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001 Editorial
002 Credits
003 PD-Note
004 How to Use Propaganda
005 How to Contribute.
006 Official Spreaders
007 Reactions on Issue One
008 Open letter to Zinkfloid/TRSI

009 News Editorial
010 News I
011 News II
012 News III
013 News IV

014 News V
015 Really very TRUE news !

               THE SCENE
016 Amiga Compability.
017 Absolute Swedish.
018 Best Swapper Charts ?
019 Some opinion on Diskmags - Reply
020 DiskStealing - The Pro Way !
021 Dutch Scene Report A
022 Dutch Scene Report B
023 A new way of Stamp Faking.
024 How to get famous !
025 How to write an article.
026 Kill Packdisks ?

027 The Rise and Fall.
028 Thieves
029 Throw them out!
030 Why DMZ suxx.

031 The Illusionary Charts
032 The Scene Charts
033 Readers Chart

034 Black Legend Software
035 Groo/CnCd & Strobo/Stellar I
036 Groo/CnCd & Strobo/Stellar II
037 Eva Heimdahl I
038 Eva Heimdahl II

039 Probe/Ex. Razor I
040 Probe/Ex. Razor II
041 Victims of Lionheart/ILS

042 Demo Reviews
043 DiskMag Reviews

044 SummerPartys
045 ECC Party Report
046 Party III  A
047 Party III  B
048 Party III  C

            THE WORLD TODAY
049 The World Today
050 Politics in Italia
051 Freedom of Speach I - Reply
052 Freedom of Speach II
053 The Truth about Wingman
054 Rascism sux !
055 Will Nazis take over ?
056 Rascism against Rascists ?

057 Ghosts and Supernatural.
058 Graffiti in Stockholm.
059 Hobbies
060 Skateboards I
061 Skateboards II

062 Small Articles.

063 Dust
064 How to get a Hangover I
065 How to get a Hangover II
066 KaareKurtJaan
067 What are Neighbours for ?

068 Lyrics from Depeche Mode.
069 Review of "FUCK UP EVIL"
070 I Hate Discos!
071 Punksong lyrics.
072 Rap and Metal.
073 A musicians view of Techno.

074 Why HipHop Sux !

075 Bobo for President !
076 Cruel Songs ?
077 Adverts I
078 Adverts II
079 Adverts III
080 Adverts IV
081 Adverts V
082 Adverts VI
083 Adverts VII
084 Adverts VIII
085 Adverts IX
086 Adverts X

087 Adverts XI
088 Adverts XII
089 Adverts XIII
090 Adverts XIV
091 Adverts XV
092 Adverts XVI
093 Adverts XVII
094 Adverts XVIII
095 Adverts XIX
096 Adverts XX
097 Adverts XXI

  Welcome to issue #2 of Propaganda !

Its  a  pleause to give this the second
issue of our diskmag to you..  It seems
that  diskmag  has  got its readers and
supporters  too and that is nice for me
as the sole Main-Editor for this issue.
It  has  been three hectic months since
we  released  issue  one.  Circle died,
some  of us joined Alcatraz but we left
and  formed  Illusion instead.  So this
is  now  an  Illusion  diskmag  and  it
should  stay that way..  Lionheart, our
other   main   editor,   is  doing  his
military  service  right  now so he has
not  been  able to do anything for this
issue.   We had planned to release this
one  month earlier but editing articles
and   adverts   takes   time   and   if
Some1/Illusion hadnt helped me we would
have  released  this in January 1998 or
something  like  that...   I  hope that
this  issue  will  satisfy  most of you
guys  and  I  think  that  it  is a big
improvement since the last issue...  As
you  can  see  we have new graphics and
new  colors, I hope this design will be
more  popular.  We have also got lot of
articles  from  you.  Some quite famous
article  writers  like Macno(Abnormalia
Main-Editor)    and   Ripper/Nightfall.
Also  thanks  to  a  lot  of others for
supporting  this  great  mag!   We have
some   great  articles  concerning  The
Scene,  The  World  Today, Music etc...
We  have,  as  the  only diskmag on the
scene,the    shocking    truth   behind
"Wingman/Resistance".   Also interviews
with   the   head   for   Black  Legend
Software,  Probe/Ex.Razor  1911  -  the
musician   who   wins  every  compo  he
attends,  and  with  a  lot of other...
The  Next  issue  should be released at
Party  III!   But  now, read this issue
and enjoy...

        signed Colorbird/Illusion

(A  little challenge to everyone...  If
the party arrangers on Party III doesnt
arrange  a  Sensible Soccer Compo, then
get  to  the Illusion table and we will
arrange  a  little  compo  that  I  can
win...  heheheh)

                               C R E D I T S

Main editor:                                           Colorbird/Illusion

All Coding by                                          Colorbird/Illusion

TitlePicture by                                             Magnum/Circle

Menu Graphics by                                            Magnum/Circle

Main music                                    Accord and Deelite/Infinity

Articles by                                              Macno/Abnormalia
                                                  Jonas Gevear/Frugtboden
                                                           Excel/Mad Elks
                                                          Riot/Nasty Boys
                                                    Dr.Jens and Kaviar 23

News supplied by                                         Backfire/Alchemy
                                                Exciter/Dual Crew-Shining

                PPPPPP DDDD        N    N  OOOO  TTTTTT EEEEE
                P    P D   D       NN   N O    O   TT   E
                PPPPPP D    D ===  N N  N O    O   TT   EEE
                P      D    D ===  N  N N O    O   TT   E
                P      D   D       N   NN O    O   TT   E
                P      DDDD        N    N  OOOO    TT   EEEEE

                    Note to all Public Domain Companys.

   You are NOT allowed to sell this without a written permission from us!


You can either use the mousesystem or
the  keyboard to  operate Propaganda.
You can move the mouse pointer around
with a mouse  in the mouseport. Press
leftmousebutton on one of the gadgets
to select it.

Left Arrow = Turn back a page.
Right Arrow = Turn forward a page.
Up Arrow = Turn back an article.
Down Arrow = Turn forward an article.
MENU = Takes you direct to the menu.
SELECT = Enables selectmode.  You can
now press  the digits for the article
you wish to jump to.

You can also use these keyboard keys.
Left Arrow = Turn back a page.
Right Arrow = Turn forward a page.
Up Arrow = Turn back an article.
Down Arrow = Turn forward an article.
M = Show menupage.
Enter = Enables  selectmode.  You can
now press the digits for the  article
you wish to jump to.

There is no need for anymore controls
in a diskmag as far as we think...

            signed Colorbird/Illusion

   How to contribute to Propaganda

Since there are so many mags out there
on the scene we do  not expect  to get
so much support  now in the  beginning
but if  you support  us with  articles
we will sure apreciated...

Just write  your articles in  a  plain
texteditor  like Cygnus-Ed or some PD-
Editor. You do not have  to  format it
in any way, we will do that. Everybody
supporting Propaganda  will recieve  a
the next issue at the releasedate.

You can send in your Adverts to us and
we will publish them for free.
We  in  Circle  do not think its right
to charge any money for advertisments.
The formats accepted is 38  x  20  and
83 x 20. Do NOT use tabs! 

                16476 Kista


After  releasing Propaganda Issue I we
recieved  several letters  from people
asking to be official spreaders.
Funny... because we had not even asked
for any official spreaders. Three cool
dudes asking have become our  official
spreaders. We could still use two more
spreaders, at least one german with at
least 100 contacts.  Please contact us
and send your contact list
The Official Spreaders is where you'll
get the latest issue of Propaganda...

        The Official Spreaders

           Voorste Gewind 20
           4161 AC Heukelum

           Skragatan 7
           27536 Sjobo

           3400 Hillerod

If you want to be an official spreader
then write to...

           16476 Kista

Also for supporting Propaganda with da
latest stuff,  news, articles, adverts
and more...

Some  reactions  of Propaganda Issue #1

Well,  when  we  released  issue one of
this  diskmag  we didn't expect any big
support  for  the  second issue, but we
got  lots  of  response  for  it and of
course  much  much more support than in
issue  one...   A  review  in Suicid #6
said  that  our mag was pure shit.  The
reason  for it was perhaps that i wrote
one  sentence  about  the  Suicids  bad
design...   Strangely enough almost all
response  on  the first issue were very
positive  Here  is some of the response
that I (Colorbird) recieved.

I  must say I like your (little?) mag..
Especially alternative charts!  (hehe)

                  - KR'33/Lemon.

It was BRILLIANT!!!!!

                  - Randel/Tech
Your  diskmag  is  really  cool, I like
your  articles,  cause  they have some-
thing    special,   that   makes   them

                  - GFX-Twins/Nuance

I  must say, Propaganda is allright.  I
think  that  the  quality  of  diskmags
comes  from  the  contents  of the non-
scene  articles.   I particularly think
that  your  articles  on  Freedom  were
pretty  good.  Also the punkarticles by
Schizo  were  also  good  as  the  Iron
Maiden song (that was the best)

                  - d-Orb/tPHk

I enjoyed very much articles as the one
about   Moscow   and  the  other  about
capitalism  and  socialism.   They were
rather  deep  and not easy to find in a
normal disk-mag.

                 - Ripper/Nightfall

Your  diskmag  is  not too original but
very interesting.

                 - Mace/Talent

Propaganda  was  really  good !!!  Cool
Articles,  some  real  top  articles by
Colorbird !!

                 - Limbo/Noxious

Its  a  nice  diskmag but it sure needs
some improvements.

                 - Amethist/Cyanide

Proganda  is CULT!!!  Swedens most read

                 - Saturn/Virtual

Propaganda #1 was great !

                 - John Peel/Angels

I  must  really  tell you that I really
like  the  design  of  the  mag and the
better  thing  is  that  it works on my
A1200 !!!

                 - Chris/Iris

I really liked it...

                 - Ravedown/Vicious

Yeah, I really like Propaganda...

                 - Hollywood/Jetset

I  like this mag very well.....  It's a
really good mag...

                 - Mr.King/Analog

I  think your diskmag is good.  You did
not  aim  to be number one, but I think
the  mag was very cool.  Especially the
alternative  charts..  Most hated tune!
Also   Circle  Scene  Charts  was  very
enjoyable reading...

                 - Zerox/Iris

       (Maineditor of SUICID..)

Done   by   Some1  &  Prime  of  Circle
(written before death..)

This   is   a  response  to  Zinkfloids
article written in SUICID issue #5.

Zinklame  is there trying his very best
to  make  a  fair  judgement of several
mags.   When  judging  PROPAGANDA  (THE
Mag)  he  didn't  succeed...  The first
thing  he  does  is  to ask himself how
COLORBIRD   and   we   (S1&PRM)   could
possibly  become  members  of  SCOOPEX.
First of all:  What has that to do with
a  mag  review??   Second:  Are you the
right  person to judge that??  We don't
think  so...   Third:  How the fuck can
you  judge  that  just  from seeing one
single production from us?!??!!  That's
rather strange...

Zinkfloid  then  writes  that "I had to
laugh  a  lot  as  I saw the contest.".
Well  how  about  that!!   That was our
aim!    We   wanted  to  make  a  funny
original   mag,   and   seems  like  we
succeeded!!  We actually did get a huge
response  from  readers  who  liked our
mag,   and  just  some  days  after  we
released  the first issue, the articles
and advertisements started to drop down
in  our  postboxes.  Four days after we
had released the first issue, we had as
many  advertisements  for the second as
we had in the first.  (There were about
50 in the 1:st..)

"The  music is no music, the gfx are by
no  means  gfx, and PROPAGANDA is not a
mag."  Eh??   That's what we thought it
was...   Please, oh humble master, tell
us what it is!!  We are sooo confused..
FAG-KISSER!!!!   Compare  the  music in
our  mag  to  the one in your, and SHUT
THE   FUCK   UP!!!    (Who   is  stoned

The  advertisements  usually  shows how
much  support  a mag gets.  Lets take a
look at this issue of PROPAGANDA (or #1
BTW.)       and       compare       the
advertisementsection  with  the  one in
SUICID  #5.   If  you  remove  all  the
Energy  and  Mantoui  (??) adverts from
SUI..   what  is then left???  Not very
much....   A  mag for the readers??  We
don't think so...

Now...  We have to confess:  PROPAGANDA
#1 was our first issue ever of that mag
(!!!),  and  it  was  put together in a
rather  hurry.   We  had  to release it
fast,  because  the  news  and articles
wouldn't  be  up to date else!!  In the
next issue (this one) you will see some
small   improvements.   Not  very  much
though,  because  we  have  a  demo  to
finish at the same time, and we are not
a   big   crew..    (4  active  members
(swappers  not included)) Although it's
not the code that is the most important
thing  in  a  mag,  because  that's the
musi..    oups..   articles!!!   People
have reacted very possitive to our mag.
They  have  liked our humor, and wanted
to  become  editors  and so on.  We now
have      3      offical     spreaders:
KR'33/Lemon., Randel/TECH and Butch/TSL
(on  modem).   Many  other  people have
asked   if   they  can  become  offical
speaders too, but we have refused..  We
hadn't  even  asked  for  any  official

Well...   Everyone  who  have  read the
article  in  SUICID  concerning our mag
(the  glorious  one)  can  see only one
reason for Lamefloids hard reactions to
wrote in issue #1 about the lame design
in   SUICID.    It   seems   like   Mr.
Maineditor  can't  take some critics on
his  mag.  (You will probably think the
same about us, but the things you wrote
was NOT critics, it was BULLSHIT!) Well
you  better can, because we're going to
give  you  some  FACTS  about your mag:
CODE-  The  code is actually good, much
better  than  ours  (somehow  my  issue
tends  to  crash  very often.../Prime).
It  contains some nice functions needed
in  a  diskmag.   On the other hand the
code  ought  to  be  at least that good
when  you've  reached the 5:th issue...
MAG   GFX-  We  really  do  agree  with
COLORBIRD  about  the  design  and gfx.
Why  don't you ask a graphician in TRSI
to  make  it  instead??   The  grey and
black  colors makes the mag look boring
and dull.  Not good at all.  INTRO GFX-
What  is this??  Can't you get a decent
graphcian  to  make  some  graphics for
you??   We were close to turning of the
computer  when seeing the titlepicture.
Awfull!!!    MUSIC-   The   first  tune
loading  is  actually  rather nice.  It
hasn't  got any high standard, but it's
okay.   It  gets  very  boring  after a
while  though  (much  due  to the small
variations  in the tune..)..  The other
tunes  present are just pure shit!  Get
some  musician from TRSI to make a tune
(don't    you   get   any   support?)!!
ARTICLES-  We  can't  really  judge the
articles in your mag that good, because
we  havn't  read anything at all except
for     the     magreview    and    the
advertisements   +  some  more..   They
looked rather normal though, and it was
nothing special about them.

Well,  I guess we will get a nice reply
from  you in the next issue of SUILAME,
and  we  are  looking forward to seeing
what bullshit you can come up with this

As  a  laste  note:   You wonder how we
could  become  members  of  SCOOPEX, we
sure  wonders  how  you  could become a
member  of  TRSI...  COLORBIRD actually
got  a phonecall from TRSI HQ who asked
him to join.  COLORBIRD turned down the

Signed:  SOME1 and PRIME of C!RCLE


           News Editorial

Yes,  this is the News section and its
just  like always.  Do not blame us if
the  news  are too old or not correct.
Because we get lots of news every week
and we have already sorted out much of
it.   We cant really check every news,
because  that would make it impossible
to release this mag...

In  the  next issue we will have a new
form of news.  It would be like this..
Check out the Example on Illusion ->


General  Information:   A new group in
Sweden formed by Odeon and Colorbird.

New Members:  All members from Artech.
Colorbird/Alcatraz, Pgl/Noxious.

Kicked/Left:  ----

Releases latest months:  Propaganda #2
"Waterproof" - trackmo...

Coming  releases:   "Beyond  Belief" -
trackmo at party III

This  we think will make it easier for
you  all to read the news pages in the
mag.   I  guess that some mags will do
the  same  later  on...   To  make  it
easier for us to make this mag, please
try to send your news in this form...

We wish  to thank these dudes  for all
the help they have  done by sending us
news...           ----->

         Exciter/Dual Crew-Shining


Group  formed  by  member from Italian
Bad Boys. They have 29 members in Italy,
USA and Switzerland.


They  are dead now.  Kais joined Platin
as a coder.  Spoiler joined Platin.


B-Nice,  De  Meyer,  Dexter,  Faith, Le
Clerk,  Lacoste  and  Cenzor  left  and
joined Virtual.


Frankie  left  for Stellar.  Roman left
for    Essence.    Aron   joined   from


Deelite,    Accord    and   Diesel/Ex.
X-trade  joined.   Colorbird and Schizo
left   Circle   and  joined.   Deelite,
Accord   and  Diesel  left.   Colorbird
rejoined Circle.


They   will   relase  first  issue  of
Zasmashka, new polish magazine.  Exolon
joined.    Gacuch/Old   Bulls   joined.
Sagittarius joined.  M-Iron got kicked.

Tormentor/Damones  joined.   Incubus  /
Impulse   joined.   $$  Soldier  from
Legend joined.


Norad(sysop  on  Aces High and producer
of   Svensktoppen)   left   and  joined


Zodac  left  for  Toons and changed his
handle to Erectus

John Peel left for Damones.

Killraven      (ex.Paradox)     joined.
Killraven  and  Kaoz left for Dual Crew

A      new      group     formed     by
Odeon/Ex.Phenomena,   Anarchy,  Shining
etc...    Deejay   Jonez   joined  from
Diffusion.   The  best  guys  left  for


Epidemic  from  Complex joined.  Lopez
of ex-Sacreds joined.


Xendi/Stellar joined


Zanu and Metalbrain joined in Finland.
Kickman/Centura    joined    Malice   &
Cerebroid left to join Trauma.


Zalo left and rejoined Corize.


Tonic   joined  from  Krafted.   Masque
joined  as  a  graphician from Addicts.
Vyrzel   left   the  scene.   Flashburn

Groo  from  Virtual Dreams joined as a
double-member.  Dean and Fraction left
for   Damones.    The   compos  at  the
Fantaparty   were  cancelled,  and  the
party ended on the 19th of June and not
the  20th.   Because of the bills from
the  Fantaparty,  Carillon and Cyberiad
are  now  advertising in newspapers for
people to send money and they will tell
their  future!  The ad-text goes like -
Ancient  cyberiad-methods  assist us as
we    tell   your   future   from   the
carillon-crystals.  Neat!


Serval  left.   Kickman  left  to  join
Bronx.    Outlaw   joined  in  Germany.

Hacksaw joined from Leader Productions.


Magnum  joined  from  Equinox.  Sphinx
was  kicked out !  Colorbird and Schizo
left  for Alcatraz.  Colorbird rejoined
after   two  weeks  in  Alcatraz.   Pgl
joined from Noxious.  All guys left and
formed Illusion with some other dudes.


Saviour  is  a  half-member of Damones,
despite  how  eagerly Mic Dair and Hyde
try  to  deny  this.   Speed, TDMF and
Crazy  Crack  from Mexx joined.  Speed
renamed  to  Rakiem.   Mike D left the
scene.    Rakiem    was   kicked   out!
Epidemic       left      for      Banal
Projects.Drifter      left     for
Damones.Mike D left the scene.


Zalo/Bytebusters joined.


All members joined Iris. They are Dead!


Tommie  left  with his BBS Sesamstraat.
Murdock  (graphician)  joined  nut left
for Jetset.


John  Peel  joined  from  Angels.  John
Peel    rejoined   Angels   Tormentor,
Fulcrum  and  Hex  were  kicked.  Grim
left  for  Sonic.   Coconut  and Flame
left  to  be  independent  and  try  to
release a demo.  John Peel is now both
an  angel  and a damone.  Saviour from
Complex   joined   as   a  half-member.
Drifter  from  Complex joined.  Casket
is  still having doubts about getting a
cowshed.   Damones  and  Movement will
make  a  diskmag  together  in Finnish.
Rappiolehti issue 1 might be out at
 the Assembly '93.Tsunami from Virtual
Dreams joined.  Dean and Fraction from
Carillon   and   Cyberiad   Institution
Research joined.


Axe/Styline joined.


Wasp/Styline joined.


Siracon/Genetic joined.


Cloud9  and  Solid  (both  ex.Vicious)
joined.   Agony  (ex.TEK) joined.Tommie
(ex.Cyanide)  joined.  Agony renamed to


Doze(musician)    left    and    joined


Nam  and  Xann  left for Movement.Moby
and  Ra  left  for  Sanity.   Rakim  of
ex-Complex  joined.   Dux  joined  from
Submission.  Dux renamed to t`Veen.


Kaoz+Killraven left Anthrox and joined.
Desto renamed to Exciter.  Exciter will
soon start his pack-series called Shock
Therapy.   Exciter  dropped most of his
contacts.   Killraven  dropped  most of
his   contacts.    Smegma  joined  DCS.
Storm  left  for Essence.Gamma of Sonic
joined  them.   Gamma  left for Jetset.
Plasma,  Placid  and  MC Brain left DCS
and joined TEK


Doxz is kicked out !!!


Atomix  joined them and left after some
weeks   with   his   BBS   and   joined
Syndicate.    Skillion   and  Salvatore


Wotw/Silents   joined.   Roman/Agnostic
Front  joined.   Storm joined from Dual
Crew Shining Slam from X-Trade joined.
Slicer made a comeback to the scene but
wasn't   accepted  as  a  member.   Raw
Style/DCS   tried  to  join  but  wasnt
allowed to...  D-Sign/Silents joined.


Pgl,  Fazer  and  Limbo  left for Nova.
X-tar/Genetic  stole  some harddisks at
the  ECC but the police didnt take him.
X-tar   was   kicked  out  of  Genetic.
Siracon left for Defiance.  Genetic are
dead !


Hijack   left  for  Nuance.Tronic  DJ
renamed   to   Diitsay.    The  Finnish
members formed a new team called Ball.


Defdac left and joined Virtual.


Dmage left to join Virtual Dreams.

ILLUSION - More than meets the eye!


A  new  group  formed  by the best guys
from  Circle and Artech.  Propaganda is
now an Illusion production !
 Memberlist 01-Sep-93
 Colorbird  - Coder, Organiser
 Hammer - Coder, Organiser
 Lawnmoverman - Sysop
 Lionheart - Swapper
 Oden - Vectorobjectmaker(?)
 Odeon - Coder, Organiser
 Paladin - Coder
 Pgl - Graphician
 Prime - Musician
 Sate - Trader
 Schizo - Swapper
 Sine - Graphician
 Some1 - Musician

Renegade  renamed  to Messerschmitt and
left   for   S!P.    Incubus  left  for
Alphaflight.   Butcher left.  Highlight
changed   handle  to  Ryo.   Ryo,  Jim,
Elmore,  Absent  and  Razorblad  joined


Pace  of  Yela  joined.   Ola Thorn/Ex.
Equinox  joined.   Some  guys  who were
kicked   out  of  Diffusion  joined  in
Sweden.    Some   german  members  were
kicked   out.    Saron,  maker  of  the
Utility Dreams got kicked!  Blue, SysOp
also  got kicked.  Mps/Utopia joined as
musican in sweden.


Hammerfist,  Haywire and Halfbreed (all
ex.Xentrix) joined.


Dux  (ex.Submission) joined.  Ryo, Jim,
Elmore,  Absent  and  Razorblade joined
from      Impulse.       Access      of
ex.Sleepwalkers  Joined  as a coder and
swapper.    Access  changed  handle  to
Milkshake.    Sealapex   joined   as  a
Sysop&Modem  trader  They  are going to
set  up  a  board  in Norway.  Sysop is
Sealapex.   The  name  on  the  BBS  is


The  Clan  and  Insomniaz  (new  Polish
groups)   joined   Investation   as   a
subgroups.   Reset  joined Investation.
Qwerty joined Investation.


Complete Coroner joined Iris !


All  members  formed  4-Ward.  They  are


Gamma/DCS    joined.    Murdock/Cyanide

Zinko joined from Majic 12.


Tonic left for Calibra.  Hijack joined.


Thexder left and joined Platin.


Hacksaw  left  for Chrome.  Capman left
for Majic-12.


Reserve   left  for  Parallax  Designs.
Casket  left  for  Damones.  San Miguel
left  for  Insane  with  his  board Far
North.     SS    Soldier   renamed   to
$$Soldier  to  decrease the rumours of
nazism.   $$  Soldier  left  for  Alpha
Flight.    Statik-D  renamed  to  Jimi.
Hijack   and   Screwball   from  Nuance
joined.   Zakal (indep.  coder) joined.
Hijack got kicked out from Legend.


The  Cool  renamed  to  Jeremy.   Xenos
joined  from  BLAZE.   Fly  renamed  to
Alis.    Tai  Pan  joined  in  Denmark.
Zombie   left   SEPTIC  and  joined  in
Sweden.  They're going to arrange party
in   October   in  Poznan(Poland)  with
others local groups.


Speed  and  TDMF  left to join Complex.
Astrix    (ex.Paradroid)   joined   and
renamed  to  Maverick.  Misery left for
Noxious.  Detector left to join Platin.


Kris  and Orion left Movement and tried
to  join Sanity with their mag Eternal,
but they failed...


Gurgle/Ram Jam joined

Limbo/Genetic    joined.    Pgl/Genetic
joined.  Fazer/Genetic joined.  Pgl and
Limbo left for Noxious.


Stranger/Impact tried to join but wasnt
allowed  Misery  joined from Mexx.  Pgl
and  Limbo  joined from Nova.  Pgl left
for Circle.


Hijack  from Grace joined, and left for


They died.  Caesar joined Alpha Flight.


Private  Dick  left for Legend.  Wizard
joined  from  Centura  and Agony joined
from  Laserdance.  Flash changed handle
to Seat.


Killraven was kicked.


Reserve from Legend joined.  Darky from
Equinox joined.  San Miguel joined from
Insane with his board Far North

Asterix left to join MEXX.


Detector/Mexx joined.  Elliot joined.


Dulux and Mc Noise left and found Prime
Design.   Fashion  Design, Skaterat and
Gemeni left for Prime Design.


A  new  group  found  by  ex-members of
Pleasure  and  Comedy.  Zorro and Eksec
left  for  Infect.  Fashion Design left
for Static Bytes.

Abettor/Submission joined.

Mike   was   kicked  out.   Sleepwalker
joined..  King/Dread joined.


Dreamer  left  the  scene  and the guys
behind Raw joined Spaceballs.


Joshua/ex.Angelica  has joined as coder
and   sysop  in  Denmark.   The  Quartz
Summer   Conference   II  in  Somerset,
England  will  start on July 30 and end
on   August  1.   More  infos  will  be
available during the summer.


Gurgle left for Nasty Angels


Sacreds  is  dead.   Lopez joined Banal
Projects and Comrade joined Energy.


Kris  and  Orion  of  Movement tried to
join  but wasnt allowed to...  Moby and
Ra  joined  from Dreamdealers and Ronan
(who  coded  the  Silents  demo  'Ice')
joined  from  Anarchy.  Cosmos left the

Butch left for Silents.  Several French
dudes joined from Anarchy.


Wotw     left    to    join    Essence.
Butch/Scoopex    joined.    Slash   was
kicked.   All  guys  working on Digital
Illusions were kicked.


Gamma left for DCS.


Lord Helmet and Kingpin joined.


Xendi left for Balance.  Frankie joined
from Agnostic Front.


Wasp left for Decnite.  Sphinx left for
Circle.   Axe  left for Dark Millenium.
Styline is Dead!.


Dux left to join Interactive.  Airbrain
joined  from Balance.  Abettor left for


Messerschmitt/Impulse  joined.   Dragos
left  for  Energy.   Messerschmitt left
for TRSI.


Atomix Joined with his BBS.


Zytron  joined  as a graphician.  There
are   two   TALENT!    One   the  known
Norwegian   group   and   also   a  new
hungarian group.


CAROLINE joined.  ROCCO joined.

Red  Knight rejoined after some days in
Spreadpoint  and  renamed  to  Maxwell.
Maxwell  starts  his  BBS  >  ANTARCTIC
STATION!   Iranner  are  back  in  TEK.
Agony  joined,  but he was kicked after
12  days!   TEK  had never a UKSection.
Prince  (PD)  is  now  Scott/TEK.   The
members of TEK are:


Reflex   renamed   to  Tropeduft.   The
danish division tried to join TRSI.


Dexter    of   ex-Interactive   joined.
Siriax/Acrid joined.

Slam   (ex.Optical)   joined.    Serval
(ex.Centura) joined.  Falken/Frantic 69


The  Triflex  division  of South Africa
are  right  now  travelling  around the
world,  to  visit  their  contacts, and
ofcourse,  the  main  Triflex divisons.
We  started doing a small BBS demo at a
meeting,   at   the  WHQ  in  Rødekro,
Denmark.   Its supposed to be released,
as  soon as Triflex RSA arrives back to
their   homedestination   of  Goodwill,
South  Africa.  Sledge/Triflex quit the
Amiga scene


Messerschmitt/S!P joined.


Dicelord  was kicked.  Cloud9 and Solid
are kicked.


B-Nice,  De  Meyer,  Dexter,  Faith, Le
Clerk,  Lacoste and Cenzor left Addonic
and  joined.   Norad  left  ANARCHY and
joined.   Srl  left  his lonelyness and
joined.    Kelvin  joined.   Doze/Dream
joined.   Dominator,  Lacoste, Distler,
Defdac, Faith and Desoto got kicked.


D-mage/Headway  joined.   Groo joined
Cyberiad  and  Carillon,  Carillon  and
Cyberiad  as  a  doublemember.Tsunami
left for Damones.


Pace left and joined Infect Sweden!


Otis    left   to   rejoin   Infocorner
Intercept   is   a  coop-label  between
Vicious  and  Zite  Shadow  changed his
handle  to Schaduw because there are so
many Shadows around (Schaduw=Dutch word
for Shadow!!)

                          REALLY VERY TRUE NEWS!

 THE WHOLE Northern part of Sweden is now armed to its teeth, when Lionheart
 of Illusion will do his military service there. We have heard reports from
 kindergartens in Laponia that they have started to personal search everyone
 who enters or leaves the building, so that no kid will 'disappear'. So
 that's how it'll be LioN. No girls under 10. Sniff!

 After two weeks of Military Service for Lionheart in Boden, we could read
 this in all swedish Newspapers "10 year old raped in Boden". Lionheart
 simply said "I dont rape kids over 8 !"
 Colorbird in our glorious Illusion has started to act a little strange. We
 think that is has something to do with that 'ANTi-EXTERNAL DRiVES CLAN'
 he joined. They harass people with x-drives and they burn joysticks at
 night, dressed in white blindfolds. Ask Colorbird if you want to join the
 brotherhood of AEDC. (What? Its spelled KKK!!! -Ed)

 Sad News for every girl on the scene. Lizardking is not single !!! 
 Several witnesses has seen him in a terrarium with a darkgreen female
 Varan ! Lizardking only says "I dont want to talk about my personal life
 but, the wedding is going to be hold just before Memorial Songs II will
 be released"

 Lots of trustworthy witnesses have seen a drunken Diesel/Alcatraz drinking
 petrol ! And we thought Diesel was a pure diesel drinker.

 Rumours says that Tony will compete with a digitised picture from Playboy
 in the next graphics compo. "Well, people only vote for naked women so..."
 is his only comment...

 Schizo is still extremely bad on Civilization !!!
 Colorbird is still the BEST on Civilization !!!

