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File size:
3 150 bytes (3.08K)
File date:
2011-11-07 23:03:13
Download count:
all-time: 404


In the beginning of August 94, DREAMDEALERS present PIPELINE 15. Credits are - Code by Redlight - Gfx and Design by Antony - Music by Chrylian - Pack by Napoleon. Today, weather is so hot that it freezes my brain. So nothing else than some messages to: - Melvin Of Rebels - I'm waiting for your porno movie! - Pace Of Complex - Nice move to Complex, have a good holiday in Mallorca - Photos Of Eremation - Prepare le terrain, j'arrive! - Brainwasher Of Eremation - Thanks for your cool phonecall! - Religion 242 Of Exalis - Non non! Je ne viendrais pas me baigner dans la Meuse - 2Fast Of Brilliance - Keep on diz cool trading! - Chaos Of Desire - Thanx for all those cool Ansis! - Oxbow Of Scoopex - Hope to meet you tomorrow! Hehe! - Clary Of Nova - Rendez-vous soon in St Esteve! - Okay kisses to all the others... It's time to end with personal hellos to: All in DREAMDEALERS, 242 (Master X), ABNORMAL (Pervert), ABSOLUTE! (Lord), ABYSS (Duke), ALCATRAZ (Sting), APPLAUSE (Darioosh), ARISE (Smudo, Virus), ARKHAM (Killer), BALANCE (Blaze, Razorblade, Wolfman), BANANA DEZIGN & EQUINOX (Messiah), BONZAI (Mdb), BRONX (Gart), CAEDES (-13-), CADAVER (Chimera, Covenant), COMPACT (Zenit), COMPLEX (Clawz, Pace), CONTROL (Antex), CORPSE (Solo), DECNITE (Deceiver), DEFIANCE (Siracon, Zombie), DESIRE (Chaos), DIFFUSION (Grand Duke, Hardfire, Mike), DIGITAL (Redman), DIVINE (Loony), DUAL CREW-SHINING (Voyage), DUPLO (Digital, Jaydee), EFFECT (Radavi), EREMATION (Photos), ESSENCE (Howie, Mop), EXALIS (Religion 242), FIFTH GENERATION (Gedeon), HEMOROIDS (Tuner), HERESYA (Hellstrom), ILLUSION (The King), INFECT (Wizard), INTENSE (Double R), INSANE (Duffy, Yaffle), IRIS (Chris, Gigabyte, Daffy, Darkhawk), IVORY (Gandbox, Harry, Falo, Skully), JETSET (Skull), JEWELS (Condor), KEFRENS & POLKA BROTHERS (Zinko), KOOL (Zak), MAD ELKS (Foam, Iron, Sca), MAJIC 12 (Steady), MELLOW (Celtic), MENTASM (Kyle), METRO (Krusen), MOVEMENT (Astro), MYSTIC (Gunman), NGC (Matrix), RAM JAM (Mogul, Rocketeer), NOVA (Clary, Header), NUANCE (Thor), OUTLAWS (Flynn), PARADOX (Ninja), REBELS (Exciter, Ghandy, Melvin, Nighthawk), RUTHLESS (Manok), SACRED (House-A-Holic), SANITY (Ra, Trasher), SATURNE (Vodka, Heinz), SCOOPEX (Mr King, Oxbow, Daren, Snuffy), SCOPE (Qwerty), SCORE (Rotox), SEPULTURA (Ravana), SPASM (Oxstone), SPEEDY (Steffen), SPOON (Christine De La Queen), STEELERS (Lector, Skillion), STELLAR (Shadow), SURPRISE PROD (Oden), SUSPIRIA (Acid), SYGMA (Tetsuo), SYNTEX (Avoriaz, Dark Knight), TDD (Dire), TECHNOLOGY (Hr Flicker), TFF (Hunter), THE END (Diego), TRSI (2Fast, Norby, Python), VITAL MOTION (Shen), VISION (Decadence, Dragon, Excel, Mindphaser, Shock), X-TRADE (Blitter), and all the others i've forgotten... Thanx also to all who have voted for me in the Eurocharts and in The Charts... For Live Support and More than Elite swapping write to Napoleon - Po Box 56 - F.13153 Tarascon Cedex - France... Now text will restart !!!                                

Trance 124 by VIRTUAL DREAMS
Prurient           by REBELS
A Fuzzy Intro        by SECT
Red Planet AGA    by CYDONIA
       Call DREAMLANDS
    + 33  32  39  79  23