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2 012 bytes (1.96K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:44
Download count:
all-time: 290


                                 TUBE PACK #4                                   
                     EUROCHART NOVEMBER      CRUSADERS                          Chartnov90
                     FIRST INTRO             MEGASTARS                          Megastars
                     INTRO                   GENOCIDE                           Genocide
                     COMMERCIAL BREAK        RAF                                RAF
                     FIRST DEMO              STONEAGE                           Stoneage
                     IS IT POSSIBLE          ZERO DEFECTS                       ZeroDefects
                         Release Date: 5 November 1990                           

                 ah yeah.....   trix of dexion presents   tube pack 4     credits for this menu:        coding: pet    gfx: natrix and tox   special greets to:      northstar      no limits      kefrens      angels-genesis-defjam      tristar and red sector      paradox      cryptoburners      vertigo      image      brainstorm      phenomena      dual crew      fraxion      subway      anarchy      andromeda      prophecy      adept      hypnosis      cytaxarcane      crusaders      complex      cave      amaze      magnetic fields   and to all our friends!     always remember:  dexion - what glory is all about.     cii u       trix of dexion signing off...............................    wrappel