      Written by Zarch/Triflex

For  about two  months  ago,  I made a 
decision, which alot of guys are doing
in these days.  I sold my lovely Amiga
500, and bought an A1200. I was afraid
of loosing  THE SCENE,  if I would not
upgrade to  an A1200,  because I could
see,  that alot of dudes  on the scene
was upgrading for the A1200. 
Many programs  was  already  developed
when I bought my A1200, so I felt, and
still feel,      that it was the right
decision to make.    Well, I was still
afraid of,   that alot not work on the
A1200. But that was  FORTUNATELY -NOT-
the case!   I have tried sum of my old
stuff, & sum up2date stuff.  I've made
a list of what work, on the A1200.
Things which  worked by  Original chip 
emulation, the  ECS emulation,  OR the
AGA chipset. The column with "WorksOk"
refers to demos / programs  which runs
for a while, and then crashes. Some of
them dont  crash,  but  run  with  the
speed of the 68020 processor (and that
looks  FUNNY!!!!.. and smoothly!!), OR
there is graphic or graphic bugs! 
There is also a few   LOADER bugs, but
sometimes  that may be  fixed by using
the  Original Chip Set  emulation  (by
using the Amiga Early Startup..) Well,
hang on to check out "my discoveries":

Works:                 Works Ok:                       Doesn't Work:
Triflex: Xtrax         Spaceballs: Wayfarer            Kefrens: Guardian D.II
Sanity: World of C=    Ram Jam: Votesheet              Vixen: Codertro
Boulderdash            Vixen: Julegløgg                Lotus Esprit I, II, III
Ports Of Call          Trash'm'One 1.1                 Cruise For A Corpse
Sanity: Interferenrotracker up to V1.1B
Pinball Fantasies      Anarchy: In The Kitchen         Alcatraz: Stop Facism!
Flashback              Tech: Blue Velvet Pack #117     B.A.D. Megademo I
Historyline            Creator: 7th Son                B.A.D.+Triflex: MD II
Wheen                  Robocop III                     Hollywood Poker Pro
TransarticaSilents:    Demon Download                  F29-Retaliator
Simcity                Pinball Dreams                  Thunderhawk
Simearth               Addonic: Messagecenter #9       Kefrens: MultiMegaMix 3
Civilization                                           Rainbow Island
Traps'n'Treasures                                      Hunter
World Class Leaderboard                                The Last Ninja III
AMOS Pro.                                              Complex: Delirium
Trash'm'One Higher than V1.1                           Anarchy: Digital Innov.
Formula One Grandprix                                  Super Oswald
Kefrens: Thunderchild                                  Goldrunner II

Works:                  Works Ok:                       Doesn't Work:
Lemmings X-Mas                                          Ninja Spirit
Lemmings +56                                            Limes & Napoleon
Maniac Mansion                                          Prince Of Persia
Zak McKraken                                            Anarchy: Spring Melod.
Monkey Island II                                        Triflex: Pack Selector
Pirates!                                                Freestyle: Perfect 5
Sanity: Terminal Fuckup
Patrizier                         Ok.  Under the  "WORKS" column I could 
Premiere                          also add most of the  multitasking and 
Turrican II                       workbench programs, such as  Directory
Tech:Digits                       Opus,  Deluxe Paint IV (AGA),  T.A.D.,
Hugo                              Imagine,  Real 3D,  All Wordprocessors
Magic Pockets                     (Final Copy 2, Wordperfect, Interword,
Reflect: Sound of Vision          etc.),     VistaPro,    Scenery Maker, 
Protracker 2.1B - 3.0             Desktop Video and DTP programs etc....
Crusaders: Bass'o'Matic
Propaganda #1

So, infact are the most  used programs
and loved games available under A1200!
Most of the new games  these days, are
compatible with the A1200  (Especially
Sanity demos. Thanx!), and thats good.
I really think we can expect alot from
the  demo  scene after the  release of
A1200!  A new world, and  alot  of new
possibilities are open now!
Commodore had to  make this move, also
to compete with all the consoles.  But
this is also (in my opinion),  another
move against the PC's!!!! I think that
the "Amiga 1200" concept  has  already
developed  quite fast, and many groups
are already working on As great!
I dont think that the apperance of the
A1200 will destroy the Amiga scene.
When KS 1.3 appeared, it didnt destroy
the scene.. when OS2.0 came, it didn't
destroy the scene...  people upgraded!
Now is OS3.0 here, with sum advantages
By the time, will  people upgrade, but
there will still be software for those
who dont..   The scene is not split up
in two because of the A1200..  I still
swap with my A500 contacts.  I have to
live with, that sum of  the stuff that
I receive does  not work with that, as 
ong as my favor programs works..
Also, the speed of the  new Amiga 1200
is great. 14 Mhz.. faster disk access.
the new gfx resolutions...  the PCMCIA
slot.. internal HD(if you want a HD).. 
I don't  know  if anybody else have an
opinion on this.  This is just mine, &
I'm not steady or anything  like that.
This is just the way I feel, and think
about the nowaday Amiga scene. I think
it's great!!!

                           ABSOLUTE SWEDISH !!!

Infinity and Noxious are working on a musicdisk called 'Absolute Swedish'..
It's  not an  ordinary one,  though, with music from  one or two musicians.
That can be interesting if  you like the style of the represented composer,
but it easily gets boring in the end. Instead, we decided to make a sort of
'best of Sweden'-musicdisk, with  contributions from  the best musicians we
can come up with here in our quite  talented country. If you think that you
are good enough,  and think that  especially  one of your  tunes  could fit
please send the tune  with your  address to me, Diesel. The sooner you send
your   contribution  to us,  the  bigger  is the chance that *you* could be

Write to:
Mats Johansson
Helsingorsgatan 32
164 44 Kista

             Best Swapper     
       written by Limbo/Noxious

Well,  This article is about the well-
known Best Swapper Chart....
As you all have seen on the vote-sheet
you get there is often a header called
Best Swapper???  How do you vote for a
thing like that??? Do you look if your
contacts write cool letters? (JA!- Ed)
Or if they send new hot stuff???
Well, There's lots of questions around
this chart  and it is often  the chart
that's the most cheated chart......

If we now start looking  on the facts.
What's  a cool letter???  There are no
such letters that everybody  think are
cool therefore there is always someone
that has another opinion on  what they
think is a cool letter.   But the most
of the  famous swappers don't write so
long letters (I do... - Colorbird) and
maybe they  don't write any  letter at
all. So how can you judge a swapper if
he only sends  a litle note  that says
Stamps Back!!!
Now to the  second thing  "New Stuff".
You  can't  vote  for a guy  that only
sends new stuff,    because every real
swapper  sends new  stuff, and I don't
think  they have so big vote-sheets so
you can vote for every one. 
So every body is almost a good swapper
cause  if they send new stuff and cool
letters they can see  themselves  as a
good swapper, but maybe not the best.
There is also a  good thing  about the 
Best Swapper Chart, if you come on the
list among the  20 best  swappers  you
really know that youre a good swapper!
But if you  are on  the chart  and has
cheated  to get your place then your a
real scum  and don't  deserve to be in
the scene!!!
Lot of swappers also write things like
this:  Vote for me!!!,  Vote for us!!,
We're the best!!. Thats one thing that
I cant stand that's people that write:
We're the best. (I write that -Ed)
If they really  are the best why don't
they  prove  it insted of bragging all
the time!!

So there is lots  of good swappers out
there and  some you like  and them you 
vote for & some you don't like so much
and they don't get a vote!! Just think
on one  thing don't  vote for  the guy
just becourse he's in a  famous group,
vote for the swapper you really like!!
Thats all I  have to say  about voting
on the Best Swapper Chart......

    Some opinions of Diskmags II
     written by Ripper/Nightfall

In a computer  magazine is it better a
terrible design together with a lot of
beautiful  articles  or awful articles
in a 'state-of-art' design?
I think the answer is quick and simple
Great design and great articles in the
same magazine! Well, but if we have to
choose? Colorbird, but I am sure he is
not   the  only  one,  prefers  a good
design.  Infact he said,  in the first
issue of  Propaganda,  in  an  article
called  'Some opinions on diskmags' he
thinks a good design invites people to
read  articles also if they are not as
good as the  design itself, otherwise,
if theres a bad design nobody cares to
read  articles  also if  they are deep
and interesting. I think he has said a
wise thing, but I dont agree with him.
A  magazine  should be  a place  where
editors can express their ideas, their
thoughts,   where  everybody  has  the
oportunity to shout to the whole scene
what he wants.   It  should  not  be a
colorful trashcan  full of rubbish, of
rotten  stuff  which is there  just to
fill space.   Articles  are  the vital
fluid of a magazine and if they're not
good, the magazine itself is not good.
It's almost a  moral problem.  We must
not support magzines  just because the
menu is nice & the graphic is awesome;
let's enjoy and appreciate the work of
the editors, a work that is very often
considered  less  than a  trader, just
think  there are  no charts of the the
best editor or article writer.   There
are only a lot of  charts that have in
their top magazines supported by great
musicians and    graphicians,  or  are
supported by big groups. 
We, editors of magazines  of the whole
scene,   have to  change  this  really
common and superficial way of thinking
We have to make understand  that  when
you  load a  magazine you are supposed
to  read its  articles before  to take
some charts sheet and vote for it only
because  the title  picture or logo is
one of the best ever seen.
It's our work in the scene and we have
to defend it. Believe me, if we're not
going to stop this  way to acting,  we
will  have  in a  next future a lot of
magazines full of nice coding effects,
intros,    logos  and full  of  stupid
articles, maybe like this one. 8)!

A little comment by Colorbird ->

Just  want to say  that you  must have
missunderstand me a little bit...
I meant  that  a design invites people
to read, because if a design makes you
cry then you can hardly motivate your-
self to read the  articles.  No matter
how good the articles are, most people
will not read them....



As a  follow up to Lionhearts  article
in Propaganda #1,  I thought I`d add a
few  new  ways  to build up  your disk
collection the illegal way!


This way is the  easiest and the least
risky.  Place an  advert  in loads  of
disk magazines asking for contax.
Seeing as most people replying to your
advert will send 5 or  less disks make
sure the words "I missed out on Monkey
Island 2 and  Indy 4,  1000%  reply to
senders of either or BOTH of these!".
There`s an easy 11 or 22 disks!


This way is  pretty easy,  but you can
get a broken nose if your friends find
out! When you're round one of your m8s
houses using their computer  with them
just ask for a cup of tea or coffee. 
This will get them out of the room for
at least  two minutes.   Now fill your
pockets with disks and do a runner. If
they  ask you  why you left  in such a 
hurry, just say you forgot to turn the
oven off or something.  If you want to
try  your  luck then grab a  couple of
disk boxes as well!!!

This method is best avoided with Amiga
owners, but is very good to use on ST-


Now dont steal loads from shops as you
can get  done  for shoplifting.   If a
computer shop has a  demo  computer or
two, take the  disk out the drive  and
then leave.  If  you   get caught then
just say that ya thought it was a free
Public domain disk thingy. Pretend you
don`t know a thing about computers and
youll probably be let off. This method
is not recommended!!  (Low rewards but
high risks!!)  (What  about  an  armed
robbery against the shop ? - ED)


If you know there`s a  good swapper in
your town then  all you  need to do is
find out  when and where  he posts his
jiffies.  As soon as he`s posted them,
you  nip down  to  the  postbox with a 
coathanger with loads of  sellotape on
the end and fish  them back out again. 
This way  you will  get loads of disks
everyday!! This is bloody risky though
and if  you  get caught  you`re in the

An    alternative on  this idea  is to
become mates with the guy and offer to
post his jiffies every once in a while
Instead of posting them, just take the
disks out of them and burn the jiffies
Not recommended though,  because he`ll
find out in  no  time at  all, but one
jiffy a week is not so bad.

    *NOTE*  I do not agree   with disk
            stealing,    this  article
            was just  written  for fun
            so dont take it seriously!  

           THE DUTCH SCENE

Hi  there, here's a little Dutch scene
report  by Wizard/iNfECt...  I decided
also  to  include  divisions of abroad
groups  to get a more complete view of
the Dutch scene.  Okay here we go...

I  think they we're born in January or
earlier  and  so  far  they released a
nice  intro with ray-traced balls, and
a pack-preview.  They are working on a
trackmo  and  music  disk.   They have
quite   a   few  members.   They  have
nothing  to do with the (dead?) German
Cyanide,   nor  the  English  Cyanide,
they're    Dutch   only...    
Wellknown member(s): Poison.
They  are  quite  old.  They lost some
members  recently  (Ramon  B5, Hi-Lite
etc.), but they also got some new ones
like   Tommy,   Cloud,  Solid.   There
one-file  demo  "Menace"  still  is in
many  charts...   I  heard  "a  Desire
coder"  and  Fabian  are  working on a
music  disk,  so  maybe this will be a
nice     come     back...
Wellknown member(s): Fabian, Cloud.

They  released some intro's, packs and
the Nix Miz Mee serie (music intro's).
They  don't  have  any members abroad.
Wellknown member(s): Radavi.

They  are still very unknown, but they
have  a  division  in Sweden.  They've
got  4  members  in  Holland,  and are
working   on   2  intro's.
Wellknown member(s):   -

Well  at  the moment we are 5 members.
D-Icelord  is  working on a intro.  We
are still looking for more members!
Wellknown   member(s):Me???   I  don't

They   had  quite  a  lot  members  in
Holland  but  didn't release anything.
Now   there   are   only   2   members
left:Sugar  Ray  and TBC...  
Wellknown member(s): Sugar Ray.

JetSet/Skid Row
I  think  they  are  the best group in
Holland.   They  have  a real cool own
style   with   lotsa  grafitti.   They
released   some   nice   stuff   like:
Overload 2 and Tag, and some stuff for
SR...  They also have some of the best
boards    in    Holland.
Wellknown    member(s):Seck,    Eswat,
MagicianLord, Steroid.

They  are  one  of  the  oldest  Dutch
groups  still  alive.  Legend had some
glorious  years  as  a  trainer group.
But  at  the  moment  they  are not so
active  as  they  used  to be...  They
have   some   pretty   good  but  lazy
members.  They had a party (Holland=OK
party)  in January, wich wasn't a real
succes,   but   I  still  liked  it...
Wellknown member(s): Pinhead, N.S.C.

In   Holland  we  have  three  lemons,
namely:    Nao,   KR'33  and  ofcourse
Facet.   I  bet  you've  all seen some
work  of  them, so there isn't much to
tell     about     them!
Wellknown  member(s):I guess all three
of them are wellknown!

They  are as you all probably know the
producers  behind  Chit  Chat  and the
Prime  party's.   I don't know what to
tell  more  about  them...   
Wellknown             member(s):Retep,

I'm  not sure, but I think they have 3
members    here:    Astro,   911   and
Liberator.   I  can't  tell  you  much
about them...
Wellknown member(s): Astro.

In   Holland  they  had  2  ex-Scorpio
members,  but  Sane  left  the  scene.
Arcadia  is  the  only  member  at the

They   aren't   so   active   in   the
demo-scene,  altough  they  released a
music-disk in Aars called Odeon and an
intro.  They are more a trainer group,
and  they  are  pretty  good  but  not
really  Wellknown (atleast not to most
legal guys).
Wellknown member(s): Source.

I  only  know  they  have  a  board in
Holland,   maybe   some  more  members

The Flame Arrows
A  long  time ago, they made some real
cool  music disks (I'm not sure, but I
think  it was the Vocal Attack serie).
Now they aren't so active anymore, but
they  still  make  utils.  Some months
ago   they   released   a  version  of
Wellknown member(s):   -

                  (Continues ->)

Trance inc.
They  have  some  divisions  in  other
countries.   They  so  far  released a
pack  preview  (coded  by Vektor/Zite)
and  the  in  my  oppinion not so good
dentro "Pompy".

Wellknown member(s):  -

As  far  as  I  know  they only have a
board  (SalOne  is  the  sysop)  and a
swapper (Cone)

Wellknown member(s): Cone.

This group is also amongst the best in
Holland.   They  have  a  nice diskmag
called   Megazin  wich  they  released
probably  3 issues from, when you read
this...  They also released 3 intro's.

Wellknown member(s): Ravedown, Fila.

This  group  once  was  very mighty in
Holland,  just  look  at  the good old
Megademo  4 by them!  But according to
my  informations,  they  are  only two
persons  at  the moment:  TSM and Hein
Design.   I heard something about them
making a music disk, or slide show, so
we  should  just  keep  our eyes open!
Maybe  it's  nice  to  know that Facet
once was a member of this group!

Wellknown   member(s):TSM   and   Hein

White Label
This  group isn't so old yet, and have
only   released  an  party  invitation
intro  for  their SIH party until now,
but  another intro "The reminder" will
come  soon.   They  are  organising  a
party wich will take place on the 14th
and 15th of August.

Wellknown member(s):  - 

They  released a nice music-disk (wich
I can't remember the name of) and they
have  a pack.  They've got some pretty
good mebers.
Wellknown member(s): Death Angel.

    An other way to fake a stamp.

Written by:  Jonas Gevear/Frugt Bodden

Year,  I guess you loaded this article
to  lern  a  better  way  of  faking a
stamp.   And  in  some  ways  you  are
right.    Lets   start......    I  was
sitting  at  the  lunch  table with my
famiely.   My  littlesister  had  some
candy.   Push-pop  it  was  called.  I
HATE  PUSH  POP!!!  Most of all I hate
the       commecal..       push      a
push-pop...da..da     di    da    dumm
aaarrrrrgh!!!!..    Hmm...    For  the
people who don't know what a push- pop
is  like  I can tell you it's the MOST
poisen  candy  you  can get.  It taste
like   plastic   or   maybe   glue  is
better???  Well, she (My littlesister)
gave me a lick of this terribel thing.
Bvader!!!!   It really was like eating
glue...   And then I thought...  Maybe
you  can use this for stampfaking.....
I  told  her to lick it wet and then I
puted it on the stamp....  Then I toke
a  stemple  and stempled the stamp....
Ops  I thought...  that was the end of
that  stamp....   But  i  putted it in
water   and  guess  what...   All  the
fucking stemple was gone!!

Well,  now I'll tell you what to do...
go  to the nearst shop and bye a push-
pop.   Then you'll save a LOT of money
on your stamp expences....

Anyway...   Get  somebody else to lick
it for you if you wanna live more than
one bunth of letters through..  Have a
nice time.....

          How to be famous???

Very  well, This article is about some-
thing  that  every scene freak wants to
be.......   Hammm,  what can that be???
It's the big desire to be famous!!!  So
the  first  thing  you have to do is to
find  a  cool handel....  Thats the not
so  hard just take your favourite thing
and make it to a handel....  WARNING!!!
If  you're  a gay then it isn't suche a
good  idea  to to choose a handel after
your hobby!!!  Then after you've chosen
a  handel it's time to pick a function,
that's  the  hardest  thing!!   Now you
really  have  to  think  over  what you
really  want  to  be!!   There are many
functions  to  chose  between.  I think
we'll  start  with  the  hardest thing,
it's  to be a Coder.....  If you decide
to  be  a Coder then you should be very
good  on  mathematics and and have lots
of time to code and learn to be good on
it!!   Then we've come to to the second
function  it's  graphician.   There you
can  just  start  as a logo painter and
then  you  just  go  on and learning to
paint  pictures,  it  doesen't  have to
fantasie  course there are lots of boks
with   graphics.    If  you  know  some
graffity  that's  a  big advantage then
it's just to start doing it in D-Paint.
Now  that  we've past the graphics area
then  it's  time  to go on to the third
thing, it's music.....  Do you chose to
be a musician then you have to like and
know  some things....  It's a advantage
to  like  techno  if  you  like to be a
musician  and  it's  good  to have some
rhythm  in  your  body,  but  it isen't
necessary course there really aren't so
much  rhythm in techno.....  But as you
maybe  have  heard  Rhythm is a Dancer.
We've    now    come   to   the   litle
easyerfunctions   but   they   are   as
important as the other ones.......  The
first   one  I  came  to  think  of  is
swappers.   (Maybe  becourse  I'm  one)
Many  often  complaine  on swappers and
say  that they're no good, but swappers
are  one  of the most important persons
in  the groups becourse swappers speads
the releses from the group and also get
lots  of friends that can be useful for
the  group.  So maybe you think you can
be  brainless  and  be  a swapper, well
thats  not  possible  course  to  be  a
swapper  you  have  to know English and
that's  not  all you also have to write
cool letters.  The most swappers aren't
just  swapper they often have a pack or
even  there  own  chart.   If you're to
lazy   to   be  a  swapper  then  maybe
modem-trading is something for you.  To
be  a  modem  trader you have to have a
modem,   14400   is   standard   for  a
modem-trader  but  to  have  higher  is
never wrong!!!  But one thing isen't so
nice  it's  when the phone bill comes!!
But there's many ways to dial for free.
So  what  do  you  need to know to be a
modem-trader???   At  first you have to
know  a litle English, then maybe a few
shorting  like:  GNT, TSL, NXS and many
more.   But  "some" modem-traders don't
even  know  what  TSL  stands for.  One
that  I  know,  really  thought that it
ment:   The  Stupid  Lamers......   How
deep can you sink???, I'm just asking!?
Now  that  we're  in  on modem the word
sysop just pops up!!!  So to be a sysop
you need a "big" hard-drive and a modem
ofcourse  and you a good board program,
the  most used is Ami-Express but there
are  lots  of  other  good  programs to
chose between.  The hardest thing is to
get  the board running in the beginning
but  when all that is finisht it't just
to get lots of active users!!  Now that
we're  finisht  with all the explaining
about all the functions we can start to
talk  about  how  to get famous.  If we
start with who to get famous as a coder
there  is  only  one litle thing to say
it's  to  practise  and  then  later on
joine  a well-known and relese a lot of
cool  stuff.  That actually makes three
thing  but  who cares???  I quess thats
all  I  have  to  say about how to be a
famous  coder.   So  now  I've  come to
graphics.....   In  the  graphics  area
there  is  lots of talented graphicians
that  draws exellent pictures but never
even  comes near the charts.  Why is it
so????  When people sits down and fills
the  vote-sheets they have so many good
graphicians  to  chose  between so they
can't learn the names of all of them so
they   vote  for  the  ones  that  they
remember  and like.  The way to fame in
the  graphic  area  is to joine a well-
known  group  and draw as much graphics
as  possibel for every relese and enter
many graphic comps.  Well, as you maybe
noticed  in  the other two functions my
advice  was to joine a well-known group
and  relese  much  thats also my advice
when   it   comes   to   be   a  famous
musician!!!   Then we've come to the so
called "easyer" functions.  If you're a
swapper  you  can't actually relese any
things  more  then  a  pack or a chart.
Buy that's two things to get famous on,
a  pack  or  a chart.  You can also get
famous  if  you  change group often and
send  a  lot of your own prods.  How to
get  famous  as a modem-trader I really
don't  know!!!  So I wount comment that
thing......   But if you really want to
know ask a shrink!!!  Zum Zum, Now it's
time  to go to the last thing I'm going
t  talk  about  and it's to be a famous
sysop.   As in all other functions it's
the   group  that  helps  alot  to  get
famous.   A  sysop  can  also buy a BIG
hard-drive  that  he can brag about and
one  of the major things are to do alot
of advertising for your board!!!  Well,
that's  all from me and all my advices,
but  I  can't  grantie  that everything
that  I said will work but I quess that
99% is right, ehhhhh

       By Limbo/Noxious

What  to  do  when you don't know what
you  should  write  an  article  about
Written by Some1/Illusion

Everything   is  got  a
glass  of  coke,  the music is playing
loud, you got some candy (skolkritor..
yum..Hi  Prime!)  next  to  you at the
table  and..  are  ready to
write   an   article...everything   is  don't  know
what   to  write  about  !!!.....don't
worry, because this article is for all
you  guys (and girls) out there who is
sitting   in   this   situation...Just
follow  these instructions and you all
will know what to do...

Ok!   we  come  in right when you have
eaten  all  the  candy and drinken all
the  coke,  and  you have noticed that
you  havn't  written anything...  Now!
what  you  have to do is pour yourself
another  glass  of Coke and steal your
brothers/sisters   candy..    (If  you
don't  have  a brother/sister then you
have  to run down to the shopping mall
round   the   corner...candy  is  very
important  when  writing  articles..).
When  you  are done with that you must
make  a hard choice...  You can choose
between  many  things  to write about,
and  because  they are so many and you
JUST  can't  figure  out  wich one you
you'll  choose,  I'll  write down
some of them...

Choice   nr.1  Write  a  review  of  a
Mag(Bamse),   CD,   Film,  TV-program,
Different cokes (BUT Everybody already
knows   that  Coca-Cola  IS  the  best
though......   (I choosed Coca-cola in
the Pepsi Challenge...))

Choice nr.2 Write about something that
happened to you a few days ago...  (Hi
Chorus/Quartz...)  For example...I and
my  two  friends  (not involved in the
scene)   had   some  plans  going  out
sailing  and  living  on  a  island  a
week...We  could  only  take  the most
important  things  with  us out to the
island...Ok!   this was a cool trip we
thought  and started to make a list of
things  that  we  needed  (and  I mean
NEEDED!  ) The list started like this:
STEREO (my friends are both DJ:s and I
listen  to  music  a  lot too, so that
explains  why  the stereo was the most
needed  thing  we  could  imagine..) ,
COKE,  Candy (you know...we all needed
something   to   eat   to   survive..)
Hotdogs,   Coke,  Coke,  TV  (We  just
couldn't   miss  the  great  movies...
(Love  and  marrige, Dinosaurs, Parker
Lewis  etc.   etc...), Computer (if TV
would  become  booring..),  Video  (if
computer  would  become  booring..), a
motorboat (we needed to travel back to
town  for  some supplies later (food))
Well, the list went on and on but soon
we  realized  that  we didn't have any
power...We  had a problem!!!  Eh....We
didn't  go  out sailing...  Story ends
here...   But now you know what I mean
with  writing  something that happened
to you a few days ago...

Choice   nr.3  Take  a  look  in  your
bookshelf...there  you can always find
a   subject  to  write  about...   For
example...Take your Guinnes Recordbook
and write down some records from 1946!

Choice  nr.4  or  why  don't  you just
start    a  "WAR",    such    as   the
is-techno-music-shit everybody is VERY
tired  of  reading..(I  am...because I
already know that techno IS music...)

Well,  these  were  some  choices  but
there  is only have to use
your  imagination.....that can't be so
hard, or what do you say ???

It  isn't so hard to find a subject to
write about...  Good luck!!!

Note!   -  If this article didn't help
you  then  you  only  have to turn off
your   computer   and  watch  some  TV
instead,  OR  write  a  stupid article
like this...

          Some1 "our hero" of Illusion
        KILL PACKDISKS?????

         By Trauma/Cadaver

I have read in many diskmags about the
issue  if  we  should stop making pack
disks or not!  I also read Colorbird's
joke article about this subject in the
first issue of this mag, and I decided
to write down by oppinion!

Well,   I   really  liked  Colorbird's
oppinion!   I  totally  agree with him
about  keeping  the  packdisks to save
the  nature  from  pollution and shit!
Way  to  go  Johan!!!!!  OK, seriously
now!   I  am  totally against stopping
making  packs,  cos it's a good way of
getting  your productions spread well,
and it's cool for the swapper to get a
disk  with  loads  of productions, not
just one!!  BUT, there are one type of
packdisks  which I'm completely out of
my  head  bored with!  And those packs
are  the ones which ONLY contain small
intros!!   Ok,  so  you  think  that I
don't  want  the  intros to get spread
all  over!!   Well, that is not what I
had  in  mind!  I think that we need a
couple   of  those  packs  which  only
contain  intros  too,  but  as  it  is
today,   we  have  about  one  billion
different  packs  of  this type, which
contain  exactly  the  same  stuff!  I
don't  want  to mention any pack-names
or groups here, but there sure are one
hellova  bunch of them!  I really hate
these  packs!   It's  OK to get ONE of
them  with  intros  I haven't got, but
when  I get 10 different of them every
week with the same stuff, I think it's
going  to far!!!!  Don't you agree??!!
The  packs  I really like the most, is
the  ones which contain highly various
stuff all the time!  For example:  one
issue  have  a  demo  and  a couple of
intros,  and  the  next  issue  have a
couple  of  dentros  and  a  couple of
intros!   I  can  say that Colorbird's
pack is a great example of this!  Also
Mr.King of Analog's pack is the type I
like!!!  I also want to say that there
are  way  to  many  intros  today!  It
seems  like many groups just release a
little  intro  just  to  have released
something!   I  think  that  is wrong!
The  bad thing is, that almost all the
intros   look  the  same!   Why  don't
atleast  try to make some new routines
for  the  intros  as  well  as for the
demos??   It's  very boring to sit and
watch  a  star  routine which you have
seen  thousands  of times before and a
scroll-text  which  is  just  blabbing
away  some messages and credits!  It's
OK,   to  use  a  intro  to  introduce
something which your group is going to
release  soon,  but  still it would be
great  if  the  routines where new and

Ok,  hope  you didn't commit sucicide
or  fell asleep reading this text, cos
it  took  me  somewhat  10  minutes to
write (he-he).

......and  the moral of this story is


The   Rise  and  Fall  on  the  Scene!
         by Colorbird/Illusion

There are two main categories of groups
on  the  scene, the groups that becomes
famous  and  the  ones  who  doesnt.  I
mean,  some  groups  you hear about and
they simply seem to never improve, like
Equinox,   Analog   or   Bronx  for  an
example.   These groups has been around
for  a  long  time but they have almost
constantly   had   the  same  standard.
These  groups  will  stay known but not
more.   (I do not want to offend anyone
in  these  groups because I have a good
friends  in all of them, so please dont
be offended by this article...)
The   first  category  of  groups,  the
groups  that  becomes famous, has three
subcategories.     Old   Legends,   The
current  number  ones  and the upcoming
crews.  As soon as a new group releases
only high quality they becomes rated as
a  tommorow-elite  group.  A year later
they  may  be  aming the current number
ones.   And  two  years after that they
becomes   unproductive   and   releases
nothing   and  enter  the  Old  Legends
category.    Sometimes  an  Old  Legend
tries  to  come  back.   Among  The Old
Legends   today   we   find  Phenomena,
Crusaders,   Rebels  etc..   Among  the
current number ones Kefrens, Andromeda,
Spaceballs,  Melon  Design,  Sanity and
some  more  Now  lets  check  out who I
think  are  the  "Tomorrow Elite's" and

Jetset  - For Overload II and Tag, both
extremely  good  design  and  gfx, they
will  soon  become Hollands best group.
(Before Lemon.)

Essence-  The  German group, just check
out  their  memberlist...  Several very
famous  dudes  and  they  have released
some     very     good     productions.
Escpecially  A.S.S, which is one of the
best trackmo ever released!!

Talent-  The  ones  who finished 4th on
The  Gathering  1993.  And they seem to
be on the way up.

One  group  who last year climbed up to
the  extreme  elite  were Spaceballs, I
say  that  within  a  year I think that
most  of  these  groups  will be on the
We  need  both  kind of groups, because
the ones who becomes famous are the one
who  people look up to and the other is
the  main  one is the one who makes the
scene so big and the one who admire the
famous ones...


I still can't understand that some boys
steal their tough names from records or
easy-to-get   books  (fictious  handles
like  FRODO,  GOLLUM and SMAUG are very
easy to trace.) I don't.  Or like other
guys  with absolutely no imagination at
all:  CHAOS.  Ok, Chaos/Sanity, you had
that  name  first  in  the  scene.  (or
should  I  say he's the best known dude
with  that name) You should keep it and
slag   CHAOS   (da   group)   off.   In
sTOCKhOLm  there  is a very complicated
scene  of GRAFiTTi.  There is a guy who
and  other  simple  variations  of  the
theme.       For      the      computer
role-playing-gamers,    CHAOS   STRIKES
BACK,  isn't  very  unknown either.  So
why use other people's names when there
are  so  freakin' many others.  And the
last     SLAG-OFF     goes    to    the
handle-stealing worst ansi-artist SHIZO
of  ORDEAL.   Some  spelling,  huh.  He
forgot the C.  SHIZO, bah.  Go get some
other handle.

This text by SCHiZO of ALCATRAZ!

           Throw them out !
          by Diesel/Alcatraz

There  is  a new type of party-visitors
nowadays.   They call themselves nazis,
fascists  or  rascists,  I(and  several
others)  call them party-ruiners.  They
seem  to  go  only  to disturb and make
people    nervous.     I   have   great
experiences  of parties, with many nice
memories  and so on.  But it seems that
the future parties will be dominated by
these  men that call themselves leaders
of  the  world,  and that really brings
down  the  fun of parties to a minimum.
Just take the recent TCC as an example.
One    group    went    around    doing
Hitler-greets and shouted nasty things.
One  guy  had  a  mask, usually used by
robbers,  and  went  around  gazing  at
people  with  a 'murder' look(the parts
of  it  you  could see, that is).  This
may  be  fun if you're the rascist, but
what  about  the surroundings?  I think
it  simply  gives  a 'dead' mood to the
party.    At  Virtual's  party  ECC  in
August, a group called 'Yodel' included
a  'Stop  the  fascism'-sign  in  their
winning  intro.   When  showing it to a
small  group  of people before the real
competition,  some  fascists threatened
the  coder  with things like 'Computers
like  yours  can  easily be broken' and
'We  know your address'.  This may seem
funny, but when outspoken by skinheads,
it     can     easily     get     quite
unpleasant(After all, they have a nasty
reputation).   What  gives the fascists
the  right to spoil other's fun?  After
all,  it  is called 'party' and parties
are  organized to make people have fun,
aren't  they?   Please,  keep  the  FUN
(i.e.    the   Amiga-scene)   and   the
POLITICS  apart!  What would you say if
I  started  screaming  things about too
high taxes?  Sure, you maybe think that
the  taxes  are  too  high, but who the
hell wants to hear anything about taxes
on  parties?   It  is  exactly the same
thing!!    It   seems  like  the  whole
Swedish   scene  is  full  of  rascists
anyway(although  the  majority  of them
keep  quiet!!), so I don't think that a
rascist-mission    is    necessary   at
parties.   At ECC I got the opportunity
to   discuss   one   of  the  skinheads
oppinions.   He  said:   'If  they(i.e.
the  foreigners) behave, they may stay.
If  not,  they  must  out!'.   But that
oppinion  is  not  called rascism.  You
don't   have   to  admire  Hitler  just
because you think that people who can't
behave  should be thrown out!!  What is
it  I  want to say, then?  Well, if the
fascists can't behave properly, I think
they  should  be  thrown out(after all,
that's  what  they say too:  people who
can't  behave  should  be thrown out!).
If  not,  the  parties  will get a dead
mood,  the  Amiga-scene  will  get  bad
publicity  and people will stop coming.
We  want fun!  Not politics!  Party on,

            Why DMZ suxx!!!

