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  Gfx Artist  
  List Voters 

     Welcome to the first issue of the Doom     
    UK Chart.  The release of this chart has    
     been delayed so much for many reasons.     
   Two of which we will mention, firstly, the   
  first version had the same layout but didnt   
  look as good as this, and then we decided to  
wait until we got some more votes.  Sadly, this 
  was quite hard to achieve.  Then TKI said he  
  wanted this issue out for the second week of  
  November, regardless of the number of votes.  
  Finally, we decided to add an adverts section 
 where anyone can have a free advert but only if
 the advert is accompanied by a voting form, so 
 if you want an advert in the future, write it  
 on the back of the voting form!!! OK!!         
               Released: 11/11/92               
 Please support us with your votes - Doom 1992. 

                 BEST UK GROUP                  
  1.  Anarchy                                012
  2.  LSD                                    011
  3.  Digital                                006
  4.  Silents                                004
  5.  Dual Crew                              003
      End of Century 1999                    003
  6.  Slipsteam                              002
      Quartz                                 002
      Anthrox                                002
  7.  Dimension X                            001
      Destiny                                001
      Nemesis                                001
      Delicious/Rebels                       001
      Pendle Europa                          001
 The number of votes for the group is displayed 
 by the side of each group.  This goes for the  
 rest of the nominees in each catergory.        
    VOTE VOTE VOTE!!  Next issue in January!    
                BEST UK CODER                   
 1.  Paradroid of Anarchy                    011
 2.  Dan of Anarchy                          010
 3.  Shagratt of LSD                         002
     USM of Delicious/Rebels                 002
 4.  Phantom of End of Century 1999          001
     Bob of Stolen Data Team                 001
     Majic Mushroom of Quartz                001
     Critical Mass of Anarchy                001
     Trixter of Futura                       001
     Kreator of Anarchy                      001
     Panic of Digital                        001
     2-Cool of LSD                           001
     Rush of Anarchy                         001
 A vote for Rush is valid although he is Danish 
 he is actually living in England.              
               BEST UK MUSICIAN                 
 1.  Nuke of  Anarchy                        009
 2.  4-Mat of Anarchy                        007
 3.  Bernard Sumner of LSD                   005
 4.  Yaz of Digital                          004
     Spirit of LSD                           004
 5.  Snare of Quartz                         003
 6.  Echo of LSD                             002
     TDK of Anthrox                          002
     Gamma of Dual Crew                      002
 7.  Michael of End of Century 1999          001
     Hollywood of Lunatics                   001
     Twilight of Digital                     001
     Subculture of Lunatics                  001
     Beatmaster (Indi)                       001
     Flame of Digital                        001
     Dexter of Delicious/Rebels              001
              BEST UK GRAPHICIAN                
 1.  Elwood of Delicious/Rebels              008
 2.  Watchman of LSD                         007
 3.  Krest of Anarchy                        006
 4.  Red Devil of Dual Crew                  005
 5.  Flame of Digital                        004
 6.  Toxic of End of Century 1999            002
     Havok of Sanity                         002
     Shockwave (Indi)                        002
 7.  Lynx of Rebels                          001
     Killerbyte of Slipstream                001
     Shadow of Dual Crew                     001
     Fast Eddie of Anthrox                   001
     Xanadu of Quartz                        001
     Mystik of Anarchy                       001
     Fish of LSD                             001
     Phreak of Digital                       001
Dont agree with these charts?  Wanna change em? 
Then get your votes in now!!  We need your help.
                 BEST UK SWAPPER                
 1.  Mark of LSD                             004
     Majic Mushroom of Quartz                004
 2.  MFD of Silents                          003
 3.  Fox (Ex Slipstream)                     002
     Fish of LSD                             002
