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File size:
1 443 bytes (1.41K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:58
Download count:
all-time: 250


dualcrew:   presents:   snuskbuske's docdisk 1 ... this disk contains all docs written by snuskbuske (dirtybush)   and now the credits for this intro    code by    axis  :  gfx by    axis  :  musix by    pow   :  and don't forget to call our whq guru's dream    @46 8  :   363425 : 14.4kbps:   600 mb: online   sysop - snuskbuske      greetings to -         bitmap brothers (mike, eric)    quartex (the specials, clash)    razor 1911 (ziphoid, sector 9, red baron)    defjam (the baron, mr thompson, gehenna, mogwai)    scoopex (tmb, reward, zebra, slayer, bic, ranger, uncle tom)    red sector (micronix, death angel)    network (beast, duke)    anarchy (laiz, teeze, octoplex, arokk)    spreadpoint (alex, slash)    brainstorm (scattergold, majestic, odie)    crusaders (ecs, swapperboy)    image (scum, der hm)    amaze (mr ozzo, bomber)    fraxion (lix)    vertigo (delorean)    alpha flight (ralph, michael, auatar)    the company (rudi, selim, olli)    euphorea (mc shady)    crystal (deliverance, marco)    skid row (metallica, tigger)    kefrens (deflex)    cryptoburners (jackmix, agressor, blackstar)    dexion (trix)    tristar (wardog)    cinefex design (fallos)    northstar (dragon, raistlin, deathbringer, rex)    the goonies (lion, tasselhoff, alis)    rebels (jake, janitor, m:et, spellcaster)    silents (lord d, regent, thunderhawk)    imp 666 (grim jack)     that's all for now.. cu in the next production!!!!!