proudly presents
A game in the TRUE spirit!
In 1985, a real american police man,
Brad Nixon, seeks and destroys an
unknown criminal who has brutally
slaughtered innocent people in New York.
The unknown man was never identified
because his face was crushed at the
violent end of the chase. No one has
actually seen him.
Brad Nixon has once again got problem...
So! You really thought you would be a
hero didn't you? Be promoted.....
get more money...get better work...
or at least a new car. (Since your old
got a bit fried in the supermarket-blastabout a week ago) Sure.....
"For Gods sake Brad, it's only the
painting that's gone!"
"But boss...The car looks like an
inhabitant in Africa. I can't drive
around in it!"
"Don't be stupid Brad! It works!"
"But boss! The Engine explodes
everytime I..."
Of course your first thought was to drawyour .44 and smear his mind over the
office and force his staff to LICK IT
But you managed to control yourself
this time...
So here we are again! You are sitting inyour car which is parked along the sunnysidewalk. And, yes, of course it's
tuesday too...
Welcome to Bleed2.
Now what do you wanna start with this
time then?
1 - Inventory
2 - Go for a ride
3 - Go for a FUCKING COOL ride!
4 - Relax (The policeradio's broken)
So here we are again! You are sitting inyour car which is parked along the sunnysidewalk. And, yes, of course it's
tuesday too...
Now what do you wanna start with this
time then?
1 - Inventory
2 - Go for a ride
3 - Go for a FUCKING COOL ride!
4 - Relax (The policeradio's broken)
In fact: you STILL have your shiny
Magnum .44! As you watch it now you
can't hold back your tears when you
remember the first nigger you ever
shot... right in the head. Booo!
Suddenly you are interrupted by a great
roar from a motorbike. Seconds later a
big Harley-Davidson tumbles past your
car in a speed which can't be legal...
1 - Go for the hunt!
2 - Don't care ( You have been
transformed into a jerk )
The car doesn't start without problem,
but you finally manage to get it going.
Just when you have left your parking
place, a big motorbike runs past you in
a speed HIGHER THAN YOURS! Fucking jerk!You decide that he's going to spend the
next few years in prison and burn away
after him.
Djonka,djonka,djonka...the damn car
refuse to start right now.
Well...who cares,anyway?
You close your eyes and begin to
daydream about things you like to do
instead of this..kick ass..shoot gays..
polish guns...crush legs and other
police brutality hobbies...beat childrenand so on... Unfortunately you are
suddenly awakened from this cosy moment
by a big motorbike which tumbles past atan illegal speed.
Yeah! Action!
1 - Start the hunt!
2 - Continue dreamin'
Aaah! Who cares about that little shit.
Let him run. (One minute later a great
WHOOMP! and a big explosion far away
makes you question your ability
nowadays. Nothing to do about it
But this makes you a bit restless
however...SHIT! Gotta have action!
Hmm...a dog slowly walks across the
street...this could be the fast way
to action maybe...
1 - Practise shooting on the dog
2 - Test the wheel quality on it
3 - Be a jerk again start the engine and burnaway against the little dog. You can't
really see it but you can hear how the
dog explodes like a tomato and spread
over the street!
You stick the pipe of your Magnum
through the sidewindov, aim and FIRE!
The dog makes a little twist and falls
down on the street, dead as a doornail.
Dat waz really funny! But suddenly,
a scream is heard from a garden
across the street. An old lady
stares at the dead dog and cries:
"Murderer! Killer! Psycho!"
then she runs away into her house.
This makes you laugh more!
1 - Go for a ride
2 - Relax
You...don't do anything but freeze
when the old lady comes out from
her house...with A CHAINSAW!
Jesus! Is there no limit for animal-
loving people nowadays?
She screams and runs against you
with a VERY, VERY, VERY mad look!
Gargh! THIS could be your ticket
to HELL!
1 - Scramble!
2 - Get out and blast!
3 - Laugh
SCREEECH! The car burns away with
a cloud of dust. The lady doesn't
seem able to follow you at this speed
fortunately! But then...
When you run over the squashed dog
the car loses control and begins
to spin around. WAAH! You don't
really know what's happening until
the car rumbles through a hedge and
into a pool which of course just had
to be placed there. This doesn't seem
to be your lucky day...
The water is slowly beginning to
flow into yor car. Looking trough
the windows is not an encouraging
sight either...the lady awaits
smiling on the edge of the pool...
1 - Drown
2 - Shoot her through the windscreen
and the water
3 - Open the door and swim up
You kick out the side window and
press yourself through it...almost.
Halfway through you suddenly feel
stuck! Scheisse! You try to get
away but it's impossible!
It takes only a couple of minutes
before you feel that you just HAVE
to breathe!
And you do...
It's a bit hard to see exactly
where she is but you try to aim
right. BLAM! The windscreen explodes
and sends a flood of water into
the car. You struggle desperatly to
get out and finally you manage it.
Phew! That was on the edge!
Fortunately,the lady is dead, You fired
right in the leg which made her lose
balance. She fell right on her own
chainsaw and is now lying there
getting more and more torn into abloody mess. Lucky you!
