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File size:
669 bytes (669B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:54
Download count:
all-time: 291


              D . D . I .   P R E S E N T   F O C U S   F I V E

          A N O T H E R   F O C U S   O N   D R .   A W E S O M E   
                     ( B J 0 R N   A .   L Y N N E )

     mod.1 - Andante                        mod.2 - Bop till you Flop
     mod.3 - Ecstacy                        mod.4 - L.A. by Night
     mod.5 - Make your move                 mod.6 - Ozone Wildwalk
     mod.7 - Prophet 2001
To play your desired module, type "play mod.x" (x = the number you want).

This series is intended to highlight quality Amiga musicians, and what
a great musician Dr. A is! All files are powerpacked. Produced by Dragon
Design Inc.