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1 952 bytes (1.91K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:17
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    Why not call the INSANITY boards:   
     ASYLIUM           CRAZY BANANA     
   +47-2-746407        +47-2-744555     
   up to 9600bps       up to 2400bps    
    Coding..........SNAP of EPIDEMIC!   
    Gfx.............SNAP of EPIDEMIC!   
    Music.....THE ISLAND of INSANITY!   

    Coding..........SNAP of EPIDEMIC!   
    Gfx.............SNAP of EPIDEMIC!   
    Music.....THE ISLAND of INSANITY!   

Asylium info:                           
Sysop:  Kai Michelsen alias Pitcher     
Cosysop:Oxydon Exit                     
Sigops: Dr. Bjorn at Dr. Bjorn's Conf.  
        Fox Freelancer at Software Conf.
        Oxydon Exit at Music conf.      
        Rawhead at Hardware conf.       

Crazy Banana info:                      
Sysop:  Jan Andre                       
Cosysop:Kai Michelsen alias Pitcher     
Sigops: None.                           

Insanity needs Coders, Modem Traders,   
Swappers, and Gfx artists...            
Greetings to:                           
Snap of Epidemic for making this intro. 
Geir for making the ABBS!!              
And to all our friends.......           

If you want to contact the coder of this
intro for easy intros for your board or 
group write to: SNAP                    
                T.U.V. 10c              
                0984 Oslo               