Ones upon a time there was a man called
Christer  Rindeblad...   He  was really
ugly,  thin hair and a big beard with a
leaning  moustach...   One day a little
boy  called  him  up and wondered if he
could  be  so kind and include a little
text  about  party  they  were going to
arrange in a big swedish city.  THe man
said  'NO!'  after awhile of asking and
begging  form  the  little  boy  so the
little  boy  who was a smart little boy
called  up the boss of Commodore Sweden
and asked if he could sponsor the party
with  some  hardware  prices.   The man
which by the was named Lars Molander by
his  mother  and  father,  said 'YES OF
COURSE!'  since he was very eager to be
popular  by the people so he could earn
some  more  money  by selling even more
computers...  The smart little boy also
asked  why  he was rejected to have his
little  party advert in DATORMAGAZIN???
'WHAT   DID   YOU   SAY???'  said  Lars
Molander   and  immediately  called  up
Christer   Rindeblad.    Lars  Molander
asked  why  the  fuck  Christer  hadn't
given  the boy some space in his rotten
computermagazine                 called
'DATORMAGAZIN'???   Christer got really
frightened     and     start    started
bootlicking   and  said  that  the  boy
ofcourse   would   get  his  advert  in
Christers  slimy  computermag  The  boy
called  up  Lars  some  days  later and
heard the really cool news, he got very
excited so he asked when it would be in
the   mag?    Lars  said:'IN  THE  NEXT
ISSUE!'.    The  boy  thanked  him  and
started  waiting  and  one  day the mag
came.   'AT  LAST'  the  boy  said.  He
started  looking thru the mag BUT there
was  no add, he got angry and called up
Lars  and  said that it wasn't there!!!
Lars who got very surprised by the news
so  he  said  to  the boy that he would
call  up Christer and ask what the fuck
was  going  on.  Lars dialed the number
to  Christers office which he knew very
well after calling there alot of times.
A  turk  answered  and  Lars  got  very
surprised.   Lars  said 'WHERE THE FUCK
IS CHRISTER!' the turk said that he was
on  vacation,  then Lars wanted to know
why  they  hadn't  included  the  party
advert???   The  turk  said  'I DUNT NO
WHOT  YE  MEN!'...   Lars  slammed  the
phone oon its hook and promised that he
would   never   support   DMZ   in  the

Yes  that  was  a little story from the
real  world but slightly changed a bit.
I  just  wanted  to  express how i feel
about    the    so    called    leading
computermagazine  in  sweden  bcoz they
are  just  a big lying, rotten bunch of
lamers.  When they promise a thing they
dont  keep  their promises, even if the
Commodore   boss   tells   them  to  do
something,  so  why  dont  change  to a
brand  they can handle like nintendo or
some similar shit...

           Illusion charts

We in Illusion decided to have our own
chart where you  only may vote for us!
Things we have done, our members....

Here comes our famous chart...

New Old
1) (1)  Illusion -the group -  736p
2) (6)  Colorbird -member-     313p
3) (N)  Lionheart -member-     281p
4) (7)  Illusion's organisers  246p
5) (3)  Bamse - mascot         212p
6) (N)  Prime -member-         188p
7) (10) Some1 -member-         134p
8) (5)  The music by Illusion  102p
9) (N)  The coder by Illusion   75p   
10)(N)  "Dictator"charts        65p

Vote   now   for  your  favourites  in
Illusion.   Send  your  votesheet now!
Give  everybody  as much points as you
want  to.   We decide which votes that
will  count.   Every issue will one of
our favourite fans get his advert here
in the chart !

Current winner is...

 27536 Sjobo
      (He voted for Colorbird! -Ed)


Well, this chart seemed quite popular
so we decided to continue it...
And we have  also included  some more
normal  charts so you  could see some
true opinions of the scene...
The almighty chartmasters are Prime &
Colorbird !!! Our command is you law!
Now we  present  the only chart based
on Dictatorship instead of democratic
votes !

Category - Best Coder

1) Chaos/Sanity
2) Rayban/Silents
3) Microforce/Sanity

Well, Chaos is THE best coder around &
are as far  as we are concerned simply
the best.    Only guys who doesnt know
what they are  talking about could say
anything  else.. Rayban and Microforce
are perhaps  not the most known coders
but they are underrated and deserve to
be on the top!!!

Category - Best Graphician

1) Groo & Rufferto/Essence
2) Tony/Alcatraz
3) Peachy/TRSI

Have you seen the graphics in Essence
latest trackmo???? It is STUNNING !!!
Thats why we decided  Groo & Rufferto
to   be  the best in this issue.  Why
Tony/Atz  on  the  chart, well I have
seen most of his  unreleased graphics
and it is simply great !!!  Peachy is
also a graphician we admire very much

Category - Best Musician

1) Heatbeat/CnCd
2) Lizardking/Alcatraz
3) Strobo/Stellar

Heatbeat  is THE musician.  He has the
talent and  the   originality and  his
released tunes are extremely good...
Lizardking is  probably the most skill
full musician on the scene but all his
tunes sound almost to similar...
And just  listen to Strobo's wonderful

Category - Best Group

1) Sanity
2) Lemon.
3) Essence

Many groups have either extremely good
musicians and  graphicians as Alcatraz
or  good  coders like Spaceballs,  but
these groups  have both of it and they
have released very good productions...
But Sanity  is a  class over everybody
else on the scene...

Biggest fan of Illusion

1) Limbo/Noxious
2) Lizardking/Alcatraz
3) Saturn/Virtual

These  guys seem to admire  everything
we  do, but  it was  hard decision coz
when the  rumour about  this  category
was out, we recieved thousands letters
written by people bragging to be on it
Sorry to Michael Jackson, George Bush,
Diego Maradona, Yitzak Shamir.etc.etc.

The Most popular in Illusion chart has
been  cancelled  this issue because we
only recieved votes for Colorbird...

Here  comes  some  charts  one  of  our
readers  sent  to us, remember that you
can  all  send your own chart to us and
we will publish it...

    DR.JENS            KAVIAR 23
 1) Depeche Mode       Nitzer Ebb
 2) Nitzer Ebb         Front 242
 3) Front 242          Cat Rapes Dog
 4) S.P.O.C.K          Skinny Puppy
 5) Cat Rapes Dog      Morticians

 Yep! DM and Nitzer Ebb are the best!
 1) I give to you      I give to you 
     by Nitzer Ebb      by Nitzer Ebb
 2) Enjoy the silence  Ascend   
     by Dep. Mode       by Nitzer Ebb
 3) Tyranny for You    Religion  
     by Front 242       by Front 242 
 4) N. trust a Klingon Take Your Life
     by S.P.O.C.K       by Morticians
 1) Coke               Water 
 2) Bira               Akvavit
 3) Absolut Vodka      Beer(bira)   
 4) Milk               Coca-Cola

 1) Hobbes             Hobbes
 2) Urban Hype         Urban Hype
 3) Triple n'Touch     Tompa Di leva
 4) Bosse Larsson      Arvingarna

 Hobbes.. You seem to have some major
 mental disorder!
 1) Cindy Crawford     Jonas Gardell
 2) Cindy Crawford       (not!!!!)
 3) Cindy Crawford     Claire Wikholm
 4) Galenskaparna        (not!!!!)
 5) Monthy Python      David L.
                        (Cool friend)

 1) Families at War    Intriger
     on TV1000          on ??
 2) Goda Grannar       Musikjagarna
     on SVT             on SVT
 3) Dallas             Goda Grannar
     on SVT             on SVT
 4) Vem tar vem?       Skurt & Co
     on TV5 Nordic      on TV3
 5) All programs with  Melodi-
    Triple n' Touch    festivalen  

 1) Volvo !!!          Skoda
 2) ----- ---          BMW
 4) ----- ---          -----

 1) Jens T.          Christian S.
 2) Jens T.          Christian S.
 3) Dr.Jens          Kaviar 23

 1) Farjestad        MIF 
 2) Djurgarden       Djurgarden 
 3) Brynas           Lulea

 (WHAT???    Djurgarden   simply  RULEZ

 1) Z                Release
 2) Release          Pyton
 3) Slitz            Pellefant (not!)
 1) Civilisation     Civilisation   
 2) ------------     Harley Davidson
 3) ------------     SimCity
 4) ------------     Super Off-Road

 1) Mantronix/PHA    Shock/Avalon A. 
 2) Misty/DCS        Mantronix/PHA  
 3) BKH/NHP          Misty/DCS
 4) Lizardking/ATZ   Kent Jesus/GODS

 These were all we could think of
 at the moment.. But do not fear!
 We'll be back...

  Interview with Richard Holmes, the
  boss on Black Legend Software...

C: Colorbird/Illusion
R: Richard Holmes 

This interview was made during a night
on the ECC-party in Orebro,Sweden 1993

C: Could you please give us some small
   personal information to start with?

R: My name is Richard Holmes,  I'm the
   founder and manager of Black Legend 
   Software.     I'm  British, live in 
   England and  Switzerland  and am 20
   years old.

C: Is a CIRCLE the most perfect shape?

R: No, a woman ...

C: What shoesize do you have ?

R: I wish I knew ...

C: What do you think of this party ?

R: Not bad, but a hell of a lot of

C: What is your  favourite demo, cola,
   car, scenemusician and gamecompany?

R: State of the  Art (really new idea)
   and Crystal Dreams II(on PC), Pepsi
   (don't ask me why, I havent a clue)
   1970's Ford Mustang,  don't want to
   answer that one,  cause I like many
   and work  with more  than many, and
   last, but not least gamecompany: EA
   for the marketing,  Team 17 for the

C: How  come that  Black Legend  is so
   Scene-related????     Have you been 
   involved in the scene or ????

R: Yes,  I have actually, but that was
   a while  back  now.  I started up a
   group called Zeus, but that was way
   back in 1990.  So I had my contacts
   with  the scene and  really enjoyed
   the good old friendship days there.
   Then I finished school, and decided
   that a actually     scene  software
   company  was a good idea. I had the
   necessary  contacts in the business
   and here we are.

C: How  many  projects is Black Legend
   working on right now ?

R: That is a  hard one to answer, even
   for the head of the company. As you
   know, we operate with local offices
   in 12 different European countries,
   each of these with as much autonomy
   as  necessary  and possible.  So, I
   never  get the exact numbers at the
   same time and we  are at the moment
   growing  and  expanding  at  a high
   rate.    Alone at this ECC Party we
   have made contact  with  people  to
   work on another 20 programmes or so
   But,at the moment we are definately
   working  on  approx.  120 products,
   ranging from games on Amiga and PC,
   to CAD and new programming language
   for PC.    We also have odd console
   projects. But now Ive finished that
   sentence  the  number  is  probably
   wrong again ... 

C: Have you released anything yet ?

R: No,  because  you surely would know
   about it if we had.  But, that does
   not mean that we are inexperienced.
   Our sales and  marketing force have
   personally   been  responsible  for
   hundreds of releases.  Black Legend
   - new, but not a newcomer! Many top
   sellers have been marketing by "our
   guys", including History Line-which
   has sold over 40'000 units.

C: Can a normal scene person trust B-L
   to get his money for a game ?

R: Erm ... have to think abou that one
   YES, of course. That is what we are
   here for. Many companies  work/have
   worked with scenemembers on and off
   and  many  people have  been ripped
   off. Firstly, we wouldnt do it from
   a moral stand point,  but I suppose
   anyone could sit  here and tell you
   that. So, secondly, as we only work
   with scene people,  we from a logic
   point of view could not cheat.
   Because if we cheat  once, then two
   days  later  all the  others in the
   scene know it and stop working with
   us! End of Black Legend... So there
   is a logic and moral  reason not to
   cheat.  If we  would, we could pack
   up the next day!

C: What  should a person do that wants
   to work for/with B-L ???

R: I like to see it as working "with",
   cause we really  stay in touch with
   everyone working with us.      It's
   basically team work. Enjoy making a
   product and it will turn out well! 
   Now, what they should do, is get in
   touch with us.  An answer  to every
   letter is guaranteed    (unless you
   write   an absolute load of rubbish
   of course, that is). Heres the addy
   in England to contact  initionally.
   Then we will  give you the  address
   of the  office in  your country, so
   you can be in touch with us in your
   own language, in your area and also
   faster and cheaper.

Black Legend UK Ltd.
Attn: Richard Holmes
20 Guildford Road
St. Albans, Herts.

Tel: +44-727 868005
Fax: +44-727 845202

Just ask for Richard.

C: Thank you for this interview and I
   wish you good luck with B-L !!!

R: Bye, and good night ...

Interview   with   Strobo/Stellar  and
Groo/CNCD made by Some1/Circle 
(now Illusion)



S1- Hi there guys and welcome to this
VERY       interesting       interview
(hopefully?)  Why don't you start with
telling  us  something about something
you want to tell about...(?)

St-  I  want  to  tell about myself so
that  all  the many girls in the scene
can   contact   me  at  the  following
address  (check  the  address section,
please!).   178-181  cm tall and 13-18
years old.  Enjoy!

Gr-  I  hate  to  give  you  the usual
bullshit,  but  I'm  going  to do that
anyway.   This  way  I  don't  have to
THINK of anything...  I'm 16 years old
and boring.

St-  At  the  moment  we  are  at  the
Virtual  party  in Sweden.  I guess we
are  the  only  Finnish  guys here, in
fact the only foreigners.  Of course I
have  my dearest friend Nalle with me.
He's from China.

S1- OK!  now when you have answered to
this  "usually" (and booring) question
about  yourself,  we can continue with
some   MORE  interesting  questions...
Tell us about your sex-life...

St-  VERY  active!!  In fact I have 34
girlfriends...    uh,   bullshit.    1
girlfriend  is  enough  for  me.  (SHe
would be enough for everyone....)

Gr-   Actually  I'm  a  very  unsocial
person   who   will   never   have   a
girlfriend.  So that's why I only have
sex with our furniture...  Well, we do
have a dog, though.

S1-  Yes,  isn't  that nice (you know,
the  dog!!!!) Have you guys ever tried
to  beat  wotw's  record  ????   (15.5
seconds before orgasm!!!)

St- This was the first time I heard of
that  oh-so-famous "WOTW's RECORD", so
I  thought I'd better not try to break
his oh-so-famous record just now.

Gr-  I  also  heard about it the first
time,  and I have to admit I'm AMAZED!
I'll  never  be able to squeeze such a
great time out of myself.

S1-  Finnish boys!!!....Well, let's be
serious  (?)  now shall we ??  Tell us
about  some  Stellar  and  Carillon  &
Cyberiad   plans....   Any  new  prods
coming up ???

St-  Every  word  "SOON"  is not to be
believed  when  talking  about STELLAR
productions!   LEt's  begin:  an intro
after  about  two  hours,  here at the
Virtual  party.   Only  some  problems
with the precalculating routine.  Then
a  demo(nstration) called KURMALI.  It
will  be  released SOON.  Look out for
it  at  the  Party  III  (if  any).  A
musicdisk will be out SOON within some
ten years.  It's been under work for a
year  or  more  now,  and we have done
nothing  yet.   MANY intros, SOONer or

Gr-  The Carillon & Cyberiad Institute
has  always  about  10 wonderful ideas
that  should only be...  DONE.  So far
no  one's  done nothin' - and the only
productions  by  us  are the one-night
(cheeze    helmet!)   productions   by
Prime/Heatbeat/Fraction/Dean.  There's
the  Aquarium  demo  which  should  be
released  right  here,  and  it's  the
first  time  actually  that we've been
making  something based on those ideas
I  mentioned.   Just recently, since I
and  Cockatrice  joined,  I've noticed
that  everyone's  starting  to be more
and  more  active.   That's  something
quite  strange, considering that we're
talking  about  a Finnish group.  Even
Golem  has  started drawing again, and
is working in Terramarque Ltd.  on the
game  Elfmania.  Maybe there will be a
music  disk  with  tunes  by me, Dean,
Heatbeat  and  diZZy.   There are some
small  productions,  but  they're  too
numerous to be listed.

S1-   (zzzzzz)  thanks  for  the  VERY
interesting  Info ( Now, what
do  you  guys think of the (very best)
swedish group called:  Circle???
St-  It  MUST  be the coolest group in
Sweden   'cause   it's  the  only  one
(some1) with whom I can communicate in
Finnish.   Someone  can speak Finnish,

Gr- Mur.  Actually it's quite tough to
say,  since  I've  never seen anything
from you round guys.  No, once I heard
a   beginning  of  a  tune  which  was
composed  by  someone  (or  Some1)  of
Circle.  I must have heard AT LEAST 10
seconds  of  it, and all I remember is
that  there  was  a cute guitar sound.
So Circle is the best of the world, no
doubt about it.

S1- OK!  i'll continue composing tunes
with  cute  guitar  sounds...  Tell me
now your opinion about this party...
St-  The  best Swedish party I've ever
visited!   And  the  first..   and the
only..   and  the  last..?   Biig hall
with  400 people or less present.  The
best  part  of this party was the trip
from  Finland to Orebro:  it cost only
50  Swedish crowns!  I look forward to
visit  Denmark  in  December  with the
same amount of money.

 (Continues in the Next Article...)

Gr-  Even  though  I've been in Sweden
before  this trip, I think this one is
the  best.   But  that's not very much
when  the other party was the Oxygen &
Abstract  Summer Conference with about
42  people.   This  party is also very
boring.    I   don't  care  about  the
organization so much (though here they
suck  a bit too much), but I'd like to
see   the  arrangers  always  pay  the
prizes  they've  promised.   The  most
important  thing  about the parties is
the number of people.

S1- NO, it isn't....The MOST important
thing  about  a  party IS if CIRCLE is
present.....Now    some    traditional
qustions....   what  is your favourite

St-  Food:   Pizza  Hut  -  Pan Flute.
     Drink:  Aurinko Palma (a LEMON

Gr- Anything but the McDonald's
     -teenage culture stuff...

S1- Candy?

St- Cool dudeZ don't eaZ candieZ.

Gr- Kewl phellahs eaz ban-an-a!

S1- colour of disks?

Gr- Transparent disks are the best?

St-  Lizard King of Alcatraz had very
fancy ORANGE disks!
S1- Underwear?

St-  Phunkie  thangah!   After  black
women's underwear...

Gr- Bras?

S1- Cartoon?

St- Cartoons by Dean/CNCD.

Gr-  Maybe I should try to maintain my
avantgarde-imago by answering
Sami  Toivonen  and  Joakim Pirinen as
for artists.

S1- Group/Musician/Gfx

St-   Sonic/Di22y/Dean/Mac/uh,   don't
know.   Too many favourites../Jazz.  I
love jazz.

Gr-   Stellar?/diZZy!/Gremlin/I'm  the
best   swapper  for  me/actually  it's
quite  dumb to write so much text here
instead  of Juppo the Dog/anyway, have
you  heard  any  good jokes lately?  I
once heard a story about Finnish birds
who  were  eating at the park and then
the policeman came and

S1-  Yes!  we know that one.....thanks
for  your  time  for this very serious
interview (but I guess you didn't have
anything else to do, am I right?)

Gr-  Yes,  you  are.  Anyway, now it's
time to wrap it?

Everybody:  Applause.

(Just  to  mention...   At  this  party
Strobo  finished  2nd,  Some1  and Groo
split the 3rd place...)

Interview with Eva Heimdahl
(Better known as Some1's Girlfriend)
Interview made by Some1/Illusion...
Ok!    After  the  interview  with  my
brother in issue # 1 of this great mag
I  got many letters saying that it was
the    best    interview   they   ever
read...And     they     wanted    more
interesting  interviews,  so I thought
what  the  hell...let's  interview  my
girlfriend  who's  very  interested in
the scene...NOT!
EH=Eva Heimdahl

S1- Hi Eva...For starters, Tell us 
    something about you...

EH- I am a 17 year old boy...oups..
    girl..(ofcourse..) I study
    on Samhallsvetenskaplig linje
    and i'm very interested in
    computer Musics....NOT!

S1- tell are you involved in
    the scene ?

EH- I am a Holy member of the Illusion
    fanclub...I just love all the
    productions from Illusion..(?)
    And I'm just looking forward to 
    meet all the Illusion members
    (I have already met Prime though)
    But I only play pinball dreams on
    my brothers BRIO (another name
    for Amiga / S1)
S1- So, you are so interested in
    Illusion...what do you think of
    this  mag called PROPAGANDA ?

EH- Totally unecessary! 

S1- Now to some MORE important
    What is your fav. Food ?

EH- Spaghetti

S1- Right...And your fav. movie ?

EH- Awakenings &  DPS (Dead poetrys

S1- eeh...What!!! well, Tell me about
    The "music" you are listening to ?
    What cind of noise is it anyway??
    Give me some names of some
    of your fav. Bands...

EH- Blur, Suede, The Cure,
    Teena..(YES!!! Thats enough../S1)
S1- What a terrible Music taste you
    have got Darling...
    Now...What do you think of 
    the Computer music composed by me
    (Some1) and Prime....Isn't it
    great ???

EH- Prime's music really suxx !!!
    But your music is really great(?)
    (hi Prime...hehehe..Vazeline 
    rules..(know what I mean) /S1)

S1- Thanks Eva...But everybody already
    knew that(?).now over to something
    else...What do you think of the
    composer called Lizardking ???

EH- What kind of stupid question is
    that....He's the most awfull
    person i have never met...
    But his musics are quite good..

S1- You got a point there...
    What do you think of Techno
    (the ultimate music...) ???

EH- I don't like techno very much..
S1- Ok..Now you have the opportunity
    to say something to our readers
    out there (Hi... /S1)...

EH- For the are all stupid
    because you read this "crap"...
    For the second...Computers can
    only be use to play games on ...
    especially Amiga...

S1- Phew...Boy that sure hurt...
    Now tell me your first thoughts
    when I say these words...
    Illusion  - Insane
    Colorbird - Strange handle for a 
    Bamse     - Prime
    Dogs      - Eddie (My dog /S1)
    Trosa     - Booooring town...
    Booze     - Prime
    Propaganda- Tidsfordriv
    Lionheart - Vem fan e det ???
    St-38     - My killers size.(5)
    Coca cola - Yum!!
    Prime     - Tack for Besticken !!!

S1- Thank you for this little
    interview...Hope you have had such
    a wonderfull time as I didn't...
    And Good luck in the future...
EH- Let's go to bed Now...shall we

S1-   Right...This   interview   Ends

Interview    with    Eva   Heimdahl...
(Some1's bo..  girlfriend)

Done by Prime/Illusion

EH = Eva Heimdahl PR = Prime the Ruler

Note:  As you may have noticed this is
the  second interview with Eva in this
mag, but this is the REAL ONE!!!  (the
other one's a fake!!)

PR- Hi Eva!  Lets start this interview
with some personal facts about you...

EH- Hi Carl!!  I am a 17 year old girl
living   in   Trosa   the  city.   I'm
studying at Samhallsvetenskaplig linje
in  Nykoping.  Some of you might think
that  I  am  Some1's  girlfriend , but
that is absolutely NOT true!!

PR- Eh??..  Well how about that...  So
you havn't got any boyfriend right now
then??  (hello???)....

EH- No, not exactly...

PR- What do you mean??

EH- Well...  I've got a dogfriend.....

PR- A what!!??!!??

EH-   A   dogfriend..    Some1's   dog
Eddie...   I  guess that's why so many
people  think  that  I  and Some1 have
some kind of relationship....

PR-  Oh...   hrm..   I see..  So, what
are  you  doing  on  your  spare time,
besides  your  nightly activities with

EH-  Well..   I like wrestling a lot!!
I  use  to  go on at least 5 matches a
week..   It's great..  I also practise
myself...   When I'm at home I usually
tries   to  get  in  touch  with  some
model-companies  for picures in mags..
(The  ones  which are only for men you
know...(my   addy  is  in  the  advert
PR-  Heh..   (gulp..)  I've actually
got  a  really nice camera....  hehe..
sorry...   Let's  move  on..   Tell us
something about the following dudes:

Facet/Lemon.   - Who??  Laxity/Kefrens
- What??  Heatbeat/Carillion - Is that
a  burger??  Does it come with fries??
Dan/Lemon.    -   Never   heard  of...
Prime/Illusion  -  You're  something!!
(Well,         thanks!         /Prime)
Lionheart/??????    -   Aint  he  that
ped--CENSUR--??    Dr   Jekyll  n'  Mr
Hyde/Andr.    -   Nice   movie!!    (I
guess..) Lonstarr/Spaceballs - Same as
above..  .....

PR  Well...   erm..   Thanks  for your
interesting  answers!!  (NOT!  hehe...
Hey!!    Put  down  that  knife  now!!
Okey,  okey!!   I take back!!) Tell us
about   your  future.   Does  it  look

EH-  Yes.   I  think  my  future looks
pretty  nice..   I'm (very) soon going
to  London  to booze a bit..  Then I'm
probably going to quit school , becuse
It's  so  fucking boring.  I dont know
what   to   do,   but  I'll  think  of
something..   Perhaps, if get a job, I
will  go  to  Skara Sommarland for the
money..  (It's great!!)

PR- Ehh..  I'm sure it is..  perhaps..
Well...    Thank  you  very  much  for
taking part in this interview Eva!!

EH-  What interview???  Where am I?!??
Who   are   you  anyway?!!?!   HELP!!!

PR-   Eva..   Eva!!   EVA!!!   Relax!!
What's the matter with you??  It's me,
Carl!!  Don't you see??

EH-  Oh,  yes...   Sorry..   I'm a bit
mental  you  know...   I'm  scared  of
chairs,  footballs and sandwiches, and
sometimes  I  can  just go mad without
any  reason  at all...  So..  What was
it you said???

PR-   I   said,  thank  you  for  this

EH-  Well, thank you!!  I got to go to
the  shrinker  now,  so  I  catch  you

PR- Ok..  Bye!!!

Last note..

This  article  is  pure fiction..  Any
similarities to peole in real life are
pure coincidents...  NOT!!!

Thanks  to:   Eva  Heimdahl, Eddie the
Dog, Some1, my father, Robert and last
but  not  least, Hassan in P3, who all
helped me to do this article...

Signed:  Prime of Illusion...

Interview  with almighty Probe written
by Some1/Circle At the ECC-Party!!!!

S1 = Some1
Pb = Probe

S1-  Hi  probe...we  are  writing this
interview just after the beer drinking
competition....Are you feeling well???

Pb- Well, I'm alright, but dizzy...

S1- Yes..You did win the compo didn't
    you ??

Pb- Who else should win???  ;)

S1-  OK!   tell  us  about  your  sex

Pb- Well, this is really private, but
since  I'm drunk, i can tell ya some..
Well,  I've  got  a  girlfriend called
Linda..  'nough said!!!

S1-  Linda  ??   Nice name....Tell us
something about your "musics"...

Pb-  Allright..   the  only tune I've
released  under  the handle "Probe" is
"Netherworld".  It was released at the
TCC  compo.  I was planning to release
an  other  module, but I realized that
I'd  never make it to the deadline, so
I  told  my  friends  that I woulden't
compete.   A  friend  asked  me  if he
could  hear  some  old modules made by
me,  and  after  listening  to tons of
shit,    he    found    "Netherworld",
unfinished  and really weird tune.  He
told  me  to  finish  it,  so I made a
really  bad  ending and gave it to the
organizers..  the crowd seemed to like
it   heheh..   Well..   All  my  music
contains a lot of contrast...

S1-  (phew..) Boy you stink BEER!!!!!
How  fast did you drink that bottle of
Beer any anyway???

Pb-  Well,  I  had  3  tries, and the
final  time,  i managed to drink it in
3.4 secs!

S1-    HICK???.....Tell    my    your
reactions  to  some words that I write
CIRCLE  -  Well, I dont collect demos,
so  I've  never  seen anything they've
(you've)  done!!!   ???   But  You are
Best anyway!!!!

YOGGI  (Skogsbar)  -  Well,  It tastes
quite  nice, but i recommend Yeepiiie!
fruktkram, real partyfood!!

Libresse(Invissible)-  Well,  I'd like
to  see  the insertion, but I've never
used them myslelf..

BEER  (HEHE)  - Hmm..  Well, I really
like  beer,  but  not  when  I'm in an
interview like now.  Heineken is quite
alright!    Carlsberg  isn't  too  bad

TOMMY & JERRY KEX - Hmm..  no idea!!
GETINGAR  -  I  always  kill'em before
they've introduced themselves!

S1-       Thank's      for      these
comments....Now,  What do you think of
this  party ???  (Is it LAME, LAME, or
are you just a SPONEHEAD???)

Pb-  It's really (REALLY) lame, but, a
party  always  gets  what you make it,
and   I've  had  a  really  good  time
thisfar,we'll see what happens!

S1-  So,  you  are  a  lamer!!!   What
underwear do you use???

Pb-  I  usually  wear  ordinary boring
white  ones,but when I'm in the right
mood, I use boxershorts..
S1- Do you know that you are VERY sexy
without a T-Shirt???

Pb- Ooops..  perhaps I'd better put my
clothes on, or I'll get raped!  But it
usually      getsquite     hot     in

S1-   NO!!!!   don't   have
to....I   promise.....Now  tell  me...
What  are  your  most hated persons on
the scene???

Pb-  Cortex!   He  made  me pay him to
drive  me to TCC, but after24hhe got
tiredof   watchingpornomovies  sohe
toldme  that  he  was bored and drove
home,leav¡ng me and my buds all alone
with  no  money  to  buy a ticket home
for..   lucky  I  won  the compo,or I
wouldn't havecome come!

S1-  What  do you think of the music's
made  by  the  VERY  good musicians in
Circle ???

Pb-  They  are  qu¡te  allright,  nice
discomusic..    I  personnally  prefer
less  melodic  music (it hasn't got to
be lame just 'cause it isn't melodic!)


Pb-  NOW!!!....You  must  and  go PISS
every  second.....(you  have must have
drunk  a  lot of beer!!!  

S1- What is your shoesize???

Pb-  42  i  think..  it depends..  how
horny I am..

S1- What is your fav.  Food?

Pb- "Plankstek" isn't too bad..

S1- What is your fav.  Porno-movie?

Pb-  Don't  know,  I really don't like
porno  movies,  but I saw a sick movie
where  they  fucked  a chicken lately,
funny aye?

S1- What is your fav.  Playgirl boy???

Pb-  Hmm..   i'm  straight, so I don't
read those magazines..  (or?)

   (Continues in the Next Article)
S1-   What  is  your  fav.   taste  on

Pb- I've tried to chew strawberry, but
i prefer candy..

S1-   What  do  you  think  about  the
party-prices ???

Pb-  They're  ok,  but I think they'll
lower them really soon..

S1-  Ok!   Now  over to some MUCH more
important  questions....   How long is
it ???  (he..)

Pb-  As  essingeleden..  nah, look yar
self!!!  ;)

S1-   Quite...By  the  way,  those  10
bottles  of  beer you won....Why don't
you sponsor me with a bottle or two???

Pb-  'cause  I really earned them, can
you  imagine  how  I  felt  before the

S1- YES I CAN!!!!  I saw when you lyed
on  the floor and puked THREE times...
well,  now  now you have some space to
write  something  (because  I  have to
figure out some questions to ask...)

Pb-  Sure..   As you might understand,
I'm not in the mood to answer too many
questions, I'd rather sleep now, but..

Probe  walks  away  and sleeps..  and
returns..(next day)
Pb-  Hmm..   I  just got back from the
musiccompo,   I   think  I  did  quite
alright..  or?

S1-  YOOU  THINK!?!?!?!?   well,  your
tune  was  (in my opinion) the best, I
just love Techno....Well, I think that
you will win this compo, and if you do
that, what are you going to spend your
money??   (except  buying  Colorbird a

Pb- Hm..  Buy you a coke..  nah, don't
think  so,  save  it for my funeral or
something.   And  buy  me  a  cable to
connect my HD..  it's been lying in my
wardrobe for ages!

S1- Which was the lousiest tune in the
compo ???
Pb-  What  a brutal diskmag!  I refuse
to answer that question!!!

S1-  If  you  win, how does it feel to
win  the  music-compo  two  times in a

Pb- This will be really embarassing if
I   don't  win..   (I  wont!?)  But  I
suppose  it's a rather good merit..  I
am  looking for a group to join at the
moment..   Don't  ask  me  to  join, I
don't want to decide now..  (?)

