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2 238 bytes (2.19K)
File date:
2018-08-31 11:50:44
Download count:
all-time: 340


                                 TUBE PACK #2                                   
                     VECTOR IMPERIUM            GATE                            Gate
                     VECTOR DEMO                EUPHORIA                        Euphoria
                     DEMO                       ANGELS                          Angels 
                     INTRO                      PARADOX                         Paradox
                     TECHNICAL PROBLEMS         CAVE                            Cave
                     INTRO                      PROLOGIC                        Prologic
                     SLAVE 4EVER                PROLOGIC                        Prologic2
                         Release Date: 30 October 1990                           

    ai ai bloobers!       trix of dexion presents   tube pack 2     special greets to:      northstar (deathbringer)      genesis (weird ed)      angels (zike.firefox.jaffa)      paradox (skywalker)      kefrens (toxic)      no limits (slayer)      defjam-ccs-vf (tsh.pemmywise.eddie)      cryptoburners (jackmix)      vertigo (apache)      image (scum)      brainstorm (chester)      phenomena (paralysis)       dual crew (stookie.trigon)      prophecy (mr.turnip)       cave (eku)      subway (biscrok)      fraxion (lix)      adept (stranger)      hypnosis (rocket)      arcane (blutch)      crusaders (bustman)      anarchy (mole)      vision (stingray)      addonic (yankee)      magnetic fields (frap)      rebels (janitor)      andromeda (mage)      and to all our friends!      time to end this scroll and always remember:  dexion - what glory is all about.     cii u       trix of dexion signing off...............    wrappel