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                 »3 WE ARE BACK FOR REAL!»1

Sitting down here  at Mekka & Symposium we, Fishwave and me had  the great  idea
to compile a surprise issue of Jurassic Pack.Frame of C-Lous wrote me some weeks
ago in the IRC: "JP, the mag that can`t die". Yes, right, that`s exactly what we
think about our baby. It can`t die as it`s too good to do so and it won`t die as
long as we have fun doing it.  (and do such spontananeous actions like this one)

The only problem was that we didn`t take my own computer (Ghandy) with us. So we
didn`t  have  the oppotunity to use the  latest update  including all  cliparts,
changed fonts, colours  etc.   We had to use the version of Exons`  second Amiga
and then Exon, Craid  and Spin (& Touchstone + Azure??) worked hours after hours
(honestly)  until it worked  properly.  To our luck, after lots  of bugfixing it

I personally thought a long time about selling my Amiga and buying a PC.  Every-
thing  has  advantages  and  disadvantages  and so  have  both systems.  On  the
commercial side the Amiga is  as good as dead  and also the scene changed a lot.
The circle of active  people decreased quite quickly the past  months and years.
Who`s left to support us and to keep us being motivated and who`s  lost in space
Or lost in the f*cking world of the buggy Microsoft Windows 95 and other quaking

Actually I  don`t have the money and especially  not the  motivation to leave my
really beloved system and it wouldn`t be really funny to read the message  "Your
program/window can`t be closed, please reset computer" again and again. I can do
what I want with my plain A1200 like surfing in the net, watching at demos, mags
etc. It doesn`t make  so much fun with that speed but there`s no  real reason to
change the computer platform, or ??

So as  already said, JP is back for real to  provide some interesting  facts for
you all around the german partyevent. Just read, enjoy and don`t forget us after

Ghandy and Fishwave


For all people wondering  about my location, I have rejoined the GODly PC tribe.
It`s just how Chris wrote it to me in an email some days ago:  "You can`t escape
from your family - welcome back"!

Thanks to the Secretly guys for lending us their great monitor! And of course to
all coders who helped us getting our idea to become reality.
»2       ** JURASSIC PACK TEAM **»1

                               Code: Zytrox/Gods

                             GfX:  Bridgeclaw/Gods

                           Music: Michael of Anathema

         Edited by: Ghandy of Darkage^Faith^Gods & Fishwave of Scoopex

   Technical support (this time it was quite urgent) by Exon, Spin and Craid.



This is a help page for you that has not figured out how to operate this truly
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Just stick around and enjoy yourself.... Jodel!

Don`t forget, a mag worth reading is a mag worth writing for.

MS'98: Newsflash
collected by Fishwave & Ghandy

The JP-crew was walking around in the partyhall of  Mekka-Symposium  to catch up
with the latest in news  and  rumours concerning the Amiga demoscene. A party is
always the  right  place to exchange information that  usually would  have  been
taken with great care and kept secret, but once the first litres of beer made it
down your throat you don`t pay too much attention to your organizer`s  rules and
chitchat about virtually anything.

This is what we got to hear, all directly at the partyplace.   However we cannot
take any responsibility  for anything in news  that aswell could be  nothing but
false rumours.

Artwork - Up and away?

The German number one team of Exit Planet Dust fame is supposed to release a new
demo at  Symmekka, something that isn`t  sure yet since this  issue of  Jurassic
Pack is being edited ten hours before the final demo compeition takes place.

According to various  sources (Rokdazone, Antibrain/Bizarre Arts) Azure and band
spend the whole weekend together to work on their demo back at  home in Hamburg,
just to pop up at the partyplace to enter the  contest and win it for the fourth
time in a row - in the tradition of "Greenday", "The Gate" and "Megademo 4".
Jurassic Pack  also chatted  with Fiver2 at  the partyplace who  confirmed these
news. The demo is in the making.

Rokdazone told us that this will be the very last demo from the hands of Artwork
anyhow. The  group won`t be closed officially but it is going  to split up, with
some members joining other active groups whilst the other  part stays in Artwork
and might release something when they feel like switching on their Amigas.

The Generation main-ed  told us that he will, together  with Damion, found a new
group in  Germany, with the  remaining active parts  of Artwork  in  combination
with members of another group that assumingly is also going to bite the dust.
Interesting future perspectives for a forthcoming German team that at least will
produce demos of "good average quality" (Rokdazone).

