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Color Requester [ F-Editor ] 

Filename :
Length   :
B-Size   :
Posi. :
Block :
Max memory :
Protection :
Status     :
There´s no File in memory ... 
Welcome to F-Editor 
Check the file ...  
Error Nº $000000 ...
Read the file ...   
You can edit it ... 
Top of File ...     
End of File ...     
Console : On 
Console : Off

File-Editor V1.1 written by T.Jansen

Fill a block in the File
Find a block in the File
Please type Position

V1.1written by Thomas Jansen ( Touchstone of HDL )
Hauptstraße 214773 M´see-Körbecke/Germany
Informater V1.0
coded for FED1.1
I ain´t got no dough ( send )

   Can´t find the file !!!   
 Can´t find enough memory !! 
There´s no file-info-block !!
It´s a directory not a File !
Protection-bit ´r´ isn´t set!
   Can´t open the file !!!   
   Can´t read the file !!!   
  Filelenght is 0 bytes !!!  
Not enought memory for file !
   Can´t write the file !!!  
 Are you shure to quit FED ? 
    File already exist ...   
Protection-bit ´w´ isn´t set!
$000000 - $00000000 $00000000 $00000000 $00000000 - ................ - $000000

Please insert filename to load ...
Please insert new filename ...
Please insert filename to save ...
Save File as ´ASSEMBLER´ ...
Save File as ´BASIC´ ...
Save File as ´BASIC&LOADER´...
Save File as ´C-source´ ...

Load file
Save file
Save as
About FED
Quit & Save
Quit FED
Top of file
End of file
Page down
Page up
Infos       [HELP]

dc.l $00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000,$00000000

DATA 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
DATA eof
REM Created by FED ( written by Thomas Jansen )

