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6 116 bytes (5.97K)
File date:
2011-01-24 23:03:46
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all-time: 383


The last HDL-Production !  Please wait, decrunching ...

     Hardline present's their    
     'Hardline is dead'-Intro    
Code ................. Touchstone
Logo ......... Groo'n'Rufferto of
                Delicious Designs
Music .................... Dascon
Yes,   it's  true.   Hardline  is
dead!   Why  ?   There  are  many
reasons, and if you wait a little
bit  you can read some of them in
this text ...                    
First I want to give the Greetz :
Acume        Addict       Addonic
Agnostic Front           Alcatraz
Alpha Flight    Altair    Amnesia
Analog      Anarchy     Andromeda
Antarix        Arise       Aurora
Autentic       Balance       Bass
Bastards    Beyond    Black Robes
Bronx      Byte Busters     C.A.C
Catastrophy      Chaos     Chrome
Complex    Control   Cream Dezign
Cryptoburners    Cyborx    Defjam
D-Tect       Dai      Damage Inc.
Dazzle                   Defcon 1
Delicious Designs         Delight
Desire       Devils       DiskNet
Divine      Dual Crew     Eclipse
Elicma    E.O.C. 1999   Eremation
Evil Force      Exult     Equinox
Fach      Falcons      Fi-re Crew
Flashpoint    Frantic   Freestyle
Funny Business    Gothic    Grace
Ice     Infect    Intense    Iris
Justice       Kefrens      L.S.D.
Laserdance     Litany    Live Act
Logix    Lunatic Earls   Majic 12
Megapowers      Metonics     Mexx
Nikki Corruptions  Nova   Noxious
Nuance      Offence     Off World
Orient        Origin        Panic
Paradise     Paragon     Parallax
Paralysis      Phoenix     Platin
Pleasure   Polaris   Powerstation
Quartz        Realms       Rebels
Reflectors     Rookies     Sanity
Sfinx      Shining      Shining 8
Silents    Sonic   S!P of Scoopex
Stage    Static Bytes     Stellar
Submission    Subzero    Suxxcess
Symbiosis      Talents       Tech
Tek                The Dark Demon
The Special Brothers    Time Zone
Titanbytes       Treacl      TRSI
Union   Vanish   Venator   Visdom
Voice       Wildfire       Willow
X-Trade   Xenox    Xzess   Zodiac
  and all we have forgotten ...  
Ok,  it's  time  to  give YOU the
reasons  why we died !  The first
reason  was our name.  All of you
heard   sometimes  'Hardlame'  or
'Hardleim'     (leim>glue)     or
something  like this.  The second
reason  was  the  'Hardline'-anti
intro  and  the  third reason was
the  meaning  of  the 'scene'.  I
will  tell  you  a little story .
Rebel MC/TSB, Ascender/Gothic and
me   (Touchstone)  drove  to  the
Arise                       Party
(Sun'n'Fun-Conference)   to  have
some  fun  on  a  lame pardy (the
pardy  was  quite  good,  but not
enough  dudes).   I met some very
cool  dudes (a dude from Crystal,
but  I  can't  remeber his name!)
some  of  TRSI  (who  are  now in
Panic  I  think.   They  won  the
competition)  and  some others (a
BIG  hello  to all of them).  But
there  were  also some idiots who
mean  they  were the best (I call
this  paranoid).   There  was  an
ordinary  swapper  from Symbiosis
(nothing   against   Swappers  or
Symbiosis)  who  thought  it  was
quite  funny  to  call me a lamer
and  cry  every  time  he  saw me
'Hardlame'.     He   laught   and
thought  to  make  the  best joke
ever,  but  no  other dude laught
and  they  call  him  a shithead.
There's  only one thing I want to
say to him :  'FUCK YOU!'.       
Now  you  know  why  we  die.  We
want  to thank all that dudes who
vote for us in the charts.       
Here's    the    list    of   all
HDL-members who stay to the end :
  Powerswap ( HQ, Swap, Packs )  
  Trasher       ( Swap, Packs )  
  Fancy       ( Design,  Swap )  
  Black Scorpion       ( Swap )  
  Dascon              ( Music )  
  Pepe                ( Music )  
  Redor       ( Grafic, Music )  
  Touchstone   ( Code, Grafic )  
There  are  many people I want to
thank  for  their  moral support,
but  I  dont't  want to write the
hole night.                      
At  last  I  want  to  send  some
special Greetings :              
Navy   of   Vanish,   Triton   of
Subzer0,  Killraven  of Paradise,
Spiv   of   Infect,  Ascender  of
Gothic,   E.Toball   of  Anarchy,
Rebel   MC   of  TSB,  Cooper  of
Elicma,  Efhendi  and  Masque  of
Delight ....                     
call me +49 (0)2924 5780 (Thomas)
Bye 4 now,                       
A Hardline-production in MCMXCII!
            TeXt rEsTaRt