Essence - Almost gone?

The ROM factory of Essence seems to shut  down once and  forever. According  to
rumours Touchstone  sold  his  Amiga  and thus  retired  from Amiga  democoding.
Consequentely his fellow groupmates had to give up scening.

We were told that the ROM code was handed over to some  unknown editor producing
a "PD" magazine  -  it won`t be  used  for  scene  purposes.  Touchstone`s  wide
collection of routines was sent to the German Haujobb family, who might use some
of his routines for own projects.

And for the mag-fans  among you we have  the sad news that ROM is  no more - how
could it  without a group  and the  new code?  Nevertheless Robomop may continue
with his online version.

Haujobb - "We are family"

The strong  going Haujobb was proud to announce a new  member: musician Virgill.
He left his both inactive groups  Artwork and Essence (look above paragraphs for
more information on the matter).

Besides that the Finnish part of Haujobb is permamently working on new releases,
musician and head of Haujobb Jazz is going to make a multichannel musicdisk hand
in hand with Brainwasher of Eremation.  Jurassic Pack indeed saw the first lines
of code!

Nuance - Not going Wild yet...

"The first  issue of Wild will  be released at  Mekka-Symposium  this Easter" we
heard the Nuance members saying. Thus  we immediately rushed to  their tables as
to get one  of  the first  copies  -  we  tried  to  at least.  Raven  was quite
disappointed because he had to deny our request. The code is still in the making
by Grey and nobody knows when a releasedate could be fixed.

Polka Brothers - Finally back?

Announced by scene media some while ago, Danish Friday-at-8 starcoder returns to
Amiga coding.  He has been seen  on Symmekka arrvining with  his brand new 68060
powered equipment. He wouldn`t buy such a machine if he didn`t intend to release
something.  As always it`s a matter of  time, since we are  not sure whether  he
will finish before the deadline or fail.

The Gathering - A happy TRSI

Although being here  at Mekka-Symposium, some hundred  kilometres away from cold
Norway, the first news and releases from Gathering reached us.  TRSI members are
walking around  speaking of  their recent success at this years Gathering. Their
Finnish subgroup  and  demo-divison  Mellow Chips takes  home  the first  prize.
According to some people it ought to be the only good demo  at TG this year, but
one should  consider to have a look at the full  results list before drawing any

The demo called "Rise" features a "Lara Croft" alike vector babe in breathtaking
vector surroundings that sets standards for all demos to come in the future. The
only bad  thing is the  heavy need for a 68060 processor,  though  it works with
lower configurations, too.

¹Three Little Elks dead!
¹According to the interview that will be published quite  soon in the  next issue
¹of Seenpoint the group  will stop to produce  anything  after they have finished
¹their second fungame called Bratwurst.

Gods went PC
After Sixpack left  Gods about eight weeks ago, there was a real  wave of people
leaving Gods or  beeing kicked.  Zerox wrote in an email: "Beside Chris,  Liszt,
Odin and XbarR in France and  Zerox & Tyhpoon in Norway  nobody`s left in  Gods.
They left us all or were kicked." The french demoteam now finished their work on
their second PC demo which will be presented at Gathering and Mekka&Symposium at
the same time. The  first one called  Evolution made the  rank#1 at  the Saturne
party last  summer. Now it`s still  unsure what will happen with  Friendchip  as
Ghandy didn`t join Haujobb and wasn`t still not informed what`s going on.

¹Hybris HD was released
¹About two  days ago  Galahad of Fairlight  released the HD-fix of  the great but
¹about  ten years  old game  called HYBRIS!  Watching  what was  possible for the
¹coder beeing  limitated by the  ECS-chipset it would have been quite interesting
¹what he he  would have provided for  AGA... Leech  and try this game, it`s still
¹worth it after all the time!

¹In Seenpoint#9 we`ll present you a rather detailed interview with the guy who
¹had done the fix and a lot of cracks, Galahad of Fairlight.

»2    MS 98 GFX Compo-  IT IS FRESH!»1

quick glance by Fishwave

The graphics competition  was one of the  first to be held  and JP thus  had the
chance write down some first impressions. Since the final results are unknown we
just give our personal opinion of what could win this contest.
Graphics from Mekka-Symposium - it`s fresh!

