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File size:
902 bytes (902B)
File date:
2013-11-29 23:09:12
Download count:
all-time: 348


  dictators finland is again here with a  stupid intro by    alien    doc death      dr.lizard      and musician who is not a member in any  group yet but i     think he will soon      join us..      this intro was coded    in one hour     and you can see it.. if you are looking  for greetings,you   should ask mr.mad  cause i dont have a    greetingslist.                        some very personal greetings from me...    thanks to        timo virtanen for  music.kiva biizi,tee lisaa kivaa muzaa  dr.lizard for fonts  doc death for logo  this intro is third intro from us, if     you dont count    aliens new intro,    which should be   released quite soon. message to nemesis      from alien     ompas pojalla pitkat   sorsat...kwaak      star trek rules  ok,no more more our stupid  stories from our      disk magazine!     which should be  released in ...1990   fuck mousebutton