S1-  Hey!   you  are not drunk anymore
!!!(?)!    Havn't  you  been  drinking

Pb-  Yep, I always drink..  but just a
beer since I've run out of coke..  and
"Yipiiie"  fruktkram..   I really love
it!!!  Now, leave the drunk-stuff!

S1-  Yep!   This  interview  is  quite
long...BUT,  you  are a very important
person right now.....Tell us something
about your future plans....

Pb-  I  suppose  you  mean outside the
scene..   inside?  Hmm..  well, I have
game  production  on G (???  - swedish
joke?), but I suppose it's a long time
until  then..  Well, first I'll join a
group..   and I will choose with care,
I think friendship is most important..

S1-  Well,  What  do  you know.....Why
don't  you  join Circle ?????...Nah...
You   ain't   SO   good   !!!!   (Just
kidding?)  What  do  you  think  about
Virtual ???

Pb-  Virtual  are  nice, all of them..
exept for the one who stole our beer..
(but  we got them back heheh!  ;) They
say they have great code on G (!), but
I  haven't  managed  to make them show
me..  Wonder why (?)..  ;)

S1- But if you win this compo, what do
you think of this group called Virtual
then ???

Pb-   Well,  they're  still  the  same
persons so I really don't care..

S1-   Are   you   in  love  with  your
Coca-cola  T-shirt  ???   (One  of the
prices from TCC-musiccompo - Ed)

Pb- Yep, braggy aye?  Nah, I brought a
lot  of  t-shirts,  and  it was one of
them, ok???

S1- What hat size hat do you have ???

Pb-  Never  use hats, exept for in the
winter..  i use top-louves ;) ..  NOT!

S1-  What  shampoo do you use, and why

Pb-  Any,  as  long  as  my  hair  gets
fresher..   i could really use a shower
right now!

S1-What is your fav.Beer??

Pb- Heineken rules!  Carlsberg sux!

S1-  OK!   I  know that you have to run
now.....Thanks  for  this interview....
And may the SAFT be with you.....


Linus Elman
Skolgatan 19
262 31 ANGELHOLM!!!

(Just in case you didn't know it, Probe
won this musiccompo too...)

The  megasupreme  journalists Colorbird
and  Prime  of  Illusion  has entered a
kindergarten   and   have   found  some
victims of Lionheart!

CP   -   Colorbird   and   Prime,   the
megamighty  interviewers  !!!  
VC - The sad victims, Olle and Mikko...

CP:  Hi small children, how is life ???

VC:   We have a very strange feeling in
our butts, but as Lionheart use so much
vazeline,  it  feels  quite  good after

CP:   So  you  enjoyd your fysical acts
with Lionheart then??

VC:   Yes, it could have been worse, it
could have been Lizardking and he has a
big hard lizardcock which makes the ass
bleed like shit...

CP:   Anyway,  are  you  going to press
charges against him, like that ten year
old girl in Boden ???

VC:  Well...  Lionheart had to pay 1000
skr  for  a  nigth with us, so we think
we'll charge him for only 2000 skr this
time,  but if he ever touches us again,
we  will....  ..  take back all charges
against him...  (mmm)

CP:  Well, how nice!!  (?) So you think
of  him  as a very nice and kind person

VC:  Well, sure!!  And with a very nice
dick  too!!  Yum!!  It tastes just like
our daddys...

CP:    We   can  just  imagine...   So,
compared  to  Lizzy King, how was he in

VC:   You  pervert!!   Well...   He  is
actually  very  nice.  He knows that he
has   to   take   the  command  in  the
situation.   It's like having your evil
teacher  fucking you....  (yeah!) Lizzy
is more into the sado-sex...

CP:   We've heard that you are planning
a  movie  together  with  Lionheart.  I
that correct??

VC:   You  ought  to  know!!   You  are
getting  all  the  money by selling the

CP:   Shhhh!   You  weren't supposed to
tell  that!!   Thank  you  and  shut up
until I had get my money...  
(Colorbird and Prime leaves...)

             Demo Reviews

The   latest  months  there  have  been
released  lots  of quality demos and we
will  try  to review some of them here.
We  will  also  try  to  review our own
trackmo,  but  I  am  not  sure if I am
quite  objective  here,  I could be too
selfcritical  or  too  bragging, choose
for your selves...

Demoreviews this issue:

Pygmy Projects - 2"Extension"
Essence - "A.S.S"
Rage - "Neural Assualt"
Fairlight - "242"
Lemon. - "A Rink Pink"
Illusion - "Waterproof"

CODE:   The  code  is  very  impressive
because  the basic ideas are simple but
they have done it in an impressive way.
The vector citys are really great !!!
GFX:   There  is  just some fonts and a
loaderpicture   that   is   just  about
average.    Nothing   to   complain  on
MUSIC:  Jester/Sanity has done a rather
good tune that fits the demo very good.
It  sounds  like  its kind of linked to
the demo.
DESIGN:   Nice  screen and selection of
colours  but not so cool linkages, most
TOTAL:   This  is a very good demo that
probably   will   hit   the  eurochart.
P-Projects have a bright future !

CODE:   There are actually not anything
new  here  but  its done in a very good
way  which  makes  this demo one of the
best   this  summer.   Escepcially  the
dottunnel was great!
GFX:   A lot of master pieces by Groo n
Rufferto.   Simply the best part of the
MUSIC:  Normal demomusic that suits the
demo fine but nothing more..
DESIGN:    SuperB   linkages   and   an
extremely   good  selection  of  colors
makes  it  one  of  the  best  designed
trackmos ever !!!  
TOTAL:   Well,  what to say...  It is a
stunning   demo   that   should  be  in
everymans    diskbox...    Essence   is
germans NR.2 (Sanity ARE still best!!!)

CODE:   Well,  one routine that made me
satisfied,  the  rest  are too slow low
quality    routine   with   almost   no
GFX:    Logos   are   average  but  the
pictures !  They STINK!  A naked female
makes  me  wonder if the graphician has
ever seen a naked woman in his life...
MUSIC:   Not  bad  but  not  good.   An
average  tune  in a style that I do not
think suit a demo..
DESIGN:   Strange and sometimes ugly...
But   I   have  seen  worth  from  them
TOTAL:   What  to  say  ?  Simply a low
quality  trackmo  that will never reach
any charts...


CODE:  One routine !  An impressive one
though, by Dr.Skull.  A packing routine
that  shows  a  digitised  movie on the
GFX:   Non-Existant  if  you  dont call
digitised picture graphics...
MUSIC:   A  kind  of  Techno style tune
that  actually  is  really good !!!  It
suits this demo perfectly...
DESIGN:   This is not a demo, this is a
musicvideo..   Its  kind  like State of
the  Art  but  with  a  digitised movie
instead...   Like  a technomovie..  The
design is actually quite good..
TOTAL:   This  demo  is very innovative
but not very advanced.  Its not so long
either but its worth to look at once or


CODE:   Not  much  routines,  but those
included  is  of  a  very high quality.
Nice  work  by  Paradroid there...  The
Graphicsrotater     has    an    really
impressive zoomeffect..
GFX: A very good titlepicture by Danny
and Facet. And some really good logos
too... Very good...
MUSIC:  One word is enough...  NUKE !
DESIGN:  Nice linkages and selection of
colors  in  this one.  Lemon shows that
they know design here.
TOTAL:Well, This demo could have been a
top  5 demo but it is simply too short.
Only three "routines" is not enough for
a  trackmo  no matter how good they are

CODE:  Well, a nice gfx rotater that is
faster  than  Lemons.   Some  nice ball
routines    and    fractal   routines..
Perhaps  one  of the strongest parts in
this demo..
GFX:  One good logo and rest of the gfx
are just average.
MUSIC:  A really good technostyle track
in  this  demo  that  really  suits the
demo.   Some1  & Prime show again their
DESIGN: ehhh... No linkages, only fades
and flashes. Some nice colors on some
screens, though....
TOTAL: A good trackmo, will not reach
the charts but is rather good to watch.
(Hope I was Objective enough)

The Reveiew Chart this issue !

1)Pygmy Projects "Extension"      92%
2)Essence        "A.S.S"          88%
3)Lemon.         "A Rink Pink"    80%
4)Illusion       "Waterproof"     70%
5)Fairlight      "242"            66%
6)Rage           "Neural Assualt" 33%

 (Look out for more demo reviews in
  Issue #3)

            Diskmag Reviews

Here  we  will try  to  objective  and
review   some  other  diskmags  on the
scene. ( Yes, there are other diskmags
than Propaganda )

Our Categories are...

Intro    - How  good  the introduction
is.   It is better with a nice picture
than a long boring bad designed intro.

Code     - How  good  and  smooth  the
code is and most important of all, the

Design   - The impression you get when
just look at screen.  The menugraphics
and choice of color.

Music    - If  you can  listen  to the
music while reading or not..

Articles -  The most  important in the
mag. How good are the articles...

Overall  - The total Impression of the
mag. What we think of it.  Advices  if

Reviews in this Issue:

Suicid #6 by TRSI
Upstream #6 by Balance


Intro: tsk.. not good... And I thought
TRSI had good graphicians.   This  may
suit  the  diskmag of an unknown group
but in TRSI !!!

Code: Well, nothing to complain about.
All  works as it should and it's quite

Design: Here is the point where we can
talk for hours but I will only say, if
you think Propaganda #1 has bad design
then read Suicid  and you  change your
mind pretty fast... 

Music: As I only remember that I first
liked  it for a  few minutes  before I
turned  down the volume.  Boring after
a while, but one of the best things in
the mag...

Articles: Some good articles  but lots
of pure shit.    Why havent Suicid got
good  articles when they have released
6 issues when we have better than them
in our first...

Overall: Well, what could I say.. This
mag makes me wonder.    How could they
have managed to release six issues ?
My  advice is. Improve the  design and
only include  the  articles  that  are
good  enough and you will get a decent


Intro: Well, its a real intro...  Well
What should one say, cool  picture and
nice tune.     The beginning is  quite
effectfull but  the vectorobjects  are
really lame. 

Code:      YES! The code is smooth and
everything that one could ever want in
a diskmag is included.

Design:    This  mag is a  pleasure to
read. The overall look is really good.
The colors  are a  bit  to  dark in my
taste but they suit each other perfect
The text  is  very well  formatted and
makes it easy to read.

Music:    The  music is quite good but
its  not  at  the  same quality as the
rest  of the mag.  Perhaps they should
ask  another  one  to  make a tune for

Articles:  LOTS of articles and almost
only high quality articles.  They have
several good  editors writing for them
so what  could one  expect.  Anyway no
other  diskmag is even close  to their

Overall:   This  issue  is perhaps one
of the best  diskmag issues ever made.
Upstream is now  the number one mag in
the scene. We only have one advice for
these guys. Dont use an intro, it only
takes longer time to load the mag...


                 Intro   Code    Design  Music   Articles        Overall  

SUICID #6         40%     80%     30%     50%     50%             40%

UPSTREAM #6       75%     90%     85%     75%     95%             90%

            Summer partys 1993

Summertime  is  partytime !  Well, that
sentence  seems  to  be quite true when
looking  at  the  Scene  this Summer...
Several  major partys with lots of good
releases...  Lets make this report in a
cronological  order.   First  there was
the  Arise "Sun n Fun Conference II" in
Germany  at  10-11  of  July.  That was
quite   a  small  party,  but  nowadays
partys   arranged   by  unknown  groups
hardly   get   much   visitors   (Blame
Hurrilame for that !) Anyway, Arise won
their  own  democompo  with  a standard
trackmo,  perhaps  because they had the
only quality entry for that one.  Three
weeks   later   there  were  three  big
partys,  680x0  in Hamburg, Assembly in
Helsinki  and  Rendesvouz in Norway.  I
wasnt  present  on  any of these partys
but according to people who where there
were  at least 680x0 and Assembly quite
a big success.  Well, as for the compos
on   the  680x0  did  Complex  win  the
democompo   before   Nuance.   But  the
competitions   were   much   better  on
Assembly  where the Intro compo was the
best  ever  !   Several  extremely good
intros   were   released   by  Stellar,
Chrome,    CnCd,   Genocide,   Movement
Tsunami+Dean  and  many  more.  Stellar
won  this compo with the best 40k Intro
ever  released  "Bananen" The democompo
was  also very good with Pygmy Projects
as  winners  with a very good technical
demo  before  Fairlight's "242"- a demo
that  is as innovative as "State of the
Art"  and  better !!!  Both those demos
will  be  on the charts very soon.  Now
check     out    what    happened    on
Rendezvouz...     Actually   nothing...
Ehh..   The  democompos  were cancelled
and the Introcompo was lame...  I guess
that  Symbiosis has the same reputation
as  Hurrilame  now  in  Norway...   The
final  party this summer was the ECC in
Sweden.   That  party was not as bad as
Rendesvouz  but  not good either.  Lame
releases and not much people (only 600,
but I dont know how many people were on
the   other   partys).   Rage  won  the
democompo and Yodel the introcompo.  No
known  groups competed except Carillion
and  Infect....   Its  good  with  many
partys   just   to   meet   people  but
concerning  releases it would have been
better with only one party...
      signed Colorbird/Illusion!

        E.C.C PartyReport !!!
        by Colorbird/Illusion

From  5/8  to  8/8 1993 did Virtual, a
quite  unknown  group, arrange a party
in  Sweden.   They  promised  lot  and
fulfilled  most  of the promises, even
though   it   didnt   come   too  much
visitors.     Actually   only   around
500-600  guys  turned  up.   Not  much
known  guys were there.  Only Alcatraz
Sweden,   some  guys  from  Stellar  ,
Carillion,    Razor    1911,    Circle
Phenomena,  Silents and Noxious.  Also
the  normal  bunch  of unknown swedish
groups  turned  up...   Commodore  was
also there and showed their new CD-32!


The  competitions  on this party were
not  so good, due to the low amount of
visitors.   Some  categories  got very
bad but the music compo was one of the
best  ever  with  very good tunes from
Lizardking/Atz,  Probe/Ex.  Razor 1911
Strobo/Stellar,   Groo/Carillion   and
many more...  

Some   contributes  for  the  graphics
compo were also good, but the demo and
intro competitions were quite bad.  It
also  seemed  that  Virtual screwed up
here becuase first they forgot to play
Groo/Carillions competition tune, they
played  it  an hour later !  Then they
forgot  to show Carillions competition
demo.   And  played  it a bit later in
black  and  white  !!!   That  is  why
Carillion  didnt  win  the  democompo.
They had the only demo of any quality.
And  the  intro from Infect would have
won the democompo if they had competed
there...    Yodel   won   with   their
Anti-Fascistic  Intro  which  gave the
coder membership in Alcatraz.

Another  bad  thing  is  that  Virtual
couldn't  afford to pay all the prices
they  had  promised.   They could only
afford  1st prices, due to the lack of


1.  Rage - "Neutral Assult"
2.  Scan of Classic - "Andis Demo"
3.  Noice - "G"
4.  Reflex - "XS"
5.  Oxygen - "Nerve Centre"
6.  Carillion & Cyberiad - "Aquarium"
7.  Insane - "Apocalypse 2"
8.  Kampfgruppe - "MouseTrap"
9.  ElefantKlubben "UltraBra Demo"
10. Purgatory - "The Black Lotus"
11. Seven Awards - "WildFire"
12. Dual Crew & Shining - "AGA Demo"
12. Vomit - "Programmerade Buggar"


1. Yodel - "Yodel Intro"
2. Infect - "Equation"
3. Coke & Cruger - "Party Intro"
4. Pervofant - "Den magiska lådan"
5. Stellar - "Hands of Pleasure"
6. Insane - "Failure"
7. C-Lous - "C-Lous Intro"

1. "Excellate" - Probe/Ex. Razor 1911
2. "Smurfitt" - Strobo/Stellar
3. "First Impression" - Deelite/Alcatraz
3. "Monomania" - Destructor/Obscene
3. "Whack-Bonk" - LizardKing/Alcatraz
3. "World Business" - Some1 & Prime/Illusion
7. "High Landing" - Dreamweaver/7Awards
7. "Rockhopper" - Groo/Carillion & Cyberiad
9. "Left Over" - Accord/Alcatraz
9. "Syntethic Peaks" - Dolphin/Noxious

And  a  lot more which didnt reach the


1. Rocket/Noice - "2000+"
2. Tony/Alcatraz - "Artistica"
3. Erik Quist/HellFire - "Skull"
4. JTF/Exceed - "Mercenary"
5. P.A.D/LED - "Dangerous Guy"
6. Diesel/Alcatraz - "Jericho"
6. Tonie/T.K.K - "Warmaster"
8. Monza/Finesse - "Creep"
8. Drakemule/Exceed - "Pormasken"

And  some  more  which didnt reach the

                               S i l e n t s

                                L e m o n .

                            S p a c e b a l l s

                        |                         |
                        |   T H E    P A R T Y    |
                        |                         |
                        |         1 9 9 3         |
                        |                         |
                        You Can't Beat The Feeling!

   The  Party 1993 will be held in Scandinavia's largest conference centre.
   The  centre  is called Messecenter Herning and it is of course placed in
   Herning in the middle of Denmark.  The Party will be held from Monday 27
   December at 10:00 CET to Wednesday 29 December at 15:00 CET.

 - Room for at least 3000 people, including tables, chairs and aircondition.

 - A quiet, separate hall for sleeping.  But you are free to sleep where you
   want to.

 - Enormous free parking area.  Bring your tent or caravan.

 - If  you  are  going by train or bus, you will arrive at Herning Station.
   Here  the  public bus no.  4c and a nonstop party bus will be driving to
   the  party  place.   The ride takes 12 min.  and costs app.  10 DKK.  At
   the  station there will be 2 organizers to help you getting to the party

 - Enough  electricity  for  everyone,  with  a professional electrician 24
   hours a day to avoid problems.

 - All  info  about what's going on (competitions, surprises, winners etc.)
   will be published on a large bulletin board in the entrance area, on the
   big screen and on The Party Channel.

 - 600 x 400 cm high quality screen for competitions and other events.
 - Extremely powerful HI-FI equipment to guarantee perfect sound quality.

 - Two  real  cafeterias  will  be open all day.  At night only one of them
   will be open.  A kiosk and a hot-dog stand will also be open most of the
   day.  The prices will be low.

 - This  year  everyone  who  bring a TV-set and an antenna will be able to
   watch  The  Party  Channel.   The  Party  Channel  is an information and
   entertainment  channel  with movies, live broadcast of the competitions,
   all the latest info, news, results etc.

 - A Laserdisc room  with chairs for 500 people, a big screen and dolby pro
   logic surround sound, showing new laserdiscs 24 hours a day!

 - The  toilet and shower facilities are good.  This year we have more than
   25 free showers.

 - Professional  cleaning  company  to ensure that you will be able to walk
   around in the hall.

 - The Party 1993 T-Shirts and disks will be sold at the Information.

 - Female organizers!


 - 24 hours entertainment.

 - Many strange and crazy surprise competitions.

 - If  you  have  made  a  video,  a harddisk-based demo or another amazing
   thing,  bring  it with you and we will gladly show it at the big screen.
   Just hand in the production at the Information.


 - Brand new Kyd/Balle Video Production!


 - The main Amiga competitions and prizes:

   Demo Compo     Gfx Compo     Music Compo    Intro Compo   AGA-Demo Compo
   ----------     ---------     -----------    -----------   --------------
    1. $3000       1. $500        1. $500        1. $500        1. $500
    2. $1500       2. $300        2. $300        2. $250        2. $300
    3. $750        3. $200        3. $200        3. $100        3. $100
    4. $500        4. $100        4. $100
    5. $250        5. $50         5. $50


 - Overall Demo/Gfx/Music/Intro/AGA rules:

	- All   contributions  must  be  delivered  at  the  Information
          before the dead-line.

	- If  you  want to take part in a competition you must be present
          at the party.

 - Demo Competition:

	- A  group  can contribute with as many demos as they want to but
          only 1 from each coder.

	- Max. demo lenght:  20 min.

	- The  demo  must  be able to run on a standard Amiga 500 (1.3)
          with 1MB memory.

 - Gfx Competition:

	- Each artist is allowed to contribute with 1 picture.

	- The  picture  must  be  loadable  from a standard Deluxe Paint IV
          (not AGA).

 - Music Competition:

	- Each musician is allowed to contribute with 1 tune.

	- We will play a maximum of 5 minutes per module.

	- Your  tune  must  be  delivered  as  an  executeable  file or with
          the music-program required.

 - Intro Competition:

	- Max. intro length:  40KB.

	- The intro must be able to run on a standard 1MB Amiga 500.

 - AGA Demo Competition:

	- Max. demo length: 20 min.

	- The demo must be able to run on a standard Amiga 1200.


 - Due  to  the  extra  events,  facilities, competitions, prices etc.  the
   entrance fee will be 150 DKK.


 - We  will  not  accept  anybody  selling  food,  disks etc.  without  our
   written permission.

 - Alcohol is not allowed at the party place.

 - People  who  cannot  behave  will be thrown outside until they can, real
   troublemakers  will  ofcourse be handed over to the police located close
   to the party place.

 - We will not accept any racist signs or acting, spraycans or firework.

 - People who cause any damages will ofcourse have to pay for it.

 - We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, software, video etc.

 - A  special  diskmag  will  be  released  primo  november  with  detailed
   information about the party and how to get there.


   Party place:         Organizers/Registration:  The Party-phone:
   ------------         ------------------------  ----------------
   Messecenter Herning  The Party 1993            For info and registration
   Vardevej 1           Postbox 755               (+45) 98 15 17 31
   7400 Herning         9100 Aalborg
   Denmark              Denmark

   Modem-registration:  Net-registration:
   -------------------  -----------------
   Mainline BBS         Internet:
   Silents DKHQ         Amixnet : Dux@DK0001
   (+45) 98 15 30 62
   (NOTE: This phonenumber will change by 1/9)

            The World Today

      written by Ripper/Nightfall

When there was the fall of the Berlin
wall   western   medias   started   to
underline  how this fact was meaning a
new   period  of  freedom  and  global
happyness.   They said the East was no
longer  an  enemy and as Communism was
totally dead everybody would have been
happy and would have enjoyed new life.
They   were   lieing   and  they  were
perfectly  concious  to  lie.   German
unification brought a lot of problems,
Russia   and   the  old  countries  of
U.S.S.R.    are   starving  to  death,
U.S.A.  are imposing their way of life
and  their  social and economic habits
to  almost  the  whole world, claiming
they  have  the right to do it as they
are  the  'International  police'.   I
don't want to defend Saddam Hussein in
Iraq  or  Aidid  in  Somalia, I'm just
saying  that  in this kind of problems
there's  no  Good  nor Evil, there are
only   killers  and  victims  (unarmed
populations),   and  at  the  end,  is
always   the   innocent  who  suffers,
faultless.   We  have to know this, we
have  to know that we, western people,
have  not  the  right  to teach how to
behave to other populations, as we did
years  before.   If  we  have  to help
these  populations  we  have  to bring
food  to  them, not weapons nor tanks.
It  seems  UNO  forces  are forgetting
they went to Somalia to 'Restore HOPE'
and  not to kill the people or to seek
for  a  criminal.   I  don't think the
fault  of  all the Evil and bad things
that  are destroying Somalia is Aidid.
It   seems   there   are   some  other
interests,   almost  surely  economic,
beyond  the  search  for Aidid.  Maybe
he's  not  doing  what the USA want he
does,  maybe  he  did something wrong,
something    that    could   bring   a
discussion  to  some USA's privileges.
We  have  not  the  right  to  compell
people  of  non-european  countries to
act  following  our  way, they have to
decide by their own, they have to have
the  possibility  to  make  errors  by
their   own.    We,   Europeans,   are
compelled  to help them, to repair the
damages  we  made  by  invading  their
homes,  their lands, their cemetaries.
We have not to support local dictators
only  because  they  act  in  a way we
think  it's  good.   They  have  to be
free,  they  have  to have the freedom
we've stolen a hundred years ago.

          by Ripper/Nightfall

I   think   a   lot  of  the  European
scene-guys  would have heard about the
great   changes   in  which  Italy  is
involved.    But  I  also  think  that
there's still a great confusion in the
mind  of  these  guys.   Maybe you all
readers  have  not clear ideas of what
it's    really   happening   in   this
peninsula.   As I live in this country
and  I'm  following the facts I'll try
to  give  you  a short and, I hope, as
objective  as  I  can, overview of the
Italian  situation.   On July 2nd 1946
Italy  became  a  repubblic.  It was a
really  dangerous situation because at
the  first  free  elections  after the
fall of fascism the Catholic Party won
only  by  few votes, and the Communist
were  the  second  power.   They  were
planning  a Golpe in order to create a
Socialist     Republic    under    the
protection  of  USSR, but their leader
Palmiro   Togliatti   thought  it  was
better  to  avoid  a civil war.  Since
this   date  the  Catholic  party  has
always  had  the power.  Every Italian
government   had,   as   majority,   a
coaliction   led  by  Catholic  party.
Under  the  'Red  Phobia', the fear of
communism,  people,  during  these  40
years  have  preferred to vote for the
Catholic  Party  also  if  there  were
always  some  suspects  on connections
between  the  Catholic  Party  and the
Socialist Party (which was holding the
power together withe the Catholic one)
and  mafia.   There were also suspects
of   corruption  on  some  members  of
Parliament  (TANGENTI),  but they were
always  covered.  After the worldknown
'death   of  communism'  and,  as  the
Communist  Party left the ideas of the
one  of Moscow, people decided to stop
this  way  of  doing  politic, in this
unmoral  and  catastrophic  way, which
had brought the balance of the country
to  a  terrible  deficit.  A new Party
was born.  Lega Nord, which riding the
waves   of  angryness  of  the  common
people, who have to pay a lot of taxes
while  politicians  have their pockets
full  of  illegal,  'dirty'  money  is
growing  every day more and more.  But
with  their  help a lot things started
to change.  The most important mafia's
bosses  have been caught and the dirty
stream  of  corrupted politic has been
discovered  (TANGENTOPOLi,  which  was
first only the city of Milano and then
it  meant  the  whole Italy as Skandal
already  explained  in  their intro at
the   PARTY   II   in   Aars).    Next
elections,   which  will  be  held  on
October  (we hope), will almost surely
bring  the  first  government  with no
Catholic  Party  members  and  held by
some  Lega Nord members.  I think Lega
Nord  is  a positive force, well,(as I
did  not  vote  for them and I think I
won't  vote  for  them  ever  I can be
considered rather objective) they have
been  accused  to be neo-fascists, but
they  are  not  fascists.  To tell the
truth  they  have no very clear ideas,
they  only use to throw shit (and they
are surely right) over the traditional
parties,  but  I  have  some doubts if
they  will  be able to held the power.
However  almost  everyone  is  sick of
these  Catholic and Socialist Parties,
at  least  as  they are now, and every
new   force  able  to  help  Italy  to
rebuilt  herself is welcome.  Only one
condition.   This  force  have to be a
real  democratic one.  We have already
made  errors  in the past, and we want
not to repeat them.  ABSOLUTELY!

      Freedom of Speak ? -Reply I
      Written by Ripper/Nightfall

This  article  is  a reply to the  one
written  by  Colorbird/Illusion called
'Freedom of speak?' and  published  in
the first issue of Propaganda.
In his text our  Colorbird was  saying
that a democracy can be  really called
'democracy'    only if  it allows  the
expression of  every  political  form, 
including the Nazist one, otherwise it
builds a contraddiction, and it is not
a democracy but a dictatorship.
Well, I don't agree with him, and I'll
try to explain why.  First of all,  as
we admitted  that  democracy allows us
to be free(and this is also a sentence
that can be debated...... Are you sure
democracy means freedom? Anarchists do
not think so!!!!!  But this is another
topic...)  we must define what we mean
for freedom. In a certain way we could
define that our  freedom ends when the
freedom of another human being begins.
So  you  are  free to  do anything you
want but breaking other one's freedom.
If we all agree about these points and
I think we should agree, it is easy to
understand why  we have to fight every
kind of Fascism.   We can not allow to
act  people  who think  it is right to
reduce or  to  destroy  another  one's
freedom! You cant leave the posibility
of spread  insane ideas to  people who
think they have the right to reduce in
slavery men who have a different skin-
colour,   a  different  religion  or a
different way of loving or living.  If
you are free   and you want to be free
you must fight  these nazists together
with   everyone who wants to shut your
mouth up.  Voltaire, when he  said the
sentence Colorbird mentioned, was, I'm
sure of this, not thinking about these
kind of tyrants.    However it is very
important for  democracy the fact that
only  really  dangerous  ideas must be
fought. And for dangerous I mean, as I
mentioned above, ideas that limit your
freedom  or  threat  your safeness  or
life. We  have to  be very  careful in
understanding that if  we want to live
in a democratic and free world we have
always  to  accept other one's  ideas,
trying to be more  tolerant  and  less
selfish, trying to respect other one's
way of life as he respects our or even
better.  I'm  not going  to give you a
lesson of morality so I'll cut here.
I think we  will be  inhabitants  of a
DEMOCRATIC society only if we  will be
able to behave in this (almost utopian
I must admit!) way.

        Freedom of Speach II
   Written by Colorbird/Illusion

This  article  is a reply to the reply
Ripper/Nightfall  wrote  to  my  first
article  about "Freedom to Speach".  I
said  that  everybody  should have the
right  to  express their own opinions,
even  nazis.  Ripper doesnt agree with
me  and says that you must fight those
fascists.   It  seems though as Ripper
has  quite  not  getting  the point of
what  I  wanted  to say.  I doesnt say
that  a  democracy  should  not  fight
against  fascism,  I  only  say that a
Democracy should let people think what
they  want  and  to  express  them.  I
can't  see  that  its  wrong to have a
wrong  idea.  Everyone should have the
right  to  say  what  he/she wants to.
Ripper  wants to fight the Nazism, but
I say, Ok, Nazism is bad and should be
fought  but not by forbidding nazis to
speak about their ideology.  We should
not  throw  Nazis  in  jail  for  just
spreading Nazi propaganda.  This would
kill  democracy!!!   Instead  we  will
throw  them  in jail if they brake any
laws  like  beating up an immigrant or
so...   Fight  nazism by education and
not   by  forbidding  them  !   If  we
educate  every man in a democratic way
almost  100% will be democratic people
and will not accept the Nazis and will
not  support  them  and the Nazis will
always  be  a  small  group.   Another
thing  I  didnt  like what Ripper said
was, that "Voltaire sure didnt mention
these  tyrants when he said his famous
words",  well say another ideology you
hate...    I  think  that  Ripper  are
totally  wrong  when  he  says  so.  I
think  that  we must have the opposite
of   democracy   just   too  show  the
benefits of democracy...

All  people  should  have the right to
say  what  he or she wants to !!!  All
people   should   have  the  right  to
believe  what he/she wants to !!!  All
people  should  have the right to vote
for what he/she wants to !!!

No   political   ideology   should  be
forbidden  !!!   They could be told as
bad  in  the  school  or in the states
opinion but not ever forbidden !!!

        WINGMAN - The Truth !!!

In  The  Jungle #3 there was an article
published  by  one "Wingman/Resistance"
in   which   was   pure  unintellectual
rascist-propaganda...   There have been
a  big reply to this on the scene.  Ram
Jam  "awarded"  him  to  Pippero of the
Month  and  we  have  recieved  lot  of
anti-rascist  articles  to be published
in  Propaganda.  I guess that the major
diskmags(well..    we   are  not  among
them...   yet!)  have also recieved lot
of  articles  of the same subject.  But
we can as the only diskmag tell you the
truth  behind  "Wingman"...  
Wingman is nothing but a fake !!!  Just
yet   another  thing  invented  on  the
scene!   The  story  about Wingman goes
like   this...   Nazism  has  grown  in
Europe  the  latest  years and that, in
our  eyes and I think in yours tooo, is
very  dangerous  and should be stopped.
And  in  our diskmags there havent been
much   discussed   about  this,  but  I
thought that that should be changed, so
I  did  thought  out  this..  
Some  guys have made Anti-Nazi demos(Hi
Lizardking!)    and    some   Anti-Nazi
articles  (NOT much!).  But what should
be  done  to  awake  the  minds  of the
scene.   Well,  if  we  just  read that
Nazism/Rascism    is   bad,   we   will
propbably  just think, "Yeah, that bad"
and  nothing  more...   But  if we read
their   pure  propaganda  you'll  think
"HEY,  are  these  guys stoned or what,
This  must  be fought !!!".  So I wrote
the      article      and      invented
Wingman/Resistance.   At  that  time  I
wasnt  finished  with  Propaganda and I
was writing for The Jungle so I sent it
there...  I also published some rascist
jokes  in  Wingman's name in Propaganda
to    awake    an    opinion    against
Rascism/Nazism.    I   think   that  my
purposes have been filled...

