  \
 /   :  .   \|   |   \/   |   \ /   |   \/   \|   |   \/   !   \
/    |  |    \   :    \   .    \    :    \    \   !    \        \

 Send your MESSAGES in the following size to DODGER or ALI :

 Message size :  wide : 66 max.
                 high : 16 for every page

 We will return EVERY working disk with the newest issue of BB !

  This time you can read messages from :

  DODGER of INTERACTIVE   (partly new)
  FLYNN of OUTLAWS        (also in the last issue)
  DARREN of SCOOPEX       (also in the last issue)
  PEACE / IND.            (new)
  SIR JINX of X-TREME     (new)
  SONIC of PLATIN         (new)

  Please support this section as much as you can and please
  The news section is dead ! We think messages are really
  funnier and more entertaining than news so send them !!!



 I did not hear from you for a long time ! What's up,mates ?
                     Are You still alive ?

 KERNAL of DESIRE : Bin mal auf Euer trackmo gespannt!
                    Delay ?
 You are a very good contact ! Its always nice to read your long
 letters ! Keep this quality !

 OXSTONE of SPLASM : Thanx for contacting ! Lets have a nice swapping
                     time ! Nice letter !

 YOYO of FIFTH GENERATION : Endlich hoert man mal wieder von
                            Dir ! Freu mich auf Deinen Besuch !
                            Adios mi amigo de Espana !

 CARLO of FLYING COWS INC.: Delay ? Write soon !

                How about learning English ?
                He,he,just kidding.

 QBA of ILLUSION : Fuck the post ! They must have been guilty for
                   he trouble ! Thanx 4 recontacting ! Write
                   longer letters please ! Nice photo,he,he...

 ANDY of NUANCE : Thanx 4 support ! Nettes Musikding... Ich
                  überleg mir das mal,von wegen Nuance und so...

 PEACE of ex-NEOPLASIA : Nice Chats ! Scheisse,dass sie Dich
                         gekickt haben,diese Idioten.Selber Schuld.

 OBELIX of PLATIN : How about a coproduction ? Der Bug bei
                    Generation ist ja immer noch nicht weg ! Ich
                    hasse es,wenn ich immer meinen Monitor an
                    den alten 500er anschliessen muss,nur weil
                    Euer Scheissding auf AGA abstuerzt !

 WALKER of IA :  Das mit dem meeting fiel wohl ins Wasser,Schick
                 mal ein Foto und ne Contact und Greetinglist !
                 How about a bit more speed ? Was war auffer
                 CEBIT los ? Ruf mal an !

 TRASH HEAD of TRSI  : Hope you will solve your problems with
                       Norby ! Keep on sending cool stuff and
                       long letters ! Very interesting paper...

 DRAGON of VISION : Kleines Delay,wa ? Ganz nettes intro...aber
                    die gfx und effects ! Naaaaaajaaaaaa...

 AEG of SMAS DEZIGNS : Nette Party, aber wo bleibt mein Preis ???
                       Contact me, auch wegen der Fotos !

 LORD of ABSOLUTE : Thanx for contacting me ! Hope to have a
                    good time with you ! Another thing:
                    I prefer Maoam-orange !!! he,he...

 TRICKSTER/S!P : Best wishes for you and your new group ! Hope
                 to see you in Paris this summer and have some
                 boozing fun with me scout friends and me !

 LEANDER/IA : Du bist einfach unglaublich faul ! Ich glaub schon
              gar nicht mehr daran,dass ich das demo noch irgend-
              wann zu Gesicht bekomme ! Es kotzt mich enorm an,
              dass die ganzen gfx wohl fuern Arsch waren !
              Du und Abyss seid Schuld dran,wenn ich IA verlasse!
              Raff Dich mal auf und mach AMOK endlich fertig !
              Es ist mir sowas von Scheissegal, ob Dein 1200er
              im Arsch ist.Man kann ja wohl auch auf nem 500er
              coden.AMOK soll ja nicht fuer AGA sein (leider).

 ABYSS/IA : Also mal ehrlich,der beste leader bist Du ja wohl
            auch nicht ! Was haelst Du davon auch mal ab und zu
            anzurufen und nicht immer nur leere Versprechungen
            zu machen ? Auf Dich kann man sich nicht besonders
            gut verlassen...Soll jetzt nicht persoenlich gemeint
            sein, aber so kann das einfach nicht weitergehen...
            Irgendwie hab ich den Eindruck,dass die ganze Szene
            so an dir vorbeilaeuft und Du gar nicht so weisst,
            was abgeht...

 Flynn/Outlaws : Thanx for contacting me ! Hope to see you
                 on the SIH party !
                                    ...messies from DODGEr...

                                             endE !

Now some messages by FLYNN of OUTLAWS !

First of all,welcome in OUTLAWS to: FATE,NTCS,ACT,COLORBOY,
                                    MiKE & DAVE,TROPEDUFT,
                                    GHOST,ELRiC,iRONMAN !

tO jEf/OUtlAws:
Hi Jean-Francois! Thanx for this nice work !!!!

tO pAcIfIc/UnlImItEd:
Coucou David...J'espere que tu as encore de bon jeux
de Foot US sur ta neNES

tO thE cOllEctOr/thE mAgIc gUIld:
Patriiiick !!!! J'ai ete ravis de te voir a la party!
Mais tu t'es encore sauve comme un voleur ou quoi?hihi

tO fAlkEn/trAncE:
Bizou ma biche! Alors pas encore a l'armee? 
N'oublie pas ce que je t'ai dis!

tO zAk/kOOl:
H! Michael ... On se voit a la Saturne 2 ?

tO stIx/IntEnsE:
Aloha Olivier ... heuuu et le code ca va fort?

tO lOrImAr/trAncE:
Hi Papa Smurf! mhhh that's shit that you close already your BBS!

tO msw/EffEct:
Yo Edwin! I call again your BBS soon!

tO hIgh tEnsION/IndY:
Hey Raul,don't forget to send back my video tape please!

tO mIc/prIncIpEs:
Hello Michael! That's cool that you like Dead Can Dance!
Strange but cool song!

tO chrIs/IrIs:
He ben ok,on se voit a la party et on discutera modem! hehehe

tO scUd/UnlImItEd:
Heula ! Salut brotheeer ! Depuis que tu as ta bagnole,on n'a plus
l'occasion de te voir tres souvent hein? 
hela ho hein bon alors comment ca?

tO rEvAl/pUlsE:
Hey Nico,by the hell where are ya????

tO tOxIc/OUtlAws:
Tudieux!Cette derniere party n'etait pas terrible mais
on a bien rit encore! hehehe

tO blAster/ErEmAtIOn:
Enfin le voici mon pack! 
Depuis le temps que j'en parle!On se voit a Paris?

tO tIlt/IndY:
Hi Ulf my friend! please write me soon coz 
nothing since a too long time !!

tO chAOs/dEsIrE:
Yeahhhh Dirk!how are ya? hey send my a 
lot of german beer please! burp
tO rEd mAn/mAd Elks:
Konnichiwa Robert ! Hope you like my lame tekkno tape ! hihihihi

tO phOtOs/ErEmAtIOn:
Salut Nicolas,je sais que tu as un boulot monstre mais
essaye de m'ecrire un ch'tit peu tout de meme!
Thanx et continue tes superbes toute facon
je te vois a Paris bientot!

tO pAnkOw/ErEmAtIOn:
Hu Hu Mario here's Luigi! yeah that's a remake of
this funny Beavis & Butt Head! 
hu hu  yeah Rock Rock cuuuuuuuuuul !!! Death metal Rulez!

tO bAckfIrE/AlchEmY:
Yohoho Adam da Tekkno fan!
 Do you like again my agressive tekkno mix ? hihi

tO mEssErschmItt/s!p:
Ola Robert my cool friend ! hope you like my gifts!

tO 501/trsI(?):
Yep I think that you stop a time your swap,
hope you write me soon!

tO hYstErIc/UnlImItEd:
Hello Philipp ! Hope to see ya at the Saturne Party 2 !??!

tO dEAth AngEl/IllUsIOn:
Hi Michael ! Hahaha yep when you come in Belgium,don't 
forget to drink some belgian beer like :
Felix,Van Malder,Mort Subite,Breughel,De Neve,Wieze,

Belle-Vue,Vieux Bruges,Saints Louis,Echte,Lindemans,
La Foudroyante,Campus,Timmermans,Jacobins,Eylenboch,
Detroch,Stim,Des Ardennes,Cantillon,Crombe,Vieux Foudre,
Pecheresse,Delirium tremens,Pertotal,Lambic,Faro,.....
Yep we've a lot of kind of beer! buuuurp

tO sOnIc flAsh/mAnItOU:
Thanx for your nice modules mate!Sure,I'll use it on a next pack!

tO rAvAnA/sEpUltUrA:
Yeah death is just the begining! 
Thanx for your nice send my friend!

tO OrAk/IntEnsE:
Bon ben j'attend tjrs tes stuffs mon ch'tit pepere! heula !

tO UltrAs sUr/mEtrO:
Geee Javier! thanx for this cool friendship!

tO x-pOOl/nUAncE:
hello Marco,so I'm waiting for your modules,
but I think that you don't have
much free time for make one! isn't ?

tO nOp/sAInts:
Hey Pal,please write a little bit faster!

tO gOld drAgOn/UnlImItEd:
Aloha Christian ! good luck for your driving licence!

tO vOdkA/sAtUrnE:
hehehe c'est cool que tu sois monte en Belgique pour 
la Low Density,ca ma fait plaisir de te revoir meme 
dans d'aussi pietre condition! De toute facon
on se revois bientot encore!

tO AssAIlAnt/grAvItY:
Ola mate...where are you???? Please write soon!

tO fAte/OUtlAws:
Hi Erwin! First of all,I wish you welcome in your crew!
Mhhh perhaps that I'll come at the SIH 2 and hope to see ya !

tO thrIll/IllEgAl:
Yohooo my friend! Sorry for these some technical prob !
 Hope it's right now!

tO d-Orb/tElEphOnIkA:
Ola Jose,thanx for your MCI card but with 10 Digits 
that's impossible to call you!!!!hehehe

tO mAxI swAppEr/Isch crEw:
Hey Sylvestre,merci pour ta proposition mais tu connais 
deja la reponse...Mais je suis tout de meme content 
que tu aies pense a moi!

tO ActIOn/IndY:
Hi my Polish friend,please write a little bit faster! thanx

tO dEnIs/vIrtUAl dEsIgn:
Thanx for da contacting,hope we'll have a cool friendship!

tO trOpEdUft/OUtlAws:
Hello Jan ! Welcome in your Crew ! 
Your graphics was very nice and cool!

tO dInk/OrIOn:
Hi Thomas,thanx for da contacting,hope we'll have
a cool friendship!

tO fIctIOn/IntEnsE:
Ola Albert!Hope to see your intro soon!

tO All/OUtlAws:
J'ai ete ravis de voir enfin les membres de 
OTL belgique au complet, a l'occasion de la LOW DENSITY
party,meme si je n'ai pas pu parler avec tout le monde,
c'etait sympas!

Je salue particulierement:ALCiD le comique,
GANDALF & son frere le-serial-killer-coupeur-de-doigts!,
SiGMA 909 le-francais-fiere-de-l'etre,He-Man le-gfx
-winner,AKiRA le sympa,et tout les autres que j'ai oublie !

