welcome to this demo made by dual crew first let us show you a ball this writer is by the way the first vector writer ever cute ball but let us have another one hope you like boxes and if you dontpress da leftie fractale power forever specially vectored ones some graphics coming up and now a realtimed fractale a spritescroller coming up vectors are a bit too common but here are some crappy ones ok time for gredits megathnx to wanton of bloodsuckers for the player all other code by greetings part logo by mutant but all other graphics by this great music by pizza and moral support by finally greetings and addresses part coming up
what nice mountains !!! they consist of 10000 vector pieces and in 32 cols and they are calculated by my ultra fast fractale routine and converted into 3d-fractales with moveable lightsource and then drawn onto screen with my new method of blitter filling which makes this possible !!!! wow!!! if you believed all that then you should vote us in the eurochart !!!! hahahahaha !!! (coder humor)
10*10 moving fractales in 4 btpls polarbear get me my pizza soon or i will starve to death
did you like that previous ball made of 870 points in one frame zooming moving and all points on screen at the same time !! a bit better than those lame 800 points unzooming balls (which show only 400 points... heh) so what is special about 1536 points ??? nothing because they are always precalculated hahahahahehehehe!!!
watch out red baron!!! crowd is after you!!!
life is hard for a scroller with sprites bouncing on your head like that yo pb !!! eat pizza !!!
sends greetings to
skid row - crystal - quartex - nemesis
agile - oracle - complex - kefrens
rebels - anarchy - vectra - shining
spreadpoint - subway - trsi - scoopex
brainstorm - sanity - vision factory
crusaders - frantic (sf) - byterapers
legend - image - bloodsuckers - fairlight
black robes - wizzcat - razor 1911 - p.m.c
cryptoburners - goonies - mean machine
black monks - phenomena - cave - supplex
carillon - the gang - equinox - network
alpha flight - vision - cytax - acme
d-tect - flash production - addonic - axis
and s(ch)il(l)ents (that's 4 calling us
duel-crew, heh hoh hah hih hekotihokhahaa)
sorry if your group was not included but
checkout our next demo 4 full greetinglist
call our boards (now!) :
guru's dream - whq - 1 of europe's largest
node 0 +46-8-363425 14400 only
node 1 +46-8-368169 2400-14400
node 2 +46-8-369205 2400-14400
node 3 +46-8-369225 14400 only
sysop: snuskis - hd: 1 gb (2 gb coming!!!)
eastern front - sfhq - finland's fastest
node 0 +358-28-22834 14400 only
sysop: haka - hard disk: 105 mega bytes !!
write to:
whq (swap,joining) the gnn (bombs,swap)
po box 10056 po box 5
63010 eskilstuna 79023 svardsjo
sweden sweden
vulcan (swap) yoghurt (swap+vhs)
kapytie 4 hans andersen
62800 vimpeli 5084 tertnes
finland norway
or if you live in finland you can write to
our heroic leader - polarbear !!!!!!!!!!!!
jari porrasmaa (4 lazy swap, joining, whs)
hiihtajantie 10 b 8
70200 kuopio
finland (or call +358-71-225558)
if you wish contact the coder of this demo
write to (or get my phonenumber from pb!!)
marko sormunen (4 sending money to poor
metsurintie 27 a6 coder or coding stuff)
70150 kuopio 15
ja lopuksi erikoisviesti smirre/vectralle:
tuo minun kuvandigitoija !!!!!!!!!!!! t:pb
merry christmas and happy new year to all
members of dual crew and also to the rest
scene!!! maybe the year 1992 be a good one
yepp... and remember to vote 4 us in the
eurochart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
perkele viela pitas kirjoittaa 2 rivia....
noh, nyt tuli tayteen!! heippa vaan.......