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      genesis australia
    for your pleasure
     ] the discman ] 
    genesis members: 
       song title:   
      ^12th warrior^ 
      by dr.awesome  
     top work doctor 

         song title:   
      great mix ] }  
     artist not known
     make more mix's 
    who ever you are!
          hot *      

         this ones:    
         by 4-mat    
     great as usual! 

         our opener!:  
      ^12th warrior^ 
      by dr.awesome  
       of crusaders  

         song title:   
     from  redsector 

      an old favourite 
   cream of the earth
     from redsectors 
     that team does  
       great work!!  

         song title:   
   house met drumsolo
      clean house..  


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     *      *     *     *  * * *  yo here it is!           < the genesis aus. discman }      this disk has been long in the making due to hold-ups!.... some problems with my time, amongst other things.    too many other things to spend time on than punching keys!....                we are sorry, but this disk is packed'n'crunched to it's limits so it became imposible to fit any more than six ^big and brilliant^ modules on this music disk!!!..............     why is it that true music disks always take so long to put together!!!!        i think gremlins haunt music disk makers...                 at the keybourd at the moment, and at almost every other moment is   ^act^.                 i know you're going to tinker with the cd buttons to find there use, but i'm still going to give you the run-down on them..             starting from the top left button we have the most important function,  loading the selected song from the cd.  when wacked it will pull the digitally selected song from the disk and blast it instantly through your hi-fi or monitor kit!..      of course you could jet the audio through the near-by 10-way 300 megawatt system and scare your neighbors scratchy i b m-oldy owner, who's convinced the music was coming from your latest cd purchase!               back to the instructions on this unique piece of disk.              the next button on the top row is the track-up skip and the one next	to that is naturaly the track-down skip, both of which will be of great help in moving those number things on the illuminated thing-o. ? !            the next button along does an audio kill, it will also reset the song to the begining..   'call it a stop button'        second row: first button, is filter toggle..          then we have a well used play button along side that.   finaly the last illuminated digital pad on the discman does a song pause, it will resume audio tracking when the play button is pressed,  at which time thy symbol will stop flashing it's face on the display. */*/*/*/                    to stop the scroller at any time just hold the right mouse button and your cammand shall be obeyed instantly.                           o.k now some talk about this disk,  first of all like most other 3.5/5.25 inch disks this one in the drive also has a hub and ferric-oxide serface, you'l also note that by ripping out your drive heads and placing them on the disk by hand will result in  error code 142 { 'cannot find heads'                  ok,  no more silly comment's,  sugestions, analogies, phrases, paraphrases, themes, sermon's, lecture's, artical's, publications, biographical's, or recipe's...             back on the beaten track, more about the diskman* *                'all' of the graphics obove, below and in here have been created by me*.. act...         the discman itself was pains takingly drawn in  d-paint from various inadequate photographs of portable discman's,  the above version is not a copy of any particular one, but an arangment of realistic style's.          don't be too anoyed if you think it's not  'unreal'  enough.               i was going to have a background for the discman but i could'nt be stuffed re-altering the picture and copper list, since this thing was taking long enough as it was!                                    all coding was keyed in by me aswell!? ]          note: if there are any software companies anywhere out there that are in need of a ^clean^ computer artist on a permanent{temporary{commision bases, please enqire with the pd distributors you received this disk from.. i'm not going to give you my address here!                     notes about the songs: all of them were borrowed from various intros, demo's or music disk's.       they were chosen on the grounds that they were the best that i have ever heard of late.   there may be a couple that are cirtainly not new, but are too cool to leave out!                        in any case see what you think?.  they are atleast superb! ] /                   oh!  ..     we do have a good musician in genesis,he's a purple rain wanderer and his music reflect's that,  his work was going to be included, but there was just no room on the disk!!!......    he will be speaking later ...                           