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File size:
138 062 bytes (134.83K)
File date:
2011-01-01 23:03:58
Download count:
all-time: 278


Not Found!

 ____________ / |_    ________     ________ _________     _ _    ______
 \ ________ //  !"\  /  _____/     \_     "\\____  ."\   / |"\  /     "\_
  \/      \//      \/   _)____      /   \   \ /    |  \_/  |  \/    .___/_
 _/        \_       \ :.     "\_  _/ :.      \_  _ '  _/_  `   \_   |    "\
 \__________/___|    \_________/  \___________/__|       \______/___.      \
                |     \_                         |     .: \_  [dRAw]|    .: \_
                |______/                         |_________/        |________/
         Drug Pack - If You Try It Once, You Can't Live Without It!
|                                                                            |
|                           IMMORTAL of FREEZERS                             |
|                                 Presents                                   |
|                         THE DRUG - Magazine Part                           |
|                                issue #013                                  |
|                                                                            |
|       Programming : Gordon                        Graphics : FreeMan       |
|       Music :  Pack - Bethoven  Mag - Mgl/Damage  Packing : Immortal       |
|                                                                            |
 ____________    _ _________      _ ________         _ __________
 \__ _______/_______ ______/________ ______ \_ _________ _______/_________
 _/ ______/ _______/______/_ _______/ _______|_  ______/ \___  \_  ______/
 |.    | .  \____ \_  |   .|  ____/_    |    .| ______/_   |   .|________ \_
 ||    | |.   |    |      ||      .|    |    ||       .|   |   ||    \    .|
 |_____| ||   |    |_______|      ||__________|       ||___|____|         ||
         |____|____|     _ ________|          _ _______|  -dA! _ __________|

>>> Support this pack with the latest wares especially newest own-prods
>>> You can send modules to the pack (under 30kb) and to the mag (under 50kb)
>>> Send also latest : news from Your group, messages & adverts (max.20x78)

   S                 ((()))Send Your support to:((()))                    S
   U                                                                      U
   P                         Immortal/Freezers                            P
   P                       -+-----------------+-                          P
   O                          Kasprowicza 28e                             O
   R                           31-523 Krakow                              R
   T                              POLAND                                  T
      issue 013           .:.TOP TEN SUPPORTERS!.:.            issue 013

    /\         nr  handle/group        bytes  files   prev.pos.         /\
    \/                                                                  \/
    /\         1.  DARREN/SCOOPEX     527164      1          1          /\
    \/                                                                  \/
    /\         2.  FASHION/STB        506380      1        N/A          /\
    \/         3.  ANDY/ESSENCE       475552      1          2          \/
    /\         4.  FISHWAVE/SARDONYX  452880      3          3          /\
    \/         5.  ZOLTAR/TECHNOLOGY  438720      5          4          \/
    /\         6.  DAFFY/TRSI         431876      2          5          /\
    \/         7.  FRAME/C-LOUS       276380      3          6          \/
    /\         8.  PRIDE/STELLAR      229820      4          7          /\
    \/         9.  ZIBI/FCI           200248      1          8          \/
    /\         10  CURT COOL/DEPTH    196900      3          9          /\
    \/                                                                  \/
    /\                                                                  /\
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\DRUG PACK - Hall of Fame/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
  |_____.     \___  \   ____/    ____/\_____   \   ____/_______  \  ___/_
   |    |_____/_/   /  ____)__  ____)_/   _____/_ ____)|_   _/   /____   \
   |   _____/  \    \   |     \  |     \  |      \ |     \  \    \   |    \
   |_____|_____|\    \_________\________\________/________\_|\    \_______/
                   - -- --- DRUG PACK issue nr 013 --- -- -

                 ... .. . This issue file supporters . .. ...

                  nr     handle/group          bytes     files

                  1.     Fashion/Static Bytes  506380        1

                  2.     Nicholas/Intruders     40368        1

               rest was taken from OverDose BBS (operator upload)

       .      .       .        .         .       .        .       .
 __ __/|_____/|__  __/|_______/|________/|__  __/|_______/|__  __/|___    __
 \/(_  ________ ¬\(_  _______   __________ ¬\(_  __________ ¬\(_  ____) __\/
__ /÷  __)/÷  _  //÷  __)__/÷   __)__/÷  _  //÷  __)__/÷  _  //____  ÷\ \/
\//    | //   | ¯¯\   |   ¬\    |   ¬\   |¯¯¯\   |   ¬\   | ¯¯\   |   \\_
 (_____)(_____j_  _)_____  _)______  _)____  _)_____  _)__j_  _)_______/_)
             kC!\/       \/        \/      \/[pr!de]\/      \/
                               H   E   L   P
IN MAG-PART                          |             IN PACK-PART
key S - search                       |             Up   - position up
key A - adverts                      |             Down - position down
key M - messages                     |
key N - news                         |             Enter - load demo
Left  - prev page                    |
Right - next page                    |      Save Your Time - Use Shortcuts
key ESC - return to pack             |
(Y to confirm, N to cancel)          |
   _ _  _/\____  ___.__/\___/\___/\_____/\___/\_____/\________/\_  _ _
  ////\ \____  \/   |    \ ___/\___  \____ \____  \    ____/ ___/ ////\
  \\\\/  /  |   \   |    / _)_| __/ _/_|/   \  |   \___   \  _)_  \\\\/
        /   ·    \  !   /     \_\      \_    \ ·    \ \    \    \_ 


                         Ur SysOp is: iMMORTAL/fRS

            ][ aMIGA^C= warez ][ v.32b ][ a1200/fAST/0.5gB ][

           .oO Support Drug packmag & get the latest issue Oo.

      |     NODE1: +48-12-114632     ·     NODE2: +48-12-!soon!     |

 ::::::/___/__\ __/__/__ \ __/__\  __/:::::
 :::::/ _// _ / _/ _/  __/ _/ _ /__ \::::::      >>> To Ansi Artists <<<

if You are an ansi-artist then don't forget to do some ansi's for this pack...

    At the moment I need some DRUG & IMMORTAL ansi's ...
        Of course FREEZERS or FRS ansi logoses are also welcomed ...

All those ansi's You can send to :

                       <<< immortaL oF freezerS >>>

                            ^ KASPROWICZA 28E ^
                            ^  31-523 KRAKOW  ^
                            ^     POLAND!     ^
 \______    \_____  \  ____/_______________.
  |    \____/  _/   /_____.  \             |       $$$ LAST words $$$
  |   ___/|    \    \     |   \  fREEZERS! |
  |____|  |____|\    \________/            |
 If You'll spot any bug(s) in this pack-mag serie then please let me know
   about it(them) along with Your bug-report include Your configuration

If You have any suggesstions how to make this pack better then write too...

    This is the last page so I suggest You to jump to other section...
                                   \______    \_____  \  ____/_______________.
__________Enjoy_this_issue__________|    \____/  _/   /_____.  \             |
                                    |   ___/|    \    \     |   \  fREEZERS! |
   Yours........iMMORTAL/fREEZERS   |____|  |____|\    \________/            |

|   ______/_______. ________. ________. ________. ________. ________.________
|    ___//  __    |/   _    |/   _    |_\____   |/   _    |/  __    |   ____/.
|    |  |    \____|    /    |    /    |   _____/|    /    |    \____|\_____  |
|    |  |     \   |   ______|   ______|    \    |   ______|     \   |    /   |
|____|  |______\  |______\  |______\  |_________|______\  |______\p!|________|
         the drug - if you try it once, you can't live without it!
|                                                                            |
|          >>> >> > three ways of supporting the Drug Pack < << <<<          |
|                                                                            |
|          ... .. . Support it With the latest scene warez . .. ...          |
| . .. ... Support it with the usual stuffs like news, messys, advs ... .. . |
|   . Support it with tunes fiting to the mag (<50k) & to the pack (<30k) .  |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|                ### Support Drug Pack under this address ###                |
|                                                                            |

       ___________   _______ ________________  _______ _______  ________
      /  ____/ _  \ /  ____//  ____/\____    \/  ____//    _  \/  _____/
     /   ._/ __/  //   ._/_/   ._/_  /   .___/   ._/_/   __/  /\___.   \
   _/    |   \__  \    |   \   |   \/    |   \   |   \   \__  \/   |    \_
   \     |    |    \_  l    \_ l    \_   l    \_ l    \_  |    \_  l     /
    \    |    |     /        /       /         /       /  |     /       /
     \___|\___|    /___|    /__|    /\___|    /__|    /___|    /   |___/
   Do You want to have another cool contact...    |   immortal/freezers   |
   it is so easy - just drop a nice letter to me, |  tomasz  chmielewski  |
   include a disk(s) and you'll get a fast answer |    KASPROWICZA 28E    |
   Easy isn't it ???                              |     31-523 KRAKOW     |
   Don't forget to support Drug pack-mag          |      P.O.L.A.N.D      |

            ._____.  .__.     _______|  _¬\._____.-----.______
            |  . ¬|--| ¬|-----. ____/   |  |  . ¬|  |__|  ___/
            |  |  |  |  |  |__| \__ ¬T  |  |  |  |____ ¬T __/ -dA!
            |  |  |  |  |  __/   |   |  |  |  |  |  |   |   ¬T
            |  |  _  |  |  |  T  |   |  ·  |  |  |  ·   |    |
            |     |\___/¯  ·  |__|___|-----'_____|------'____|
            `-----'     ------'


                         Ur SysOp is: iMMORTAL/fRS

            ][ aMIGA^C= warez ][ v.32b ][ a1200/fAST/0.5gB ][

           .oO Support Drug packmag & get the latest issue Oo.

      |     NODE1: +48-12-114632     ·     NODE2: +48-12-!søøn!     |
\  LENIN/FRS    _______^^^__^^^__^^^^^^__^^__^^^^^^^________    LENIN/FRS  /
_\             /_______LET__THE__WINTER__BE__FOREVER________\             /_
__\           ||                                            ||           /__
___\          ||         ___   RULEZ:                No     ||          /___
____\         ||       //___\\ - no lamers      ___  Short  ||         /____
     \        ||      ///___\\\ - no idiots    /---\ Letters||        /
      \       ||     ////   \\\\  - no drugs  //   \\       ||       /
       \      ||    ||||     |||| - no games ||     ||      ||      /
FREEZERS\     ||   / \\\\___//// - only ELITE \\___// \     ||     /FREEZERS
FREEZERS/     ||  /   \\\---///                \---/   \    ||     \FREEZERS
       /      ||  |    \\---//  IF YOU AGREE            \   ||      \
      /       ||  |      __Then_You_can_write_to:__      \  ||       \
_____/        || /      /__________________________\      \ ||        \_____
____/        // |__    //      LENIN/FREEZERS      \\    __\ \\        \____
___/         ||//  \  //    ul.Pilsudskiego 2/53    \\  /  \\||         \___
__/          || \__/ //     66-400  Gorzow Wlkp.     \\ \__//||          \__
_/           ||_____//___________P_O_L_A_N_D__________\\_____||           \_
/  LENIN/FRS  \----------------------------------------------/  LENIN/FRS  \


                            DARREN / SCOOPEX
                              ROYSLAND. 10
                            4387  BJERKREIM

                      -I'M BACK WITH FULL POWER!-
                           USE ENOUGH STAMPS!
                      =AND NO ARROGANTIC SUCKERS!=

                         -=GENERATIOONS AHEAD=-

       /\__                      __/\           __/\         .       _.     
    /\//\___.______________________/\\  __________/\ ._   ___|\_    / |__   
   _/\/ ____|____  \______  \_____.  \  \  ______/  \| \  \  |  \ _/  l  \_
   \_____  \/   .   \/  ___ _//   |   \/   |   \/    \  \/   l   \\_  _  _/
 //    l    \   |    \   |    \   l    \   l    \        \_____   \   |   \
 \\         /   |   _/   |    /        /        /   \    /   l    /   |  qzn
   \/\  ___/\___|  / \___|___/\___  /\/\_______/\____\__/\/\  ___/\___|  / _
      \/        |_/               \/                        \/        |_/ /
                    -+- ThE DiAmOnD aMoNg StOnEs -+-                  · _/

   Chucky , Marc Löffler , Am Herrengarten 12 , 78176 Blumberg , Germany

    Hyper Hype , Danny Ernst , P.O. Box 1144 , 78096 Triberg , Germany

    GNO , Adrian Jaglarz , Wülferoder Str.13 , 30880 Laatzen , Germany

   Kalikone , Bregnard Alain , Curtils 134 B , 2944 Bonfol , Switzerland

        ._______________ _ _  _   _
        |       ________    _____             _________    ________  _________
      __:______/fRm/e^D/_ __)   /    ________/        /___/       /_/        /
______\_______ _      /____ _  /_____\__  __         /   /       /__        /___
\  ____    \_________/____//  /     ___/   \     ___/   /    ___/  \_______/ __/
 \  \/  .   \       \__/      \      \_     \     \_    \_    \_______   \/  /
  ··::::| l__/\  __ _
   · ·::l____/\\/_ _
               \/    a bUNCh oF fLOWERs tO...
 sLIMe,yAFFLe,sLASh,nEMESIs,rADAVi,cHAOs!,bEHOLDER,         cONTACt...
 dARKHAWk,MDB,vIRTUe,iMMORTAl,dICk,sWERx,mASs,cOLa,     Joakim Bengtsson
 pAYDAy,dARREn,2FASt,sUGAR RAy,jINx,lIMBo,eLECTROn,      s.W..E..D..E.n
                  DO YOU       ////////\ \***********
                   SWAP       ////////\__ \**********
                   WITH      //////// /\ \/**********
                TECHNOLOGY ?////////\ \ \  FOR      *
                 NO ?!     ////////  \  / SWAPPING &*
                          /////// \ \ \/ FRIENDSHIP *
                 SO ...  ////////\ \  ///WRITE      *
                        ////////\ \/\///TO :        *
                       ////////  \  ///------------ *
                */////////////\ \ \////Z O L T A R  *
                *////////\//_\ \  ////     o f      *
                *///////\ \/ __ \////  TECHNOLOGY   *
                *//////\   \ \ \////  ------------- *
                *///// /  \/\ \ ///   PAWEL MACHAJ  *
                *////\ \/\///\////    MALBORSKA 37  *
                */// /\  ////////     30-646 KRAKOW *
                *//\  /\////////         POLAND     *
                */ /\  //// ----------------------- *
                /  \ \////  DISK+LETTER=100%ANSWER  *
                \/\ \ ////  5.25 DISK AND VBS TOO   *

                |             U   S   E
                |           Y   O   U   R
                :  _____   ___   _____________________
                . / /  /__/  /__/  /  / ___/ /   /    \
                 / /  /  /  /  /  /  /__  / / / /  /  /\
                /_/_____/_____/_____/____/_/___/__/__/ /
           Write to MTC/ILLUSION              |
             for fun, cool short              |
                to your Pack or Intros.       |
                My adress: Adam Krawczyk      |
                       ul.J.Slowackiego 7a/18 |
                           11-400 Ketrzyn     |
                                    Poland... |

