High Pressure Cruncher Please enter workspace in KB: $
Allocated workspace size: $
Please enter filename:
The High Pressure Cruncher, written by The Bitfreak in 1989 for FBI
I'm sorry but I couldn't find that file! Please try again.
I'm sorry but I have some trouble with your file! Please try again.
I'm sorry, you didn't give me enough memory to load this file.Please press RETURN to RE-allocate
File loaded ok. Filesize: $
Please enter Start Address: $
Please enter Jump Address: $
CRUNCHING, using standard procedure.
Crunching completed. New filesize: $
Please enter scan range for second cruncher.Scan range: $10 - $8000. Your choice: $
CRUNCHING, using Bitsequencer.
Last procedure completed. Final filesize: $
Total amount of killed bytes: $
Do you want an (E)xecutable, (U)nlinked or (D)ata file?
How do you want this HPC to be called? Name:
File exists! Delete old file? (Y/N)
Do you want to save this HPCrunch again? (Y/N)
Error on save attempt!
See ya around! (Bitfreak)
Do you want to use HPC again? (Y/N)