File Archive

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File size:
725 bytes (725B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:54
Download count:
all-time: 324


        D . D . I .   P R E S E N T   F O C U S   V O L U M E   O N E

  F O C U S   O N   D R .   A W E S O M E   ( B J 0 R N   A .   L Y N N E )

    mod.1 - 100 Yard Dash                           mod.2 - 12th Warrior
    mod.3 - Bridge to the Universe - Part II        mod.4 - Clear-A-Zill 	
    mod.5 - Flyte                                   mod.6 - Hitsquad II
    mod.7 - In Jeopardy                             mod.8 - Niagra
    mod.9 - Tuna fish 
To play your desired module, type "play mod.x" (x = the number you want).

This series is intended to highlight quality Amiga musicians, and what
better musician to start with than Dr. A! All files are powerpacked.
Produced by Dragon Design Inc.