                   __ ___                    __ ___   __ ___
         /\   __ _|.----.|  /\   __ ___  _ _|.----.|_|.----.|__ _ __
        //\\ |.---.|    |: //\\ |.----.\|.---|    |--.|    |-------.|
:::::::·/  \·||    \    | //  \·||     \ |   |    |   \    |       |::::::
:::::: /    \ |     \   |·/    \ |   .  \|   |    |    \   |  ---.-'|:::::
:::::·/  .   \|         |/  .   \|   :   \   :    |        |  ---'--.:::::
:::://   :    \   \     |   :    \   |    \  ·    |  \     |        ||::::
   //____|     \___\____|___|     \_______/_______|   \____|________||
  `--- -.|______\.--- - ---.|______\.--- - - ---.|____|.--- - - - ---'
        `--- - ---'        `-- - ---'           `--- --' ?shp¿

   4 dA CrAzY, fASt'n fRiEndlY SwAP   4 dA CrAzY, fRiEndlY mAiltRAdiNg
|           LOSiU/AnAdUnE                      ShARP/AnAdUnE             |
|         PiOtRkOWSkA 13/29                  SPYChAlSkiEGO 10/9          |
|           45-384  OPOlE                      45-716  OPOlE             |
|              POlANd!                            POlANd!                |
   OR diAl hARD (0-77) 552479  100%   OR diAl hARD (0-77) 746016  100%

                   / /  ____     \ /     _     \ \
                  / /  / _____     __ _|_  ___  \ \
                 /\/   |   |__\|\ |__\ | ||      \/\
                 |A|\  |___|___| \|___ | ||__/  /|A|
                 |G| |-------------------------| |G|
                 |A|/|If YoU lIkE fAsT aNsWeRs,|\|A|
                 |-| |      cOoL lEtTeR        | |-|
                 |R| |aNd FRIENDSHIP tHeN wRiTe| |R|
                 |-|\|\    To ThIz AdDy:      /|/|-|
                 |U| | |---------------------| | |U|
                 |-|/|/   rAPPId  /  gENeTIc  \|\|-|
                 |L| /   SebastiaN SzarkowicZ  \ |L|
                 |-| |   ul. Makarskiego 43/9  | |-|
                 |E| \      49-300 BRzEG       / |E|
                 |-|\|\         PoLAnD        /|/|-| 
                 |Z| | |---------------------| | |Z|
                 |!|/ / Only for friendship!! \ \|!|
                 \/\ |-------------------------| /\/
                  \ \ \Greetz to all friends!!/ / / 

                            FOR SWAPPING

                               PL 62
                            15141 LAHTI

                        -GENERATIONS AHEAD-

                        .  Adonis of MDE DKHQ
                        .  is on the hunt for 
                        .  more contacts, so
                          just grap the chance 
                            and write today.
                           It's 100% answer!!

                          Adonis of MDE DKHQ
                            Stadionvej  21
                            6100 Haderslev
                               Denmark       .
                          Don't worry be elk .
                           Also for joining  .

           ____________  ___     ____  ________  ______    ______
        __/   ____/\__/ /  /     \__/ /  _____/ /  __  \__/ ___  \
        \_____    \/  \/   \_____/  \/   \/   \/   \/   \   \_/   \
        /    /     \_  \_  /     \_  \_  /     \_  /     \_   \    \_
        \_____      /   /___      /   /___      /___      /___/     /
             \_____/\__/   \_____/\__/   \_____/   \_____/   \_____/

                      To support Pikaboo-pack,send Adverts,
                         News,Articles and Messages to:

                              TOS / SILICON
                              Fabre Pascal
                              195 Boulevard Pereire
                              75017 Paris

                       _____ ___________ ________
                      /____//__    ____//  _____/\
                     /    /\\ //  /\__// ___   /\/
                    //   / / /.  / /  /\/  /  / /
                   /.   / / /   / /  /    .  / /
                  /____/ / /___/ /  /_______/ /
                  \____\/  \___\/   \_______\/



                          Mikolaj Szelc
                      ul.Mickiewicza 18/24
                          38-402 Krosno

                      tel. (0-131) 627-31

                         ! FOR SWAPPING THE LATEST!
                         @ OR TEKKKNO TAPES,STICKER
                         ? SWEETS,COASTERS AND
                         # OTHERS CRASY THINGS!!
                                 WRITE NOW!!         #
                             MOGUL OF RAM JAM(fhq)
                             16 BIS RUE J.JUGAN
                              35590 L'HERMITAGE

                            >>FRIENDSHIP REQUIRED<<
                            -TASTE THE DIFFERENCE-

                                 ____    ____
___ _ __________________________/  _/___/  _/___________________________ _
   \\\\____   \_____  \____   \_  __________  \____   \_______  \____   \\
      /  _    /   /   /  _    /   /___/   /   /\______/   / /   /  _    /
     /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / /   /   /   /
    /   /  _/   /   /   /  _/  _/   /   /   /  _/   /   / /   /   /  _/
 dZG\_______\__/   /\_______\______/___/   /\______/___/_/___/\_______\G^S!
               \  /                    \  /
                \/                      \/


                          STEVE JONES/ANATHEMA
                             Marek Stachon
                            ul.Findera 33/14
                             43-100 TYCHY

                        ONLY FOREIGNERS, PLEASE!

                         /       /\_______    _____
                        /_______/ /      /\  /    /\
                        \       \/______/\/\/ ___/ /
                        /    ___/       \/\/  \_  /
                        |    \_/     ____\/    / /
                        |   __/      \  /_____/ /
                        |___| \_______\/\_____\/
                        iF U loOkinG 4 realy fast
                        & friendly swap, try write
                        2 : Chaser  of  f.c.i.
                        «« tomasz gierygowski »»
                            poWst. w-wy 29/5
                          65-539 zielona gora
                        « p o  l   a    n    d »

                 One  becomes elite not because HE
                  claims HIMSELF to be elite, but
                   because others judge HIM upon
                  HIS deeds, and call him ELITE...
                     )\.___  )\_____  ___     //-/
                    /.-    \ \\-   _\ \\.\   /  /
                   //  / \  \ \   \__  \  \ /  /
                  /   /  |)  ) \DESIGN  \  \. /
                 //  (|_ / ./ )\  \  .) /  /\  \
                /__________/  \______/ /__/  \__\
                           Free your mind!
                Andy Sikorski - D.S.X DESIGN/TRSI
                         13764 Raywood Court
                         Dale City, VA 22193

                      ___           _
                     /^  \  _____  /^\  _____  ____
                    /  :  \/^ .  \/   \/^ _  \/^   \
                   /   |   \  :__ \    \  |   \  -  \
                  /    |  _ \ |  _ \    \ :- _ \ ----\
                 /   _ |_____\_____/   _ \_____/_____/
                /______| ir°n /___________\

                        - A ° L ° I ° C ° E -

                 For friendly mail-trading write to:

                          Alice of Mad Elks
                        ul.Broniewskiego 36/8
                          59700 Boleslawiec

                |                KURCZAK                |
                |             Marcin Liczak             |
                |              P.O.  Box 7              |
                |           64-600 Oborniki 3           |
                |                Poland                 |
                |      ___  _____ ___   ____  ____      |
                |     /   \(_   //   \ |    \|  __)     |
                |    /  ·  \/  //  ·  \|  ·  \  _)__    |
                |   /   |  /  /__  |   \  :   \     \   |
                |··/    : /      \ :    \ ¦    \     \··|
                |·········____  ___ ____  ____ ·········|
                |········/  __)/   \  __)|  __)·········|
                |·······/  __)/  ·  \ _)__  _)__········|
                |······/   ¦ /   ¦__/     \     \·······|
                |     /    |/    | |       \     \      |
                |     \____|\____| |_______/_____/      |

                @@@@@@ @      @@     @@ @@@@@@ @    !@
                @!     @      @!@   @!@ @!     @!   @
                !..    !      ! .! !. ! !..    !.  !.
                !!!!!  !      !   !   ! !!!!!  !. !.
                !.     !      !   !   ! !.     ! !!
                ..     .      .   .   . ..     .!  !
                ...... ...... .   .   . ...... .    .

                For fast & friendly swapping write to:
                         ELMEK / OBSESSION
                          SEWERYN  CIELEN
                      Os.Pawlikowskiego 17A/9
                            44-247 ZORY
                            P O L A N D

 _¦_/\__________________/\_____ :_¦_/\__________     ______ ______/\______¦_
\\_/  \ _ ¬\______  ¬\_/  \_  ¬\_\_/ _\______/~ \_   \_/~__Y~ ¬\_/  \______/
  |:   Y   !|~ \__   !|:   |   !7 |: \____)_|:   7____|: \__   _|_____   ¬|
  |!   |   ·|:   |   ·|.   |   ·| |.   |~  ¬|.   |~  ¬|.   |   ¬|~  ¬|   !|
__l____|   .|____|   :|_________¦_l_____   :|_____   :|____|   :|_________;
  :    `----'    `----'         : ¦    `----'    `----'    `----'-Sd      :

      Mad Elks are back and looking for more members around the world!
             (graphicians, coders, musicians, swappers, sysops)

            If you want to join very FRIENDLY and famous group,
                    then send examples of your work to:

                           IrOn of MaD ElkS (WHQ)
                             BroNiEwSkiEgo 36/8
                             59-700 BoLeSlaWieC

 100% answer to everyone who'll send disk + examples! Don't worry, be Elk!

                            *        & ^ &       *
                            *         + +        *
                            *      S*O*N*I*C     *
                            *     T=E=M=P=L=E    *
                            *         + +        *
                            *    For swapping:   *
                            *                    *
                            *     Z U L U S      *
                            *        o f         *
                            *    SONIC TEMPLE    *
                            *  Tomasz  Pluskota  *
                            *    Adamowo 89 b    *
                            *  64-200  Wolsztyn  *
                            *                    *
                            *  A!G!A+ HDD + VBS  *
                            *          &         *
                            *    long letters    *
                            *                    *

                              FLYING COWS INCORORATION
                                     Okrzei  34
                                    61406 Poznan
                              FLYING COWS INCORORATION


             _/\_  __
     ___     \__/ /¤/ sml
    /¤¤¤\     ¤¤ / / ___              _______  _____  ________  ______
   /    /\/\/\/\/  \/ _ \            /¤¤¤\¤_¤\/¤¤¤¤/_/¤__¤\__¤\/¤¤___/ sml
   \   /  \ \ \ \  /    /           /  __/¤_¤\\ __/// /¤/\ \¤\ \ __/¤\
   |\__\_______\_\_\___/\           \  \\\/ \// \_//\/ / / /_/ //¤/_  \
   ¤/···\······/··\·\·/·/    of     |\  \\/¤\/\  / \/ /\/ /¤__/ ¤¤¤//\ \
   /····/·/·/·/···/·/··/|           + \··¤¤\__/·/\···/\··/·//¤····/·¤¤·/
   \···/\/\/\/\··/·/··/ o           O  \···/···/¯¯···\ \/\·\\····/\/¤\/
    ¤+¤ | | |  ¤¤¯¤¯¤¤  O               ¤¤¤¯¤¤¤¯¤¤¤¤¤¤    ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤
        + + +

  Smile of Casyopea & Piffko     ul.Glowna 59      89-500 Tuchola     Poland

30% & slow answer for Poles! 100% answer for foreigners! Long lettas prefered!


                                  _______/\/\_____  _____
              ____  /\   ___ __/\/                \(_____)_________
            _/    \/  \_/   Y   (    l_________  _ __j   |        /
           l_ _        \_____   _\____     \ |    Y|     |   |___/
             Y   \ /  _/    l    _/   l     )!    !|     !   l    \_
             !____Y___\__________\_________/ l____jl_____j_________/[®Çt]

                          Are you cool? Write to me!

                                Mars of Mystic
                               Andrzej Marcjasz
                                ul.Na Stoku 2a
                                 84-230 Rumia

                    /\  _____  /\_______/\_____/\  ________ 
                   /  \/  \  \/    __/___ _   / \\/ __    / 
                  /     /  \ /  _/__    / \  /   \\  /___/_ 
                 /    \/    \   |  /   /   \_\____/ /     / 
                 \    ||_____\  |_____/     \|    |\_____/  

                  Go AhEaD AnD WrItE foR SoMe NiCe TiMe :

                            TRaSh head/MysTiC !

                                 Po Box 145
                              05822 Milanowek

                        _                      _
                            wHen SmB wNt 2 HaV 
                         UnUsuAl'n'GoOd SwP TiM@
                            tHen hE WrTs 2:
                           mAcIeJ hAmErSkI
                           sIkOrSkIeGo 6B/42
                            7536O kOsZaLiN
                          oNl KwL DuDz OffCOZ!
                        _                      _

         ___           __         ____ 
        (   ) ____    (  ) ____  (    )____ __   _______  ___  ____
        /   \/    )   /  \(    ) /   //   /(  \ (   ____)/   \/    )
       /          \  / /\ \\   \/   //   (_/   \/  (__  /          \
      /    _  _    \/  \/  \\      //           \     )/    _  _    \
      \   ( \/ \__ /  ___   \\    //    ___     /   _//    /(__)\    \
       \   \  ____/   )  \___))  //     )  )   /   (__\    \____ )   /
        \   )/       /_______/  /(_____/  /   /\      (_____)   (___/
        (__/(_______//         /         (____)(____________________)

                       For friendly swap write to:

                               Adam Grocki
                               P.O. BOX  9
                         64-600 Oborniki Wlkp. 3

                           Everybody get answer
              And remember! Its not a dream,its...MAYHEM !!!