Our  idea  is  to  fight  rascism  with
education not by forbidding it !!!

 signed Colorbird/Illusion

            RASCISM SUCKS!
           By Excel/Mad Elks

This   article  is  an  answer  to  the
article    in   Jungle   issue   3   by

I   got   furious  while  reading  your
fucking  article!!   How  stupid  can a
human  (are  you?)  be?   You said that
coloured  humans  (they're  humans to!)
are  less  worth  than white people BUT
you  didn't mention the FACTS you based
your  article  on,  and  I  know why!!!
Because  you  don't  have  any!!  There
aren't  any  proof that whites are more
intelligent  than  blacks  -  and there
will  never  be  any!!   You  know why?
Because  were  are  all  humans!   BOTH
blacks  and  whites!!   And  we all are
worth  the  same!!  I just don't get it
how you nazis out there use your brains
- or do you?

A  little story:  In my ex.class we had
several  nazis.   I  was  a good friend
with  one  of  them, BUT not because he
was  a  nazi,  because he was very kind
and  funny  (he had a very low IQ).  He
always   screwed  things  up!   It  was
pretty  funny  to  ask him why he was a
nazi,   because   he   NEVER   had  the
answers!!  If I asked him:  - Why don't
you  like blacks?  - Because they smell
bad!!!   -  THEY DON'T!!  Well, give me
reason   number   two...    -  Erhmm...
because  the've  got fleas!  - You KNOW
that  they  don't  have  any fleas more
than   anyone  else!!   Well,  give  me
number   three...   -  Hmm...   well...
Yes,  the are stupid!  - Are they??  Do
you  believe  in that yourself?  Nah, I
guessed  so..  And it can't be easy for
blacks  to  get  high  positions in the
society when they aren't allowed to...

And  so  on..   He  NEVER  had any REAL
answers!!  IF anybody out there has got
proof  that whites are more intelligent
than  blacks then write to European top
20!!   It'll be my pleasure to see what
lies you can come up with..

Well,  now  we'll define what the words
nazi  and  nationalist means:  (correct
me if i'm wrong!)

 Nazi - A person who hates blacks and
 other coloured people (isn't white a
 color to??) and jews.

 Nationalist - A person who don't
 necessarly hate blacks,jews and so
 on but he don't want any foreigners
 to live in his country.

You  see  that  there  is  a difference
betwen   these  categories.   But  they
still think wrong....

Imagine  this:   You live in peace with
your    family    in    your   country.
Everything is quite ok untill....  Your
neighbourn  country  has  declared  war
against  your  country!!  That would be
terrible,  don't  you  think??  After a
time  the  war  comes closer and closer
and  you and your family decide to flee
and   leave   your  things,friends  and
relatives.   That's  to  bad  isn't it?
You  miss  your  friends you used to be
with....   Just  imagine!!   Well, when
you  and  your family reach the country
and  see:No  war,everybody  seems to be
happy!!   You  think  that you and your
family will be happy here..  Everything
is  allright  untill  you discover that
the  neigbours doesn't like foreigners.
And  suddenly one night...  A fire bomb
comes  trough  your bedroom window.  It
lands  on  the  carpet and the house is
set on fire.  You wake up your vife and
kids  and  start  to  get  out  of  the
burning  house.   When you are standing
outside your burning house you realize:
Where  is  my vife?????????  NOOOO, she
didn't make it!!!  You have a hard time
to explain for your kids that their mom
just died because of some people around
here  doesn't  like foreigners!!  Would
they understand that???

It doesn't make sense!!!!

I hope that this small article made the
nazis  out  there in the scene thinking
of what they really are doing!!!




        Will nazi's take over?
       Written by Wizard/iNfECt.

Yesterday,  I got an intro from a quite
unknown  group  with lot's of nazi-crap
in  it,  today  I  got  a  mag  with an
article  by  a  brainless dude claiming
whites are better than blacks!  In this
article  I'm not going to tell you that
white  people are equal to black people
because    everybody   (should)   knows
this...   I  sense that everywhere more
and  more nazi's show up, to see what I
mean  I'll  give  you  some examples of
some things happend recently:

1)This  one  surely  is  the  best  (or
worst...)  example...  A while ago many
German  nazi's  put  houses  of foreign
people  on fire, many people got killed
in these fire's...  How can you be THAT
cruel to burn people in their houses!?!
People who do this are realy brainless!

2)In   Jungle   3  was  an  article  by
Wingman/Resistance   (I  must  say  the
Damian members didn't agree with him at
all) The articles name was:  Whites are
better   than   blacks!   (Boy,  is  he
stupid...)  He  also wrote it is bad to
mix  white  and black people because an
high  race  and  a  low  race  makes an
average  race!   He  also  thinks black
people are less intelligent and thet we
should kill them to make a better world
for  our race.  In this article he also
wrote  'Heil  Hitler'  and 'Proud to be
white'.   I think this all is real sick
but scary talk from this 'guy'.

3)I  recently  got an intro by Nirvana,
in  a  cli-txt before the intro Supreme
wrote things like:  Supreme - Nirvava's
only        nazi!         Zonderkommand
2008=Supreme/Nirvana  - I'm proud to be
white.                    Zonderkommand
2008=Supreme/Nirvava  -  I'm also proud
to  be  a  nazi.   And  in the intro he
wrote:  Sieg heil all dudes out there!
4)At  the  Legend  party some stupid
dudes sprayed Hitler signs all over the
party place and they wrecked a toilet.

5)One  of  my school teachers showed me
an  experiment with a photo in America:
First  they  let white people look at a
picture  with  a  white  person  with a
knife  in  his  hand  standing behind a
black  man,  the  white  person  should
after having seen the picture tell some
other  white  people  what  he saw, the
last  white  person  got the story, the
black   man   had  the  knife  and  was
threatening   the  white  person!   The
other  way around, the black people DID
told the truth...

These  were only a few examples of some
scene   and   non-scene   things   wich
happend.   Sometimes when I think about
these   things   it  makes  me  scared,
because   I  belief  somewhere  in  the
future,  there  will  be so many nazi's
that  they'll  set-up an army and we'll
have  something  like  WW 2...  When is
all this going to stop!?!

Oh,  by the way:  I'm white....but I'm
NOT proud of it!

      Rascism against Rascists !
    Written by Colorbird/Illusion!

Most  of you who read this lives in a
free  democratic  country  (Sorry  all
Turks,  that DOES not include Turkey).
So  we  have  the  right to believe in
what  we  want, have our own political
opinion  and  express  it  !  But when
someone  has  a  strange  political or
religious view we attack him and says:
You  are  sick  and  people  like  you
should not be allowed to live and have
your  opinions.   Well, Several people
on   the   scene   thinks  like  that,
Ace/Damian  who  wrote  an  incredible
stupid  antirascist  article in Jungle
III.   But  what is a rascist anyway ?
Its  a  person who thinks that someone
else  who  looks  different  or  has a
different opinion is a lesser beeing !
Well,   if   Ace/Damian  (and  others)
thinks  that a rascist is a creep then
he himself are a rascist !  You should
never  ever  say like that, because it
shows  how stupid you really are !  An
intelligent educated person should not
say that a person who think that other
persons  are  lesser  beeing is lesser
beeing himself.  Hmm....  Now you say,
how  should  we  then  fight rascism ?
Well,  education  is  the  only word I
will  say.   My  final  words  in this
short  little  article  are...  

     Do Not fight fire with fire !


The  world  of  ghosts is exciting and
sometimes   terrifying.   Despite  the
fact, that millions of people state to
have  seen ghosts, nobody really knows
what  ghosts  are  or  where they come
from.    They  are  hard  to  examine,
because  they  always  seem  to appear
when  you  least expect it.  One thing
all ghosts have in common is that they
behave  in  a  way  not  possible  for

Here are some spooky ghost-stories:

Ever  since  1971 faces have appeared
on  the concrete floor in a house in a
spanish      village.       Astonished
scientists  have  taken  pictures  and
filmed  the  faces.   They  have  also
covered  the  floor with foil during a
month, but the faces kept changing.

In  1771 the german writer Goethe saw
his  own  double coming riding towards
him.  His double was dressed in a grey
suit.   Eight years later, Goethe came
riding  the  same  way,  and  suddenly
realised  that he wore the same outfit
as  his  double  had worn, and that it
had been his future he had seen.

In  1592  a german carpenter commited
suicide  by  cutting  his throat.  The
following  months,  dozens of citizens
were  frightened  by  the man's ghost,
which  attacked  them by night.  Seven
months  later, the body of the man was
dug  up.  It looked perfectly healthy,
and  he  had  even  become fatter than
before.  As the corpse had been burnt,
the ghost disappeared.

In   1898   a   novel   called   'The
destruction    of   the   Titan'   was
published.   The  author said, that he
had   written  the  book  while  being
possessed by supernatural powers.  The
book     described     a     luxurious
transatlantic   liner,  which  crashed
into  an iceberg on its maiden voyage.
In 1912 the same thing happened to the
transatlantic liner called 'Titanic'

Ok..   They  were  spooky, eh?  Don't
take   'em   too   seriously   though!

Written by:  Dr.Jens & Kaviar 23


I,   Schizo,   visited  our  beautiful
capital   Stockholm   in  the  summer.
There  I  stayed  with  a guy who is a
bomber/writer.    Our   most  frequent
activities  were  as follows:  to bomb
and  to  look  and burners and to meet
other writers.

In   short  we  were  only  doing  the
THiNG..   The writers I met and talked
with  were  quite  many for the time I
was  there.   Among the dewdz are NUNA
who is a writer and bomber.  He's done
a  lot  of trains and he is pretty big
on  walls,  too.   Sometimes he writes
NUNNA  instead of his normal tag.  One
of  his  best friends, SKADA, who also
writes   SKADAN  and  SKADAD,  usually
write  together  with NUNA.  Me and my
friend,  GUE  who  is  pretty  big  on
insiders,  took  a  long  ride  with a
whole  bunch  of  writers  who we just
bumped  into  on  a local train.  They
were  Dean,  Skada,  Nuna,  Secure  (a
writer who inactive) and Tem of CMD, a
danish  guy.   There  were some others
but I can't remember their tags.  This
gang  walked around and looked at nice
looking walls and tagged a little.  We
found  an  electrical  box at a place.
After  everybody  had  been there with
their  tags  it sure looked a hell lot

Here  are  some of the most active and
seen artists in our Capital.

SWA,   a   crew.    RAS  a  crew,  too
consisting  of  AMAN  and  SLISK.  Two
very  big  names.   WHY  ?   which  is
Virus'  second  tag.   Those  question
marks in silver are so cool.  MEGA and
DEB two individual writers who are up.

NUKE,  CAPE  and  SHE  are  the  three
biggest  female names.  I met Nuke and
Cape  at  the  T-Central.   (Nuke sure
looks best.  -horny.remark)

Oki,  mates.   I  don't  know for sure
when  the  next article in this series
will   appear,   but   when  Colorbird
include  the  pictures section we will
have some wholecars and good outsiders
and  also  some  great walls in there.
Keep  reading  the craziest mag on the
scene, boys !

Over and out from Schizo of Alcatraz.


           MEDALS - WHY ?

 A  medal  is a prize for some kind of
acheivement,   like  getting  hurt  in
combat,  having worked 50 years at the
same  company  or  havingwon  a skiing
championship.   I have a not very wide
collection  of medals.  I only collect
medals  which I myself have aquired by
my own skill and craft.
 For  example,  my CiRCLE medal, which
hangs  on  my  wall.   It  consists of
tractor-feeding   paper  from  PrImE's
printer.   It is folded in a very sexy
way, and it brings luck and joy to the
whole western part of Sweden.

 Another  example  of my collection is
my  skiing  medal.   Actually I have a
genuine 'Lilla Vasaloppet'-third place
plaque  (not really a medal, but worth
telling  here.)  It's not much to look
at  or attract chicks with, so now try
to go on to the next freaking articulo
where  I,  SCHiZO  of the jolly CirCle
will  tell  You  how to get or produce
such cool things as medals!  See ya in
the  next  article  or  just press the
second   key  after  the  right  Shift
button.  Oki, bye.


 That   is  the  long  and  very  well
describing   title  of  this  article.
Now,  we  will  get  down  to the real

Firstly,  put on your asbestos gloves
and  a spaceman suit.  Then take out a
huge  pair of scissors and a measuring
tape.     You    also   need   Artline
(trademark)  pens of the 30 millimeter
size  and a couple of Buntlack (alos a
trademark)  spray  cans.   All of this
equipment  can  easily  be  shoplifted
from  any bizarristic department store
in  your  neighbourhood.   The rest of
the  materials  we  assume you have at

 To  actually  produce a genuine scene
medal  all  by  yourself  without help
from  adults  at  all  can be a little
tough.   To  start  with  you need the
design  of  the  medal itself and then
you  need  something  to write with on
it.   If  you  have already stolen the
equipment  needed,  then  go on to the
next step.

 1.   Cut  out  a  circle shaped paper
      medallion out of hard paper.
 2.   Measure your actual 'neck size'.
 3.   Cut  a  string which equals your
      neck size in length.
 4.   This  is  the  critical  moment,
      where  you need all of your will
      power   to  stop  yourself  from
      sniffing  up  the glue, meant to
      keep the medal together.
 5.   Ok, high enough?  Go on to 6
 6.   Sex?   Six!  Start to paint your
      medal in different colours.
 7.   Voila!  DONE!
 8.   Send in application to the Nobel
      Prize Committee and NASA.

Oki,   phriends.    That  is  all  for
today's  hard  work.   Now,  wear that
damn  thing at parties and brag to all
your  friends about it.  See ya!  This
text  written  without help from other
beings by SCHiZO/ALCATRAZ!  CiAO!


          by Zarch of Triflex

I  know.   This  has nothing to do with
computers.  But its my favourite sport,
and  I  would  like  to  tell about it.
This sport gives me alot of inspiration
for  my computer work, thats one of the
reasons for loving this sport so much..
You  can  also  compare  skaters to the
scene.  There is alot of friendship and
fun  among  the  skaters.  Just like on
the scene..  lets get on with it...

In this essay will I tell you something
about   one   of  my  main  spare  time
interests        called,arding       is
misunderstood  by  many  people.   Most
people believe in, that a skateboard is
a toy, a "thing" which are only made to
damage  all the places where it is used
(damaging of fx.  curbs, stairs, roads,
sidewalks  etc.).   That's  the  rumour
about  skateboards.   But  the fact is,
that  skateboarding  is  a  sport, just
like football, basketball, tennis, etc.
just  to  mention  a  few.   But people
don't  know  that,  because  the  media
don't  write much about it.  Only a few
TV  channels  transmite  so, and only a
few  papers  and  magazines are writing
about   it.    So   most   people   are
unfortunately  (still)  very  suspicius
about skaters and skating.

I  will  start  by  telling  about  the
construcion  of  skateboards,  and  the
materials  you  need  to get a complete
skateboard.   A  board  is  made  of  7
layers  of  canadian maple tree.  Its a
very expensive art of tree.  It is very
elastic,  and  can stand a heavy weight
and  can  last long, also under extreme
hard  conditions.   The board is called
"Deck"  wheproduced  in  the  following
way:   The tree is steamed so it's hot,
slacked  and  easy  to work with.  Then
you  use  a mould to give each of the 7
layers  of  the  Deck  the right shape.
The    shape    is    constructed    by
professional  skateboarders.  The shape
is  a  nose,  concave, and a tail.  The
nose  is  the  front part of the board.
It  helps  you  to keep the foot on the
board.  The concave is placed under the
nose  at the left and right side of the
board.   It  stabilizes the way how you
are  standing witil is the back part of
the  board.   How  the  tail is shaped,
depends  alot  of how fast you can do a
trick,  because  you  are nearly always
using the tail to do a trick.  Then are
the tree steamed again, and the 7 parts
are  glued together.  When the tree has
reached  the  normal temperature again,
is  it nearly finished.  It still needs
to  be lacquered so it will last longer
under  use.   The Deck do now only need
the bottom graphics which is decided by
the  pro  skater  too.   The pro skater
whock will also get his name written on
the  backside  of  the Deck.  Thats the
way  how  the  shops  administrate  the
different  arts  of  Decks.   So  if  a
customer  want  a  certain  board, they
just ask for fx.  the Jeremy Klein (the
name  of  the  pro skater) by Birdhouse
Skateboards  (the  name of the firm who
produced the deck).

You  also  need  wheels  for the board.
Wheels can be bought in different sizes
and  hardness.  The smallest wheels are
about  45  mm  big, and the largest are
about  70  or 80 mmis about "90 A" ("A"
indicates the soft and hardness level).
The   hardest   wheel   "101  A".   For
miniramp  skating is the wheels between
"90-95 A" the best.  For street skating
is  the  wheels  from  "97 - 101 A" the
best.     The    wheels    are   mainly
constructed  of  a  plasmatic material,
better   known  as  rubber.   They  are
heated  to  get soft at first, and then
cut  on  some  big machines with a very
high precision.

To  hold  the wheels you need something
called   trucks.   It's  based  on  the
rollerskate   prirted   in  a  socalled
"baseplate"  (a platform mounted to the
Deck).  They vary alot in their weight.
Some  trucks are very heavy and hard to
drive  with (these are very cheap too),
others  are very light, more expensive,
and better to skate with.

The  final  thing to complete the board
is  the  griptape.   It  is  just  like
sandpaper,   but   with   glue  on  the
backside.  It lasts very long, and make
your  feets  stay on the board when you
do  a  trick.  It's impossible to skate
without   griptape.   Old  ane  a  good
skater to look like a novice.

A  complete skateboard costs about 1800
kr.   in  Denmark, and in the states it
costs  about  800  kr.   So  the import
prices  are  very big, a save of nearly
1000 kr.  is quite alot in my opinion.

There is 3 different styles of skating.
I  will  start  telling  about  the one
which was invented first:  "Freestyle"

Freestyle  was  invented already in the
early 60's.  In freestyle is the aim to
stay  on  the board, without having any
ground   contact  at  all.   You  skate
freestyle, because tricks like flipping
the board under your feets in different
styles  are very used.  Freestyle needs
alot  of  practise, and the boards used
for  freestyling  are  often  not  very
wide,  the  are quite flat because they
dont have any nose, concave or tail.

The  style  I  skate is "street style".
That  style is a little like freestyle,
but here are you rolling alot meanwhile
you  make  tricks.   You  jump down the
stairs,  slide  on handrails, curbs and
benches,  etc.   Its  mcause the tricks
are  alot  more  risky  to  do  than  n

Then  it's the ramp style.  This is the
most risky skate style, if you are good
at ramp skating you have to wear safety
gear, because ramp skating can hurt you
badly,  even  if  you are a pro skater.
Most  tricks  are  made in the air, and
you  can't  compare  it  to  street nor
freestyle at all.  I can tell you, that
already  4  of  my friends has tried to
break their arm by skating on the ramp.
 (Continued in the Next Article)

I  will  now tell you why I started sng
football  and  tennis  for  quite  some
years.   I  had  also  been swimming in
Aabenraa.   I  got  very tired of those
sports  after practising them for quite
some years.  Some of my friends started
to  skate, and I was very hooked on the
feeling by rolling on such a board.  It
had  everything I needed to feel great:
speed  and  excitement.   So  I wrote a
letter  to  my  aunt in the states, and
told  her to bring a board for me.  She
would  arrive  in  Denmark  just  a few
months  later,  and  a board is alothan
here in

After  some  time,  I met alot of other
skaters,  whom  I  began to skate with.
These guys are nowadays some of my best
friends.   So the skateboarding did not
only  give me speed and excitement, but
many  friends  around the world.  I met
skaters  in  my  holiday from different
countries,   and  I  am  still  writing
letters  with  them.   The latest one I
met was a guy named Oscar from Deventer
in Holland, AND I later found out, that
he  was  an  Amiga freak aswell!  Well,
togethefrom  my  homecity,  Rødekro,  I
began to "rip the streets" as we say in
our  very  special  skate language.  It
means   that   you   are  doing  really
complicated  an  good  tricks the whole
time  without slamming (falling off the
board).  After just a few months, where
a friend of mine and I in the newspaper
where  they  interviewed  us, and there
was  quite  a  big  photo  of me in the
paper  aswell.   This was the beginning
for me...

Many  people  saw us in the papers, and
by  that time where we pretty goopected
us  to  be the best at it, so we worked
hard  to learn new tricks.  A very used
word  in  skateboarding  are  the  word
"Ollie",  which  can  be  translated to
normal  language  as  "Jump".  Ollie is
the  basic trick of everything.  If you
can  do  a  Ollie,  you cant make other
real   tricks.    All   tricks   are  a
combination   between   a  Ollie,  fast
reactions,  thinking,  and  a VERY good
body balance.  A trick is not that easy
to learn as it seems like.  Many tricks
seems   to   be   very   easy,  because
everythid  is so perfectly performed by
the  skater.   To  do a difficult trick
with  perfection, you have to work with
it  for  at  least  one  month or more.
More easy tricks as "Shove it" (pushing
the  board  180 degrees backwards under
your  feets)  only  takes  up to 1 or 2
weeks  to learn perfectly.  But a trick
called  "Late  Shove  it" (First ollie,
and  when  you  are in the air, you use
your  right  leg  to push the board 180
degress around before you land) is very
difficult.     Practising    that    to
perfectiard  work.  And for pupils like
fx.   me,  are  there not much time for
learning  such tricks.  There is nearly
no time to skate in the evening anymore
aswell,  we only have the weekends, and
that  is  not  enough  to become a good
skater.   We tried to learn as many new
tricks  as  possible, but failed due to
alot of schoolwork.  You might ask if I
never  get tired of this sport.  I must
confess   that  I  have  thought  about
quitting   this   sport   lately.   But
everytime   I   mention   it   for   my
skatefriends  gry  at  me, because they
don't  want me to quit.  I think that's
one  of the reasons why I keep skating.
If  my  skatefriends  did  not  care, I
would  have  quitted for some time ago.
But the way how they try to convince me
about,  that they don't want me to quit
,  makes  me  feel happy for practising
this  sport.  And then I learn some new
tricks  again,  and everything is fine.
Learning  a trick really makes you feel
proud.   The  comments from the friends
like  "Yeah!"  when  you  do  something
goodump   harder   through  your  body.
Thats  a great feeling, a feeling which
can    only    be    reached    through
skateboarding.   So  I  wont  quit  the
skating  in the nearest future,- that's
for  sure!er  work,  thats  one  of the
reasons for loving this sport so much..
You  can  also  compare  skaters to the
scene.  There is alot of friendship and
fun  among  the  skaters.  Just like on
the scene..  lets get on with it...

                               SMALL ARTICLES!
Here are some small articles gathered. They were small but I thought they
ought to be published anyway...


Hello, dear readers. Today, I'm going to tell you a little about vandals.
Not the kewl dewdz in the U-bahn, T-banan or the SUBWAY. The original
vandals, who had to give up their ethnic folk group name for such a thing
as vandalism. The vandals were a Germanic natioal group. They lived in
Schlesia about 100 AC. During the time of the Great Migration
(folkvandringstiden) they moved out to Gallia and Spain. In the 400's the
created an imperium in the northern Africa. Their famous feat: They
plundered Rome 455.



And now, dear readers: The Meaningless Facts Corner.

means boy scouts in the age of 8 to 11. (Hehehe, LiONHEART. Har du varit
och raggat i scoutkaren annu?)

is something boys like you shouldn't give a damn about.

is a town in FINLAND. Vaasa in finnish. 50 000 inhabitants. Textile
industry, wood exports. Connected with Umea and Sundsvall with ferries.

was a swedish scientist who classified nature.


Hello, my friends. Still looking for some meat ? Okay, here it is, the new
Official Schizophrenic list of pickup lines. No guarantee of working. Not
tested on animals or humans. Let's kick loose.






               D U S T


The wind was blowing on the wilderness
of  sand dunes, dunes of sand and just
sand.    Sand,   only   sand,  playing
merrily  with  the  air  following the
wind in its jokes, revolving, climbing
up  in  the  sky,  mixing  up  in  new
shapes,   running  and  chasing  other
sand.  The sun was far and red, low on
the   horizon,  giving  to  the  whole
landscape  an  evocative  and  strange
light.  Colouring everything in ochre,
leaving graceful long shadows to graze
the  ground, following its undulations
caressing  the sand waves.  Sand, sand
everywhere.   And dunes.  And the wind
blowing tender and sand grains playing
happily.   The peace and the poetry of
the desert.

The eyes of the visitor were surprised
Where  were  the  natives?   He looked
around,  wondering  what  living forms
could  live  in  such a landscape.  He
had  travelled all around the surface,
he  couldn't  be wrong this planet was
dust and only dust.  A desert big ball
rushing in the stars.  Covered by sand
dunes,  without  rocks  or  mountains,
without holes or craters without lakes
or oceans, buildings or forests.  Sand
and only sand.  And the atmosphere.  A
normal atmosphere with its own element
with  its  differences of temperatures
and therefore its winds, its movements
its    streams.    The   visitor   was
surprised   and   disappointed.    His
people   had   communicated  with  the
living forms of this planet, or better
they  received  messages unequivocally
artificial,  intelligent,  LIVE.  They
had   planned   a  reconnaissance,  an
important  "rendez  vouz"  between two
different   species.    He   was   the
ambassador  of his world, an important
office,  which  could give him honours
and  fame.  Well, this had to been his
mask.   He  was  a  mercenary, indeed,
crossing  the  galaxy  looking for new
planets  to  conquer,  but  that was a
particular unknown to the natives.  If
only  there  were any.  The planet was
condemned    to   be   exploited   and
conquered,   under  the  good  surface
diplomatic   there   was   cheat   and
betrayal.   Still they didn't know it,
they  continued  their  transmissions,
seemingly    happy   to   meet   other
intelligent  forms.   Where  were they
then?   Where  was their green planet?
Where  the  transmission  center?  The
planet    continued    to    broadcast
something,  the source was everywhere,
was  the  planet  itself?  Still there
was  no sight of intelligence in those
dunes.  Tired in the body and the soul
the  human  decided to leave the dusty
planet,   he  had  to  come  home,  to
prepare  himself  for  the long voyage
across  the  stars, to seek for better
skies.   It  was  all so absurd, maybe
there  was some kind of mystery in the
planet.   A  living planet?  A sort of
Gaya?   A  new  kind  of living forms?
Maybe  hidden  under  the surface?  Or
just  some  kind of interstellar joke?
Or  they  had  understood  his  not so
friendly  intentions  and have decided
to    hide   themselves?    Too   many
questions  and  no answer for the man.
He   made   another  tour  around  the
planet, flying fast above the surface,
and  the  dunes  where  always  there,
mumbling their jokes with the wind and
chasing   themselves  in  vortexes  of
sand,  they  seemed  almost  cheerful.
The   human   left   definitively  the
atmosphere,   sad   in  the  eyes  and
worried in the mind, his people needed
new planets to overwork, new resources
to  use.  The crisis was deep and hard
to   solve,   and   the   prizes   for
discovering  new  slave  planets  were
huge.   A  useless  voyage,  money and
time  wasted,  a frustrating sensation
of  impotence.   That  had to be a bad
year for him.

The  man  left the surface, the planet
was  desert  and  useless, it could be
forgotten  in  the galactic maps.  The
sands saw the craft leaving, revolving
in  vortexes  and  spirals of goodbye,
they  wondered  for  a  while  why  it
didn't  stop  more,  why  that strange
being  landed  from  the  stars didn't
reply  to  their  welcoming questions,
then they forgot and continued to play
merrily with brother wind.


  Ahhh.    The   sun  is  shining  and
temperature  gets around 25 degrees in
the  shade.   Cloudless  sky on top of
you  as  you're  walking down to local
store  to buy some beers for tonight's
party.   You  raise your forefinger to
check  the  wind  and  notice that the
air's just right for drinking.  Great!
  Walking  back  to your place with 24
beers  in a plastic bag is an enormous
job  to  do,  so you decide to drink a
beer  to  get the load smaller.  Not a
bad  idea at all!  The load's not that
heavy  anymore.   Placing the beers in
the  fridge  gets the sweat out of you
and  it's  time for another beer.  The
beer's  warm  but  who'd  give  a damn
  As it's still only half past two you
are  on  your  way to a good and stiff
drunk.   Remote  control...  Where the
fuck  is  it?  Oh yea, there...  CD on
and    play.     "I   can't   remember
anything...   Can't  tell  if  this is
true  or  dream..." Metallica's OK you
realize while getting a good lean on a
chair  on  your  sunny  front porch...
Some  forty  minutes pass by listening
to  Metallica  and drinking five beers

  It's  almost 3:30 PM as your friends
arrive  with  a  horrible load of beer
and  food...   counting  the beers you
come to an amount of 152 beers...  Not
bad,  a bit over 5 cases of beer.  The
party  is  going to be a blasting one.
Sure.  At this point your neighbour, a
woman,  starts  acting  a strange way,
watching    everyone   entering   your
apartment.   What  the  heck...   it's
your place, not hers!

  As  the clock strikes half past four
you're   already   starting   to  feel
drunken.   Fffwoa,  it's  groovy!   10
beers  down  -  14 to go and of course
those oh so normal little sippies from
the  people  who  attend  the party...
And  the very first one is going right
now,  as  you grab your friends bottle
of wine and take a BIIIIG sip from it.
"Liebfraumilch"  says  the  etiquette.
Buergs!  Awful but free...

  At  six  o'clock you're toasted!  10
beers  left  and  14 down...  Heaps of
crazy  ideas  cross  your  mind.   The
first  one  is  a  real  killer:  As a
woman  who's a witness of Jehova comes
to  your  door you get your pants down
and  bend  over  by the door.  To make
sure  she notices your beautiful hairy
ass  you  fart  loud.   She  turns and
screams...   After  surviving from the
shock (it took about seven seconds for
sure...)  she  curses and gets lost...
At  this  point  the  house is getting
overloaded...    over  30  people  and
still  more to come.  And truly over a
half  of  them  women!   Ahh,  time to
check the chicks out...

  Walking  to  the living room reveals
some  15 people dancing around, drunk.
Neither  you (due to the beers) or the
blond girl (due to surprise and beers)
actually  know  why it happens but you
end  up  down  on  the floor exploring
each  other's  throats with tongues...
some  blurry  minutes  pass you by and
suddenly   you  realise  you're  being
photographed  by  your  mates.   Cool!
What  else could a man want but a nice
photo of himself and a beaut...  Wait!
Outta my way!  Wooooosh, you make your
way  to  the toilet just perfectly for
the  enormous  puke.   Too bad for the
girl who was taking a piss there...

  Let's get a beer again.  Opening the
fridge  leaves  you  with  no options.
Just some Bud left, uergh.  "Pfffst...
glu glu glu glu..." Another beer down.
Yep,   even  though  you  can't  think
straight  you  understand  partly what
you  see.  The time.  It's 8:30 PM and
the  house is crowded and your yard is
filled  with drunken and stoned people
getting  laid.   Alright.  The party's
on...  < T I L T >

  Next  thing  you realize is that you
lay  on  the  kitchen  floor with your
pillow and drink beer with a friend of
yours  and two girls who are around 16
years  old.   You  have  no idea where
your pants are and start searching for
them  through  the  house.   The hall.
Ah,  there...   Hanging from the lamp.
Carefully you balance on one foot at a
time  and  get the jeans back on.  The
fridge.  < T I L T >

  The  lawn  outside.   A dog taking a
piss.   Yeah,  now it seems to get out
of    control    somehow   as   you're
experiencing    some    lost   minutes
(hours!?)     and     hard     balance
disturbances.   Climbing up the stairs
you  kind of get to talk to a girl and
having  a  beer with her.  She's nice,
truly,  and  seems  to  like you.  Now
this  party  is  getting somewhere you
think...  < T I L T >

  Dark.   Someone  playing  with  your
dick.   Not  so bad...  It must be the
girl  from  the  stairs.   You  hear a
silent   whisper   by  a  sexy  voice:
"Ahhhh,  you  are so gooood.  Touch my
twat.   YES.   Feel  it.   Feel my hot
pussy..."    And    you   can't   help
yourself...   You go with the flow and
bonk  the  girl  as  hard  as you can.
Definitely a good party.  < T I L T >

  Everything spins around.  It must be
at least morning.  The sun shines, and
you  feel  a  sledgehammer bouncing on
your  head.   Your  place  is  a dump:
Empty   bottles  (luckily  worth  some
money),  plastic  bags,  puke, dirt, a
black   sock,   your  friend  (getting
awake,  sounding  sick...)  and a dead
chicken  (dead god damn chicken?  What
the  fuck  is that doing here...?) and
horrible smell...  It MUST have been a
definitely good party.  Your wallet on
the  table.   You check it.  No lubber
used...  So, no safe sex.  Shit.  Hope
she  didn't  have any fucking disease.
You  decide to go for a walk and start
feeling almost alright (Yeah, sure...)

