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Karsten Niemeier


Thomas Williams
Michael Deleuran

3D Rendering:
Teddy Hansen

Aint life a bitch? After several months of hard work we finally did it : Finished our WILD demo. And then all the preanimated demos will probably win all the nice prises...  For the past minutes you have been watching Dreamline Designs' contribution to the WILD-DEMO competition at The Party V, held in Denmark 1995. Originally this demo was supposed to take part in the demo competition. But it didn't since the arrangers of The Party decided to limit all the contributions to 5 megs of HD space. If I was to decide it, then the demo competition would run on a A4060, but since I wasn't we won't talk about that anymore... Since this is the only scroller in this demo, we might as well make it interresting. Teddy, Thomas and Michael will take over the scroll writing after these few additional credits. Theanimation on the the texturemapped cube was rendered by Colin/Polka Brothers. The DLD logo used in several  parts was rendered by Jesper Rou Larsen. System Take Over (The institution) was programmed by Jakob Veje Hansen. The Player was made by Jarno Paananen. All the scanned graphics was downloaded on InterNet some time ago. I don't know who's responsible for the scanning, so they won't get any credits. Tough Tough, no arms, no cookies. I think it's time for me to hand over the keyboard to Michael, who's burning to write some bytes, but I will return later in this scroll text to give you some technical information about the routines used in this demo. . . . ... the dancing-king is back       pretty boy is here to attack   your dancefloor surounded by techno and hardcore...michael deleuran is the name and this text is ashame, but now i'm here let me write something more ordinary...   special helos to the following brothers...         slide ( polka b ) ... sorry about the slow letter, it must be postman pat som eret skvat, anyway how is the day?  make some more sound so i can jump crazyaround, talk to you later   wader...          deature ( kingdom )hope you have a nice christmas in england, i'm looking forword tothe game, i have the greatest ideas, see you du...   michael tannis   you will get some pixels soon, enjoy your life witha woman in the house, as long as you manige, get it? i'll be seeingyou...            these following guys probably never watches this, but anyway here is some text for you...       morten kryger   it'sa centry since i've talk to you, where are you in this world?   i danced with one of your sweet earlier girldfriends this month ( dec'95 )   anyway i'm looking foreword to see you again, somewhere        michael and henning ( upfront )   this is how demos looks tommorow!   are you in randers sometimes?   hope to meet you again, for old times sake...       carsten, teddy and thomas you really makesmy life a living hell,   and what horny, fat and ugle people goes   youare the                once...    but it's always nice to suprise youby entering teddy's home hours later than promised   enough toughstuff   i'm out of here per... .  .   .                            ... Goddaw ... Well, it has been quite a loooong time since I! wrote a scroller, but what the heck... First of all ... TURN THE FUCK DOWN... I hate those low brained assholes playing so fuckin loudat every stinkin' party... Anyhow, I would like to send my best X-mas wishes to:    Janitor   -Call me, when you want some real PC-Power (AmiTech Rules... !!)      ....     The Pride    -Howdy mate.. Be cool. Be aware !!    ....     Fix     -Kender jeg dig?? Not, well stick around!      ....     Karsten Niemeier    -Kan du godt li' LOVE modulet? NOT! Tak fordi jeg lige maatte skrive et par bevaegene ord. Looking 4ward to see this demo!    ....    MINI    -Philips rules, Sony sucks!    ....    Og saa til alle julenymfer jeg ikke kan huske at this very moment....     Z/\R|< signing off....As I promised in the beginning of this text, I would be back to give you some technical information about this demo. So here I am (Karsten Niemeier that is). Generally I can say that all routines are running real time. No precalculations. That's why each part doesn't take up that much memory. Just check out the size of the executeables. They're not crunched. Well, I'm not gonna show off, just give you the true facts : The Real Phong part has never been seen before on neither the Amiga nor the PC. It's sure a lot harder to code than those usual Phong Mapping Routines.  The Bump Mapping part has also never been seen on the Amiga or PC. I have seen some lousy attemps from some PC groups, but they don't seem to understand that Bump Mapping requires the Phong shading technique and not the Gouraud shading. And to be honerst, making it space-cutted doesn't make it any easier. So I guess I'm the first in the world to use realtime Bump Mapping with space-cutting in a demo. The Phong Mapping part was pretty easy to code, but I must give Teddy the credits for making it so special. It was him who insisted on using the lightning texture, which really gives it a special look. The Transparency Morph part was quiete innovative. I have seen some attemps on getting the same effect by using dual playfields, and then fade the pictures. But this routine uses 256 colours, so you can only make it the hard way!  Overall I know that some of the routines has been seen before and you might just say: I've seen this before, but this demo should also demostrate the evolution in my abilities in the art of programming. That's why I didn't exclude the Gouraud part for example. Enough about the coding. Now I would like to send my greetings to the people who I know on the scene. Hi to : Bo Noergaard / Tech Vision - Heya Bo... It's a shame you didn't take part in the WILD compo this year, but a least you showed up at the party...  Shayera/Spoon - Hi John. How's it going with your coding? I'm really looking forward to see your plasma-dragon-ball in the intro competition.  CDLQ/Spoon - Thanks for supporting Dreamline Designs with your abilities. I hear some guys on the scene are giving you some hard times. That's a shame.  Merge/Polka - Hi Anders. We better see some nice videos in the near future. I hope you had some nice days in the hospital.  Slide/Polka - Hi Henrik. You're almost number one. Only Thomas is better. Keep up the nice work. I really like your music, like the thousand ohters.  Gargyle/Polka - Hi Martin. How's it going down in Odense. I really don't hear much from you, but I do see some cool coding once in a while.  Colin/Polka - Hi Michael. Why the fuck did you sell your computer? Lamer... See you for some PlayStation sessions in the near future.  Deature/Kingdom - Coding anything lately. Good luck with your and Tannis' game. Any problems, just call me.  Json/Kingdom - Hi Steen. Learned to set any jumpers on your fastlane lately? You know what I mean. See ya. Mille&Scortia/Silents DK - You're really weird, both of you. It was cool to meet you at the Party. Looks like Michaels' always one step ahead of everyone else... Fatamorgana - I really hope your WILD gets what it deserves. Dut since you didn't spend that much time on it you should'nt be too optimistic...  Also greetings to : Morten K. Andersen, Marshal, Anders Bendtsen, Michael Soelvstad, Michael Frandsen etc.