File Archive

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File size:
1 968 bytes (1.92K)
File date:
2011-10-02 23:03:03
Download count:
all-time: 395


  holyyy shhh{{{{{      {{{{it is so lame~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  so what~~~ it is only an intro~~~~  no matter{  lets make the next one better~~     ok{ this is a dictators finland product{    muzaks were composted by  }sniper}   coding by }pain}   gfx by  }dr{lizard}  and pain  well lets get rid of this and show the logo{{                                        lets blast off some greetings{       no fucken order        }image}      }effex}        }crusaders}       }brainstorm}      }subway}      }vision factory}     }aurora}       }omicron}      }dual crew}      bozo and teacher of }rebels}      }adept}      }amaze}      }cult}       }royal amiga force}      }prologic}     }phobia}     }team}x}      }united forces}     }vision}    }doom}          sorry but mr{mad has a bad brain damage and he forgot the rest of the sontacts~~~~    btw | you can soon prepare to meet the challenge of our new game~  the game is } will be called       operation sorbus ~~~~     seven disks full of action}filled adventure ~~~~       well{{{{{  three disks full of excitement       no         well how about one disk full of read}errors         but lets get serious{  dictators norway is preparing a new disk magazine which will likely be one of the best in the scene{    remember the name  }digital justice}                    now its message time{     message to toptronics{     copyright } kopioi oikein{     {{{{      message to all crews in europe{  beware of stinkray of }cave}   he is a disk stealer{  dont send your disks to stinkray } you wont get em back{       cruz of }wizzcat}  is also one hell of a diskstealer{  beware of him too{          {{{well i think we open the last beer bottles and finish this stupid scroll{     contact us at{{{{    mr{mad   poste restante  ‚€…„€    turku|finland     spirit   poste restante  ‚€…„€    turku|finlame       bandit }  juha}pekka hoglund    juuritie ‚‚€  raisio ‚ |finland                    slash your mouse{{{{{{{{{{{