Where are these guys????....

tO All/whErEvEr yOU mAY bE:

             For a cool friendship write me at
        _ _/\____/\_ ___/\__/\_ __/\__ _/\____/\__ _
        _____  __  / __   __  /_____  \__/ /   ____ 
        :/  /  /  /  //  //  /__/  ¬  / / / /\_  \::
        /  /  /  /  //  //  /  / _/  / / / /  /  /::
        \__  /\__  //  //___  /__\  /\__  /___  /:::

 Now you're at the end of this Messagesection...
 See you in the next issue ! ...and...
 Please send no messages,which are written on paper ! 
 We will only include ASCII-files ! 
 REMEMBER: NO TABS !!! ( Hallo Death Angel !...griiin (-: )

            Messages from Darren/Scoopex!

Ajax/242: What's up?? Have u stopped mailtrading???

Yoyo/5th Generation:Thanx for answer pal! It's better late then
never! he he I'm sure we will have some cool swapping together in
the future!

Frank/7th Sign Prod.:Hi Frank! I got the preview of Static from
Dodger! It was really a cool game to play! I'm looking forward to
the final version! Maybe I'll even buy it! he he

Digital/ABS!/Duplo:Nice to hear from you again pal! Hope you
enjoyed the party! See ya soon!

Skindiver/Abyss:Youpie mate! Still going strong down there
in Germany! Hope next issue of D + S is released soon!
Stay cool + n-joy life!

Poke/Accession:Hmm..have u lost my addy or something??
Hope to soon see some more cool prods. from Accession
soon! See ya!

$$ Soldier/AFL:Hope you like your new apartment! Cool
warez you send, keep it up! Short letters rules, right!?

Hijack/AFL & S!P:Thanx 4 answer, and for that cool ascii
logo! Hope we can have a nice swapping time in the future!
So long!

Greg/Alcatraz:A true friend forever! Enjoy your life and
have fun!

Mop/Essence:Good luck in your new crew! I'm looking forward
to the new mag from Essence! I'm sure it will be just as great
as Compass!

Synx/Analogy:Working on something BIG for the Assembly'94
party??? Nice letters from you, keep it up! See ya!

Virus/Arise:Don't you understand Norwegian?? (The
votesheet!he he) Hope you soon get a job! Juventus still
rulez, and don't forget that pal! Agree??? Guess not!
Stay cool!

Zak/Avalon:Hi Zak Mc'Kracken! Hope to soon see something
BIG from Avalon! Hope you have got your pack by now! I'll
ofcourse support it!

Blaze/Balance:Still waiting for the next issue of
Upstream, right!?? Well, I hope you appreciated my
support! Atleast it was better then nothing?! See ya!

Coka/Balance:Sorry(?), that I cancelled the pack, but I'm not
motivated for it at the moment! Maybe later!?!? Have you bought
a modem now??? Have fun with it!

Razorblade/Balance:Still relaxing from your swapping
activities?? Hope you will write again soon! And remember
SIF STILL rules!

Suhu/Banal Projects:The latest prod. from your group was
really cool! Hope to soon see some more of those cool and
funny intro's! So long mate!

Messiah/Banana D & Equinox:Salute little boy! Still growing,
eh?? Maybe you will become big some day?? he he No offence
mate!(I was refering to your age!). Have a wet day in

Rod/Banana Dezign:Thanx 4 contacting me! I'm sure we will have
a great swapping in the future! A long letterr with some cool
warez are on it's way!

Janitor/Black Jack:Still cleaning?? he he I'm really
looking forward to your mag! I'm sure it will be COOL!
Hmmm...I wonder who will win our little game??? Okidoke,
stay tuned for my next move! See ya!

Dahaul/Bonzai:Thanx for fast answer, I'm sure we will have
a nice swapping time together in the future!

Kazz/Bronx:Thanx for sending the warez for Live, great
mate! Hope to soon see something from Bronx! CN#3 was
cool! See ya!

Chimera/Cadaver:Phew, you have been pretty fast lately
after those delays! Guess it's me that a bit slow now!
Anyway, it's cool to swap with you!

PetShopBoy/Cadaver:Nice intro, and nice tune by you! Hope
too soon get some more Cadaver warez! So long!

Trauma/Cadaver:Have u lost my addy or something?? Write

Tyrant/Cadaver:Are we getting slow or WHAT?????
And what is going on with the mags??? Hope they will be
released sooon! See ya!

Tornado/Chrome:Well, THAT'S what I call a delay! Hmm.. can
really understand your situation! Hope we can get back in
business again now! See ya mate!

Acen/Compact:How is it going up in the north???? Hope to
soon get some more Compact warez in my hands! Write soon

Dr.Psycho/Connection:Hope my first letter was appreciated
although my letter was VERY short, sorry! See ya!

Antex/Control:Good luck in your new crew pal! I'm really
looking forward to that trackmo! I'm sure it will be COOL!

Nightshade/Crusaders:Thanx 4 answer pal! It's better late then
never! The musicdisk you sent was very nice too! Why not send me
some of your latest modules??? So long!

Cloud/Cryptoburners:Hope you have received my recontact letter
by now, so I hope to hear from you soon again!

Crown/Cryptoburners:So now you are going strong in
Finland! Hope you enjoy your new country! I also hope that
Crypto. are about to release something cool soon!
See ya soon mate!

Dart/Cyborgs:Woaw here is even a message for you! Nice,
eh?? Hope have been able to code some new routines on your
A1200 now! Guess you will never read this, but who cares!
I'll vissit you soon mate!

Hitman/Cyborgs:When will I get my disks back?? Buhu I miss
them! Still it only takes me 10 min to drive to your
apartment, but what the.......! Still now I had something
to write for you! he he See ya mate, and keep composing
thoe cool rave/techno tunes!

Dick/Damones:Sorry for a bit lame letter last time, but my
motivation was a bit low! Are Damones working on anything
at the moment??? Still no sign of the mag??? Stay cool and
keep playing with your little sister!

Bednar/Damage:Hi there! Hope didn't have the Movement
prod. I sent! Are you collecting them??? Stay cool and
don't drink to much! he he

Mephi/Damage:Hope you liked the warez I sent! Are Damage
working on a trackmo or something now?? Please tell me!

Exciter/DCS:Hi there pal! Really cool intro's from DCS
lately! Hope there is more on it's way! See ya!

Jam/Decnite:Hmm..sorry for not spreading a LOT of
votesheets yet! I'll make it up soon! I had some probs.
with my printer, and.....! Hope you got some warez threw 
Blazer from me! How is it going with the dentro?? Say
hello to your girlie, and write soon mate!

Avenger/Defiance:I think you have joined Defiance now!??
Hope to soon get your musicdisk! I'm sure it will be smashing!
And sorry 4 my crappy letetr last time! 

Siracon/Defiance:Great tune you made for the second issue
of Buzz! Ok, I hope we can be able to have a bit more
friendship in our swapping in the future! Hope the latest
letter was more enjoyable then those in the past! See ya!

Chipper/Desire:Send me some more of your cool modules, I
really liked them! Maybe you can support my new pack to if
I get it soon??(With chip tunes I mean!) See ya!

John Peel/Desire:Hope Chip Chop is soon due for release!
Guess it will be even better then before, now that the
code have been improved and so on! See ya pal!

Bombsquad/Devils:Cool letters from you, but what's up
now?? Write soon pal!

Tecon/Devils:Really nice modules from you! Hope we can
have some nice friendly swapping in the future!

Astral/Diffusion:Thanx 4 contacting me! You'll get an answer,
just be patient! So long!

Beholder/Diffusion:Ah, it doesn't matter if you are slow!
Remeber there is more in life then these shitty computers!
See ya pal!

Evil E/Digital:What's up????

Redman/Digital:Great that we are back in business again! Your
back is more cool then ever! Hope to soon see some more nice
DTL prods. Btw. the article against Redman/MDE was great!!
So long!

Napoleon/Dreamdealers:Thanx for Live#4. Sadly it wouldn't
run on my machine! Buhu!!! Anyway, I'm sure it was great!
Hope we can have some nice swapping in the future!

Comrad/Energy:Have you got some new cool members in Energy
now??? Hope to soon see some cracks form your crew! See ya

Skull/Eremation:Fracne did a nice figure under the
Olympics, don't you think?? But Norway won, and that is
the most important thing! he he N-joy life mate! See ya!

Majic Mushroom/FLT:Hi Trevor! Stay cool & have fun with
your modem! 

Blazer/Fanatic:Hope you have found a cool group by now!
You are a really cool friend! So let's have a lot of fun
is this year! See ya!

Growl/Fanatic:Good luck in your new crew! Hope to soon see
some more Fanatic prods. See ya!

Raven/Fanatic:Hope to soon get that new Fanatic prod. you
talked about! Have u got some new members?

Kurczak/F.C.I:Good luck with your intro! Send me it when it's
finished! Hope the party in Poland will be cool! Sadly I won't

Zibi/F.C.I:Thanx 4 contacting me! I guess you should have
got an answer from me, when you read this text! Please
send more cool modules!

Fuckup/Icon:Still fucked up?? he he How is it going in
your new crew??? Hope you soon will be able to release
some warez!

Onix/Illegal:Thanx 4 the support for Swap & Dance Charts!
You'll get a letter from me soon too! Just be patient!

Magician/Impact:Better late then never! he he Nice of you
to write again! Hope we can get back in business again!
So long pal!

Mr. Pixel/Impulse:What do you think about my lousy
chippies??? Send me some of your latest! Hope the trackmo
is due for release soon too! See ya mate!

Warlord/Impulse:You are really lucky man! Living in a
country where the sun is shining and the girls are so HOT!
Would you like to swap with cold Norway??? Guess not! hehe
See ya mate!

Absent/??:Hmmmm...are we lazy or what?? he he
Write whenever you feel like it pal! Send me some of your
latest modules if you have composed any!

Condor/??:Hope you have found a nice group to join! Hope
to soon hear from you again with some info about the
situation! See ya pal!

Pseudolukian/??:Thanx for contacting me! I'll write back
soon! Your modules is superb, so I'm sure you will be
able to find a cool group to join! See ya!

Double R/Intense:Enjoying life down in Spain??? Cool
packmenu! Are you going to release the pack??? Tell me!
See ya!

Dodger/Interactive:BB rules! Great letters and great
friendship! Hope we are able to keep it that way in the
future! Your gfx is really funky! Send me the trackmo when
it's released! See ya mate!

Gunhed/Interactive:What about sending me a preview of that
game we talked about before??? I might send you a letter
soon, just in case yu haven't got any of my messages!

Wiper/Interactive:How many is killed by now in the area
where you drive?? he he he Write soon pal & stay cool!

Adonis/Iris:Nice warez & letters from you mate! Hope to
soon see some more prods. from your crew! Stay cool &
n-joy life! PS! Good luck in your new crew!

Coroner/Iris:Busy composing some new tunes??? Write soon,
and feel free to send some of them!

Highpower/Iris:Send me some new Iris warez when they are
released! See ya!

Maxi Swappers/Isch Crew:Any new Isch prods. on it's way??
Btw. are you a team or something??(Refering to your
handle!) Silly question I guess! Well, see ya soon mate!

Zinko/Kefrens/Polka really earn a LOT of
money on that job of yours! Why not give some of them to
me??? he he Any releases on it's way from Kefrens?? Hope
so! Hope you will n-joy he ascii logoes I send!
See ya mate!

