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2 453 bytes (2.40K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:44
Download count:
all-time: 282


TUBE PACK #8                                                                                                                                       SPACE DELIRIA         CRUSADERS                             Crusader                    DEMOMAKER V1.0        RED SECTOR                            loader                    DEPECHE CODE          D-TECT                                D-TECT                    INTRO                 PARADOX                               Paradox                    INTRO                 FLASH PRODUCTION                      Flash                                                                                                                                                                                           DEXION X-MAS CONFERENCE 1990!                                                 ODENSE/DENMARK FROM 26-29 DECEMBER.                                                   FOR INVITATIONS WRITE TO:                                           DEXION - POSTE RESTANTE - 5000 ODENSE C - DENMARK                                                                                                                            RELEASE DATE: 16 NOVEMBER 1990                                            trix of dexion      presents        tube pack 8    credits for this menu:        coding: pet    gfx: natrix and tox          special greets to:  northstar (deathbringer)      arcane (blutch)      angels-genesis-defjam (zike, conquerer, firefox, weird ed, jaffa, pennywise, carrot, traitor)      tristar and red sector (andreas)      addonic (yankee)      ecstasy (taurus)      no limits (slayer)      paradox (chuck)      dual crew (stookie and trigon)      vertigo (apache)      kefrens (toxic)      fraxion (lix)      crusaders (bustman)      flash production (the pride)      brainstorm (chester)      subway (biscrok)      vision (stingray)      image (scum)      cryptoburners (jackmix)      phenomena (paralysis)      anarchy (mole)      d-tect (rcf)      andromeda (mage)      prophecy (mr.turnip)      magnetic fields (frap)      adept (stranger)      hypnosis (rocket)      cytax (zico)      amaze (firecode and filippetto)      complex (hyde)      cave (eku)      acme (airbrush)      supplex (defcon 5)       and to all our friends!   always remember:  dexion - what glory is all about.     cii u       trix of dexion signing off................................................                      wrap!