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File size:
963 bytes (963B)
File date:
2024-09-05 01:10:08
Download count:
all-time: 10


# dual crew shining$
presents to you today

banshee aga preview from core design

supplied by manx

* if you play this preview, buy the finished game *
cool mini intro by coco arts

and dont forget this freax!
- support playbyte -

if you have excellent references
call these dcs boards

complex corrosion  +1-612-7730522

flashback  +46-private

ukhq  +44-you-must-be-joking

eastern front  +358-28-22915

reign in blood  +49-30-8854598


* love and kisses to the following few groups *

silents   anthrox   delirium   hoodlum
w0t   andromeda   loons   trsi-zenith   paradox
fairlight   prodigy   digital   scoopex   vision
classic   sanity   spaceballs   movement   complex

welcome to our new members
manx   hydro   byte devil  globe  gettler + grind king

# dual crew shining - a nice bag of beans $