REM ***  ***UBYTE DATA[]{

 First page with infos about FED .. 
 Informations about patching files. 
   Patching files with the File-ED  
 Requesters in the File-EDitor1.1 ? 
    Requesters -> File-requester    
   Requesters -> Colour-requester   
   Requesters -> Error-requesters   
 How to use the preferences-file... 
      Edit the preferences-file     
 File to source ? How to do this ?? 
 File -> Assembler-source for SEKA  
   File -> Basic-source in DATA´s   
  File -> Basic-source with loader  
          File -> C-source          
   The File-EDitor-menues in V1.1   
   The project-menu and the items   
     The find-menu and the items    
    The extras-menu and the items   
    History about the File-EDitor   
    The source-code  for the SEKA   
The info-block under the Hex-display
  Greetings ( from Hardline ) to :  
     Greetings ( from me ) to :     
      The HELP-page-functions       
 All contact-adresses from Hardline 
      Some words about viruses      
     Other Hardline-productions     
          Thanks go to ..           
  The complete Hardline-memberlist  
     All keys in the File-EDitor    
          Searches for...           
        The last word ...          
Documentation for the File-EDitor1.1
File-EDitor is public-domain !!! You
can copy it how often you want . But
if you find this tool usefull , send
money  ,  postcards ...  to me ( you
find the adress in the end . )      
You find informations about :       
1     Edit files ?                  
1.1   Use FED to edit files         
2     Requesters                    
2.1   File-requester                
2.2   Colour-requester              
2.3   Error-requester               
3     The preference-file           
4     Save file as source           
4.1   Save file as Assembler-source 
4.2   Save file as Basic-source     
4.2.1 Save file as Basic&Loader     
4.3   Save file as C-source         
5     The menues from FED           
5.1   Project-Menu                  
5.2   Find-Menu                     
5.3   Extras-Menu                   
5.4   Label-Menu                    
6     More informations ( History ) 
OK , I think its enought !!! Use the
´Table´-funktion to select better !!
          1 - Edit files ?          
Last month I sit before my Amiga 500
and use Amiga-Basic  . You know , if
you  have a PAL-screen and  start A-
Basic, there will open a NTSC-window
(200 lines) . There are 56 lines un-
used .´No Problem´! Use a FileEditor
(like this) and  load Amiga-Basic in
the memory. Edit the memory and save
the memory back to the file ! That´s
all ...                             
So you can patch ( edit ) some files
like the CLI ( on the Workbench ) !!
You can use your name as the window-
title and you can  change the coords
of the CON-window !!!               
But that´s not all ! Some guys patch
files to use it in other languages .
If you have an  english-program  and
you want to have it in german , load
the  file in  the memory .  Edit the
memory ( and so on ) ...            
You can patch so much, but note : If
you patch a file  use a copy ( never
the original ) !!!!                 
OK , the File-EDitor is the tool for
your problems (it sounds good, he?)!
Use it for all your patches ! And if
you like it, a new version with some
advantages comes in the near future!
     1.1 - Use FED to edit files    
The FED ( File-Editor ) is a tool to
patch files in memory !             
After  starting FED  you´ll see  the
File-Requester(2.1).Select a file in
the File-requesters window and press
the ´OK´-gadget . FED loads the file
in the memory and shows you the file
as a HEX- and ASCII-display. You can
control the cursor  with the cursor-
keys, the menues or the number-block
on the right side of your keyboard !
You can edit the file with all other
keys on your keyboard (like a-z,A-Z,
1-9,!-\,ä-Ü ... ) . To edit the HEX-
display press the left Amiga-key and
the keys:0-9,a-f(A-F) ! I think it´s
a good and simple  method to patch a
file ! You can mark  a position with
the Function-keys :                 
[SHIFT]+[F1]-[F10] = mark a position
   [F1]-[F10] = jump to the position
The functions of the number-block on
the right side of you keyboard :    
  1-bottom of file  2- cursor down  
  3-     page down  4- cursor left  
  5-       nothing  6-cursor right  
  7-   top of file  8-   cursor up  
  9-       page up  0-     nothing  
