whahoo!!!! this is the new lame intro from the world famous dictators finland!! (right mouse button to change 'objects', keep it pressed at the bottom if you want a better look at the credits) 100 percent of code was done by jayhawk (me)!! i have been making filled vector routines but the fucking blitter fill seems to be too much for me... :-(... well, the hidden surface routine isn't so lame, i think because i've seen many filled routines that don't hide the 'back' surfaces and it makes those routines damn slow!!! anyway, perhaps you'll someday see a very nice filled-vectors-demo from me... (look out!! the latest dictators diskmagazine sentinel issue 2 is coming out soon!!) i think you've noticed that in necromancy and this demo are just too much lame and simple objects, but it should be corrected in our future products, 'cos our vector-genius stalker is coding a 3d-object editor!!! greetings must go to (no order): scoopex, skid row, crusaders, dual crew, complex, defjam, genesis, angels, quartex, vertigo, cytax, fairlight, aurora, armada, horizon, reetec, powerlords, the silents, red sector and tristar, amaze, anarchy, share and enjoy, ecstasy, cryptic u.k, vision, royal amiga force, image, euphoria, spaceballs, vision one of alpha flight, warfalcons, frantic, network, united forces, brainstorm, cave, abakus, disknet, addonic, midnigthsun, cinefex design, pussy, clones, animators, magnetic fields, brainwave, chrome, the untouchables, savage, spreadpoint, defeat, rebels, triumph, cascade, the special brothers, possessed, asperity, mutant, armageddon, absence, razor 1911... and golden greets to all members of dictators world wide!!! special hellos to crusaders (mr. mad just loves your bbs. :-) unfortunately he only has a 2400 bps modem but it should be corrected soon...) well i have teased you enough, i think.. c u !!!!!!
coding, music and small font: jayhawk
scroller fonts: doc death
logo: dr. lizard
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