But there is still a problem. The
ladys five other mad dogs have now
left the house and are circling
the pool. Looks like they
want revenge...
1 - Kill'em all!
2 - Walk away. (They are problably
kind, anyway)
When the time is right you quickly
jump out of the pool and draw your
Magnum. this, dog!
You pull the trigger and watch
the dog as it....attacks you...
Klick. Klick. Klickklickklick!
Uh,oh. Seems like the gun has gone
a bit wet...
A bypassing walker thought the dogs
were eating on a deer or something.
Strange anyway,in the middle of NY.
You never get so far. The meanest dog
rips your head off as fast as you put
you hands on the edge of the pool
and almost swallows it in one bite.
The cheek falls off first and is
quickly nipped by another dog.
A real gourmet-dinner today!
The other dogs get a bit depressed
because they didn't get anything.
But they solve it by brotherly
sharing the old lady. Happy end!
....ugh.....blubb....(Ah! Now I
finally know why I don't like
water as much as whiskey!)
A smart move. Violence shall be punishedwith violence. You quickly open the
door (with is stuck for a couple of
seconds) and points your guns against
her. "Freeze Ma!" you scream. But she
dont wanna freeze so you pull the
trigger. BLAM! CLANK! She stops the
bullet with the side of the saw.
Looks rather nice. But you get
terrified! What do ya wanna do?
1 - Hit the road!
2 - Empty the gun
This is ridiculous! She stops'em all!
"Never thought about joining a
circus?" became your last words...
The lady hacked you into fine little
pieces which she fed her other dogs
with...better than cannibalism anyway!
You laugh very loud against the corny
sight. Lady with a chainsaw! OAHAHA!
Haven't seen anything like it before!
The lady cuts your head of first, but
your laughter can still be heard from
your throat...
After several djonka, djonkas the
fucking car finally starts and you
burn away after the bike.
It takes only a minute before you can
spot him again in front of you.
For some reason this man is desperate,
because he suddenly drives up onto the
sidewalk (at 110 mph). Walking people
plunge themselves away to avoid the
maniac. Except for a 3-year old kid
who was playing on the street and
never noticed the bike. His head
got squashed under the front wheel
of the bike and the body took a few
steps before it fell down in a
strange position in front of his
parents. This is disguisting!
1 - Force him of the road
2 - Blast him into cadaver!
3 - Stop the car, get out and
eat the dead child
You quickly stop the car,jump out and
run across the street to the body.
A few people have stopped to watch the
child who is pumping out his blood
through the open throat with a gurgling
sound. Everybody thinks you are going
to examine the victim but you take a
great bite into one hand instead.
Tastes a bit salty, though. But not
really unpleasant...
You break off the hand and reach it to
the paralyzed mother.
"Mmm...This is yammy stuff ma! Try a
Unfortunaly she faints but the father
grabs it and swallows it in one bite.
432 years in the asylum. For all three.
How bad! (But let's see the bright side:
It gives you plenty of time to discuss
new recipes with the father. Baked
Brain, French Fried Fingers etc)
It's a bit difficult: The bike runs
as fast as you can go. But after a
while it loses speed for some unknown
reason. But it gives you a big chance
to HIT! But in what way?
1 - Directly from behind
2 - Make a turn and get'im from
the side
You press the pedal to the metal and
get your one ton steel into the back
of the bike. Bah-yeah!
Frankly I dont know which one who
is the heaviest. The bike or the fat
Hells Angels rider. Both of them
are anyway thrown into the air and
plunged back...into your windscreen.
It will be a nasty moment for the
fire brigade crew to dig out the mess
from the back trunk of the car.
You make a big turn to catch him from
the side but unfortunately he is still
too fast and you miss him by an inch!
DAMN! Your car continues to the side
and crashes into some parked cars.
The explosion killed fourteen people
including you, of course. See ya.
The gun slides easily out of your belt
and you smash the sidewindow to make it
possible to aim. It's a bit shaky,though
BLAM! You let'im have right in his head
...or maybe fact,the bullet
misses and, oh no, hits a bypassing
walker.(Who is thrown into the big
shoppingwindow of "Bills Radio'n TV"where finally his dream comes true: To
be in TV. But maybe not this way )
Fiasco! But a little bit later the
biker slows down by some reason.
Now you got the chance to HIT!
1 - Run him over from behind
2 - Make a turn and take him
from the side
You continue this lazy procedure
with a yawn. Who cares about this
job anyway? You don't...
Everything is normal. The birds
sing. The sun shines. The sky
is blue. And a big lorry is driving
up behind you. What the...
Looking in the driver's mirror
reveals a big, and I mean big,
lorry who is making it's way
towards you in a speed out of
this world! You seem to be it's
target! Damnit! Think fast.
1 - Show him the finger (Zwow
man, ya'r cooler than ice!)
2 - Get out of the car NOW!
3 - Pedal to the metal
You pull down the window...slowly,
extend your left arm and put
the finger to him. "Fuck you".
(Interesting facts: Your finger
was later found two kilometers from the
Ofcourse: Djonka,djonka,djonka...
Damn car! Djonka,djonka..Vrauom!
