Ripping source codes from others spoils the fun of creating something yourself. Have fun! 1992 (C) Guy Frost / Desire
Yups... it's the end again...
> Guy Frost:
All coding was done by Guy Frost,
also some gfx (like this font) were
done by him....
> BIP:
The grafifty-logo was made by this
Belgian artist...
> Zorlac:
He made the Menace-Logo
> Fabian:
Both musics were composed by Fabian.
The first one will be out on cd in the
near future....
Sorry I had to cut it short at the
end dude. But I had a dead-line
to beat...
> Killraven and BetaSp:
All digitising was done by these guys,
on the same equipment as used by the
> Aragorn:
Thanks for helping me with the
Call your link to perfection:
Atomic*Fallout +31(0)73-130138
Channel X +31(0)2290-62244
Double D +31(0)2290-private
Future Inferno +31(0)4192-20104
Phantom +32(0)91-770719
Or 4 happy mail-trading:
Desire WHQ
P.O. Box 1168
5004 BD Tilburg
Desire BHQ
P.O. Box 432
8400 Oostende
Desire NHQ
P.O. Box 115
2072 DAL
Now Follows sum text from BIP:
Graffiti is not easy.. Not on paper,
not on a wall, end certainly not on a
computer.. Still, I tried, and I succeeded
As Henry Kissinger would say,
` Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac '
I believe in that proverb: putting up
some pieces around tha city, every-
body sliming about how great you
Naah, if it has to go that way,
I think I'd prefer to stay anonimous..
I just can't understand why the pigz
alwayz want to hunt us down:
we ain't hurting nobody, I'd even
say that what we make, is a form
of art, not a form of pollution..
People, why do thee dispize of us..
All we wish to do, is give ye olde,
oh so dying Earth, a new look:
we do not wish to destroy,
we wish to create...
After these few lines of 'ode' to art,
I'd like to say some more personal
thingz.. Things for frenz.. Things for
Toyz.. Things for Masterz..
Things for fun..
In short, some personal dedications
to some personal friends and to some
people I'd like to have a chat with...
> To Chack of Hypnotic.. Hello Sevket,
I was wondering how you were:
when I've visited the Ladbroke area in
London, I've sent you a card, but I got
it back with the inscription `Not
collected'.. If you are still jumping
around, give me a call or send me
a letter, will you?
> To Fresh of JetSet
Greetz mate.. Looks like I didn't
write to you, eh? Yeeaahh, I know,
and it's my mistake. As soon as we
see eachother again, maybe on this
party?, we'll go out do put up another
piece, won't we.. Heheeh, yeah, right..
> To Chrome of The Silents..
Hi! Still dancin' your ass off around
tha city, eh? Hope everything is still
okay between you and your girl?
I failed with mine. (again..) But,
as most artists know, the more
you've got the blues, the better the
style gets. Our posse is up and about,
and a new piece pops up around here
every few weeks, so we're definitely
up.. See ya on a party soon!
> To Perplexer of ???
(I didn't quite get it at the party
last time..) The same thing as to Fresh:
I didn't write.. All my fault..
So to you too, hope to see you soon..
> To Sword of Rebels..
Comme je t'ai dis, voici un grand
GREET pour toi.. J'aime Paris!
And I will certainly come to visit
again and again and again! Tell your
brother I'd love to come and put
something up there next time I'll
be seeing you guyz! Salut!
> To Hof of Rebels, Silents, etc..
Hi there! Sword must already have
mentioned my name to you.. I saw your
RBS-logo at his place, and tout simple-
ment, je l'adore! Ton Style est typique
pour l'Europe, tandis que moi, je
cherches encore toujours le mien..
Hope to see you one day..
> To Turbo of Bronx..
I like your style! Is there a lot
of tagging in Turkey? (Sounds weird
to me!) But hey, if there's Graffiti here,
why can't there be the same over there, eh?
Keep up the mega-piecing! I like it a lot!
> And finally, to all the graffiti-
artists around, on computer or not,
If you want to do some Style-
Exchanging, send a cool letta
to the BHQ! Thankx..
Not really for swapping like a
maniac, but for swapping
like friends, nice and easy...
If you qualify, my Box is open..
BIP / Desire
No part from this production may be
used in any commercial way, without
the prior written permission from the
[ 1992 Desire Development]