  On  the  way  to your friend's place
some  guys  talk  to  you and laugh to
your  obscene  acts last night...  One
of   them  consisting  of  you  and  a
chicken  on  the  table of living-room
and twenty people applausing...  Nice,
you  think.   That  explains  the dead
chicken.   Your  friend's not at home.
Hasn't  been around since yesterday...

  While  getting  back to home you see
the  woman from next door.  She smiles
to  you  and winks you to get there...
She  asks  about your party last night
and so on until you tell her you gotta
be going...  Just when you're about to
leave   she  whispers:   "Whenever  my
husband  is  on  business  trip again,
come   over  and  we  can  do  it  all
again...   Just  like last night!" and
gives you a wet french kiss...
  Yep,  d  e  f  i  n i t e l y a good
party...  Sure...


         By Trauma/Cadaver.

This  is the life-story of a Norwegian
dude  who  is  (was) called Kaare Kurt
Jan  (this  name  only sound funny for
Norwegians....   Sorry!)  which  was a
nerd  living  in  the  capital city of
Norway,  namely Oslo!  He dressed like
a  nerd,  he  had hear like a nerd, he
smelled  like a nerd, he walked like a
nerd,  he  ate  like a nerd, he barfed
like  a  nerd....   oh,  you  got  the
point!  He was a nerd!  His father was
working    as    the    well-respected
street-sweeper of Oslo, and his mother
worked   as  a  nerd  hoocker  at  the
streets  of......   Oslo!   He had two
sisters once to, but they "accidently"
got  pushed  under  a  damproller when
they  where  5!   (I  wonder  who  did
that!!).  The thing was, that both his
mother  and  his father (aswell as his
late  sisters) hated him so badly that
they  only  gave him the two weeks old
leftovers  for  dinner, and that's all
he  got  to  eat!  The reason why they
hated   him   so  much,  was  that  he
wheren't     exactly    their    child
(biologically so to speak)!  Since his
mother  had worked as a hoocker for 44
years  now,  she  didn't  exactly look
like  Cindy Crawford (who does???) and
there wheren't many customers for her!
Well,   since  she  was  a  economical
person,  she used the condoms over and
over  again!   (Black  Jack  condoms).
One  night  she got 5 different men to
fuck,  and  the  same condom was used,
but  when  the  last  man was finished
fucking  her,  and  pull  out his slim
cock, the condom slipped off his cock,
and  dissapeared into her pussy!  They
actually  never  found it again!  This
resulted     in    that    they    had
Kaare-Kurt-Jan,  and  since  the  laws
against  abortion  was still active at
that  time,  they  simply  had to keep
him!   He  was  born  multiformed  and
ugly, and the parents really hated him
for that!

Well, K-K-J tried several times to get
himself  a  job,  so he could get some
real food, but every time the employer
saw  him,  they died from fear and the
company  went  broke!  But one day the
famous  Splatter-movie director Splatt
Gorey  saw him, and since he was still
looking for the main-character for his
new  movie  called  Brain  Eating Gore
Maniac,  he asked him if he would play
the  part!   K-K-J  got really exited,
and  said  yes  at once!  Splatt Gorey
got really exited to, cos now he would
save alot of money, cos he didn't have
to  use  makeup on the main-character!
Unbelieveable!!   K-K-J  ran  straight
home  and  told  his parents who where
then  eating  a  huge  killer  rat for
dinner!   They  got really exited too,
cos  now  K-K-J could move out and get
himself  a own house!  He was going to
be  a  movie-star!  They would finally
get  rid  of him!  Yeah!!!!  Well, the
next  day,  Splatt called him and said
that  he could come over so they could
start  recording the movie!  So, K-K-J
ran  straight  over  to the studio and
read  the  script  for  the  movie and
discovered that he was going to be one
of  the victims!!  He had been set up!
Splatt  said  that he was going to get
the main-role, but of course K-K-J was
too  stupid  to understand that he had
been  fooled,  so he was still just as
happy!     Also    what    he   didn't
understand,  was that this was a snuff
movie!   He  was actually going to get
killed!   You  probably wonder how the
scene  where  K-K-J was the victim was
like??   Well,  the  maniac  killer is
driving  this  big harvest machine and
guess  who is tied up on the ground in
front  of  the machine??  Right, K-K-J
is!  So, as you probably have guessed,
K-K-J  got  really  messed  up in this
scene,   but  the  thing  is  that  he
actually   looked  better  after  this
scene  that  he  did  before!  Amazing
isn't  it!  So, this is the end of the
K-K-J  story,  but there is still more
to come!  The movie got really famous,
and so did K-K-J!  The movie was shown
everywhere:   at elder-homes, asylums,
prisons,  hospitals,  yes  everywhere!
K-K-J's   life   was
over!!    The  main-character  in  the
movie,  who  was really a brain eating
gore maniac in the real world, was set
free!    The   first  two  persons  he
visited  was  K-K-J's parents!  He ate
them  both  with  some green beans and
nice  Cianti!   The  reason  he killed
them,  was that he hated them so much,
because  they  had  treated  K-K-J  so
badly!   He  thought that K-K-J really
deserved some respect from his parents
too,  cos he was so much fun to kill!!
(how  sweet!).   After  he  had killed
them,  he  actually turned normal!  He
went  back  to  school, and made it to
Harvard!   He  later  become  Norway's
best  lawyer  and  looked  back to the
times  when he was a sereal killer and
thought  that that was the days when I
was   young  and  wrestless!   End  of

This  story is absolutly true!!!!!  No
kidding!  Cross my heart......NOT!!!!!

Did  you like it!  If you did, I would
appreciate  if  you sent some money to
me     for     the    work!     Thanx!

Hey,  can't  you  take a joke??  Get a
life sucker!!


      What are neighbours for ?

    written by Riot/Nasty Boys

I live in a small town in Sweden.  You
know how it is in a small town.  Every
body  knows  each  other and people do
trust  their  neighbours.  I had lived
their  for  all  my  life and was soon
about to move to Stockholm to study at
the  University.  During the summer my
parents  and our neighbours were going
to travel to Mallorca for three weeks.
The  point  was  that our neigh- bours
had  two  teenagers, twins to be exact
at  fourteen.  And since their parents
didn't  want  to  leave them alone for
the  holiday  they asked me if I could
take  care  of them.  So I did it.  It
was decided that we should live in our
neighbours  house.   During  the first
evening  we were just watching videos.
After had seen three different movies,
Anna,  a  lovely  girl with blond long
curly  hair and a body that would make
every man in the world go horny, stood
up before me and suddenly she took off
her  t-shirt.  I was a bit stunned and
I   was   really   surprised.   Hadn't
expected  anything like this.  And she
weren't  wearing  a  bra.  Her breasts
were  big  much  bigger than you could
expect  from a fourteen year old.  And
her  nipples  !   She  began rub them.
That sight made my trusty one wake up.
The  other twin saw that and opened up
my  fly.  My big soldier now was ready
for  action but I realised that Robert
the boy was examining my cock with his
hands.   A  boy,  thats  a  new  way I
thought  while  he  started to suck it
Meanwhile,  Anna had taken off all her
clothes  and started to remove all her
brother clothes.  With a scream all my
white  liquid  pured out.  Anna pushed
away  her brother and started licking.
Robert  stood  up  and started fucking
his  sister  from  behind.  After some
horny  seconds  and  Robert having his
orgasm  she turned around and layed on
the  table.   -Come  lick my cunt, she
said and so I did.  When I was licking
I  suddenly  felt something hard in my
ass.   Robert  had started fucking me.
That  was  a  new  experience.  It was
nice, but not as nice as what happened
next.    My  cock,  ready  for  action
again,  was  sucked  by  Anna.  Robert
removed  his  cock  from  my  ass  and
started  taking his sister again.  Now
I  wanted to fuck to so I took Anna in
the  ass and the Robert in the ass and
then  Anna  in the cunt.  Then we just
laid  down  relaxing for some minutes.
Half  an  hour  later I leaned over to
Robert  again  and  started taking him
form  behind.   I was really horny and
just  fucked  for  several minutes.  I
saw flashes but didnt think first then
I   suddenly   stopped  and  saw  Anna
dressed again, standing with a camera.
She  had  photographed  me  and Robert
having  sex.   And  now  she said Your
reputation  will  be ruined when these
pictures  get  out.  I have now got my
revenge  on you..  (Just because I had
raped  her  on a party a month before)
Robert  just  stood  up  a  gave  me a
sudden  wet  kiss saying, Too bad, you
were quite a good fuck...

I left town and changed identity...

Sensmorale: Never fuck a Boy (If you
are male that is)

            DEPECHE MODE
        by Dr.Jens & Kaviar 23


I feel you
Your sun it shines
I feel you
Within my mind
You take me there
You take me where 
The kingdom comes
You take me to 
And leed me through Babylon

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your heart it sings
I feel you 
The joy it brings
Where heaven waits
Those golden gates
And back again
You take me to
And leed me through oblivion

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your precious soul
And I am whole
I feel you
Your rising sun
My kingdom comes

I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
Each breath you take
Where angels sing
And spread their wings
My love's on high
you take me home
to glory's throne
by and by

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love


I would tell you about the things
They put me through
The pain I've been subjected to 
But the lord himself would
The countless feasts laid at 
My feet
Forbidden fruits for me to eat
But I think your pulse would
Start to rush

Now I am not looking for
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments
I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes

Morality would frown upon
Decency look down upon
The scapegoat fate's made of me
But I promise now, my judge
And jurors
My intentions couldn't have
Been purer
My case is easy to see

I'm not looking for a clearer
Peace of mind after what I've been
And before we talk of any repentance
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

You will stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments 
I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

Now I am not looking for
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments
I kept
If you try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments
I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

 This is a review of Front 242's
 new album released some weeks ago.

 Tune no.1:  CRAPAGE
 Nice start, with futuristic sounds
 almost like Jarre's.  When the drums
 start you can feel the real and
 somehow original Front 242 rhythm.
 It is very massive and one of the
 best tunes on the album.

 Tune no.2:  WASTE
 It starts with a bass and a fast
 hihat.  As usual quite a lot of
 effects.  It is a rather 'thin'
 tune, even though it has a lot of

 Tune no.3:  SKIN
 A tune with rather typical Front
 drums.  It isn't very massive or
 fast, rather calm actually.

 Tune no.4:  MOTION
 Starts with a simple bass and
 Richard 23 'singing'.
 It gets faster after a while.
 Also a nice tune, but not the
 best on the album.

 Tune no.5:  RELIGION
 This is the best tune.  It has all
 the necessary things to make a good
 tune; The drums,the speed, the cool
 lyrics and much variation.
 Also very massive.

 Boring start.  The whole tune is
 quite boring actually.
 This is the kind of tune you feel
 you can (almost) do yourself.

 Tune no.7:HYMN
 Almost as boring as Stratoscape.
 Do we need to say any more?

 Tune no.8:FUEL
 (We're getting too tired
  of slow tunes...but it gets better
  if you wait about 2 minutes...)

 Tune no.9:MELT
 It almost sounds like U2.
 It's just another normal tune.
 Maybe it is a little better than
 the average.  Not many effects

 Tune no.10:FLAG
 A very cute tune with a lot of
 nice strings and backing choirs.
 Not really the Front 242 you're
 used to listen to.

 Tune no.11:MUTILATE
 Even cuter than FLAG..
 Hard to describe..

 Written by Kaviar 23 & Dr.Jens

              LAST NIGHT
       by Schizo of Alcatraz !

Last  night  I  was  in  town.   I was
supposed  to  go  to  a  disco  called
BASMENT night club.  When we got there
the  place  was  dead  except  for the
guards.   Shit  and  all  those  nasty
words  you  say  when  stuff like this
happens.   At  about  ten  some  of my
friends  from  ninth  grade showed up.
They  had a lot of booze and they were
going to drink 'til they dropped.
 -  Fun for them I thought and started
to  look  for  my  big brother (Deejay
Jones..)  so  that  he  could buy some
beer  for  my money.  In Sweden you've
got  to be 18 to buy beer.  Life stinx
when  you're  young, but it sure won't
get better when you grow up!
 My  big  brother is a techno composer
and  he  likes  electronic  music.   I
ain't  no  composer  and  I don't like
that  kind  of  music.  My big brother
didn't come out to buy no beer for me.
All the people I knew there were drunk
like   hell,   and  they  couldn't  go
looking  for  him  so  I  spit  on the
ground and thought:
 - Discos are for losers.
 Then  it  happened.   Skara is such a
small  town.   Some of my friends came
on  the  road.   It was Johnny, Dennis
and  PD.   We thought that it would be
more  fun  to  chat and watch some old
video  than  listen to shit music in a
crowd,  looking  for beautiful teenage
queens who doesn't show up.
 So  we sat and watched Hot Shots part
One  instead.  It sure was kewler than
 This  was  a  true  life  story.  The
names  are  not  changed to expose the
guilty.    But   my  point  still  is:
 It's  ok with raves and so on, but in
a  disco you aren't supposed to thrash
around and puke where you feel like or
even wear your fav clothes.  One of my
friends  was thrown out because he had
a  mohican  hair style and all leather
and Dr Marten's.  Stoopid places.
 "So  where are we going to do then on
the  Saturday night ?" everyone of you
asks.  Then I say:  "Only go to places
where  they play live music or go to a
fucking  rave party and do what we all
do there." End of Advice.

          Some small tunes...

     Written by Colorbird/Illusion

Here  I  will  translate  some  swedish
classical  punk  tunes and explain some
sentences for you...

EBBA GRON - Young and Down !

I  Work  like  hell.  Dont get anything
for  it.  What a fucking future.  Every
profit   increases   in   the  bastards

I  try to stand it.  Keep me strong but
it doesnt work no, its so fucking hard.

I am Young and Down !
I  never  have  any  money,  goes on my
nerves.   Its  not  so  fucking strange
that you drug yourself down with drugs,
with drugs...

Buying  drugs  for  my  money is a good
investment  because  in  drugs you dont
have to pay taxes.  Thats good for me !

I am Young and Down !

EBBA GRON - Sheisse

Take  my  arms,  take  my roots take my
legs,  take my songs beat me with clubs
take  all  you  see win, win, get away.
achtung  bitte  !  I have my thoughts I
have my thoughts I have my thoughts
My  thoughts are weapons that fights My
thoughts  are  our  weapons My thoughts
are the last you take.

take  all  the  good, take all the evil
bourgeoise,  scheisse  aint  understood
anything  aint understood anything just
talk and talk its not as before you are
the dead we are the new bring forth the

I have my thoughts !
I have my thoughts !

My  thoughts are weapons that fights My
thoughts  are  our  weapons My thoughts
are the last you take.

Take  all  the  green  Take all the red
take away our hearts
indoctrinate,      lobotomate,     aint
understood  anything,  aint understood,
aint  understood,  I have my thoughts I
have my thoughts

My  thoughts  are  weapons that fights.
My   thoughts   are  our  weapons.   My
thoughts are the last you take.

My  thoughts  are  weapons that fights.
My   thoughts   are  our  weapons.   My
thoughts are the last you take.

            RAP AND METAL!

Greetings,  oh  lovers  of  real music.
Today,  we SCHiZO are going to show you
some  pieces of lyrics from a RAP METAL
group  called  RAGE AGAiNST DA MACHiNE.
I  was very sceptic at first sight of a
RAP-metal  group.   What  in  h***!  is
that,  I thought.  But when their video
Bombtrack  and  an interview came up, I
was astonished.  THiS iS AWESoME!  Here
goes da lyrix for a tune called >BULLET
iN  THE  HEAD<  It's  a  song about how
television   perverts  people's  minds.
(At first I didn't get that, cuz I'm so
wood-headed.   I  thought  it was about
fat  ugly  cops..) It's a shame to say,
but this tune 'makes you think'.  (like
everyone says in their fuckin' reviews!
I can't stand it.)


This  time  the bullet cold rocked ya A
yellow  ribbon  instead  of  a swastika
Nothin proper about about ya propaganda
follow  rules  when the set commands ya
They  said  it  was blue When the blood
was  red  That's  how  you got a bullet
blasted through ya head

Blasted   through   ya  head  Blasted
through ya head

I give a shout out to the living dead
Who stood and watched as the feds cold
centralized  So  serene  on the screen
You  was  mesmerized  Cellular  phones
soundin'  a  death  tone  Corporations
cold   Turn  ya  to  stone  before  ya

They  load  the  clip in omnicolor They
pack  the 9, they fire it at prime time
Sleeping   has,  every  home  was  like
Alcatraz  (Wotz  wrong  bout me GROUP?)
And mutha fuckas lost their minds

Just  victims  of the in-house drive-by
They say jump, you say how high

They  load  the  clip in omnicolor They
pack  the 9, they fire it at prime time
Sleeping   has,  every  home  was  like
Alcatraz  (Wotz  wrong  bout me GROUP?)
And mutha fuckas lost their minds

No  escape from the mass mind rape Play
it  again jack and then rewind the tape
Play it again and again and again Until
ya  mind is locked in Believin' all the
lies that they're tellin' ya Buyin' all
the  products  that  they're sellin' ya
They  say jump Ya say how high Ya brain
dead Ya gotta fuckin' bullet in ya head

Just  victims  of the in-house drive-by
They say jump, you say how high

Ya  standin' in line Believin' the lies
Ya  bowin'  down  to  the flag Ya gotta
bullet in ya head

 Yeah,  mateys!  Dats a tuff one.  Have
you  ever tried to watch TV commercials
without  having  the  sound  turned up.
It's  fun  to  watch such crap.  Anyone
could  do some shit like that with that
equipment   they   have.    Lights  and
cameras,  the works would fit fine with
CiRCLE.   We  could  do  a  movie  with
LiONHEART  and  his  playmates from the
nearest  kindergarten (that is DAGiS in
swedish,   det  vackra  spraket  ojsan,
sprak(?)...)  and then we wouldn't have
to    pay    every    little   'actor'.
 Anyway,  check out RATM's record, it's
a  tough  one,  right  from the street,
with  some  awesome  bassplaying on it.
Oki  friends,  that  is enough for this
articulo.   Dont't  forget  what I told
THEY'RE TELLIN YA!  (For Rage-medlemmar
som  inte  kan  utrikiska:  Tro inte pa
lognerna   som  de  sager  dig!)  CiAO,
mateys and don't either forget to paint
at  least  6-8 circle A's a day, cuz it
keeps da boredom away!  OUT.

     SCH!ZO of aLcAtRaZ signs off.

          By Deelite/Alcatraz

Techno has been taking over the scene
very  much  lately.   The latest demos
usually  contain  technomusic,  and we
don't  have  anything against that, do
we?   To  be  honest,  I think that it
fits  the  demos  very  well with it's
heavy  rhythms  and  simple melodies..
Though   I   shouldn't   say   that  I
personally  like  to  listen  to  it..
Why?   It doesn't have much variation.
It's  very monotonious; it uses simple
keys  like  C,  C# and A#, and after a
few  seconds  you  simply go up half a
tone.    Very   very  simple.   If  to
compare  with  ordinary  music,  which
uses   every   available  key  on  the
keyboard  and  is  certainly much more
difficult  to  make, I must say that I
prefer   to   listen  to  real  music!
Techno  does  also  take  much shorter
time  to  do  than  real music, and it
seems  like  the  composers don't care
about  their  tunelength.  Take for an
example  Probe(Ex.Razor  1911), a very
nice  guy (I don't hate the composers,
just   the   music!)   who   has  been
dominating    the   music-competitions
lately.   His competition-modules have
been  around  500-600  Kbs  in memory.
Isn't   that  too  much,  even  for  a
competition??   As a musician, you are
supposed to make your songs as good as
possible   with   the   shortest  size
possible.     (That    is   DEFINATELY
something  difficult!).  I don't count
commercial   techno  to  music.   Some
songs    only    consist   of   simple
sequences,  bad  sampled  from various
sample  CDs like XL1, Xstatic goldmine
etc.   etc.   Take  Probe  again:  his
samples  were  very  bad  sampled at a
volume-rate  that forced Protracker to
cut  them  in  half.   To compose real
computermusic, you'll need:

 1.  A musical talent.
 2.   Good  equipment  (If  you  don't
borrow  the  synths  from  a friend of
yours, like me, or rip the instruments
from other songs..)
 3.   Fitting  instruments  (the drums
are  the worst.  On the contrary, it's
very   simple   when   you're   making
 4.    A   good,   simple   bass-line;
everything  must  go  in  harmony with
each  other, and that's not so easy as
it  may sound.  When making techno, it
doesn't    matter   how   it   sounds,
everybody seems to like it anyhow!

But  just because I feel such a rage
against  techno,  doesn't  mean that I
hate  all  the techno I hear on Amiga.
There   are  several  guys  that  have
succeeded  in  their work, for example
Travolta/Spaceballs  and  Alf/Virtual.
They  combine  their  songs  with cool
chords,   brilliant   techniques   and
leadvoices   that  give  the  sort  of
ambient   to   the   music,   that   I
personally  like  to hear.  But I, and
several  others,  hate  when  we  hear
techno  in the music-competitions!  We
believe   that  there  should  be  one
music-competition        and       one
techno-competition..  That would force
the  organizers  to  lower the prices,
but   the   prices  is  not  the  most
important,   is   it?    I  know  that
somebody  will say something like 'How
do  they  know what is techno and what
is  music?'.  Well, that should not be
SO hard to judge, do you think??

I  believe  that  everybody  has  the
right  to  say  what he want, and what
he(or she) believe in.  That's exactly
what  I have made now, and I hope that
no  one  have  misunderstood  what now
have been said.  Please answer.

     Signed, Deelite/Alcatraz..

          Why HipHop SuXX...

HAvent you guys out there in our nice
and   comfortable  scene  wondred  how
anyone  can  sink  themselves  to  the
level  of being an sucker listening to
this crap called hIpHoP or rAp or what
ever,  dont  you  think  its  too much
these  days???  i think its really too
much  nowadays just turn on the TV and
put  on  for  example  a channel which
plays  some so called modern music and
they  will  be  playing either hiphop,
RnB  or soul i think it stinks...  why
why why???  everyone can make a simple
hiphop track just write a simple lyric
about for example shooting the head of
a  cop  or  how  bad  life  is for the
negroes  in their ghettos???  What the
meaning  of  this???   Shoot  a  cop ,
why???   Why should you shoot a cop???
They  are  just  doing  their job, the
ones who should really be shot iis the
fuckin  polititians  and the rich brag
asses doing nothing but exploiting our
dear  planet  or  what  do  you say???
thats  one  of  the  reasons  why  you
should  stop  listening  to hiphop and
similar  music.  and the other reasons
are  that  its  such  an  easy sort of
music  just include that simple rap as
i  said before and include a hihat and
a  drum  of  some  calibre.  Stop this
movement!!!  And have you seen all the
silly     clothes    hiphoppers    are
wearing???   Baseball  caps,  Baseball
shirts or American Football shirts and
similar  american  sports clothing its
just   so  silly...   I  laugh  almost
everytime  i seem persons wearing that
kind  of  clothing...   But now i dont
wanna  write  anymore  about all these
boring  and  silly  hiphop  suckers...
        BOBO for President !!!

First of all, thank you for amusing me
a while in this rainy summer with your
great mag!  The first issue was really
good! One of da best articles were the
`Bamse-introduction' and `Bamse- issue
#7 review'.  But theres one thing that
I can't figure out...

Where is the  `BOBO-Reviews'??? I know
that  there  are more people in  scene
than me, who wants more mature reading
instead of all this drug  and violence
which leavens the philosophy of BAMSE.

Are you  refusing  to give  BOBO  some
bytes in  PROPAGANDA  because the fact
that he isn't as handsome as  BAMSE ??
If so. Why did Skullfucker get so much
space in issue #1, although he is much
uglier than BOBO??? Are you racists??

The BOBO  mag  offers a LOT of  action
almost  as  much as BAMSE.  This would
make BOBO very enjoyable not only  for
the more intellectualdemanding readers
but for  the action / thriller fans as

I want to point on the fact that BAMSE
can NEVER give ANYONE(Me? -ED) as much
intellectual stimulation as BOBO!  And
intellectual  stimulation  is  exactly
what scene coders of today needs!!!

So  take your  responsibility for  all
scene coders and give BOBO a few bytes
of your nice mag!  ( If you likes BOBO
so much, do an own mag and review BOBO
there -ED)

Yours sincerely
           Pete / EURECA 


The answer is simple !!!

Bobo doesnt use drugs...
Bamse uses the strengthdrug called
"Dunder Honung"...

Bobo doesnt use violence...
Bamse is pure violence...

There is no sex in Bobo...
Bamse and his friends are like rabbits
they always seem to get new children..

After reading this,  how could anyone
possibly prefer Bobo1 before Bamse ???


               the Propaganda team.. 

       by Dr.Jens and Kaviar 23

These tunes are in swedish, and it is
impossible to translate them!!!1
(Sorry foreigners...)

(Melodi: Ba Ba Vita Lamm)

HeHe, handelsman, finns det vapen har?
Ja Ja, skinhead, jag har en san affar.
Rambokniv at far, och gaspistol at mor
Och tva karatekappar at din bror.

(Melodi: Sockerbagaren)
En hustruplagare har bor i staden,
Han bankar frugan mest hela dagen.
Han slar med en hand, han slar med tva
Han slar med tillhyggen likasa.

Men frun har lart sig sla tillbaka,
Hon ar en sjalvforsvarskunnig maka.
Och ar du road, sa kan du ga,
Till deras lagenhet och se pa.
(Melodi: Mors lilla Olle)
Mors, lilla Olle, nu ar du slut.
Du var inte tillrackligt smart forut.
Lapparna sma utav andnod blir bla...
Mors, lilla Olle - sa kan det ga.
Stryper sa Olle med hander tva,
Kramat om strupen: Se har, smaka pa!
Olle han sparkar och faktar och slar
Men slutligen anda sitt straff han far

(Melodi: Ekorren satt i granen) 
Ekholm satt hos grannen,
Tomde Falcon-burkar.
Fick en knapp i skallen,
Ville sparka turkar.
Hoppa han pa Johansson,
Som han lart av videon,
Indiana Jones och Rambo.

         Get In Touch With


    V I R T U A L   D R E A M S
         F A I R L I G H T

         c/o FERENC TOMPAI
           Szamos Str 2.


| ___/ ____/ ____/ ___/    / ___/ ___/
| _>_\____ \____ \ _>__ |  \ |___ _>__
|    /   | /   | /    / |  /    /    /
 Take your chance,contact....
                            ! SLAM !
         Andreas   Melchert
         2 8 2 0 1   Bremen     
         G  e  r  m  a  n y

! Support the BROKEN TANKARD Packs !
        Everyone can write...

     __     ____      ____           
    /  \   / ___\    / ___\          
    \   \  \ \_/ \__ \ \_/ \__       
     \   \  \   __  \ \   __  \      
      \   \_ \  \ \  \ \  \ \  \     
       \   /  \  \/  /  \  \/  /     
        \_/o   \____/o   \____/o     
         TIBI LUTTWAK                
         JURVALANKATU 7-A.8          
         SF-33300 TAMPERE            

  .oO  D E S I R E  Oo.

     Agony of Desire
      Ingmar Eichner
       Dahlienweg 3
     48282 Emsdetten 


  .oO  D E S I R E  Oo.

-------- ALCATRAZ -------
             Stationsg 4
              532 74 SKARA
              -> SWEDEN <-

        __          _            __  
   ___ / / ________|_| _____/\  / /  
  / _ \ //\\___ \___ \ \  ___/\/ /   
  \ \\// \ \__/ /__/ / / __/ \  /DW  
 /\\ \ \_/ / __/  __/|/\/___ /  \__  
 \___/\___/_|  |_| |____\__// /\__/  
THE DEVIL'S DEN  (WHQ) 1-909-597-3747
THE DARK TOWER  (USHQ) 1-801-476-9068
BROOKLYN EMPIRE  (EHQ) 49-911-7592183
VIRTUAL REALITY (DKHQ) 45-751-62855  
THE TOWER N.1   (UKHQ) 44-253-857-553
THE TOWER N.2   (UKHQ) 44-253-859-371
OVERLOAD         (SHQ) 46-8540-63666 

     -    ________     ______   ____     _____     ______     ________     -
     -    \____/  \ __/ / /  \ /   /\   /  \_/    /  \/\ \   /  \____/     -
     -        /   //   /_/   //   / /  /\   \__  /\   \ \ \ /\   \         -
     -       /   //   / /   //    \/___\ \   \/  \ \   \ \ \\ \   \        -
     -      /___//___/ /___/\\________/\\ \___\___\ \___\ \_\\ \___\       -
     -      \___\\___\/\___\/ \_______\/ \/_______/\/___/\/_/ \/___/ Mace  -
     -        Why don't you try to contact our friendly musicians at:      -
     -                                                                     -
     -                Android of Talent         Ogier Le Petit of Talent   -
     -            V.Filippo Di Giovanni 103          Stensebyvej 28        -
     -                  80146 Palermo                  3730 Nexø           -
     -                      Italy                       Denmark            -
     -   Also try our graphicians at:                                      -
     -   Jackass of Talent      Lance of Talent        Zytron of Talent    -
     -    Gamlegrensen 20     Kerrospolku 8 as 26     Schweigaars gt. 72   -
     -     4890 Grimstad        49420  Hamina             0656  Oslo       -
     -        Norway               Finland                  Norway         -

  _/\_______  ________   ___________/\___________/\_________________________
 /          \/        \_/                               \_        \         \
/    _______    /\_____    /\_____    ___________   /    / \______/   ______/
\    ___/  \\______   \\______   \    ___/  \ /    /    /   \/   \    ___/  \
 \  /      / /   \/   / /   \/   /\  /      //    /    /\    \   /\  /      /
  \  _____/ /   _____/ /   _____/  \  _____//  __/\___/  \  ____/  \  _____/
   \____/   \___/      \___/        \____/  \___/         \___/!slam\____/

              For ELITE trading try to get in touch with ESSENCE!              

         !SLAM!                                               !STORM!
         ------                                               -------
         Andreas Melchert                             Daniel Bouillon        
         Fr.Wagenfeld-STr.2                                Hauptstr.8
         28201 Bremen 1                             64703 Brombachtal 
         Germany                                              Germany
                                            (only modules and ansis!)

            - R A M   J A M -

           Taste the Difference

        Contact us for legal swap:

           POSDNUOS / M.A.S.E.
           Cristiano / Danilo     

             Via D'Aragona 12
             66100 - CHIETI

               I T A L Y 

___/\     .   :____    __/\           
|?/:\\    :  /  \//\ /°   \   \/     
|:\::\\/\_:__\..\/ \ \. |\=/   //\___ 
| :\. // _:/ :\ °\/\\/: |/ \   /\ ___\
|____//_°_.\_!___// \|: |\ _\_/\/ °__ 
    /..\..\  |  //: /|:_| \../? \/ ?/.
   \\_____/--+--\_/  :    \/\:__..:..
.  /\        |    :   .       :  \/: .
.            :    .           .     .
.            .                       .
: ..... to get the latest ........   :
:.. .                                :
:           MICK of DESIRE           :
:            PIILIKUJA 11            :
:            SF-60100 SJK         .  .
.               FINLAND           .  .
.                                 .   
       ..... Only ELITE !!!!      :   
.  . . .. ... ....................:...
     . .. ... /\ \/  //  /\/\/\\//:Mel
AdDeR oF X-TrAdE
SeEkS FoR CoNtAcTs
So WrItE To:

976 31 LuLeA

GrEeTiNgS To:
Astro Of Movement
Biscrok Of Supplex
D-lite Of D-29
Equalizer Of Chrome
Exthalion Of Addonic 
Freddy Of Nova
Hiro Of Liquid
Mr.King Of Analog
Rockdazone Of Destiny
X3m Of Rage

I'm interested in all sorts of group
   stickers so if your group have
  stickers please send some to the
          following adress.

