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T0P0Cwhat the fuck is this, a bunch of vertical stripes and an ugly scroll with an ugly mirror ???????            P1S2B
yes, but it's more than that.     P0this is    nosferatu P1DDDDB of C       P0the giantsP1DDDDC presenting you ....          
T1P0Byowzatic sensations ... a new demo from   C   the gianLtsDDDDDDDB in 1989 ...   C        T0P1credits for this demo : 
Bmusic by honkydory and mr. fancy ... big font by vanguard ... this font ripped from some demo (can't remember which!)  ... 
all other gfx by nosferatu ... and ofcourse coding by nosferatu ...            T1P0well, i suppose it's just fair to tell 
you that this scroll containsC   £  only  £DDB  my own, personal nosferatu-greetings-list. for our complete greetlist 
look in some other demo we release at the same time (possibly on the same disk) ...  ok folx, stand by for my contact 
address .........   grab pen and paper, cos here it comes .....         Anosferatu of the giants   B....    Ageir are 
skjeret   B...     Ablindheimsvik   B...   A6040 vigra    B...   Anorway      B    ...   phone number is    ...   477183280
DDB    ...   or from norway just (071)83280DDB Bcontact me for cool swapping, but lamers - don't even try. i can smell 
from your disks that you're lame, and i will burn them ...      ok, greetlist coming soon, Cbut first, we'll take a look 
at what has helped to create this demo ?????   S1   S2   S3   S4  Clots of $$$$$$ especially þþþþþþþþþ jarre the master 
... tons S1and tons of ººººººººººººº coffee ....       support from ############# the group ........ a 150 meg 
S2æææææææææææææææææ hard disk (thanx dag) .........  a whole lot of åååååååååå precious time ........  (too much!)    
       ten kilos of ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ spiders ... coding is hungry work .... wot, me mad ???? you're mad !!!!       10000 kilowatts
 (at least) of ££££££ power £££££££         Bß°ð    DDA Bis the result swell or wot ?        Chey, man! watch out !!! 
sprites entering hyperspace imminent!!!!!! BS6  S9  Cacceleration completed, hyperspace countdown 987654321S00B  wow! 
that was fun! but now the sprites have gone into interstellar travel, never to return until time has wrapped around 
itself ......    CS2just kidding. man!      ok, so now we'll list those personal greetings ...    first, a hello to   
amitech  DDB we remembered you this time ... hi stephan, hope you have a nice holiday in sweden, in spite of their 'strange'
 language. remember, negarbullar er goda !! hi also to mr. magic, nice sendings !!  C   other greetings go in alphabetical 
chaos to : the red baron (more hackers delight please)  -  honkydory (hahaha, how is life without an amiga. hohoho!) - 
mr. fancy (more fancy music, if you please...) - thundercat (sendings are slowing down lately, but great stuff as always.
 keep on coding) - mr. pride (keep on coding, you too!) - all other giants on reset (well, if you think it's funny to 
live on a place called reset, know that there is a place in trondheim (near a place where honkydory and i bought a pizza
 which he ate most of) called ...  Ademoen ... Choho! anyway, keep up the good wurk!) - eno (hahaha, is there a bug in 
your soup ? hohoho !!) - vanguard and warlock (keep on swapping and drawing, real great work !) - dr. silent (grrrreat 
music!!) - lasse (hahaha, hope it's cool to go to bi, hoho!) - alliance (hi predator, you haven't time to read this, you 
should be at work now ...) terror vision and ccg (hi ironhawk, nice swapping, call me if you really want that intro) - 
death force (hi morten, return my disks !!!) - raven (hi man, send some of your demos to me!) - ice man (too many disks ? 
throw some out the window!) - BS2   well, i guess that wraps it for the greetings.  oups, it's a quarter past nine already.
 i'll have to go and find out when £ hunter £  starts on tv. i'll just be a minute ...              T0ok, i'm back now. 
hunter starts at a quarter past ten, so i can bore you for another hour, or more, if i write rubbish as fast as the rubbish
 i have been writing for some time now.                P1well, i could always tell you all about how this demo was 
intended to be. i had intended to have a different kind of scroller down where the copy of the upper one is now, but the 
routine i made wasn't 100 percent compatible with the rest of the demo. so i guess i will use it in my next demo, which i
 have already started (no, it's not   boozo  ...).   also, you see that shadow on the  logo ? well, the logo was intended 
to spin vertically, and the shadow was to spin correspondingly. but no time !!!                 T1CP0S3ok, so then i'll 
tell you about a large project which i am planning ...    a music disk !!!   B but no ordinary music disk. it will play 
the current music while loading the next one, and tone it down while uncrunching the loaded music ...  perhaps i will 
also make a complex system to enable the user to program several songs to be played in sequence ... well, if the music 
is good, i think it's worth it. of course, you cannot play a 250 k music while loading another 250 k music ... but it's 
not the size that's decisive, it's how you use it ...     i have not seen anyone do this, so we'll be the first !!!!  
perhaps we can sell the music disk commercially ...      yah, if you're still out there, please do something useful 
instead of reading this boring scroll... go out and play on the motorway ... send me a contact letter ... shave all the
 hair off the left side of your head ... build a 512 k memory expansion from the brown braincells that are squeezed out 
of your ear ... well, you get the general idea ????    so git, coz this scroll is restarting imminently ...             
                 T0A                          Bwell, not that imminently ... i forgot to tell you this : if you meet a 
lamer named ken olsen, currently residing in denmark (hopefully for the rest of his life), pleeeeeease - kill him !!!    
            P1this fellow is so lame that he out-lames the lamer i thought was was lame enough to lame himself to the 
world lameliness championship - tommy nilsen ... i won't say a word about either of them ... it's too comical, i might 
hurt my amiga by banging my head into it ...                   P0Cok, if you have read this far, you are eligible for the
 'lame-brain contest' of 1989. just send me 100 norwegian kroner and you have the chance to win a fabulously decorated 
soundsample consisting of someone saying 'jevla lamer' ...  do not hesitate ! write now ! to my address ! and remember ! 
the money ! please mark the envelope 'lame-brain' ... ok, i'll have to go and write my address somewhere before in this 
scroll, cos i've forgotten it ...                       honkydory, din skalle! du skal ikke bruke amon til lesing av 
rulletekster !!!!!!!!  fy og fy, ta og exit og run demoen og les rulleteksten paa skikkelig vis !!!                     
  CT1ok, scccccccccccccccccccccccccccccrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooollllllll         wwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrappinnnnnng 
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww               i wanta have some ºººººººº coffee ....        A
                                                      you don't give up, do you ? well, i will write this slow crap, and 
then i'll wrap the scroll, and we'll see who gets the last laugh hahahahaha !!!