                        Next page ->
With the ESCAPE-key you can save the
keyboard ( you see this in the head-
line of the screen ).If the keyboard
is saved you can use only the cursor
keys ! If  you press the  ESCAPE-key
the keyboard is unsaved !           
Press [HELP] for  the informater ( I
think you know it  , because this is
the informater !!! ) ...            
You can save your  file as a source-
for Assembler,Basic or C (4.1-4.3) !
If you find bugs or if you have good
ideas for the File-EDitor,send it to
my adress :   Thomas Jansen         
              Hauptstraße 21        
       W-4773 Möhnesee-Körbecke     
        Tel.: (..)-02924-5780       
or contact Hardline :               
              André Gerke           
              Auf der Woort 3       
       W-5768 Sundern 9             
for good (legal) swapping :         
O. Plink            |   S. Pascharat
Im Kirchenöschle 6  |  Frankestr. 11
7904 Dellmensingen  |    3380 Goslar
Germany             |        Germany
 Version 1.1 released in October´91 
           2 - Requesters           
In the File-EDitor you can find some
requesters . For files, for colours,
for errors.. If you select a file in
the file-requester  and the  file is
not  on the disk an  error-requester
shows it . With the colour-requester
you can  change the  colours of  the
screen .  If  you want  to quit  the
File-EDitor , a requester  comes and
asks you again ..                   
Here  comes  the  requester  of  the
File-EDitor :                       
         2.1 File-requester         
In the file-requesters  window are 6
gadgets and  a field with  the file-
names . The gadgets are :           
  [OK]     - The selected file and  
           directory is right !!    
  [CANCEL] - Abort file-requester ! 
  [DF0:]   - \                      
  [DF1:]   -  > The devices         
  [RAM:]   - /                      
  [PARENT] - If you have the path:  
           df0:Sources/good/  and   
           you use parent,you have: 
           df0:Sources/       !!!   
In the field with  the filenames you
can click with your  mouse on a file
or a  direktory . If you click  on a
file,the name will show in the name-
string-gadget  !  If you click  on a
direktory, it will be loaded and the
name  will  be  added  to  the path-
string-gadget. You can move the list
of filenames  with the  prop.-gadget
and the arrow-gadgets ...           
The list will be sorted in alphabet-
ical  order ( direktorys  first ) !!
You can use other devices (like HD0)
in the file-requester.Click with the
mouse in the  path-string-gadget and
type the name of the device ...     
       2.2 - Colour-requester       
With  the  colour-requester  you can
edit the colours of your FED-screen.
The 3 prop-gadgets are for the red ,
green and blue density from the sel-
ected colour ! You can select one of
the 4 colours by  pressing in one of
the 4 gadgets on the left side !!!  
        2.3 - Error-requester       
If you make  an error or if FED asks
you ( like : ´Shure to quit´ ), this
requester  comes and  shows you  the
error ( or the question ). Press one
of the 2 gadgets .                  
       3 - The preference-file      
In the preference-file you can order
the drive for the file-requester, or
you can change the start-colours for
the  screen . You can  edit how much
memory the program will be allocated
for the file ...                    
The pref-file called ´FED.start´ and
it must  be in  the  S:-directory of
your Workbench. It must be an ASCII-
file like this :                    
          MEMORY = #5               
          COLOR0 = $04d             
          COLOR1 = $FED             
          COLOR2 = $000             
          COLOR3 = $F80             
          DEVICE = DF2:             
You must write all in upper letters!
All spaces , ´#´ and ´$´  must be in
the same order like this!You mustn´t
use  all comands ( you  can use only
the device or only one color ! ).The
nummber after ´MEMORY´ could be :   
1 = 50   KBytes      2 = 102  KBytes
3 = 205  KBytes      4 = 256  KBytes
5 = 512  KBytes      6 = 768  KBytes
7 = 1024 KBytes      8 = 1280 KBytes
9 = 1536 KBytes      0 = the most   
WARNING: If you use ´0´ by ´MEMORY´,
FED  allocates  the  biggest memory-
block !  It could  be that the other
tasks (like some libraries...) can´t
allocate  memory for windows, menus,
requesters .. and you can´t quit the
FED !!!                             