:::___/\_______/\_______/\____    ___/\_______/\__  ___/\_______/\_______
:::\_/  \.   _/  \.   _/  \.  \_  \_/  \_____/  \ | \_/  \. ___/  \_____/
::::|  \___/ |   .__  |    \   |   |   .____>   ._|__|        |_____.  |
::::|.    |  |.    |  |.    :  |   |.  |    |.  |    |.    |  |.    |  |
.---|:    |  |:    |  |:    |  |---|:  |    |:  |    |:    |  |:    |  |---.
:   ||    |  ||    |  ||    |  |   ||  |    ||  |    ||    |  ||    |  |   :
:   |     |  |     |  |    .|  |   |   |    |   |    |     |  |     |  |   :
:   |_____|  |_____|  |_____   |   |_____   |_____   |_____|  |_____   |   :
:        `---'    `---'    `---'        `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'   :
:::::::::::::::::::::.                     fOr GfX sWAPPINg or jU$t fOr fUn!
:::::::::::::::::::::::::.                  oMEGa/mAd eLKs, sIKORSKIEGo 1/16
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.                         12-1oo sZCZYTNo, pOLANd
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.      vOICe:++48 0-885 44-916 (a$k fOr IREK)

      /\______/\ _____/\______/\______/\______/\                                 
 +---//____    /Y  ____/   __  /___ ___/  __/  /
 |   \//  \\  /    ___/    ___/  // \ /   __  /----------------------+
 |   _/   _/  \_  \\  \_ //   \_      \_ //   \_    Friendship       |
 |   \ ________/_______/__\____/_______/__\__ //        at:          |
 |    Y                                  ScR!\/  (Allanon/Depth)     |
 |       ThE tOP is At tHe bOtToM !!!     |      Mikael Krogstad     |
 +---------------------+------------------+         7093 Hovin       |
                       | !DISK=ANSWER!                Norge          |
                       |                                             |

  __\_____________     \  ________     /____      /___        /             /
_/         |     |      \/     __7____/  __7_____/_  7_______/__    _______/
\         _|     |      _|      | _/              /          _/       \_
 \________\      |______\       | \________      /\__________\_________/
           \_____|       \______|zorro!ift\_____/

 _ __  /\_ T H E R E   I S   N O   M E D I C I N E   A G A I N S T _/\  __ _
     \/                                                               \/

          [ DJ MELLOW NOISE ]                             [ ANTI ]

   -> rave stuph + flyaz + stuff <-               -> stuff + mods + crap <-

             Dennis Mundt                               Kai Reinhardt
          Wolfsburgerstr. 42                           Hutmachergasse 3
             06126  Halle          (spermany)      09456 Annaberg-Buchholz

            /\ /\
 __________/ // /..__________/\_________________________...
 __________\/ \/ ;;\______   \____   \____   \______    \;;
                 ;;;;/ \__   /   /   /   /   /\/   /____/\;
 Morten Ringstad ;;;/       /       /   /___/ /   ___/\_\/; Morten Ringstad
 Furusvingen 5   ;;/   /   /   /   /   /\___\/   /\__\/;;;; Furusvingen 5
 2164 Skogbygda  ;/   /   /___/   /   / /;;;/   / /;;;;;;;; 2164 Skogbygda
  - Norway -     ;\______/\__/___/___/ /;;;/___/ /;;;;;;;;;  - Norway -
                                                       /\ /\              
                                                       \ \\ \_____________
                                                        \/ \/_____________

                  For long letters,and 2 disks swap only.

                          ____ ____  _____    ___ ___
                         /    Y    \/  ___)  /   Y   \
                        //    ¦    \\  |    //   |    \
                        \\    :    //  ¦____     ¦    \\
                         \    ·    /   :    \    :      \
                          \\  .  //    ·    \\          \\
                           \\    /          //          //
                            \___/ \_________/____|      /
                             ¹oo% aNSWEr nO jOKe!|_____/

                                  Draw of Vacuum
                                   P.O.Box 8705
                                  91-494 Lodz 87

                               We are the drinkers!

                           .___/\    .___/\     .___/\__
                          .|""   \   |""   \___ |""   \ \
                          :|   __/   |   __/   \|   __/  \
                          !|    |    |    |___  |    | \  \
                          ||    |____|_   |__/  |    | /   \
                          ||    |    //       //|         //
                          ||______  //_____  ///|______  //

                                     Hogan of LBD
                                      Po Box  30
                                   78-200 Bialogard

                                    Support SwEeT!

      /\______/\ _____/\______/\______/\______/\                                 
 +---//____    /Y  ____/   __  /___ ___/  __/  /
 |   \//  \\  /    ___/    ___/  // \ /   __  /----------------------+
 |   _/   _/  \_  \\  \_ //   \_      \_ //   \_ Elite&Friendship    |
 |   \ ________/_______/__\____/_______/__\__ //        at:          |
 |    Y                                  ScR!\/  (Receiver/Depth)    |
 |       ThE tOP is At tHe bOtToM !!!     |       Kresten Jensen     |
 +---------------------+------------------+    Bybækterrasserne 164F |
                       | !DISK=ANSWER!              3520  Farum      |
                       |                              Denmark        |

                                                _____      ___
           ____________________________________ |   |_____/  |_____
          /    _____/    _____/_____   \  ___  \|   |____/   |   _/
          \_______  \    7   \|   _/ __/   ___  \   |   \______  \
         _/      7   \   |    \   \_   7    7    \  |    \    7   \
         \___________/_____   /____7   |    |____/_______/  ______/

         For some cool, friendly swapping with unknown (???) swapper
                    from Poland simply write a letter to:

                               ul. Waska 2/19
                              78-100 Kolobrzeg

           Write also for: Ascii, tapez, grafitti, flyers swapping.
                      Friendly people are very welcome.

                    ___          ____. ____  .__. ____  .__          ____.
         ._________/   \________/    \\\__ \_/  \\\__ \_/  \________/    \\
._____  //  \__  __     \_   ___      \_/   |    \_/   |    \_     |      \
\\__  \_/   _/    _)   __/     \_______/    :    _/    :    _//    :       \
  _/   |    \__   \_    \__     _/  \_      .    \     .    \/     .    .: /
 \\           \____/   .: /____   .: /______  .: /_____  .: /      _______//
 \\\_____  .: /.--.\_____/,-.\______/,---.\_____/,--.\_____/\______/,-----'
   `---.\____//    `------·  `-------·    ------·   `------'`------·
       `-----·                                        ¹oo% aNSWEr nO jOKe !

            dRAw oF vACUUm p.O.BOx 8705 91-494 lODz 87 pOLANd
         dAVe oF vACUUm gAJCEGo 14/22 42-224 cZESTOCHOWa pOLANd

                             ____  ___________________  __
                            / __ \/ ___/__  /__  __/ /_/ /
                           / / / / /_ ___/ /  / / / __  /
                          / /_/ / /__/ ___/  / / / / / /
                         /_____/____/_/     /_/ /_/ /_/ -CC

                        WANNA JOIN A COOL(?)& FRIENDLY GROUP?

                         IF YOU'RE A COOL CODER/GRAPHICIAN/
                         SYSOP/TRADER/SWAPPER/MUSICIAN, GO&
                           JOIN THE FORCES OF DEPTH, FULL
                              FRIENDSHIP GUARANTEED AT:
                                 (Curt Cool / Depth)
                        THE        FRANK E. LARSEN        TOP
                        IS           FRUEVEJ  29           AT
                        THE          2860 S0BORG       BOTTOM

         ______________________________________    _____ _____ _____
         \____ \ /  /  /__   __// \___  \_ ___/   /__  // _  //__  /
         / ____/   /  /  /  /  /  / _  _/ __/_   _/_  //  / /_/_  /
        /__//__/__/_____/__/_____/__/  /_____/  /  / //____//  / /
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |       · iF yA wAnNa gEt iN tOuCh wItH pHuTuRe 3ø3 ·       |
       |                                                           |
       |                          b·A·s·E                          |
       |     100 % aNsWeR      pOsTfAcH 1102     100 % aNsWeR      |
       |                       24585 nOrToRf                       |
       |                          gErMaNy                          |
       |                                                           |

                . ______ ______ _________   ________   ____.
                :/ ____ \__ ___/ ___\___ \_/ ______ \_/ __/.
                ¦  _/ _ _/  _/_  _/_|  ___/  _/_  _ _/___  :
                |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  ¦
                for cool swapping    | hi to my friends in:
                                     | Absolute! Balance
                iMMORTAl of fREEZERS | Essence FCi Lego
                                     | Mad Elks Majic 12
                Tomasz Chmielewski   | Melon Dezign Mystic
                KASPROWICZA 28E      | Ram Jam Razor 1911
                31-523 KRAKOW        | Rebels S!P Sanity
                POLAND               | Scoopex Static Bytes
                                     | Stellar TRSi US
                support drug packmag | VD/Flt X-Trade

     /\    tO gET iN tOUCH wITH tHESE 2 gROUPS jUST wRITE tO 1 mAN!
tHE /  \  _______    ______    _____  ______         ________________________
   /   \\|   __  \_ /  ___/_  /  _  \/     /___ ____|   ____  ____/   ____  /
  /     \\    /  _/_\_____  \/   |   \    /    |    |    ||     \/    \____/|
 /       \\  /    \_     /   \_  |    \_ /    _|    |    ||      \    |     |
/         \\_______/__________/________/______\__________||_______\_________|
                 |\______ ___________|\________________         a·n·d
                         Y                   _________/__ 
                 :       :           :____________       :
 +---------------|       |           |           /       |----------------+
 | nUMBER oF tHE |       |           |          /        | lORD/aBS! ^ US |
 |  bEAST BBS:   |___________________|___________________|   pETER laBOS  |
 | +36-12914029                                             1181 BuDaPeSt |
 |[NUP rEMOVED!]    u·N·i·V·e·R·S·a·L   s·O·L·D·i·e·R·S     dARUs 10 II/3 |
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

    _ _           :::::::::/\                 /\               _ __
      //\_____  :::::::::::/\  ___  /\_____   /\_.___   _____/\\
      /  _    \::::::    _/  \/_  \/  _    \_/   ¦   \_/    _  \_ _ _
_ _ _/   \_    \:::::::::\_____/   \_ \_____/    l   _/    _/  _//   
   \\_    ______/  ·::::::/   |    _/  |   \_    _   \_    |   \_ FrIenDsHIp
     |    |         :::::|    |    |   |    |    |    |    |    |   RooLz!
     |    |       ..:::::|    ¦    |   ¦    |    |    |    ¦    |
     ¦    |   ..:::::::::|    :    ¦   :    |    |    |    :    |
  _ _¯\___¦..::::::::::::|________/¯\_______|____|    |________/¯_ _
     \_ _::::::::::::··                          ¦   _¦     _ __/
         IntEreSteD iN rEAllY CooL FrIEndShip-  _:_/  :pSy!
         Swappin?? Disk <=> Reply!
         Write 2:

               » PsyCho/XTD^IPL «
               » P.O.-Box 50    «
               » 5022 Salzburg  «
               » AUSTRIA        «

                                / \
                               /   \
                              /_   _\
                                | |  \   _   __  __
                                | | o \ /_\ / / / /
                                | |   /____/ / / / __  __
                              __| |_o \\  /\ \_\ \_\ \/ /
                          [===\    /__//__\/__//__/=\  /KL=]
                          |    \  /               __/ /_   |
                          |     \/  of ZOMO group \    /   |
                          |       +-------------+  \  /    |
                          | 4 swap or join write 2: \/     |
                          |       BILLY / ZOMO             |
                          |          Marcin Dudkiewicz     |
                          |e        ul.Akacjowa 10         |
                          | v        10-179 OLSZTYN        |
                          |e    b  d       POLAND          |
                          | r y   o  y  get  ansWeR !!!    |

                /\________   /\__         /\____       /\_______
              _/%^ |     / _/%^ |       _/%^  _ \    _/%^ _____/
             /·    !    / /·    |____  /·    _| ·\  /·    ____/
            //          \//     !   ·\//     \_  \\//       \
            \\     |     \_          \\_      |   \\_ ·pSh·  \_
             \_____|      /______      /______|     /____     /
              |                                             |
              | 4 FaSt AnD FrIeNdLy SwAp   No Bad Disk!     |
              |                            No Lamers!       |
              | KLAF                       No Idiots!       |
              : Kotarbinskiego11d/3        No Standart &    |
              : 82-200 MaLbOrK                Short Letter! |
              :                                             |
              `------ - - - --- ----- - - ---- - - - --  ---'

                        __ ___/\    ________:::::::______
                         _ -___ \   \_ _   /::¯¯¯:\____  \
                           /  |  \  /  |__/\::   :/  | \  \
                         _/       \/   l    \:  _/   I_/  /
                         \  __|    \____  /\ \  \____\   /
                          \ | |     \  /______\  ::-0 \ /
                           \| l______\      ::___::    Y
                         Contact sUbZERO of aCid ^ sQUASh
                             for Ansi^Ascii Swapping

                                  Tor E. Nygaard
                                  Huldreveien 25
                                   1374  BORGEN

                            Normal swappers will not
                              get their disx back

   ___   ____/  ______/  _______/ __    _________   _/   ________    _____
    /   ____)_____   \______   \   /   ____)    /   \_   \    \_/   ____)
   /    \  \_    /    \_   /    \_/    \  \_   /     /    \    /    \  \_
 _/    \ \  /   / \    /  / \    /    \ \  /  /\    /    \    /    \ \  /
 \______\ //_______\ //______\ //______\ //_____\ //______\ //______\ //pR$!

        Andy / Essence                        Voice: +49 7391 4401
        Andreas Dubois
        Starenweg 9
        89584 Ehingen        Contact me: - if ya wanna see YOUR News and
        Germany                            Adverts in ROM
                                         - for supporting our Disc-mag with
                                           Articles, Propoller-Votes, Clip-
                                           Arts or whatever you want
                                         - for trading multi-channel-modules
                                           ( like S3M, XM,... )

                                 (o o)

                             THE TRENDY DEALER / RAM-JAM

                                     Eugenio Gori
                                Via P.della Valle 12/5
                                    50127 Firenze

                         [100% back guaranteed to disksenders]

                                                 (o o)
        ·· ·:::          __                         __   ·:::::::· ·
            |:       _____)\__________________  _____)\_____ ··:·
            |·__    / _____/  __  \  |  /  .  \/ _____/  |  \  |.
           ·|  )\SQH\_____ \  \/  /  |  \      \_____ \      \·::·
           ::  \ ¯¯¯¯÷arc÷ /_____ \_____/__|___/______/__|___/.:::
           :::::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯      \/                        .::::::.
      .. ···:::::·...___________....::::.....____________..::::::··· ..
                                  ··::··                     ··

                       For Friendly And Fast Swapping

                        | A R C A N E / S Q U A S H |
                        |     E I N E R V N . 6     |
                        |  N - 2 1 5 0  Å R N E S   |
                        |        N O R W A Y        |
                        |                           |

                                 ____    ____
___ _ __________________________/  _/___/  _/___________________________ _
   \\\\____   \_____  \____   \_  __________  \____   \_______  \____   \\
      /  _    /   /   /  _    /   /___/   /   /\______/   / /   /  _    /
     /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / /   /   /   /
    /   /  _/   /   /   /  _/  _/   /   /   /  _/   /   / /   /   /  _/
 dZG\_______\__/   /\_______\______/___/   /\______/___/_/___/\_______\G^S!
               \  /                    \  /
                \/                      \/


                          STEVE JONES/ANATHEMA
                             Marek Stachon
                            ul.Findera 33/14
                             43-100 TYCHY

                        ONLY FOREIGNERS, PLEASE!