Dr.Crazy/Legacy:Thanx for contacting me! Hope you n-joyed
the letter & warez I sent! Good luck with the mag!

Tranze/Legacy:Nice gfx lately! Hope my support for the mag
is appreciated! Hope some of your gfx is about to be
released soon! So long pal!
Kopara/Mad Elks:Having fun now! Hmmm..I guess it's great
to have a REAL break from all the swapping! But I hope to
soon have you back again! But until then stay cool & n-joy
life mate!

Sonic Flash/Manitou:Crazy story you told in your latest
letter, it was actually rather funny to read! I'll try to
write a better letter next time! See ya pal!

Techno/Manitou:Have you got your new packmenu now?? Write
as soon as you have got it! And remember enough stamps on
the package!

Orion/Miracle:Hope next issue of Eternal is soon released!
The last issue was totally brilliant! Hope my support was

Jammie/Medicine:Long time no see! Have you taken a little
break from swapping! Send me some new prods. from
Medicine when it's released!

Ultras Sur/Metro:You really had bad luck with those
letters! Better luck next time! he he See ya mate!

Bross/Movement:Numb was really cool! Btw. it's along time
since I heard from you! Please write soon! Maybe I'll drop
you a line soon!

Amon/Mystic:Hope my lousy articles for Scene Talk is ok to
use! What do you think about the module I sent then???
Hope it will be used!

Jinx/Nebula:Looking forward to see some new prods. from
Nebula! Send me that crack intro when it's finito! See ya!

Mr.Keel/Nova:Enjoying life?? I am! Hope we can continue to
have a cool swapping time this year! So long my friend!

Andy/Nuance:The latest musicdisk from Nuance was really
cool! I simply love rave! Hope the next issue(?) of it is
released soon!

Air/Obscene:Thanx for fast answer! Guess we can have some
fun in the future! Have a wet day in Bergen! he he

Nick/Offence:Are you guys working on anything BIG now??
Hope we will be able to see something from you at The

Firewalker/Paralax:Thanx for great letter & warez! Really
nice of you to contact me! I'm sure we will have a lot of
fun in the future!

Steffen/Speedy:Short letters really rules! Hope
Speedy soon will release some warez again!

The Hitcher/Pinheads:Stay cool in US!

Zapper/PMC:Still in there or?? Maybe we will meet
in Sandnes again some day! Who knows?

Posdnous/Ram Jam:The latest issue was really nice! A
letter with comments and a lot of other stuff is on it's
way! Maybe you have even got it when you read this!

Limbo/Razor 1911:We Shave Ass was nice! Great tune too, a
shame that those guys behind it left! Looking forward to
that 4 disk trackmo!

Oden/Razor 1911:Sorry, but I didn't have any gfx! But I'll
do my best to get some, that I'm allowed to spread! Hope the
next Razor prod. is due for release soon!

Zaddo/Rebels:Good luck in your new group pal! It was about
time that you changed group! he he Have fun trading!

Heinz/Saturne:Good luck with the party! I'm sure it will
be cool! Hope that a LOT of cool prods will be released!

Vodka/Saturne:Good luck in Saturne pal, it's a cool group!
Your latest intro for Hazard was cool too! Nice picture!
he he See ya soon pal!

Nop/Saints:Hope to soon see some more prods from your
crew! Hope the support was appreaciated!

Exumer/Sanity:Thanx 4 answer! Your latest pack was smashing,
I'm sure it will hit the charts when it will be released!
I'll also send some warez for your mag soon! So long! 

Trasher/Sanity:Hope you like our intro when you get it!
Hope you can give me some more info about prods coming
from Sanity too! See ya!

Melvin/Scandal:Hmm...seems like something has gone wrong!
Hope you have received my recontact letter by now!
Write soon!

Wildcat/Scania:Stay wild and stay cool! Hope your group
will soon be able to release something!

Absurd/Scoopex:Really smashing gfx I have seen from you
lately! Cool that you had entered the Eurocharts too!

Benjamin/Scoopex:Hope you intro for the Gathering will
be cool!

Laxical/Scoopex:Thanx for the help you gave me on those
questions! Out co-op tune turned out rather well too, 
don't you think??? Hope your musicdisk will be released

Chris/Scoopex:Really cool pack you are releasing! I'll
ofcourse support it! Hope you have progress with the
trackmo and intro, I'm really looking forward to see them!
So long mate!

Elmore/Scoopex:Hi d-lay! he he Sorry, men introen ser ut
til å komme 1 dag for sent, så jeg får ikke spredd den så
godt som jeg ville! Kanskje dere releaer den på GT istedenfor?

Mozell/Scoopex:Håper introen din blir kuul! Ser frem til å se
den ferdige versjonen! Håper dere brukte acii anim'n ifra
Jazy også!

Mr.King/Scoopex:NM still rules! Hope you got my
greetslist in one piece! Let's hope scx will be strong
this year! N-joy life + stay cool mate!

Mr.Z/Scoopex:I'll soon contact you! You know the reason
why I haven't done it yet! So long mate!

Snuffy/Scoopex:Thanx 4 cool letter and all the stuff!
I'm sure we will have some fun in the future!

Vegard!/Scoopex:Welcome in Scoopex! It's your turn to write
me, and I think you know why!????? he he

Ace/Shamrock:Still in Shamrock or have you joined a new
crew??? Hope to soon get some info. about that from you!
See ya pal!

Candyman/Sonic:Thanx 4 contacting me! You'll get an answer
soon, just be patient! So long!

Daae/Static Bytes:Cool letters pal! Football rules!
You are still VERY fast! Do I get some gfx now??? he he
I'll ask those gfx'ers you mentioned to contact you!
So long!

Quackbuster/Static Bytes:Hope my support was appreciated!
Are STB working on anything else besides the chart???
Please tell me! I'm looking 4-ward to the AGA version of

Lord Helmet/Spaceballs:RAW rules FOREVER! Hope my support
was appreciated! Maybe my interview was good enough too?
Or maybe it wasn't offending enough??? he he Stay cool
mate & write soon!

Kingpin/Spaceballs:Why not share some of your modules with
me?? I have started to collect again! So if you read this,
then remember to send me some cool mods.! So long mate!

Mac/Stellar:The ultimate intro group I guess! Hmm... hope
you soon will release some more weird prods, I love them!
So long!

Izerman/S!P:Long time no see! Maybe I'll drop you a note

Messerschmitt/S!P:Have the post messed it all up again??
Please write soon!

Lars Nic/Symbiosis:Have fun i den kongelige garden! he he
Liker du deg, eller???? 

Boo/Talent:Det navnet ditt kan nesten skremme vettet ifra
smaa unger! Stakkars sjeler! he he Ser frem til QED II,
den blir sikkert superb!

El Loco/Talent:Bra moduler du har releasa i det siste!
Haper snart a fa hore noen flere! So long Harald!

Dune/Tech:Long time no see! I guess I'll drop you a note
soon! So long!

Lestat/TNB:Have you left the scene, or are you still out
fishing?? Write me if you read this!

Hunter/TFF:Cool to swap with you! Hope to soon see some
more cool intro's from your group! The last one was very

Falken/Trance:Nice chatting about consoles with you! We
seem to have the same taste to, so that's cool! Hope to
soon see some prods. from Trance/France too! Hope you will
be able to stay in your own town during your time in the
military! So long mate!

Christine/Transonic:Hmm...sorry but I have been very lazy
lately! But MAYBE I'll be able to speed up a bit again!
Who knows?? See ya girl!

Norby/Trsi:Good luck in Trsi, it's a really cool group you
have joined! I'm really looking forward to that dentro!
Stay cool & n-joy life!

Trash Head/Trsi:Hi pal! Really crazy trip you had to
England! Funny cool letters you write, keep it up! The
speed is awesome too!

Poseidon/Unlimited:Nice swapping with you! Hope Unlimited
soon will release something again!

Jogeir/VD:Did you get my latest letter, or are your box
closed??? Really shit if it is! Anyway, great modules you
have released lately! Keep it up!

D-Mage/VD:Long time no see! Busy with gfx for games?? Good
luck with it! Hope you'll earn a LOT of money!

Decadence/Vision:Hope the mag is soon released! Are there
any other Vision prods. on it's way???

Jazy/Vision/Wartec:Cool, long, cray letters you write,
keep it up! Those pics. was a bit to dirty for my taste!
Hope you'll enjoy our intro when you receive it! Also BIG
thanx for the ascii animation!!

Mindphaser/Vision:Good luck in Vision pal! Hope you guys
in Sweden soon will release some warez!

PGL/Vision:I think you have joined Vision now, but I'm not
sure! IF yes, then I wish you good luck there! Write soon
pal, and give me some info!

Adder/X-Trade:Party life really rulez, right???
Funny story you wrote last time, maybe I will get one this
time to??? he he So long mate!

TBM/X-Trade:Good luck in your new group! Send me some
cracks when you start doing some! Also thanx for the
latest GIGA letter! I'll try to do the same! So long mate!

Floppyman/X-Treme:Hope your group have got some more
members now! Have you planned any releases??? Hope so!

Bishop/Zenon:The chip pack was really nice! Hope Zenon
will release some more of those!

Deadbeat/Zenon:Nice work from you on that chip pack!
You are a really good musician!

Godfather/ someone had been joking with
you! He he that's really a shame! Anyway let's swap and
have some fun! 

                  Total number of messages is 148!

                I'm extremely if I forgot someone!!

         If you would like to contact me for some friendly
               swapping, then try to reach me under:

                            P.o. Box 11
                           4387 Bjerkreim

                        Everyone is welcome!
            Remember to put enough stamps on the package!

Messages from Sir Jinx of X-Treme to:

Du alte Ratte .....wie kann man nur so viel Glück haben? Verkaufst
du das CD32? Ich geb dir einen 128D dafür...
du weisst was ich meine.....

Und? Willste joinen? du wärst herzlich willkommen...come on,
join tha Forces of Power! FREUND..!

Regnet oder schneit es heute bei euch? Du weisst was ich meine !

Mr King/Scoopex
Wanna swap? Ich hatte dich schon mal contacted ( glaube ich )
abe das ist schon 1,5 Jahre her.Nun...What^s up Dude?

Kein Kommentar...LAMER!

Also echt, aus dir werde ich nicht schlau .Ruf doch mal an.....

Andy/ Nuance
Yo, Nice call a few weeks ago. Wenn du wieder mal ne K.....
hast kannste mich ja mal wieder callen. Fun rulez!

Do you like my Tape ? I really like yours. DJ Ba is megacool!
Do you have more Stuff like this.....send soon!
Go on with your cool Packmag! Ireally like it. Please put my Addys
in the Advertisment Section and support my Adverts.

Blind Guard/???????
Whats up Dude? Where are the Girls? send, send, send.....

Please send me the next Issue of Backpack soon.What about Kellogs?
Please send soon.

Redman/Mad Elks
Sorry Guy, but I have to Deelay your Sending because I dont have 
enough Money...Tapes, Books, will get them as soon as 

Sonic Flash/Pulse
1.2.3 thats the Magic Number..........
you are falling back in Trance....

Nun gut, Dive hört sich auch besser an als Lasardo, 
ob wohl Lasardo auch cool war. stay cool Friend!