Finally the car gets the point and
rushes away from the mean object
behind you. But it seems like it's
going to be tough to get rid of
him... Crash! The lorry bumps
into your back and the car gets
uncontrollable for a second. Damn!
If he does it more time the car will
fall apart!
1 - Push the car to it's limit!
2 - Fire thorugh the back window
3 - Kurbits
Kurbits is a flower you idiot...
I don't belive this. DID YOU HEAR
(Laughter heard far away).
Well I don't have time to discuss
stunning stuff like that now
so beat it now will ya. Bye.
Trying to steer a damaged car AND
shoot somebody through the backwindow
is hard...very hard...but you try.
But wait! Looking back you suddenly
discover that you have seen the
driver before...Oh god. It can't
be true...Ding! You wake up from
your paralyzed moment and squeeze
the trigger fast! Wham! The recoil
from the .44 makes you to turn
the steeringwheel and you suddenly
find yourself drivin' on the
other side of the road! With a
bus on crashcourse! Oaaahhh!
1 - Stay (Probably crushed by bus)
2 - Turn (Probably crushed by lorry)
The busdriver don't have enough time
to turn away from you. Maybe beacuse
he's reading todays newspaper while
driving. Amazing really...
In the impact which follows you feel
how you are lifted away from your
seat....flying trough the air....
to heaven? No, but trough the wind-
screen. Later also into the windscreen
of the bus. While flying through the
bus you see a lot of people you know.
Hey! There is Richard, your neigh-
bour! How's life? Well,pretty good
I think. And you? Oh,it's just fine!
Sorry, but I can't stay now,see ya!
One microsecond later you crash trough
the backwindow of the bus.
Luckily we all saw the funny side.
Schreeech! (Again). The car's tires
will probably be confetti after this.
But who cares? You have got bigger
problems than that. That your
steeringwheel is loose for example.
You now have no control at all over
your,"car". You pass the
lorry and continue up on the sidewalk
into the door of a Seven Eleven
shop. Through the shelves of food
(and some customers). Into the wall
and out on the other side. Where you
"finally" hit some trashcans and
stop. You seem to be in an alley
behind the ex-7eleven shop.
After crawling out of the wreck of
your car you discover that the
owner of the shop now is on his
way towards you from inside the
shop. "You bastard! I'm ruined!"
He is carrying a big double-
barreled shotgun which he points
at you. The only way to run seems
to be a door behind you.
1 - Open the door and enter.
2 - Say "You got three seconds
to drop the gun!"
You press your foot against the pedal
as hard you possibly can manage.
Crash! "Crash?" You feel how your foot
suddenly goes trough the floor and hits
the road. (Geddit? Hits the road! HAHA!)
Judging from your speed it's not strangeat all that you are sucked out
and completely transformed to a new
exclusive pate.
"Sure" he answers. "Later..." He pulls
the first trigger and your head is
torn to pieces like a melon. The second
shot hits you in the chest and makes you
perform a little flight before you are
smashing trough a window and land on
a dinnertable of the family who lives
( You bet the woman in the apartment
was angry when she had to clean all day
after the ambulance left with you )
On the door is a note who says "Concert
today". After you quickly closed the
door you notice that it's pitch
black inside. You can't see anything.
I've got a bad feeling about this...
1 - Get out
2 - Wait
You throw yourself out just to be
greeted by the shop-owner and riddled
by his gun.
Unfortenaly we did NOT see the funny
side this time.
Woosh! Bright lights are thrown into
your unprepared face and it makes you
blind for a second. When you begin to
see again you notice that you are in a
big concert hall. On a stage are six
ugly guys standing, holding their hands
up in the air as if they are waiting
for celebrations from the audience.
The hall seems to have place for at
least thousand people. You are the
only one here. A sign over them reads:
"Agent Steel - Russian Hardrockers"
I think we should leave now.
1 - Leave
2 - Wait'n see
The one who stands by the microphone
lowers his hands and turns to the
drummer behind him
"Akresey kirosno fado Pasha!"
(They seems to love us,Pasha!)"
He turns back to the unexisting
audience and grabs his electrical
Let's get out,NOW!
1 - Go out
2 - Look more
"Dadouro kvarti fem arklockan!"
(We now gonna play a song for you!)
I don't wanna stay! Let's GO!
1 - Flee
2 - Wait more (This could be fun)
The guitarist raises his free arm
and starts spinning it around.
Anytime now he will hit the strings.
For christ sake,RUN!
1 - Run
2 - Stay
Are you sure you want yo hear this?
Judging from the amount of audience
Russian hardrockers are not so very
popular here.
1 - No
2 - No
3 - Yes
"Kraisnavaaa ba la onna krashhnoovabla
et kloux onnane raaaaaaa!"
(Rock,rock,rock around the clock)
(Yeah,we are going to rock around the
The force from this Bill Haley rape
throws you right out through the door
while a sea of blood and brains is
streaming out of your ears.
Ten minutes later is your head empty.
(Wonder how it had looked if thousands
of people had been there)
Ah! Just after you have left the room
it explodes in a mad music piece which
reminds you about "Rock around the
clock" but in russian. You where just
on your way to relax when you discover
that the shop-owner is still here and
pointing his gun against you.
