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-=*> mega mini demo <*=-
release date:

ladies and gentlemen. boys and girls. something wonderfull it°s happend!    yes! this is our first production ever made! i hope you°ll like it.       this is an homage to my old commodore 64 so don°t scream anymore about it b°coz this demo was coded only for fun and to tell the world that we°re living.       now a litle presentation of our team:   all begin is spring 1990 when my phone was riging. drrrrring... driiiing...  hallo??  yes can i talk to philippe please?    yes it°s me.  ok my name is cedric but i°m better known under the name of chaos. well but what do you want?     it°s a friend of mine who give me your phone number and told to me that you°re interresting in the creation of a new french group so as that interrest me  i°ve called you...          this phone call was the beging of a real friendship between chaos and i (lsd).    a few day after chaos called me again.   and we decided to create a french group doing only demo and utilitites (pas de crack messieur de l°app alors ne nous emmerder pas avec toutes vos conneries...)  and we decided to call this team fluid design.        at the begining we°re only two french teennager in the group: chaos (gfx) and i (coding) and a few day laters we get a swapper. is name is speeder.           so now you know anythings about us.    now press mouse to enjoy the show!       lsd signing off.....                                                            

hi there! welcome to this first part of our mega mini demo...             first of all i (lsd) want to explain you why all these demo look like shit!       it©s simply because i wanted to done a demo like on the c64 (several part in one demo without disk access between the parts.) so now you know why these demo look so lame.                     i know also that my code wasn©t wonderfull but i©ve done it only for fun and to say that we°re living!                      now it©s time to leave you coz i have 2 others demo to finnish...   ps: soon coming our megademo wich will be ready in end of august or in the beginning of september.  so look out for it. it will be more amasing than this shit!               lsd signing off.                         

finaly you've reached
the end part
now some credits:
part1: the intro
coding: lsd 
logo: lsd 
small font: tetragon
others fonts: chaos
music:jochen hippel
part2: vector balls
coding: lsd
fonts: tetragon
balls: chaos
music: jochen hippel
part3: the end
coding: lsd
logo: chaos
font: tetragon
members pic: lsd
music: jochen hippel
lsd signing off.