Major Bandit/X-TREME
ich möchte ja gern wissen wer mich da aus Rehau contacted hat.
Kein Letter, keine Messy. weder auf Disc noch auf Papier.
 Na ja ....More next Letter

Whats up ? Send me one of your Tekkno Disx! They are cooool!

It is really difficult for me to talk with you about Politics
because my English isn't perfect enough. I can not really say what
I mean. But......I will try!

Na Gut, P-Bomb war nicht sooo geil, aber es war wenigstens eine
Idee! Send soon!

Death Angel / Illusion
O.K. du arbeitest nicht bei der Post. Aber du must zugeben das
die Telekom der Post sehr nahe steht. 

Wo bleibt dein Sending? Ist echt komisch, mal bist du turbo-
schnell, das  nächste Mal wieder Megalangsam....whats up?

Grand Duke/Diffusion
You are really fast, and your stuff is cool. Do you have
COMICBOOK II ? SEND,send,send!

Pudding of Grotecticle
Try to send me a Photo! Do you want to join X-Treme?
Your Gfx are GREAT! Greetings to Bracus!

Bracus/ Ind.
Do you want to join x-treme? I think your Modules are cool!

Tedric of Dual Crew Shining
Come on Brother, send my Tape! Britcore rulez Rap rulez.
I have lotsa new CDs!

Chmiel/Flying Cows Inc.
Your German is getting better with every sending.
I think you are learning really fast.Hental Mangover war echt gut.
Wann kommt eure nächste Production dieser Art?

Dr. Doom/X-Treme
Yo wir werden das Kind schon schaukeln! X-Treme the Leaders of the
Scene in 1995!!! Yo!

Wanna swap? Bouncing Bytes ist echt cool. Send me tha freshest 
Issue! Bitte hau meine Ads in die Advertisment-Section.

I hope that we stay in Contact during your Army Time.
I Hate the Army,but I think that your Country got a difficult
Problem with their Neighbors.

Heptagon/Flying Cows Inc.
Was ist los? Wollten wir nicht Tapes swappen? Bitte verwende
meine Adverts in Generation. Es kann übrigens sein das ich bald
nach Nordhorn komme
(Walker, Sranger, Heptagon, Vader, Sir Jinx Party)!!!!!

siehe oben....HeHe! Wenn alles stimmt was der Veader so erzaehlt
wird es lustig werden in Nordhorn!

Sorry ! Aber die nächsten Sendings werden problemlos bei dir

Lord/Isch Crew
Do you know that your last sending arrived me after 23 Days
of Delivering? Post suxxxx!

Sorry Friend, maybe i join your Crew next Time....ok?!  Joke!

Twillight Zone/ Ind.
Willste X-Treme joinen ?
Du kannst jederzeit kommen.

Bei dir merkt man immer wieder das du ein echter Freund bist.
Deine kleinen Hilfestellungen haben mich schon oft weitergebracht.
See ya!

M e s s a g e s   f r o m   P e a c e   o n   1 0 - 0 4 - 9 4

Message from Peace to all:
For all those, who didnt know it: I am not anymore a member of
Neoplasia, and I am searching for a new group to join as swapper.
For my address have a look in the adverts section.

Message from Peace to Ace/Trance Inc/South Africa:
Hello Arthur, I am really looking forward to your next sending and
I hope you liked the stuff I sent to you. Stay cool and send soon!

Message from Peace to Adder/Xtrade/Sweden:
Hello Stefan! I hope everything is okay. I hope you got my last

Message from Peace to Andy/Nuance:
Der Andreas ... immer im Stress ... Dein Intro habe ich auch
gespreadet, nett wie ich bin! Halt die Ohren steif.

Message from Peace to Backfire/Alchemy & Speedy/Poland:
Hello Adam! Whats up in Poland? Looking forward to the next issue
of Backpack.

Message from Peace to Cyborg/Neoplasia/Germany:
Jaja, Helge ... Wenn Du denn meinst, so besser klarzukommen, so
ist das kein Problem. Nachtragend bin ich nicht, an meiner Meinung
ueber Horra halte ich auch fest. Fuer mich ist das Thema an dieser
Stelle gegessen.

Message from Peace to Daffy/Iris/Denark:
Yo Christer! The best greetings to you and hope to meet you
someday, perhaps on Party 94 (?).

Message from Peace to Dodger/Interactive/Germany:
Moin Dotschar! Alles fit nach dem netten Zelten? Ich hoffe, Dein
Kollege Ali hat sich auch beruhigt.

Message from Peace to DoubleR/Intense & Speedy/Spain:
Hello Jose! Nice to have you as a contact and always interesting

Message from Peace to Dragon/Vision/Germany:
Da ruft man mal bei Dir an, unterhaelt sich mit Deiner Mutter
(Originalzitat: "Kommen Sie auch aus der Szene?") und erfaehrt
nahezu alles ueber Dich ... Deine Jugend ... Deine Traeume ...
und das Du beim Decadence warst.

Message from Peace to Dulux/Mystic/Germany:
An dieser Stelle auch einen Gruss an Dich, Axel. Schoen, dass Du
den Brief gut fandest.

Message from Peace to Easy/FocusDesign/Denmark:
Hello Easy! Always nice and fast sendings, I think your answers
are one of the fastest.

Message from Peace to Hacksaw/Chrome/Finland:
Thanx for sending, but could it be possible for you to send longer

Message from Peace to Heavyweight/Foda/Australia:
Greetings to you! Hope the weather is fine ...

Message from Peace to Horra/Neoplasia/Germany:
Wenn Du mich anschreiben wolltest, so lass es lieber ... Deinen
Brief werde ich Dir ungeoeffnet zuruecksenden!

Message from Peace to Immortal/Technology/Poland:
Hello Tomasz. Hope you got a lot of divisons over the world.

Message from Peace to Jazy/Vision/Germany:
Sach Bescheid, wenn Du die Dinger hast, deretwegen ich Dich
unlaengst angecallt habe. Ansonsten melde ich mich auch noch mal

Message from Peace to Kitcho/Defiance/Sweden:
Greetings to you Christos! Always remember: Ouzo rulez.

Message from Peace to Lovely/Beta Team/Poland:
Hope to hear from you soon. By the way, could it be possible for
you to send faster?

Message from Peace to Magic/Applause/Holland:
Hope to meet you on Somewhere in Holland II.

Message from Peace to MajorBandit/Xtreme/Germany:
Du bist auch nie telefonisch zu erreichen!

Message from Peace to Messiah/Equinox & Banana Dzn/Norway:
Hope to receive another looooong letter.

Message from Peace to Mogul/Cartel/France:
Greetings to you and also greetings to Agnes.

Message from Peace to Mr.King/Scoopex/Germany:
Thanx fuer die Information ueber das Visionintro von der CEBIT.
Aber es soll sich doch um einen HD-1200er gehandelt haben ...

Message from Peace to Muddy/Phase/Norway:
Hmm, little delay? Hope to hear from you soon.

Message from Peace to Mycroft/Sceptic/Germany:
Hallo Frank. Wie heisst doch gleich der Ortsname?

Message from Peace to Norby/TRSI/Poland:
Hey! Mr.letter-system is writing, he he. Stay cool and go on with
this interesting sendings (about the things you included last
sending: hmm .... eh ... )

Message from Peace to Opal/Vision/Germany:
Ich habe schon einige Male versucht, Dich telefonisch zu
erreichen, aber irgendwie klappt das nicht.

Message from Peace to Opium/242/Sweden:
Good luck in 242 and reach the top!

Message from Peace to Pearl/Parasite/Denmark:
Hello Martin. Also greetings to you and stay cool.

Message from Peace to Phantom/Applause/Poland:
Hello Phantom. I didnt get any sending for a longer time and I
heard some rumours, saying, that you dropped a lot of your
contacts due to financial problems.

Message from Peace to Psycho/Tritec/Germany:
Ich hoffe, mein Sending ist eingetroffen ...

Message from Peace to Radavi/Effect/Holland:
Hello Radavi. Hope to see you on Somewhere in Holland II.

Message from Peace to Rave/Manitou/Germany:
So ein Sending von Zeit zu Zeit, das waere doch mal was...

Message from Peace to Reval/Pulse/Germany:
Der Nico ... immer maennlich markant und so ...

Message from Peace to Skull/Eremation/France:
Hello Didier, go on dreaming of a new car ...

Message from Peace to Solid/Concept/Germany:
Hallo Christian, wie schauts aus, faehrst Du vielleicht auch mit
zur Somewhere In Holland II party?

Message from Peace to SonicFlash/Manitou/Germany:
Hallo Holger. Wann hast Du denn mal Geld fuers Porto?

Message from Peace to Sonic/Pulse/Germany:
Hallo Marcus ... wie kommst Du denn auf diese merkwuerdigen Ideen
in Deinen Briefen?

Message from Peace to Splatterhead/Black Jack/Finland:
I didnt heard anything of you since January. Please recontact me,
if my sending was lost.

Message from Peace to Suicide/Savage/Germany:
Hello Dirk! Thanks for contacting me ...

Message from Peace to Vader/Mador/Germany:
Hallo Ulrich! Du hast aber auch ein Glueck mit dem CD32 ...

Message from Peace to Wayne/Illusion/Poland:
Yo Wayne! Go on sending those interesting letters ...

Message from Peace to Zyx/Energy/Germany:
Hallo Andreas! Letter von mir kommt so in den naechsten Tagen.

Message from Peace to the rest:
Also greetings to you!

	Messages from LORD / ABSOLUTE!

2Fast of Taurus
Hi Jens! It's very bad that you left
TRSI! But I wish you good luck in
your new group!
Anyway, see you in Budapest!
(call me if you can - before or when
you arrive +36-1-2914029)

Andy of Nuance
Yes, it was nice to meet you in DK.
I hope we'll be able to booze together
again somewhere this year...

Aquarium of Sygma
Hi Chassignol!
Thanks for contacting me....
I hope to see something (again) from
your group..

Astro of Movement
The gfx is great in your pack.
I hope to see something from MVT soon.
(And also to meet you at a party this

Avryn of Toon Dezign
Hello Kjetil! What's up with your
Thanks for the modules! Keep on
sending them!

Backfire of Alchemy
Hi Adam! Unfortunately I couldn't
speak you too much in Herning....
But I hope you to visit an other party
and to speak much more...

Ben of Absolute!
Mikor josz mar el hozzam is? Remelem
It's great to be an ABS! member.

Blaze of Balance
Unfortunately I couldn't got to TG.
But I hope to meet you at the Assembly
Anyway, please, if you can, try to be
a bit faster...

Bloodwich of The Fun Factory
Hi! I hope I remember well to your
name! A was a bit drunked, when you
told me it!
Anyway, I hope to booze you with you
again this year!
And tell my greetz to your 'Energist'

Boo of Talent
Hi Ulf!
Thanks for the answer...I hope to see
your mag, soon!
Be sure I'll always support it with
my l8est news...

Cad of Kronical
What's up with you?
Write soon!

Carlo of Flying Cows inc.
In my opinion the F.C.I is growing up
day by day...
And your trackmo was attractive...

Chaos of Desire
I hope the post won't steal our letter

Cloud of Cryproburners
It's nice to hear that you enjoyed my
EYEpack...How about dropping a letter to me?

I hope to receive something from you,

Codex of Creator
Kar, hogy te nem jottel boozolni....
Finom volt az a 'FANTA'

Coroner of Pic Saint Loup
Thanks for the nice letters...
And also thanks for the postcard...

