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                                 TUBE PACK #10                                  
                        INTRO                   GENESIS                         Genesis
                        DISKMAG INTRO           CYCRON                          Cycron2
                        TOTAL RECALL            POWERSLAVES                     Powerslaves
                        INTRO                   PROLOGIC                        Pro_intro
                        INTRO                   CYCRON                          Cycron1
                        KARLSQUELL DEMO         EXULT                           Exult1
                        CYBERNUT DEMO           SYNERGY                         Synergy
                        JOLLY ROGER MAG         EXULT                           Exult2
                         RELEASE DATE: 24 NOVEMBER 1990                          

       tube pack 10                        this is trix/dexion running your mind....   the credits for this menu go to:                      coding:   pet          gfx: natrix and tox                     special greets and a few messages to:          northstar        ah yeah..  deathbringer!  is it possible?? how did you manage to find the right house in the smaaaaal town you visited during the northstar meeting??? (he.he.he...)  keep beeing a great friend (forever!).....        zike and conqueror   yeah... it is great that pleasure dome is running again!             no limits       hi slayer, stay cool forever! i like your physho jokes very much... keep beeing a great friend!....             addonic        ziiiiiiigaaaaar....  yo yankee!  you are right about the friendship label!  i hope you will succeed with your argument.. stay cool my friend...             arcane         yiibeee..... blutch!  call me when.... -you know what-......       paradox (chuck and skywalker)      genesis-angels-defjam (pennywise.firefox.weird ed.jaffa.traitor.carrot)      dual crew (stookie and trigon)             vertigo        hi apache! wrrrrooooooom.... how is it going with your car???  remember to drive carefully!      crusaders (bustman)      kefrens (toxic)      flash production (the pride)      anarchy (mole)      ecstasy (taurus)      vision (stingray)      cryptoburners (jackmix)      d-tect (rcf)      hypnosis (rocket)      rebels (bozo)      magnetic fields (frap)      advance (judge)      supplex (defcon 5)      subway (biscrok)      prologic (krueger)      amaze (firecode and filippetto)      cytax (zico)      fraxion (lix)      brainstorm (chester)      tristar and red sector (andreas)      image (scum)      andromeda (mage)      acme (airbrush)      cycron (matrix)      light (tarzan)      complex (hyde)      cave (eku)      adept (stranger)      phenomena (paralysis)      gate (tellus)       and to all our friends!                      always remember:                            dexion                         what glory is all about.                     cii u       trix/dexion..............................................                      wrap!