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3 844 bytes (3.75K)
File date:
2011-12-24 23:03:16
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all-time: 268


                               This is your favourite little stomach !!  or wot ya say bright eye and the other young dude, eh.  anyway parties are going just fine. zados just passed out, but who cares.     today i am not drunk like i was yesterday.         ah ah ahhah  axa left early today coz he was a bit bored. i dont blame him coz there are so many lamers like bytelamers and jugi perfect.      big ... lamer called conan is standing beside me. oh shit, he just left.            almost all finnish gold members are passed out, only evil , moku , xyz soft and rock  are alive.  Yeaah. i think i am losing my touch and falling in sleep.      heh, bright one just woke up!!                 keep your sencors ready wrathchild or big ... lamer gonna shoot you !! yes, you the law. but i am the boss.....  he was the boss and i am the boss now.   it is me, moku writing this time and this is the first time when i am writing in our demo!  the main reason that i haven't been writing in these demos is that the others in our group leaves far north and my contacts doesn't work well.   i'm really sleepy. i haven't been sleeping properly for over 35 hours.   anyway, wadda ya like about my charset?  contact me sometime if u want to have really new stuff.       evil is demanding that i let him the keyboard. bye now......      grendel, it was nice intro yar team put into our product.    you are also very beatiful. i heard that few gays wanna get in touch with you.  i just heard ...... said that you are a fucking ass.   maybe a bit crafty too. i think i have wasted enough time for you. so, up yours. this opinion was written by evil and if you have someting to say  do not say it !!!                   by the way,  some stack members wanna say something not so bright.  ha ha huuh here's icebreaker and parta!!! huuh!!!  no way till zados for drinking several partas through his neck.... haah parta stands still with me!!! hip hop and parta-show!!! naaa.... yup asshole-soft wonts to contact ya: write to stomach-grendel  for swapping big stomachs...or maybe becker for big evils!!!zardos is out of date but he doesn't understand anything!!! he's so asshole! big stomachs are the leading part of fig!!! or not maybe beckers rule some evils stomachs!!!!   naaaa.....huuh.... suck off and x-men with  die with stomach!!! or drink with conna and get a big beard!!! haaaaa haaaa hops or axas to conna for typing his karnow for eviling the zardos ha ha haaaaaa...... axaaaxaaaaxaaa x-suckers are gay-men or y-men for their according to parta's ass..... ha ha axa licks gryzor's  dick!!!           wot did i say, nothing so bright.  but you have to understand icebreaker coz he is so young.  and he is worring about can he get big belly before he is 19.     pzarpdos is still in outer-space.  he's laying on some lamers, but who cares !!!             and now guys are forcing me to write some of their newest programming tips. You know, you can reset your amiga by pressing two amiga keys and control key at the same time.               i just saw a member of us.  scs, you have nice haircut !!!  but why so long !!     just kidding !      conan just loves your hair.    how about some wax. you know that's the new style !!           why wallie is always smiling ?                     ok, now the greetings !    greetings to no one !!!                and now what you all have been waiting for.   yes, i'm gonna stop writing this text and i hand the keyboard to someone else. !!!           shit, there is noone to take this board so i have to write by myself.      we had a little fun with icebreaker. we digitized some sounds from animals called zarpdos and boris becker.      zados, you got nice skills to sleep when you got some kicking or what you say.                      now i cut this boring shit !!!!