"Bye Sucker!" BLAM!
Three seconds after you have left
the lorry hits your car and transforms
it to dust in a chaos of flying metal
and (now) trash.
Luckily are you totally unharmed.
The lorry stops for a second on the
impact but is obviously planning to
hit the road as soon as possible.
Go'n get him!
1 - Enter the drivers seat
2 - Start shooting against the lorry.
It's hard to really see exactly where
the driver is because of all dust.
So you fire randomly here and there.
Shot number one misses the front
windscreen by a yard and continues
into the house on the other side
of the street where it hits miss
B. Itch while she was watering her
flowers. The second one goes right
through the radioantenna and also
enters the house, this time killing
the husband of Miss B. The third
one passes over the lorrys back
and also joins the action by
exploding inside the sister of
Miss B's husband. The fourth one
jerks. The fifth and sixth chambers
are empty. So. Fiasco again!
The lorry drives away quickly and
disappears. You will get a nice
sun-tan in The Chair.
If ya know what I mean.
Before you get to the door the lorry
accelerates quickly and drives away
BUT you manage to get a grip
on the back and drag yourself up
on the platform just in time!
You can see the contour of the
driver. Hmm...he seems to be
driving with one arm...
You are heading longer into the
city at maximum speed.
1 - Get to the back window
2 - Fire
3 - Strip-Tease
You slowly throw away your clothes
infront of the people on the streets
you are passing by. One after one
are they falling off until you only
have got your undies on. Hehe....
Show'em what you got!
1 - Drop it
2 - Don't drop it
You're a real man now....You show
them your proudness and begin to
masturbate to fullfill the excite-
ment. You had gone far in this
business if not a sniper from
the M.W ( Morale Watchers ) had
gunned you down. Sorry gigolo!
Coward! (Futher comments not needed)
Slowly and carefully you approach
the tiny window. It doesn't look like
the driver has noticed you yet so
you make it all the way. You are now
at the window and you can see the back
of the driver. He seems to be wearing
a black coat and...and he does't seem
to have a left arm. Can it be...
Pong! You wake up and realize that
you must act soon because he can't
drive this fast and stay on the road!
1 - Wait
2 - Smash the window and get
Wait for what?
1 - Better weather.
2 - Worse weather.
3 - Dual Crew MegaDemo 2.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to show
up right now. (In fact I don't really
know if it will ever show up) But
something that's for sure showing up
is a sharp turn which makes you lose
You make a quick flight over
the street, knocking down at least
a dozen people, before you land
in a trashcan with a KLANGBANG and
a KRATTATANG. You survive, but
die later when the can is emptied
and crushed. Tough luck!
( Am I not nasty,Eh? - The Gnn)
Yeah! You try to smash the window with
your right hand... Craaashh!
(That was your HAND, Brad)
And your hand makes a nice little red
spot on the window, nothing more.
The more-than-mad driver stops the truckwith a SCREEEECH, you lose your grip andsmash -quite- hard into the ground
after a few moments of wonderful flying.
BLAM! You fire against the driver who
gets his right arm splattered all over
the windscreen. Right on! But when he
can't see anything he presses down the
brake hard. Very hard. So hard that
you lose your step and fly over the
platform and through the window where
you land in the seat right of the
driver. You feel very dizzy...
When you regain your mind you discover
that the criminal has left and the
lorry has crashed into a policecar.
Your boss' car...
Speaking about him, you suddenly
feel a ice cold wind blowing over
your right side. You turn around and
star into the face your boss who
looks very mean.
"Ah hope ya got a DAMN GOOD excuse
for this Brad! "
1 - "Hey man! It wasn't my fault!"
2 - "Here's my excuse Boss..."
(And kill him)
3 - Sing the American Anthem
"Sure man" says your Boss. "You just
happend to sit in a lorry thats been
killing people.
We know you Brad. You're a madman.
Since I'm the chief of police I find
that the only right thing to do is:
Capital Punishment! BUT since I'm
a kind person (and electricity is so
expensive) I have decided to take
this in my own hands.
He executes You.
Your crime was life, Brad. The sentence
was DEATH!
Auchtung, auchtung! You place the pipe
to your boss' mouth and squeeze the
trigger. His head explodes in a great
blast and smears you down completely.Ueah!
If you think logically it's not so smart
to kill someone with policemen around.
They all kill you.
But the problem is you can't remeber theAmerican you sing Born in
the USA insted. Not good. Your boss
hates Bruce Springsteen and show you hisNew Glock.
You didnt see the bullets but your braindid. Good work. Remember me to buy that
kinda stuff.
Hey wait a minute!
What's this? You find yourself lying
on a cuddly cloud with a big white
door infront of you. The door
suddenly opens and a big man with
hawaii-shorts, sunglasses and a
tropical drink comes out and
introduces himself as God.
"Hello and welcome to paradise!"
You look behind him and discovers
that "paradise" seems to be a
strange place where all kinds of
people run around and shoot at
each other. White, black, yellow,
yes ALL kind of people. But it's
only the white ones that have guns.