                                      :                         :
        ..............................:............             :
        :                             :           :             :
        :          __________         :    ______ :             :
        :         /    _____/_       _:___|     /_:___ _________:_
        :       _/     |      |_____|     |    /      |    _______|
        :hMC/hDL\_____________|     |     |___________|      \  :
        :                     \___________|       :   |_______\ :
        : sUPPoRt cULt!               :           :             :
        :                             :           :             :
        : tHE nEW cOOPeRATiON mAG bY  :           :             :
        :                             :...........:.............:
        :  > aBSOLUTE! ^ dREAM dEALERs <          :

 Fester/Absolute! (mAiN ed)    nAPOLEOn/dREAMdEALERs   lORD/aBSOLUTE!^uS
     1073 Budapest                    Bp.56              1181 Budapest
    Erzsebet krt.19            13153 Tarascom Cedex      Darus 10 II/3
        Hungary                      France                 Hungary
                    |                   oOo oOo |
                    |       sTaMpS -->  OoO OoO |
                    |                           |
                    |  Barman/Necropolis        |
                 D  |    P.o. Box 4430          |
                 i  |   15080-LA CORUÑA         |
                 S  |       SPAIN!              | +
                 k  |___________________________|
                 |  ____________  letter _________
                 ->|^ |    |||  \   |   |hi man!  |
                   || |    |||   |  ->  |         |
                   |  |______|   |      | bla,bla |
                   |             |  +   |   bla,  |
                   |             |      |  bla... |
                   |  Hot stuff! |      |         |
                   |#____________|      |_________|

                              =  ANSWER
                      Could it be more simple?
    _____ -_-\\\ :      ______   _____     ___     _______  __    _____
  _/   _~\  -// \|__  _/     "\_/____"\  _/  "\  _/______/_/__\__/   _~\
  \/  _|_ \  /     "\ \/   _   \/ __/  \ \/    \ \____  \ \/  \/\/  _|_ \
  /    _/  \/        \/  __!  _/  \__   \/   .  \/   |   \/    \/    _/  \
 /     ¦    \_ \___/  \_ \_    \_   |    \_  |   \_  |    \_    \_   |    \_
 \     :    _/   |    _/   !   _/   |    _/  !   _/  l    _/    _/   ¦    _/
 /     ¦    "\   |    "\   ·   "\   |    "\      "\       "\     \   |    "\
 \_____|     /___|     /____    /___|     /___    /____    /__   /___|     /

If you think you are crazy enough to contact Drac/Ambrosia for some really
hot eliteswapping then do it NOW!:
         Greets:                                Drac/Ambrosia
                                                 Jan Knudsen
 Compact, Neoplasia, Creed, Defiance,           Nr.Brogade 126
 Depth, The Edge, Eskimos, Fc/Desire,            8900 Randers
 Freezers, Giants,   Mystic,  Rebels,              Denmark!
 Saints, Sardonyx,  Scoopex, Simplex,
 Stellar, Suspiria, Trsi, Zenon......          ^No Stampsfakers^
Ðr.HÇl          ....                                |Best regards to:
                ::::                                |Stellar.Trsi.Rebels
     /\_    /\__:::/\_    /\_ _______ /\_    /\_    |Sanity...Spaceballs
    /^_/_  /^__/::/^. \  /^. \\_ __ ^\ _^\  _\/^\   |Decnite.S!P.Damones
   _\__  \/  |__:/  |  \/  |  \/ \___/ ._/_/  __/_  |Balance.Polka Bros.
  /:· /   \:·|   \:·    \:·    \:·|/:· |   \:·|   \ |Kefrens.US..Complex
  \  _____/______/______/______/__|\_______/__|   / |Desire.Sonik.FPussy
   \<           :::: ¯"°V°"¯                  |  /  |Mystic.Gods.Passion
    \           `:::^]·­·[^generations ahead^]| /   |C-Lous.Drd.Alcatraz
                  `:                          |/    |Razor1911.Eremation
      SUPPORT MY NAM-NAM PACK WITH OWN PRODS!       |Avantgarde.S8.Abyss
                   DARREN/SCOOPEX                   :Jewels.Freezers.Crb
                    ROYSLAND. 10                    :Banal...Afl..Infect
                   4387 BJERKREIM                   .Outlaws.Nuance..FCI
                       NORWAY                       .Accession...and.all
           THE SUPREME SPREADING MACHINE            ....................

                             /\      /\      /\
                            /  \____/  \    /  \
                           /       /    \  /    \
                          /  \__  /   /  \/   /  \
                         /   /   /   /   /    \  /
                        /   /   /   /   /   /\/\/
                        \  /   /\  /   /\  /  \
                         \/   /  \    /  \    /
                          \  /    \__/    \  /
                           \/              \/

                         for trading the latest:

                             ACTION/MAD ELKS
                              Przemek Wozny
                            H.Sawickiej 37/27
                              62-8oo Kalisz

                 | /\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\ |
                   \_____   /_______/    ___/    ___/   __  /
                 | _/   | __Y       \    |  \    |  \   |   \ |
                   \ ___  i_______  /_____  /_____  /_____  /
                 ! =Y===\/========\/======\/======\/=[ScR]\/  !

                   For some crazy swapping contact diz dudes:
                 !      Maly/PiCCo           Scraby/PiCCo     !
                    Bulwar Ikara  30/15       Waska 2/19
                 !   54-130 Wroclaw 62     78-100 Kolobrzeg   !

                 !              Both in Poland!               !
                 |                                            |

                    ___ ___           ___ ____       ___
                   /   |   |\        /   |   \\     |   |\
                  /    |   | |      /    |    \\    |   | |
                 /     |   | |     /     |     \\   |   | |
                /      |   | |    /      |      \\  |   | |
               /       |   | |   /       |   |\  \\ |   | |
              /   /|   |   | |  /   /|   |   | \  \\|   | |
             /   / |   |   | | /   / |   |   | |\  \|   | |
            /   / /|   |   | |/   / /|   |   | | \      | |
           /   / / |   |   |_/___/_/ |   |   | |  \     | |
          /   / /  |   |           |\|   |   | |   \    | |
         /___/ /   |___|___________| |___|___| |    \___| |
         \___\/    \___\__/   / ____\|\___\___\|     \___\|
                         /   / /
                        /___/ /  ALAN  /  DECLINE
                        \___\/   Robert  Owczarek
                                 ul. Polna  10/11
                                 55-100 Trzebnica
                                 --+  POLAND  +--
                |   _______   _______   ___   ___    |
                |  //      \ //      \ //  \ //  \   |
                |  \\__  __/ \\__  __/ \\   \\\  /   |
                |     |||       |||     |||\ \|||    |
                |     |||       |||     |||\\ \||    |
                |    //  \     //  \   //  \\\   \   |
                |    \\__/     \\__/   \\__/ \\__/   |
                |                                    |
                |   If you serching new friendship   |
                |    and swapping contact write 2    |
                |                                    |
                |       Shon of T.T.N.               |
                |       Arkadiusz Pekalski           |
                |       ul. Harnasie 10/43           |
                |       20-857 Lublin                |
                |       Poland                       |
                |                                    |
                |     All people get Answer !!!      |

              _____    _______    ______ ______ _____   ________ ______
             /    /__  \    _/   /     //     // __ /  /  __   // __  /
            /      _/   \   \   / ____// __  // /_//_ /  /_/  // /_/ /
            \     /___ __\   \ / /___ / /_/ // __   //  __   //  __ /_
     .       \       //      //     //     // /_/  //  / /  //  / /  /
     .        \_____//______//_____//_____//______//__/ /__//__/ /__/
     .                                                     [Escobar]
     :      ul.Oratoryjna 7/5
              20-881 LUBLIN
     +-- - -- -- - ---  --- - - -  - - --

           _________/\    _________/\    ___________/\  _______/\
       ___/     .     \__/     .     \__/   _________/_(_________)__
      |_/       |       \__    |       \___________  ¬\__        ¬\_|
      \_________;         /    |_________/        |     /           /
      |-tRSi-|           /        |   \           ·    /       -911/|
  . .:|______:__________/_________:____\______________/___________/_|:. .

                         Tristar and Red Sector Inc.

                                Norby of TRSI
                                  Po Box 20
                                56-300 Milicz

                  Friendship!   Elite dudez!   Old swappers!

      ____/\_________  _________/\__
      \  ____  ____ ¬\/  __________/
       \/   ¬\/      /\____ ¬\/   ¬\
 _ _ _ _\____/|___|___/______/\____/ _ _ _
­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­   -> Tristar & Red sector
4 elite swap write 2:

Qba of TRSI           GTZ:Norby,Dreamer,Qwerty,Snoop,Zinko,Radavi,Trasher
P.o. Box 105	      Mr.King,Dodger,Zibi,Mars,Thorin,Sting,Chris,Chaos!,
12-100 Szczytno       Trash Head,Stan,Reset,Mdb,Kratka,Bodzio,Steve Jones
Poland                Kr'33,Dalthon,Sigge,Lenny,Lenin,PayDay,Steffe,Fate,
		      Candyman,The King,Gosicak,Ghandy,Immortal,Tropper,
Also Module Swapping! Chucky,Hyde,Pantera,Msw,Anti,Scraby,Kurczak......

                   /\___  ____/\  __/\  ____/\  / |_  /\___
                  /     \/      \/    \/      \/  | \/     \
                _/__  \__\__   __\  o  \__   __\  :  \_  \__\_
                \~  \_   ~/   / /   :   /   / /   .   /\_   ~/
                 \_____  /\  __/\   |__/\  __/\____  /____  /
                    fl$\/  \/    \__|    \/        \/     \/
                                 /\__  /\ ____
                                /    \/  |   /
                              _/   |  \_    /
                              \    :   /    \
                               \____  /__|   \
                                    \/   |___/
                     I'm search a new friendship contacts

                               Draco/Status O.K.
                              ul.Jackowskiego 24
                                64-100 Leszno
                             answer guaranted !!!!

                        /\_\_\ - 4 FasT & LeGaL SwaPPinG -
                        |                             /_/_/\
                        |       ! !! AGA WaReS !! !   \_\_\/
                        |   -= Over 5 Gigs Of Stuff =-    !
                        `-----> Fast MODEM Imports        :
                        |(\)                           (/)|
                        |    Kaos MasTeR oF Technology    |
                        |         Franco Scozzari         |
                        |      Via Risorgimento 13/b      |
                        |        Capaci 90040 (PA)        |
                        |          SICILY ITALY           |
                        |(/)                           (\)|
                        [   Disk[s]+Letter = 101% Replay  ]
                        [    Foreigners ctx 200% Replay   ]

                        . °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤°.
                        !                                !
                        |      T E C H N O L O G Y       |
                        .                                .
                        !          FoR SwAppInG          !
                        .            CoNtaCT             .
                        ¡                                ¡
                        .            VOLCRYN             .

                        ¡          Stian Sollie          ¡
                        .           Svanevn.5            .
                        !        3057 Solbergelva        !
                        |            NORWAY              |
                        ¡                                ¡
                        .        FrIenDsHiP RuLeZ        .
                        !                                !
                        .                                .
                        ¡.....GrEEtZ tO aLL cOnTaCts.....¡

                          ______________________  ________
                         /   ____/       \___   \/    ___/  CHRIS!
                        /    \   \   |   /   |   \___    \    OF
                        \_________\_____/________/_______/   GODS
                        gO aHEAD aND wRITE tO sUPPORT ChIp In PaRiS!
                                    - CHRISTOPHE HEDE -
                                      34 RUE DUMONCEL
                                        75014 PARIS
                          OR CALL THE GODS EHQ: (+33) 1 344 811 45

| ._____________________________________________________________________     |
| l_____.     \___  \   ____/    ____/\_____   \   ____/_______  \  ___/_    |
|  |    l_____/_/   /  ____)__  ____)_/   _____/_ ____)l_   _/   /____   \   |
|  |   _____/  \    \   l     \  l     \  l      \ l     \  \    \   l    \  |
|  l_____l_____l\    \_________\________\________/________\_l\    \_______/  |
|  <=============\____\=======================================\____\=eXl!=>  |
|         Drug Pack - If You Try It Once, You Can't Live Without It!         |
|          >>> >> > three ways of supporting the Drug Pack < << <<<          |
|                                                                            |
|          ... .. . Support it With the latest scene warez . .. ...          |
| . .. ... Support it with the usual stuffs like news, messys, advs ... .. . |
|   . Support it with tunes fiting to the mag (<50k) & to the pack (<30k) .  |
|                                                                            |
|                ### Support Drug Pack under this address ###                |
|                                                                            |

.     ___________   _______ ________________  _______ _______  ________     .
     /  ____/ _  \ /  ____//  ____/\____    \/  ____//    _  \/  _____/
    /   ._/ __/  //   ._/_/   ._/_  /   .___/   ._/_/   __/  /\___.   \
  _/    |   \__  \    |   \   |   \/    |   \   |   \   \__  \/   |    \_
  \     |    |    \_  l    \_ l    \_   l    \_ l    \_  |    \_  l     /
   \    |    |     /        /       /         /       /  |     /       /
    \___|\___|    /___|    /__|    /\___|    /__|    /___|    /   |___/
|/      DRUG PACK - If You try it once, You can't live without it !        \|
|                                                                           |
| .ooOOOoo. Today You Can Find Here Messages From Following Dudes .ooOOOoo. |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|     /\                  . Nicholas of Intruders .                  /\     |
|    //\\                     . Qix of Vacuum .                     //\\    |
|    \\//                                                           \\//    |
|     \/                                                             \/     |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |

Messages from Nicholas/Intruders 

 For fast and  friendly swap write to:
  Ul.A.Mickiewicza 18/24
  38-402 Krosno

- Zoltar/Technology
  Wspolczuje z powodu tego twardziela. To demko, ktore wypusciliscie
  z Immortalem jest crazy ale fajne.

- Mars/Mystic
  Jak tam na maturze ?  Mam nadzieje, ze dobrze. Nie wiem czy pamietasz
  ale jak takze mialem mature, teraz jest juz po i wszystko OK.
  Jakos dlugo nie piszesz, odezwij sie.

- Hotjoy/Vision Soft
  Wlasnie wrocilem z Intel Outside II, party bylo zajebiste tylko organizacja
  troche nawalala, najlepsze bylo demo - compo , poziom byl zajebisty.
  No ale o tym troche dokladniej napisalem ci w liscie, paczke dostales mam
  nadzieje. Wracajac do Intela szkoda, ze cie tam nie bylo.

- The King/Illusion
  Cosik nie mam od ciebie odpowiedzi od dluzszego czasu, nie wiem co jest
  dawniej dluzsze delaye zdarzaly ci sie rzadko. Nie wysylaj mi juz tej 
  gry, bo mam ja juz.

- Gizbern/Scallaris
  Sorry za ta pomylke i delaya, mam nadzieje, ze list ci sie podobal.
  Teraz ja czekam na odpowiedz, list nie musi byc az taki dlugi.
  Fajnie, ze spotkalem cie na Intelu, szkoda tylko, ze rozmawialismy
  tak krotko, no ale moze zobaczymy sie na nastepnym party.

- Franeckey/SAF
  Wasz mag byl naprawde dobry , podobal sie wielu ludziom ,troche szkoda, ze
  nie bedzie sie juz ukazywal niezalerznie. Wasze pierwsze demko bylo fajne
  ale mialo straszna muzyke, za to drugie o wiele lepsza, bo robil ja Extend.
  Na party bylem ale ciebie nie spotkalem, bylo strasznie duzo ludzi, sorry
  za delaya list w drodze.