Covenant of Cadaver
Thanks for contacting me...
(and for that CDR slideshow)

Cougar of Sanity
Unfortunately we couldn't go downtown
for boozing in Herning...But I hope
we will be able to do it next time...
And I hope t meet ya in Germany this

Creep of Intense
I'll call your BBS...But, first of all
please, send me its number!!!
Anyway, keep on modemtrading...

Creeps of Jetset
What's up with you?
Please, try to recontact me...

(I haven't received anything for
nearly 3 months!)
(I hope you received my postcard!)

Crusader of Depth
Thanks for contacting me, but
unfortunately I can't afford more
contacts (actually!)...But as soon as
I'll be able, I'll try to answer you!
So, just wait for my letter!
Anyway, good luck in your new crew!

CyberBrain of Zoolook
Thanks for those cool ansis!
What's up with your 1st production?

CyberDance of Zoolook
Good luck in your new group, mate!
Why did you leave Concord?

D-mage of Virtual Dreams
Thanks for calling me...
Hogy halad a jatekod? Tenyleg, ha van
spreadelheto preview, akkor kuldj....
A VD-s ingrol pedig nem hallottam...

Dark of LSD
What's up with you, mate? Please,write
me soon!
I'm waiting for the next issue of GPV.

(I heard you also modemtrade...U could
call my BBS,too at +36-1-2914029......
(I hope you received my postcard!)

Darren of Scoopex
Thanks for contacting me...

Deejay Jones of Unlimited
Hello David! What happened to you?
I haven't heard of you for nearly 2

Dialer of Diversion Team
Hi Igor! How's life in Yugoslavia?
Keep on sending long letters!

I always like'em!
And it would be great, if you could
call my board...(I'll call yours!)
Anyway, it was very cool to meet you
at the ABS! party in Budapest!

Doc.Holiday of Lego
Hi Frank! What's up with you?
I got your message from Rackler, but
please, try to be a bit faster.
(I hope you received my postcard!)

Dodger of Interative
Hi Daniel! I really enjoy your pack!
Be sure, I'll support it with all kind
of stuffs!

Dragon of Vision
Hi Richard!
Thanks for contacting me...
How's life in Vision? (since I left
I've heard from 2fast of TRSI, that U
had seen me at the Party 3....
But why hadn't you come to me if you
had seen me? (Anyway I hope to meet
YA at an other party - this year)

Dr.Device of Majic 12
Mi van veled??? Mar 3 honapja nem

Dr.Victor of Impulse
Your music was great in the new
Impulse demo!
I hope to meet you again at an other

Eft of Impulse
I'm very sorry that I couldn't have
recognized you at the Cache party at
first, but I wasn't in a good mood!

Eightball of Unlimited
Thanks for contacting me....

Exumer of Sanity
Thanks for the addies...
I tried to call you again, but (as
Jurgen said) you were on holiday.
Anyway, I will call you also again!

Fake of Equinox
Hello Kjetil! Weren't you at the
Party III? (Due to not seeing you
there, I supposed you weren't in
What's up with European Top 20?

Fary of Intensity
Kosz az EYEPackot...Mindenkinek
tetszik (csak az iranyitas nem)
Please, magreszt tegyel akko' bele..Koszi.

Firewalker of Paralax
Hi Jon!
Thanks for contacting me...
Please, try to keep on sending such a'
long letters!

Flex of Concord
Mikor lesz kesz a Concord demo?

Fester of Absolute!
Hi Balint! Josz a lengyel partyra?
Es az Assembly'94-re?

Fletch of Dreamdealers
Hi Jerome!

The LIVE #4 was great! Then I'd be an
official spreader. (if U still agree)
I'm waiting for the next issue of your
attractive mag!

Freddy of Nova
What's up with you? I haven't heard of
you for nearly half a year!

Gato of SURPRISE! Prods.
Azt a bluebox szamot lenyomtak az
ingyen vonalrol!!! Meg mukodik, de
mar nem ingyenes! (Qrva anyjukat!)

Genie of The Studio
Hi! Mi van veled? Mar vagy 1 honapja
nem irtal! Please, recontact me!

Gfx-Twins of Digital
I told your message to D-mage...
And I saw your pic for the Sledge
Hammer...It looks quite attractive!!!

Graphic of GAC
Thanks for contacting me...

Griff of Creator
Legkozelebb is elmehetunk 'Fantazni'..

Kosz az Ami-Expresst + a helpeket...
AGA INN, AGA be, LORD is mostmar
usered! (micsoda kolto vagyok!)

Gyufi of Faculty
Katona vagy, v. mi? Miert nem irsz?

Hacksaw of Chrome
Thanks for contacting me...
Let's swap!

Heptagon of Flying Cows inc.
Hi Stefan! Thanks for that ABSOLUTE!ly
great votesheet!
I'll go to Germany this year...I might
visit you (but could you write me,how
could I get to you?)
And congrat 4 your joining!

Hunter of The Fun Factory
Thanks for contacting me...

Ikari of DCS
Hello Richard!!!
Have you started to modemtrade again?!
I also modemtrade, but I'm still
mailtrade, too...Have you stopped
swapping by the fucking post?
Please, write soon!
(I hope you received my postcard!)

James of Decnite
I may call you again.
Next time I'll send you some own
composed musics...
But, I'm still waiting for your next

Jazzy D of Majic 12
Thanks for your endless help!
BB rulez 4ever! CC suxx?!
Na cso...

Jinx of Nebula
Thanks for contacting me...I hope to
see the 1st issue of your chart, soon.

Kickman of Miracle
What's up with you?
You had contacted me & I answered you,
but I haven't heard of you since then!
Please, write soon!

Kopara of Mad Elks
Wow!!! Polish beer are always welcome!
Anyway, it was nice to meet you in
Herning!!! And I hope to repeat it
somewhere else, too....
And I'm very sorry that you stopped

Krusen of Metro
What's up with you?
You had contacted me & I answered you,
but I haven't heard of you since then!
Please, write soon!

Kurczak of Flying Cows inc.
Hi Martin!
How's life in Poland? I might go there
in July (I've heard that there will be
held a party in Poland in July)
Anyway, I'm looking 4ward to see the
next demo by FCI!

Laxical of Scoopex
What's happened to you? I haven't
heard of you since january!
Anyway, I'll call you soon!
(I hope you received my postcard!)

Lionheart of Razor1911
It was nice to meet you in Herning...
(But due to your being too busy, we
couldn't talk too much to each others)
Anyway, I hope to meet you somewhere
Keep on editing Propaganda!

Madison of TRSI
Howdy! It was a nice meeting at the
ABS! party wasn't it?
I hope to see the promised TRSI stuff
soon! C U...
Magnum755 of Muffbusters
Mar 2 honapja nem irtal...Mi van?
Neha azert szegeny LORD-ra is
gondolhatnal (egy level erejeig)...

Major Bandit of X-treme
I'm really sorry that you got kicked
of Manitou....
But I wish you good luck in your new

Manthan of Majic 12
Thanks for the picture of you....
Keep on sending cool games!

MCS of Andromeda
It was nice to meet you in Herning...
And I wish you good luck in the army.
When will you demobilize?

Melvin of Rebels
Yes, modemtrading is much more better,
than the fucking mail one...
If you can, please try to call my BBS
at +36-1-2914029....NUP:SINCE1879
Anyway, good luck in your new group!
(Why did you leave SCL, by the way? -
It is a quite active modemgroup in my

Mephi of Damage
Thanks for contacting me...I hope to see your mag soon...

Messerschmitt of S!P
Tenyleg beleptel az Addonicba?!
Szerintem maradj inkabb S!P leader!
Anyway, thanks for the nice callings!

Messiah of Equinox/Banana Dezign
Hi Terje!
How do you feel being in 2 groups?
By the way what's up with European Top
20? Is it dead or what?

Michael of Iris
Hi my greek friend! I wish you good
luck in your new group!

Moby of Sanity
Hello Frederic! I'm very sorry that
the downtown boozing was cancelled in
Herning (boozing together Cougar,
Exumer, you & me)
But I hope to meet you again somewhere

Mr.King of Scoopex
Hi Joerg! You are my fastest contact!
Keep on it! (and keep on doing your
incredible great packserie)

Mr.Man of Andromeda
If you meet with Mcs, please, tell my
greetz to him...
Anyway, I hope you've got my sending

Mucsi of Muffbusters
Thanks for sending me the KICK-file!

Mz/X of Los Angeles Lamers
Mi van veled bugyibuci?
Mar vagy 1 honapja nem irtal!

Napoleon of Dreamdealers
Thanks for the answer...
(and for the new LIVE)
Be sure, I will support every issue!

Nexus6 of ex-Balance
Thanks for the cool Ansi!!!! A
jatektores OK! (JazzyD-vel beszeltem!)

Nop is Saints
Hi Serkan!
Thanks for contacting me...
I hope to see something from STS soon!

Norby of TRSI
It was great to meet you in Herning...
And thanks for the beer support....
Congrat for your new group, anyway!

Obelix of Platin
Keep on doing the Generation...

Overdose of Delicious
Congrat for your new group!
But, please, try to be a bit faster!

Quackbuster of Static Bytes
I hope you received my postcard.
Sorry for not talking tooo much in
Please, write soon!

Qwerty of Freezers
Hi Adrian! I always like to type your
handle! (it takes about 0.01 sec!)
I might visit the poarty in Poland in

Pace of Medicine
Hi Roger!
Thanks for contacting me...
As I noticed your group is growing up
day by day!

Pantera of Energy
Kuldd legyszi a demokazettad...

Peacemaker of T.S.G
Well, I'm afraid we won't continue
swapping..The reasons are:
You sent me a 4 months old stuff!
You forgot to send me my stamps.
I wrote a longer letter,but you didn't
write me just a line!
And your group is tottaly unknown (and
also you!) - However it wouldn't
disturb if you would have sent me
a cool letter OR a cool stuff or at
least my stamps! But you didn't do
anything! So...I piss you (Sorry)...

Pearl of Parasite
It was nice to see you in Herning...
(And thanks for the nice chatting
before you were going to bed)
Anyway, keep on editing Dansktoppen!

Pervert of Silicon LTD.
Hi Stephan! I hope you to find a new
job soon! (And if you managed it,
please try to write me more often!)

Phantom of Applause
The Thing issue #3 was attractive...
I like especially the games while
Keep on doing it!

Posdnous of Ram Jam
Hello Crisiano!
First of all thanks for the answer.
In my opinion the best scenechart
actually is yours!
I'm looking for to see the next issue!
Anyway, keep on doing it!

Rack of Absolute!
Hello Laszlo! Thanks for the ansis!
I hope to booze with ya at the next

Rahiem of Wizzcat
Hello Frank! How's life in Germany?
It's hsit that we won't able to meet
in Deutschland in may (due to the big
distance from Frankfurt!)
Thanks for the stickers!
I hope you received my postcard!

Raven of Fanatic
Thanks for contacting me...
I hope 2 see something from your group

Redman of Digital
Keep on cool sending...
And Feel the vibes!

Rendall of Impulse
Your Cache'94 party pic was great!
And also thanks for drawing to the
Sledge Hammer...

