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3 763 bytes (3.67K)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:15
Download count:
all-time: 0



                                 GrandBoot V1.1
                             Happy Cracking Service

                             1) Load a New File
                             2) Install a GrandBoot
                             3) Rip a GrandBoot
                             4) About GrandBoot
                             9) Quit

                             Enter Your Choice :           

                          Type FileName To Be Loaded !

                              (1 = df0:GrandBoot)
                              (2 = df1:GrandBoot)

                              Enter FileName : 

                          Ok, The File Is Now Loaded !

                           Place File In Mem ? $
                         Insert Destination Disk In Df0:
                              And Press Return : 

                        Free Sectors On Disk..... : 
                        Sectors Needed On Disk... : 

                          Ok, File Is Now Installed !

                           Insert Source Disk In Df0:
                    And Press Return To Rip The GrandBoot : 

                       Ok, I've Found a GrandBoot

                          File Org Location...: $
                          File Jump Location..: $

                    Create ExecuteAble Or DataFile (e/d) : 

                           Type FileName To Be Saved !

                             (1 = df0:GrandBoot.Rip)
                             (2 = df1:GrandBoot.Rip)

                               Enter FileName : 
                           Ok, The File Is Now Saved !

                     Thanx, For Using The Greatest BootBlock
                           Installer Around The Globe.

                        Signed : The Spirit of HCS'4220

                        Sorry, No File With That Name !!!
                  Sorry, No Spare Memory For The GrandBoot !!!
                 Sorry, This File Org Location Is Below $2a000,
                      And Can't Be Used As a GrandBoot !!!
                   No Room For The GrandBoot On This Disk !!!
                       Sorry, Disk Is Write Protected !!!
                           Sorry, No Disk In Drive !!!
                      Sorry, No GrandBoot On This Disk !!!
                       Sorry, No File Has Been Loaded !!!
                             Sorry, Disk Is Full !!!
                           Sorry, Error In Address !!!

          Welcome To GrandBoot V1.1

          Some Small Adjustments Has Been Made.

          Unlikely Version 1.0, You Don't Have To Add 
          The Longword In The Begining Of Your Program Anymore.
          Simply Type The File Location (The Same As The Jump Location),
          When The File Has Been Loaded.

          You Can Still Use Crunched Files,
          But Remember : It Has To Be a Data File.

          The Ripped Program Saved From The Ripper,
          Can Be Saved As An Object File, As Well As a DataFile.
          If It's a Crunched File,
          It Will Still Be Crunched When It's Saved.

          Beware :
          The File Location MUST NOT Be Lower Than $2a000.

          Press Return .   > 

          If There Should Be Any Bugs With The GrandBoot,
          Or If You Still Don't Know How To Use The GrandBoot.
          Then Feel Free To Contact HCS'4220,
          And We Will Solve The Problem At Once !!!

          Enjoy It !!!

          Signed : The Spirit .   > 

GrandBoot V1.1