- Manieq/Independent
  Hej! Co jest ? Znowu szlaban na Amige? Dlaczego nie odpisujesz tak dlugo
  wyslalem kartke chyba dotarla, jak nie chcesz juz swapowac to napisz !!!

- Waterhead/Ozone Free
  Cosik dlugo nie ma od ciebie listu, mam nadzieje, ze to nie poczta.

- Dr Tom/Independent
  Sorry za delay, list w drodze, pisz dluzsze listy.

- Ser/Status O.K.
  Cos dlugo nie piszesz, napisz cos szybko bo nie wiem czy zyjesz.

- Dark/Illusion
  Rozmawialismy na Primaverze II, mowiles, ze ten delay to przez studia.
  Minelo juz duzo czasu a tu odpowiedzi od ciebie nie ma ???
  Podobno juz nie swapujesz ???

- Radzik/Orbital
  Ty to robisz chyba najdluzsze delaye w historii sceny, odezwij sie !

- Yasiu/Obsession
  Pamietaj jakbys szukal nowej grupy to wiesz co robic. A tak wogole to 
  czekam na odpowiedz i gratulacje z zwyciestwa w tym crazy compocie 
  na Intelu II.

- Agnus/Independent
  Staraj sie podsylac troche swiezszy stuff, powodzenia w poszukiwaniu 
  grupy. Co do tego co zrobic, czy kupowac A1200 czy czekac na A1300, to
  decyzje musisz podjac sam , ale ja nie wytrzymalbym bez komputera dluzej 
  niz 2 tygodnie. 

- Trastor/Illusion
  Do tej pory bylo naprawde super  ale teraz jakas przerwa odezwij sie !

- Goodman/PIL
  Napisales ze chcesz ze mna swapowac ja ci odpisalem ale ty sie juz
  nie odezwales, nie wiem co to znaczy.

- McDon/Intruders
  Szkoda, ze nie jechales razem z nami na Intela II i ze tak szybko pojechales
  do domu. Przegapiles najlepsza czesc - democompo ofcourse, no ale mowi sie
  trudno, dzieki, ze wpadles wczoraj do mnie, moze z Lotosem wpadniemy 
  w sobote ale to sie jeszcze zobaczy.

- Splatterhead/Scoopex
  Swapping with you is really cool. Almost everything you sent me is very 
  hot , thanks. 

- Mr Big/Blenders
  Na poczatek bid sorry, za to, ze nie porozmawialem sobie z toba na party,
  ale bylem wtedy bardzo zajety, pozniej szukalem ciebie ile sil w nogach
  ale nie moglem cie znalesc. Ktos powiedzial, ze jestes przy barze no to ja
  go to the bar, ale ciebie juz tam nie bylo, sorry. Na nastepnym party
  musimy sobie pogadac .

- Dvize/Devious Dezigns
  Don't worry about delays, your demo is good, specialy music.
  Next time I will sent you our music disk called W.O.S.P.

- Skull/Eremation
  Sorry for my delay. I came back from Intel Outside II party ( the biggest
  polish party ) and I have a lot of cool stuff, for example our music disk,
  ofcourse I will sent it to you.

- Largo/Pride
  Fajnie, ze spotkalem cie na Intelu, troche sobie pogadalismy, jak tam 
  podoba ci sie music dysk Pulsara, paczka w drodze.

- Mr Pigmy/Illegals
  Mialem mala przerwe w swapie bo bylem na Intel Outside II, list w drodze,
  staraj  sie podsylac bardziej goracy stuff.

- Realitor/Eltech
  Swapping on 4 disks is cool. What you think obout that game which I have
  sent you recently, I think it's cool.

- Lotos/Intruders
  Szkoda, ze nie za bardzo poszlo ci z tymi egzaminami. Mam nadzije, ze 
  we wrzesniu pojdzie ci o wiele lepiej. Musisz przyznac , ze chodz Intel 
  Outside II nie bym naszym pierwszym party to byl najlepszy. Mielismy sie 
  troche spic na party ale Horniac nam gdzies uciekl, no trudno moze
  next time.

- Horniac/Intruders
  Intro wyszlo ci calkiem niezle, no moze moznaby tam cos poprawic i dodac cos
  ale i tak bylo cool. W.O.S.P. jest jeszce lepszy i tu z mojej strony brawa.

- Escort/Independent
  Ostatni message byl troche chamski ale teraz skoro masz byc jednym z nas,
  no moze prawie jednym z nas, bedzie inaczej. Ale i tak powinienes wiecej
  sie ruszac i troche pogadac ze starymi kumplami.

- Diabel/Independent
  Fajne byly te cztery lata w L.O. - balangi, imprezy i panienki.
  Szkoda, ze nie pojechales na Intel Outside II, osobiscie uwazam, ze ta 
  twoja wymowka bylo mocno naciagana, ale niech ci bedzie.

- Coroner/Obsession
  Wysylasz fajny stuff, szkoda, ze piszesz takie krotkie listy no ale taki 
  styl. Mam nadzieje, ze list dostales a pozniej ta kartke w ktorej 
  wyjasnialem ci, jak namieszalem, teraz czekam na odpowiedz.

- Hogan/Ladybird
  Escort zawalil sprawe, ale chyba swapuje nam sie calkiem niezle, jak tam
  praca w tej firmie komputerowej mam nadzije, ze nie pochlania ci calego
  czasu a jesli tak to , ze przynajmniej dobrze ci placa. 

- Gil/Independent
  Nie denerwuj sie na Escorta, on juz nie swapuje, teraz ja przejolem jego
  jego kontakty tak wiec i ciebie, list w drodze.

- Billy/Zomo
  Teraz swap idzie juz pelna para i nabral rozmachu, odpowiedz w drodze.


- Kratka/Mayhem 
  Czekam na odpowiedz juz od pewnego czasu, nie wiem czy to poczta czy co,
  odezwij sie.

- Immortal/Freezers
  Dzieki za odpowiedz i fajny stuff, list w drodze. Mam nadzieje, ze nastepny
  list od ciebie bedzi dluzszy.

- Norby/TRSI
  Odpisz szybko , ale tym adresem juz sie nie przejmuj bo i tak jest juz 

- Katan/Independent
  Dzieki za kontakt, odpowiedz w drodze.

- CTP/Independent
  Mam nadzieje , ze list dostales i bedzie sie nam dobrze swapowalo.

- Rappid/Genetic
  Spotkalismy sie na Intelu i chwile pogadalismy, mam nadzieje, ze dostales
  wiadomosc i ten dysk, sorry ze tylko jeden ale wszystko wyjasnilem w liscie.

- TNT/Independent 
  Fajna forme swapu stosujemy ale mi to specialnie nie przeszkadza, na Intel 
  Outside II bylo milo, a w pociagu pachnaca !!!!

- Adventage/Ind
  Niezle bylo bydlo w pociagu na Intel Outside II, kostki rulez.


Messages from QIX of VACUUM:


  WeLl... iF yA wAnT tO sWaP
wItH mE yA cAn UsE dIz (d)AdDy

      mAcIeJ hAmErSkI
     sIkOrSkIeGo 6B/42
      7536O  kOsZaLiN

    +48 (94) 45 35 02  !

 rUlEz: ONLY fRiEnDlY sWaP !!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Ace/X-Tension
 Chyba  raczej  na  pewno list
wjebalo, bo kawal czasu nie ma
od Ciebie wiadomosci...  Pliz,
skontaktuj   sië  jak  mozesz!
Aaa i nawet kartke wyslalem..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Adamsoft/Pic Saint Loup
 Jednak  nie  wyslalem modulow
bo   gdzies  mi  wjebalo  twoj
adres,  anyway  chyba  na  IO2

from QIX/Vacuum
to   ALN!/Picco
 To  ja  podarlem ten worek od
twojego  hadeka..   he he i co
mi teraz zrobisz?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Barabasz/Zomo
 Dzieki za kontakt!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Billy/Zomo
 Tak samo dzieki za kontakt!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Black Dragon/Illusion
 I  like  your  paper  lettaz!
Stay kewl!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Blaze/Xms
 czekam na jakies fajne moduly!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Bogishlav/ZM8
 Sie  ma  Bogdan!   Jak tam po
biwaku?   Znalazlem  ten kolek
co  mialem  pod  namiotem!  =)
Stay kewl!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Bubba/DDT
 Hi  there..  Jak tam Ci idzie
ze    zdobywaniem   zachodnich

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Bzyk/Skulls
Epch,   Artur!    Przyslij  mi
zdjecia   z   party   jak  juz
bedziesz je mial gotowe!  Poza
tym  jedziesz  chyba na IO2...
Nie  zapomnij  o  zygoodpornym

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Coroner/Obsession
 No  nie  ja  jednak do Ciebie
pisalem rok temu...  Fajnie na
tej gieldzie u was..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Chaser/Flying Cows Inc.
 Yep, szkoda ze nie mogles byc
na   Summer   Libation   Camp.
Maybe   za   rok?    Co   snie
piszesz,     pewnie     gdzies
wyjechalem  na wakatzje..  Nie
myle sie?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Claustro/ex.Black Jack
 Thanx   for   lovely  Finnish

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Cook/Scalaris
 Spoko!  Pilka nozna rulez!  A
Gwardia  Koszalin  i  tak jest
najlepsza!  (W trzeciej lidze,

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Cosa/X-tension
 Cos   ostatnio  nie  piszesz..
Chyba  poczta,  co?   Albo juz
sam nie wiem..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Cyryx/Excess
 Hi   there.    He  he  I  know
everything now!  Good luck with
your  paper-mag!  BTW:  Isn't a
sad  thing  that  we must break
our swaptime forever?  =.(

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Daft/Selleri
 Hay!   I  hope that we'l have
good swap time!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Dalthon/Joker
 HIp!   Chyba  juz  masz  swoj
dysk z powrotem, co?  Podobalo
Ci  sie w Mielnie?  czemu mnie
biles  po  kolanie?  A moze to
nie    ty,    ale    cos   mam
przeblyski,  ze  to  Ty..  (?)
stay kewl!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Dave/Vacuum
 Fajnie   bylo   w  drodze  na
dzialke,  co?   Szkoda, ze ten
"NIE"  byl  tylko standardowy,
czyli 0.5..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Decoy/Passion
 he  he  Passion  rulez!..  and
army too!!  B kewl!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   D.E.F./Interceptors
 Niedlugo  bede  w Warszawie..
Jedziesz  na  IO2?   =) ktorym

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Dr.Avalanche/Illusion^BB
 Hi  Rene!  Soon my sending!!!
Maybe I'll call someday AGAin!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Draw/Vacuum
 Szkoda,  ze nie byles na SLC.
Ale  i tak te wszystkie straty
odrobimy w Warszawie...

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Dudek/ind
 voteshit was very nice...

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Draco/Status OK
 A  wiec  tak, Ty juz dla mnie
nie istniejesz w takim razie..
Postawilem  na  Tobie  krzyzyk
jak   i  kilkadziesiât  innych
ludzi.    Trzym   sie  cieplo,
niech  pecetowy  wiatraczek ma
Cie w swojej opiece a moj dysk
niech Ci dobrze sluzy..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Dziulas/Scum
 Delay???      A    tak    sie
odgrazales,    ze    na    SLC

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Einstein/Delta
 No  tym  razem  to  ja gdzies
wjebalem twoj adres, anyway na
Warszawe chyba jedziesz?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Ender/Scalaris
 Masz jeszcza Mac'a?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Exolon/ex.Tilt
 Yep!!   Kto  prowadzil motor?
Ty czy Floppy?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Floppy/Vision Soft.
 Witam  najwiekszego  luzaka z
polskiej  sceny!   A maybe nie
tylko polskiej?  A Hoganowi na
party  slabo  spodnie ujebales
ketchupem  bo  udalo mu sie to
zmyc!  Jutro wysylam do Ciebie
list!    Stay  kewl!   POzdrow
Honde!  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Flyski/Orbital
 Jak  tam pocztowkowy interes?
Slyszalem,   ze  odpiszesz  mi
dopiero  na  swieta!   jak nie
chcesz  to nie odpisuj wcale..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Fryzjer/Picco
 Czolgiem  Fryziu!!  No ja nie
narzekam,    bylo   faynie   u
Ciebie!  Tylko tego skurwysyna
sasiada   w  gory  to  jeszcze
dopadne!  powiedz mu, ze zycze
temu      chujowi     szybkiej
smierci!!!   Ps.  PATYK rulez!
he he he..

from QIX/Vacumm
to   Fuzz/Ladybird Design
 Howdy  Stealth!   uups Daffy,
no nie Adam!  Mam nadzieje, ze
za rok wypali ten camping!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Gabi/Floppy
 Dzieki za kontakt!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Ghandy/Rebels^Bonzai Bros
 Hip hop!!!  Of coz post sux 4
ever.    i  thing  that  those
motherfuckers will never steal
our   second   sending.   Stay

from QIX/Vacuum
to   General Lee/S!P
 Tjena   Johan!    What  about
weather in Sweden?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Heki/CRD
 Fajnie atakowales namiot! =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Hermes/ind
 Hejho   Woyteck!    WIem,  ze
obiecalem napisac pierwszy ale
jakos  nie mogle znalezc dwoch
kilo wolnego czasu.  Ale chyba
cos napisze w koncu..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Hiv/Scum
 Czesc          coordooploo!!!
Powaznie   mi  pisales  o  tym
zasranym   ochraniarzu  co  mi
reke  wykrecal  w Bialymstoq??
Jakos   nie  moge  sobie  tego
przypomniec!?!   :-) Ps.  Kali
nie   bac  sie  jeleni!   Kali
jebac sie nie leni!  =))))) No
i   slyszalem,  ze  Ci  pOCZTA
fatality  zrobila..  czyli juz
nie poswapimy nigdy?  =(
from QIX/Vacuum
to   Hogan/Ladybird Design
 Sorry,  ze nie wsiadelm wtedy
do   pociagu,  ale  po  prostu
zaspalem..  realy!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Hotjoy/Vision Soft.
 Czesc    Tomek!     No    jak
wyciagniesz jakiegos Cats'a do
go spreadnij do mnie!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Hurricane/Eltech
 Thanx  for contacting with me!
I  think  that we have nice and
cool swap time 4 ever!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Inikep/ind.
 He   he  jak  zawsze  mam  od
Ciebie  moduly..   Podobal  Ci
sie ten wspolny letter?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Jacool/ind
 Hip!!!  Thanx for contacting!
No i dzieki za pozdrowienia  w

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Jeere/Sepsis
 Pewnie  myslisz,  ze  ja dysk
zajebalem?   prawda jest taka,
ze to poczta!!  Albo Ty robisz

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Kici/S-Large
 To  juz  5  miesiecy  jak nie

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Klaf/Skulls
 Hejho  Kris!   Przydaloby sie
jak bys sie skontakcil za mna!
I miales kurwa byc na SLC! =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Largo/Pride
 Czesc!   Dzieki  za te dyski,
co  mi  dales w Koszalinie jak
wracalismy   z  EC. Jak Ci sie
podoba nowy listonosz? =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Lazarus/Alms House
 Dzieki za telephon!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Lifter/TG
 I  tak  kiedys  pojdziemy  na
bingo..  Jak tam na poczcie?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Little Horror/DNA
 Ziu...    W  koncu  znalazlem
kartke    z   twoim   adresem.
Niedlugo  jak  cos  sensownego
napisze to of coz podesle...

