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3 070 bytes (3.00K)
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2018-08-31 11:50:44
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all-time: 290


                                 TUBE PACK #5                                   
                 VITSIPPE HATER             DUAL CREW                           DUALCREW
                 MUSICDEMO                  DUAL CREW & FAIRLIGHT               DUALFAIR
                 DEMO                       ECSTASY                             ECSTASY
                 INTRO                      ADVANCE                             ADVANCE
                 INTRO                      NO LIMITS                           NOLIMITS
                 THE ULTIMATE LADA RACE     NIKKI CORRUPTIONS                   NCGAME
                 INTRO                      PARADOX                             Paradox
                         Release Date: 10 November 1990                           

              and again             what???               trix     did it!    this time it is       tube pack 5     credits for this menu:        coding: pet    gfx: natrix and tox      i hope you like this cool pack!!!???!         yeah........ this ugly menu will be changed with a new cool menu very soon!!!!!!     ok, time for a message:    thanx to zike - conquerer and silents  and many others for helping us with spreading the invitation to our great x-mas conference 1990.    for invitations write to:           dexion          poste restante          5000 odense c         denmark....       yer now the time has come.... for what????        guess???   the monster shapes???    noooooooo!          special greets to:      northstar (deathbringer)      angels-genesis-defjam (zike, conquerer, firefox, weird ed, jaffa, pemmywise, traitor)      tristar and red sector (andreas)      addonic (yankee)      ecstasy (taurus)      no limits (slayer)      paradox (chuck)      dual crew (stookie and trigon)      vertigo (apache)      arcane (blutch)      fraxion (lix)      crusaders (bustman)      flash production (the pride)      brainstorm (chester)      subway (biscrok)      phenomena (paralysis)      anarchy (mole)      andromeda (mage)      prophecy (mr.turnip)      adept (stranger)      hypnosis (rocket)      image (scum)      cryptoburners (jackmix)      cytax (zico)      amaze (firecode)      complex (hyde)      cave (eku)      acme (airbrush)      supplex (defcon 5)      kefrens (toxic)       and to all our friends!     soooooory no time to write more!   always remember:  dexion - what glory is all about.     cii u       trix of dexion signing off................................................           wrappelysisk