You can use all devices with 4 chars
in the name like : DF0: - DF3: ...  
The colours could be :              
   COLOR2 = $f45       The normal   
            / | \      color-format 
           /  |  \     in HEX-      
          /   |   \    nummbers     
        RED GREEN BLUE              
So you can use from $000 to $FFF !!!
 You can edit the preferences-file  
with a normal text-editor ( like CED
or ED from the Workbench-disk ) ... 
       4 - Save file as source      
You can  save the file  as source in
3 most used languages ( Basic, C and
Assembler )  . If you think that M2A
or Oberon is  better and more used ,
send me the informations , because I
don´t  know  enough   about  them  !
You can  save the Basic-file  with a
loader . If you start  the Basic ( &
the loader) the DATA´s will be saved
on the disk and so you have the ori-
ginal file !!! The Assembler-save is
for the SEKA-Assembler (´dc.b´). You
can translate grafics and sounds !!!
      4.1 - Save as ´Assembler´     
The file will be saved as Assembler-
source . Don´t  forget the ending if
the file ( like ´.S´ ) !! If yo have
a file like this ( on the screen ) :
$56789abc $cba98765 $21051975 ...   
The Assembler-source looks this :   
DC.L $56789ABC,$CBA98765,$21051975 !
One source-line have 6 longwords ...
        4.2 - Save as ´Basic´       
    4.3 - Save as ´Basic&Loader´    
The  same like  ´Assembler´ , but it
looks like this :                   
DATA &h56789ABC,&hCBA98765,&h ...   
The last line is ´DATA eof´ ! So you
can read and wait for the ´eof´. The
loader does it! He reads a longword,
looks if it is an ´eof´ and write it
to a file  ! If it is ´eof´ the file
will be closed and the program ends!
          4.3 - Save as ´C´         
The same like ´Assembler´, ´Basic´ &
´Basic&Loader´,only the format isn´t
the same :                          
 0x56789ABC , 0xCBA98765 , 0x ...   
I hope you understand all ...       
          5 - The FED-menues        
The File-EDitor  has 3 menues in the
headline called :                   
Project         Find          Extras
Project - All load- and save-options
          and quit-functions ...    
Find    - Find , fill , position and
          some cursor-functions ... 
Extras  - Color-requester , protect-
          flag and HELP (this) ...  
       5.1 - The project-menu       
´Load file´ and ´Save file´- I think
          you know it (?!?) ...     
´Save as´ - saves the file as source
          in C,Basic or Assembler...
´About´   - Who wrote this ???      
´Quit&Save´ FED saves  the file  and
          quit ...                  
´Quit´    - quit FED ...            
You can use also the right Amiga-key
and another key  to select the menu-
item ...                            
         5.2 - The find-menu        
´Find´ - after typing  a string into
         a gadget and select a block
         FED  searches    for    the
         string ...                 
´Fill´ - the same as ´Find´, but FED
         will   fill   the  selected
         block with the string ...  
´Position´ - you  must type  the po-
         sition you want ...        
´Top of file´ , ´End of File´, ´Page
         down´ and ´Page up´ are the
         same as the number-block on
         the right side ...         
        5.3 - The extras-menu       
´Color´- What do you think does this
         menu-item ???              
´Information´ - This informater ... 
´Protection´ - If this  flag is on ,
         the protection-bits will be
         mind ...                   
The protection-bits are :           
0 - Undeletable      1 - Unstartable
2 - No overwrite     3 - Unreadable 
and after ´Kickstart 1.2´ 4 bits are
added :                             
4 - Unchanged        5 - Resident   
6 - Batch-file       7 - Unlistable 
0.5 - You can edit the memory ...   
0.6 - A simple AmigaBasic-version to
      load, save and edit files ... 
0.7 - added an ARP-filerequester and
      a hex-display ...             
0.8 - Converted all in Assembler and
      added my own filerequester    
0.9 - you can close the console,mind
      the number-block, own screen ,
      error-requester ...           
1.0 - Find and fillrequester,you can
      save as source,color-requester
      position, you can edit HEX and
      ASCII in the same window , the
      protection-bits will be mind ,
      some bugs go to hell ...      
1.1 - Kickstart 2.0-outfit , you can