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Madsen/Suspiria
 Hello   Kjetil!   Second  big
d'lay from ya?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Manio/Scum
 Podobno   miales  napisac  do

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Mecenas/TG
 fajny      masz      motorek!
(WRS2468) zgadlem?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Mephisto/Retire^Dgt Graf.
 Epch..  Ya can make big d'layz
like me!  But be kewl every day
as now!  He he..  I've got your
sending  yesterday..   Soon  my

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Mips/CRD
 Czesc  kierowco!   Tylko pliz
przyjedz   za  rok  samochodem

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Mr.ED/Thefect
 Thanx  for contacting!  Zboze

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Newt/Simplex
 Thanx 4 kewl letta!!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Noodle/Facet's Pussy/Desire
 Good  letters  from  ya.   Stay
kewl.  I think ya have d'lay or
these motherfuckers in the post
kill our letter!!!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Norman/Rektum
 czesc  Mirek!  thangz za lista.
Wiesz,     tak    sie    wlasnie
zastanawialem      czemu     nie
napisales  po Bialymstoq a teraz
to  juz  wszystko  wiem.  kurwa,
nie  ma  to jak zajebia pierwszy
list...   No  ale  teraz  miejmy
nadzieje,   ze  juz  wiecej  nie
zajebia    sendu   na   posranej

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pagan/Flying Cows Inc.     
 Dzieki   za  ode!   Ps.   Czy
znasz       sklad      zaprawy
murarskiej?  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pantera/Balance
 Hip!   Thanx  for sending!  7
mounths  it's  a  nice delay..
:) Stay kewl!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Paszczak/Obsession
 Kiedy mi wyslesz jakies fayne

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pat/Venture
 Napisz w wolnej chwili!!
from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pay/9 Design
 Well,   maybe  you'll  be  in
Vacuum someday.  Be patient!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pennie/Diffusion
 Tjena!!     Hummmm...    What
should  I  write?..  Spread my
advertz  and  stay kewl girl!!
PS.  big delay?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Peters/Joker
 Cartoons rulez!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pickpoke/Interceptors
 Kurde   ja  tez  lubie  sobie
zrobic przerwe w swappingu..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pila/ind
 Dzieki   za  list!   Juz  bym
dawno odpisal, gdybys mi podal
swoj adres..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Proton/Sadist
 DOS#2  jest o wiele lepszy od

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Pulsar/Intruders
 Be  faster!   Mieszkasz tylko
40 kilosow ode mnie..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Qba/TRSI
 To  juz drugi letter zajebany
przez poczte..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Ranger/Ladybird Design
 Czesc!  Za duzo ruskich w tym
Bialymstoq, ale chyba przyjade
za  rok  i  tak..  Of coze gdy
bedzie  party..Rozrasta Ci sie
ta Biedronka!  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Radzik/Orbital^K!NKY
 Niezly   byl  ten  worek,  co
przynioslem na plecach, co?

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Sagrael/SAF
 Dzieki   za   list!!   Zdales

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Scraby/Picco
 Hello    mlodszy    ratowniq!
Wiesz,  ja  tez  nie  bylem  w
Bydgoszczy   bo   zaspalem  na
pocjonk!    Ostatnio  ukradlem
duza  gabke  z ktorej zrobilem
24 male gabki!  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Sear/Dylem
 New  group  cool!   Thanx  for
heavy delayed letta!  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Sebax/Obsession
 Oddal  ci juz Fryzjer Kajko i
Kokosza?    Aaa   Fryzjer   ma
twojego parneta nie zapomnij o
tym!  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Sharp/Megapoint
 fajnie,   ze   doszlismy   do

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Sixtus/Vacuum
 Hello! Maybe przyjedziemy  na
 urodziny z Dave'm!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Sivy/Jabol prod.
 Czesc    szczesciarzu!    czy
wiesz, ze teraz jest w Mielnie
list goïczy za Tobâ?  =)

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Skizo/Scum
 Pozdrow Ize!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Smile/Casyopea
 Hip    hop    Obwjonz/Flaczki
Design!!  Albo Smile/Casandra,
heh    ah   hihi!!!    Pozdrow
markera  tego fioletowego!  Na
Bydgoszczy   nie   bylem,   bo
zaspalem na pocjonk!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Splatterhead/Scoopex
 Vitai  Vesa!   Nice swap with
 New group? Good luck!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Spoonman/Illusion
 Gratulacje   z  powodu  nowej
grupy!   Ten  twoj piesek mnie
ugryzl!     Wez    go   kiedys
skranczuj    do   pudelka   od
zapalek   zadialuj  gdzies  do
Stanow i go tam wyslij!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Stasi/Convex
 DDD  - co to za skrót?  Drugi
Duzy Delay...Czekam!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   TFT/Iris
 Kill   all   people   on  the
world!!!  =) ..and stay kewl!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   The King/Illusion
 Kazdy  ma prawo robic dileje!
Nawet Ty, hehe!

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Trastor/Illusion
 Czytalem   niedawno   twojego
messaga  w  Sil#11.  Okay, cos
napisze..   ps.   i  juz dawno
napisalem  ale  chyba  juz nie

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Vasyl/Ladybird Design
 Juz  myslalem, ze poczta a tu
taka niespodzianka..

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Viper/Scalaris
 Witam   wielki   budowniczy!!
Chyba delay..  No ale to nie w
twoim stylu..

from  QIX/Vacuum 
to    Walec/Appendix
 CZesc wisienka!!  Fajnie bylo
w  Bydgoszczy?  szkoda, ze nie
mogles  sprobowac  Cherrico na
SLC..  Stay kewl

from  QIX/Vacuum
to    Wiper/Humans
 Hip!!!   Kiedy  w  koncu  sie
zabierzesz  na  jakies party z
nami?   Maybe  to bedzie Intel

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Zany/Iris
 Thanx for kewl letta!  4 disk

from QIX/Vacuum
to   Zibi/Flying Cows Inc.
 Zybeusz    pilkarzem..    Nie
wiedzialem..   I love diz game
too!  Be kewl as alwayz!

 One more message to all dudez:

 Would  ya  like play CHESS with
me?   Yes!   That's  great!  Now
it's your move!  So send me your
turn!   If ya don't contact with
me  and you want to play contact
me at once!!!!  1oo rEplY of coz
to ALL!!!

                THX! QIX/Vacuum


.    ________ _ _____   _________               ________ _ _____   _________ .
tbM_/  _____/ __  __/ _/   _____/          tbM_/  _____/ __  __/ _/   _____/ :
: /   ___/    \    \__\_____   \_  fREEZERS  /   ___/    \    \__\_____   \_ :
:/    / /     /     /     _/    /  FREEZERs /    / /     /     /     _/    / :
/____/ /_____/_____/___________/           /____/ /_____/_____/___________/  :
:       DRUG PACK - If You try it once, You can't live without it !          :
:                                                                            :
:    .oOo. I want to send my greetings to all news supporters : .oOo.        :
:                                                                            :
:     ___                                                       ___          :
:    /  /\     Sharp of Anadune          Zoltar of Technology  /\  \         :
:   /__//\\    Rappid of Genetic         Seduce of Status OK  //\\__\        :
:   \  \\//    Nicholas of Intruders     Action of Mad Elks   \\//  /        :
:    \__\/     Base of Phuture 303                             \/__/         :
:              Mars of Mystic                                                :
:              Receiver of Depth                                             :
:              Dave of Vacuum                                                :
:                                                                            :
:                                                                            :

                     FINAL RESULTS from Assembly 95!!!

PC DEMO     

    1    10 (3646 points)     Noon "Stars : Wonders of the world"
    2     7 (1482 points)     Juice "Psychic link"
    3    12 (1204 points)     RealTech "DX Project"
    4     1 (1039 points)     Capacala "Zweilight Zone"
    5     2 (916 points)      Epical "Rebel Mind"
    6     3 (896 points)      Miracle "Higher Desire"
    7    15 (799 points)      Orange "Television"
    8     5 (587 points)      Dubius "Optimal Torque"
    9     8 (541 points)      Kosmic "Little Green Men"
   10    13 (372 points)      Japotek "Figthing for something"
   11     4 (224 points)      Masque "Mystery"
   12     6 (175 points)      tArzAn tuotanto "Syllabization"
   13    11 (153 points)      Black Rain "Overflow"
   14     9 (143 points)      Deus ex Machina "Fever"
   15    14 (33 points)       Simplicity "Elegant"


    1    11 (2917 points)     Parallax "ZIF"
    2     9 (1950 points)     Pygmy Projects "Logic"
    3    12 (1366 points)     Stellar "Miracles"
    4    10 (1224 points)     Silents "Fruit Kitchen"
    5     2 (980 points)      Juliet and Case "C42"
    6     7 (902 points)      Complex "Dive"
    7     8 (457 points)      Fanatic "Hate 2"
    8     6 (356 points)      Balance "Embryo"
    9     4 (317 points)      Zymosis "Wc goes to wc"
   10     3 (281 points)      Embassy "Thrilled"
   11     1 (235 points)      Abyss "High Anxiety"
   12    13 (217 points)      Black Lotus " "
   13     5 (115 points)      Domination "Domination's Dentro"
   14    15 (27 points)       ""
   15    14 (26 points)       ""


    1     4 (2750 points)     Wild Light "Drift"
    2    10 (1899 points)     Coma "Stickman's World"
    3    15 (1364 points)     Complex "Bill G Force"
    4    14 (1219 points)     Jamm "Nation Zero"
    5     2 (1112 points)     Halcyon "Detour"
    6    13 (1041 points)     Valhalla "Believe"
    7     1 (527 points)      Mist "Alchymid"
    8     6 (506 points)      Halo "Reality Impact"
    9     3 (471 points)      Symptom "Camera"
   10    11 (364 points)      Abaddon "Pied"
   11     9 (358 points)      Epsilon "Dream"
   12     7 (271 points)      Hazard "Cocaholic"
   13    12 (225 points)      Anarchy "Tam"
   14     8 (194 points)      Woodpeckers from Mars "No Class"
   15     5 (185 points)      @ "Byte me"


    1     2 (2312 points)     Sonik "FAD"
    2     3 (1933 points)     Hirmu "Hauki"
    3     5 (1354 points)     Sonik "Blur"
    4     1 (869 points)      Banal Projects "Seasick"
    5     4 (772 points)      C-Lous "Assembly 95 40k Intro"
    6    11 (714 points)      Extend "Sections"
    7     9 (648 points)      Yodel "Oberon"
    8    10 (427 points)      RRR "Cinderhatch"
    9    13 (340 points)      Bomb Squad "Ultimate Stress"
   10     6 (311 points)      Heretic "Delirium"
   11     8 (272 points)      Royal "Sauna!"
   12    15 (209 points)      Cirion "Hope"
   13    14 (206 points)      Kinky "Sumu"
   14     7 (188 points)      Amacon "Mission Impossible"
   15    12 (108 points)      Diffusion "Kintro"


    1    13 (1769 points)     Visualize/Jamm "Fiction"
    2     6 (1457 points)     Artifec/Complex "Mystery"
    3     7 (1285 points)     Jogi/Mellow Chips "Agony"
    4     1 (1177 points)     Visigoth/Pure Resistance "Valkyria"
    5     5 (948 points)      Kube/CNCD "Mustafa"
    6     2 (880 points)      Kal/Astroidea "Morphosis"
    7    12 (802 points)      Yoga/United Artists "An axe"
    8    11 (702 points)      IronMan "Phobic"
    9     4 (664 points)      Mazor/Paragon "Pain 2"
   10     8 (639 points)      Facet&Super Nao/Lemon. "Baby"
   11    10 (616 points)      Wolf/X-Trade "NO"
   12    15 (428 points)      Tyshdomolo/Abyss "Grandma"
   13     3 (372 points)      Zeb/Orange "Nut Fish"
   14    14 (254 points)      Neutesten/Zirkonium "Blend"
   15     9 (201 points)      Destop/CNCD "Wicked"


    1    14 (2375 points)     Diffusion "The Desktop" 
    2    11 (1487 points)     Andy "Church Windows"
    3     2 (1039 points)     Tapsah/Absolute Xtacy "Flower"
    4    15 (981 points)      Dark Juha/Hirmu "Da End"
    5    13 (976 points)      Toalnkor/Realtech "Sunset in Vectorcity"
    6    10 (866 points)      Fish/Damane "Candle"
    7     5 (737 points)      Marek Gibney "Jesu"
    8     1 (466 points)      Spiff/Obsession Development "On"
    9     4 (396 points)      Daemon/Dawn "Interface"
   10     3 (392 points)      Minx/Fascination "Planscape"
   11     6 (313 points)      Willysoft "Room of runes"
   12    12 (263 points)      Serge "The Twilights"
   13     7 (214 points)      - "World"
   14     8 (191 points)      Havenlock/DKS "Grimreaper"
   15     9 (147 points)      Turo/Fascination "Kielo"


    1     5 (2247 points)     Flow by Jaco
    2     8 (2247 points)     Pulp by RRRR & Bang
    3    11 (2156 points)     Space 01 by Cubic Team
    4    10 (1346 points)     Chestmaster 2001 by Slimy Devil
    5     2 (604 points)      Fastline in vector city by Toalnkor
    6     6 (603 points)      Space Mountain by Execom
    7     4 (384 points)      Dawn by Artifex
    8     3 (307 points)      Bomb Ride by Vertex Twister
    9     9 (175 points)      Insel by Marek Gibner
   10     1 (147 points)      Cityscape by Zinx
   11    13 (134 points)      The Choice by Jan-Erik Tervo
   12     7 (118 points)      AAA-Animation by Shaq
   13    12 (93 points)       NIH by Frank
   14    14 (11 points)       Atlantis by Price and Tennessee
   15    15 (6 points) 


    1    11 (1420 points)    Theseus/Anathema "Funkyeeh"
    2     9 (1280 points)    Cube/Dee "Illumination"
    3     2 (1193 points)    Lizardking/Razor 1911 "Crayfish Party"
    4     7 (1080 points)    Breeze/Capacala "Aroma of northwest"
    5     8 (1056 points)    Oxide/Sonik "Topless"
    6    15 (921 points)     Ukulele/Banal Projects "Jormuan Lava"
    7     6 (824 points)     Radix/Limited Edition "Rymdfunk"
    8    12 (797 points)     Dizzy/CNCD "Suuntaviivat"
    9     1 (742 points)     Brem/Bomb Squad "Get it"
   10     4 (707 points)     Groo/CNCD "Pop Huora"
   11     3 (579 points)     Andy/Banal Projects "Balthazar"
   12    13 (462 points)     Boheme/Bomb Squad "The Robot Kingdom"
   13    10 (458 points)     Sphinx/Fanatic "Holocaust"
   14     5 (369 points)     Yoga/United Artists "Chuynia"
   15    14 (330 points)     Dj. Roberto "Blowing House"