The big screen used at the party place lives up to the usual demands of sceners,
but  pixelled art gets  displayed  in  a  kind of chunky way.  Judging  from the
impression  of the  presentation may be quite different to  what you  think when
facing the images on a monitor-set.

The first picture displayed was by French Zaac of Ramses, who isn`t at the party
but Kelson/Ramses.  It`s  a really great start for the  gfx-compo  being a grey-
scale picture (at least it looks like on the big screen) displaying four smiling
people.  The arrangement is very authentic and can  be compared to  something of

A nice  picture  though  with a touch  of oldschool.  Two almost  naked beauties
fighting each other in a landscape surrounding. We had the chance to see it on a
monitor and without  doubts can say that it looked two times better than in  the
actual competition.

Odin`s contribution  is about a "mystical forest", a  motif directly from nature
so to say. It`s performed with the needed skills in technique and thus creates a
fitting atmosphere. Nevertheless the overall motif lacks of an eyecatcher.

Sigma of TRSI
An average picture that perhaps wouldn`t attract too  much attention in an over-
all good gfx-contest. Though here at MS'98 only approx. 10 out of 50 images  are
any good.  The composition by  Sigma consists of a man`s and  woman`s face, well
arranged and both good in proportion.

Acryl of Scoopex
The man who  rejoined Scoopex recently finished a picture of a kind of "monster"
for the demo-contest. It had everything to it to fit for such a motif. Well done
nothing else can be added.

Cyclone of Abyss
One of the most active  German graphicians  who contributed with  an alternative
picture. Cyclone`s typical style is used display a boy and a girl outside in the
dangerous  wood.  A fairytale motif with a touch of comic style.  A  really good
change in the mass of serious motifs.

Peachy of Haujobb
Peachy, the only graphician  with three pictures in  the competition - at  least
people said that he delivered three under different handles to  rise his chances
to win.  The picture  going by his  actual name was a fantastic  image  in clean
style. A bird and a girl meeting - this describes it best.

Besides these pictures  there were  some more  of average quality  or dull joke-
pictures.  All in all a stable  competition where the very best  pictures should
have a easy standing to win.

by Fishwave & Ghandy

Besides the  usual competitions, the supreme highlight  of any sceneparty, there
are always some outstanding happening remaining in memory of party attenders for
quite some time to come.

Yet the MS'98 is not over. The lights are on but evening is approaching and when
the first major competition, the Amiga  40k festival, starts they'll be switched
off and  the audience,  in  a  dark  hall, will  experience  a  hopefully  great

Already  yesterday  there was  a very  funny  surprise  compo  of  four  singers
imitating some old C64 modules - with drums and everything.  Three guys from the
audience had to find out about the titles in order to win a C64  as first prize.
A real highlight  that was well appreciated by  all visitors who were applausing
for minutes.

Another unexpected  competition was the "keyboard puzzle".  Two guys  had to put
all  the  keys onto the "naked" board,  the first one who`s finished  wins.  One
doesn`t have  to say that few people remember the actual setup of  a keyboard so
it took them half an eternity to make it whilst the audience  was really getting
upset and almost had killed the competitors for their "lamness" so to speak.

There were also some german reporters from Television (WDR) who took some scenes
from the party. They were invited by Evrimmson of Nuance who`s actually writing
a book about the scene and how it all began. Lateron after filming the hall they
searched for some sceners to interview. As always the illegal scene is attracted
by cameras like moths are by light and started to talk about bbses, cracking and
the likes to the reporters. Definitely  no promotion for the demoscene  that has
gained  a much higher status in  the overall computer scene.  And, not to forget
the person  did mention some names of  still running boards, so  he brought  the
sysop in big troubles.

Also, everybody prefering a calm place in the sleeping hall made a quite bad
experience. Building up a tent for all people who want to catch some sleep is
surely a good idea, but if there`s no heat in the hall afterall it gets and got
DEADLY cold during the night. We`ll report you later how many attenders of the
sleeping tent got a bad cold
   »3            INTRODUCTION »1

by Ghandy

Well, we were sure you would click here FIRST to get the free sex at once!  Like
you are always doing when you discover such words in free adults www-pages. And?
Did we have the wrong thoughts? I`m sure we didn`t... ;-)

So read on in the next article about masturbating sceners, secret cameras, anal-
sex, the Spice girls  and other casualities.   We swear you`ll sweat  if  you`re
ready reading it. Have fun!