"Come on in and enjoy youself" says
god and gives you an Uzi with a
full clip. God takes a sip of his
drink and says "Pick yer target".
Now who will you kill?
1 - A black man.
2 - A white man.
God says "Funny eh? Come on, there's
plenty of other things to do 'ere!"
He leads you through the gate which
closes behind you...
Gods smile is suddenly vaporized and
he looks at you with his mouth open.
" you realize that you..."
In his puzzled condition he spills
out his drink all over his shirt
which makes it lightgreen instead
of white. He takes the Uzi from
you, screams "Get out!" and kicks
you in the ass. You feel how you
fly over the pearlgate and down
from the cloud. AAAAARRGGHHHHHH!
Black again.
Uh...You find yourself lying in the
alley again. The shop-owner seems
to be gone but the wreck of your
car is still here.
From the door behind you some
terrible music is still playing.
About ten inches from your head is
the big wheel of the truck that you
just escaped with the motor roaring,
ready to rock any second...
1 - Throw yourself forward.
2 - Keep Cool...(oh man!)
3 - Throw yourself back.
WRAAAUM! The truck passes over you but
the wheels misses! Argh! What luck!
Hmm...the truck roars through the wall
and disappears round a corner. You
take the chance and run away.
After been picked up by a police car
you arrive to the police HQ where
your boss awaits you with some
unpleasant questions...
"Well Brad, how do you explain
the fact that you have destroyed
five cars and one 7eleven shop?"
1 - Just felt for it, lamebrain!
2 - HAHAHA! Dat waz real funny eh?
3 - Shut up, fuckface!
The last seconds of your life, is just
the smell of burning rubber and the
lovely pain as the left wheel tatooes
it's pattern into your chest.
The only thing the future will know about
you will be the big blood-spot on the
You throw yourself quickly back just to
find your escape-route blocked by a
10 feet brick wall. If you don't wanna
become an abstract graffitti painting
you better find a way out NOW!
The only thing close to you seems to be
a overfilled trashcan.
1 - Jump over the wall.
2 - Enter the trashcan.
3 - Expose your intimate body parts
for the truckdriver.
It's a plane! It's a bird! No it's Brad
Nixon jumping over a 10 feet wall and
finds his 1500 groupies waiting for a
cool (censored) with the Hero HimSelf.
Hahaha! Just joking! You end up as a
coagulated abstract painting.
Shame nobody knows that you are the
artist...or maybe the truck. know what
I like....yeah...yeah. (etc)
The driver jumps out and screams
"Hey man! You're sick!" Suddenly he
draws a big machete (Model Jason)
and removes your balls from rest
of your body. NNNGGGG!
CUL8RON. (Girlie...hehehe)
Slafs! Jumping down a filled trashcan
is not what I call a pleasant trip.
The can is filled with dogshit, banana-
peels, used toiletpaper etc
From "outside" you can hear the big
truck closing. Slowly.
But...when you search more into the
trash you discover a nonsmoked joint
and a...Magnum .357
1 - Rise'n blast the sucker!
2 - Smoke the joint. (Lucy in the
sky with diaamooonds...)
Like Poseidon rises from the water you
rise from the trash. You pull the
trigger back and places the aimpoint in
the middle of the forehead of your
enemy. "Prepare to meet your maker" you
say deeply.
(For less smart guys we can say that
it's also possible to say "Fuck You" butwe use a better vocabulary this time.)
A red flag with the text "Bang" extends
from the pipe.
Another of these damn toys that kills
dozens of kids every year because
nervous cops think they are real...
Ol'hippie thingos are coming back into
ya (cool man) mind as you suck on the
little (yeah) joint. Ahhh....I think
I can flyyyyy (far out man)...
Slowly you begin to rise from the
ground...higher and higher....
Oh man, can't funk it out in a real
death-to-life ride in the cloudy
(ride on, ride on) sky...
Actually you fly so high that you
get over the wall and land on the
other side....
Zwow! Finally a really pleasant way
to travel! But it seems like that
truckdriver is giving up coz you
can hear him drive away.
1 - Run to nearest police
2 - Run to nearest porno-shop
3 - Vafan?
De va de dummaste ja nagonsin sett!
(Droool!) Fortenaly the shop is just
around the corner! As you enter the
dick rises incredible and...explodes?
Yes, unfortunately it explodes and
smears blood all over the floor!
A little too exited eh?
Finally you find a cop after searching
for one hour! You run towards him
screaming: "Help! HELP! I have almost
been murdered! Argh! HELP! IMUSTHAVE
The cop cocks his trusty .357 and
stops you quickly.
You smelled like a hippie from "69
didnt you know that?
"WHAT! You dirty damn...yuuughghh
..ugh...I will kuuughghghgh.....
Hrmm....well...Ok, Brad i know
that it has been a hard day, BUT
This needs some REAL cure he
says and throws a letterknife
at you.
What a bizaar death!
Your boss is not late to throw
himself over his desk and start
to strangle you while screaming:
"DONT use that tone to ME!"
Your body finds it difficult to
be without air for eleven minutes
so it decides to enter the
Rigor Mortis action.
