Welcome to a new DESTINY production!
This intro is poetically called:
Let's have a look at the credits:
* Crap Coding by Scourger
* Luverly logo by Giz
* Marvellous music by Adolf
* Fine font by Khorne (Independent)
* Naseus nonsense by Lord Stradh
* Moral Support by Tango and Terminator
DESTINY - Best served chilled
Release date: 01.04.93
BBS Numbers and addresses coming up!
Call a DESTINY board today!
+44(0)81 9527719 - 2400 bps
+44(0)81 9515215 - 9600 bps
+44(0)81 9514549 - 14.4K bps
+44(0)81 PRIVATE - 14.4K bps
SysOp: Simple Simon
* 1 GIGA OnLine * PC and Amiga wares *
* Soon CD Jukebox * Mail service *
9 Lives
+44(0)592 744821
SysOp: Bill
* 600MB OnLine * Fred Fish CD OnLine *
* Open 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week *
* 2400 - 14.4k bps Dual Standard HST *
Contact DESTINY's Norwegian outlet at:
PO Box 13
DESTINY Norway have increased in size!
Adolf (ex-Atomic) have joined us as a
very competent musician.
We still feel we can handle some more
members here in Norway since there is
only 3 of us here. Contact us to join if
you are fed up with your current group
or is groupless.
100 Percent discreet * All considered
Send also contributions for Satanic Rites
to the same address.News is very welcome!
Wahey! Scourger at the keyboard... I must admit that I'm not very satisfied withhow this intro turned out but I guess
it could be worse! Now I'm sick and tired of this thing and I really hope it will work after crunching! Scourger has
left the keyboard. This is Lord Stradh at the keys. This intro was finished on a very late saturday night. Scourger
coded from 23.00 to 05.00, with me patiently waiting to write this crap scroll. And when the code was finished, it
wouldn't allow us to crunch it. Scourger got fed-up With the whole bloody demo, and left me to write the Text. Anyway,
here it is !! Thanks to Khorne who kindly gave us the nice font and to Terminator and Tango who supplied Sourger with
some ideas. Scourger would like to send messys to the following %Jonez of equinox& - Thanx for replying
%Adolf of Destiny& - Welcome aboard M8 %Tango of Destiny& - You mentioned a wet fish ? You are wierd!!!
%Giz& of DESTINY - Hi! Write to me man! I have as you can see used your logo. I really hope it's ok!?!
%Sindre of solution& - Hei... %Tantalus of Destiny& - Slapper!! %Terminator of Destiny& - Try to remember
to check the letter disk next time you send. Thanx for the ideas %Metal of Destiny& - Where's my jiffy??? And
for some messages from Lord Stradh %Requiem of Grace& - must Satan be with you !! %Blaze of Frogs& - Thanx m8.
when is upstream released ?? %Brandy of Destiny& - sorry for the delay. %Tango of dty& - wierdo!! a woodchuck
is not chucking wood unless the wood is soft enough to be chucked I'll bet there's nobody reading this anyway....
(Scourger taking over) Nice! Because then I can write whatever I'd like! Ahh. Crap! I hate this intro! I'm going to release
something better for Destiny sometime! Well,since noone is reading this then i had better stop writing thenbut, maybe
there's someone reading anyway! Let's continue writing this crap then. I don't know what to write. That's a bit
inconcequent isn't it? I don't know what to write but still I'm writing?!! Hmm... silly.. Now there's noone reading!
Wrap upscroll in green paper and send it to your grandma!!