           MSW / EFFECT
           P.O.BOX  399
        3430 AJ Nieuwegein

Also for swapping write to the above

Are You Looking For a New Contact?   |
Do You Have an Amiga?                |
Are you Interested In Swapping Legal?|
Do You have 0-7 Days old Warez?      |                             
Do you belive in friendship?         |
 Can You Handle at Least One of      |
 These Questions, Write To:          |
           Access of INTERACTIVE     |
           Dag R. Rasch              |
           5153 Fonnes               |
           Norway.                   | 
         ...............             |
  Greetz and Golden handshakes       | 
  Fly To all my Friends and Contacts |    

            - R A M   J A M -

           Taste the Difference

         Feel free to contact me
       for friendly and legal swap:

            Franco La Cioppa     
            Via Arniense 156      
            66100 - CHIETI

               I T A L Y 


___/\     .   :____    __/\           
|?/:\\    :  /  \//\ /°   \   \/     
|:\::\\/\_:__\..\/ \ \. |\=/   //\___ 
| :\. // _:/ :\ °\/\\/: |/ \   /\ ___\
|____//_°_.\_!___// \|: |\ _\_/\/ °__ 
    /..\..\  |  //: /|:_| \../? \/ ?/.
   \\_____/--+--\_/  :    \/\:__..:..
.  /\        |    :   .       :  \/: .
.            :    .           .     .
.            .                       .
:                                    :
:.. .       RIISTAPOLKU 4            :
:           SF-60100  SJK            :
:              FINLAND               :
:                                 .  .
.        SUPPORT OUR CHIPCHOP !   .  .
.                                 .   
            Only ELITE !!         :   
.  . . .. ... ....................:...
     . .. ... /\ \/  //  /\/\/\\//:Mel
*       - = T R I F L E X = -       *
* Is searching for more cool coders *
*       to join us. Write to:       *
*                                   *
*       Zarch of Triflex WHQ        *
*          Poste Restante           *
*           6230 Rodekro            *
*             Denmark               *
*                                   *
* Call our elite BBS -=GEONET=- at: *
*    +27 21 592 2686 (Amiga & PC)   *
*                                   *
*        For mailtrading try..      *       
*           Mr.Chain/Triflex        *
*             Furustigen 9          *
*         133 34 Saltsjobaden       *
*               Sweden              *
*                                   *


I am incredibly sorry for
not sending anything, but
the Post Office has been
a real pain in my ass and
I have visited Stockholm,
so the time has been a
limit to my activities,
but now I'm all active
again. And again: sorry
for all delays.
         SCHIZO of 
At last: fuck you all 
handlestealin' creeps in
the scene!  

  __     __     __    _    __  __    
  \o\_/\/o_\/\ /o_\/\//o/\/__\/o_\/\ 
   \  _ \/_\_/ \_\\_/\\_\ / // /_\_/ 
   / //\ \_\ _/\ \\__/ // ~~/ ___/_  
  / /_\/ /__/ \ \/  / // /~\\_\__/ \ 
  \_____/___/\/\___/_//_/  /_/___/\/ 
       :. Tested On Animals .:   CpR!
  ContACT ChiPpeR For Module/Sample  
 schwapping at :                     
                 -= Chipper/DSR =-   
   Also things    Karsikkot.1 c50    
   considering   -=FIN-40340 JKL=-   
    MEMBERSHIP   -=   FINLAND   =-   
  should be sent                     
  to the same add....                
_                                    _
  \ .............................. / 
O                                    o
o   Are You Looking For Contacts ?   O
O  Do You Want To Swap Legal Shit ?  o
o   Do You Believe In Friendship ?   O
O    Do You Have 0-7 Days Stuff ?    o
o       Do You Have An Amiga ?       O
O  Do You Like The Babes in 90210 ?  o
o        Do You Hate Soaps ?         O
O Do You Like X and R Rated Movies ? o
o     If you answered at least 1     O
O         question with YES,         o
o         you must write to:         O
O                                    o
o           RADAVI / EFFECT          O
O           PAUWOOGWEIDE 53          o
o         3437 VW  NIEUWEGEIN        O
O               HOLLAND              o
o                                    O

!                                   !
 KERViN / DEFiANCE           .NEDEWS     
 Vegagatan 9        mlohelssaH 34182             
 28143 Hassleholm       11 natagageV    
 SWEDEN!              EGAR / TACDLiW 
           !NEDEWS  WiLDCAT / RAGE 
  mlohelssaH 34182  Vegagatan 11
       9 natagageV  28143 Hassleholm
!                                   !

                      __      .
    /\__             / \    
   /.   \ __  /\____  \__/____/\
   \\ \_//  \/\    .\  __/  ___ \ 
   /\  \// /\ \ /\ \\/ .\ .\  \//\ 
  // \ \\\ \/ // \/ //   \\ \\__// \
  \_____/\\ __/__/__/\____/\  _____/
     [G]  \/                \/ 
      .oO  cOnTaCt SoNiC aT  Oo. 

            GAMMA / SONIC!           
            09430 SAUKKOLA      

    ! OnLy FoR eLiTe MaIlTrAdInG !    

       ___  ___  ___  ___  _   
   !!!/   \/   \/   \/   \/ \/\
   !!/  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /
   !/   _/   _/  / /  / /-  _/!
   /  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /!!

   Send your articles, adverts,
        news and votes to
          CeMeTeRY NeWS   

          CeMeTeRY NeWS   

     We need article writers.
   Also for cliparts. Format is
   Medres 16 color. Max 320x200

|      KAZZ OF THE FUN FACTORY       |
|     If ya wanna more contacts      |
|        then try this one :         |
|    ___________________________     |
|   /                           \    |
|   \  KAZZ of THE FUN FACTORY  /    |
|    \                         /     |
|     \     43170 HAKKILA     /      |
|      \                     /       |
|       \      FINLAND      /        |
|        \_________________/         |
|                                    |
|                                    |
|          ONLY ELITE ! ! !          |
|                                    |
|      KAZZ OF THE FUN FACTORY       |
 |                           |
 |     B * R*O*N*X     |
 |                           |
 |    Louder than a bomb!    |
 |                           |
 |  GART searchin for (COOL  |
 | and ELITE dudez....       |
 |                           |
 |  GART/BRONX               |
 |  PK:170 - BAKIRKOY        |
 |  ISTANBUL - TURKIYE       |
 |                           |
 |   Also for messages and   |
 | adverts to Auschwitz..    |
 |                           |
 |   Also for VHS swappin'   |
 |                           |

     SuPp0Rt 's0Uth of hEaVEn'      
  a NeW wArEz & ChiP ]MuSiC S3Ri3   
         B - R - O - N - X
     yOur lAtESt DeM0s & iNtR0S     
            SaM Of bR0nX            
          Pk: 151-bAkiRkOY          

       YoUR lAtESt ChiP tUnEs       
      yOYo Of fIfTh gEnERAti0n      
         bORnUmErStRaSsE 1          
        w-3OOO  hAnNoVEr 91         
 -thERe'S N0 hEaVen WithOUt a heLL-

| ___/ ____/ ____/ ___/    / ___/ ___/
| _>_\____ \____ \ _>__ |  \ |___ _>__
|    /   | /   | /    / |  /    /    /
 My addy:      Andreas Melchert
                   28201 Bremen 

Some Hellos:Touchstone,Dascon,Slicer,
Slash,Zany,Majic Mushroom,Stearo,Dark

       ___  ___  ___  ___  _   
   !!!/   \/   \/   \/   \/ \/\
   !!/  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /
   !/   _/   _/  / /  / /-  _/!
   /  / /  / /  / /  / /  / /!!
   TuRbO of da BRONX! searchy 4
   da |<OOL friends. especially
   Graffiti artists, Rap freaks
   and TURKs. Here'z da addrezz

    Mahmutbey cd. Bahtiyar sk.
   Konak apt. 2/29 - Sirinevler
        Istanbul - TURKIYE

         No business swap!
        Only friendly swap!
   Also for VHS swap! All tapes
       are back guarantee.. 
      _______   _______   _______                         
     /__  __/\ / _____/\ / _____/\                      
     \ / / _\// /_ ___\// /_ ___\/                     
      / / /  / __/\    / __/\                     
     /_/ /  /_/ _\/   /_/ _\/                       
     \_\/   \_\/      \_\/                       
     If ya wanna elite and cool                              
       contact , you should                                
            write to :                          
       KAZZ of THE FUN FACTORY                               
            43170 HAKKILA                        
     DISK(S) = 100% answer ! ! !                               

            __________   __________   __________   ____    ___       ___ 
           /      ___ \ /      ___ \ /     ___  \ /    \   \  \      \  \
           \/\   /\ / /\\/\   /\ / /\\/\  /\ /  /\\/\  /\  /  /\     /  /\
            \/  /__/ / / \/  /__/ / / \/ /  /  / / \/  \/ /  / / \  /  / /   
            /   _  _/ /  /   _  _/ /  / /  /  / /  /    \/ _/ /\  \/  / /   
           /   /\\ \\/  /   //  \\/  / /  /  / /  /  /\    \\/  \    / /   
          /   /  / /\  /   //   /\  / /  /  / /  /  / /\   /\   /    \/  
       /\/   /  / / / /   //   / / / /  /  / /  /  / / /  / /  /  /\  \
       \    /__/ / / /   //   / / / /__/  / /  /  / / /  / /  /  / /\  \
        \_______/ / /___//___/ /  \______/ /  /__/ / /__/ /  /__/ /  \__\
         \______\/  \___\\___\/    \_____\/   \__\/  \__\/   \__\/    \__\ 
                      I'm looking for new *COOL* contacts.       

                           * *  Vortex of Bronx  * * 
                                 Keskustie 55   
                                16800 Koski HL  

                                ONLY ELITE !!!

    -    ________     ______   ____     _____     ______     ________    -
    -    \____/  \ __/ /\/ /_ /   /\   /  \_/    /  \/\ \   /  \____/    -
    -        /   //   /_/   /X   / /  /\   \__  /\   \ \ \ /\   \        -
    - /\  __/   //   /\/   ///   \/___\ \   \/  \ \   \ \ \\ \   \ /\  __-
    -   \/ /___//___/ /___/ X________/\\ \___\___\ \___\ \_\\ \___\  \/  -
    -      \___\\___\/\___\/ \_______\/ \/___V___/\/___/\/_/ \/___/(Mace)-
    - Contact us for joining at:      Stripe The Gremlin                 -
    -                                 Just Brochs gt. 1c                 -
    -                                     2300 Hamar                     -
    -  Please only TaLeNtS!!                Norway                       -
    -                                                      Mace          -
    -  Contact Mace for trading gfx and modules etc:   Skogveien 60      -
    -                                                 6500 Kr.sund N     -
    -                                                     Norway         -
    -  Elites should try:        Sadman                                  -
    -                      Nordmorsveien  155                            -
    -                        6500 Kr.sund N                              -
    -                            Norway                100% answer       -

      _______   _______   _______                         
     /__  __/\ / _____/\ / _____/\                      
     \ / / _\// /_ ___\// /_ ___\/                     
      / / /  / __/\    / __/\                     
     /_/ /  /_/ _\/   /_/ _\/                       
     \_\/   \_\/      \_\/                       
     Do ya wanna contact from TFF                            
      if ya do , try this one :                              
       KAZZ of THE FUN FACTORY                               
            43170 HAKKILA                        
     DISK(S) = 100% answer ! ! !                               
  _____  _____  ____  _____  _____
 /   . \/   . \/    \/     \/ \   \
 \     /_     /_   \ \  \   \_    /_
 z\    . \  \   \   \ \  \   \  \   \
    !contact ZANU of .oO BRoNX Oo.    
    for d FUCKiNG hot MAiLtrading!      
    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --+ 
    SF-78850 VARKAUS
    +-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 




         Dr.Matrix of CSW
           Kuusitie 17
          28400  ULVILA

  ||    \                          L
  ||    /          WoRd !         O
  ||    \          ~~~~~~          U
  ||____/\    If YoU wAnNa SwAp   D
   ||    /    KeWl StUff.......    E
   ||    \                        R
   ||_|\_|    GeT iN tOuCh WiTh
  ||    |     RaVeTrOnIc/BrOnX!    T
  ||    |     -----------------   H
  ||____|       MiKa VuOrElA       A
   ||    |      LaAkSoNtIe 4      N
   ||    |    FIN- 62100 LaPuA
 \\\|_|\_|        FiNlAnD          A
  \\\//       -----------------
   \\\         100 % AnSwEr!      B
  ///\\      ( 2 COOL GUYZ ! )     O
 ///  \\                          M
              INCLUDE DISKS !!     B
o GoRe o.                        !
                                        =     ________  ,_.  .`_________    ;=
                                        =- : / __  __ \ / \  : \______  \  : =
                                        =   .\/\/  \_\/X  /\.'  /  /\/  /\ _ =
       Contact me for swapping          = ;_ ,\/    \\X/ /_/__./  / /  / /., =
      -------------------------         =      \____/\\______/\\_/ /\_/ /.   =
                                        = :'  . \___\/ \_____\/ \\/ .\\/ .   :
              Mace/Talent               =    . :  ';    , ,   . :   .   .    =
             Skogveien  60              =:. .   .   .  .     ,   ,           =
           6500 Kristiansund            =    For pure ELITE trading, try  ;  =
                Norway                  = .:  this address:  .  : '  .  '    =
                                        =   '  .  , .             .   . ' .  =
        Disk(s) = 100% answer           = .     .  .  Sadman/Talent .:   :   =
                                        =  : '      Nordmørsveien 155  ', .  =
      -------------------------         = :  ;  .   6500 Kristiansund .      =
                                        =         .  .   Norway   .:  '  ;.  =
                                        = Fast greets to:          .    :    =
                                        = Midway, Symbiosis, Manitou, Legend =
                                        = Stone Arts, Bad Track, Avalon, LD..=