Rick of Paradox
Hello Alessi!
Thanks for contacting me...
(and also for the nice letter)
But what's up with you?
I hope you got my postcard...
Please, write soon!
BTW, If you can, you could also
call my board (+36-1-2914029)

Sam of Bronx
Thanks for the Cemetery News #3...
I really enjoy its design!

Schmoovy-Schmoov of Melon Dezign
Hi Sebastian! Thanks for your calling!
(And also for Hof's pic!)
I hope you enjoy my board...(Greetz to
And I hope to meet YA at the Assembly!
(I might also go there!)

Scorpik of Pic Saint Loup
Hi Adam!
Your modules are always great!
I'm a fan of them!
Keep on sending them to me!

Siriax of Fairlight
Hi Dennis!
Congratulation for your new group...
I hope to chat with ya by phone...
Please, call my board (+36-1-2914029)

Sir Jinx of X-treme
Hi Ingo! Thanks for contacting me!
I really like your lettersheet!

Skindiver of Abyss
Thanks for the answer...
The Swap & Dance is quite attractive
chart (mag?), thought I prefered the
design of the previous issue!

Skull of Eremation
Hi!!! What's up with your diskmag?

Skull of Jetset
Thanks for the answer....
Your trackmo was great! (however I
didn't like so much the music)
But altogether it was nice...
(I'm waiting for the next one!)

SS Soldier of Alpha Flight
If you'll be able to xerox guitar-
tablatures, then plese, try to send
me a tablatured song from the
Kill'em all by Metallica....
And always keep on playing the guitar!

Steady of Majic 12
Congrat for your joining!
I hope you to enjoy being in M12!

Steffen of Speedy
Why did you leave PST?
Anyway, keep on fast sendings!

Thor of Nuance
It was really nice to chat with ya!!!
Be sure, I'll call you again!

Trash Head of TRSI
Thanks for contacting me...And I hope
to see something soon from the Polish
section of TRSI!

Troll of 5th Generation
Thanks for contacting me...
Iron Maiden rulez 4ever!

Ultras Sur of Metro
Thanks for contacting me, Amigo!
I hope to see something from your
group, soon....

Virus of Arise
Hi Valerio!
I hope your board will be online soon!
(Be sure I'll call it!)
Anyway, always ccool prods from Arise!

Vortex of Bronx
The roumors said you had bought an
A4000...Is it true?
Anyway, please try to write me a bit
more often!

Wizard of Infect
It was nice to meet you in Herning...
But I haven't heard of you since then!
Please, try to write me soon!
(I hope you received my postcard!)

Woober of Saints
Thanks for contacting me...
(And sorry for the delay, but I lost
your addy)

Wortex of Freestyle Designs
Mi van veled? Abbahagytad a swappot?

Yaffle of C-Lous
Thanks for contacting me...And I wish
you also good luck in your new group!

Yoyo of 5th Generation
Wow...Do you visit ALL the Parties?
(Cologne,Herning)...There will be a
party here in Hungary, too (organized
by Absolute!)...I hope you won't miss
it neither!
anyway, please, write me soon!

Zak of Kool
Hi! Unfortunately we couldn't meet at
the party III, due to your having some
problems with the travelling...But I
hope to meet you somewhere else...

Zenit of Compact inc.
I'm looking forward to see your new

Zibi of Flying Cows inc.
Thanks for contacting me, but
unfortuantely I've already 3 contacts
in FCI & I think that's enough...
I sent your stamps back to Carlo! (ask
him to send them to you!) Anyway, good luck in FCI!

Zinkfoid of TRSI
Hi Alex! It was nice to meet you at
the Hammering'94 (ABS! party)
in Budapest! I hope to booze with ya
somewhere again (might be this year!)
Be sure I'll call the Savage A.!

Zinko of Kefrens
Hi Jack! Thanks for the answer...
It'd be great,if you could open a BBS.
(Be sure, I'll call it!)
Anyway, If you can, you could also
call my one (+36-1-2914029)
Ok...CU, my danish friend...

Zozo of Majic 12
Your Board is very cool!
Be sure I'll call it more often
(when I'll get cc!)
 Total : 127 messages

messages from Sonic/Platin to:

Dak/Mad Elks:
Hallo Darek! Hier ist dein Freund in
Deutschland. Everyday a messy!
hehe...I await your next crazy sending!
bye my best friend!
I wish you good luck in your exams!

hohoho! Stanglwirt rulez! oder doch
nicht...? Mach mal ein Scgnelshriebkurs
mit,dmit d ubesser shnkel schreibenm
Du kommst dann im sommer,ok?

Meinste ich schreib nu noch extra
ne messy fuer dich?? Du hast ein brief!
hehe! nice pack! Und geile witzesection!
besonders die von dem...wie heisster denn
nochmal..? Ss.sonk?...sonik..? nee.
Sonic?jaaaaa...die sind gut!
(hmmm..der schmeckt ganz gut! und der is
gesund!) (?)

dirk? hahe!

composten rulez alter!
ich komm mal wieder vorbei.
Besser gesagt,DU kommst und holst
mich mal wieder ab--->SESSION!

(Ich bin ja nu der letzte der jemanden
Lamer nennt,aber Roggisch is so doooooof!
Der schiebt ne disk auch noch falschrum
ins laufwerk rein! )

all Pc/Amiga-user:
Try to get the ROGGISCH-LAMERTEST from
SPP (SPrudelProductions) (yeah!)

Don't take it too serious.





  #      THe CREDITz FOr THIs ISSUe Of BOUNCINg BYTEs :         #
  #                                                             #
  # Files supported by: Norby/TRSI  and  Oxstone/SPLASM         #
  #                                                             #
  # Other sections by: in the concerning section       #
  #                  CODE       : LEANDER                       #
  #                  SOUND      : SHARKY                        #
  #                  GFX+DESIGN : DODGER                        #
  #           Additional Coding : LUNATIC (thanx a lot,mate !)  #
  #           RELEASE DATE : 30th of April 1993                 #
  #                                                             #
                                     ...edited by DODGER/IA  !

  CONTACT ALI OR DODGER (adresses in the advert section) !!!


 Today INTERACTIVE wants to send some greets to :

ABSOLUTE       - Lord
ABYSS          - Skindiver ,Mel O Dee (?)
ACCESSION      - Poke
ANALOG         - Swan
ANGELS         - Weird Dream
ANDROMEDA      - Mr.Hide
ARISE          - Skyline, SMUDO, Taron
BALANCE        - Wolfman, James
BRONX          - Helloween, Kazz
B & B          - Throne, Jazzy, Katie, Ridge
CADAVER        - Trauma, Petshopboy, Snuffy
CASCADE        - Nalcom
CALIBRA        - Tonic
CHROME         - Coma

CHILBLAINS     - Gold Dragon
DAMAGE         - Mephi
DAMONES        - Cascet
DECNITE        - Wasp, Deciever 
DEEP ZONE      - Sceletor
DEFIANCE       - Kervin
DEICIDE        - Pantera
DESIRE         - Kernal, Zorlac, Chipper
DCS            - Exciter, Zephyr, Stookie
DIFFUSION      - Grand Duke ,Twingo
DISASTER       - The whole crew
EFFECT         - Radavi
EMOTION        - TLS
EQUINOX        - Supra
ESKIMOS        - Rusine
ESSENCE        - Slam, Powerswap

EXTACY         - Perlon
FLYING COWS INC- Carlo ,Heptagon
GENETIC        - Feanor
GROTESTICLE    - Laimbrain
HELLRAISER     - Dream-evil
IBB            - Bad Cat
ILLUSION       - Qba, Death Angel
IMPULSE        - Noodle
INDEPENDENT    - Mikuni,Dexter,Tonic,Terranova,Maniac,Peace
INTENSE        - Primer, Creep
IRIS           - Chris, Zerox
LEGEND         - Lord Zero
LOGIC          - Ceterus, Castor
MANITOU        - Rave, Sonic Flash
MEDICINE       - Frame

MIDWAY         - Duffy
MYSTIC         - Ice-T, Bond, Axe
MYSTIX         - Brutal
NOVA           - Freddy
NUANCE         - Thor, Andy
ORIENT         - Growl
OUTLAWS        - Flynn
PLATIN         - Damion, Obelix ,Sonic
PRODIGY        - Ice-T, Mr.Vain, Malcolm $inclair, Electron
PULSE          - Monsum
PYRODEX        - Poet
RAM JAM        - Posdnuos
RAZOR 1911     - Lionheart, Colorbird, Schizo

RECALL         - Zorro, Exterminator
REDLINE        - Secrefice
RETIRE         - Killtech
SANITY         - Trasher, Exumer ,Mr.Pet
SHINING 8      - Lawnmover Man, Chaos, Dr.Poole
SCOOPEX        - Mr.King, Darren
SMASH DESIGN   - All members
SPLASM         - Oxstone
SUPPLEX        - Exhorder
S!P            - Hijack, Tommy, The Trickster
TANGRAM        - Arrow
TRANCE INC.    - Slam
TRSI           - ECS,Trash Head,Norby
UNLIMITED      - Poseidon

VICIOUS        - Twain Pain
VISION         - Dragon
WARTEC         - Jazy
WIZZCAT        - Rahiem
XANADU         - Mini
X-TREME        - Sir Jinx

And all the forgotten ones, of course...

                       --- HELP !!! ---

If You need a help in using this pack you cant be one of the
cleverest guys,but we will help you nevertheless:

Press in the:

File-Menue:   - SPACE or RMB for the Mag-Menue
              - Cursor-key DOWN for one file down in the chooser
              - Cursor-key UP for one file up in the chooser
              - RETURN to choose a file
              ...You can of course use your mouse for that...

Mag-Menue:    - ESC or ExitButton for the File-Menue
              - Mouse Cursor to choose the section

Press in the:

Sections:     - ESC or ExitButton for the File-Menue
              - M or MButton for the Mag-Menue
              - Cursor-key DOWN for one page FORWARD
              - Cursor-key UP for one page BACKWARD
              - Cursor-key RIGHT for the LAST PAGE
              - Cursor-key LEFT for the FIRST PAGE
              ...You can of course use the buttons for that...

As You can see we included Keyboard using and:

Search-Function: Press S or the Search-Button and you can type in
                 the word which should be searched.Enter Return
                 and it will be searched in the current section.
                 - Only in the sections.Not in the menue (...) -


 Like this:    !"$&/()=?*+#-_.:,;<> ' (<- not vice versa !) 
                 and of course the numbers and letters !

              Please no other symbols,because they
               are not included in the font !

                --------: E X t R a S :--------
         Welcome To The Extra-Section Of Bouncing Bytes !
                   This Time You Can Read:
        - Party Infos about the South Sealand Demo Party in DK
        - The unbelievable story of Sunbitchchen Part 1,2,3,5,6 and 7
        - Some jokes and poems by Sonic/Platin + Sonic Flash/MNT
        - Interview mit Bill Gates 
        - Toller PC Shop.Erfahrungen im Computer "Fachhandel"
        - Bouncing Bytes CHANGES to come + Swapper Infos

               Send Your thinx for this section to:
                 DODGER/IA                   ALI/IA
               Daniel Koschera             Guido Eckers
              Wilh.-Buschstr.20          Westerburgstr.12 
                both in: 41541 Dormagen-Zons,GERMANY


       - This is the first official info about the party! -
                      Released : 27/3-'94


Is happening at the 3rd. to the 6th. of August 1994 in
Vordingborg (Denmark).
Vordingborg is a small town with 10000 inhabitants only
an hour and a half from Copenhagen, or two hours with train
from Putgarten in Germany.