    1     7 (2999 points)     Skaven "Catch that Goblin"
    2     5 (1017 points)     Rage "Guild of sounds"
    3    11 (988 points)      Lizardking "World of unicorns"
    4     2 (968 points)      Stargazer "Garage"
    5     8 (886 points)      Prism "Can you feel it"
    6     6 (811 points)      Beathawk "Breaking the sky"
    7     4 (724 points)      Yolk "Temple of sun"
    8    10 (699 points)      Purple Motion "Astraying Voyages"
    9     9 (648 points)      Zake "Kaapu-Pete Matkustaa"
   10     3 (528 points)      Pauli Rämö "Music for the forest"
   11     1 (504 points)      Yzi "Spinning"
   12    13 (380 points)      Turtle "Power Boogie"
   13    12 (228 points)      RSE "So.if.fix.x."
   14    14 (201 points)      Pete "Sy-Stems"
   15    15 (200 points)      Edge "Farewell to Lyrics"

C64 DEMO    

    1     5 (3874 points)     Byterapers Inc. "Extremes"
    2     4 (2227 points)     Panic "Break Through II"
    3     6 (2212 points)     Beyond Force "7 Years"
    4     3 (1132 points)     Crest "It's comming"
    5     2 (1012 points)     Symptom C64 Section "Bizarre"
    6     1 (647 points)      Chaos C64 Division "Tribute to Albert Hofmann"
    7     7 (107 points)      -
    8     8 (25 points)       -
    9    12 (23 points)       -
   10    14 (18 points)       -
   11     9 (14 points)       -
   12    11 (6 points)        -
   13    15 (5 points)        -
   14    13 (3 points)        -
   15    10 (2 points)        -

C64 MUSIC   

    1     1 (2224 points)      Zardax/Origo Dreamline "Martinism"
    2     3 (2016 points)      Thor/Extend "Kirta"
    3     2 (1983 points)      Dr.Voice/Panic "Compomusic"
    4     6 (1479 points)      AMJ/Side B "Sys 4096"
    5     5 (996 points)       Warlock/Panic "Compotune"
    6     4 (790 points)       Barracuda/Extend "Brainscanaloop"
    7     7 (40 points)        -
    8    12 (15 points)        -
    9     8 (12 points)        -
   10     9 (11 points)        -
   11    10 (11 points)        -
   12    15 (10 points)        -
   13    11 (9 points)         -
   14    13 (9 points)         -
   15    14 (2 points)         -

C64 GFX     

    1     3 (2631 points)     Dr. Dick /Byterapers inc. "Dragon"
    2     1 (2628 points)     Debris/Panic/Extacy "Compopicture"
    3     2 (1636 points)     Votka/Pullo "Animaali"
    4     6 (491 points) 
    5     4 (335 points) 
    6     5 (260 points) 
    7     7 (37 points) 
    8    10 (26 points) 
    9     8 (24 points) 
   10    12 (9 points) 
   11    11 (5 points) 
   12     9 (4 points) 
   13    13 (3 points) 


    1     8 (2100 points)     Animate
    2     9 (1729 points)     Heaven
    3     2 (1008 points)     Crashtest
    4    13 (948 points)      Chrome
    5    12 (836 points)      Havoc
    6     5 (801 points)      Speed
    7    10 (696 points)      Compexity
    8    15 (608 points)      Dragon
    9     4 (559 points)      Bit
   10    11 (430 points)      Loop01
   11    14 (366 points)      Ahrum
   12     3 (340 points)      Only for few bytes
   13     1 (337 points)      Redrum
   14     6 (326 points)      Strictly 4kb
   15     7 (324 points)      Shine


                          FAKE SCOOPEX PIRATES?!

I have heard rumours about a textfile going on around in Norway! Maybe
foreign dudes have read this file too!

I says that the crack-section of Scoopex have been reborn after having
been dead for a long while! And there is also given a address where you
can contact them if you want to join! The name of a dude called Stratos
was also mentioned, but I'm not sure if he was the HQ. But he was a
member of Scoopex Pirates. 

I have NOT read this article myself, but I have got the information by
talking to people in Balance, Melon and Scoopex that have read this
textfile! So I have got the main info. of this article!

But please, do not be fooled by this textfile, because it's pure crap!
Either these guys are extremely out of date about the Norwegian scene,
or maybe they are just plain stupid! (Refering to Stratos!).
Don't they think that we know what is going on in Scoopex???
Or maybe they have just taken advantage of the article written in RAW
some time ago about the so called death of Scoopex! (Even you all know
that we have NEVER been dead!). The (new) Norwegian div. is allready
1 1/2 years old!

Stratos and his gang of crackers are just plain stupid lamers. (This
info. have been given to me from guys who knows him!).
We have NO members of the illegal section in Norway. And the HQ of the
illgal division of Scoopex is actually in Finland! And they have NEVER
been quite dead either! They have just had a low profile after a LOT of
trouble with the police! 

So I just wanted you to know that these guys are pure fakers!

So to Stratos and his friends I just wanna say ..... FUCK OFF!!!

                          Signed Darren/Scoopex 

          .... ..___/\________/\_______/ |________/\_______... .. .
         :: :::::\_____    \___________  |  |  \__________/::::: ::
        :::: :::::|    |    \   ___/_/   |: |   \_____    \::: :::: :
         :::: ::::|:  !|    \\  |     \  |  |:  \\   |:   \\::: ::: ::
        ::: ::::::|    |:   //  :    //  :  :   //   :    //:::: ::: 
       :: ::::: ::l____|    /____    /______    /_____    /::: :: :: 
        :::: ::::::::::|   /::::\___/::::::\___/:::::\___/:::::: ::: :
         . :___                                               ___: .
         :/\  "\:    .---------------------------------.    :/   /\:
   - --- /  \___\ ---|        ""°¤*[ NEWS ]*¤°""       |--- /___/  \ --- -
         \  /   /    `---------------------------------'    \  "\  /
          \/___/                                             \___\/

- Sting left Bonzai Bros. and joined
- Qwerty sold his Amiga and left the scene


- The memberlist(11.09.95):

  GOLD DRAGON............Co-Organizer
                         and Swap
  REBEL..................SYSOP (HQ)

- ROBAN joined  as Graphician.
- TSI left the scene.
- CHARISMA, their mag, is a
  little bit delayed.Sorry!
- New members are welcome,contact
  MONSUN for joining.

- Spiderwork, Jolly and Mr.Salinas got kicked
- Cyboman joined from Balance


 - Demo called "Collage" has been relased at Eastern Conference,
 - BlackWine (msxman) joined from Megapoint,
 - Sharp (gfxman) joined from Megapoint,
 - Rekin has renamed to Mario,
 - Demo called "Infliction" has been relased at Intel Outside II,

 Actual (03.08.95) memberlist:

 - Mr.Acryl ...... Coder
 - Mario ......... Coder
 - Dr.Greg ....... Coder
 - BlackWine ..... Coder, Msxman
 - Kazik ......... Gfxman
 - Sharp ......... Gfxman, Swapper
 - Zeebi ......... Msxman
 - Andy .......... Modem trader
 - Losiu ......... Swapper

- Steve Jones renamed to Penny
- Musicdisk "Channel 4" was realised

- Animators are working on Roll or Die 2
- They will son release an adventure called THE HUNT FOR THE GOLDEN GLOBE
- Exhorder and Horny rejoined from Anthrox
- Jack Danielz joined with his 6 nodez system called State of Adversia
- Animators are woking on Willy Worm 2

- Cyboman left for Ambrosia
- Atheist, Grid, Vicious, Pantera and Excel joined from Sunshine Prods.
- Deelite joined from Razor 1911 as a double member
- Confidence (coder) joined from Duplo
- 2 coders joined from Focus Design in Denmark
- On the result list from Icing'95 you can see an intro which competed
  in the intro competition from Balance. IT IS NOT A BALANCE PRODUCTION!
- Vicious don't like his little sister

  The Swedish members:
  Vicious        - code
  Confidence     - code
  Atheist        - music
  Deelite        - music
  Grid           - graphics
  Excel          - graphics, swap
  Pantera        - swap

- The group was formed by TbM, Phase and Reverend D

- Beatless is a new Swedish group formed by some ex-Disorder-members

  Members are:

  Note       - music,swap,organiser
  Iz         - graphics,music
  Limpa      - graphics
  Stevie     - ascii,co-organizer
  Skiathos   - trading
  Megabyte   - code
  JamSam     - grafhics
  Leprechaun - swap,co-organizer
  Black line - sysop
  Agamennon  - sysop
  Fugazi     - swap

Bonzai Bros.
- Gonzo, Maxx and Powl left for Illusion
- Sting left for Abyss
- Ghandy got Independent
- Ghandy, Toaster, Dr.Avalanche want to join Gods
- Ghandy joined Gods
- MDB quit the scene
- The Bonzai Bros. Fan Club is dead!

- Bartesek left for Mystic


Kaze (graphician, swap) rejoined in Sweden and is now SHQ
LA (musician) joined in Sweden
Droopy (coder) joined in DK and changed handle to Pennywise
Gordon (coder, graphician) was kicked for inactivity in DK
Sprocket (graphician) joined in Norway
Sanctum (graphician) joined from Iris in DK
Solo (musician, norwegian organizer) returned from USA


Complete memberlist:


Pennywise     - Code, Trace
Quedax        - Code
Curmudgeon    - MSX
Curt Cool     - MSX, Swap, Trade, Organizer, ANSI
Chelsea       - GFX, Swap
Folcka        - GFX
Gizmoduck     - GFX, Swap, little code, trace
LPN           - GFX, Trace
Nightsight    - GFX
Sanctum       - GFX
Suare         - GFX
Snowman	      - Trace
Receiver      - Swap


The Coolest   - Code, MSX
Solo          - MSX, Organizer, Swap
The Paranoid  - MSX, Trade, soon SysOp
The Surge     - MSX, SysOp at Night Raven
Sprocket      - GFX
Allanon       - ANSI, Swap, little GFX
Ren           - SysOp at Temple of Dreams, Trade, Swap


Fly           - GFX
Icebreaker    - Swap, Organizer


LA            - MSX
Kaze          - GFX, Swap, Organizer

- Fletch is back on Amiga again

Dual 4mat
- Rebellion left for Maniacs

- D-Code joined as a GFX artist and a mail-trader
- Realitor joined Kinky as a double-member
- Kurgan, Sheela and Tipper got kicked due to lack of communication
- Tiz Woz was kicked due to inactivity
- Geir didn't join Eltech
- The Sugar Cubes are dead - Skinner is now an Eltech member only
- Eltech Norway is under reorganization
- Mr. Anonym was kicked due to inactivity
- All previous Norway projects have been cancelled
- The reorganization is complete
- Southern Empire BBS is soon on-line again
- Bondelandet BBS is soon on-line again

- Reverend D, TbM and Phase left to form Basement
- Delery/ex.Silents joined as a coder in Sweden
- Marillion rejoined
- Dsx-Design/TRSI joined as a musician
- Immortal opened his BBS called OVERDOSE frs pLHQ (+48-12-114632)
  Complete memberlist :


  Sputnik    - code
  Joy        - code
  Bart       - code
  Gordon     - code
  Lenin      - whq, swap
  Immortal   - swap,pack,sysop
  Freeman    - gfx
  Beniamin   - gfx
  Bethoven   - music
  Alex       - music
  Dreamer    - music
  Krasnal    - modem
  Sky        - sysop


  Delery     - code
  DSX-Design - music
  Marillion  - music

- ANGUS joined as a swapper
- "FLASH SOUND DISK" is comming
- sound disk "COS" is comming
- ray slideshow "REAl IMAGINE" is comming

Oficial memberlist: (14.08.95)

ANGUS   -   swap
BOREK   -   swap
CARSON  -   swap, HQ
FOYLE   -   swap
CRON    -   music, gfx, swap
FLASH   -   music, raytracer
HARM    -   raytracer, swap
MURKY   -   gfx
RAPPID  -   gfx, swap
CYPO    -   code
GALON   -   code
HIGHMAN -   code
IKE     -   code, gfx
KEDDY   -   code
MAMOC   -   code, gfx


- SILESIA #11 was realised with new design (design by LAZUR).
- RYGAR won GFX-COMPO on IO#2.
- STRATOSFER (RYGAR's slide-show) was realised on IO#2 - soon will be
  realised  patch for slide (troubles with runing on  A 4000).
- SPOOON (POLAND)joined as TRADER and SYSOP  with his board "RUSSIA".
- RAMIREZ is new Co-Organiser of the German Section.
- XENON   has joined as musican.
- DOMINEY has joined as musican.
- P.O.W.L has joined from  BONZAi BROTHERS as musician.
- PVC has joined us as doublemember from SUPPLEX as coder.
- GONZO has joined us from BONZAi BROTHERS as coder.
- MAXX has joined from BONZAi BROTHERS as musician.
- MR.BiG has joined us as trader.
- AXEL's D.  AMIGA  is crashed.
- VEROX  AMIGA   is crashed.
- TETSUO  is kicked out.
- HAUSFRAU left the Scene.
- CRAZY    left the Scene.
- SIGGE    left the Scene.
- SPLASH   left the Scene.
- DR.AVALANCHE  is kicked out.
- SEGOY with his board SCANLIGHT is kicked out.
- We search new members for join to ILLUSION!

   Node0: ++48-71-576946

- CaLL  NoW to ICE HOUSE (FreeZerS PHQ) and SuPPorT SiLeSiA maG
             (ArTicLeS, NeWs, AdVErTs)

  Node0:  ++48-63-417119
  Node1:  ++48-63-45SooN


- Actually slogan "USE YOUR ILLUSION".


- NIUNIEK   CODER (disabled).
- WILD      CODER.
- MTC       MUSICAN.
  (15 members)


- GONZO         CODER.
- PVC           CODER, (GFX).
- P.O.W.L.      MUSICAN.
- MAXX          MUSICAN.
- XENON         MUSICAN.
- CRAZY         SYSOP (GHQ).
- MR. BIG       TRADER.
  (13 members)


- CLO!         SINGER.
- ERK          MUSICIAN.
- HERBY        CODER.
  (7 members)


  (3 members)

- 38 members.