    _____  _____  _____ ___ __  __ __
 ::/   )):/   )):/   ///  |///://////
 :/   ((:/ __((:/ / ///    //::)_((::
 /    ))/ / )))/   /// /| //://////::
 ~~~~~~~~~  ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~  ~~ ~~
    .oO) Louder than a Bomb! (Oo.
 F                                  F
 r    U mIghT wAnT tO cOnTaCt :   r
 i                                  i
  e     -=) GORE of BRONX! (=-     e
 n          Toni Kurkimaki          n
  d         Peramaentie 12         d
 s        FIN - 62100 Lapua!        s
  h            Funland             h
 i             ~~~~~~~              i
  p     Tel.358-(9)64-4332196!     p
 GrEeTz Go To : .SteLLar.LeGEnD.SaNiTy
 .ViRtUaL DreAMs Of FaiRLiGHt.GeNOcIdE
. ------        --                 --   .      GAMES, GAMES, GAMES!!!
.   --   .----- --   .----. -----. ---- .
.   --   --  -- --   --  -- --  -- --   .
.   --   --  -- --   -----' --  -- --   .   I looking for HOT game-contacts!
.   --   `----- `--- `----- --  -- `--- .   
.                                       .          Thomas Aandahl
.      DO YOU WANT A NEW FRIEND?        .          Buesvingen  12
.                                       .          6500 Kr.sund N
.           TRY ME:                     .              Norway
.                                       .
.             MACE OF TALENT            .
.              SKOGVEIEN 60             .    Please send a disk and your       
.              6500 KR.SUND             .    updated list of wares, ok?
.                 NORWAY                .
.                                       .         DON'T HESITATE!!
. For friendship fun, you don't need to .
. be a loosy melon! Ok, grab your pen....    ....ofcourse, 100% answer!

 ___                                 ___ ____ ___ __ _ _
/\  \                               /  //___//__//_/////
\ \  \______     ______   __  __  _/\  \    _____    ______  __  __  ______
 \ \   ___  \_  /   __ \ /\ \/__\/   __ \  /  ___\  /   __ \/\ \/__\/   __ \
  \ \  \_/\_  \/\  /_/\ \\ \  \_/\  /_/\ \/\  \__/ /\  /_/\ \ \  \_/\  /_/\ \
   \ \  \\//\  \ \ \ \/  \\ \  \\ \ \ \/  \ \  \   \ \ \ \/  \ \  \\ \      /
    \ \  \ \ \  \ \ \/\   \\ \  \\ \ \/\   \ \  \___\ \ \/\   \ \  \\ \ \__/__
     \ \__\ \ \__\ \____/\__) \__\\ \____/\_) \______\ \______/\ \__\\ \______\
 Mace \/__/  \/__/\/___/\/_/ \/__/ \/___/\/_/\/______/\/_____/  \/__/ \/______/
                                            /  \  /\
                                           /    \/  \  /\
  SYSOP: MR.Z/TALENT                      /  C   \   \/  \  /\
  PHONE: +47 63 880172                   /________\A  \   \/  \
  OPEN 24 HOURS                               /________\L  \   \
  SUPRA FAX 14400 BPS / Amiga 4000(040)            /________\L  \ it NOW!

_________  __________________   
\_____   \/   ____/     ____/ 
 |   |    \   |___\____    \ DUAL CReW    
 |   |    /   |   \   |    /  SHiNiNG  
 |_____  /\_____  /_____  / 
 This is a new point of view...

 The pure elite can try:

  Greetings to      EXCiTER/DUAL CReW
  all DUAL'ers             INGO KAMPS
  and to all       BODELSCHWINGHSTR.7
  my contacts.         48527 NORDHORN

      ...and it shines even brighter!
| ___/ ____/ ____/ ___/    / ___/ ___/
| _>_\____ \____ \ _>__ |  \ |___ _>__
|    /   | /   | /    / |  /    /    /

                     Andreas Melchert 
                       28201 Bremen 1

for swapping and more..........!     

           - R A M   J A M -

          Taste the Difference

          Send your votes to:

              THE CHARTS
              P.O BOX 23     
           I-07040 FERTILIA        

        The only CHART which is out
        every month....


:::                                :::
::    Contact me for swapping:      ::
:.                                  .:
:         Limbo/Noxious              :
.         Skragatan 7                .
          S-275 36 Sjobo
:            Sweden                  :
.                                    .
:           Only ELITE!!!            :
::                                  ::
::.           - NOXIOUS -          .::
:::.                              .:::
::::.   When Nog is not Enough ! .::::

_________  __________________   
\_____   \/   ____/     ____/ 
 |   |    \   |___\____    \ DUAL CReW    
 |   |    /   |   \   |    /  SHiNiNG  
 |_____  /\_____  /_____  / 
 This is a new point of view...

 The pure elite can try:

  Greetings to      EXCiTER/DUAL CReW
  all DUAL'ers             INGO KAMPS
  and to all       BODELSCHWINGHSTR.7
  my contacts.         48527 NORDHORN

      ...and it shines even brighter!

     is searching for new contacts
    If you are interested write to:

         THe RiPPeR/NiGHTFALL
             P.O. BOX 102
           I-34100  TRiESTE

       100% REPLY TO EVERYONE!!
       Editors are very WELCOME

 c   _     _   _____ P ___       c    
 o  |  \ /  | |  _  |O|  _ \     o    
 n  | |\_/| | | |_| |L| | \  \   n    
 t  | |   | | |   _ |A| |__\  |  t    
 a  |_|   |_|P|_| |_|N|_______|  a    
 c         _ O     _ D _ P ____  c    
 t |||||| | |L    | | // O|  __| t    
P    PL   | |A    | |//  L| |__    P  
O  |||||| | |N    |   \  A|___ |   O  
L    PL   | |D__  | |\ \ N __| |   L  
A  |||||| |_____| |_| \_\D|____|   A  
N fast, good, friendship, swapping N  
D    ------------------------    a D  
 d   |   Kopara / MAD ELKS  |  1 n    
 i   | Os. Pod Lipami 1/24  |  0 s    
 s   |    61-628 Poznan     |  0 w    
 c   |        POLAND        |  % e    
     ------------------------    r    

+                                +
+    Do you like LONG letterz?   +
+     Do you like NEW stuff?     +
+    Do you like FAST sendings?  +
+                                +
+If YES, Then this is the address+
+                                +
+        4 REAL swapping         +  
+                                +
+          Randel/Tech           +  
+          Hr.Hillestrøm         +
+          Smedievej 29         +  
+          3400 Hillerød         + 
+          D E N M A R K         +
+                                +
+ PS...Send your contact list... +                  
+ PS...Greetz to all my contacts +

             L E M O N .              
       |  Voorste-Gewind 20           
       |  4161 AC  Heukelum           
          LEROY /\of/\ NUANCE
        _______/  \/  \_______
           24 MORLEYS HILL
          BURTON- ON- TRENT
              DE13 OTA
           +44(0)283 64888
             N U A N C E

  __  __ _   _    __  _______________
 || \|: ||| | |/\|: \| |||____| ____/
 |: \\  |:|_| | \\| \\ :|:\___| _>___
 ..........PART OF THE ART..........
     Contact Me For Legal Elite
       M A I L T R A D I N G:

          Andreas Spiess
        Neuenlander Str.2A
          27356 Rotenburg
      W E S T  G E R M A N Y

     Greetings to all friends
          and Contacts!!


         _____/\_____/\___/\  .__/\_____/\_____/\
        /       \      \    \ |    \  .   \   /  \ A CADAVER BB$:
       /         \_     \  ./ |   . \ |\   \      \
      /    ___\  / \     \ |  |   | /_| \   \  \   \ - > +47-07-98-10-52 <-
     /    /    \/ _/     / ¡\/¡   |/__¡ /   /  |\  /
    /    /   __  <__   _/____     ||  \/   /   | \/  SYSOP:MR.T / CDR
    \   /\__/  \   /    \    \    ||  .   /    |     240 MG$, Open 24H
     \     /    \ /     //\  /    ||  |__/|    |
      \_________/ \    //  \/    /¡|  |   |____|        CALL NOW !!!
                   \  /<________/  |__|   :    :
                    \/[MRG/FTA]    :  .

                 /_ \
                 \/  \  
                 /   /\      
                /   /_/___    ___________    ______    ______  
        _______/   /   __ \__/   __   __ \__/   __ \__/   __ \____________   
  / / //_/____/   /   /\/  \/   /\/  /\/  \/   /\/  \/   /\/  \________/_// / /
             /   /   ______/   / /  / /   /   / /   /   / /   /\       
            /   /   /\____/   / /  / /   /   /_/   /   / /   / /___ 
           /___/\______/\/___/ /__/ /___/\________/___/ /___/ //__/\   
           \___\/\_____\/\___\/\__\/\___\/\_______\___\/\___\/ \__\/     

Support the upcomming chart called Charto Alternativo by sending in your votes!

Get your own personal vote-sheet from a LEMON. member or simply order one at:

           KR'33, Voorste Gewind 20, 4161 AC, Heukelum, Holland!

              (Also for swapping and getting Propaganda fast!)

           _____/\_______/\______/\_______/\ ___  _/\_____/\ _____/\
           \  ___/\       /\  ___  \       //  / /  /\  ___/ \  ___ \
           /\/|    \_/\  / /\/| /  /\_/\  //  / /  / /\/|__\ /\/   _/
          /   |___ / _/ / /   |/  / / _/ / \  \/  / /   |___/  |\  \
          \___   / \// /  \___   /  \// /   \_/  /  \___   /\__|/\  \
            Y \_/   /_/     Y \_/    /_/     Y\_/     Y \_/   Y   \_/
            !  Y     Y      !  Y      Y      ! Y      !  Y    !    Y
            :  !     !      :  !      !      : !      :  !    :    !
            o  :     :      .  :      :      o .      .  .    .    :
               O     o      o  .      o        O         o    .    .
                               O                      O       O    o
 Call the new Cadaver BBS now! It's called DIGITAL CITY and it's packed with
                    new Amiga stuff for YOUR pleasure!!

Sysop is Noise Data, it's run with 25 Mhz, 120 megs, USR Dual 14.4, 5 meg ram.

                             Call this number:    
                    >>>>  +38 (0) 63 85 16 61  <<<<

..       ____                  
..      /.-, \                      -(- MiLkShAkE of InTeRaCtIvE -)- ..
..      \____/            /\                                         ..
..      _____            /  \           Dag R. Rasch (Write)         ..
..     / . . \          / !  \          N-5153 Fonnes                ..
..    / ,     \        /     \\         Norway.                      ..
..   / /   ?   \      /   /\  \\                                     ..
..  /           \    /.  /  \   \    For Friendship and 0-7 Days     ..
.. / /     !     \  /   /    \  .\   old Shit...Also techno.         ..
../\         /?   \/   /      \   \                                  ..
..\     !         / /      !      .\    Looooong`n Cool Letters      ..
.. \        _____/ /   .    .       \   Prefered.                    ..
..  \__    /  !M/ / _____________    \                               ..
..     \  /   I/   /             \ \  \ ....ONLY NICE & FAST GUYS......
..      \/   L/.  /e              \ \  \-----------------------------..
..           k\  /K                \   .\                            ..
..            S\/A                  \_? /                            ..
..              h                     \/                             ..

               / _____  _____  _____  _____  _  __  _____  _____ \
              / / ___/ / ___ \|  __ \/ ___ \| | \ \/ ___ \|  __ \ \
             / /  \___/  \_/    |_/    \_/    |_/    \_/  \ |_/ /  \
            /  \                                      ____/     \   \
           /    \_____/\  |__/|_____/\__|  /|_____/\_________|  /    \
          /             \ |             | /                  | / [SP] \
         \                                                             /

  Contact me for pure ELITE swapping of diskmags, demos, trackmos, dentros,
  slideshows, tools and own-productions! DON'T SEND INTROS OR INTRO-PAX IF
          IT'S NOT YOUR GROUPS PRODUCTION!! I hate intros!!

        It's a 100 percent fair chance that I'll answer you if you:
   * Are a member of a known group * Send a disk * Send cool stuff only!!


             /   \\  _______  _____  ______  __  __  _____  _____
            /    //./      \\|    \.\\    \|| \|o|/   __|||    \
           // /\_/ ||   |    | |\  |_\_/|  ||  |: ||   _)_||  |\ \
          //  \_/\|:       _|. | ) |   _   |  | ||  |   |       )
          \\      \\\   || / \  |/  |  |_|  |_   . |:  |   ||  |  \\
           \____  //____|_/__|\____/\_______/____/|_______|___|____\
               \__/       \___/                              SnuFf

Send your latest own-productions to TRAUMA so I can use it in my new pack
       coming soon: Demos, cool intros, dentros, mags etc......
   Also for ultra-pure ELITE swapping of demos, slides, MAGS, tools etc.

     TrAuMa/CaDaVeR, hElGe NoRvAnG, bOx 730, N-1733 h.0y, NoRwAy......



       Dag R. Rasch
       N-5153 Fonnes


+++++ iNFOCOM GaMERS ++++
+ should try contacting +
+                       +
+Stationsgatan 4        +
+532 74 SKARA, SWEDEN   +
+                       +
+ for exchanging tips,  +
+philosophies and ideas +
+ about iNFOCOM games.  +
+                       +
+ REMEMBER. 42 is the   +
+  answer. But what is  +
+   the question ?      +

          _____    ___      _____    _____    ___      _____    _____
   ======/*    \==/+  \====/+ // \==/+ _  \==/+  \====/+    \==/*    \==
   -----/    __/-/     \--/      /-/  //  /-/     \--/      /-/    __/--
   ====/    __/=/      /=/      /=/      /=/      /=/   ___/=/    __/===
   ---/      /-/  /   /-/      /-/      /-/  /   /-/      /-/      /----


    --===> A New group - Enhance, Searches 4 Members With Dis Ad <===--

   Coders, Musicians, Graphicians - Please send examples of your worx to

              .....Overdose!....   (-:   .......Dazl........
              ...3.Apreece Way..         ..4..Woodville.Rd..
              ......Stilton.....    or   .....Blackburn.....
              ....Peterborough..         .......Lancs.......
              ......PE7.3XG.....         ......BB1.5NU......
              ......ENGLAND.....   :-)   ......ENGLAND......

     _   ____ __________ ______ ______   __ ___________ _____       __________
    / \ |   .|          |      |     /  /  |\         .|     ||\   /   ______/
   //  \|   :|\/.  ..  .|\ __    __ /  //  | \/   ..  :|\/   || \__\___    \
  /     \   .|/ :  ||  | /   :    \  /   :| / :  ||  .|/    ||  \     |    \
 //          |  .  ||  :|/    .  .  \//   .|/  .  ||   |     :    \          \

                              Skragatan 7
                               S-275 36 Sjobo

               .oOo. Contact me for some ELITE swapping!!! .oOo.

............. OVERDOSE ..............

  Is searching 4 someone to sell him
    the latest in VHS movies at a
          reasonable price!!
  If U think U can help then please
 contact me at the address below....

            3 APREECE WAY
               PE7 3XG

    I am mostly interested in the
  latest films and any anime that is
  available. (Must be good quality)
       ____    |\     .    X          
     /\\_  \   | | /\ |\  / \  __/\   
    /..\ |  \  | |/  \| |/._.\/ ___\  
   / /\ \| \ \ | | /\ | | / \ \/____  
  / /  \ \ |\ \| |/__\| | \_/ / \__ \ 
 / /____\ \| \ \ |/___| |\___/\ __/ /
/ //_______\  \  |    |___  ___\_  /  
\/             \/         \/     \/   

    DYNAMITE / ANALOG is searching
   more Contax all around the World.
  Contact me for swap, sample swap or
     musician-chat at this addy:    
          Sirko Zidlewitz     
         14770 Brandenburg
     or call +49-(0)3381-303544
    I like phreaking, especially
            long calls!
............. OVERDOSE! .............

  Is searching for more kewl contax
  If U fit the bill then write to..


         1 Disk  = 99% Reply
        2+ Disks = 100% Reply
       Nice Letter = 100% Reply
   Nice Letter + Disks = 200% Reply
   Lamer = Your House Firebombed!!!
        _    _    _    _    _    _    
      / // /  \\/  \\/  \\/  \\/ //   
     / //\\ /\ \\/\ \\/\ \\/\ \\//    
    /   _// \/ //// //// //\/ ///     
   / /\ \\/\  /// \//// //\  ///_     
   \/// //\\\///  \/// // / //\/\\    
     / //\ \\  .^.  / // / //\  //    
       conTaCt k3rNaL oF aNaLoG       
  [cod3r, maiLtRad3r & pC-$UpPoRt3r]  
  *********  Mario Hoehne  *********  
       Magdeburger Landstr. 130       
      14770  Brandenburg / Havel      
            United Germany            
  If you're KEWL, you're RIGHT here!  
   100% reply 4 cool lettas & disx.  
  gR33tZ 2 aLl m fRiEnD$ worLDWiD3!  
  .. `tH3 $K ha$ no limit` rUl3z ..  
 +    /\______   _        _______     =      Contact our coders for swapp
 =   /________\ / \      /_____  \    +      of ideas and routines:
 +   \__/  /\__X  /\     \/  /\\  \   =
 =     /   \/ /   \/     /   \//  /\  +           Necro/Talent
 +    /    /\/    <__/\ /    /X  / /  =           Kapt. Bothners gt. 18
 =    \_  / /\  ______/\\___/ X_/ /   +           6500 Kr.sund N
 +     \\/ /  \/\_____\/ \__\/ \\/    =           Norway
 =       \/    \/                     +
 +  For swapping of gfx, modules and  =           or:
 =  also latest wares, contact me at: +           Stripe the Gremlin/Talent
 =          Mace of Talent            +           Just Brochs gt. 1c
 +           Skogveien 60             =           2300 Hamar
 =          6500 Kr.sund N            +           Norway
 +              Norway                =
 = Fast greetz to:                    +            Call our BBS now!!
 + Alcatraz, Lemon, DCS, Circle, M12, =      "Town of tunes"  +45 3151 3187
 = Balance, Melon Design, Stone Arts, +      Sysop: Djengis Khan
 + Cdr, Legend, Devils, AF, Wizzcat.. =      Lots of modules, vote in the
 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+      Eurochart, latest of demos etc..

         ___/\      /\___      /\___      /\_        /\___      /\_______    
        /    o\    /    o\    /    o\    /o  |      /    o\    /o_______/
       /   |  \\  /  ||  \\  /   |  \\  //   |___  /   |  \\  //  |____ 
      /        \\/   ||   \\/        \\//    |   \/    |   \\//   |    \ 
     /     |     \   ||     \    |     \     |    \    |     \    |     \
     \_____|_____/___||_____/____|_____/__________/__________/________  /
                                                               çhåo$° \/
  & aLwAy$ r3/X\3mBeR :     t H 3  $ k Y  h A s  n 0  l ! m i T     : y3ke!?
   gRaPhiCiAn //     \/                             Dirk Wiemer    
      /\_____/ \ /\  /\/\______                 Thueringer Str. 150    
      \  ___/ \/(__\/  \__  __/                  14770 Brandenburg      
   ___/ /  \\  \_/ \\(./  )  \_____      [ oFc0Z $tuP!d n3w Dschoermenie! ]    
      \__  / \  /  /\\/ _____/           .....d3nn WER i$t HEUTE noch $ToLZ
         \/\_/\(______\/   ^             ein s0g3nAnnT3r d3utscheR zU sein?
              (_/     \) mA|LtRaD3r      fUcK off All p!$$3d fAscho-$hiT !!
 n0w folX, wRiT3 s00n & mAk3 mY dAy. 100% aN$w3r gUaRaNt3D - fR!3nD$hiP mAk3s  
 iT pos$!bLe. l3t`s dEfiN3 n3w diZ woRd! bY dA waY, gR33tZ 2 aLL mY conTax !!
                                        ^ tHanX mUm, tHat I mAy bE liv3! ^ 

o    Looking for new contact's?!    o                         
O  Why don't you write some lines   O                                       
o               To:                 o        
O                                   O    
o          Izerman/Noice            o                 
O             Pl 3097               O            
o         S-430 10 Tvaaker          o                    
O             Sweden                O           
o                                   o              
O       Call Dope Connection        O                          
o         +46-31-XXXXXXX            o                    
OGreetings to:Trsi,Paradise,Majic 12O                                       
oThe Electronic Knights,Liqiud,S!P, o
ODualcrew-Shining,Lemon.,Wizzcat,   O
oRazor 1911,Parasite,Stellar,2000 Ado                                       
OEquinox,Abosulte,Genetic,Alcatraz, O                                      
o5th Generation,Analog,Chrome,Grace o
OAnd the rest we have forgot!...    O
        ___________________    _______________        /   .\   __________
       //   _______        \  //   _______    \      /     \\ //  ______/
       \\   _   \ \\    _   \_\\   _   \ \\    \ ___/       \\/__/_____ 
       //    \   \ \\   \\    \/    \   \ \\    \\  \        //__     / 
       \\     \   \ \\   \\    \     \   \ \\    \\  \      /  //    / 
        \\____/\__/  \\__/\\___/\____/\__/  \\________\    /________/  
           T H E   S K Y   H A S   N O   L I M I T S ! \__/ ^çhåø$^
           If you want to support the cool Pack-Mag NEVER MIND with
            ^      L A T E S T  O W N  P R O D U C T I O N S     ^
                ^           N I C E  A D V E R T S           ^
                    ^        C O O L  M E S S Y S        ^
                        ^       H O T  N E W S       ^ 
               than contact Mr.King of Analog under diz address
           Joerg Goedden   Postfach 3143   46434 Emmerich   Germany  
   Please send your free adverts and messys in the sizes 39*23 and 78*23 on 
   a disk.  All disks will be returned with the next issue of Never Mind !!


   Contact Izerman of Noice  
     for fast n' friendly
     |  Izerman of Noice |
     *  Pl 3097          *
     |  S-430 10 Tvaaker |
     *  Sweden           *
     |                   |
       *-(Elite Only)-*       

 |    ---------------------   |
 |    ---------------------   |
 |   NeEd'S nEw CoNtAcTs FoR  |
 |   LeGaL eLite MaILtRaDiNg  |
 |                            |
 |     66 MANTON CRESCENT     |
 |          WORKSOP           |
 |           NOTTS            |
 |      S80 2RG   ENGLAND     |
 |                            |
 |    ! LEGAL !  ! ELITE !    |
 |                            |


    New funny guys in Turkiye!

  If you wanna swap with swapping
 with funny dudes. Don't hasitate!
 write to this address...

  Resitpasa cad. NO:68 , K:2 , D:3
     34840 - AVCILAR - ISTANBUL

   Especialy beginners, coders..

A                              N
R         GART/BRONX           O
T                              R
/ I'm searching cool and ELITE B
B  Contact all over the world  /
R  do you want to swp with me  T
O      write this address      R
N                              A
X                              G
         GART of BRONX                          
G Sakiz Agaci Asmali Sakiz Sok X
A    no:40 daire:5 Bakirkoy    N
T                              R
/      disk = %100 answer      B
B    But if are you a lamer    /
R  than you are always looser  T

Hej alla unga och arga!
Las om anarkismen och
annat trevligt som du
kan saga till de javla
brackorna som gar
omkring och sager att
det som ar bra for de
rika ar bra for dig 
ocksa. Sa ar det INTE!
Ring 08-673 37 40 for
en katalog om bocker 
fran Federativs Forlag.
Kampen fortsatter!

Hi there antifascist gals
and boys! Here is a cool
phone number to WAPiTi,
a place for anarchistic
litterature and kewl

Call> +46-46-140 977<

and order your copy of
their book catalog.
See more in their
adverts in BRAND.

 |    KICKMAN   Of    BRONX      |
 |           THE GLOBE....       |
 |    LETTER+DISK=%100 ANSWER    |
 |           DISK=% 80 ANSWER    |      
 |         LETTER=% 30 ANSWER    |
 |         HERE'S MY ADDY;       |
 |          KICKMAN/BRONX        |                 
 |     NO:7/9 DAIRE:9 PANGALTI   |                                           
 |           ISTANBUL            |
 |            TURKEY             |
*         VORTEX of BRONX         *
*                                 *
*    Write to me for FAST and     *
*      FRIENDLY swaping !!!       *
*                                 *
*                                 *
*        VORTEX of BRONX          *
*        Keskustie 55             *
*        16800 Koski HL           *
*        FINLAND                  *
*                                 *
*                                 *
*           99% answer            *
*                                 *
*       1% IS PURE LAMERS         *
*                                 *

  _/\_______  ________   ___________/\___________/\_________________________
 /          \/        \_/                               \_        \         \
/    _______    /\_____    /\_____    ___________   /    / \______/   ______/
\    ___/  \\______   \\______   \    ___/  \ /    /    /   \/   \    ___/  \
 \  /      / /   \/   / /   \/   /\  /      //    /    /\    \   /\  /      /
  \  _____/ /   _____/ /   _____/  \  _____//  __/\___/  \  ____/  \  _____/
   \____/   \___/      \___/        \____/  \___/         \___/!slam\____/

              For ELITE trading try to get in touch with ESSENCE!

         !SLAM!                                               !STORM!
         ------                                               -------
         Andreas Melchert                             Daniel Bouillon
         Fr.Wagenfeld-STr.2                                Hauptstr.8
         28201 Bremen                               64703 Brombachtal
         Germany                                              Germany
                                            (only modules and ansis!)

           _LIKE A VIRGIN_
     __  ________  __  ____________  
    /_ \/_  /_ _ \/_ \/_  / __/ __/
   / / / / / / / / / / / / __/__ /

       CASKET / DAMONES___ _ 
       69950 PERHO CITY

       VOICE +358 68 631 548_

    _______/\  __/\___  __/\  __  __/\___  __/\___  __/\_____ _____/\_
   (______   \ \____  \ \_  \/  \ \____  \ \____  \ \________)________)K!
    |    |    \/   |   \/ \      \/   |   \/   |   \/    ____)_____   \
    |    |     \   _    \  \  /   \   |    \   |    \    |   \    |    \



    V I R T U A L    D R E A M S



           Ferenc Tompai
           Szamos Str. 2
           H U N G A R Y


         F A I R L I G H T


   ________     ________________  __  
  / __  / /\   / __  / ____/ / /\/ /\ 
 /  ___/ /_/\_/ __  / /\__/ /  \/ / / 
/__/\__\_____/_/ /_/_/ /P/_/_/\__/ /  
\__\/   \____\_\/\_\_\/T \_\_\/\_\/   

  I s  l O O k I n g  f O r  m O r E

   G  F  X  -  A  R  T  I  S  T  S

   s E n d  E x A m p l E s  t O :

          (Damion of Platin)
         Jens-Oliver Klokkers         
            Marrinksweg  5
            48531 Nordhorn


 ..o.O=- ALCATRAZ -=O.o..

 LiKE To GeT NEW? I dont.
 Hehe, but Seriously,kick
 me a letter and ein/zwei
 disks at>> 
 .oOo.oOo.   SCHiZO/ATZ
 .oOo.oOo.   Stationsg 4
             532 74 SKARA
             -> SWeDEn <-

          You are:

Long letter swapper....
ELITE musician.........
Danish ELITE...........
Or you send me some small
interesting things.

        Chorus / Quartz
        Mikkel Ploug
        Smedievej 97
        3400 Hillroed

tlf: 42 26 21 68....

Also for joining Quartz DK..
      !!! ONLY ELITE !!!
___/ |__/  \__| \___/  \____/  \_
__/  |_/    \_|  \__\   \__/   /_
_|   |_|     \|   |__\   \/   /__
_|   |_|   |\     |___\      /___
_|  /__|  /__\    /____\    /____
_| /___| /____\  /______\  /_____
 |/    |/      \/        \/

 4 FAst & FRiEnDlY SWaP WRiTe 2:

     /\/oRBY 0F /n\/eSTAt/oN

------- NORBY/INVESTATION -------
-------    P.O. BOX 20    -------
-------   56-300 MILICZ   -------
-------    P O L A N D    ------- 

     DISK(S) = 100.1% ANSWER
        ALSO 5.25 DISK(S)

            d - m a g e
          virtual  dreams
         f a i r l i g h t
         c/o ferenc tompai
           szamos str. 2.



           ADRIAN DOLNY
           62-850 LISKOW
           WOJ. KALISKIE




         P.O. BOX 144
       05-822 MILANOWEK


           _LIKE A VIRGIN_
     __  ________  __  ____________  
    /_ \/_  /_ _ \/_ \/_  / __/ __/
   / / / / / / / / / / / / __/__ /

       CASKET / DAMONES___ _ 
       69950 PERHO CITY

           P A R A D I S E.    
        - -- -------- --- -- 
              STEARO !     
            Stephan Bal
           Holzh.weg 58 A     
          21217 Seevetal 2 

            hAppy trAde !...  


          Cyclon / Eskimos
             PoBox 1115
           12631 Berlin

   FAX & PHONE: 49 (0)30 5410980

        ____  ______  ___ ____  __    
       / /  \/ / / _\/ _// /  \/  \   
      / / / / / /   /\ \/ / / / / /\  
     / / / /  _/ / / / / / / / / / /  
    /_/_/_/__//_/_/___/_/\__/_/_/ /   
          Stinger Of Invasion         
            Kotipellontie 6           
              32740 Aetsa             
          No Disk = No Answer         
         Disk(s) = 100% Answer        

   /\_   /\_   /\_   /\    /\_   /\__
  / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / /   / _ \ / __/
 / // // // // // // /__ / // // //\
/ _  // // // _  // // // // // // /
\// / \// / \// / \_  / \_  / \_  /
c \/    \/    \/    \/    \/    \/  
H      contact Mr.King of ANALOG     
a          for friendly swap.
s            JOERG GOEDDEN  
             POSTFACH 3143   
         46434 EMMERICH - ELTEN  


-->       Colorbird/Illusion            Greets to:
          Kaskog.18nb                   Decca, Dark, John Peel, Lowkick
          16476 Kista                   Killraven, Duke, Trasher, Cola
          Sweden                        Gamma, Trauma, Casket, Storm
                                        Ravedown, Seck, NSA, Pride, Mace
  Chris, Facet, Hyde, Sentinel, Coma, Ben, Exciter, Cone, Scottie, Slam
  Castor, Dolphin, Butch, Limbo, Cloud, Adder, Ikari, Randel, Ripper, D-Orb
  Kr'33, Qwerty, Tony, Saturn, Stearo, Bond, Exumer, Mr.King, Hollywood
  Deep Madness, Agony, D-Mage, Dodger, Rakiem, Pace, Schizo, Lizardking
  And to all others I forgot this time.....

         ____       ____       ____                  ____       ____        
        / /  \     / /  \     / /  \ .oO cHaOs! Oo. / /  \     / / /_       
       / / /\ \   / / /\ \   / / /\ \   ____  __   / / /\ \   / / / /\     
      /_/  \/  \ /_/  \ \ \ /_/  \/  \ /_/  \/_/\ /_/  \ \ \ /_/  \/  \      
      \ \    /\ \\ \   \ \ \\ \    /\ \\ \   \_\ \\ \   \_\ \\ \  / /\ \    
       \ \   \_\/ \ \   \_\/ \ \   \_\/ \ \   \/ / \ \   \/ / \ \ \/\/  \  
        \ \   \    \ \   \    \ \   \    \ \    /   \ \    /   \ \    /\/    
         \ \  /     \ \  /     \ \  /     \ \  /     \ \  /     \ \  /   
          \_\/ ^THE^ \_\/ ^SKY^ \_\/ ^HAS^ \_\/ ^NO^  \_\/^LIM`S^\_\/      
                    Support  N E V E R  M I N D  by sending :
             ^      L A T E S T  O W N  P R O D U C T I O N S     ^  
  (Sizes are     ^           N I C E  A D V E R T S           ^    (Sizes are  
    39*23 and/       ^        C O O L  M E S S Y S        ^      39*23 and/    
        or 78*23)        ^       H O T  N E W S       ^       or 78*23)       
                       Send all this to MR.KING of ANALOG :              
                                 JOERG GOEDDEN       
                                 POSTFACH 3143
                               4240 EMMERICH - 3

         A   V   A   L   O   N
WRITE TO:   ZAK  of  AVALON          |
            ARILD  RAVLOSVE          | 
            JUL0YVEIEN   50          | 
            7500   STJ0RDAL          | 
                     NORWAY          |
TLF:+47 07 82 66 30 (5.30 kr/min)-----
You DO have a reason to contact me..
-If you love to recieve long letters
 with personal meanings,jokes or
-If your hobby is electronics and
 you would like to swap diagrams
 and personal experiences.
-If you're a fan of Metallica,
 Guns N' Roses e.t.c.
-If you have a teori of why
 Saddam Hussein is so FUCKING
-And if you live in Scandinavia
 and forfill some of above,then
 write a nice long letter to:
     P.O.Box 660
     N-3252 Nanset
Haven`t you got a contact in AVALON?
Shame on you!
Do something with it by contacting 
ZAK for OWN PROD./GFX-SWAP at this 
            ZAK OF AVALON
              ARILD RAVLOSVE 
                JUL0YVEIEN 50
                  7500 STJ0RDAL
I want to join a COOL group too!
P.S This advert is only for WELLKNOWN- 
 Why don't you just drop me a disk and
a letter for some fast pure elite swap!
 I swap everything (almost). Mags and
 demos are prefered, but also slides,
sound-disks, good DEMO-packs (not Intro
     packs!!) and Tool-disks!

        Send disk for answer to:


     /    /    /   
    /    /    /     V ! R T U A L  
   /    /    /   
  /    /    /        rEaCh Us At
  \   /    /___
  /\  ____/   /    
 /__\/    ___/      S.A.T.U.R.N.
   /     /_            
  /     / /           K.BrOd!n
 / ____/ /                    
 \/     /____        SbAcKeN 12
 /     /    /        
/          /         142 32 SkG
<S>                    SwEdEn               

...SuBm!t To YoUr FaNtAs!eS!!!...

  /\__  /\__  /\__  /\__  /\__  /\__ 
 /    \/  / \/ __ \/    \/    \/  _ \
/  /  /  /  /     /  /  /  ---/  ___/\
\_/  /\____/\_/__/\_/__/\____/\    / /
 \\_/ /\___\/\___\/\___\/\___\/\__/ /
   \\/                          \_\/
  CoNtAcT OvErDoG 4 eLiTe SwApPinG :  
            POSTFACH 5044
           48419 RHEINE 11
        alSo 4 SupPoRtInG My                 
         MoRnInG aFtEr PaCk 
    GreEtS 2 aLl WhO dEsErvE iT!

 |  _| | | _ | _ |_|  _|  _|_|   |   |
 |_  | | | _ | | | |_  |_  | | | | | |
 :           :             .         :

            RINGSTR. 192
            48432 RHEINE

 |  _| | | _ | _ |_|  _|  _|_|   |   |
 |_  | | | _ | | | |_  |_  | | | | | |
      ### ######  ###  ###### 
      ### ####  # ### ####     
      ### ######  ###  #####    
      ### #  #### ###    ####   
      ### #  #### ### ###### 

  TRUE FRIENDSHIP. SO WRITE TO:                       
  IRIS NHQ                        

      __________ __ _                       
     /    /    /   
    /    /    /     V ! R T U A L  
   /    /    /   
  /    /    /        rEaCh Us At
  \   /    /___ __ _
  /\  ____/   /    
 /__\/    ___/      S.A.T.U.R.N.
   /     /_ __ _           
  /     / /           K.BrOd!n
 / ____/ /                    
 \/     /____ __ _   SbAcKeN 12
 /     /    /        
/          /         142 32 SkG
\_________/__ _           
 <S>                   SwEdEn               

...SuBm!t To YoUr FaNtAs!eS!!!...

      ___________ ____  ___  _____  
   ::/ __/_  / /:/_/ \:/_ \:/_  /: 
   :/ /_/ / / /_/ / /</ / </ / /::    
   for joining / friendly swapping:          
- --- - - -  -  -  -  - - - --- -
  (BEARER)       |...long letters!...            
  MIKKO ILKKO    |call voice-hotline:
  VILPUNLAAKSO 8 |+358-(9)82-2236250                                         
  92130 RAAHE    |-> Mikko! --- -   
  FINLAND        | -  - - - --- -   
- --- - - -  -  -special greetz to:
White Power-Pulstar-Frankie-Dalmak-
SS Soldier-Heatbeat-Allah-Pete-...!

                ____  _    ___  _____________  __________
               /  _ \/ \__/ __\/  _ __  __ _ \/  _ \___  \
               \  \  \  \ \ \___  \  \\ \\ \ /_  \  \/  _/_
                \ _\_/\ __/\  _/\ _\_/ \ \\ \__\ _\_/\  __/

                     wHeN dA swApP!nG AiNt eNuFf !!!

                cOnTaCt...     sChiZo of aLcAtRaZ
                               53274 sKarA

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     *  IIIII RRRRR IIIII SSSSS  *                     
          I   R   R   I   S                         
     *    I   RRRRR   I   SSSSS  *
          I   R  R    I       S                      
     *  IIIII R   R IIIII SSSSS  * 
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    WRITE TO:      (ZEROX)
    IRIS N.H.Q.
    N-4004 STAVANGER       NORWAY
      ___________ ____  ___  _____  
   ::/ __/_  / /:/_/ \:/_ \:/_  /:\ 
   :/ /_/ / / /_/ / /</ / </ / /:: |   
   :\__/\/_/\__/\/\__/\/\_/\/_/::: |
   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
            Contact us! 
joiNIng/FrieNDly swaP: |   oNly sWAp:
  (BEARER)             |   (VELSA)            
  MIKKO ILKKO          |   V-M POIKOLA
  92130 RAAHE          |   69950 PERHO
  FINLAND              |   FINLAND   

-- Call CaLiBrA voice-hot-line:     --
- +358-(9)82-2236250/Mikko (Bearer) -- 
Yo: ComplexDigitalVd/FltDamonesLegend

       Avalon Assault
  - The Best EBM group in -
      - Hassleholm! -
 - Contact us for swapping  -
 - cool synth-tapes with    -
 - Front 242, Nitzer Ebb    -
 - and similar EBM and BODY -
 - groups!                  -

 Write to: Dr.Jens & Kaviar23
           28142 HLM

*                              *
*                              *
*  If you are interested in    *
*  swapping all kinds of warz  *
*  then write to me at the     *
*  address below.  Friendship  *
*  being the key word.  I do   *
*  not steal disks so I will   *
*  say no more.                *
*                              *
*  Volc / Trance Inc           *
*  P.O. Box 4308               *
*  Durban 4000                 *
*  South Africa                *
*                     AGA      *

       /_____   _____/\ 
       \____/  /\____\/
           /  / /
          /  / /   
         /__/ /  OONS  

 Yes you'r right,a new crew is born.
If you wan't get in touch with TOONS
 just dropp a letter with some words
about yourself and one disk with your
 newest stuff.

        Erectus of Toons
          4301 Sandnes

    A1200 owners are prefered.
*                              *
*                              *
*  If you are interested in    *
*  swapping all kinds of warz  *
*  then write to me at the     *
*  address below.  Friendship  *
*  being the key word.  I do   *
*  not steal disks so I will   *
*  say no more.                *
*                              *
*  Ace / Trance Inc            *
*  84 Verity Avenue            *
*  Woodlands                   *
*  Durban 4001                 *
*  South Africa                *
*                              *

       /_____   _____/\ 
       \____/  /\____\/
           /  / /
          /  / /   
         /__/ /  OONS  

Yes you'r right,a new crew is born.
 If you wan't get in touch with
TOONS just dropp a letter with some
 words about yourself and one disk
     with your newest stuff.

        Erectus of Toons
          4301 Sandnes

   A1200 owners are prefered. 

    /\_   /\_    /\_  /\_ /\__ /\_        
    \_ \  \_ \   \_ \ \_/ \__ \\_ \     
   /\ \ \/\_\/  /\_\//\  /\ / /\_\/         
  / / / / _//\/\\_ \/ / / / \/ _//\      
 /  \/ /  \/ /  \/ /  \/  \ /  \/ /      
 \____/\____/\____/\__/\__/ \____/      

    Get in touch with Desire at:    

            Dahlienweg 3
           48282 Emsdetten
           United Germany

Call me: +49-(0)-2572-6277 (Ingmar!)

   Only pure =E=L=i=T=E= traders!

        ________  ____     ________ ____  ____  ________ ____  ____ ___  ___
       /  __   /\/   /\   /   ____//   /\/   /\/   ____//   /\/   //  /\/  /\
      /  /\/  / /   / /  /   /\___/   / /   / /   /\___/   _   //  / /  / /
    _/  /_/  / /   / /  /   / /  /   / /   / /    /\/   /\/   //___  / /
   /   __    //   / /  /   / /  /   __   / /   /\\/   / /   / \  /   / /
  /   /\/   //    //    //   /\/   / /    //   / /   //   / /
 /   / /   //       //       //   / /   / /       //   / /   //       / /
/   / /   //       //_______//   / /   / /_______//___/ /___//_______/ /
\\/\\\\\       \\\/\\/\       \\   \/\   \\       \/
 \/\/E   SEaRcH   for  nEw     SwAppInG              coDiNg & SoUrCes:
cOnTaCtS, ESPeCiAllY \/\/ItH
ELiTe   &  FrIeNdLy  gUyS     BACkFiRE           AXeL              bOB
frOm gOoD qUaLiTy grOuPS.    /\DAm GOR$K¡    MaRIUSZ CzUbAj     RoBeRt CIoCh
WriTe  /Yow!!!! \/\/e aLso   pULTSkA 46/3  bIAlOwIeSKa 17/5    ZAçIsZe 2A
SeArCh     FoR  sKilLeD      53116 WRoClAw   54234 WROcLAW     55011 SiEcHnIcE
GrAphIciAnS  & mUsicIanS.
    SeNd ExAmplEs!!!!!       P o L a /Y D      P o L A n D       P O l /\ n D

<                                    >
< BACKFIRE of ALCHEMY                >
< search for new ELITE & FRIENDLY    >
< contacts around the globe.         >
<                                    >
< BACKFIRE of ALCHEMY                >
< ADAM GORSKI                        >
< PULTUSKA 46/3    100% ANSWER=DISK  >
< 53116 WROCLAW                      >
< P O L A N D                        >
<                                    >
<                                    >
<...back to the roots of friendship..>

           * DESIRE GHQ! *

           Agony of Desire
             Dahlienweg 3
           48282 Emsdetten 

'                                   '
'   A   L   C   H   E   M   Y       '
'is searching for new ELITE contacts'
'                                   '
'BOB of ALCHEMY                     '
'ROBERT CIOCH                       '
'55011 SIECHNICE   WRITE TO:        '
'                 ADAM GORSKI       '
'AN ANSWER !!!    53-116 WROCLAW    '
'                 POLAND            '
'                                   '

---Contact for ELITE mailtrading------
-------------MUURAHAISKUJA 9----------
-------------SF-78870 VARKAUS---------
-------------F I N L A N D------------
---Contact for ELITE mailtrading------
       /                                             /\ 
      /  FOR SWAPPING AMIGA STUFF & VHS.            / /
     /     WRITE TO:TOTO                           / /
    /             BOX 329                         / /
   /               4371 EGERSUND                 / /
  /                 NORWAY                      / /
 /                                             / /
/_____________                   _____________/ /
\____________/ Greetings to:    /\____________\/ 
            /Ranx       balance/ / __________   ______________   _________    
           /Hunter       bronx/ / /  ____   /\ /             /\ /  _____  /\
          /Le chien   cadaver/ / /  /\___/ / //____     ____/ //  /\___/ / /
         /Sledge   supernova/ / /  / /  / / / \___/    /\___\//  / /  / / /
        /Bluebird       PRC/ / /  / /  / / /     /    / /    /  / /  / / /
       /Wistech   sidewize/ / /  / /  / / /     /    / /    /  / /  / / /
      /and all the rest!!/ / /  /_/__/ / /     /    / /    /  /_/__/ / /     
     /__________________/ / /_________/ /     /____/ /    /_________/ /
     \__________________\/  \_________\/      \____\/     \_________\/


    ____ ____  ____________________ 
   (__  )___ \/  __/ __/   ___  __/
    | \/\  |     _)  _)   /__|   \
    |   /  |  .  !  / \  /  /|   /
   -=__/|__:_/|_ |____/\___/ |  _=-
      ElitE tRAdERS , CONtACt: 
          PACE Of iNfECt!      
         -ROGER ANdERSSON-     
           95055 SANGiS!       

  V E L S A of C A L I B R A  

         V-M POIKOLA 
         69950 PERHO

        EXOLON of ALCHEMY         

       Write to me for fast
      and friendly swapping:

          WIOSENNA  25/6
          57-300 KLODZKO

   letter + disk(s) = 100% answer

    Friendship rulez forever!

           _LIKE A VIRGIN_
     __  ________  __  ____________  
    /_ \/_  /_ _ \/_ \/_  / __/ __/
   / / / / / / / / / / / / __/__ /

       CASKET / DAMONES___ _ 
       69950 PERHO CITY

       VOICE +358 68 631 548_

      -> EXCEL OF MAD ELKS <-

   S-553 31 - JONKOPING - SWEDEN



                /\   _            _   /\   \               __    __               /
 THE MOOSE    _/  \  \\          //  /  \_  \              / /\/\ \              /
  MILKING     \    \_/ \   __   / \_/    /  /                                    \
   TEAM        \        \_/  \_/        /  /     ARE U A MAD'N SERIOUS SWAPPER?   \
                \______________________/   \                                      /
                         /.  .\             \          IF U ARE,WRITE TO:        /
     ___________________/      \            /                                    \
    /                  /        \          /               ERNIE TMT              \
  _/       MADE       /  _    _  \         \           SLATTERGANGEN 17           /
 |_         IN        \__________/          \            619 00 TROSA            /
   \    HONKONG II!       /                 /                                    \
    \____________________/                 /                SWEDEN                \
       /  / \    /  \  \   CALL ALGFARMEN  \                                      /
      /  /\  \  /  / \  \  --------------   \            100% ANSWER             /
     /  /  \  \/  /   \  \+46 (0)156 17904  /                                    \
    /  /   /  /  /    /  / --------------  /      WATCH OUT FOR TMT RELEASES!     \
   /  /   /  /  /    /  /  SYSOP: LENNART  \                                      /
  /  /   /  /  /    /  /   --------------   \        MESSAGE TO RUNE:HEJ!!       /
 /  /   /  /  /    /  /                     /                                    \

       .oO INDUSTRY Oo.

    Swap me!

    A1200 stuff prefered.
       MRK of Industry
          Liane 21
       S-67295 Arjang
    Defiance,Byte busters,       
    +All forgotten..

 (Jag hammrar jag spikar jag 
     bygger en bil.. -ED)

          PRIME / ILLUSION

           HEMMANSVAGEN 4
            61900  TROSA

         JANI  OINONEN
         KUNGSG. 9L 5V
           S- 553 31
 SEPTIC - SORKL ...........

         WRITE TO ME AND SE.. 
         (EH, DET RIMMAR JU!)


            HEMMANSVAGEN 4
            S-61900  TROSA

*           I L L U S I O N          * 

| - =======   CONTACT    ======== - |
|____                           ____|
 \   \   RAG of ZERO DESIGN    /   /      
  \ Z \                       / Z /      
   \ D \        FOR          / D /        
    \ N \                   / N /     
     \   \    SWAPPING     /   /      
|                                   |
|             WRITE TO:             |
|\         RAG / ZERO DESIGN       /|
| \        POSTHEMSV. 22          / |
|--|       575 92 EKSJO          |--|
| /        SWEDEN                 \ |    
|/                                 \|
        /\/>d-Orb |=r0/Y\ telePHonikA</\/
        is searchin' phor new contacts.
        If you're interested in any of the following...
        -Phreaking, Hacking and text-files---> FRAUD!!--->ILLEGAL!
        -Long letters
        -Blues and Heavy Metal tape trading.
        -Beer, and gettin' stoned
        -And need someone to trade with.
          Contact me, what the fuck!
          Fernando Macias, 18, 2C
          E-15004.. A Coruna
                  Or call our board, GoD'S HOuSe, running on an A4000/25
                  150 Megz online, 16k8 DS, Fast wares, Phreaking conference,
                  Alpha Flight Spanish HQ + tPHA distribution site!
                  Sysop: Quijote/AFL
                  C0-sys0ps: Agnus Young, Pink Pulsar.

  ->->->->-> C-A-D-A-V-E-R <-<-<-<-<-   

    Do ya need a VERY NICE designed    
    stickers or votesheets for your
     group or diskmag or whatever?
      Contact US for PROFESSIONAL 
    design and printout (600*600!)!
     Why use shit if you can have 
    really GREAT designed products? 

         NOiSE DATA of CADAVER       
            Goriska c. 33
          SLO-63320 Velenje

  ->->->->-> C-A-D-A-V-E-R <-<-<-<-<-   


    For the LATEST warez call

             T  H  E
     D i G i T A L   C i T Y

Running on A2k with 14.4kDUAL USR 
24 hours/day !   FUCK conference-
the most radical in SLOVENIA !!!
     Just give a pling to the
  magic number: ++38 63 851 661



     is searching for new contacts
    If you are interested write to:

         THe RiPPeR/NiGHTFALL
             P.O. BOX 102
           I-34100  TRiESTE

       100% REPLY TO EVERYONE!!
       Editors are very WELCOME

     _____  ________    _______
    /  _  \/  _  \  \  / /   _ \
    \   \  \   \  \  \/  \   \  \
     \  /\_/\  ___/\    / \  /\_/
      \/     \/     \  /   \/
 .oOo. tRy yAR luCk aT tHiS oNe .oOo.

             Fazer of Nova
               Fackg. 27
              27536 Sjobo
       ___  _               
____  /   \/ \               /\     __
    \/        \      ___/\  /  \___/
Pure Elite !   \____/     \/ 100 %
dA oNlY oNe wHeN iT cOMeS to sWappInG!

<>             <><><>            <>
<>        Hello everybody !      <>
<> I'm searching for new contax  <>
<>       for cool swapping       <>
<>and for the elite mailtrading !<>
<>    With a long letter :) !    <>
<>     Fast answer of coz !      <>
<>    NOiSE DATA/CADAVER !       <> 
<>  Goriska 33 - 63320 VELENJE   <>
<>          SLOVENIA             <>
<>           <><><>              <>

 ___________  __                __                                __
 \_   _____/ / |     ______    / |     __________________________/ |__
  /   |  \  /  |__  /    _/\  /  |__  /        /       /        /  |  \
 /    |   \/      \/    \/  \/   |  \/   \____/  \____/  \_____/       \
 \    |   /    |   \        /    |   \    \  |    \  |    \___/    |    \__
  \______/_____|    \______/\_________\______|_______|_______/     |______/
               |_______/                                  \________|

                         --+-[  ThE LeEcH  ]-+--

   Da Staff -[BaRt SimpsOn]- CoStaff -[Cabal]-[NiKe/IfT]-[AxeBlaDe/IfT]
     RunninG A2000 495Mb! 2.39 /X SuPrA 32bIs! Soon Avaible DsT 16.8k
                 JuSt OnE!  +31-[0]70-391-2916   JuSt OnE!

                       !  I N F E C T   D H Q  !

           [-[ Some Bytes Of Fineness In A World Of Beasts ]-]

   ________     ________________  __  
  / __  / /\   / __  / ____/ / /\/ /\ 
 /  ___/ /_/\_/ __  / /\__/ /  \/ / / 
/__/\__\_____/_/ /_/_/ /P/_/_/\__/ /  
\__\/   \____\_\/\_\_\/T \_\_\/\_\/   

  I s  l O O k I n g  f O r  m O r E

   G  F  X  -  A  R  T  I  S  T  S

   s E n d  E x A m p l E s  t O :

          (Damion of Platin)
         Jens-Oliver Klokkers         
            Marrinksweg  5
            48531 Nordhorn

         Get In Touch With


    V I R T U A L   D R E A M S
         F A I R L I G H T

         c/o FERENC TOMPAI
           Szamos Str 2.

                     __________  _____________    ___________
                    /    /     \/  ______/    \__/  _____/   \___
                   /   \/    |  \  ____/  \_____/   \___   _____/
              ____/     \    |   \   \      |  /       /    \______  
              \__________\___|    \___\_______/\______/\__________/

                Da Elite can write me for some cool swapping under: 

                                  Rak 99
                                  8446 NM

                 The Dutch division is still looking for members...

 Hi! to my pals in: Alcatraz, Kefrens, TSB, Legend,
                      Paradise, Vicious, Sanity, Stellar, Absolute, WL,
                       VD/Fairlight, JetSet/SR, Equinox, Cyanide, Desire.