You boss looks a bit red in
his face when you explain the
business in that way.
He quickly swallows some pills
and continues...
"Ok, ok, ok...but why did you
run through the 7elven shop?
1 - "I HATE 7eleven!"
2 - Smile
"And I hate YOU!" your boss
answers and kills you.
Well, slaughters you is more
the word.
"That was th...ugh...aIu..
It looks like your boss is
killed by his own heart!
HA! A heartattack! What a
...luck? While thinking of
your strange situation the
phone rings on the desk of
your boss.
Can this get any worse?
YES! Dont worry! The man
in the other end of the
line screams that our
friend in black right now
is robbing a Mc Donalds
restaurant. MegaGreat.
Since your boss by natural causes
isnt available at the moment you
decide that this is the work for
YOU! (Please rise for the American
You rush down the stairs to the garage
and grab a HOT CAR! (yes,yes,yes
Police cars can be hot too!)
Then it's off to the McDonalds! Ride on!(Hot car = Old Volvo found in a corner)
After a wild run through the streets
you spot the shop. From 200 m you
can clearly see a man inside
McDonalds holding some kind of a
gun against the staff. (Or the
ones who is still alive).
Yes, he's wearing a black trench-
coat but you aren't sure.
Ok, so how do ya tackle this?
1 - Crush him with the car!
(The windows are big enough)
2 - Drive, stop and blow him
away from outside
3 - Like 2, but run inside first
Yes, let's continue beeing bizarre.
You roar down the street in a speed
faster than ya-know-what.
(If ya dont-know-what then ask someone)
the man hasn't got a chance. You
penetrate the windows in 130 mph and
bfore he is even able to touch the
trigger, he's nailed to the wall.
(Break. If you want to feel this scene
for REAL do like this: Take a tomato.
Put it in your hand. Smash you hand
hard in a wall. The result is equal.)
After the crash you throw yourself
fast out of the car and place three
well-placed bullits in the head of
the criminal. Or where you GUESS
the head is/was. Proudly, you
replace the gun in your belt and
turn to the living part of the
staff and say "It's over. Call
an ambulance". A quick look around
reveals that the criminal and some
staff were not the only ones who were
been killed.
You also took some customers by
accident who had hidden themselves
under their tables. "Eh..make it
two will ya". step outside and feel great.
You made it!
But then...something feels wrong....
and you suddenly realize that this
man had two arms! But "our friend"
only had one! Blast!
Something else that isn't especially
good is that a large piano will hit
yar head any second. You make this
judgement by the big shadow which is
expanding around you.
Can you take any MORE?!
1 - Run
2 - Stay
Argh! The piano lands with a BOANG
one yard from your body! Boo! never
trust Steinway&Son!
Ok, after this little intermezzo you
spot a man in a trenchcoat and without
a left arm quickly walking away from
the area...oh dear. Since you are
no jerk you start to run after him.
He's no jerk either so he start
run too, but not long because he
suddenly enters World Trade Center.
Better hiding place there probably.
Ha! It seems like it's time
for the big fight!
1 - Enter the store with ya gun drawn
2 - Enter without the gun drawn
3 - Enter the little weapon shoppe
which lies just beside the store
Panic is not the word. When you, a dirty
ugly looking guy enters the place with
gun unorganized chaos is the result.
Well, never mind.
Where could that sucker gone?
You seem to have two choices:
Go straight into the store or take the
stairs up one storey.
1 - Straight
2 - Up
You sneak into the now deserted store
pointing your gun in every direction
You can't see him at the meatshelf.
He's not in the fridges.
But...when looking at the toyshelf,
you spot something moving behind...
1 - Jump over the shelf and attack
bare handed
2 - Trust the human evoulution and
use your gun
Wrong! He was down there! It's not hard
to tell at all when the submachine gun
starts to talk behind you.
(Everybody knew THAT!)
Banzai! You leap over the shelf and
perform a nice roundhouse kick which
hit...a six-year old kid in the head.
Well...could have been worse.
It looks like the kid fainted (or maybe
died?!) by your Kung-Fu. Bending over
you discover the later.
BLANG! Something suddenly hit your
head and strikes you to the ground.
Oh no. The police is here!
Nice to see ya guys if you just let
me explmffmfmffff.
The cops put you in a straightjacket
and drive you to a hospital where
you spend the rest of your life.
I bet you didn't expect that.
BLAM BLAM BLAM! Three nice shots
penetrates the shelf and hits the
man on the other side. He flies
over another shelf and..OH MY GOD!
It was not the man at all! It was a
six-year old kid! Oh fuck.
Dont be rediculous! Ofcourse you draw
your gun! Wont you?
1 - Yes, master Gnn.
2 - No!
Hold it! Can't you even think for
1 - Yes, ofcourse.
2 - No I cant.
Wait! This is beginning to be rather
foolish. Let's start again.
You are in front of the store again.
Ah that's better!
But since I am the Boss I decide to
stop this now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
BLANG! Hmm...are you trying to play
a concert with your brain or?
The piano crashes on you but when
you open your eyes you find that
you're still alive! HA!
