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8 300 bytes (8.11K)
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2024-09-05 01:10:08
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all-time: 5


February Clouds


$VER: January_Clouds(1994-01-26)Hello out there! Dual Crew-Shining presents another intro for your pleasure. Look at the endpart for greetz, messages and so on... But now let's continue with a... well, RUNNER!                                                     

Now you have reached the end of another 
            little intro by:            
           DUAL CREW - SHINING          
    Let's take a look at the credits:   
     Code             Zulu & Cueball    
     Graphics        Grey & Fade One    
     Music                    Tyrell    
      Exciter is on the keys again.     
This intro was just made to spread some 
   news concerning DCS and to write a   
           few lines of text!           

   On 31/01/1994 I finally became 18    
   years old. Send your presents and    
           birthday cakes to:           
             eXCiTeR of DCS             
               Ingo Kamps               
           Bodelschwinghstr. 7          
             48527 Nordhorn             
  You can also just send some disks and 
            a contact letter!           
    For all those who haven't got our   
        S O N I C   A T T A C K         
   Send 4 disks and I will return them  
          with the music-disk!          

 It's time to send some regards to some 
   teams, whose work we really like...  
                 They are:              
  Virtual Dreams/Fairlight - Spaceballs 
   Andromeda - Complex - Polkabrothers  
  Rednex - Movement - Stellar - Kefrens 
   Sanity - Desire - Nova - Razor 1911  
  Banal Projects - Jetset - Faith - LSD 
  Faith - Melon Dezign - TRSI - Scoopex 
  Parasite - Silents - Absolute! - Lego 
   Cryptoburners - Carillon & Cyberiad  
 Balance - Alcatraz - Prodigy - Classic 
   Ram Jam - Mirage - Bonzai - Platin   
 Fairlight - Anthrox - Hoodlum  - Loons 
   Digital - Essence - World Of Twist   
        and all forgotten ones...       
          DCS - Second To None!         

  Please spread these news to all mags  
 These dudes have joined DCS recently:  
 Cueball....Coder     (ex-Masque)       
 Grey.......Coder     (ex-Cryptoburners)
 Slash......Coder     (ex-Analog)       
 Tedric.....Coder     (ex-Silents)      
 Zulu.......Coder     (ex-Cryptoburners)
 Dynamite...Musician  (ex-Noxious)      
 Excess.....Raytracer (ex-Analog)       
 They have left DCS:                    
 Codeman and Corny joined Movement      
 USM left the scene!                    
   And don't forget to give credits!    

Well, here are some messages from me to:
  Hey man! Have fun in your new group!  
   I'm waiting for your mega-demo(!).   
            SOUL is BEST!               
         Suhu/Banal Projects            
        Okay, let's swap now!           
 Where is that photo you wanted to send?
 That's all from me now... I'll give the
        keys over to Zulu now!          

      Here are some messages from       
            lUlU ehm..zUlU!             
      I really look forward to our      
            common sounddisk!           
        Let there be celtic rock...     
              FaKe/eQuiNOX             again a new     
     number...collect it and use it!    
        stay cool and wait for my       
       new chess-draw..I will win       
        no longer interested in         
      writing letters? too bad...       

       Ich hoffe Dir gefaellt es        
               in Vision.               
       Lief halt alles irgendwie        
        schief (oder auch nicht)        
             Telefon kaputt,            
              Disks kaputt              
            Computer kaputt,            
             Auto kaputt...             
   Cool, das nun jeder seine Fehler     
     einsieht, ich meine, Du deine      
   und er seine...Friendship rulez!     

       Hopefully you are not angry!     
     Keep on drumming and try to        
           send a demo-tape.            
       Na was macht das Board?          
        Ist es schon on-line?           
           Doc-View rulez!              
       That's all from me! Goodbye      
  Exciter is back and I now want to say 
     goodbye to you! See you in our     
          sooncoming demo by...         
 Zulu & Grey   -   Ninja   -   Chromag  

     (C) 1994 dUaL cReW - sHiNiNG       
   This is a new point of view...       
      ...and it shines even brighter!   
        / /                             
       / /                              
      / //\ /\    or DCS, if you want!  
     / // // /                          
    / // // /                           
    \// // /                            
     / // /                             
    / // /                              
    \/ \/