The entrance will cost 	120 DKK.
	      or about	 20 US$
	      or about	 15 £

The prizes for the competitions will be calculated when
we know more about our budget - 
BUT they will NOT be small, I promise.

AMIGA DEMO      Should run on a normal A1200
                MC68020, 2mb chip RAM

PC DEMO         Should run on a 486sx SVGA, Soundblaster, ad-lib

C64 DEMO        Should run on a normal C64 (disk only!!!!!!)

GRAFIX          Should be able in Amiga IFF standard

MUSIC           Should be executeable or, if mentioned
                on the disk, ready in PTformat

If not....       IT IS TOO BAD!!!!!


              Coca Cola

Can be bought on the party quite cheap. 
You can also buy some chips (for eating your fool!!:-)) 
and breakfast (some warm bread, butter, jam and Danish
from the locale baker!!!). Further more you can buy good
pizzas from us (we hope).

There will be a special "Hall of sleeping" ;-) 
were no noise (exept from the others who are snorreing) 
will disturb you. But it is of course allowed to 
sleep anywere (even out side :-{ )

It is of course NOT! permitted to drink any alcohol 
(neither wine nor beer) at the party place. 
And drunk people will not be led in, or if inside the
party thrown out!!

We cannot suport crackers, and if someone is caught 
in cracking they will be thrown out, or even turned
in to the police!!!

And keep in mind: WINNERS DO NOT USE DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   EVENT T-SHIRTS
the event T-shirts will cost about 50 DKK

Event T-shirts can be ordered from now on and until 
the party ends and we will send it to you or you can
get it on the party we hope...

For ordering:
                Mazzachre of Focus Design
                Skerrisvej 29
                4840 Nr. Alslev

                Allan Jorgensen
                Fiskebaekparken 35
                4760 Vordigborg

To reservate a table or a classroom, you can contact:

                Focus Design Dist. Site:
                Metal Connextion (+45) 74 43 59 49 
                3 Nodes Ringdown!


                Mazzachre / Focus Design
                Skerrisvej 29
                4840 Nr. Alslev
                Tlf. (+45) 53 83 47 69 (Voice)

                MORE INFO???

Wait for our Partyinvitationdemo (long word eh??)

or contact
                 Mazzachre of Focus Design
                 Skerrisvej 29  (not moved since last adressing)
                 4840 Nr. Alslev
                 Tlf. (+45) 53 83 47 69 (Voice)

      - This is the first official info about the party! -

  The unbelievable story of Sunbitchchen...

  Some times ago a girl , called Sunbitchchen , lived in a small
  house in the north of the southern part in the east of Suckaland.
  She grew up there,walked over fields of flowers there and wanted
  ta merry da prince Suckme of Suckaland there.Everything went well,
  yeah,da prince Suckme of Suckaland,whos nothing less than the son
  of Sucka da Big ,wanted ta merry her two...the day of the marriage
  came fast , but...Sunbitchchen didnt come to ta church ! She 
  couldnt ! She was kidnapped by da big bad bitch ! 
  Da prince didnt waste time and fitted out a troop consisting
  of 10 experienced warriors...inluding him as the leader...

 And heres were the story starts...

 Day 1:
 The prince decides to rest only 15 min,the warriors are
 dissapointed.They were used 16 min rests ! And now 15 min,
 only 15 min ! Suddenly one man says : "I dont want ta go
 on...not with such conditions ! Only 15 min ! Dats to 
 much...I will will return to the castle !"
 Everybody looks to the prince.His eyes went red , steam 
 is coming out of his ears,and...and...he takes his dick !!!
 He points it at the warrior which wanted ta leave and...
 - Peep ! - dat a mess...nearly all the warriors
 start to puke ! Waah...The prince slowed down again...
 and says : "I can do dat as often as I want !"

 The warriors are answering full of fear... : "NONO ! W-W-We
 The prince : "The only thing I want is Sunbitchchen back,
 I wanna hold her in my arms,kiss her,fuck her,ma...err...
 hehe..." (The face of the prince is looking like a tomato)

 Day 2: 

 The prince gives the order to take the hill.He chooses 
 Rambo,a well known warrior,4 dat job.
 Rambo puts his knife in his mouth and "Ahhhh !",fear gets
 FAR IN HIS MOUTH ! Again one less Termi gets
 da job...he robbs slowly to the hill , feeling no fear and
 with his cutted shotgun in his hands . He reaches the Hill...

 as suddenly...a butterfly flies past..."Uff" Termi says 
 and concentrates on his job...he takes a nearby stone and
 PUTS IT OVER THE MOLEHILL ! "Phew..." He was successfull !
 Everybody was impressed by dat well performance , but 
 it seems if the prince knows something , that decreases 
 the success...suddenly he wispers : "Hah ! Eat diz mole !"
 and puts a mousetrap beside another molehole in the near !"
 Now hes a hero for the men - NOONE EVER SURVIVED TA LAY

 Day 3:
 The sun is going up in the horizon...Sum of the warriors
 are cleaning their weapons,counting their fingers or 
 just reading a good book like the prince.
 One of the mighty warriors asks da prince "Yo chef !
 What cha read ?!",the prince answers cool : 
 "How Ta Write Lame Stories by  Sonic Flash/Manitou..."
 ...The crowd goes : "UHHHHHH !"
 Nothing interresting happens diz day...they just walk
 a lot...But suddenly...nothin happens ! 

 Day 4:
 " Booooooom ! " "Waaahahahhh !",the warriors are jumpin
 out of their beds..."FLY ATTACK !!!!"..."ARGGGGHHH"...
 ..."B FAST...ARGHHH"..."ARGGGHH...MUM !...UHHHH !"...
 ..."EAT DIZ FUCKIN´FLIES !!!!..."..."PFFFF"..."ZZZzzZzz..."
 ..."Plupp ! "..."I GOT IT ! I GOT IT ! HEY MAN ! I GOT IT !"
 ..."HEYHEHYH-H-H-EY ! I-I-Ts still MOVING !"..."HEEELP !..."
 ..."ARGGGHHH !"..."Clap!"..."Plupp!"..."I GOT IT !"...

 ..."Yeah ! HE GOT IT !...WOOOOW !"...The prince examines da
 fly..."Hey ! Diz isnt a killa fly ! Its just a normal room
 fly..."..."HAHAHAHAHA!"..."I knew dat..."..."I 2 !"..."Ahhh..."
 ..."Hey I was the only one whoe knews dat..."..."HAHA..."...
..."Argghh ! HAHAHA"...   

 Day 5:
 The Prince is reading in the book..."If the story should be
 ULTRA-LAME,then there have ta be prince,sum warriors and 
 a big bad bitch,which had kidnapped a girly.The final have
 ta be bloody + hard,for example da prince have ta lose his 
 dick in the endfight..."..."Hmmm"..."[GLUP!]"...The prince 
 threw the book away : "OH NO ! NONONONO !"..."Errr...phew!

 Good luck dat it's just a lousy book... "..."But what if 
 its not just a book ?!" of the mighty warriors asks...
 ...[Wuuuuuuuumm!]...."Errr...?!?!?!"...."He ?!"..."Oh ! The 
 prince fell unconscious..."..."Prince ! Prince !"...
 "[Flapp!]...[Flapp!]..."Prince ! Prince !"..."[Flap!]...[Flap!]"
 ..."Prince..."...After about 4309857320 Prince ! Prince !
 [Flap!] [Flap!]s the Prince comes ta himself again...
 ...his first words : "MY DICK !"...he puts his hands in his
 underpants..."Uff they are still there ! YEEEEAAHHhh...err...
 hehe..." [Ones again the prince is lookin'lika a tomato...]
 The prince read in the book again..."...and don't forget that
 there have ta be minimally 365 Days in the Story.Th..."...
 ...[Wuuuuuuum!]..."Hey ! The prince fell unconscious again..."
 ..."Prince ! Prince !"..."[Flap!]...[Flap!]..."...

 Day 6:
 ..."One warrior !"..."Yes ! Yes ! I'm walkin´!..."...
 "All warriors !"..."YES ! YES ! WE'RE WALKIN'! YEAAHH !"...
 ..."Hey Termi ya sing wrong !"..."Yes Termi ya do !"...
 ..."Termi can't sing ! Termi can't sing !..."..."[GRRRRR!]"
 Day 7:
 After there were sum rumbles with Termi yesterday,all went
 on in the normal the mighty warriors are walking 
 again.Suddenly : "Riiiiiiiing !"...[Klick!]...[Klack!]...
 ...[RRRRRRR!]...All warriors ready their weapons...
 ...One small warrior : "No danger man ! Just a call for
 me from my girlfriend !"...[Klick!]...[Klack!]...[RRRRR!]...
 ..."UFF !"..."Phew !"..."Oh !"...

 The Prince looks at the map to see how far they're away 
 from the BHQ (BITCH HEAD QUARTERS) now..."2324 KM !!!!!"...
 "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"...[Wuuuuuuuuum!]..."Hey guys ! The
 prince is unconscious once again..."..."Wah...gettin'boring"...
 ..."Prince ! Prince !"..."[Flap!]...[Flap!]..."...
 After 34293 senceless [Flap!] [Flap!]s the warriors decide
 to rest the rest of the day...                    
             To be continued...

                             Written by SONIC FLASH / MANITOU

 Where do you get these mad ideas,man ? 
 Little brain damage,eh ?                -ed.

Time for sume bad jokes sent by SONIC of PLATIN...:

 Jetzt mal ein bloedes Raetsel...

 - Was is gelb und huepft herum??? 
   (HCSORFTSOP RED) (Rueckwaerts)

 - Und was is gruen und fliegt hinterher???
   (nekruggissE leduR niE)

   huahuhauhuahuahauabhaua!  Der is so scheisse....

 Abba die Steffie Wonder-witze kennt Ihr ja hoffentlich ? 
 Wenn nicht,hier sind sie. (Freu,Jubel !)

 - Haste Schonmal Stevie Wonder's Frau gesehen ?
   Nein? Er auch nicht!


 - Warum ist stevie wonder so gerne Mohnbroetchen ?
   Da stehen immer so schoene Geschichten drauf...


 - Was hat er bei seiner Geburt als erstes gesagt ?
  (klingt ein wenig rassistisch)
  Lieber blind als schwartz...


   Achja...letztens hat er sich anner 
   Raufasertapete totgelesen...huahuhauha!

Scheiss Witze!!!

 - Kann man mit einem tampon schreiben???
   In der Regel schon...huahuhauhua!

-Fuer die einen ist es Klopapier,Fuer die anderen die laengste
 Serviette der Welt.

-Wenn in der Arktis,Markt is...

-Wenn in Sibirien selbst die Eisbaeren frieririen...

huahuhauhauha! Scheiss sprueche ich weiss...

Now (again) something sent by SONIC FLASH of MANITOU :

Fliegen zwei Voegel an nem Mast vorbei...
- Piep ! Piep ! Piep ! -
- Zwitscher ?! -...- Piep ! Piep ! -
- Hey ! Wieso Piep ! Piep ! ?! -
- Wieso nicht ! -
- Immer ?!- 
- Nein ! Aba immer öfter !!! -

                     ...hahaha...yeeeah !...
(also der war jetzt aber wirklich Bullshit,Sonic Flash !)