(turn page)
   »2       SMART, SEXY + SPICY! »1

by Fishwave/Scoopex

Who doesn't know the five  charming ladies  from MTV who  enriched our life with
songs such as "Spice up your life", "Mama" and "Who do you think you are?".  The
real fan already  knows that we're talking about the only real  girlie-band, the
dream of  any male human being  on earth, the  ultimate answer to the Backstreet
Boys - the... SPICE GIRLS!

Mel B, Mel C, Victoria, Emma and  Geri - five names of five real beauties!  It's
no wonder that a lot of SCENERS are  big fans of the Spice Girls,  too, although
only few show their feelings  publicly. Jurassic Pack knows that approximately
73% of all sceners  bought at least  one single from the Spice Girls.  38 out of
100 sceners  even have big  posters of the five female superstars hanging  above
their beds. Another 21% use the posters for... ehhm, guess what.

Jurassic Pack  invited  all  sceners to  take part in  the big  "Vote  for  your
favourite Spice Girl" poll and no less than 1392 sceners sent their votes to us.
We want to thank Craid, Exon, Virgill and Rokdazone for counting  the votesheets
for us! Thanks guys!

Now let's start  the show... it's time for  the.... SPICE GIRLS.... to enter the
stage, don't you think so?


The  blonde  Spice  Girl came  sadly last in  our poll.  Only  12% of  our  poll
participants wanted Emma for a candle light dinner, however, 32% wouldn't refuse
an one-night-stand offer.  The reasons for the antipathy  is Emma's 'fat ass' as
Spice Girls expert Muffler/Haujobb told us:  "Yeah, I saw her photo in the news-
paper where she was wearing a bikini only. Her  fat ass really  turned me off...
Believe me! Whatsoever, I like her voice. That's why  I sampled it  and take use
of it in almost all my modules."

On the other  hand there  are also real  Emma-fans among  sceners  for  instance
Rodney of TBL:  "Hell, I love blonde girls. I love Emma...  oh, I am so horny.."
We really don't know what Rodney did next so don't ask us at all...


Geri, the red haired beast, was ranked fourth.  Actually she is the only one who
published photos on which she is completely naked.  For whatever reasons most of
her fans didn't like the photos that much.  We of the Jurassic Pack Staff  don't
have a clue  why people reacted  that way  as her magnificent tits and  her well
shaped body caused more than just a lightly increased blood circulation. Fact is
that  only  25% share our  feelings and  pray  to  God  for an hour  with  their
favourite Spice Girl every evening.

Here are some interesting statements.  "She's the only I would show my 3d engine
to!" (Azure/Artwork).   "I  wouldn't  marry her  but probably  her  big  boobs!"
(Chosen/RNO)  "If I  wasn't a homosexual I would take her!"  (An anonymous email
from Malta).


Victoria is the elegant lady  in the girlie-band.  She's a bit shy probably, but
aren't these kind of girls the most 'hungry' ones?  32% of our poll participants
were of the same opinion. Surprisingly, scener's interest in Victoria isn't just
sexual but more into true romanticism. "Everytime  I scan a nice girl to be used
in my compo-pictures I think of Victoria" Louie of TBL told  us. Lord of Kenguru
goes a  step further: "I am thinking  of Victoria 24 hours a day. When I get up,
when I eat, when I fake stamps and when I booze, I`m only thinking of Victoria's
sexy eyes, her lips and her tongue which I'd like to lick my.." The last part of
Lord's message was censored by us, sorry.

Here are some interesting figures:  194 sceners would  buy 'Victoria'-shirts, 23
sceners would wear them. 34 sceners have Victoria-tatoos, 10 regret it already.

Mel C

The only  Spice Girl with an  Adidas-contract was placed second.  She is a  very
sporty person, with a  marvellous smile and  a really  sinful exciting piercing.
No less than 39%  want Mel C - very close! The ideas how to spend a nice evening
with the  Spice Girl are pretty  different. Scorpion  of Silicon  would like  to
discuss phong-formulas with Mel C,  Ganja would offer her one  of his many unre-
leased songs to become a superstar himself and Napoleon would force her to count

The biggest 'Mel C'  fan is TBL organizer I-Go. Pressure was  told that he wants
to create the most fantastic Mel C  web site of the world.  He will  delete  RAW
Online and replace it by his 'Mel C' site very soon.

