Diffusion musicfile 2 coded by CANDYMAN Contact me at: Timo Lehtinen Järveläntie 63 Sf-60550 Nurmo Finland
con:0/100/640/80/Diffusion musicfile II by Candyman,Lohi,Rooster,Unholy,Beathawk
The rest of our addresses you will find in the musicfile(Ok, not all!).
Beholder/Diffusion WHQ Chaka/Diffusion NHQ Deejay Jones/Diffusion SHQ
Vuorenmaanrinne 34b Molleveien 5 Stationsgatan 4
Sf-60550 Seinäjoki N-1940 Djorkelangen S-53274 Skara
Finland Norway Sweden
press right mouse button
hoza!!! here it is...at last...diffusion !ainoo oikee! musicfile... hmm...double v is missing from the fonts. so vve use the follovving letters instead of it... vv ...vve are here at my..beholder.. place...present are beholder. candyman and unholy...ok. someone else kan continue... sodom! this is unholy of diffusion vvriting this crap here in beholders place! just the prior vveek i had a nice visit from an influnza virus that knocked me to bed for three days and i didnt like that a bit. tukka heilumaan ja ryyppaamaan! ei nyt vaan sitten in the next vveek kun yo tulee lasille! hell! i gotta svvitch to english novv as my stories are getting a little out of hand.. i think i vvrap the crap novv.. vvasting off... and remember... techno sucks ass. death to false metal. the triumph of steel vvill overrun the fucking vvorld someday! unholy over and out!!!..........vvould you like some svveeties little girl. come a little closer. i am gona shovv you a brand nevv vvorld tonigt......you guessed it right this is candyman !dumle! behind the keyboard!!! so vvhatta fuck i vvrite here??? sum personal greetings.......no no no!!! this is beholder continuing....sorry no greetingslist this time.....here is our official memberlist....!finland! astral..!code!...beholder..!vvhq.music.svvap!..candyman..!code!...crayon..!gfx!...euro..!svvap!...extremist..!svvap!...icebeat..!music!...jason..!svvap.modemtrade!...lohi..!gfx!...protoplasm..!code!...rock lobster..!sfhq.gfx!...rooster..!music.gfx!...slaver..!svvap.modemtrade!...slipper..!svvap.code!...snovvhavvk..!gfx.modemtrade!...unholy..!music.gfx!...vvizard..!music!...vvolfx..!gfx.music!... !france! fear..!hq.svvap.code! !norvvay! chaka..!hq.svvap! !svveden! deejay jones..!hq.music!... hovvdy mates!! this is your favourite communist lohi here! i am responsible for the gfx of this muzakdisk. pretty avvful. or vvhat??? ok. it is the vvinter holiday novv and i have dravvn more than enough...my eyes hurt. the head is aching and i am near to puke. luckily it is vveekend soon and i can again get some piece. yeah!!! the sperm is gonna fly...to namnam. of course! namnam for every day. baby! at this time i must greet tvvo errorterrors sector one members. mr.rom and reflex... mr.rom. hovv about taking some free dance lessons from some of the girls in the group four? vvould be just great. or vvhat! reflex. thanx for giving me vvrite my texts vvith your pc! you are gonna get your lenin in a3 size... some nevvs from the music front coming! vvhy did you takethem. vvhy did you take them. baby? tell me vvhy did you take my stravvberrynamnams? lyrics ok. my nevvest single baby stole my namnams soon in your local recordshop!!! on the b side there is an another remix of my international country hit namnam survived over mississippi... shit. i gotta go novv! i have an appointment at the doctors. i am gonna ask. vvhy my balls are so green and violet¹¹¹ restarts...