Nun kommen wir zur Poesie :

                   Ode an die Poesie

                   Der Schreier schreit
                   Der Hammer haemmert
                   Die Fliege fliegt
                   Der Rechner rechnet
                   Die Klingel klingelt
                   Der Vogel voegelt
                   Das Hupfhuhn hupft
                   Die Koele koelert
                   Die Poesie poesiert
         ...und was ist bloss mit der Poesie passiert ?!

                   Wo ist sie hin ?!
                   Was ist geschehen ?!
                   Ja wo laeuft sie denn ?!
                   Ja wo laeuft sie denn ?!
                   Wo ist sie hin ?!
                   Was ist geschehen ?!
                   Die Winde verwehen ?!
                   Ach,was bloss ist los mit der Poesie ?!
                   Das Ross,die Vase,der Humpfmaran !
                   Ach ! Was bloss ist geschehen !
                   Wo ist sie hin ?!
                   Wo ist sie hin ?!
                   Wenn ja ! Was dann ?!

                   O hey ! O hey ! 
                   O ha ! O ha !
                   O hey ! O hey !
                   O ha ! O haha ha ha !
                   Oh hoertet ihr ihn ?!
                   Sprich ! Aba sagt es nicht !
                   O hey ! O hey !
                   O ha ! O ha !
                   O hey ! O hey !
                   O ha ! O haha ha ha !
                   Was ihr wisst nicht was ?!
                   Ihr wisst nicht wer ?!
                   Aber mir deuchte doch,
                   es kam ein Humpfmaran daher!
                   O hey ! O hey !
                   O ha ! O ha !

                   O hey ! O hey !
                   O ha ! O haha ha ha !
                   Und der Weisheit letzter Schluss !
                   Humpf warum klemmt der Humpfverschluss ?!
                   O hey ! O hey !

 ...hmm, hier beenden wir diese poetische Meisterwerk lieber.
 Ich muss naemlich mal dringend auf Toilette,wuergen...

Hier ein Exclusiv-Interview mit Bill Gates:
 (aus Highscreen Highlights 3/94)

?: Mr. Gates, Sie gelten als der reichste Mann Amerikas.
 Woher kommen all die Millionen, pardon Milliarden?

Gates: Ich bin sogar noch viel reicher. Bei uns in Amerika heissen
Milliarden naemlich Billionen. Alles hart erarbeitet und unter
grossen Entbehrungen. Noch heute sitze ich täglich 16 Stunden in
einem bescheidenen Sechs-Quadratmeter Office, um Solidarität mit
 meinen Angestellten zu demonstrieren. (Hustet heftig)

?: Haben Sie denn keine Freizeit?

Gates: Nur wenig. Wenn es mein Terminkalender erlaubt, spiele ich
eine Partie Windows. Unheimlich packend, sage ich Ihnen, vor
allem wenn man erstmal die Spielregeln verstanden hat...

?: Sie haben kuerzlich geheiratet...

Gates: Ja. Eigentlich wollte ich schon vor Jahren Pia Zadora zur
Frau, aber damals hatte ich noch nicht genug Geld und da ist mir
dieser armselige Scheich zuvorgekommen. aeehhh, haben Sie
eigentlich die nette Blondine aus der Telefonzentrale gesehen...?

?: Nein, wieso?

Gates: Pech, die ist auch schon vergeben! Harharhar!
(Klopft sich unter bruellendem Gelaechter auf die Schenkel)

?: Zurueck zum Geschaeft: Stac Software hatte behauptet,
 Microsoft haette bei der Datenkompression von MS-DOS 6.0
 Patentrechte verletzt.

Gates: Papperlapapp. Niemand wird verletzt, wenn er MS-DOS spielt.
 Bisher sind uns keine Faelle bekannt. Ausserdem mussten wir in
 den Schlagzeilen bleiben.

?: Stimmt es, dass MS-DOS 7.0 endlich die beruehmt-beruechtigte
 640-KByte-Grenze aufheben wird?

Gates: Seit in Deutschland 1989 die Grenze gefallen ist,
 arbeiten auch wir mit Hochdruck daran, jegliche Grenzen der
 DOS-Selbstverwaltung aufzuheben. Ich warte hier noch auf ein
 Okay des US-Senats.

?: Was halten Sie von Novell-DOS?

Gates: Soviele Funktionen braucht der Anwender doch gar nicht,
 das verwirrt nur.Wenn Sie es nicht weitersagen: MS-DOS 7.0
  wird vielleicht einige Features aus der Beta-Version von 
  DR. DOS 3.41 übernehmen.

?: Bleibt unter uns.

Gates: Und noch etwas. Den Flugsimulator wird es demnaechst
 in einer HijackerVersion geben, Codename Arafat.

?: Wie ist Ihre Meinung zu OS/2 von IBM?

Gates: Reden wir nicht darueber. Niemand hat das Recht,
 ein Windows zu entwickeln,das schneller und stabiler als unser
 eigenes ist...

?: Arbeiten Sie selbst mit Windows?

Gates: Nein, es reicht doch, wenn sich meine Angestellten damit
 herumaergern muessen. Dafür ist mir meine Zeit nun wirklich zu

?: Word für Windows enthielt einen sehr schlimmen Fehler, der bei
  langen Dokumenten gelegentlich den Speichervorgang verhinderte.

Gates: Na und? Sollen die Leute sich doch kürzer fassen oder
 das Telefon nehmen.

?: Wie sieht Microsoft die Multimedia-Zukunft?

Gates: Ein faszinierender Begriff! Zusammen mit anderen
 Unternehmen überlegen wir gerade, wie sich dieses Wort am besten
 missbrauchen lässt.

?: Mr. Gates, glauben Sie, dass die Berichterstattung ein falsches
 Bild von Ihnen zeichnet?

Gates: Ach, Sie meinen das kürzlich erschienene Buch? Hmmm, ich
 weiss nicht. Bin erst auf Seite 13 angelangt. Meine Mutter hat
 so wenig Zeit, es mir vorzulesen.

?: Wir danken für das Gespräch.

 Hola !

Heute war ich mit ein paar Freunden in der Stadt, um einen
PC-Shop auf Kompetenz zu testen.
Naja, rein in den Laden (die haben NUR PC's) und den naechstbesten
Verkaeufer angehauen, wir wollten etwas Videobearbeitung/Betitelung
mit der Maschine machen. Und wir wollten max. 5000.- loehnen.
Der Verkaeufer tippt auf seinem Peh Zeh rum und meint dann :
"Erst mal brauchen sie ne gute Grafikkarte, da empfehle ich ihnen
 die (hab ich vergessen) für 920.-"
Frage: "Macht die denn auch die Videonorm ? Ich meine, kann ich die
direkt an den VCR anschliessen ?
Antwort: "Ja sicher, mit der richtigen Software[...]".
Software ????
Also könnte ich mit der richtigen Soft ja auch die S/W-Videobuchse
des AMIGA als Digitalsampler nutzen oder was ????

Naja und mit so nem Sch... hat er uns dann noch ne Zeit lang
Dann kam meine Frage auf den Prozi und den Speicher...
Antwort: "Ja ein 486 DX 50 muss das mindestens sein, besser waere
ein [jetzt kommts] DX-2-66 [seit wann ist der denn schneller als
der DX 50 ?], weil der schneller ist. Speicher ist minimum 16MB.
Platte so um die 500MB."
Frage: "Ein Freund von mir hat mir den A4000 empfohlen, weil der
ja schon der Videonorm entspricht..."
Hastige Antwort: "Neeee, lassen se bloss die Finger von AMIGA,
der ist so gut wie tot, das heisst, die Rechner kriegen sie
ueberall hinterhergeschmissen, aber es gibt keine Ersatzteile,
keine Speichererweiterung, und man kann KEINE PC-Sachen dran

Frage: "Und Festplatten ?" Antwort: "Nur Amiga-Festplatten."
Frage: "Der Freund hat mir gesagt, dass man mit dem richtigen
Controller alle Festplatten, AT-BUS und SCSI anschliessen kann."
Antwort: "Waere mir neu...".
Verkaeufer: "Aber so gut kenne ich mich auf dem Videosektor nicht
aus,da kommen sie inner halben Stunde mal wieder, dann is der
Experte da."
Also gut, 1/2 Stunde gewartet und wieder rein.
Der Experte war wirklich einer. "Was ? 5000.- - Soviel kostet
schon die Videokarte."
Frage : "Mein Freund hat mir den A4...".
Antwort: "Ja, der ist dahingehend wirklich besser, weil der ist
ja schon auf PAL-Norm. Also, wenn sie Grafik(Video) machen wollen,
oder Sound, da sind sie mit dem AMIGA besser beraten, weil der ist

in sowas unschlagbar. Bis sie ne DOSE [O-TON] auf die Faehigkeiten
ausgebaut haben, sind sie EINIGES losgeworden, also für sowas
wuerde ich, so leid es mir tut,den AMIGA empfehlen. "

Was sagt Ihr dazu ??????


Ja...soviel dazu.Ich bekomme immer mehr den Eindruck,dass wir
Amigianer irgendein Inselvolk sind,das immer mehr von der
schaedlichen Umwelt verdrängt wird...Hoffen wir,das C=> seine
Werbepolitik mal bald aendert...In diesem Sinne !   -ed.


 We got a lot of ideas what we could make better in this nice
 pack - mag and as we are just human beeings and not perfect,we
 think Bouncing Bytes is not perfect at all and therefore we will
 fullfill the wishes of the people...Now problem (hmmm...) !

 - Grafic Update of the first page (the menue) :
   In the (far) future the menue-page will have some new designed
   grafix and features.All in all this screen will be in Med-Res
   (or High-Res,how AGA users would call it) solution !
   The gfx are finished and now it just depends on the coders 
   activities ! (Hurry up guy !)

 - Bigger pages in the magpart,to guarantee a better quality of
   the adverts,messies and so on.
   The new page sizes will propably be : 75 by 20...
   This change will also take some time,because we have to change
   gfx and code a bit and at the moment we are very busy.
   ( Who isnt,grinnn (-: )

 - Better keyboard control.In the future you will be able to
   let the cursor-key hold down for scrolling the pages and you
   will not have to push it down again and again.
   Very useful in the adverts...

 This should be all...
 If you have some other ideas how to make Bouncing Bytes better,
 just write to us and remember...:

                           V   O   T   E

                             F   O   R

                               U   S

                                I N

                           E  V  E  R  Y

                           C H A R T S !

 Some infos for the swappers !

 For those who are addicted to NEWS...:
 On the original Bouncing Bytes disk will be a NEWS - DIRECTORY
 in the future.The news there will not be edited in any way !
 They will just be collected from the disx I get.
 He,he...Much fun while editing...!

 For those who are addicted to VOTESHEETS...:
 On the original disk of Bouncing Bytes there will also be a
 VOTE SHEET - DIRECTORY in the future.
 The sheet-names are edited to guarantee a better order...


 (..of course...)

 In the next issue of Bouncing Bytes you'll read some funny
 stories about counsellors in the computershops of the ware-
 houses and what they know about the AMIGA.
 We are also thinking about a special kind of funny charts,but
 that will take a while...
 So stay cool and wait for the next issue of this great pack !

 Watch our demo called AMOK and vote for it ! (he,he)

                  - I N T E R A C T I V E  -
          T I M E   F O R   A   T E R R O R   R E I G N  !