But when you walk away you go
into seven slices because the wood
might not be hard but the strings
are sharp...
Let's watch this from an spectators
A police car stops violently in
front of a McDonalds store. A guy
rushes out from it screaming "Tally
Hooooo!" with his gun drawn. He
runs inside and some shots are
heard. A second later the policemans
legs are running out the same way
he entered while the rest of the
body is coming through the window.
"Ahaha! Dat waz real funny!" the
spectator probably will say and
then enter the human shock-mode.
You will enter Rigor Mortis.
Screech! The car stops violently
outside the restaurant. You jump
out and places the aimingpoint
on the chest of the criminal inside.
pull the trigger?
No actually, because a second later
you are thrown to the ground.
By a bunch of killing metal from
the criminal?
No actually by a group of peace
crazy communists who are screaming
"WHAT are you doing! Thats illegal!"
They give you loads of papers about
peace on earth shit and continue
scream "Read this and join us blaha"
This IS annoying!
1 - KILL yourself out of this!
2 - Join them
You scream "Get out of my Waaaay!"
and start pumping hot metal into
them one by one. After shooting
five communists you turn to face
your criminal. This little diversion
has given him a lot of time to aim...
...but ofcourse you're not aware of that
before he places a bullit in your ear.
"Ok, Ok, Ok! I will join you guys!"
"Aaahh! That's good my friend!"
They gather in a circle around you
and start brainwashing you with peace
songs and more papers. You try not to
listen and instead see what has happenedto the criminal. Suddenly he shows up
in the front door looking for you.
But he can't see you because you are
surrounded by people...
1 - Wait'n see
2 - Blow him now!
Not a good idea. The criminal suddenly
get very nervous and start shooting
everybody in sight. And with a sub-
machine gun thats quickly done.
But you die like a peaceful man.
YAAAHOO! You push away the peace jerks
and send away six shoots against the
door. The criminal is thrown back into
the restaurant and you rush against him
to complete the kill if necessary.
Unfortenaly a large piano utterly
crushes you before that.
A smiling gentleman is standing behind
the counter as you enter "Mr Claus
Santa's weapons and stuff" shop.
"ahh...welkom to mah humble shoppe!"
he says, sounding like santa claus
"Sooo...what do thee want from moi?
(Better pick something fast before you
go crazy.)
1 - Choose a weapon
"'ave a look 'ere sir!"
What do you take?
1 - A shotgun
2 - A bazooka auto
3 - A tank model M1
"ahh a fine piece of work! Could be
your for $1000!"
"ehe...unfortenaly I dont have any
money right now but...
"Waz? No money! take this!"
Mr Claus kills you.
"Ahh fine thingo this thingo. Could
be yours for (sit down please) $10000!"
1 - Pay
2 - Don't pay
Gimme a break! You havent got that much!
When Mr Claus realizes that you are
broke he kills you with the big auto
bazooka and hang you in the shopping-
"The effect of an Anti-tank weapon"
"Ahh a fine thing! Could be yours for
$10,000,000! How many?"
You barf in a sudden shock over the
counter and Mr Claus tie.
"WHAT are thee doin!? Take this!"
Aghhhh! Mr Claus pull a big lever and
you fall down, down, down.
Krash. You land after something which
looked like one mile (but it was only
three metres).
Shit. What is this place? It's pitch
black. You are likely to be eaten by
a grue.
1 - Search for a door
2 - Put the gun to your head and
fire. (There's no door)
(No comments needed)
Blong, bam. You bump into walls but
can't find any door! Damn!
Purr. Purr. Purrrrrr!
I can't belive this. Has he got a tiger
here or a big cat? Whats that noise?
A little kitten, be nice now ehehehehe.
Hmm...big kitten this one I must say.
Is it a cat or what is it?
A tiger. Otherwize you still would be inone part. (can someone onepart me? HAHA)
Your gun digs a crater in the head of
Mr Claus and sends him flying across
the room. He's still smiling when his
brain hangs up.
Well, looks like everything is for free
now eh?
What do you take?
1 - A shotgun
2 - A bazooka auto
3 - A tank model M1
Ah, a fine Mossberg 12-gauge...
You load and cock the gun with a cool
satisfying qlique. Hehe...lets roll!
You run through the window and out on
street heading for World Trade Center.
Wroom...argh! You nearly got your legs
blown away by a bypassing police car.
Uh,oh when they see you standing in the
middle of the street with a Shotgun theymake a quick turn and stop. One of them
scream something in the radio while the
other one jumps out with his gun drawn.
(Didnt someone say "Fuck the police"?)
1 - Drop the gun and freeze (Hahahaa)
2 - Let him join with his maker
Unfortunately, the gun fires a shot whenyou drop the gun. The burst flies right
into the police car and blows the head
off the radio-speaker. What a pity.
The other police man is not late to let
his gun have a small chat with your
Another pity.
Blam! The burst goes out of your gun,
through the door of the police car and
into the police man. He is thrown back
approx fifteen yards and knocked cold.
The other one drops the mic and just
stare at you. You smile as you place theiron sight on him and squeeze the
trigger. You can see him scream NO! but
one second later he is lying in the backseat stone dead.