let's see,  it's 9:09 pm and i'm here typing alone at home on this, i'm in my room which is packed with everything i own!    except the car.     sir-tech hangs out a missile-distance away, so the car is a necessity to me, especialy when it's 3: am in the morning when i leave afer a latest game bashing and pizza atack..}             prince on the other hand is a top bloke since he only lives up the hill {300 meters away!    all of us are avid melbourne land dwellers and enjoy the odd four-season-in-one-day-trick.                       i'm stopping now, i'i be back tommorow arvo and talk more...... see ya!             10:54 pm                 11:32 pm             2:07 am               9:12 am,    i still won't be back until after lunch ..                12:47 {'just after lunch the next day'       ^store's open for buisiness^ .. hold on a min.           back again!  ^so in the time i was gone, did you hear song 5^, i first heard it when jarre, who was in acu or switch at the time played it to me.. an instant hit!   when i heard it, i wanted then to make this disk.. it's an oldy but never out-dated, it's too hip to die!        so jarre, your in yet another group.       i hope defjam are not driving you into the ground with coding needs!!!        thanks for those disks of yours and the pointers.      .. it's any wonder your in an overseas group!!!                   thank's critter for the constant 'meals'. hi's from me go to,   critter, thx1138, happy-hacker 'software hoolygan',  bytfighter,  the phantom,  projectile,  pro-tek 'thanks for the info guys',  jarre,  operand,  grant,  steve 'the mitre-10 thief',  dafa 'the mitre-10 acompless, and new house owner where the goods were used',  super-bee,  robert,  john,  the ^brown madhouse^,  phsyco-felix 'for the brief trade of pd',  and those i know                            well, that's it from me, i'm  out of things to talk about?                  enjoy the music because it may be the only one you will hear from genesis!...                             now a few dictated words from sir-tech---      greets to tal,  bytfighter,  thx1138,  happy hacker, critter 'thanks',  ginnie 'thanks for support',  the phantom projectile and pro-tek of dimension 5,           act again! .   the ever present final member of genesis australia shall now lay his hands opon the keys.. ..   behold he speaks  *****     hiya!  to all the dudes out there in the land of oz... this is your friendly music maker, da dada! prince...yeah thats me, never heard of me? well there are many more people in the same 'pd'? ship as what do you think of the musix on this troppo cd player.    this demo was made for everyone to enjoy even you lamebrains who sit at home with your amiga's pretending to do something of value like playing lemmings till three in the morning* ....             i just finished composing a soundtracker mod called popera i dont know if it will end up on this compilation of great mods, if it does i hope you like it, if you dont it's got some great original samples which i did on my audio engineer sampler.    as you can well tell i am a mega fan of his purple weirdness prince.     if youve heard his newest album graffiti bridge and enjoyed it dont wait to see the film hit the big screen in oz because it aint....enough about my personal qualms and interests.      i'm already draining out of thoughts on what to say in this scrolly......what about a rhyme a very long one...o.k.?..bad luck here it comes........said the table to the chair, ^you can hardly be aware, how i suffer from the heat and the chillblains on my feet! if we took a little walk , we might have a little talk! pray let us take the air said the table to the chair^ ...pause people this is not a part of the rhyme just a chance to say a line...........or two...dont forget to look out for my doc disk i am putting together for our crew of fine marines, or is it amiga amoebas, all you hear about lately is u.s. forces and saddam the lamebrain, eternal vaccuum head.       Heres a little sonnet using some artistic license....pardon us 4 carin' we didnt know it was against the rules,  if we wanna stand up for another then tell me whos the fool,  no, father,no mother, no saddams gonna make us stop,  so if u dont wanna live a life saddam, i think you better get of that block.....i should be doing some greetz but i assume act would've handled that by now,        i hope i'm not boring you, if so close your eyes and just listen to the funk of the music, now if this sort of stuff brings tears of boredom to you, pick up your computer disconnect it and take down to your local pawn shop and trade it for a julio iglesias cd collection....rhyme time.... said the chair to the table, ^now you know we are not able!  how foolishly you talk,  when you know we cannot walk!^  said the table with a sigh, ^it can do no harm to try, i've as many legs as you, why can't we walk on two?^....enough rappin from me....signing off....prince                                that's it folk's, this scroller will now self-return in 5 seconds....act out.....