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     hello and be welcome to 'move your mouse' from genetic. why don't you try it and select a tune.       in this scroller you'll find the credits, the greetings, the =what we needed to make this musicdisk=, a skull, the genetic memberlist and the genetic history.     as you can see: the 'normal' scroller-procedure.  but first:   this musicdisk was released at the big x-mas party in aars (dk) on 27, 28 & 29 december 1992. this great party was organized by crystal, silents & anarchy.            all right... let's start with the credits. all coding was done by solo.   our musicians are: siracon, tom & frenzy. they composed all music.   at last the gfx: for your eyes only: all graphics by one.              so, now you know who's responsible for this production; it's time to introduce the rest of genetic to you. (i know you wanna see a skull, but be patient)  genetic is a new dutch (!) group from twente (where ?). however, the musicians are swedish and live in ...??  hell, i don't know, and who cares ?         ...ehh, what was i talking about ? oh yes... the other members. they are: feanor (swapping) and tib (coding)    man.. this is a long scroller. i should be a writer.    coming up next: =what did we need ??= so stay tuned ....         yes, we needed 2 amiga's 3000 (he-he-he), 2 amiga's 500, about 25 disks, deluxe paint iv, asm-one v1.09 from t.f.a., iff-master from arcane, 60 botlles of beer from grolsch (for solo, feanor and tib), 60 bottles of coke (for one), a lot of food (e.g. pizza's, chips, chocolate and much, much more), mtv's, a lot of @ music (they're the best ever) and so many things more i can't remember.... what we missed: hours of sleep, sex and rock 'n roll. but, it was fun making this.        and here it is: a nice little skull: #. it says: =take my breath away..= and there it is again: $    allright, allright... not so funny, i know..      here are the greetings: a friendly handshake to: futurize (the cyborg) * nation (tear) * equinox (simpson) * panic (trasher) * fnb (blaster) * zenon (petze) * submission (booze, hardbite) * @ (bono) * jet set * genocide (messenger) * creators (zoster) * bronx (dot) * desire (thc) * liquid (shun) * funny buisness (merlin) * dictators (barbarian) * nikki corruptions (odin) * ellen * addicts (velza) * noice (izerman) * defiance (airbrain, mellon, brainaic) * vision (slash) * purgatory (dodger) * vicious (ravedown) * red rose * eclipse holland (hi seven !!) * t.f.a. *  black steel * peter e. * chan lung choo * taurus (artie) * eureca (zombie) * diffusion (statik-d) * beyond (mister king) * eremation (chimera) * nation (tre-bamse) * snatch *  chip willy, dino and norbert * the pontiac (he brought us to here (denmark) * and all we have forgotten !! * * *    and now something about the history of genetic....  well what can i say , hmmm ...    we started as a small group called dac (we know: it's kut). later we changed our name into divine. almost all members of dac left the scene. the first productions were made (divine madness etc...) and finally poingtro ! (that's even more kut ! but a good excuse to leave divine.)      now genetic is alive !!!!  except for a few, all ex-divine members joined genetic. that's all about our history ...     by ze way... do you know that you need about 1 min. 15  to load m.y.m. on an amiga 500 ??? if you've got an amiga 3000 (better) then you'll have to wait for about 28 seconds. if you are even smarter... you own an amiga 4000 and then it will take ?? seconds... we don't know (unfortunately).           well, we hope you're still awake because you reached the end of this scroller. the text will restart in just a moment... %% bye for now ! %%                        and you know it... a real freak will read this text again, again and again ....              stay safe !                           

  move your mouse.  
   all coding by:   
      > solo <      
  all graphics by:  
      > one <       
  the loading tune  
    is called :     
and was composed by:
    > siracon <     
   select a tune    
  by pressing the   
 left mouse button  
 press rmb to stop  
 the moviescroller  
   release date:    
  27 december 1992  
  for any reason at 
  laaressingel 115  
  7514 em enschede  
  the netherlands   
  benkoelenstr.  9  
  7541 xz enschede  
  the netherlands   
  302 41 halmstad   
   sticklingsv 27   
  302 41 halmstad   
     skogsv. 7      
   941 42 pitea     
   have you seen    
  the @ in the big  
   scroller yet ?   
 big scroller info: 
     36023 words    
total playing time: 
  13 min. 57 sec.   
 watch out for more 
  you never know..  
    stay safe...