      set  labels  ( F1-F10 ) ,  the
      texts  will be  written in the
      screen-rastport (faster) , the
      informaterV1.0  is  added  and
      the most bugs are killed ( the
      F-keys after loading ) ...    
      21 pages HELP inside the prog-
      ram ...                       
If you like the FED1.1,a new version
comes in the near future ..         
       Source - code for SEKA       
The source-code is for SEKA3.2 ( and
lower ) from Promax of Kefrens . The
AsmOne is very good but comercial !!
I don´t have enough money for this .
But the SEKA3.2 is good enough !!!!!
If you want to have the source-code,
send 4DM or 2$  to my adress  ( with
a letter ) ..                       
The source-code  is  shareware ( the
FED is public domain ) !! I have the
copyright for the source ...        
          more informations         
The information-block under the HEX-
display shows you something :       
Filename  : The name of the file... 
Lenght    : The file-lenght in bytes
Blocks    : The lenght in blocks    
Position  : The   cursor-position in
            the file ...            
Blockpos  : The   block-position for
            the file on the disk ...
Maxmemory : The lenght of the alloc-
            ated memory ...         
Protect   : The protection-bits ... 
Status    : Shows error ...         
  Greetings ( from Hardline ) to :  
Addonic ­Admirals ­ Antarix ­ Arctic
Force ­Argon ­ Armageddon ­ Aurora ­
Awesome ­Axis ­Balance ­Black Sinus­
Chrome ­Coma ­Cyborx ­D-Tect­Decade­
Defcon One ­ Devils ­ DGSA­Digital ­
End of Century 1999 ­ Energy­Exort ­
Exult ­Fairlight ­Falcons ­Frantic ­
German Front  ­ Germaniac  ­ Grace ­
Grace/Austria  ­ Hypnotic  ­ Mafia ­
Magiclords­Majic 12­Masquerade­Mexx­
Nostrum­Paradise ­Probe­Prong ­Risk­
Royal Amiga Force ­Sanctuary­Savage­
Sharks   ­   Shining 8   ­   SKC   ­
Special Brothers ­ Stardust ­ Stash­
Storm­Symbiosis­ T.E.K.­Targets­TDC­
Tech­ Tension­TGI­The Criminals ­The
Company ­The Dark Demon ­The Lords ­
Titanbytes ­ Toxic Track ­ Trackers­
Vanish  ­  X-Trade  ­ Xenox  ­  Zeus
and people without Group :          
Melt Down­Agnus­Suicider­Smash­Andi­
and Shirkan ....                    
and all Groups we have forgotten ...
     Greetings ( from me ) to :     
A.Belke­S.Riede­ Bost­F.Fish­S.Lord­
H.Franz ­  Alloc of TSB ­ A.Keirat ­
A.Murray­P.Händel and all others ...
       The HELP-page ( this )       
The gadgets :                       
[ T ]     - Top ( first page ) ...  
[ «« ]    - One side backwards ...  
[ »» ]    - One side forewards ...  
[ B ]     - Bottom ( last page ) ...
[ Table ] - You  can click with  the
            the  mouse  in the  page
            you want ...            
[ Shadow ]- Toggle  the  shadow-flag
            ( ON/OFF ) ...          
[ Bye ]   - Exit the HELP-page ...  
There are 2 other gadgets. One looks
like a colored box.If you click here
the color of the pen cicles ...     
The other gadget is the page-gadget!
You can click inside the gadget with
the name  ´Page Nº.:´ . You can type
the number of the page ...          
That´s all about the HELP-funktion !
In the next FED-version I will write
a HELP-page with new features! Where
ever you are you can press the HELP-
key and the  window comes ( with the
information about this ) ...        
Example : If you are in the file-re-
quester and you press HELP, the info
about the file-requester comes ...  
         Contact-adresses :         
André Gerke      |  Stefan Pascharat
Auf der Woort 3  |  Franckestraße 11
W-5768 Sundern 9 |     W-3380 Goslar
Germany          |           Germany
Michael Schröder |     Marco Neumann
Am Schulplatz 9  | Josefinenanger 12
W-3370 Seesen 1  |    W-5620 Velbert
Germany          |           Germany
Dominik Klute    |      Oliver Plink
Reuterweg 11     |Im Kirchenöschle 6
W-5768 Sundern 9 |7904 Dellmensingen
Germany          |           Germany
Thomas Jansen    |  Marcus Dromowicz
Hauptstraße 21   |   Händelstraße 10
W-4773 M´see 1   |W-4590 Cloppenburg
Write  to the  first 6 adresses  for
(legal) swapping ...                
If you have  questions about the FED
or other Hardline-productions, write
to me ( T.Jansen ) or to A.Gerke ...
There is a little  group of lamers .
They wrote viruses to let the others
know that they are the best (joke)..
But why ? The Saddam-virus is one of
best viruses I´ve ever seen ! A very
good coding ( sorry , but it is ) !!