     Ghost of Dimension X                    002
     Michael of End of Century 1999          002
     Pazza of LSD                            002
     Leebold of Dual Crew                    002
 4.  MRB of RAF                              001
     Toxic of End of Century 1999            001
     Devistator of End of Century 1999       001
     Leaburn of End of Century 1999          001
     Zed of Phoenix                          001
     Slaine of Digital                       001
     Deathlok of Digital                     001
     Stu of Mirage                           001
     Soul (Indi)                             001
                Hefty or what?!                 
                 BEST UK INTRO                  
 1.  Glass Cube Frenzy by Anarchy            004
 2.  BBS Intro by Digital                    003
     Nemesis Crack Intro                     003
 3.  BBS Intro by Dual Crew                  002
     QSC 92 Inftro by Quartz                 002
 4.  BBS Intro by Lunatics                   001
     Vectorama by End of Century 1999        001
     Neuron by End of Century 1999           001
     Dotball Intro by LSD                    001
     Intro For All by Quartz                 001
     Bob Intro by Anarchy                    001
 OK, so who voted for a two and a half year old 
 BOB intro by Anarchy??  Are you sane???!!!!!!  
               BEST UK DENTRO/DEMO              
 1.  Vectorama by End of Century 1999        003
 2.  Journey Into Divine Madness by Quartz   002
 3.  Dentro by LSD (Which one??)             001
     Gridlock by Plague                      001
     Dextro by Delicious/Rebels              001
     Just Do It by Dimension X               001
     Phantasmagoria by Anarchy               001
  Who's been watching a load of Anarchy's old   
 demo's then???  Could you vote for something a 
 little older like Mirages first demo?? ha ha!! 
                BEST UK MEGA-DEMO               
 1.  Deja Vu by Anarchy                      008
 2.  Jesus On E's by LSD                     005
     Punisher by Digital                     005
 3.  Seeing Is Believing by Anarchy          004
     Digital Innovation by Anarchy           004
 4.  System Violation by Anarchy             001
     Hysteresis by Magnetic Fields           001
     Krestmass Leftovers by Anarchy          001
     Soul Contamination by Slipstream        001
    Vote in your favourite UK Chart today!!!    
     The Doom UK Chart sponsored by Regal!!     
                BEST UK PACK DISKS              
 1.  Magic Packs by Quartz                   009
 2.  Ice Packs by Dimension X                004
 3.  Roundabout Packs by End of Century      003
 4.  SlyFox Packs (Ex Slipstream)            002
 5.  Heaven Packs by ?????                   001
     Fuzz Packs by ?????                     001
     Ultimate Sin by Dual Crew               001
     Wild Packs by Plasma                    001
     Reality Packs by Digital                001
     Hardwired by Silents                    001
     ????? by LSD                            001
  When voting for packs please try and give us  
 the name of the pack and the group who produce 
 them, it makes it easier for us to compile.    
                BEST UK PACK MENU               
 1.  Magic Packs by Quartz                   008
 2.  Ice Packs by Dimension X                005
 3.  Roundabout Packs by End of Century 1999 002
     SlyFox Packs (Ex Slipstream)            002
     ????? by Damage                         002
     Ultimate Sin by Dual Crew               002
 4.  Heaven Packs by ?????                   001
     Fuzz Packs by ?????                     001
     Violent Packs by End of Century 1999    001
     Hardwired by Silents                    001
                BEST UK DISKMAG                 
 1.  GrapeVine by LSD                        016
 2.  Santanic Rites by Destiny               010
 3.  Stolen Data by Anarchy                  005
     Deadlock by Dimension X                 005
 4.  Message Box by Dual Crew                001
                  BEST UK BBS                   
 1.  The Pool of ?????                       002
     The Tower of Renegade                   002
 2.  Anathasia of Dimension X                001
     Millenia of ?????                       001
     Ultimate Dream of Silents               001
     Arcadia of Quartex                      001
     Chromium of ?????                       001
     Forgotten Realms of Dual Crew           001
     ????? of Accession                      001
     Oasis of ?????                          001
   Please give the board name and group!!!!!    

