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File size:
936 bytes (936B)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:51
Download count:
all-time: 245


DiSaStEr! Presents TheiR
  Second Intro Called:  
 -+- Support Intro! -+- 
Released Date: 18.3.1995
   Now Comes Zum Credz  
     Code By Slayer     
     Graf By Slayer     
    Music By PSB/CDR    
ComiNg Addi For SuppOrt!
 For Supporting Our New 
 Mag Send Some Addiez^& 
  News^& Messages^ To:  
      J-M Sironen       
    Kustaankaari 26     
   07800 Lapinjarvi-    
   Also For Swapping    
      and JoinIng       
     GrEeTz cOmiNG      
   Greetz From Slayer   
        Goes To         
 Splatterhead of F.C.I. 
  Danny Kane of F.C.I.  
  Coroner of Obsession  
    Scorpik of ?????    
   Viper of Diffusion   
  Avenger of Giants SF  
     Mare of ??????     
   The Trader of Fear   
 The Rest of mY Contax! 
      Text ResTaRs      
       -+- NOW -+-