Mel B

She is the most popular  Spice Girl and her name is Mel B! Unimaginable 51% told
us that she is the queen among the nice band members. In fact, Mel B is the most
funny girl with an excellent taste of humour. Furthermore her female charm makes
you go crazy,  too, and thus it is no wonder that  sceners would give away their
life for this great woman.

At Assembly '98 we'll see a "Mel B Demo Compo" for the very first time. Darkage,
Sonik Clique  and Scoopex  already announced to take  part in  this competition.
According to rumours even Artwork and TBL  will release a  coop-slideshow called
"Mel B In Wonderland". On top of that, Nerve Axis will release an extra Pressure
issue especially about Mel B.

¹We hope you  enjoyed our  small Spice Girls poll  and you'll be here  with us to
¹find out  about the most hated  Backstreet Boys  in the next  issue of JurasSICK
¹                 »3 EH? »1

Wrong section... wrong mag!

You`re reading  Jurassic Pack  and you`re in  the infamous  Sweenpoint  section:
Swapper`s Inn! After our legendary  first presence in  Jurassic Pack #3  sceners
looked forward to the ultimate sequel, but  both JP #4 and #5 came  without this
truly amazing bunch of articles.

Now you may wonder what "Sweenpoint" means.  The really smart guys among you may
notice that  there is no English word  similar to sween(point).  Perhaps some of
you think that this name orginiated from the well known magazine Seenpoint.  You
fool!  Of course it does  not or  do you think  that there are  any similarities
between RAW and ROM  except for both starting with an R and having three letters
in total?  No!  Moreover  we were first  with the  idea of  calling  our section
Seenpoint, but due to the hated competitior  we decided to add a W, making clear
that we are the section for the SWapper.

As we all know the  usual length of swapping  letters has dropped  below the 500
bytes mark, so  swappers hardly are used to read long texts.  So we better  stop
right now before you think this is a novell or stuff.

Just enjoy the MS'98 Sweenpoint mixture... done in a great hurry by...

                  ("Sceners kiss my feet when they meet me!")
               ("Damn that I stepped into some shit outdoor...")

                 »3SWAPPERS AINT STUPID!»1

by (Fi)s(hwave/Scoop)ex

We knew it ever since, some swappers doubted it and coders claim it: Swapper are
stupid... he?  No, we mean swappers are  not stupid!  (how could we  make such a
fatal mistake? Embarrassing...).

As to prove this and to help all swappers who indeed suffer a bit from paranoia,
also to practise their grey braincells, we invented a phenomenal kinda quiz.This
is not the usual "Who coded the 13th placed demo at The Party 3?" question every
one knows the answer on.  This is not another dull "explain  the theory of phong
shaded  envmapping at lightsourced  morphing vectorobjects" request  without any
sign of highbrowsing level.

We want to teach you something worthwhile in our live that will last forever. It
will support your education, your behaviour and your general intelligence.  It`s
helping you to understand philosophy. It`s your path to the world of poetry. You
don`t  fancy  any of these  enormous achievements?  Well, you  may improve  your
English, get ideas for new disk-tags ("Vortex`s cool - Durex`s for da fool") and
you can  claim to  have read  something different to the  "so what"  fillers you
usually consume (in Retro?).

All of  you who  give a fuck on great  literature may move  straight away to the
last page of  this articles where some dumb jokes can be found  (by skipping the
major part of this article you will arrive at the normal standard of aprox. 2000
bytes per article you read).

Ok, so over to the great  quiz (or whatever). Here you will read a nice article,
a piece of literature by one of the best editors (hihi ... sorry). But guess who
it is! This will take some skills!

                              *Who am I?*
From the first instants I saw that  bright light, I knew that all those dark and
wetly nights were  only the hard part of my existence.  The sensation of freedom
was  unpronounceable.   I could  move,  go wherever  I felt cosy  and  form  own
thoughts.  I was let to roam in a world unknown to  me, without any user manual;
not that I needed one, but for an outsider this word sounded  important on first
impact.  The feeling of growing into a singular  individual is electric.  I knew
that I was born for something unique. I had a mission in my blood.