Ugh, quite a lot of blood around here.
1 - Enter World Trade Center
2 - Have a feast on the dead bodies
Ah, fresh take the best partsfirst: the ass and the dick. Much meat
and very tasty. Hmm...but this part of
the body was new...hard and
take a piece but by mistake you blow offyour head as you bite the trigger of the.44 Magnum.
Well...this bazooka auto is rather heavywith the 50-round box magazine. Ngghh!
Well actually it's VERY heavy. But you
are a man arent you? So... take a deep
breath and lift it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHH!Yes you make it. What a man! Ok, you
quickly jump through the window and out
on the street.
1 - Blow away World Trade Center at
2 - Enter it instead
Baaaaooom! The Bazooka Auto spits away
twentyfour grenades...backward. Oops.
Seems like we held the gun the wrong
direction. The grenades runs away and
into a large building behind you. Ah.
Well. Not your house fortunately. You
shake your head and are just going to
enter WTC when the house falls over you.
"Made in japan" enter the tank which
is parked behind the counter. It starts
without problem and rumbles out the
door. Well...out the wall actually. As
you enter the store you can hear how
people are celebrating you. Or are they
screaming out of horror? No... hmm...
what's that bumping?
Ah, yes, its a crowd here.
Ok, but where to next?
1 - Fire a shot
2 - Continue driving into the store
Waaaom! You feel the recoil as the tank
fires a powerful rocket. As it seeks to
heat the closest target was a 2-year oldchild which the rocket hits and
It died (splattered) without pain.
But the nineteen people around didn't.
They are screaming of pain of all the
metal pieces stuck to them.
Another mistake.
Gotta do something...
1 - Stop the pain by driving over them
2 - Get out and do first aid
3 - Drive on
Ahhh! What a great idea! You start to
crush them one after one until they are
all dead! You should be a saint! Goddamnyes! As there's no one left in the storeyou climb out of the tank and start to
look for the criminal. You can't see himbut you hear someone quickly running up
the stairs behind you...
After the stairs you find a long corri-
dor and at the end you can see a window
and the back of the criminal. He's
trying to open the window but hasn't
succeeded. He hasn't noticed you yet.
In the middle of the corridor there's
also an old man in a wheel-chair.
He hasn't noticed any of you since he's
blind. (Yes he HAS a stick that proves
Ok, this is it.
1 - Throw yourself behind the
2 - Raise your gun and fire
3 - Say "You are under arrest" in a loud voice.
"Dear Sir, you are under arrest."
(You must be joking)
"Jolly good heres my gun"
"and the bullets too"
(Ok, he didnt say that but you can
make som likeness)
(He gave you the bullets, yes, but
he fired them from the gun)
You raise your gun and place the sight
right in his back.
The man suddenly turns around but you
are faster. You feel a satisfying recoilas you press the trigger and a Remingtonhigh-calibre cartridge runs out from thebarrel. The man is lifted into the air
and just for a second you think you can
see his face but then he is thrown out
the window. But in the fall he fires
his gun desperatly.
Some of the cold steel is meant for you.
You almost made it.
You quickly take cover behind the man inthe chair which is rather lucky beacuse
the criminal suddenly turns around and
starts firing at you with a sub-machine
gun. You hear a gurgling sound as the
bullets penetrate the old man and kill
him almost at once. Blood is raining
over you since
you have first class place to this
1 - Make a somersault over the chair
and fire!
2 - Push the chair against him
Unfortunately the criminal is still
firing you meet 36 bullets coming the
other way.
You bring up all your strenght and push
the chair as hard as you can. The dead
man doesn't complain anyway. The
criminal doesn't really know how to
defend himself. Actually he doesn't at
The wheelchair crashes into him and
throws him out of the window. For a
second you almost think you can see his
face but then he is out of your sight.
You can hear him scream as he falls downa long way...
To be continued.
You quickly leap out from the tank and
pick a woman to help. She seems to have
several pieces of metal inserted in her
body but after struggling for five
five minutes she suddenly wakes up.
"Who a-are you?"
You answer "I am the driver of that tank
over there"
"Oh dear, she says, open my purse and
give me that knife inside ple-ease?"
You open it and find a knife, a big
kitchen knife actually. You hand it
over. She says "Thank you" and drives
the knife into your chest.
"I was the mother of that child you
You continue into the store, driving
over more people and more shelves. Fuck!You cant see that criminal anywhere! Butyou can see one thing for sure and that
is the S.W.A.T team which is coming
through the door. Ah, no. Not them. Mustmake contact with them. But how?
1 - Run 'em over! (They are just in
your way anyhow)
2 - Climb up and explain the situation
You manage to say "Its nice to see ya
guys but..." before they fire.
All togheter 1301 shots make you fly
all the way to the milk-shelf where
you land and let your bodyfluids go on
Rumble! Rumble! You stamp the pedal and
make your way against them!
AhahHAHAah! Suckers! Take this!
But you took it. One of them throws
a tank mine against you which the
wheels cant disobey to drive over.
They found the remains of you stuck
in the roof.
BRAD NIXON....................HIMSELF