- Hermit left scene
- McDon join as swapper from Alms Houze
- We released intro 64k "INTRIGUE" at Intel Outside Party II
- We released Pulsar's music-disk "Wielka orkiestra swiatecznej przemocy"
  at Intel Outside Party II

 Aktual memberslist:

 HORNIAC    -   coder
 LOTOS      -   organizer
 MAG        -   ray-tracer
 MCDON      -   swapper
 NICHOLAS   -   swapper
 PULSAR     -   musician
 RAD        -   ray-tracer
 ZOZO       -   musician, graphician

 So far we released:

 - "INTRUDERS"        intro
 - "POPIEL'S KILLER"  slide-show
 - "SPANISH FLY"      file demo
 - "W.O.S.P."         music-disk
 - "INTRIGUE"         intro

- Adonis left to join Mad Elks

-most of the members are doublemembers.
-our BBS is open for masses
-Gulf was kicked because of communication problems
-Base/Phuture 303 joined as doublemember
-more members/doublemembers wanted.
 Memberstatus [12-7-1995]:
 [FINLAND]:, music, swap, ascii, [gfx!], music, swap
 Beholder............code, swap
 Miro................gfx, raytrace, swap
 John Harder.........gfx, swap, ascii
 Apache..............sysop WET PUSSY line 1: +358 0 777 4838
                                     line 2: +358 0 765 43010

 Felix...............hq, swap, swap
 Miko'63.............hq, swap
 Buttercup...........hq, music, swap
 Rotten..............hq, gfx, music, swap
 Devistator..........hq, swap, gfx, ascii
 Realitor............code, swap
 Lithium.............swap, modemtrade
 Pozz................hq, gfx, swap
 Fate................hq, modemtrade, swap, ascii, swap
 Rockeronic.........hq, music
 Moon................hq, code
 Cro.................hq, code

Mad Elks
- Adonis joined Impact DK as a double member
- Xman joined as a SysOp in Denmark
- MGL joined as a musician. He's double member of Mad Elks and Damage
- Astaroth joined as a graphician from Illusion
- Iron, Action and Adonis are ready to release next issues of 2 Fuck Da Glenz 
  pack, please support them with newest file productions...
- First production is comming up...

- We are searching for more members around the world (coders, graphicans,
  sysops and musicians), so if you are looking for very friendly, famous
  group, send your offer to Iron or Action or call +48 (0) 795 8169 (ask 
  for Eric).

  Members are:

  Action        - swapper, co-organizer
  Alice         - swapper-girl, mascot
  Astaroth      - graphician
  Bethoven      - musician
  Iron          - WHQ, swapper, coder, musician, ascii-maker
  MGL           - musician
  Omega         - graphician
  Sonic         - graphician, musician

  Adonis        - DKHQ, swapper, editor
  XMan          - sysop

- Rebellion (gfx-artist) joined from Dual 4mat
- Kaoz! renamed to Jive
- Saurian (swapper) quit the scene

- Magic left to be independent. He joined the UPSTREAM staff in June and
  quitted his work for CHIT CHAT
- Danny/Spaceballs joined as a double member
- Their are working on a big demo called 'Chunkfood' with graphics by Danny
  which will propably be released on the Saturne III


- The Knight joined from Obsession as text-writer and swapper

- Actually memberlist MYSTIC - Polish Section:

        XTD - musician, organizer
   BARTESEK - musician
      NINJA - swapper 
       MARS - swapper 
 TRASH HEAD - swapper
 THE KNIGHT - swapper, text-writer
     CHARON - coder
       TEDY - coder
        MSS - coder
      CBM80 - coder     
     JACKAL - graphican   
       JEZO - graphican
      RESET - graphican
     GUNMAN - graphican, swap

Actually 14 members in Poland!

- Bluesilence (musician) rejoined NOVA.

  Members of NOVA are :

  Cygnus (coder,gfx)
  DTS (coder,leader)
  Arthy (various)
  Djiby (gfx)
  Marc (coder)
  Clary (swap-girl,coderess)
  Bluesilence (musician)
  GFA (gfx,raytracing)
  Mr.Keel (swap)

- Zarch and Xman joined from Triflex+Addonic
- Pearl stopped mail-swapping!
  Current memberlist:

  Pearl       - editor
  Decoy       - swapper
  The Colonel - trader
  Zarch       - trader
  Xman        - trader
  Webster     - sysop
  Ramosa      - musician
  Subject     - musician
  Jake        - musician
  Cutcreator  - musician
  Guybrush    - graphician
  Blizzart    - graphician
  Silicon     - graphician
  Prowler     - graphician
  Boogeyman   - coder
  The Whistle - coder, musician

Phuture 303

-STRIKER joined in Denmark with his BBS `EVIL DEAD'
 EVIL DEAD is now PHUTURE 303 DKHQ,try to call it at +45-318-57016
 For some 24 HR 28.8 fast access.

-PARSEC ex Alcatraz,joined in Sweden as a coder.

-DAMIEN joined in Sweden as a swapper.

-AXEHANDLE joined in Sweden as a coder.

-BEAVIS joined in Germany from Neoplasia,as German HQ.

-B.A.S.E. joined in Germany as a swapper.

-CYCLONE joined in Germany from Black Code Design as a swapper.

-CIE joined in Germany from Appendix as a Musician.

-ZAPOTEK was kicked!! due to inactivity.

-LFO is taking a break from the scene while moving back to England!!

-CLEVER joined in Germany from TFD as a swapper.

Current Memberstatus 20-Jun-95



-12 members in 3 countries and growing fast!!

-PHUTURE 303 is still seeking more members,especially coders for the newly
 formed Ultra-Kewl German section..Germans should contact Beavis/Phuture 303
 others should wait until LFO rejoins the scene...

- Coolorado is NOT the guilty person behind the Eleni viruses. It's just some 
  lies spread by Zerox/Gods

Razor 1911
- Deelite joined Balance as a double member

- Exciter left the scene
- Melvin renamed to Weezer and left the scene
- Nighthawk left the scene
- Zulu and Grey are the new organizers

- Seven Eleven left da Tribe posse and joined Riot
- Seven Eleven kicked Doomsday/Bizarre Arts in his motherfucking ass
  at the SIH2 because he smoked too much shit
- PROJEKT X the meeting in Oberhausen/Germany from RIOT. Invitations cooming 
  up after the summer hollidays
- Aggressor's (from POL.) compy got stolen at the SIH party

- Trasher is still active and became a doublemember of Sanity/Artwork
- Trasher also joined Bomb as a third group
- Chaos left to be independent

- Tyneo (Norway) joined as an artist
- Kan (Norway) joined as a swapper and co-organizer
- Malakai joined as a swapper/organizer and Sardonyx Norway was created
- Blade, Dazz, The Wizz, Mundgor, Ola Thörn and Bacon got kicked
- GNO renamed to fIShWAVe
- Antarctic Station BBS (Sysop Maxwell/Supreme) is the Sardonyx GHQ


- NeW BIGOZ isSue #.10(GoZeR/NeW CoDe) ReAlIsEd !!!
- MuSiC DiSc LABYRINTH 2 CoMiNg SoOn (MsX:TiMeR,GfX:WeEd)
- MaG PaCk RED SKY CoMiNg SoOn !
- NeW CHIPPACK (MsX: TiMeR) CoMiNg SoOn !
- Complette oficjal memberlist:

DEVOTH..............Necronomicon coder,editor
(16 Members)

BIGOZ (0-10)........magazine
NECRONOMICON (1-4)..RPG magazine
CHIP PACK...........chip music pack
LABYRINTH...........Timer's music disk
BIGOZ VI intro......intro
ONE.................intro (EC'95 party)
4Kb intro...........intro (Intel II)


- CoDeRs
- GrApHiCiAnS
- MoDeM-TrAdErS
- MuSiCiAnS - OnLy 2 !

SuPpOrT BIGOZ MaGaZiNe: AdV,NeWs,MeSsAgEs,ArTiClE,VoTeShEeTs !!!

- Youri left Scoopex to be independant !
  Therefore he isn`t anymore a member of Scoopex
- Akiro and Dr.Poop joined in Finland as sysops with the board 'NAUSEA'
  ex.Complex FinHQ - ask elite for the number !
- Spycatcher and NHP re-joined from TRSI
- Mel`O`Dee, Cocoon, Jojo, Darkman, Merlin, Trifox and Triton got kicked 
  because of different reasons!
- Splatterhead (swap) joined in Finland from Flying Cows
- NTSC joined from Hoodlum as trainer, coder and supplier
- Maniac (code), Chaos (graphics), Satan (graphics and SysOp of `TERROR DROME`), 
  Blue (SysOp of `EMBASSY` ex-DELIGHT EHQ) and Mad Butcher (Hardware Supplier) 
  joined in Germany!
- Colorbird joined from RAZOR 1911 in Sweden
- Made left for BOMB in France

- Danny joined Mirage as a double member

- Bacalao (musician) joined from Eremation
- Mac Fight (swapper, graphician) joined from Anthares
- Mac Fight changed his handle to Kuriaki
- Sear (graphician) joined from Eremation
- Jay (coder) rejoined
- Boomer (coder) left for Ivory
- Sear (graphician) and Bacalao (musician) left to form a new group called
- Alhazred and Kuriaki joined Melting Pot as double-members
- Two days later, Kuriaki left Melting Pot
- Amigos (musician) joined.
- Suicyco (swapper) joined from Unlimited
- Alhazred stopped swapping with most of his contacts
- Alhazred left Melting Pot, he's now a member of Spasm only
- They're looking for members of all kind.

  Members are:
  Alhazred      editor, swap
  Amigos        musician
  Draghan       musician
  Jay           code
  Kuriaki       swap, graphician
  Suicyco       swap
  Zac           graphician, organizer

Status o.k


BLZ (Music) Joined in Poland 
Seduce (Music, Swap) Joined in Sweden
SamshBall and TUC (Swappers) Joined
in Luxemburg.
Draco (Swap) Left the Scene!

Under Production :

The Terminator II-SOON
Urgh !!-pack-mag  SOON
Krawëûnik #4 (disk-mag) ???? who knows ?


Poland -

Blacha     - code
Ser        - code
Slangy     - code
Kyle       - swap, text editor, code
Goôciak    - swap
Eliot      - swap
Czar's     - code
Max        - gfx, trace
Grochu     - code, music
Obcy       - music
Schultz    - code
TheSM      - swap
Unscrew    - gfx
Wierza     - Music
Zomo       - gfx
Napalm     - game-man, driver, drink-man
BLZ        - Music

Luxemburg -

SamshBall  - swap
TUC        - swap

Sweden -

Seduce     - Music, Swap, Shq

Sunshine Productions
- Atheist, Grid, Vicious, Pantera and Excel left for Balance
- Blast has 19 cats at home!

  Memberlist are :

  Mr.Coke         - code
  Producer        - code
  Whiplash        - code
  Blast           - code
  LightSpeed      - sysop
  Blast's 19 cats - mascots

-Vention/Polka  Brothers  is NO member of TRSi.  He is working for FunCom at
 the moment.
-The  first  CD from the TRSi Record-label will be released quite soon!  The
 title will be `Cyberlogik`...  GET IT!
-Spycatcher/ex-Scoopex  & NHP/ex-Scoopex joined TRSi.  Spycatcher renamed to
 Christopher and is the TRSi DK-HQ.  Christopher & NHP stick together...
-VirusWorkshop V5.0 (FIVE) is a trojan and was NOT released by TRSI!  Expect
 the REAL VirusWorkshop from Flake (Version 5.1).

- After some troubles polish division of TRSI was totally re-organized!
- Seq left for Ozone Free
- Iron had to go away and he joined Mad Elks as a new WHQ
- Leviathan left the scene
- Tees left to inactive section
- Greg/ex.Anathema joined as a new coder
- 'SPEED' - Qba's pack is ready!
- 'IT'- Norby's mag-pack will be released very soon! New design by Lazur!

  Current memberlist of polish division:

  Norby      - swapper, polish organizer
  Qba        - swapper
  Elis       - coder
  Bald Horse - coder
  Greg       - coder
  Lazur      - graphician


 - Bartman (musician) left, and he's back for a while..
 - Dave is NOT an orgaznizer.. now Bartman^Jogurt^White are HQ!
 - Sixtus (musician) left for Soldiers and Flowers.. Suck..
 - Mat (raytracer) kicked out.
 - Shit.. we miss delay to the demo compo at IO2 party. 50% of our new demo
   was finished..
 - Pump - world music charts-mag soon!  Please fill the votesheet and support
   us   with  modules,  articles  about  music  (Amiga  music,  musicians..),
   interviews and ofcourse votes..


 - Bartman ..... msx  \
 - Jogurt ...... code  > HQ
 - White ....... gfx  /

 - Bolek ....... trace
 - Qix ......... swap
 - Draw ........ swap, ascii
 - Dave ........ swap, msx, ascii


   TyPeD By AcE/X-TeNsIoN

- ABC#3 (17.7.95) is realised!
- REVISQ has joined from SQNX TEAM as MUSICAN.
- MR.TOM, VIKING, MASACRA and SAURON were kicked because of unactivity.
- THEFECT is a subgroup of X-TENSION.
- CREAM DEZIGN is a subgroup of X-TENSION.
- REPLAY join to CREAM DEZIGN as coder,swapper and editor
- PRAISER join to CREAM DEZIGN as coder,graphican and editor

- Actually slogan "X-TENSION - THIS IS NOT A DREAM !".

                        ...ReLeAsEd PrOdUcTiOnS...

                        - MEGADEMO - small dentro
                      - NONSTOP PREVIEW - music disc
                        - ABC#1 - pack-mag issue 1
                        - ABC#2 - pack-mag issue 2
                            - JOINTRO - dentro

                        ...NeXt PrOdUcTiOnS...

                     VECTORMANIA - demo              
                            Code by Ace & Unky
                             Music by Snoopy
                       Graphics by AV & Guru Master

                     POLICE SUXX! - demo             
                               Code by Lupi
                              Msx by Revisq
                               Gfx by Lupi

                     FUCK QUALITY - fuck demo        
                               Code by Ace
                              Msx by Revisq
                                Gfx by Ace

                     NONSTOP - music disc            
                               Code by Ace
                               Msx by Kovy
                                Gfx by Ace

                     LOVE IN HEART - music disc      
                               Code by Unky
                              Msx by Revisq
                                  Gfx AV

                     STATE OF HEALTH - intro         
                               Code by Unky
                                Msx by Fml
                               Gfx by Unky

                     LIVE - slide show               
                               Code by Ace
                              Msx by Chaser
                                Gfx by AV

                            SPAGHETTI#1 - mag



  X-TeNsIoN.......ACE             - Whq,code,swapp,editor
                  IVENHOV         - code
                  SÎAWEK          - code,ray
                  LUPI            - code,msx
                  REVISQ          -msx
                  KOVY            - msx.swapp,editor
                  FML             - msx,swapp,editor
                  AV              - gfx,ray,anim
                  GURU MASTER     - gfx,anim
                  ANITA           - mascott,editor
                  JANETT          - mascott,editor

  ThEfEcT.........UNKY            - code,swapp
                  MR.ED           - swapp
  CrEaM DeZiGn....KRZYSIO         - gfx,msx,editor
                  REPLAY          - code,swapp,editor
                  PRAISER         - code,gfx,editor