In the beginning of  1996 I found  myself involved  in the Amiga demo scene.  It
didn't take so long to understand that this line of computing would have given a
significant turn-up to my future.

I consulted  all the available material,  demos, intros and  even read about the
"old  school" scene, from which I knew almost  nothing, but when it  was time to
get in contact with the first sceners, I  promptly behaved as if I  used to live
in those good  times.  Everyone agreed and my  "those were the days"  went  down
pretty well.

Sceners look in  the face of no  one.  This is the  general impression  I got on
impact. If you are talented, and show a good flair  for a particular field, then
you are immediately accepted in the clan. I can say that I became part of a team
but in reality I  didn't mind too  much about  the group in itself.  I wanted to
learn, I wanted to see sources, to understand, to improve. And so I did.

Sometimes I wonder  who am I in reality?  A monster who cares  about nothing but
himself? A dark angel eager for fame and fortune?

I have  been scening  for  less than a year,  and if I have to  be sincere  with
myself I can't remember too much from my pre-demo life.  Or to be more precise I
don't care too much about the banal anecdotes  of the years gone by - similar or
identical to ten  thousand other  stories, I guess.  At least, here, in the demo
world,  I can say  that I am  a creature with  a character and  identity like no
one's else.

    *[To save you some time we inform you that there are no hints in]*
   *[this paragraph. But ok, if you don`t trust us go on! Y`own fault!]*

Scene is all for me, and I do really love asmone and brilliance.  I feel them so
much part of  myself, that sometimes I  even mistake  them for my brothers.  I'm
really trying to  start to learn  tracking,  because I can't withstand all those
summer days with all that amount of  free time between coding and painting. I do
not like to stay at my A4000, just glancing desperately at Workbench. Of course,
I hear sceners and these  so-called VIS, talk about  beach partying and females.
Sincerely I  don't share these same  views of fun. For me,  happiness is a state
where one is at peace with his own heart, and I'm mostly comfortable when I look
at demos.  So why should I act otherwise, just not to be called a nerd, a boring
scener? I don't want to appear in  some insignificant gallery, being  cuddled by
one-night-stand girls, I don't even know. Yes, sceners are strange. They act and
behave in a way to attract the attention of  others, but in this way they aren't
really themselves. They want to appear on TV at all costs. I don't know, maybe I
am criticising in vain. If I would get out of this place more often after 21:00,
then who knows, maybe I would  understand better, maybe I would fall in love and
loose the big emotion I have for demos.

Not that  I would  like that  to happen,  but I am  smart enough  to accept  all
possibilities of life.

School is a big waste  of time. One has the  right to do what he  can see to fit
the better for his  life, and this is why  I hate obligatory  things.  Religion,
school, cars.. they are all "standards" in today's society. For me they are only
objects of consumerism. You have to fit in or  you are out. Well, I prefer being
out, I prefer skipping school, to believe only in myself and not spending all my
money in driving lessons.  Sometimes I wonder why  sceners cry to death, just to
own  certain material needs.  I hear  my parents  preaching over  values which I
can't understand.

Job?  Why do I need a "good one"  if money has no meaning for me.  Money is only
useful to eat, buy hardware and pay the electricity bill. I don't aspire to work
in a software house, maybe slaving 20 hours a day, making games. I don't want to
use my talent, designing WWW pages.

It's my life and therefore I  want to live it as I like, at least for these nice
moments.  Sceners vote for me, they inflate my  stimulation to reach for more. I
try, I try, but strangely enough, I can't foresee what should come next. Another
demo or intro? Why, perfection was reached last time, the summer competition was
won and therefore I can now pay for a three year Internet subscription.

Sceners speak of  girls, but since months,  I have this fixation for code, fast,
68030  enhanced.  The thought  of highly optimised  instructions,  all branching
gracefully into the colour cycling bytes of  my environment mapper, almost  make
me come.  I'm not ashamed at all about this, but one  thing I have been noticing
is that I do really enjoy the company of boys. The more they are scene-talented,
the more I find them attracting... Am I a gay? ...

