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Program coded by D.Traumer/IRIS

 #2 heyyy!!!!   welcome to my very first intro!!  #1 so glad it is now finished! i (dtm) first want to thank #2@@@ -- lioth -- @@@ #0 #1, firstly for his powerful face-filling routine that was used here for the solid vectors, but also for the coding lessons he gave me!!!! **  thank you!! ** #0#2     @&@&@&@ some personal messages will follow and some explanations about this f***ing demo... #3  writer tips : lmb #1: next page  rmb : stop writing...      #3        #2 &@&@& personal messages !!!!  to ** lioth ** :  #0#1 hope you'll like my little work here (though it's seemed sometimes hard to me : i wasn't used to so many bugs! hehe!) hope to see you again very soon!  to ** zerox/& ** : #0#2 i'm sorry i didn't#1 write to you sooner but i used each bite of free time to code/gfx/sfx this demo... your &-news was quite interesting !!! hope to hear from you soon!!!!   #3      #2 to ** mr pyrre/& and #1dr muzak/& ** : i like your songs very much !! keep on doing such ones!!!   to ** faris/& ** : #0how is it going down there???     to ** wolverine ** :#0 welcome to &!!when will we do some great works together, huh? see you soon at our great (joke?) university...........#3..............#1  i say a big 'hi!' to our great grafician goofy, every and each & member, and to digital master, slight, .......#3           #1message to pi : i would like to get my book back!!9 months is enough to read 'ca' / s.king, don't you think????  to the dreamdealers : well, i know what you think about the n.y.c, but * you * seem to be unable to do some big party yourself, since you've dropped the beach party... easy to critisize others'work, don't you think??        #3       #1 to ** ajriaz ** who will never read this, since she's got a s.t. : you have very nice tastes concerning books, but you should change your computer... kisses!!  @@@@@@@@@@@@@#3@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   now, some words #1about this demo : sorry that the 3d doesn't go very fast, but this is because of blitter conflict with this f***ing scroll !!! beside this, the animations were made with a macro language that permits a multi-object animation, with light source, and all...i'll add lots of new capabilities in a near future to allow more complex animations (moving in a 3d world is one of the ideas i've got for it). but certainly will the polygone-drawing routine be changed....  look at my future releases.... well, that's all for now, because i'm fed up with this demo!!!! byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! scroll rolls over @&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&#3@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&@&                    #1 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~ iRiS ~                 
       p                                        r                                        e                                        s                                        ents                                                                                     CoMtEmPlAtIoN                                                                                             code... gfx... sfx...   by                                                                                                      ~ @.TRAUMER ~             
                                                        D.I.S.C.                                                          send your articles, news and rumours     and advertisements (for free) to:                                                             DISC                                 PO BOX  05                       95690  NESLES LA VALLEE                          FRANCE                                                                     or FAX them to :                                                        DISC FAXLINE : ++.   
            ~ IRIS FRANCE ~                                                       ACE ............ Coder                  CHRIS .......... Organizer, Swapper     @.TRAUMER ...... Coder, Gfx, Sfx        GooFY .......... Gfx Artist             MANDRAKE ....... Coder                  ULRICK ......... Coder, Sfx             WOLVERINE ...... Coder                                                           To create a new division of IRIS     or to join IRIS FRANCE (also legal swap)                                                        IRIS WHQ                                  BP 05                         F-95690 NESLES LA VALLEE        
                                                    ~ IRIS HOLLAND ~                                                      AIR ............ Gfxer                  W.A.R. ......... Swapper, Organiser                                                                                            to join IRIS HOLLAND:                                                               WAR / IRIS HHQ                        Wolkammersdreef 48                     6216 RR   MAASTRICHT                          HOLLAND                 
                                                    ~ IRIS MIDDLE EAST ~                                                  FARIS .......... Swapper, Organiser                                                                                      For swapping HOT WARES, VIDEOS,...                                                         FARIS / IRIS JHQ                         Po Box 925 381                              AMMAN                                  JORDAN                
            ~ IRIS NORWAY ~                                                       DR MUZAK ....... Musiker                MR PYRRE ....... Coder, Musiker         SKIZZ .......... Swapper, Gfxer         TERMINATOR ..... Swapper                TURBO .......... Gfxer, Sfxer           WATER .......... Swapper                ZEROX .......... Swapper, Organiser                                             For joining IRIS NORWAY and swapping            HOT and LEGAL STUFFS                                                                ZEROX / IRIS NHQ                     Po Box 2570 Ullandhaug                      4004 STAVANGER           
                                         IRIS GREETINXX are going to (A-Z order)                                             but before the Special Ones to                                             all IRIS members in France, Holland,                     Middle East and Norway                                         Digital Master, Slight, Lone Slonono, Pi            and Skywolf                                                                                                  now here they go .....                                        .                                        ....            
 23 CELCIUS CREW ... Nexus               ACCURACY .......... Kris                AMAZE ............. Mister X            AMONIA ............ Tough One           ANALOG ............ Halfast and Ritchy  ANARCHY ........... Pinny               AWSOME ............ Wonderboy           BRAIN WAVE ........ Arrakis             BRONX ............. Turbo               CAVE .............. Logic and Mr Spiv   COMA .............. Calypso             CRIME DEVILS ...... Dr Peace            CRUSADERS ......... ECS                 CRYPTOBURNERS ..... Blaze               CULT .............. Tarzan              CYTAX ............. Moxy               
 DAI ............... Reaper              DARKNESS .......... Thorin              DEVILS ............ Shade               DESIRE ............ Ramon B5            DESTINY ........... Scouger             DIVINE ............ Fusion              DZYREAX ........... Mix                 ................... Ego                 ELICMA ............ Nightmare           ENERGY ............ Greili              EREMATION ......... Brainwasher and Doc EUROFRONT ......... Wotw                EXTREME ........... Kroui               FLASH PRODUCTION .. Schnap              FRONT 242 ......... Ray Jackson        
 GRACE ............. Jackson, Hitman,    Piranha and Wider                       GRAFFITI .......... Mr Lay              HARDLINE .......... Trasher             HYPNOTIC .......... Zycro               I.B.B. ............ Franz               INTENSE ........... Creep               ................... Jacek               KAOS .............. Dave                LASERDANCE ........ Flinx               LSD ............... Lord Zero and Jose  MAJIC 12 .......... TFG, Zozo N Knight  MEGAPOWERS ........ Rio Kid             MIND STREAM ....... Lesale              MYSTIX ............ Demon               NIRVANA ........... Speedy             
 .................... Oerika             OPUS MAG ........... Olivier            PANORAMIC .......... TRS                PARADISE ........... Brutus             PARAGON ............ Echo               PHANTASM ........... Ecstasy            PHENIX of EREMATION. Freon              POLARIS ............ Dr J               QUARTZ ............. Jaz and Bjorn      RAF ................ Zodan              REALITY ............ Poison             SILENTS ............ T Bone             .................... Splinter           STORM .............. Monotof            TECHNOIR ........... Sin                THE VIRE 33                            
 VANISH ............. Massive            VEGA ............... Blacky             VENATOR ............ Iron Eagle         VERTICAL ........... JPN and Pincher    VLSI ............... Kais               WIZZCAT ............ Hazzy Mind         XENON .............. Jflor              X TRADE ............ Maniac             ZENITH ............. Mac Strick        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tHe EnD                                                                             (watch for the anim)                                                                                                                          13th August 1992                        A new -Just For Fun- Production         (C) Aug.92 IRIS ~