But why they must use their know for
this shit ? Write tools or something
others ...                          
They are good  coders but  shitheads
too !                               
     Other Hardline-productions     
Some Intros/Demos/Tools like :      
Relation-Demo , Sounddisk I , Mamor-
Intro , Slideshow , FED , Flash-Copy
and others ...                      
There will come some new productions
called :                            
Sounddisk II , a new Bootmenu, Bier-
intro and  in some month  there will
come a megademo (a good! megademo) !
Wait for all these productions ...  
           Thanks go to :           
To write  this program  I used  some
tools :                             
 SEKA3.2       - Promax of Kefrens  
 DPaintIII     - Dan Silva          
 CygnusED      - Cygnus-Soft        
 IFF-Konverter - Metallion of Kef.  
Thanks go to this  people and to all
the other guys who  help me to wrote
some shit ( like this ) ...         
  The complete Hardline-memberlist  
  DIABOLO .......... ( HQ,GFX,SWP ) 
  POWERSWAP ........... ( SWP,GFX ) 
  1-HAG ............... ( SWP,COD ) 
  SLICER .................. ( SWP ) 
  TRASHER ............. ( SWP,GFX ) 
  THE PUNK ............ ( GFX,SWP ) 
  TOUCHSTONE .......... ( GFX,COD ) 
  MAC ..................... ( MZX ) 
There is one new member ( a Coder ),
but I don´t know his name !?!?!?!?!?
     The keys in the File-EDitor    
Cursor-keys - to move the cursor in-
              side the file ...     
[F1]-[F10]  - jump to the label. You
              set the labels with : 
[SHIFT]+[F1]-[F10] - sets  the label
              inside the file ...   
[ESC]       - toggels  the  CONSOLE-
              flag ...              
[HELP]      - This  information-page
              will come ...         
and on  the  number-block  ( on  the
right side of your keyboard ) :     
  [1] -         bottom of file ...  
  [2] -            cursor down ...  
  [3] -              page down ...  
  [4] -            cursor left ...  
  [5] -      nothing ( he,he ) ...  
  [6] -           cursor right ...  
  [7] -            top of File ...  
  [8] -              cursor up ...  
  [9] -                page up ...  
If you  look in the menues you  find
some key-combinations (left Amiga+?)
for the menu-items !!!              
  Example : About ==> LeftAmiga+A   
            Searching for           
Hardline searches  for good coders &
musicians  ! But if  you are  a good
swapper , grafix-artist (....) write
too ! Write to the adress of the HQ:
              André Gerke           
            Auf der Woort 3         
           W-5768  Sundern 9        
But the coder must  be able to write
a Demo or Intro (not only FD-tools)!
You must know some hardware-adresses
            The last word           
Ok,my fingers  are bloddy (because I
have written 22  pages about FED and
some others) ! I hope you understand
the most (cause my english is shit).
I hope you like this tool and use it
as much as  you can . If you like it
much you can send a little bit money
or something other to me ...        
Some  words  about shareware  : Last
year I wrote a  tool called Alert3.6
You can create alerts  and save them
as an executable file on disk . This
tool  was shareware (10$) ! OK , the
price is high , but who doesn´t need
money? After 4 month a guy phoned me
up and  asked me how  he could bring
the  alert  on  the  bootblock !  He
doesn´t sells the shareware , and he
want to have infos ? I´m very angry,
but I sended him a disk with 2 tools
(to install  the executable file on 
the bootblock) and a letter . In the
letter I wrote  that I want  to have
the shareware , because  I knew that
he would use my program!At that time
I didn´t  have the  shareware and my
disks was not  sended back ! I think
its not the right  way to use FD !!!
A coder (like me) works  more than 3
weeks  on  a  program ( most over 10
weeks )  and   does  it   in  a  FD-
library ( most the Fish-library ) !!
Some thousend people have this disks
and use them, but why don´t they pay
that little bit ? These  people kill
the FD-scene ! They  say they  don´t
have cracked or illegal software,but
they don´t  pay for their software ,
too .. I hope I can change some guys
to pay their shareware ...          
              Touchstone of Hardline
                 ( Thomas Jansen )  
        In the year of the lord 1991
(w)´91 by TS of HDL   no (C)opyright