                              *SO WHO IS IT?*

                   a) My dog dreaming about cybersex
                   b) Destop masturbating with a desktop
                   c) Exon while ripping sources of My Kingdom


"Hell no, I'm just Mop, the last Amiga demo from Essence..."

Yes, that`s it! Perhaps you have an idea why Mop  changed handle to Robomop.  At
first he thought  he was a demo, now he thinks he is a machine. Hell, you should
have seen him when he thought he was a toaster...

some words by Ghandy

As we didn`t collect any  votes or didn`t want to count  anything we just looked
around and  proudly present you the first alternative partycharts  ever been re-

So have a look who here was the:

- most drunken guy (grass sucks or what?)
- most loud mate (Prollhead rocks!?)
- most sleepy fellow (sleeping where-ever he was standing, sitting or what
- most lousy visitor (we counted nonwashed hairs, lousy shoes [you didn`t use
  fishy`s shoe glue making a scener`s shoe look new???], a bad smell, a worse
  overall presence etc.??)

¹1. Nomad / Scoopex  (had to leave the second day because he felt so bad)
¹                    [big health damages]

¹2. Bird / Scoopex (big problems to stay on the legs without falling down)
¹	           [middle health damages] High in the sky? Bird(s) can`t fly!

¹3. Zinko / Crux & Trsi (drank a selfdone mixture of sweets and vodka)
¹		        [a lot of brain cells should have died]

¹4. Exon Valdez of Faith `n Jormas (ship wasn`t seen anymore after he drove
                                   it in direction straight to Alaska)

¹5. Rahiem of Essence (damage:None! He was the only guy not drinking a single
		      beer.. as usually.. uuups are we wrong?) [He told us that
	              he ran around naked at the last South Sealand Party in
		      Denmark under the heavy influence of alcohol but we are
		      not sure that we can believe him.]

¹6. Hunkpappa / Birdhouse Projects (Ich bin nicht dabei? Gibts ja garnicht!)
			            [Sauft! Sauft! Sauft!]
				    ...he gave us 246 Dollars for that entry!

¹7. Cyclone / Abyss   We never met him at any meeting without being drunken!
		      Why the f*ck should it be different in THIS case??
   »2      MOST LOUD VISITOR »1

1. Ronny / Teklords - with his complete disco equipment making gabbah concerts
	             all the time. Getting cancer all the time!???

2. TrippleX or better known as XXX - Okay this time they didn`t throw him out so
   (of Haujobb & BeerDrinka`z)	      often but it wasn`t hard to recognize his
				      voice inbetween all the sounds in the hall.

3. Steeler of Phantasm - We really love your big eggs! Keep on entertaining us!

4. 519 other party attenders - All shouting "FICKEN!" whenever they saw
                                either a woman (e.g. pic, real etc.) or
            			confused a guy with long hair for one.

5. Marc of Haujobb - He played his mods at full volume. Not because he
                      wanted to gain some fame or anything but he needed
                      some more space around his table.

1. ¹Fishwave of Scoopex - He was sleeping throughout the whole party
                          and this is just the result of his horrible nightmares-
                          He had read Retro they day before (uuuuuargh!).

2. ¹Rokdazone & girlfriend - They were sleepy all the time and vanished in
                             the sleeping tent... hmm... really?

3. ¹Sleepwalker of Depth - Always sleepy and somehow not...

4. ¹Spin of Abyss - He fixed Azure's code and had a hard time not
                    to fall asleep.**

6. ¹Ghandy of Gods - This ought to be number 5.. but he is soooo sleepy.

7. ¹Bytebreaker of Luker Haus - he wasn't at the party at all and
                                since he is an Insomniac he wouldn't
                                have slept either. But it's cool that
                                we mention this, don't you think?

** Updated news: Spin did NOT fix, he ripped it. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

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alcohol rocks?               
louder please...             
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«2MEKKA&SYMPOSIUM `98 NEWS              
«2PRAYING AT MEKKA                      
Gfx compo review                        
Highlights in a dark hall               
«2FREE SEX HERE!                        
Smart, Sexy & Spicy!                    
Swappers ain`t stupid!                  
MS`98 CHARTS                           
Chart Info                               
Most Drunken                             
Most Loud                                
Most Sleepy                              
   »3¹JURASSIC PACK»1                   
    When dinosaurs are first             
