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File size:
1 826 bytes (1.78K)
File date:
2010-07-13 23:04:38
Download count:
all-time: 367


   & H U M A N E  P R E S E N T S & 
         a 40K PIIPPOLA INTRO       
   for the ASSEMBLY'93 introcompo.. 
         * LaUgH To TH3Se:          
       CoDE + dEZIGN & Che7         
                TuNE & Dune         
                fonT & Rice         
              endpic & sLeePwAlKer  
   now Go BacK To YoUr FRidgerator  
   and come BacK whEn ThiS is oveR  
   stick your oars Up and row your  
   boat ThrougH My Riverside        

   ok! riverside was a bit muddy    
    today, but no problem. next     
   effect will make it easier to    
   anybody get that???              
   nooT.. i thought so!             
  to AsseMbly'93 orGanIzErs:        
  !!give back Stezotehiques WHIP!!  
    it's not a weapon!              
    it's a toy !!                   
  welcome to SuoliSto TriPPI...     

  pArTyGreeTs Fly to:               
  KrafTEd, VisitorS, DecNitE,       
  SoNic, MystiC, Hexi of DamoNEs    
  EXOTIC MEN,x-trade, bANAL...      
  M A S T U R B O Y S !!!!!!        
  B O O M E R !!!!!                 
  U L O S T A J A !!!!!             
  B U K E !!!!!                     
  H A M M E R !!!!!                 
             uhh.. DeadlIne Is NoW!