    Welcome at last to the > Doom UK Chart!! < , yes! its true!!  The first issue has finally hit the streets after such a delay!!  The first issue was supposed to be released at the Quartz Summer Conference but sadly the version that we had at that time was very poor and so it went through a total re-code (Uzi 9 millimetre!!)  When this version was practically ready to go out we decided to hang on a bit longer to get some more votes but only received a very small amount.  In a last desperate bid for voters we have decided to include an adverts section where you can gain free adverts if accompanied by a voting form.  It would probably be your best bet to write your ad on the back of the voting form.  There are not many adverts in this issue as we only included this section about a week ago and nobody really knew about it.  Please support this chart, as the number of voters for this issue is very poor indeed.   Anyway, I think it would be time to thank a couple of guys who may have made this chart possible.  First, a big thanks to Bronx Warrior for coding it, I think youve done a very good job, and if it takes off we can always add some bits and bobs!!  Thanks to Mitzy for the design such a long time ago!!  Cheers to Caffeine Kid and Gremlin for their work and finally, thanks to Pazza of LSD for writing the article for grapevine to try and get people to vote and to Majic Mushy of Quartz for sending out voting forms ten to the dozen!!!   Well, if you didnt know, the next issue will be released in January, hopefully with lots more votes and adverts.  Remember, this is the ONLY UK Chart and we want this to survive, why not participate, it costs nothing to write a few names on a voting form and send it back with a regular batch of disks to a Doom swapper or to Majic Mushroom who is also spreading forms like wildfire.  If you do not swap with either a Doom member or MJM then why not write to Bain for a voting form and enclose a stamp for return postage, unless you want to take up swapping with him.  You can find the addresses of Dooms swappers in the adverts section.  Remember!  Adverts are free so write it on the form, but you are NOT obliged to have an advert if you dont want one.  Its all up to you, but make sure you vote!!!  Well, until the next issue or another Doom release, here is TKI signing off on behalf of Doom.  Thanx to you if you voted!!!  BYE BYE!!                      * Text Wraps *                                            

     LIST OF VOTERS     
Bain of Doom            
Bronx Warrior of Doom   
Caffeine Kid of Doom    
Gremlin of Doom         
Harlequin of Scoopex    
Jaz of Quartz           
Leaburn of EOC          
Majic Mushroom of Quartz
MFD of Silents          
MorseCode of ?????      
Suicide of Doom         
TKI of Doom             
Torch of LSD            
There were also a couple
more voters but Bain did
not give us a full list 
before the last assemble
and we could not contact
him as he was out!! Soz!
Remember:You cannot vote
for yourselves or your  
own group, these votes  
have been discounted.   
Why do you do it when it
is obvious that we can't
count cheated votes???? 
 Next time we will give 
a full list of voters.  
and probably a list of  
those people who voted  
for themselves!!!!!     
Wrap Text               

 The Doom UK Chart Adverts Section. 
 How to use this section, piece of  
 piss really. Use your mouse buttons
 to move from page to page. The Left
 button will take you back a page,  
 and obviously the right button will
move forward a page.  This operation
 will also be shown by the icons at 
 the bottom of the screen which will
  show you which direction you are  
 moving.  Both buttons together will
 take you back to the chart screen. 
Put your adverts on the back of your
voting form.  Simple aye!!!         
  Contact Bain of Doom for swapping 
 and also for voting or obtaining a 
 voting form.                       
 7 Hardlands Avenue                 
 Contact Andy of Doom for swapping. 
 Get writing to:                    
 9 TitheBarn Hill, Glasson Dock     
 Near Lancaster, Lancs, England.    
 Jaz of Quartz is looking for more  
 contacts worldwide.  If you are    
 interested then write to this addy:
 90 Puriton Park                    
 Near Bridgwater                    
 TA7 8BJ                            
 Send in your votes now either on an
 official voting form or a piece of 
 paper, and advert on the back!!!   
 Free adverts!!  How often is this a
 reality in a Chart???? Bargain!!   
 If you want to trade Rave or Techno
 tapes and latest legal warez then  
 I think you'd better write to this 
 bloke ere!!!!.......               
 Majic Mushroom of Quartz           
 21 Stanley Road                    
 England, LA3 1UP.                  
 ALSO FOR JOINING....               
 Thats all the ads for this issue.  
 The next issue is due out in Jan 93
 If you voted then THANKS VERY MUCH!