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  D       soldiers        AD       get fix         AC             this is the             B  artificial demo     AAB            to begin this text, some words about this legendary demo ....C            Bthe idea come from a smashing demo made on the good old c64 at the *devil"s party 1988*. it was coded by *naf of baby gang* and it won the demo competition. so we want to tanks this cool guy for his original idea and hope that he will pass on amiga with success .....          in march 1989, asked to sharlaan to code this demo on amiga. he did it (thanx to you sharly coz we knew that you were passing some important exams), but his version worked with only one bob anim and the balls were only in 4 colors (here, there are 4 bob anims, and the balls are in 8 colors (but they must be controlled in 16)).     C           Bso, corsair decided to learn coding, and after few month of hard code, he tryed to code this demo ....... and we think he managed (not without problems, but this is another story ....). at the end, it gives this overminded demo.          well, a personnal hip hop : and corsair wish to send a supra hot special greeting to their great friend *sharlaan* who is busy coding a game, and working on different top secret projects.            now, let"s talk seriously about the amiga computer. you will find more informations by reading the subway paper mag called system-4 ... for months we"ve been hearing rumors about the possibility of an amiga game machine from commodore made and designed in japan by a great society. the machine has been described as a sawed-of 500 with new fat agnus, no keyboard or disk drive and a cd-rom. the target price for the machine is under 600 dollars, to match the pc-engine super gfx and  the sega 16-bit megadrive (who have no cd-rom included originally). i know that cinemaware and readysoft have finished some game under the cdi system. the sound quality will be the cd (51 khz) quality and with the fat agnus the animation will be better!!!  anyway, some compagnies like titus and psygnosis (soon more) have decided to stop software developpement on the amiga (because of piracy) and will release game only for consoles...  in about five months, there will have no game (after they finished their amiga game projects) from psygnosis ... should commodore ever produce an amiga game machine ? it would be an ironic closing of the circle since the amiga was originally conceived of as a super home-video game machine during the height of the last game boom five years ago. this console will be released in september and we"ve been hearing rumors that commodore will may be stop the amiga 500 construction and will only continue to spread out amiga 2000, 2500 and the new amiga 3000 ... this small article-demo is finished and i hope you enjoyed the informations. bye and see you soon.              click mouse button for the next part of the mega-demo-disk !!!                             end of line               scroll restarts